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Full text of "Descendants of Henry Wallbridge, who married Ann Amos, December 25th, 1688, at Preston, Conn, with some notes on the allied families of Brush, Fassett, Dewey, Fobes, Gager, Lehman, Meech, Stafford. Scott"

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December   25TH,    1688,  at  Preston,  Conn. 


Brush,  Fassett,  Dewey,  Fobes,  Gager, 
Lehman,  Meech,  Safford,  Scott 






Copyright,  1898,  by  William  Gedney  Wallbridge. 


Franklin  Printing  Company, 

NEW  YORK       Vk 

VAltor,  Lenox  and  Tiid^n  / 



Litchfield,  Conn.  Ma  y  i,  /89S. 



Frontispiece, 2 

Title  page, 3 

Dedication,   5 

Contents, 7 

List  of  illustrations, 9 

Preface 1 1 

Indices  and  abbreviations, I2 

Spelling  of  the  name 13 

Coat  of  Arms,  description,  etc 13 

War  record  tabulated, 16 

Origin  of  the  family, 19 

Descendants  of  Henry  Wallbridge 21 

First  Generation,   29 

Second  Generation,   31 

Third  Generation,    39 

Fourth  Generation 73 

Fifth  Generation,  100 

Sixth  Generation, 164 

Seventh  Generation, 238 

Eighth  Generation, 259 




Miscellaneous, 260 

English  Wallbridges, 273 

Allied  families, 278 

Brush,    278 

Dewey, 279 

Fassett,    286 

Fobes,    289 

Gager,    290 

Lehman 291 

Meech, 296 

Safford 307 

Scott, 321 

Wallbridge  index, 325 

General  index 342 



Vicinity  map  of  Norwich,  Conn., Frontispiece 

Headstones  in  Bennington  Centre  churchyard Nos.  37-107  16 

Two  famous  Norwich  elms, 21 

Shop  and  school-house  at  Norwich  Town,  erected  1770- 1775, 29 

Meeting-house  at  Norwich  Town, 35 

View  from  meeting-house  ledge  at  Norwich  Town, 39 

Henry  Walbridge  homestead  at  Bennington,  Vermont No.  24  51 

"Church  of  Christ"  at  Bennington  Centre,  Vermont, 53 

Headstone  of  General  Ebenezer  Walbridge, No.  35  61 

Ticonderoga  pay-roll,  dated  May  6.  1777, 65 

Bennington  battle  monument  (courtesy  of  M.  E.  Watson), 70 

Residence  of  W.  G.  Wallbridge  at  Litchfield,  Conn.,  after  ice  storm  of 

Feb.  26,  1898 No.  598  72, 

Ames  Walbridge,  M.  D No.  153  80 

Subscription  for  a  minister,  Jan.  7,  1784, 85 

Henry  Walbridge  homestead  at  Bennington,  Vermont, No.  24  88 

Ebenezer  William  Walbridge  and  wife, No.  103  95 

Signatures  of  three  generations, 97 

Henry  Sanford  Walbridge  and  wife, No.  1 12  98 

Henry  Danville  Walbridge No.  317  103 

Nelson  Walbridge No.  344  106 

Asa  E.  Wallbridge No.  143  1 10 

Henry  Walbridge,    No.  155  1 14 

John  Gillett  Walbridge, No.  186  118 

Levi  Walbridge,   No.  188  1 19 

Headstones  in  Bennington  Centre  churchyard, 131 

Alonzo  Walbridge  and  wife, No.  227  134 

George  Brush  Walbridge,  No.  241  138 

Chester  Walbridge No.  255  142 




Henry  Walbridge, No.  256       143 

Mary  (Walbridge)  Bulkley, No.  269       149 

A  centenarian,  Sophia  (Walbridge)  Winne No.  273        151 

Coat  of  Arms, 152 

Family  group,  Bennington  Falls  homestead,  July  27,  1797, 153 

Stebbins  Denio  Walbridge, No.  275       155 

Henry  Thomas  Walbridge  and  wife, No.  282       157 

Esther  Margaret  (Knickerbacker)  Walbridge, No.  282       159 

Henry  Thomas  Walbridge,  family,  and  homestead  at  109  Lake  Avenue, 

Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y., No.  282       161 

Frederick  Green  Walbridge,  No.  286       162 

John  Selah  Walbridge, No.  318       169 

Scene  on  ranch  of  L.  C.  Walbridge,  near  Russell,  Kansas,  .  .    No.  600       179 

Charles  Follett  Walbridge,  No.  457       196 

Mrs.  Frank  Edward  Kidder, No.  461-iii       199 

Silas  Dewey  Walbridge, No.  475       206 

Charles  Eliphalet  Walbridge No.  526       216 

Hiram  Walbridge No.  548       221 

Horace  S.  Walbridge, No.  549       223 

Ebenezer  Walbridge  homestead  at  Bennington  Falls,  Vt.,  .  .  .    No.  35       232 

OHn  George  Walbridge,   No.  589       233 

John  Henry  Walbridge, No.  595       234 

Thomas  Chester  Walbridge, No.  596       235 

Sons  of  T.  C.  W.  and  his  residence, No.  596       235 

William  Gedney  Wallbridge, No.  598       236 

Louie  C.  Walbridge, No.  600       237 

Carl  Henry  Walbridge,   No.  640       244 

Frank  Delos  Walbridge  and  sons No.  643       245 

Jefferson  D.  Walbridge, No.  1033       246 

Alfred  Perry  Walbridge,   No.  827       253 

Edward  Newton  Walbridge, No.  847       254 

Cyrus  Packard  Walbridge,  wife,  and  son No.  859       255 

Thomas  Horace  Walbridge,   No.  919       256 

South  Street  elms,  Litchfield,  Conn., 259 

The  Dairyman's  Cottage,  Isle  of  Wight,  England, 273 

James  Wallbridge,   274 

Monument  Avenue  at  Bennington  Centre,  Vt., 282 

Old  cemetery  at  Preston,  Conn., 296 

Residence  of  W.  G.  Wallbridge,  Litchfield,  Conn.,  Sept.  21,  1893 325 


In  collecting  and  arranging  these  records  of  the  Wallbridge  family,  care 
has  been  taken  to  verify  as  far  as  possible  the  dates  of  birth,  marriage  and 
death,  and  other  statements. 

In  many  cases,  several  dates  for  one  or  more  of  the  events  above  men- 
tioned have  been  received  from  as  many  descendants,  and  errors  will  doubt- 
less be  found.  From  those  who  have  wrestled  with  similar  work  I  shall  have 
appreciative  sympathy;  as  for  others,  let  them  try  it,  and  they  will  not 
murmur  at  an  occasional  misstatement.  Especial  efforts  have  been  made  to 
trace  each  dead  or  living  descendant,  and  many  a  letter,  unreturned  and  un- 
answered, testifies  to  the  carelessness  or  indifTerence  of  those  who  will  prob- 
ably be  the  first  to  find  fault  with  their  omission. 

I  wish  to  express  to  the  members  of  the  family  who  have  aided  in  pre- 
paring this  record,  my  appreciation  of  their  courtesy,  and  doubt  not  they  will 
find  their  reward  in  seeing  their  line  of  descent  clearly  traced  and  preserved 
for  coming  generations. 

Many  of  the  items  relating  to  the  English  branches  are  taken  from  notes 
left  by  T.  C.  Wallbridge,  Esq.,  of  Belleville,  Canada,  and  kindly  loaned  me 
by  his  widow.  He  began  prior  to  1868  to  collect  data  for  family  history, 
and  made  some  inquiries  while  in  England  about  that  time.  Nearly  all  of 
the  name  that  he  came  across  were  farmers  or  men  of  low  estate,  and  the 
American  branch  seems  to  have  developed  to  a  greater  degree  than  the 

W.  G.  Wallbridge. 

Litchfield,  Conn.,  May  i,  1898. 



Two  indices  are  given,  the  first  showing  those  of  the  family  name,  with 
date  of  birth  and  a  number  for  each  person. 

The  second  index  contains  all  surnames  other  than  Wallbridge,  and  the 
reference  is  by  page. 

To  use  the  first  index,  note  the  immber  before  the  desired  name,  look 
for  same  on  the  centre  of  page,  and  if  not  there,  find  it  by  running  back  on 
the  marginal  numbers. 

The  figure  at  the  upper  right  hand  of  the  name  denotes  the  generation, 
and  the  names  in  the  parentheses  give  the  line  of  descent. 

Any  two  of  these  lines  written  one  above  the  other,  give  the  relation- 
ship at  a  glance,  as  for  instance : 
589.     OLIN  GEORGE«  (George,''  Slcbbws,^  Ebenezer,^  Ebeneser,^  Henry^). 

549.     HORACE  S. *  {Chester,''  Henry,*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenezer,^  Henry^). 

showing  second  cousinship  between  those  first  named,  with  Ebenezer  of  the 
third  generation  as  their  first  common  ancestor. 

The  usual  abbreviations  are  used :  b.  for  birth,  m.  for  marriage,  d.  for 
death,- T.  R.  and  C.  R.  for  town  and  church  records,  B.,  Bennington;  C, 
Coventry;  P.,  Franklin;  L.,  Lisbon;  N.,  Norwich;  P.,  Preston;  S.,  Stafford; 
Sh.,  Sharon;  T.,  Tolland;  W.,  Westfield. 



In  1884,  town  and  church  records,  letters  and  other  sources  of  informa- 
tion were  searched  to  ascertain  the  proper  orthography,  and  subsequent 
work  in  the  same  Hne  has  confirmed  the  conclusion  then  arrived  at  that 
although  one  1  is  now  commonly  used  by  the  family  in  the  United  States, 
the  original  and  correct  spelling  of  the  name  was  Wallbridge. 

The  English  records  and  branches  so  spell  it.  Both  the  church  and 
town  records  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  the  home  of  our  first  American  ancestor, 
so  spell  it  during  a  period  extending  from  1680  to  1790,  as  do  the  records  of 
the  neighboring  towns  of  Lisbon,  Franklin,  Preston,  and  Canterburj'.  The 
town  records  of  Coventry,  Conn.,  having  entries  from  1767  to  1773,  so  spell 
it,  as  do  the  town  and  church  records  of  Stafford,  Conn.,  between  1735  and 
1800;  and  only  on  the  records  of  Xorthfield,  Mass.,  and  Bennington,  \'t.. 
do  we  find  the  name  spelled  Walbridge.  The  Canadian  branches,  with  one 
exception,  use  the  double  1.  A  grandson  of  Zebulon  said  that  Zebulon  (born 
1718,  died  1809)  dropped  one  1,  saying  that  one  was  enough  for  any  man's 
name,  while  another  descendant  wrote  that  his  father  told  his  sons  to  use  the 
double  1.  as  that  was  the  old  and  correct  way,  which  they  have  since  done. 

A  dau.  of  Jewett  Wallbridge,  who  was  born  in  1791.  at  Randolph,  Vt., 
wrote  that  her  father  used  and  approved  the  English  spelling  of  the  name. 
Carelessness  or  laziness  was  the  probable  cause  of  the  change,  and  there 
seems  little  doubt  that  the  name  should  be  written  Wallbridge. 


In  1883  Mr.  Paul  Dewey  Walbridge,  of  Boston,  Mass..  sent  me  a  letter, 
relating  how  he  obtained  the  coat  of  arms  that  is  regarded  by  many  of  the 
family  as  authentic,  and  also  a  description  of  the  same. 


14  COAT  OF  ARMS. 

Since  that  time  I  have  consulted  all  the  books  on  heraldry  attainable 
in  the  libraries  of  New  York,  Boston,  and  Philadelphia,  without  finding 
aught  corroborative  of  the  ancient  glory,  warlike  deeds,  or  even  existence 
of  our  mythical  ancestor,  "Sir  William  de  Wallbridge." 

Recently,  with  the  intention  of  producing  the  coat  of  arms,  properly 
designed  and  colored,  as  a  frontispiece  to  this  book,  and  also  as  a  check  upon 
my  own  research,  I  sought  the  aid  of  an  heraldic  expert,  who  after  looking 
thoroughly  into  the  matter,  wrote  as  follows : 

Philadelphia,  Pa.,  April  4,  1898. 
W.  G.  Wallbridge,  Esq. 

Dear  Sir: — After  spending  considerable  time  in  trying  to  get  some 
data  concerning  the  arms,  etc.,  as  portrayed  by  the  enclosed  photograph,  I 
beg  to  say  that  my  efiforts  were  unsuccessful,  inasmuch  as  the  name  Wall- 
bridge  or  its  synonyms  do  not  appear  in  any  form  in  any  authorized  publica- 
tion of  Heraldry. 

I  therefore  return,  as  requested,  the  photo,  and  the  description  thereof, 
with  assurance  of  my  regrets  at  not  being  able  to  enlighten  you  more  fully. 
I  am, 

Very  truly  yours, 

Victor  J.  Petry. 

As  the  authenticity  of  the  coat  of  arms  has  not  been  established,  it  was 
decided  not  to  represent  it  otherwise  than  by  the  small  cut  shown  under  No. 
273,  and  to  give  the  letter  and  description  above  referred  to,  which  now 
follow : 

Boston,  December  18,  1883. 
Mr.  W.  G.  Wallbridge. 

Dear  Sir: — In  reply  to  your  letter  of  December  6,  I  have  to  say  that 
the  coat  of  arms  of  the  Walbridge  family  was  painted  for  me  by  an  English 
gentleman  (I  do  not  remember  his  name)  in  the  winter  of  1858. 

It  came  about  in  this  way :  Quite  a  number  of  Knights  Templar  of  Bos 
ton  had  their  family  coat  of  arms  painted,  framed,  and  hung  up  over  their 
stalls  in  the  armory  of  the  Commandery  to  which  they  belonged.  Accord- 
ingly I  inquired  of  him  if  he  knew  of  any  crest  or  coat  of  arms  belonging  to 
the  Walbridge  family.  He  informed  me  that  he  knew  a  great  deal  about  it, 
as  he  made  the  acquaintance  of  a  Mr.  William  Walbridge,  of  Canada,  who 
called  upon  him  in  London,  and  they  went  together  to  the  "Heraldry  Col- 
lege" and  looked  the  matter  up.     I  think  he  made  a  specialty  of  looking  up 


such  matters,  and  he  kindly  wrote  nie  a  description  of  the  Walbridge  coat  of 
arms,  etc.,  a  copy  of  which  I  sent  you.  I  saw  him  but  a  few  times,  as  he  was 
in  Boston  but  two  or  three  months,  and  then  went  to  Canada  to  visit  Mr. 
William  Walbridge  before  mentioned.  *  *  * 

Hastily  yours,  etc., 

P.  D.  Walbridge. 


Furnished  by  Paul  D.  Walbridge,  of  Boston,  December  18,  1883. 

The  family  of  Walbridge  is  of  Saxon  origin,  and  of  great  antiquity  in 
the  counties  of  Suffolk  and  Cambridge  in  England. 

Sir  William  de  Walbridge  accompanied  King  Richard  Coeur  de  Lion  to 
the  Holy  Land  in  the  fourth  Crusade  or  Holy  War,  and  there  greatly  dis- 
tinguished himself.  The  arms  borne  by  the  Suffolk  family  of  Walbridge 
have  a  reference  to  the  above-named  fact. 

The  armorial  bearings  of  Walbridge  of  Suffolk  are :  Or  (gold)  a  cross 
quarter  pierced  sable  (black)  between  four  crescents  gules  (red),  above  all,  a 
chief,  thereon  the  cross  pattee  red,  upon  a  white  ground  as  a  Knight  of  the 
Holy  Temple,  and  upon  the  body  of  the  arms  the  cross  of  Constantine  as  a 
Knight  of  the  Red  Cross. 

The  arms  are  placed  upon  the  Cross  of  the  Knights  of  Malta,  sur- 
rounded with  the  "Pater  Noster,"  over  all  a  coronet  of  Malta  below  the 
helmet  of  a  Knight  Templar,  with  the  full  mountings  of  that  order  of  red 
doubled  on  lined  white.  Crest,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  gold,  a  fawn's  head 
argent  (white). 

The  black  cross  in  the  arms  was  given  to  those  who  participated  in  the 
fourth  crusade;  the  crescents  indicate  that  the  ancestor  to  whom  the  arms 
were  granted  had  fought  against  the  Saracens.  In  the  crest  the  ducal  coro- 
net shows  that  an  ancestor  had  served  meritoriously  under  one  of  the  con- 
federated ducal  sovereigns  of  France,  such  as  the  Duke  of  Burgundy,  etc. 
Motto :  Fidei  coticula  crux  (the  cross  is  the  test  of  faith). 



No.  Name.  Rank.  Residence. 

3  Ames  Wallbridge,   Ensign,    Stafford,  Conn. 

29  Thomas  Wallbridge,   Private,   Stafford,  Conn. 

90  Samuel  Bishop,    Lieutenani, New  London,  Conn. 


16  Ames  Walbridge,    Major,  Stafford,  Conn. 

35  Ebenezer  Walbridge,    Brig.-Genl Bennington,  Vt. 

78  Eleazer  Walbridge,   Corporal Stafford,  Conn. 

31  Elijah  Walbridge,    Private Norwich,  Conn. 

42  Gustavus  Walbridge,    Private Norwich,  Conn. 

24  Henry  Walbridge,   Private, Bennington,  Vt. 

yj  Henry  Walbridge,   Sergeant, Bennington,  Vt. 

48  Henry  Walbridge,   Private,   Andover,  Conn. 

46  Isaac  Walbridge,   Sergeant, Lebanon,  N.  H. 

1254  Joshua  Walbridge,    Corporal, Western,  Mass. 

44  John  Walbridge,    Private Coventry,  Conn. 

49  Lemuel  Walbridge,   Private, Bridgewater,  Pa. 

58  Porter  Walbridge,   Musician, Stafford,  Conn. 

116  Rufus  Walbridge,   Private Hartford,  Conn. 

83  Silas  Walbridge,    Private,   Bennington,  Vt. 

81  Solomon  Walbridge, Private Bennington,  Vt. 

90  Samuel  Bishop Lieutenant New  London.  Conn. 

18  James   Blodgett Lieutenant Stafford,  Conn. 

31  WilHam  Orcutt Sergeant, Stafford,  Conn. 





















WAR  OF  1812. 

No.  Name.  Rank.  Residence. 

85  Asa  Walbridge,   Private,   Cambridge,  \'i. 

224  Benjamin  F.  Walbridge Private,   Burlington,  Vt. 

93  James  Walbridge,    Private,   Stafford,  Conn. 

203  Jewett  Walbridge, Private,   Randolph,  Vt. 

92  Joseph  Walbridge, Private,   Concord,  N.  H. 

122  Porter  Walbridge,   Private,   Sharon,  Vt. 

115  Roger  Walbridge,   Private,   Sharon,  Vt. 

213  Solomon  Walbridge Private,   Cambridge,  Vt. 

136  Thomas  T.  Walbridge, Private Tolland.  Conn. 

210  William  Walbridge,    Private,   Cambridge,  Vt. 

299  George  D.  Blanchard Private,   Sharon,  Vt. 

212  Riley  Burnham,   Private,   Cambridge,  Vt. 

465  Orion  Crocker,    Private,   ,  N.  Y. 

206  John  Wires,   General, Cambridge,  Vt. 


384  Adolphus  B.  Walbridge,    ....  Musician, Pottsville,  Pa. 

383  Amos  F.  Walbridge, Mu.sician Pottsville,  Pa. 

345  Calvin  Clarke  Walbridge,  .  .  .  .Sergeant, Leeds,  Mass. 

640  ■  Car!  Henry  Walbridge, Private Erie,  Pa. 

803  Charles  Edwin  Walbridge,   .  .  .  Private,   Avoca,  Wis. 

526  Charles  Eliphalet  Walbridge, .  .  Lt.-Col.  &  Qmr.. .  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

538  Charles  Preston  Walbridge,   .  .  Private, Erie,  Pa. 

563  Chester  Walbridge,   Private,   Toledo,  Ohio. 

506  Clarke  Walbridge, Private Madrid,  N.  Y. 

500  Darius  Walbridge,    Private,   Riley,  Kan. 

767  Don  Carlos  Walbridge Private Cabot,  Vt. 

928  Dudley  Heber  Walbridge,   .  .  .  Private Toledo,  Ohio. 

1 146  Dunstan  S.  Walbridge, Lieutenant Peachem,  Vt. 

443  Elisha  Lillie  Walbridge, Lieutenant La  Crosse,  Wis. 

779  Everett  Lorenzo  W^albridge, .  .  Private,   Bangor,  Me. 

523  Frank  Eliphalet  Walbridge,  .  .Captain Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

622  George  Alonzo  Walbridge,   .  .  Private,  Randolph,  Vt. 

1 181  George  Bigelow  Walbridge,  .  .  Private Manchester,  Conn. 

1 8  WAR  RECORD. 

No.  Name.  Rank.  Residence. 

285  George  Russell  Walbridge,  .  .  .Captain, Lansingburg,  N.  Y. 

181  Henry  Walbridge,   Captain, St.  Johns,  Mich. 

1223  Henry  Walbridge, Private ,  N.  J. 

386  Henry  C.  Walbridge,   Musician Pottsville,  Pa. 

640  Henry  Carlton  Walbridge,  .  .  .  Private.   Erie,  Pa. 

382  Horace  Greeley  Walbridge,   .  .Musician Pottsville,  Pa. 

580  James  Hicks  Walbridge,    ....  Colonel, Bennington,  Vt. 

507  Jehiel  Walbridge Captain, Madrid,  N.  Y. 

502  Jerome  Walbridge,    Private,   Riley,  Kan. 

381  John  Walbridge, Lieutenant ,  Pa. 

1 177  King  Walbridge,   Corporal, New  Haven,  Conn. 

770  Lysander  E.  Walbridge, Private South  Cabot,  Vt. 

346  Milton  T.  Walbridge,   Sergeant Shelby,  Minn. 

533  Nelson  Horace  Walbridge,    .  .  Major,   Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

512  Ora  Delorma  Walbridge,  ....  Private Marseilles,  111. 

540  Orange  Scott  Walbridge,  .  .  .  .Corporal Stafford,  Conn. 

1222  Peter  D.  Walbridge,  Sergeant, ■ — ,  Pa. 

747  Rodney  W.  Walbridge, Sergeant, Brookfield,  Vt. 

584  Warren  S.  Walbridge Private Greenfield,  la. 

927  Washington  Hunt  Walbridge, .  Private Toledo,  Oiiio. 

749  William  Henry  Walbridge,  .  .  .  Private Peterboro,  N.  H. 

468  William  Perry  Walbridge,   .  .  .  Private Berlin,  Wis. 

470  Charles  J.  Allen,   General  U.  S.  A.,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

543  Henry  M.  Benton Private,   Stafford,  Conn. 

605  Francis  G.  Drew, Private,   Enlisted  in  N.  Y. 

1 188  Samuel  J.  Flight, Private,   New  Haven,  Conn. 

458  Birney  S.  Fullington,   Private,   Cambridge,  Vt. 

320  Henry  G.  Harvey,   Private,   Springfield,  Pa. 

274  George  Hicks,   Private,   Bennington,  Vt. 

1 184  W.  H.  Mallard Private Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

167  F.  A.  Olmstead, Private Hardwick,  Vt. 

240  David  W.  Perkins, Private,   Chicago,  111. 

441  John  F.  Pearson, Private,   Randolph,  Vt. 

261  James  H.  Stokes, General  U.  S.  A.,  New  York  City. 

1 173  Darwin  P.  Thompson Private Manchester,  Conn. 

1 173  Elihu  A.  Thompson Musician Manchester,  Conn. 

252  Sanford  P.  Weaver Private,   Coventry,  Conn. 

246  Henry  Whitman Private,   Chicago.  111. 

1 173  Francis  H.  Wright, Private,  Hartford,  Conn. 


In  the  County  of  Dorset,  or  Dorsetshire,  as  it  is  better  known  in  Eng- 
land, there  live  to-day  several  branches  of  the  Wallbridge  family,  and  sum- 
ming up  all  the  theories  and  traditions  I  have  been  able  to  gather,  I  am 
inclined  to  ascribe  to  Dorsetshire  the  origin  of  the  thousands  of  Wallbridge 
descent  that  have  ever  been  or  are  upon  this  western  continent. 

Near  the  village  of  Piddleton,  twelve  miles  from  Wareham,  and  about 
six  miles  from  Dorchester,  the  capital  city  of  Dorset,  is  a  gate  known  as  the 
"Wallbridge  Gate,"  the  rendezvous  and  starting  point  for  the  Fox  Hounds 

Piddleton  is  a  small  village  with  a  population  of  some  four  hundred 
people,  mainly  dependent  on  agriculture;  the  thatched  cottages  with  their 
little  gardens,  surrounded  by  hedges  and  overhung  with  trees,  are  pic- 
turesque, and  through  the  town  flows  the  small  river  Trent  or  Piddle.  The 
church  of  St.  Mary's  is  very  ancient,  and  a  search  of  its  records  would 
probably  throw  light  upon  the  older  generations  of  the  family. 

At  Frome  Station,  Somersetshire,  on  the  Great  Western  Railway,  there 
is  a  place  called  Wallbridge. 

The  Genealogist,  New  Series,  Vol.  I,  1884,  p.  91,  says:  "In  an  old  quarto 
Bible,  printed  by  Robert  Barker  in  1614,  there  is  written  on  the  fly  leaves 
the  following  record:  Anthony  Noble  died  10  March,  1616,  married  Ursula 

,  who  died  6  Sept.,  1635.     Their  sonne  Nathaniel  was  baptized  ye  12 

Nov.,  A.  D.  1578,  m.  with  Mary  Wallbridge  the  24  July,  1619.  he  died  June  6, 
1654,  she  d.  Feb.  10,  1627,  had  dau.  Mary,  b  19  Sept.,  1621.  Tilsworth, 
Leighton  Buzzard,  Bedfordshire,  Eng." 

On  p.  175  of  Young's  Chronieles  of  Mass.,  in  part  of  the  Company's  2d 
general  letter  of  instructions  to  Gov.  Endicott  and  his  Council,  under  date 
of  28  May,  1629,  we  find  the  following: 

"We  send  you  also  herewith  a  particular  of  all  the  goods  and  cattle  sent 
in  these  forenamed  ships,  as  also  of  what  goods,  cattle  or  other  provisions 



^ve  now  send  upon  these  three  ships,  viz..  The  Mayflower  of  Yarmouth,  Wil- 
liam Peirse,  master.  The  Four  Sisters  of  London,  Roger  Harmon,  master. 
The  Pilgrim  of  London,  WiUiam  Wohridge,  master."  The  first  mentioned 
is  the  renowned  vessel  that  brought  the  Pilgrim  Fathers  to  Plj'mouth  in 
1620,  and  there  has  been  some  speculation  as  to  whether  the  master  of  the 
third  vessel  was  a  Wallbridge.  The  earliest  mention  I  have  found  of  a  Wall- 
bridge  in  this  country  is  Sept.  i,  1655,  on  which  date  James  W.  signed  as 
witness  to  a  deed  conveying  shares  in  the  iron  works  at  Taunton,  Mass.  I 
have  endeavored  to  trace  this  person,  but  without  success,  as  the  Taunton 
records  were  burned  in  1842,  and  I  have  found  nothing  elsewhere.  In  the 
A'^.  E.  Gen.  and  Hist.  Reg.,  Vol.  XLL  P-  85.  may  be  seen  a  fac  simile  of  his 
signature  written  Wabridge.  In  old  London,  running  from  Mansion  House 
to  West  Cannon  Street,  is  a  street  now  called  Wallbrook  or  Wallburg  Street, 
which  on  the  city  maps  of  18 10- 15  was  Wallbridge  Street,  and  is  still  so 
known  by  many;  a  further  account  of  this  will  be  found  under  William  Hol- 
loway  Wallbridge,  Jr.  (683). 

At  Arreton,  Isle  of  Wight,  the  parish  records  under  date  of  Oct.  19, 
1762,  show  the  marriage  of  Joseph  Wallbridge  and  Elizabeth  Elfe.  These 
were  the  parents  of  Elizabeth  Wallbridge,  who,  as  "The  Dairyman's  Daugh- 
ter," became  widely  known  through  the  tract  written  by  the  Rev.  Leigh 
Richmond  and  translated  into  many  languages.  The  thatched  cottage  in 
which  they  lived  still  stands  on  the  right  of  the  road  leading  from  Newport 
to  Sandown,  and  in  the  cemetery  may  be  seen  a  stone  commemorating  at 
length  the  virtues  of  the  Dairyman's  daughter.     (See  English  notes.) 

The  following  shows  how  little  tradition  can  be  relied  upon  unless  sup- 
ported by  records : 

One  of  the  family  wrote  in  1869  in  response  to  some  inquiry:  "From 
this  maiden  aunt  (born  in  1/68)  I  learned  that  my  grandfather  came  from 
Wales,  and  settled  first  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  and  moved  thence  to  Bennington, 
where  he  raised  his  family  and  died  in  181 1." 

Records  show  that  the  said  grandfather  was  born  in  Norwich,  Conn., 
was  himself  the  grandson  of  Henry  Wallbridge,  our  first  American  ancestor, 
and  died  in  1809  instead  of  181 1.     See  also  No.  224. 

Many  statements  like  the  above  have  been  carefully  studied  and  com- 
pared with  authentic  records,  and  the  time  and  labor  needed  have  been  con- 


3-  .1 






Norwich,  Conn.,  was  originally  a  tract  nine  miles  square,  bought  by  the 
proprietors  from  the  Indians  June  6,  1659.  At  the  town-plot  centered  for 
many  years  the  religious  and  social  life  of  the  settlement,  and  there  the  first 
meeting-house  in  Norwich  was  built  in  1660,  upon  the  southeast  corner  of 
the  green.  In  1673  another  was  erected  upon  the  rocky  ledge  shown  at  the 
left  of  the  church,  a  location  doubtless  chosen  for  the  opportunity  it  afforded 
of  keeping  a  lookout  for  the  savages  during  divine  service.  From  this  site 
was  taken  the  view  looking  toward  the  Norwich  of  to-day,  which  follows 
that  of  the  church  and  ledge.  171 2  and  1752  saw  the  erection  of  succeeding 
houses  of  worship,  the  last  of  which  was  burned  in  1801,  and  replaced  by 
the  one  shown  in  the  cut. 

The  two  elms  reproduced  stand  in  front  of  the  house  built  in  1785  by 
Daniel  Lothrop  Coit.  Miss  Caulkins,  in  her  Hist,  of  Norzvich,  tells  of  Jabez 
Perkins  bringing  them  home  on  his  shoulders  from  the  forest  about  1755, 
while  O.  W.  Holmes,  at  the  close  of  his  charming  talk  on  trees  in  the  Autocrat 
of  the  Breakfast  Table,  speaks  of  them  (p.  333,  Ed.  of  1859),  and  Mrs.  Sigour- 
ney  wrote  of  them : 

"I  do  remember  me 
Of  two  old  elm  trees'  shade. 
With  mosses  sprinkled  at  their  feet, 
Where  my  young  childhood  played." 

Henry  Wallbridge,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  who  on  Christmas  Day,  1C88, 
m.  at  Preston,  Conn.,  Anna  Amos  of  that  place,  was  the  common  ancestor 
of  the  American  and  Canadian  branches  of  the  family.     His  wife's  family 



name  was  sometimes  written  Ames,  and  occasionally  so  used  by  his  de- 
scendants as  a  Christian  name.  Concerning  his  own  ancestry  little  has  been 
learned,  but  by  traditions  received  from  his  direct  descendants,  he  came  from 
Wales,  Ireland,  Scotland,  and  some  five  different  counties  in  England.  Mr. 
Asa  Fobes  Wallbridge,  of  Canada,  wrote  about  1868:  "My  father  took  a 
catalogue  of  my  grandfather  (Elijah,  b.  1752,  d.  1842),  of  all  the  Wallbridges 
from  their  first  landing  in  America  until  his  time,  that  was  written  in  a  book, 
and  the  book  was  given  to  my  sister.  She  lives  in  Illinois,  and  the  book 
is  probably  lost." 

Study  and  comparison  of  the  various  accounts  give  the  following  as  the 
most  probable : 

Henry  Wallbridge,  a  seventh  son,  with  his  brothers  William  and 
Stephen,  were  from  the  County  of  Devon,  or  else  from  near  Wareham  in 
Dorsetshire,  southern  part  of  England;  the  latter  statement  being  supported 
by  the  fact  that  in  Dorsetshire,  Wallbridges  are  now  living  who  trace  their 
ancestry  back  for  many  generations,  and  report  that  some  of  their  kin  came 
to  this  country  in  early  days. 

The  three  brothers  are  said  to  have  fought  with  the  Duke  of  Monmouth 
in  his  rebellion  against  King  James  the  Second,  and  after  the  defeat  of  the 
rebel  army  at  Sedgemoor,  July  5,  1685,  to  have  fled  to  this  country,  thus 
escaping  trial  and  almost  certain  death  at  the  hands  of  that  human  tiger,  the 
notorious  Judge  Jeffreys. 

They  settled  first  at  Dedham,  Mass.,  where,  however,  no  record  of  them 
can  be  found,  and  thence  went  to  Preston,  Conn.,  adjacent  to  Norwich. 
William,  unmarried,  was  thrown  from  his  horse  and  killed  soon  after  coming 
to  this  country.  Stephen  changed  his  name  to  Stephen  Meech,  taking,  it  is 
said,  his  mother's  maiden  name,  and  has  many  descendants,  among  whom 
Wallbridge  is  frequently  used  as  a  middle  name.  Of  this  branch  I  have  col- 
lected a  few  notes  which  I  will  append  as  a  starting  point  for  further  work  in 
that  direction.  Henry  Wallbridge  we  find  first  mentioned  at  Preston,  Conn., 
where  the  town  records  show  his  marriage  Dec.  25,  1688,  a  date  agreeing 
well  with  that  of  his  supposed  coming  to  America. 

His  name  appears  on  a  list  of  a  meeting  of  the  inhabitants  of  Ouine- 
baug,  held  Nov.  13,  1699.  He  was  an  accepted  inhabitant  of  Norwich  in 
1702,  and  in  1718,  his  name  is  recorded  among  those  of  sixteen  "Farmers 
in  Ye  Crotch  of  Ye  Rivers,"  meaning  the  tract  of  land  lying  in  the  fork  of 
the  rivers  Shetucket  and  Quinebaug,  about  three  miles  above  where  the  junc- 
tion of  the  former  with  the  Yantic  produces  the  Thames  (see  frontispiece). 
A  most  beautiful  locality,  and  originally  a  part  of  the  Mohegan  territory, 
being  granted  in  1669  by  the  town  of  Norwich  to  Awaneco,  a  Sachem  of  a 


tribe  tributary  to  Uncas,  and  known  as  the  Showtuckets,  who  first  disposed 
of  their  rights  to  white  settlers  in  1680.  Here  our  ancestor  hved  a  yeoman's 
hfe,  cuhivating  his  land,  wliich  embraced  many  acres,  as  shown  by  various 
deeds  made  during  the  later  years  of  his  life,  conveying  portions  of  his  estate 
to  his  sons,  whose  names  as  well  as  his  own  frequently  appear  upon  the  town 
records  and  those  of  the  First  Congregational  Society  of  Norwich.  After  his 
death  his  sons  moved  northward  into  Connecticut,  Massachusetts,  Vermont, 
and  the  Canadas,  whence  in  after  years  their  sons  in  turn  entered  the  wilder- 
ness, to  do  their  share  in  the  work  of  developing  the  resources  of  the  country. 


January  15,  1702.— John  SafYord,  of  Preston,  for  £60  current  money,  con- 
ve)s  to  Henry  Wallbridge,  yeoman,  310  acres  of  land  in  New  Ent,  near 
Norwich,  Conn. 

March  14,  1721. — John  Mason,  in  consideration  of  £145,  conveys  to 
Henry  Wallbridge  150  acres  in  New  Ent. 

March  i,  1723. — Henry  conveys  to  his  son  William  part  of  his  farm  as 
the  latter's  share  of  the  estate,  and  the  same  date,  conveys  part  of  his  farm 
to  his  son  Ames  for  the  same  purpose. 

April  26,  1726. — Henry  conveys  to  his  son  Thomas  90  acres  purchased 
from  Capt.  John  Mason,  of  Stonington,  Conn.  "To  all  people  to  whom 
these  presents  shall  come.  Greeting.  Know  ye  yt  I  Henry  Wallbridge,  of 
Norwich,  in  ye  County  of  New  London,  in  ye  Colony  of  Conecticutt  in 
new  England,  yeoman,  for  and  in  consideration  of  ye  Love  and  goodwill 
and  furtherly  affection  yt  I  have  and  do  bear  unto  my  well  beloved  son 
Thomas  Wallbridge,  of  ye  same  Norwich  aforesaid,  and  as  ye  whole  of  his 
portion  of  my  lands."  *  *  * 

January  24, 1725-6. — Henry  to  his  son  Henry, as  his  share  of  his  estate,  40 
acres  of  his  farm  in  New  Ent,  having  already  conveyed  to  him  Dec.  3,  1722, 
"As  part  of  his  portion  of  my  estate  *  *  *  all  of  my  parcel  of  land  con- 
tained within  ye  following  boundaries  and  lying  within  ye  crotch  of  ye  Rivers 
Showtucket  and  Queenabaug,  and  is  part  of  ye  farm  I  now  live  on,  beginning 
at  ye  N.  E.  side  of  ye  great  brook  at  a  heap  of  stones,  thence  running  west. 
30  rods  to  a  heap  of  stones,  thence  running  Southerly  42  rods  by  Joseph  Per- 
kins, his  land,  thence  running  E.  80  rods  by  said  Perkins  land  to  a  heap  of 
stones,  thence  norwest  75  rods  to  ye  first  corner." 

April  25.  1727. — Henry  and  Henry,  Jr.,  and  others,  to  Joseph  Perkins 
and  others.  This  land  lies  in  ye  crotch  of  the  rivers  in  New  Ent,  now  Lisbon, 
and  had  a  burying  ground  reserved  from  it. 


October  4,  1727. — Henry  Wallbridge  to  his  son  Henry,  Jr. 

March  10,  1728-9. — Henry  and  Anna  to  Daniel  Couring;  witnessed  by 
Amos  Wallbridge. 

June  4,  1729. — Henry  to  Daniel  Couring. 

Henry's  will  is  on  file  in  the  Probate  Records  at  New  London,  Conn., 
and  is  as  follows : 

Know  all  Men  by  These  Presents  That  I  Henry  Wallbridge  of 
Norwich,  in  the  County  of  New  London  and  Colony  of  Connecticutt,  in  New 
England,  Yeoman,  being  very  sick  and  Low  in  Body  butt  of  Perfect  mind 
and  Memory  Do  hereby  make  and  ordain  this  My  last  will  and  testament 
and  as  touching  Such  Worldly  Estate  with  which  it  hath  pleased  God  to 
Bless  me,  I  bequeath  and  dispose  of  in  the  following  manner  my  just  debts 
and  funerall  Charges  being  first  answered  and  paid : 

Imprimis:  I  Give  and  Bequeath  unto  My  well  beloved  Wife  Anna,  all 
my  household  Goods,  to  be  for  her  sole  use  her  heirs  and  assigns  Forever 
also  free  liberty  of  a  Suitable  Convenience  in  My  dwelling  house  during 
her  natural  life. 

And  also  to  my  Son  William  I  Give  and  Bequeath  twenty  shillings  to  be 
paid  by  my  Executors  out  of  my  Moveable  Estate  with  what  land  and  other 
Estate  I  have  already  given  is  the  full  of  his  portion  of  my  Estate. 

And  also  to  my  Son  Amos  I  Give  and  Bequeath  the  Sum  of  Twenty 
Shillings  to  be  paid  out  of  my  Moveable  Estate  by  my  Executer;  with  what 
I  have  already  Given  him  in  Lands  and  other  Estate  is  his  full  Portion  of  my 

And  also  I  give  unto  the  three  Children  of  my  son  Henry  Dew —  (bal- 
ance illegible)  the  sum  of  twenty  Shillings  to  be  Equally  divided  Between 
and  paid  by  my  Executer  out  of  my  Moveable  Estate  with  what  I  have 
already  given  to  my  Said  Son  Henry  in  his  life  time  is  their  W"hole  portion 
of  my  Estate.  *  *  * 

And  also  to  my  Son  Thomas  I  Give  and  Bequeath  twenty  Shillings,  to 
be  paid  by  my  Executers  out  of  my  Moveable  Estate  with  what  I  have 
already  Given  Him  is  the  full  of  his  Portion  of  my  Estate.  And  also  I  give 
and  Bequeath  unto  my  Daughter  Anna  the  Wife  of  Elisha  Munsell  the  sum 
of  twenty  Shillings,  to  be  paid  by  My  Executers  out  of  my  Moveable  Estate 
with  what  I  have  already  Given  to  the  said  Munsell  and  his  Wife  is  their  Por- 
tion of  My  Estate.  *  *  * 

And  to  my  Son  Ebenezer  I  give  and  Bequeath  the  whole  of  My  Remain- 
ing Estate  Both  Real  and  Personal  that  I  shall  dy  Posessed  of  to  be  his 
only  use  his  heirs  and  assigns  For  ever;  and  My  Said  Son  Ebenezer  shall 


well  and  Sutably  Provide  and  take  care  of  My  Said  Wife  Anna  both  in  Sick- 
ness and  Health  during  her  natural  life. 

And  to  my  Daughter  l\Iar<jarett  I  Give  and  Bequeath  one  Hundred 
pounds  to  be  paid  by  my  Executers  out  of  my  Moveable  Estate  and, 
whereas  in  My  Bequest  afore  herein  written  I  give  to  my  Son  Ebenezer  all 
my  Estate  Real  and  personal  it  is  my  Will  that  out  of  the  Said  Estate  my  said 
Son  Ebenezer  Shall  pay  the  Said  Hundred  Pounds  to  my  daughter  Mar- 
garctt,  and  also  Bear  the  whole  Charge  and  debt  that  shall  or  may  Come 
upon  me  by  a  Sute  Now  in  the  Law  Between  Isaac  Laurence  Junr.  and  My 

And  I  do  hereby  Constitute  and  ordain  my  Beloved  Wife  Anna  and  My 
Son  Ebenezer  to  be  my  sole  Executers  to  this,  my  Last  Will  and  testament 
hereby  making  Null  and  void  all  other  wills  and  bequests;  and  Executers, 
Whatsoever :  Establishing  this  only  to  be  my  last  will  and  testament : 

In  witness  whereof  1  Have  hereunto  Sett  my  hand  and  Seal  the  23rd 

day  of  July,  1729. 

Henry  Walbridge.       [seal]. 

Signed  sealed  Pronounced  and  declared  by  the  Said  Henry  Wallbridge 
being  Sana  Memoria  to  be  his  last  Will  and  Testament  in  the  presence  of  us, 

Daniel  Hartshem, 
William  Hide  Junr., 
John  Waldren  Jun. 

Hugh  Amos,  father  of  Anna  Amos,  who  m.  Henry  Wallbridge,  was  a 
freeman  at  Boston,  Mass.,  1666,  and  belonged  to  the  2d  Ch.,  where  his  son 
John  was  bapt.     (Saz'agcs  Diet.) 

He  went  to  Norwich,  Conn.,  where  he  executed  a  deed  in  1677,  and 
bought  land  from  the  Indians  Dec.  11,  1683.  His  name  also  appears  on 
the  Preston  T.  R.  Feb.  10,  1G86,  as  one  of  the  original  grantees  of  the  town, 
and  to-day  designates  one  of  the  beautiful  ponds  near  by. 

P.  T.  R.  show  a  deed  to  him  from  Thomas  Lefifingwell  April  21,  1686, 
and  one  from  the  Sachem  Owanoco,  dated  March  14,  1687. 

The  following  deed,  copied  from  P.  T.  R.,  where  it  is  entered  Oct.  17. 
1700,  shows  clearly  the  connection  between  the  families  of  Wallbridge  and 
Amos : 

KNOW  ALL  MEN  that  j  hugh  Amos  of  the  town  of  Preston  of  the  col- 
ony of  conecticut  for  divers  good  considerations  and  more  espectially  for 
twelve  ])oun(ls  in  corrant  silver  money  of  X  en  Engl  and  to  full  satisfaction  in 


hand  received  have  for  myself  *  *  *  given  granted  alienated  and  sold  en 
feofed  and  confirmed  a  certain  tract  of  Land  *  *  *  unto  Mr.  Salmon 
Treat  *  *  *  and  it  is  to  be  understood  that  this  tract  of  upland  and 
meadow  is  by  me  said  Amos  given  to  the  wife  of  henrie  Wolbridge  called 
Annah  Walbridge  both  of  tliem  now  Living  in  this  collony  at  a  place  called 
pigscomset  to  her  and  her  heires  forever  in  my  will  allready  made  which  j 
intend  shall  be  my  last  will  and  testament  and  the  twelve  pounds  of  money 
above  mentioned  is  received  by  the  sd.  henrey  Wallbridge  in  consideration 
of  the  sd.  Land  to  his  full  satisfaction,  and  that  the  sd.  henree  wolbridge  & 
annah  Wolbridge  act  freely  and  jointly  in  this  deed  sale  for  them  &  theire 
heires  *  *  *  with  me  the  sd  hugh  Amos  j  being  theire  father  the  bounds 
of  the  upland  and  meadow  is  as  followeth :  Lying  the  north  end  of  skonk- 
honganack  hill  the  meadow  is  a  part  of  the  hundred  acres  of  Land  which 
hugh  Amos  bought  of  Lieut.  Leffingwell  of  Norwich  &  is  commonly 
called  Longmeadow  and  the  upland  ye  sd  Amos  bought  of  owanaco  as 
appears  by  deed  baring  date  the  eleventh  of  December  1683  bounded 
*  *  *  wee  say  j  the  sd  hugh  Amos  &  the  sd  henrie  Walbridge  and 
annah  Walbridge,  doe  for  ourselves  heires  *  *  *  sell  *  *  *  unto  the  sd 
Salmon  Treate  *  *  *  witness  our  hands  and  seals  the  first  day  of  December 
one  thousand  six  hundred  and  ninetie  eight. 

HUGH  X  Amos  (his  mark), 


ANNAH  X  WALBRIDGE  (her  mark). 

July  3,  1 701,  "hugh  Amos  and  henry  Wallbridge  and  anna  Walbridg 
personally  appered  and  acknowledged"  a  deed  similar  to  the  last  and  to  Sall- 
mon  Treat,  clargyman,  of  a  1 10  acres,  more  or  less,  consideration  £80.  This 
deed  was  witnessed  by  Caleb  ffobes  and  John  Safiford. 

April  10,  1705,  Samuel  Amos,  of  Stonington,  conveys  to  John  Amos, 
of  Preston,  his  right  in  the  Preston  commons,  "given  to  me  by  my  father 
Hugh  Amos  as  will  appere  by  will." 

Sept.  6,  1705,  is  the  date  of  Hugh  Amos'  will,  which  was  recorded  at 
New  London,  Conn..  Feb.  2,  1708,  and  mentions  eldest  son  John,  son 
Samuel,  dau.  Anna,  and  dau.  Mary,  who  m.  Benj.  Howard,  and  gets  only 
£29 — 19,  because  of  her  husband's  "business  carriage"  toward  his  father  in 
law.  His  estate  was  valued  at  £410,  and  comprised  570  acres  of  land  with 
buildings.  P.  T.  R.  give  death  of  Hugh  Dec.  4,  1707,  and  of  his  wife  Han- 
nah, last  of  August  1 7 14.     Their  chi.  were: 


i.  John  Amos,  b.  at  Boston,  Mass.  (T.  R.),  July  16,  1665,  m.  April,  1694, 
Sarah  Morgan,  and  had  (1)  John,  b.  Aug.  29,1697;  (2)  William,  b.  Oct. 
12,  1700;  (3)  Sarah,  b.  June  30,  1703;  (4)  Margaret,  b.  Sept.  6,  1708; 
(5)  Esther,  b.  April  16,  171 1;  (6)  Hannah,  b.  Feb.  18,  1715,  d.  Sept.  i, 
1717.  Mr.  John  Amos  d.  Jan.  22,  1758,  in  ye  loi  year  of  his  age. 
P.  T.  R. 

ii.  Anna  Amos,  b.  at  Boston,  Mass.  (T.  R.),  Jan.  28,  1666,  m.  Henry  Wall- 

iii.  Mary  Amos,  b.  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  Jan.,  1670,  m.  Benjamin 

iv.  Samuel  Amos,  b.  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  Jan.  16,  1672. 

The  name  was  sometimes  written  Ames,  and  occasionally  so  appears  as  a 

Christian  name  among  Henry  Wallbridge's  descendants. 

June  10,  175 1,  there  was  admitted  to  probate  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  the 
will  of  Mrs.  Anna  Wallbridge,  late  of  Norwich,  dec'd,  who  was  Henry's  wife 
and  the  dau.  of  Hugh  Amos. 

In  the  Name  of  God,  Amen:  The  14  Day  of  April,  in  the  Year  of  our 
Lord,  One  Thousand  seven  Hundred  and  forty  eight,  I,  Anna  Wallbridge, 
of  Norwich,  in  the  County  of  New  London,  and  Colony  of  Connecticut,  in 
New  England,  being  of  Perfict  Mind  and  Memory  Thanks  be  given  to 
God;  But  Calling  to  mind  the  Mortality  of  my  Body  and  Knowing  that  is 
appointed  for  all  Men  once  to  Dye.  Do  Make  and  Ordain  this  my  last  Will 
and  Testament  that  is  to  Say.  Principally  and  first  of  all  I  recommend  my 
Soul  into  the  Hands  of  God  yt  Gave  it,  and  my  Body  I  recomend  to  the 
Earth  to  be  buried  in  Decent  Christian  Burial  Nothing  Doubting  but  at 
the  General  Ressurection  I  shall  Receive  the  Same  again  by  the  Mighty 
Power  of  God:  And  as  touching  such  Worldly  Estate  wherewith  it  hath 
pleased  God  to  Bless  me  in  this  Life  I  Give  Demise  and  Dispose  of  the  same 
in  the  following  manner  and  form. 

Imp.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  eldest  son  Amos  Wallbridge  Ten 
Pounds  old  Tenor  at  my  Decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  son  Thomas  Wallbridge  Ten  Pounds 
old  tenor  at  my  Decease. 

Item.  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my  son  Ebenezer  Wallbridge  Ten  Pounds 
old  tenor  at  my  Decease. 

Item.  I  Give  and  Bequeath  to  Each  of  my  Eldest  Grand  Daughters  One 
Pound  Old  Tenor  Each  of  Them. 

Item.  The  Rest  of  my  Estate  which  appears  to  be  mine  at  my  Decease. 
I  Give  and  Bequeath  to  my  two  Daughters  Anna  Munsell  and  Margaret 


Hammond  Equally  to  be  Divided  Excepting  two  Pounds  Old  Tenor  which 
I  give  and  Bequeath  to  my  Daughter  in  Law  Mary  Wallbridge.  I  the  Said 
Anna  Wallbridge  do  likewise  Constitute  make  and  ordain  my  Son  Ebenezer 
Wallbridge  my  sole  Executor  of  this  my  last  Will  and  Testament  Ratifying 
and  holding  this  &  no  other  to  be  my  last  Will  and  Testament.  In  witness 
whereof  I  the  said  Anna  Wallbridge  have  hereunto  set  my  Hand  and  Seal. 
Signed,  Sealed,  Published,  Pronounced  and  Declaired  by  ye  sd  Anna  Wall- 
bridge  before  and  in  3'e  presence  of  us  ye  subscribers 


Tames  Elderkin,  Anna  X  Wallbridge. 


Thomas  X  Wallbridge, 


Mary  Wallbridge  Junr. 

The  following  items  are  from  the  inventory  of  her  estate:  One  Black 
Calliminco  Gown  £12.,  One  Green  flowerd  Silk  Damaris  Gown  £20.,  Silk 
Crape  Gown  £6.,  Straked  Blew  and  White  Woosted  Ditto  £8.,  Red  and 
White  Streaked  Ditto  £5 — 10.,  Black  and  Blew  and  white  Straked  all  wool 
Gown  £5 — 10.,  Blew  and  Red  and  white  Streaked  all  wool  gown  £2.,  Shal- 
loon Quilt  £10.,  Black  &  white  Streaked  pettey  Coat  £3 — 5.,  Red  and  Blew 
streaked  Ditto  £3.,  Old  Red  and  Blew  and  Black  and  white  ditto  £2 — 5., 
Blew  and  white  streaked  Ditto  £2 — 10.,  Greyish  Ditto  £1 — 10.,  Blew  Riding 
Hood  and  Riding  Hood  Head  £8 — 10.,  One  pair  shoes  £1—14.,  Clouded 
Blew  and  white  Stockings  £1.  One  pair  Deep  Blew  Ditto  £1.,  Ditto  Greenish 
tops  15s,  one  pair  Deep  Blew  Stockings  12s,  Ditto  pail  blew  8s,  One  pair  blew 
ditto  4s,  Ditto  pail  Blew  feet  4s,  One  Camblet  Cloak  £1.,  Night  wastcoat 
£1 — 5,  2  New  Linnen  Shirts  £3 — 15,  One  Bonnet  £2 — 15,  Velvet  Hood, 
£7 — 10,  Two  Yards  of  Black  Silk  19s,  Holland  Apron  £2.,  Checkd  Holland 
Apron  £1.,  Linsey  Woolsey  Ditto  5s,  One  Gawse  Handkerchief  £1 — 8,  pair 
Stays  los.  Half  Thousand  Pins  6s.  Feather  Bed  £11  — 13 — 6,  Under  Bed 
£6 — 14,  Pillow  £2 — II — o.  Ditto  £1 — o.  Bolster  £1 — 4,  9  sheets  £29 — 15, 
One  Woolen  Sheet  £4 — o,  One  checked  Bird  Eye  Coverlid  £6,  Two  more 
£10.,  New  Pewter  Platter  £1 — 18,  Large  Pewter  Bason  £1.,  One  Pin  Bason 
7s,  Iron  Pot  &  Pot  Hooks  £2 — 6 — o.  Old  Bible  8s,  Church  Book  lod  and 
many  other  items  making  a  total  of  £370 — 10 — 2. 

F.  C.  R.  show  that  Mrs.  Anna  Wallbridge,  Thomas  Wallbridge  and 
his  wife  were  admitted  April  18,  1736,  by  letter  from  the  3d  Ch.  of  Norwich 
(probably  the  Lisbon  Ch.),  and  baptisms  of  chi.  from  1733  to  1749. 

■■■— i'^^A  <^i'  i 


Although  not  raeutioned  in  the  WalllDridge  Genealogy 
"by  L'r.   \/.CT.V/all'bridgp  ;    (1898),  the  graves   of  Henry    (IJ 
V/alllDridge  and  his  wife  Amia,   the   daughter   of  Iliigli  Amos 
of  Preston,   are  to  "be  found  in  the  Pine  Plains  Cernetery, 
^ranJclin,   Conn,   The   stones  are   in  excellent   condition, 
and  tlie   inscriptions  are  plainly  legiole  -  as  the  follov;- 
ing  picttu-es   shov;. 

Photographs  talcen  Octoljer  1940  "by; 
Amos  G-,   Avery 

Carnegie  Institution  of  V/ashington, 
Cold  Spring  Hartor,  L.I.,   IT.Y. 





„„  '^STas,    LENOX 














Henry  Wallbridge*,  probably  of  Dorsetshire,  Eng.,  m.  Dec.  25,  1688, 
at  Preston,  Conn.  (P.  T.  R.),  Anna  Amos,  and  d.  July  25,  1729,  at  Nor- 
wich, Conn.  The  names  of  his  first  three  chi.  are  on  P.  T.  R.  Thomas 
is  named  in  his  will,  and  the  N.  T.  R.  give  births  of  the  others.  The  records 
of  the  old  First  Church  of  Stonington,  Conn.,  give  the  following  baptisms 
by  the  Rev.  James  Noyes:  Sept.  20,  1691,  William;  Oct.  15,  1694,  Amos; 
Sept.  26,  1697,  Henry,  all  sons  of  Henry  Wallbridge.  In  a  letter  of  Miss 
Frances  Caulkins,  of  Norwich,  written  April  13,  1868,  to  Mr.  T.  C.  Wall- 
bridge,  of  Belleville,  Can.,  she  says:  "A  Norwich  paper  of  Jan.,  iSoo,  gives 
in  a  list  of  deaths  Mrs.  Wallbridge,  aged  94."  This  would  make  her  born 
in  1706,  and  probably  she  was  a  dan. -in-law  of  Henry. 

2  i.  William,  b.  March  20,  1690,  m.  Abigail  Lawrence. 

3  ii.  Amos,  b.  April  9,  1693,  m.  Theodia  Porter. 

4  iii.   Henry      |  one  of  these  f  m.  Mary  Jewett. 

5  iv.  Thomas  j    b.  May  26,  1696,   \  m.  Mary  Knight. 

6  V.  Anna,  b.  March  24,  1702,  m.  Elisha  Munsell. 

7  vi.  Ebenezer,  b.  May  15,  1705,  m.  Mary  Durkee  and  Elizabeth  Hyde 


8  vii.   Margaret,  b.  Sept.  11,  171 1,  ni.  Eleazer  Hammond,  March  15,  1731 

(F.  C.  R.). 


WILLIAM"  (Hcnty),  b.  March  20,  1690,  at  Preston,  Conn.  (P.  T.  R.), 
m.  June  2y,  1713  (N.  T.  R.),  Abigail,  dau.  of  Isaac  Lawrence,  who  m., 
April  19,  1682,  Abigail,  dau.  of  John  Bellows.  Isaac  Lawrence,  Senr.,  d. 
April  19,  1731,,  ast.  73,  his  wife  Abigail  d.  Sept.  13,  1726,  set.  64  (N.  T.  R.). 

William  Wallbridge  appears  on  the  list  of  accepted  inhabitants  of  Nor- 
wich, 1719,  and  the  records  of  the  ist  Cong.  Ch.  show  bapt.  of  chi.  John, 
Edith,  and  Zebulon  Nov.  23,  1718,  Sybil  March  12,  1731,  also  readmission  of 
his  wife  Abigail  in  1728. 

May  II,  1730,  the  Probate  Court  at  New  London  appointed  Abigail 
Wallbridge  as  guardian  of  Zebulon.  Sybil,  and  Eunice,  and  she  with  Isaac 
Lawrence  "are  bound  in  the  sum  of  £500  that  the  said  Abigail  shall  be  faith- 
ful;" and  on  Oct.  3,  1732,  "Ede,  dau.  of  William  Wallbridge,  late  of  Norwich, 
has  made  choice  of  her  Mother  Abigail  to  be  her  guardian  as  appears  by  a 
Certif.  under  the  hand  of  Mr.  Justice  Perkins  of  Norwich  and  the  said 
Abigail  is  bound  in  £200  for  the  faithful  performance  of  her  duty."  The 
chi.  were  all  born  at  Norwich  (N.  T.  R.). 

9  i.  John,  b.  Nov.  21,  17 14,  m.  Hannah  Killam. 

10  ii.  Edith,  b.  Oct.  14,  1716,  m.  Caleb  Fobes. 

1 1  iii.  Zebulon,  b.  July  17,  17 18,  m.  Sarah  Fobes. 

12  iv.  Sybil,  b.  Dec.  25,  1720,  m.  Zebulon  Button. 

13  V.   Eunice,  b.  May  22,  1723,  m.  John  Ford  Jun. 

AMOS^  {Henry'),  h.  April  9,  1693,  at  Preston,  Conn.  (P.  T.  R.),  d.  Feb. 

27,  1788,  at  Stafford,  Conn.  (S.  T.  R.),  m.,  1719,  Theodia,  dau.  of  Experience 

and  Abigail  (Williams)  Porter.     She  was  born  Aug.  15,  1699,  at  Hadley, 

Mass.,  and  d.  Dec.  16,  1760,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  her  tomb  is  in  Stafford  Vil- 



lage  Cem.,  and  gives  her  age  as  63,  while  the  records  of  the  Stafford  First 
Cong.  Ch.  state,  "In  the  night  between  the  15th  and  i6th  of  Dec.  1760,  ye 
wife  of  Ensign  Ames  Wallbridge  died  of  the  small  pox  setat.  between  60  and 
70"  and  "Feb.  27,  1788  Ensign  Ames  Wallbridge  d.  aged  97  years"  (an  error 
as  to  age). 

There  is  an  entry  in  the  records  of  the  First  Cong.  Ch.  at  Norwich,  Aug. 
28,  1722,  "Amos  Wallbridge  and  his  wife  Deborah  owned  ye  covenant  and 
their  dau.  Deborah  was  baptized"  (an  error  as  to  wife's  name). 

The  New  Ent  (Lisbon)  ch.  records  show  the  admission  of  Amos  and  his 
wife  Theodia  Feb.  28,  1724,  and  the  bapt.  of  their  chi.,  Amos,  Dec.  16,  1727; 
William,  Dec.  20,  1730;  Theodia,  Sept.  16,  1733;  Henry,  Nov.  7,  1736. 

Feb.  6, 1728-9,  Amos  and  Theodia  deeded  part  or  all  of  their  land  at  Nor- 
wich to  John  Jackson,  preparatory,  probably,  to  their  removal,  for  the  birth 
of  their  fifth  chi.,  Theodia,  is  recorded  at  Canterbury,  Conn.,  and  July  4, 
1735,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  Amos,  Senr.,  recorded  as  of  Canterbury,  Wind- 
ham Co.,  Conn.,  bought  of  Timothy  Pierce  two  lots  of  fifty  acres  each  for 
£500,  and  the  same  year  he  bought  of  Daniel  Warner  or  Warren  a  house  and 
forty-five  acres  for  £240.  The  ancestry  of  Theodia  (Porter)  Wallbridge  was 
as  follows : 

Deacon  William  Parke,  son  of  Robert  Parke,  of  England,  m.  Martha 
Holgrave,  dau.  of  John  Holgrave,  of  Salem,  Mass.  They  had  Theodia 
Parke,  b.  at  Roxbury,  Mass.,  and  m.  Samuel  Williams,  son  of  Robert  and 
Elizabeth  (Stalham)  Williams.  They  had  dau.  Abigail  Williams,  b.  Rox- 
bury, Mass.,  July  12,  1674,  d.  Mansfield,  Conn.,  April  20,  1765,  having  m. 
May  26,  1698,  Experience  Porter,  son  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  (Stanley) 
Porter,  of  Hadley,  Mass.,  where  he  was  b.  Aug.  5,  1676,  and  d.  at  Mansfield, 
Conn..  Aug.  28,  1750. 

S.  T.  R.  June  15,  1737,  Am«s  Wallbridge  for  £100,  conveys  100  acres  to 
David  Downing.  Oct.  13,  1737,  The  Conn.  Assembly  "do  establish  and 
confirm  Mr.  Amos  Wallbridge  to  be  Ensign  of  the  co.  or  train  band  in  the 
town  of  Stafford  and  order  that  he  be  commissioned  accordingly." 

S.  T.  R.  Feb.  22,  1738,  Elisha  Munsell,  of  Norwich,  for  the  County  of 
New  London  and  Colony  of  Connecticutt  for  New  England,  for  £145  sells  to 
Ames  Wallbridge  35  acres  of  land  bought  of  John  Arnold  of  Mansfield  & 
situated  in  the  township  of  Stafford  and  part  of  that  lot  which  was  Israel 
Warner's  home  lot. 

Stafford  was  incorporated  in  1720.  The  first  minister  was  Seth  Payne, 
grad.  Y.  C.  1725,  settled  1734,  d.  1740.  Eli  Colton  grad.  Y.  C.  1737,  settled 
1744,  d.  1756.  John  Willard  grad.  H.  C.  175 1,  settled  1757,  d.  1807.  Cyrus 
W.  Gray  grad.  Wms.  Co.  1809,  settled  1817,  d.  1821. 



Dec.  27,  1736. — Amos  Wallbridge  voted  an  inhabitant  of  the  town. 

Feb.  20,  1737-8. — Voted  that  Ensign  Wallbridge  be  allowed  for  boards 
for  the  Meeting  House  doors  o — 10 — 6,  and  Sergt.  William  Orcutt  allowed 
o — 14 — o  for  making  the  doors. 

March  6,  1737-8. — Voted  to  Confine  Rams  from  the  first  of  September  to 
the  Tenth  of  November  on  Penalty  of  forfiting  Ten  Shillings  By  the  owner 
of  such  Rams  as  shall  be  found  Runing  at  Large.  At  the  same  meeting  it 
was  voted  to  send  Ensign  Amos  Wallbridge  down  to  the  heirs  or  Executor 
of  Richard  Abbe  Esqre  of  Windham  late  deed  to  see  whether  they  will  not 
tarry  until  next  fall  for  the  money  which  the  Revd  Mr.  Payne  owes  to  the 
Estate  of  the  aforesaid  Richard  Abbe  deed;  voted  that  the  man  chosen  as 
aforesaid  if  he  cannot  prevail  with  tiie  heirs  aforesaid  is  hereby  empowered  to 
hire  the  money  somewhere  else  according  to  his  discretion. 

Dec.  26,  1737. — Ensign  Amos  Wallbridge  was  chosen  Moderator  of  the 
meeting,  and  he  with  Sergt.  Wm.  Orcutt  and  Lieut.  Josiah  Converse  were 
chosen  Selectmen. 

March  14,  1736-7. — Voted  to  make  a  west  door  &  rectify  the  old  doors 
of  the  Meeting  House  and  fasten  up  the  seats  and  take  the  charges  out  of 
taxes  already  granted.  Amos  Wallbridge  on  Committee  to  attend  to  above 

Sept.  25,  1738. — At  a  town  meeting  legally  warned  and  held  in  Stafford 
Ensign  Wallbridge  was  chosen  Moderator. 

Dec.  5,  1738. — Amos  Wallbridge  chosen  Moderator  and  Selectman. 

Stafford,  Conn.,  February  ye  22  day  1738-9. 
Then  we  the  subscribers  laid  out  to  Ames  Wallbridge,  Two  acres  &  Ten 
Rod  of  Land  in  Stafford  on  the  west  side  of  Willimantick  River  as  Part  of 
Allowance  for  a  highway.  Bounded  as  foloweth.  Beginning  at  a  Rock  with 
a  heap  of  Stones  on  it  Thence  runing  North  &  by  East  Twelve  Rods  Bound- 
ing on  Land  of  David  Boys  to  the  River  &  from  sd.  Rock  South  Sixteen 
Degs.  West,  Twentyone  Rods  Bounding  on  Common  Land  to  a  pitch  pine 
Staddle  marked  and  from  Thence  Runing  East  25  Degs.  South  Eight  Rods 
Bounding  on  Common  Land  to  the  River  and  then  Bounding  on  the  River 
till  it  comes  to  the  first  Line  struck  sd  River,  survey  and  Laid  out  By  us 

Ames  Wallbridge  1   „ 

„  ,  „  }  Committee 

Samuel  Coye  ) 

Feb.  5,  1 741. — Voted  to  allow  Ensign  Wallbridge  for  boarding  Mr. 
Dean  17  weeks  £12, — o — o,  for  two  loads  of  English  hay  for  Mr.  Dean's 


horse  £7—0 — o.  April  3,  1741. — Voted  that  the  town  will  hire  a  minister 
to  preach  with  us  *  *  *  for  settlement.  Ensign  Ames  Wallbridge,  Mr. 
Robert  White  and  Lieut.  Josiah  Converse  was  chosen  to  seek  out  and  hire 
a  minister  in  order  for  a  settlement  in  the  work  of  the  ministry  with  us. 

Voted  that  the  Committee  do  apply  themselves  to  the  Revd.  Shubal 
Conant  in  the  first  place  and  in  case  Mr.  Conant  cannot  be  obtained  then 
the  Committee  are  to  apply  them  selves  to  whom  they  think  convenient. 

Voted  that  Ensign  Wallbridge  entertain  the  minister  when  he  comes, 
also  voted  to  raise  a  tax  of  £50  to  pay  the  minister  and  defray  the  charge  of 
his  establishment. 

Tan.  4.  1742. — One  Foster  conveys  for  £80.  55  acres  lying  on  Beaver- 
pond  brook,  adjoining  the  Wallbridge  land.  May  30,  1741  Thomas  Crouch 
for  £285  conveys  no  acres.  Feb.  21,  1742  "Allowed  Ensign  Wallbridge  for 
keeping  Mr.  Rogers  15  weeks  and  his  horse  8  weeks  £13 — 5 — o." 

Feb.  20,  1743. — Allowed  to  Mr.  Cobb  for  one  day's  preaching  £2 — o — o. 
April  18,  1743. — Ensign  Wallbridge  chosen  Moderator. 
At  a  Town  Meeting  held  in  Stafford  on  Sept.  14,  1744  Ensign  Wall- 
bridge  was  Chosen  Moderator,  Mr.  Robert  White.  Mr.  Samuel  Lilley  and 
Mr.  Daniel  Colbourn  was  Chosen  a  Commtee  for  the  Town  to  Joyn  with  the 
Charities  Com.  in  Giveing  the  Revd.  Mr.  Eli  Colton  a  Call  to  the  work  of 
the  Gospel  ministry  in  this  town.  At  the  same  Meeting  voted  that  if  Revd 
Mr  Eli  Colton  of  Simsbury  now  Resident  amongst  us  in  Stafford  Should 
Comply  to  Settel  in  the  work  of  the  Ministry  and  Carry  it  on  amongst  us 
that  for  his  (illegible)  to  support  him  amongst  us  we  will  give  him  £330 
settelment  in  Bills  of  Credit  of  the  old  Tenner  one  Hundred  pounds  of  the 
above  Mentioned  is  to  be  paid  in  Labour  at  a  reasonable  price  and  to  give 
him  for  his  Sallery  the  first  year  £150  in  the  old  Tenner  and  so  to  Rise  ten 
pounds  a  year  in  the  old  tenner  untill  it  shall  arise  unto  £200  a  year  old 
Tenner  and  thearabide  untill  Mr  Colton  and  the  Town  agrees  otherwise  it  is 
to  be  understood  that  it  is  to  be  paid  in  old  tenner  or  Equievolent  thearunto. 

MR.    COLTON'S    acceptance. 

Gentlemen  of  Committee: 

You  have  Made  your  aplication  to  me  in  order  to  Settling  with  you  and 
you  seem  to  Continue  your  Suit  with  Expectation  of  an  answer.  I  wold 
say  to  you  that  I  have  as  I  hope  in  some  Good  Measure  studied  the  greatness 
and  arduousness  of  the  undertaking  and  it  seems  to  me  that  I  am  called  to 
Devote  myself  to  the  service  of  God  and  the  Redeemer  among  you  I  Do 
Accept  your  ofTer  hooping  and  Expecting  your  help  By  prayers  and  other 
ways  in  so  grate  an  under  taking. 

Eu  Colton. 


In  1743. — Negative  action  was  taken  by  the  Assembly  on  the  petition 
of  Seth  Paine  vs  Ames  Wallbridge. 

April  20,  1744. — Abraham  Barden  for  £372.  conveys  his  home  lot  of 

Sept.  22,  1744. — Ames  for  £13.  conveys  to  John  Lindsey.  July  5,  1744, 
Josiah,  Simeon  and  Elisha  Dvvight  "for  £200.  old  Tenor  Bills  of  Credit  to  us 
for  hand  well  and  truly  paid"  convey  50  acres.  In  1745  in  a  list  of  Ratible 
Estate  and  Pools  of  the  inhabitants  of  Stafford  for  this  year  is  the  name  of 
Ames  Wallbridge  for  £109 — o — o.  March  3,  1745  Eleazer  Hammond 
(prob.  his  bro.  in  law)  conveys  to  him  land  for  £400.  Nov.  2y,  1745  William 
Fenton  for  £90.  conveys  84  acres.  Dec.  10,  1745  Ensign  Wallbridge  was 
chosen  selectman,  and  at  a  meeting  held  Feb.  6.  1748.  £1.  was  allowed  to 
Josiah  Blodgett  for  "Rattelsnakes  Tayls." 

Oct.  22,  1746. — There  was  laid  out  to  Ensign  Wallbridge  2^  acres  for 
land  taken  for  a  highway  across  his  farm  at  the  Beaverpond.  Oct.  18.  1747, 
Benj.  Collins  "for  £1000.  Bills  of  Publick  Credit  of  the  old  Tenor  to  me  in 
hand  paid"  conveys  land  to  Ames  W.  April  4,  1754,  S.  T.  R.  show  that  En- 
sign Wallbridge  pitched  12  acres  N.  of  Timothy  Pearce,  and  May  16,  the 
same  year,  he  pitched  another  12  acres,  not  described. 

N.  T.  R.  gives  names  and  births  of  four  chi.,  the  second  Theodia  was 
born  at  Canterbury,  Conn.,  the  others  at  Stafford.      (S.  T.  R.) 

14  i.  Deborah,  b.  Aug.  6,  1722. 

15  ii.  Theodia,  b.  March  15.  1725,  d.  in  infancy. 

16  iii.  Amos,  b.  Dec.  15,  1727,  m.  Margaret. 

17  iv.  William,  b.  Dec.  12,  1730,  m.  Esther  Shaw  and  Rebecca  Moulton. 

18  v.  Theodia,  b.  Aug.  8,  1733,  m.  James  Blodgett. 

19  vi.   Henry,  b.  Sept.  27,  1735,  d.  Dec.  12,  1738. 

20  vii.  Henry,  b.  Nov.  10,  1738.  m.  Martha  Read. 

21  viii.  Abigail,  b.  Oct.  17,  1741,  m.  John  Victory  and  Ezra  Cleveland. 

HENRY'  (Henry^),  h.  May  26,  1696,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  where  he  d. 
Aug.  5,  1727  (T.  R.),  having  m.  Feb.  21,  1722  (T.  R.),  Mary  Jewett,  dau.  of 
Eleazer  and  Mary  (Lamb,  wid.  of  Ebenezer)  Jewett.  who  were  m.  April  i, 
1700,  and  had  (i)  Mary,  b.  Nov.  22,  1700,  (2)  Sarah,  b.  July  19,  1702,  (3) 
Eliezer,  b.  Sept.  22,  1704,  (4)  Hanna,  b.  Aug.  30,  1707,  (5)  Caleb,  b.  June  25, 
17 10.     Marcy,  wife  of  Eleazer  Jewett,  d.  Jan.  16,  1714,  and  Eleazer  m.  Sept. 






3,  1717,  Mary  Tracy,  wid.  of  Jonathan;  she  d.  Sept.  18,  1723.  The  foregoing 
dates  are  from  N.  T.  R.,  as  are  those  of  the  chi. 

March  28,  1720. — Daniel  Longbottom  conveys  20  acres  of  land  (deeded 
him  by  the  town  proprietors)  to  Henry  W.  Jr.  for  £4.  sh.  10. 

In  1723,  "Great  amazement  seems  to  have  been  excited  in  the  towns- 
men by  what  they  designate  'the  extraordinary  charge  of  Henry  Wallbridge 
Jr.  for  entertayning  Christian  Challenge  in  her  late  sickness  and  distraction 
at  his  house"  yet  the  whole  sum  and  charge  for  eight  weeks'  nursing  diet 
and  strengthening  salve,  going  for  doctors,  four  days  waiting  and  tending 
and  finally  conveying  her  to  Windham  was  £3 — 5s — 6d. 

Nov.  27,  1727. — Power  of  Adm.  to  Mary  Wallbridge  of  Norwich  was 
granted  by  Probate  Court  of  New  London,  Conn.,  upon  the  "Goods,  Rights 
and  Chattels  and  Credits  of  Henry  Wallbridge  Jr. 

N.  T.  R.  Dec.  i,  1720,  Roger  Hascoll  Jun.  and  Sarah  Safford  were  m. 
had  chi.  (i)  Elijah,  March  7,  1721  (2)  Ziphorah,  April  11,  1723,  (3)  Daniel, 
March  13,  1724,  (4)  Gideon,  Jan.  9,  1725.  The  wife  d.  April  4,  1729,  and 
Roger  (recorded  this  time  as  Haskell)  m.  Mary  Wallbridge  Dec.  9,  1729, 
m.  by  Rev.  Daniel  Kirkland  of  the  New  Ent  church.  She  was  prob.  the 
widow  of  Henry  Wallbridge,  Jr.  Her  chi.  by  2nd  m.  were  (i)  Sarah,  Oct.  21 , 
1730,  (2)  Mary,  Sept.  14,  1732,  (3)  Hannah,  Sept.  24,  1724,  (4)  Roger,  Nov. 
8.  1736.  (5)  John,  March  22,  1738  (6)  Benjamin,  March  8,  1741.  Mrs.  Mary 
Haskell  d.  March  29,  1753.  L.  C.  R.  give  bapt.  Jan.,  1724,  of  Mary,  wife 
of  Henry  Wallbridge,  Jr.,  and  of  chi.  Anna  &  Eleazer.  Jany.  1727,  of  Henry, 
his  son.     N.  T.  R.  give  their  chi.  as  follows : 

22  i.  Anna,  b.  Nov.  5,  1723,  m.  Abijah  Fitch. 

23  ii.   Eleazer,  b.  Feb.  10,  1725,  m.  Margaret  Jewett. 

24  iii.   Henry,  b.  Jan.  23,  1727  m.  Anna  SafTord. 

THOMAS"  {Hcnrf),  b.  between  1693  and  1702  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  d. 
Nov.  23,  1776,  at  Stafford,  Conn.  (S.  T.  R.),  m.  at  Norwich  (N.  T.  R.),  March 
24,  1722,  Mary  Knight,  dau.  of  David  and  Sarah  (Backus)  Knight,  who  were 
m.  March  17,  1691-2  (N.  T.  R.).  and  had  (i)  Rachael,  b.  Nov.  14,  1691,  (2) 
Jonathan,  b.  July  2,  1698,  (3)  Mary,  b.  April  2,  1700,  (4)  Hannah,  b.  Jan.  30, 
1701-2,  (5)  Lurannah,  b.  Feb.  i,  1703-4.  (6)  Joseph,  b.  Nov.  7,  1705,  (7)  Ben- 
jamin, b.  Aug.  13,  1707.  David  Knight,  d.  Nov.  24,  1744.  Mary,  wife  of 
Thomas  Wallbridge,  was  admitted  to  the  church  of  New  Ent  (now  Lisbon, 
Conn.)  in  1724.     There  are  recorded  the  baptisms  of  the  chi.,  viz.,  Sarah, 


172^;  Sarah,  Oct.,  1727;  Mary,  Aug.  17,  1728;  Thomas,  Aug.  i,  1731;  Lydia, 
April  21,  1734.  Previous  to  1724  Thomas  had  been  a  member  of  the  Nor- 
wich 1st  Cong.  Ch.,  where  his  eldest  son,  Elijah,  was  bapt.  June  2,  1724. 
N.  T.  R.  show  Nov.  8,  1726,  sale  by  Thomas  to  Jonathan  Knight  of  10  acres 
of  his  farm  for  £19  current  money;  May  27,  1731,  he  deeds  to  John  Ayres; 
Nov.  15,  1736,  to  Thomas  Barker;  Aug.  30,  1748,  to  Elijah  Sabin. 

The  records  of  Stafford  ist  Cong.  Ch.  say,  "Summer  of  1760,  Mr. 
Thomas  Wallbridge  Junr.  died  in  the  Army,"  and  again,  "In  the  fall  or  be- 
ginning of  winter  1760  Mr. Wallbridge  son  to  Mr.  Thomas  Wallbridge 

died  in  the  army."  March  25,  1776,  Thomas  bought  land  in  Hartford  Co., 
Conn.,  from  Elijah  Wallbridge. 

Chi.  all  born  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (N.  T.  R.). 

25  i.  Elijah,  b.  Feb.  27,  1724,  d.  July,  1724.  i>^^^"?\ 

26  ii.  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  23,  1725,  d.  July,  1726.  _  ;vv\^      '1'^^'^ 

27  iii.  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  8,  1727,  bapt.  at  Lisbon  (C.  R.),  Oct.  21,  1727. 

28  iv.  Mary,  b.  Aug.  17,  1729,  m.  Ezekial  Huntley. 

29  V.  Thomas,  b.  July  31,  1731,  bapt.  Aug.  i,  1731  (Lisbon  Ch.  Rec),  d. 

in  the  army  1 760. 

30  vi.   Lydia,  b.  April  16,  1734,  m.  James  Tory. 

31  vii.   Elijah,  b.  Dec.  23,  1736,  m.  Sarah  Orcutt. 


ANNA^  {Henry^),  b.  March  8,  1702,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  m.  there  (N.  T. 
R.)  Dec.  24,  1719,  Elisha  Munsell,  who  is  mentioned  in  her  father's  will  and 
in  a  deed  dated  July  7,  1721.  He  was  the  son  of  Thomas  Munsell,  whose 
will,  dated  Feb.  14,  1710-11.  and  recorded  at  New  London  June  16,  1712, 
leaves  the  estate  to  son  "Jacob  after  my  wife's  decease,"  and  mentions  Elisha. 

Chi.  born  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (N.  T.  R.) : 

i.  Anna  Munsell,  b.  Oct.  12,  1720,  m.  Oct.  2,  1741,  Edmund  Downer.     Chi. 

and  births  are  given  N.  T.  R.,  B.  2,  p.  23. 
ii.  Daniel  Munsell,  b.  March  22,  1722-3. 
iii.   Lois  Munsell,  b.  Jan.  6,  1725-6. 
iv.  Elisha  Munsell,  b.  Jan.  26,  1728-9. 
V.  Lydia  Munsell.  b.  May  18,  1731.  d.  Feb.  17,  1736-7. 
vi.  Henry  Munsell,  b.  Sept.  25,  1734. 
vii.  John  Munsell,  b.  Feb.  10,  1736-7. 
viii.   Phineas  Munsell,  b.  Dec.  18,  1739. 
ix.  Lydia  Munsell,  b.  Nov.  17,  1743. 


EBENEZER2  (Henry^),  b.  May  15.  1705  (N.  T.  R.),  at  Norwich,  Conn 
Dec.  2,  1730,  he  was  m.  to  Mary  Durkee  by  Henry  Willes,  pastor  of  the 
2d  Ch.  in  Norwich,  which  afterward  became  the  2d  Society  of  West  Farms 
or  Franklin.  (See  Canlkin's  Norwich,  p.  430.)  Slie  was  the  dau.  of  Deacon 
John  Durkee,  who  was  admitted  to  the  Franklin  Ch.  by  letter  Nov.  i,  1719  (F. 
C.  R.),  and  whose  wife  Mary  d.  (N.  T.  R.)  Dec.  15,  1732.  Mrs.  Mary  Wall- 
bridge  d.  at  Norwich  (T.  R.)  May  19,  1749,  having  had  seven  chi.  Ebenezer 
m.  again  Oct.  16,  1749  (N.  T.  R.),  his  second  wife  being  Elizabeth  (Leffing- 
well)  Hyde,  who  was  b.  Dec.  12,  1713  (the  dau'.  of  John  and  Sarah  (Abell) 
Lefifingwell),  and  m.  March,  1730,  Ezra  Hyde,  who  d.  July  18,  1741.  Sept. 
23,  1729,  Ebenezer  quit  claims  to  his  bros.  William  and  Amos  and  his  bro.- 
in-law  Elisha  Munsell,  all  of  Norwich.  Sept.  3,  1730,  lie  deeds  to  Joseph 
Ayers,  Jun. 

Oct.  13.  1737.— In  Col.  Rcc.  of  Conn.,  Vol.  VHI,  p.  122,  we  find 
"Memorial  of  Ebenezer  Wallbridge  and  Timothy  Alleyn  and  others,  inhabi- 
tants of  the  North  Easterly  part  of  the  2nd  Society  in  Norwich  asking  that 
said  society  be  divided  into  two  societies." 

1744. — His  name  appears  as  subscriber  to  twelve  copies  of  the  Nat.  and 
Civil  Hist,  of  Vermont,  by  Saml.  Williams,  D.  D.,  printed  at  Walpole,  N.  H. 
May  7,  1752,  Ebenezer  and  Elizabeth,  his  wife,  gave  a  deed  to  Ebenezer 
Thomas  in  consideration  of  £516  (N.  T.  R.).  No  record  has  been  found  at 
Norwich  or  elsewhere  of  the  death  of  either  Ebenezer  or  his  wife  Elizal)eth. 
and  we  can  only  surmise  that  they  probably  moved  away  with  their  children 
on  their  way  northward. 

Chi.  by  first  marriage  (N.  T.  R.)  : 

32  i.  Mary,  b.  March  5,  1732,  m.  David  Ladd. 

33  ii.   Margaret,  b.  Jan.  26,  1734,  d.  June  2,  1736. 

34  iii.  Susanna,  b.  May  11,  1736,  m.  Samuel  French. 

35  iv.  Ebenezer,  b.  Dec.  20,  1738,  m.  Elizabeth  Stebbins. 

36  V.  Rhoda,  b.  July  14,  1741. 

37  vi.   Henry,  b.  March  17,  1744,  m.  Lucy . 

38  vii.  Anna,  b.  Nov.  29,  1746,  d.  Feb.  17,  1752. 
Chi.  by  second  marriage  (N.  T.  R.) : 

39  viii.  Gustavus,  b.  Aug.  6,  1750,  d.  Dec.  26,  1751. 

40  ix.  Hezekiah,  b.  Nov.  26,  1751,  d.  Dec.  16,  1751. 

41  X.  Elizabeth,  b. 11,  1752. 

42  xi.  Gustavus,  b.  Oct.  4,  1755,  m.  .A.nna  Sanford. 



MARGARET-  (Hcnry^),  b.  Sept.  ii,  171 1,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (N.  T. 
R.),  was  given  by  her  father's  will  £100,  and  by  her  mother's  will  one-half  the 
residuary  estate.  She  was  m.  at  Franklin,  Conn.  (F.  C.  R.),  March  15,  1731, 
to  Ebenezer  Hammond. 













JOHN^  (William,^  Henry^),  b.  Nov.  21.  1714,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (N.  T. 
R.),  d.  July  10,  1794,  at  Andover,  Conn.,  m.  Nov.  18,  1736,  at  Norwich  (N. 
T.  R.),  Hannah  Killam,  b.  April  4,  1719,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  d.  April  7,  1803, 
at  Andover,  Conn.  She  was  the  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  Killam,  of 
Preston,  Conn.,  who  had  chi.  (P.  T.  R.),  (i)  Elizabeth,  April  25,  1717,  (2) 
Hannah,  April  4,  1719,  (3)  Samuel,  March  31,  1721,  (4)  Ann,  Jan.  16,  1723, 
(5)  Deborah,  May  30,  1725,  (6)  Mary,  July  22,  1728,  (7)  Rachael,  Nov.  24, 
1730,  (8)  Lydia.  June  3,  1733. 

Samuel  Killam's  will,  dated  Nov.  14,  1754,  which  appears  on  the 
Norwich  Probate  Records,  gives  "'to  my  grandson  William  Wallbridge  my 
Horse  Colt,  *  *  *  To  my  five  daughters  already  married  (viz)  Hannah 
Wallbridge  *  *  *  *  five  shillings  lawful  money  in  addition  to  what  has 
been  given  them." 

N.  T.  R.  show  the  chi.  of  Benjamin  Killam  and  Mary,  his  wife,  (1) 
Hannah,  b.  April  17,  1726,  (2)  Mary,  b.  Oct.  26,  1728,  (3)  Lydia,  b.  Jan.  29, 
1730-31  >  these  the  only  early  Killams  on  N.  T.  R. 

John  was  apparently  unable  to  write,  as  a  deed  on  record  at  Norwich. 
Conn.,  made  by  him  to  Aaron  Read  Oct.  26,  1738,  is  signed  John  X  his  mark. 

Jcjhn  W.,  Sr.,  was  buried  in  Coventry,  near  the  Hop  River.  The  stone 
has  the  following  epitaph : 

d.  July  10,  1849,  in  ye  80th  year  of  his  age. 

"Thus  do  my  moldering  members  teach 
What  now  your  senses  learn, 
For  dust  and  ashes  loudest  preach 
Man's  infinite  concern." 



The  New  Ent.  Ch.  records  show  baptisms  of  John's  chi.  as  follows: 

William,  May  21,  1738;  John,  April  13,  1740;  Samuel,  Oct.  31,  1742; 
and  the  So.  Coventry  records  state  that  Isaac  and  Hannah  were  born  at 
Preston,  so  John,  Sr.,  must  have  been  there  as  late  as  1748,  removing  thence 
to  Coventry,  Conn.,  where  the  T.  R.  give  birth  of  the  last  five  chi. 

In  May,  1754,  the  Conn.  Assembly  acted  "Upon  the  memorial  of  John 
Wallbridge  of  Coventry  shewing  to  this  Assembly  that  he  has  for  a  long  time 
labored  under  great  bodily  difficulties  by  reason  of  broken  bones,  and  is  likely 
to  continue  a  cripple  for  the  future,  and  thereupon  praying  to  have  his  poll 
exempted,  etc.  Resolved  by  this  Assembly  that  the  poll  of  the  said  John 
Wallbridge  be  and  the  same  is  hereby  exempted  from  being  taxed  for  the 
payment  of  any  public  rates  or  taxes  in  this  colony."  The  sons  John  and 
Isaac  rem.  to  Vt.,  and  Abigail  d.  near  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

43  i.  William,  b. ,  1737,  bapt.  at  Lisbon,    Conn.,    May   21,    1738 

(C.  R.). 

44  ii.  John,  b.  April  — •,  1740,  m.  Mary . 

45  iii.  Samuel,  b. ,  1741,  m.  Sarah  Page. 

46  iv.  Isaac,  b.  Jan.  18,  1745,  m.  Hannah  Smith. 

47  v.  Hannah,  b.  May  29,  1748,  m.  Jonathan  Murdock. 

48  vi.   Henry,  b.  Jan.  21,  1751,  m.  Sarah  Fowler. 

49  vii.  Lemuel,  b.  April  15,  1754,  m.  Elizabeth  Killam  or  Williams. 

50  viii.  Abigail,  b.  Dec.  20,  1757. 


EDITH^  {William,''  Henry'')  b.  Oct.  14,  1716  (N.  T.  R.),  at  Norwich, 
Conn.,  m.  at  Preston,  Conn.,  June  24,  1742  (P.  T.  R.),  Caleb  Fobes,  of  that 
place.  He  was  the  son  of  Caleb  and  Abigail  (Gates)  Fobes,  of  Preston,  who 
were  m.  May  21,  1713  (P.  T.  R.),  and  had  chi.  (i)  Abigail,  b.  May  25,  1714, 
(2)  Joshua,  b.  Sept.  22,  1715,  (3)  Sarah,  b.  Sept.  3.  1717,  she  m.  Zebulon 
Wallbridge,  (4)  Caleb,  b.  June  20,  17 19,  m.  Edith  Wallbridge,  (5)  Simon,  b. 
Feb.  2,  1721-2,  (6)  Bethiah,  b.  Feb.  2,  1725-6.  (See  Fobes'  Notes.)  The 
chi.  of  Edith  Wallbridge  and  Caleb  Fobes  were  all  born  at  Preston  (P.  T.  R.). 

i.   Caleb  Fobes,  b.  July  12,  1744. 

ii.  William  Fobes,  b.  Nov.  28,  1746. 

iii.   Lemuel  Fobes,  b.  Feb.  5,  1749-50,  died  young. 


iv.  Elijah  Fobes,  b.  May  27,  1752. 
V.  Lemuel  Fobes,  b.  May  28,  1754. 
vi.  Abigail  Fobes,  b.  May  28,  1756. 
vii.  Walter  Fobes,  b.  Aug.  20,  1758. 


ZEBULON^  {William,'^  Henry'),  h.  July  17,  1718,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(N.  T.  R.),  d.  April  27,  i8o9,at  Stamford,  N.  Y.,  m.  Jan.  27, 1742-3  (P.  T.  R.), 
at  Preston,  Conn.,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Caleb  and  Abigail  (Gates)  Fobes.  She  was 
b.  Sept.  3,  1718  (P.  T.  R.),  at  Preston,  Conn.,  d.  March  19,  1795,  at  Stam- 
ford, N.  Y.     After  her  death  Zebulon  m.  Sarah  Filkins. 

Dec.  3,  1 741,  Zebulon  and  John  gave  a  deed  to  John  Read,  "conveying 
all  that  farm  or  tract  of  land  wh.  was  our  Honored  Father's  William  Wall- 
bridge  late  of  Norwich  deed  and  being  in  New  Ent  in  Norwich  *  *  *  set 
our  hands  and  seals  in  the  15th  year  of  the  Reign  of  our  Sovereign  Lord 
Geo.  ye  2nd  of  Great  Britain  &c  King." 

Feb.  12,  1746-7. — Zebulon  Walbridge,  of  Preston,  for  £250  old  Tenor 
unto  Thomas  Bailey  conveys  "one  Certain  parsel  of  Land  with  a  Dwelling 
house,  orcharding  and  fenceing  thereon — Situate  in  Preston  aforesaid,  butted 
and  bounded  as  follows.  Namely,  Beginning  at  a  peace  a  punk  or  hot  house 
at  Patchague  River  being  ye  Southwesterly  Corner  of  Land  belonging  to 
Israel  Herrick,  thence  upstream  Sd  River  about  Six  Rods  to  a  Large  white 
Oak  tree  thence  *  *  *  Northward  of  a  Pople  tree  the  Northwest  corner  of 
John  Walbridge's  Land.  *  *  *  ."  This  deed  witnessed  by  Ebenezer  Wal- 

March  28,  1749. — Zebulon  has  a  deed  made  to  him  by  "John  Wal- 
bridge, Caleb  Fobes  and  Ede  his  wife  all  of  Preston.  Zebulon  Button  and 
Sybal  his  wife  of  Stonington,  and  John  Ford  Junr.  and  Eunice  his  wife  of 
Norwich  for  £15.  to  us  paid  by  our  brother  Zebulon  Walbridge  of  Preston." 
John,  Sibyl  and  Eunice  make  their  mark,  the  others  sign.  In  1784  Zebulon 
was  deprived  by  an  Act  of  the  N.  Y.  Legislature  of  all  his  rights,  privileges 
and  innnunities  as  a  citizen,  owing  to  his  views  and  actions  in  regard  to  war 
with  Gt.  Britain. 

In  1786  he  had  his  civil  rights  restored  on  taking  the  oath  of  abjuration 
and  allegiance. 

Zebulon,  after  selling  his  property  at  Norwich,  moved  with  his  family 
to  the  township  of  Stamford,  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  they  remained  until 
the  Revolution,  when  Zebulon  and  his  son  Asa  fled  to  Long  Island,  which 


was  then  under  protection  of  the  British,  while  the  other  children  with  their 
mother  remained  on  the  farm.  Fearing,  however,  that  in  case  the  British 
were  defeated,  they  being  Tories  would  lose  their  land,  they  sold  it,  divided 
the  money,  and  rented  farms  until  after  the  Revolution,  when  Elijah  bought 
a  farm  in  Milton  Township,  Saratoga  Co.,  N.  Y. ;  Elias  one  in  Stamford, 
Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.;  Zebulon  one  in  North  East,  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.,  while 
Asa  wandered  through  Nova  Scotia  and  the  Canadas. 

North  East  is  now  divided  into  three  townships,  Milan,  Vine  Plain 
and  North  East,  all  in  Dutchess  Co.  The  part  where  Zebulon  lived  is  near 
the  river  and  about  the  centre  of  what  is  now  Milan. 

Zebulon,  as  mentioned  elsewhere,  changed  the  spelling  of  his  name,  say- 
ing one  "1"  was  enough;  he  was  a  poor  boy,  and  used  to  work  by  the  month, 
but  married  into  a  wealthy  family;  was  by  profession  a  Baptist.  He  and  his 
first  wife  are  both  buried  in  the  same  burying  ground  on  the  borders  of 
Stamford,  N.  Y.  His  second  wife  survived  him,  but  no  record  of  her  is 
known.  Another  account  of  Zebulon  says  he  was  buried  in  the  Red  Baptist 
Meeting  House  at  Stamford,  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  his  funeral  sermon 
was  preached  by  J.  Hill,  a  Quaker. 

Asa,  the  unmarried  son  of  Zebulon,  was  the  first  to  leave  the  U.  S.  for 
the  Canadas.  He  went  to  the  Province  of  New  Brunswick,  where  he  settled 
on  the  Jimsac  River,  near  Frederickton,  the  present  capital.  Here  he  cleared 
his  farm  and  built  a  saw-mill  on  a  creek  known  to  this  day  as  Wallbridge 
Creek.  After  some  years  he  made  his  way  apparently  up  the  St.  Lawrence 
River  to  the  Bay  of  Quinte  (an  arm  of  Lake  Ontario)  in  Upper  Canada,  now 
the  Province  of  Ontario,  where  most  of  the  descendants  of  his  bro.  Elijah 
now  live,  and  where  he  became  well  known  as  a  dealer  and  fur  trader.  After 
living  some  years  at  Meyer's  Creek,  or  river  (called  Belleville  since  1816), 
where  he  owned  over  2000  acres  of  land,  and  finding  the  country  fair  and 
pleasant  to  dwell  in,  he  wrote  for  his  brother  Elijah  and  family,  who  joined 
him,  Wm.  Holloway  Wallbridge  in  1797  or  1798,  the  others  apparently  at 
different  times.  In  a  small  book  called  First  Things  in  Canada,  we  find 
"The  first  white  settler  in  Belleville,  Upper  Canada,  was  a  fur  dealer  named 
Wallbridge  in  1797." 

Asa  was  a  man  of  good  education,  and  ran  for  Member  of  the  First  Par- 
liament of  Upper  Canada  to  sit  at  Niagara  in  1792,  but  was  defeated  by  a 
small  number  of  votes,  a  wagon  load  of  his  opponents  coming  in  just  at  tlie 
close  of  the  polls.  He  died  at  Freedy's  on  the  farm  on  Massasauga  Point, 
and  was  buried  in  a  family  burying  ground  on  the  large  tract  of  land  in 
Ameliasburg.  It  is  probably  this  Asa  who  took  the  oath  of  allegiance  noted 
in  Calendar  of  N.  Y.  Hist.  Manuscripts,  Etc.,  Vol.  II,  Rev'y.  papers,  p.  164. 




P.  T.  R.  show  tlie  chi.  of  Zebulon  and  Sarah  as  follows : 

.  Abigail,  b.  July  14,  1744,  m.  Nathaniel  Cross. 

i.  Asa,  b.  April  14,  1747,  unm.,  d.  May  10,  1826,  at  Belleville,  Can. 

ii.   Elias,  b.  March  6,  1749,  m.  Hannah  Height. 

V.  Elijah,  b.  Jan.  9,  1752,  m.  Hannah  M.  Holloway. 


SYBIL'  (William,-  Hcnry^),  b.  Dec.  25,  1720  (N.  T.  R.),  at  Norwich. 
Conn.,  bapt.  at  ist  Cong.  Ch.  March  12,  1721,  m.  at  Preston,  Conn.,  May  27, 
1742,  Zebulon  Button,  of  Stonington,  Conn.,  where  the  marriage  and  births 
of  chi.  are  on  record.     They  were  m.  by  Hezekiah  Park,  J.  P. 
i.  Mathias  Button,  b.  Dec.  24,  1750. 
ii.  Zebulon  Button,  b.  April  28,  1753. 

Zebulon,  Sr.,  d.  July  2,  1753.  He  was  the  son  of  Mathias  and  Hannah 
Button,  who  by  P.  T.  R.  had  (i)  Zebulon,  b.  March  20,  1721,  (2)  Bial  (dau.), 
b.  March  22,  1719,  (3)  Zipporah  (dau.),  b.  April  29,  1724,  (4)  Miriam,  b.  Nov. 
5,  1726.     Mathias,  Sr.,  d.  July  4,  1755. 


EUNICE*  {William-  Henry^),  b.  May  22,  1723,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  m.  there  Feb.  10,  1742-3  (T.  R.),  John  Ford,  of  Norwich,  b.  there 
Oct.  14,  1722,  and  son  of  John  and  Judith  Ford,  who  had  by  P.  T.  R.,  (i) 
Judith,  b.  April  12,  1716,  (2)  Lydia,  b.  March  22,  1717-8,  and  by  N.  T.  R., 
(3)  Eme,  b.  April  29,  1720,  (4)  John,  b.  Oct.  14.  1722,  (5)  Phineas,  b.  Oct. 
12,  1724,  (6)  Mary,  b.  Sept.  26,  1726.  N.  T.  R.  give  only  one  chi.  of  John 
Ford,  Jun.,  and  his  w.  Eunice: 
i.  Lucie  Ford,  b.  May  7,  1745. 


AMOS^'  {Amos,-  Hcnry^),  b.  Dec.  15,  1727,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.), 
bapt.  the  same  month  at  Lisbon  (C.  R.),  d.  Oct.  24,  1793,  at  Stafford,  Conn. 

He  m.  prior  to  1751,  Margaret  ,  who  was  b.  1727  and  d.  Aug.  13, 

1794.  at  Stafford.  The  Col.  Records  of  Conn,  state  that  Amos  Walbridge 
of  Stafiford,  was  appointed  Ensign  of  a  co.  in  the  ist  regt.  May,  1759,  and 
Vol.  XIII,  says,  "This  Assembly  do  establish  Mr.  Amos  Walbridge  to  be 
capt.  of  17th  CO.  or  train  band  in  the  5th  regt.  in  this  colony."     Records  of 


Conn.  Men  in  the  Rev.,  Etc.,  credit  Amos  on  the  Lexington  Alarm  list  with  19 
days'  service  as  Captain  from  Stafford.  His  name  also  occurs  as  Capt.  on  a 
list  of  ofificers  of  the  25th  regt.  Cont.  Army  (May  to  July,  1775),  the  original 
in  the  possession  of  Henry  Bond,  M.  D.,  of  Phila.,  Pa.,  while  Heitman,  in  his 
Hist.  Reg.  of  Officers  of  Cont.  Army,  says  he  was  Capt.  of  Brewer's  Mass.  regt. 
May  to  Dec,  1775  (see  Mass.  Archives,  Vol.  LIV),  and  summarizes  his  record 
as  follows:  Capt.  in  the  Lexington  Alarm,  April,  1775;  Capt.  13th  Conn. 
Infty.,  Jan.  i  to  Dec.  31,  1776;  Capt.  7th  Conn.,  Jan.  i,  1777;  Major  2d 
Conn.,  May  27,  1777;  retired  Jan.  i,  1781.     (See  also  Conn,  in  the  Rev.) 

"The  2d  Regt.  Conn,  line,  formation  of  1777-1781,  was  raised  early  in 
1777  for  the  new  army  of  Continental  line,  recruited  at  large  throughout  the 
State.  Ordered  to  assemble  at  Danbury  in  April,  preparatory  to  taking  the 
field,  and  soon  after  went  into  camp  at  Peekskill.  Served  during  the  sum- 
mer and  fall  of  1777  along  the  Hudson  under  Putnam;  ordered  Nov.  14  to 
join  Washington's  army  in  Pa.,  and  on  Dec.  8  engaged  in  the  sharp  action 
of  Whitemarsh,  where  it  lost  a  number  of  ofificers  and  men,  killed  and 
wounded.  Wintered  at  Valley  Forge,  1777- 1778,  and  was  present,  July  28 
following,  at  the  Battle  of  Monmouth.  Assigned  to  Second  Conn.  Brigade, 
Huntington's,  at  Camp  White  Plains;  wintered  1778-1779  with  the  Division 
at  Redding.  Served  on  east  side  of  Hudson  in  Gen.  Heath's  wing  during 
operations  of  1779;  the  Light  Co.  under  Capt.  Ten  Eyck  detached  to  Meig's 
Light  Regt.  and  engaged  in  storming  of  Stony  Point,  July  15,  1779.  Win- 
tered 1 779-1 780  at  Morristown,  and  served  on  the  outposts;  in  1780  with 
the  main  army  along  the  Hudson.  Wintered  1 780-1 781  above  the  Robinson 
House,  Hudson  River,  and  then  reorganized  for  the  next  formation.  On 
the  field  and  staff  was  Major  Ames  Walbridge,  from  Stafford,  Conn.,  pro- 
moted from  Capt.  7th  Regt.  Commission  dates  May  27,  1777;  retired 
by  consolidation  Jan.  i,  1781.     In  service  from  1775." 


Among  the  original  members  of  the  Connecticvit  Cincinnati  Society,  as 
entered  in  the  society's  records,  now  in  the  possession  of  the  Conn.  Hist. 
Soc.  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  appears  the  name  of  Ames  Walbridge,  Major  from 
Stafford,  Conn.,  in  service  April,  1775,  to  Jan.,  1781,  subscribing  to  the  fol- 
lowing oath : 

"We  the  subscribers,  officers  of  the  American  Army,  do  hereby  volun- 
tarily become  parties  to  the  aforegoing  Institution,  and  do  bind  ourselves 
to  observe  and  be  governed  by  the  principles  therein  contained,  for  the  per- 
formance whereof  we  do  pledge  to  each  other  our  Sacred  Honor." 


Mrs.  Sherman  Converse,  great-granddau.  of  Amos  and  a  graiuUlau.  of 
Porter  W.  and  Miriam  McClure,  writes,  Aprii,  1895,  "I  remember  people 
used  to  come  to  my  father's  when  I  was  a  child,  to  see  the  roll  of  Major  Amos 
W.'s  CO.  In  1876  that  roll  was  given  to  the  town  of  Stafford.  I  don't  know 
about  the  first  wife,  but  the  second  was  a  Widow  Walbridge,  of  Wales, 

Although  the  name  of  the  dau.  born  June  22,  1768,  is  not  given  on  the 
town  records,  she  was  doubtless  Theodia,  who  was  bapt.  April  23,  1769. 

Stafford  Church  records  show  April  23,  1769,  the  bapt.  of  a  chi.  of  Lieu- 
tenant Ames  W.,  called  Theoda,  and  the  town  records,  Feb.  4,  1773,  the 
death  of  William,  son  of  Capt.  Ames  W.  Sept.  29,  1777,  Capt.  Ames  W. 
took  the  oath  of  fidelity,  and  April  11,  1785,  Porter  W.  did  the  same. 

Charity  was  bapt.  April  24,  1757,  admitted  to  Communion  April  7,  1776. 
A  child  of  hers  named  Joseph  was  b.  June  2,  1776. 

Temple's  Hist,  of  Palmer,  Mass.,  p.  171,  says : 

"In  Congress,  June  17,  1775,  'ordered  that  commissions  be  delivered 
to  the  several  officers  within  named.'  "  On  the  list  of  company  ofificers  are 
Capt.  Amos  Walbridge,  of  Stafford,  Conn.,  and  Ensign  James  Blodgett — 61 
men,  51  arms. 

Stafford  Church  records  show  the  following  entries: 

Oct.  24,  1793,  Major  Ames  Wallbridge  died,  aged  65  years  and  8  or  9 

Aug.  13.  1794,  Mrs.  Margaret  Wallbridge,  relict  of  the  late  Major  Wall- 
bridge,  died,  aged  67  years  and  about  8  months. 

55  i.   Charity,  b.  April  i,  1751,  m.  Caleb  Blodgett,  Feb.  6,  1777  (S.  T.  R.). 

56  ii.  Hannah,  b.  Oct.  11,  1752,  m.  Israel  Converse. 

57  iii.   Elizabeth,  b.  Feb.  16,  1755,  m.  Joshua  Warner,  March  23,  1774. 

58  iv.   Porter,  b.  Dec.  10,  1760,  m.  Miriam  McClure. 

59  V.  Theodia,  b.  June  22,  1768. 

60  vi.  William,  b.  Feb.  19,  1771,  bapt.  April,  1771,  d.  Feb.  4,  1773. 


WILLIAM*  {Amos,^  Henry^),  h.  Dec.  12,  1730,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  bapt.  at  Lisbon  (C.  R.),  Dec.  30,  1730,  was  probably  the  William 
who  m.  Esther  Shaw  and  lived  at  Wales,  Mass.,  concerning  whom  Absolom 
Gardner,  in  his  pamphlet  on  Wales,  says:  "The  Walbridge  families  here 
have  not  been  many,  nor  very  much  distinguished.  William  W.  was  the 
progenitor  of  all  others  of  the  name  here  living.     Time  of  his  first  coming  is 


not  ascertained.  Esther  Shaw,  said  to  have  been  a  niece  of  Seth  Shaw,  made 
his  first  companion.  They  had  several  children,  quarreled,  separated;  he 
went  to  Stafford,  and  there  stayed  some  years.  There  he  and  his  wife  are 
said  to  have  been  divorced.  After  that  he  returned  hither  with  another  wife 
and  family  of  children;  remained  and  died  here  in  May,  1807,  aged  76.  His 
second  wife  was  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Jonathan  Moulton,  whose  settlement  here 
has  been  briefly  noticed.  He  abode  and  died  upon  what  is  hereinbefore 
designated  as  the  Walbridge  place,  in  the  southwest  part  of  the  town. 
Ames  Walbridge,  son  of  William  by  his  second  wife,  succeeded  his  father 
as  owner  and  occupant  of  the  paternal  homestead,  whereon  he  died  27  July 
185 1,  aged  69.  In  midlife  he  was  reckoned  among  the  most  prominent  and 
substantial  of  our  town's  farming  population." 

Of  the  chi.  by  the  second  wife,  seven  were  born  at  Stafford,  Conn., 
where  the  T.  R.  give  vi.  as  Mary.  The  years  are  illegible  on  the  books,  and 
are  supplied  from  other  sources;  the  last  chi.,  Asenath,  was  born  at  Wales, 

61  i.  Justus,  b.  Oct.  — ,  1779. 

62  ii.  Mary,  b.  Feb.  27,  178 1. 

63  iii.  Ames,  b.  Aug.  20,  1782,  m.  Pamelia . 

64  iv.  Abigail,  b.  April  19,  1784. 

65  v.  Porter,  b.  Sept.  11,  1785. 

66  vi.   Elvira  or  Claire,  b.  Nov.  11,  1786. 

67  vii.  Rebecca,  b.  May  17,  1788. 

68  viii.  Asenath,  b.  Dec.  3,  1791. 


THEODIA^  {Amosr  Henry^),  b.  Aug.  8,  1733,  at  Canterbury,  Conn. 
(T.  R.);  bapt.  Sept.  16,  1733,  Lisbon  C.  R.;  m.  Oct.  11,  1749,  at  Stafford, 

Conn.(T.  R.),  by  Rev.  Eli  Cotton,  to  James,  chi.  of  Joshua  and (Morse) 

Blodgett.  He  was  b.  Dec.  21,  1723,  at  Monson,  Mass.;  d.  March  20,  1817, 
at  Ascot,  Can.  He  was  an  Ensign  in  the  Revolution,  and  after  the  war  re- 
moved to  Randolph,  Vt.  "Blodgett,  James,  of  Monson,  sergt.  Capt.  Freeborn 
Moulton's  CO.,  Col.  Danielson's  regt.,  which  marched  on  the  alarm  of  April 
19,  1775,  to  Cambridge;  left  Cambridge  May  6,  1775,  service  21  days.  Also 
Ensign  Capt.  Amos  Walbridge's  co..  Col.  David  Brewer's  (Hampshire  co.) 
regt.,  muster  roll  dated  Aug.  i,  1775,  enlisted  April  24,  1775;  service  3  mos., 
14  days.  List  of  officers  in  camp  at  Roxbury,  ordered  to  be  commissioned 
June  17,  1775."     {Vide  Mass.  Soldiers  and  Sailors  of  the  Rev.,  Vol.  H,  pp. 


195 "9-)  Congress,  June  17.  1775,  "ordered  tlial  commissions  be  delivered  to 
the  several  officers  within  named,"  among  them  Capt.  Amos  Waibridge  and 
Ensign  James  Blodgett.  Silas  Blodgett  (probably  a  bro.  of  James),  from 
Conn.,  was  sergt.  in  the  Lexington  Alarm,  April  1775,  2d  Lieut.  2d  Conn.. 
May  I  to  Dec.  18,  1775,  ist  Lieut.  2d  Conn.,  Jan.  i,  1777:  resigned  June  17, 
1778.  {Vide  Conn,  in  the  War.)  Theodia's  chi.  were  born  at  Monson. 

i.   Molly  Blodgett,  b.  Aug.  19,  1750,  m.  Phineas  Moulton. 

ii.  Theodia  Blodgett,  b.  Jan.  — ,  1752,  m.  Timothy  Miles. 

iii.   Ruth  Blodgett,  b.  Sept.  10,  1754,  m.  Elijah  Moulton. 

iv.  James  Blodgett,  b.  Apr.  4,  1757. 

V.   Henry  Blodgett,  b.  July  25,  1759,  m.  Dec.  2,  1784,  Abigail  Parmley;  d. 

Dec.  6,  1843,  at  Randolph,  Vt. 
vi.  Joshua  Blodgett,  b.  March  3,  1762. 
vii.  Salmon  Blodgett,  b.  July  21,  1764. 

viii.  Azuba  Blodgett,  b.  Sept.  10,  1766,  m.  Nathan  Carpenter. 
ix.  Oliver  Blodgett,  b.  Sept.  5,  1769,  m.  Polly  Peckham,  d.  April  3,  1845. 

X.  Sally  Blodgett,  b. ,  1772,  m.  Moses  Miller. 

xi.   Porter  Blodgett,  b. ,  1774. 


HENRy  (Amos,-  Hcnry^),  b.  Nov.   10,  173S,  at  Stafford,  Conn.;  d. 
-,  1818,  at  Randolph  Vt.,  m. ,  1762,  Martha  Read,  b.  Sept.  26, 

1743,  at  Sudbury,  ^TtT.  1812-3,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  She  was  the  dau.  of 
Nathaniel  Read,  b.  Oct.  6,  1702  (son  of  Thomas  and  Mary,  of  Sudbury)  and 
Phrebe  Lamb.  Sprague  Arnold,  a  grandson  of  Henr>,  writes,  Sept.  4,  1883, 
from  North  Randolph,  Vt.,  as  follows:  "Yours  dated  Aug.  14  is  received, 
requesting  information  in  regard  to  Capt.  Henry  Waibridge.  He  was  my 
maternal  grandfather.  I  have  often  heard  him  relate  incidents  of  the  French 
and  Revolutionary  Wars,  for  he  was  in  both.  He  received  the  title  of  Cap- 
tain after  the  Revolutionary  War  closed,  at  the  time  the  Indians  destroved 
Royalton,  in  Vermont.  If  I  mistake  not  his  native  "State  was  Connecticut. 
When  he  moved  his  family  from  there  to  Randolph,  Vt.,  it  made  the  seventh 
in  the  town.  He  made  his  pitch,  as  he  called  it,  in  the  unbroken  forest  of 
two  hundred  acres  of  land,  built  a  log  house,  and  cleared  up  a  splendid  farm. 
He  died,  if  I  am  not  mistaken,  1818,  having  entered  his  80th  year.  He  mar- 
ried a  lady  by  the  name  of  Martha  Read,  a  native  of  the  same  State  as  him- 
self. She  died  some  five  or  six  years  previous  to  his  decease.  Amos,  the 
youngest  child  of  Capt.  Henry  W.  and  father  of  Levi,  whom  you  saw  in 


Boston,  lived  with  his  father  during  his  life,  several  years  after  disposed  of  the 
farm  and  subsequently  removed  to  Boston,  Mass.,  where  he  d.  June  23,  1868, 
was  born  April  21,  1785,  was  considered  a  man  of  strict  integrity.  With 
respect  to  Capt.  Henry  W.  being  sergeant  in  the  Continental  troops,  I  know 
nothing  about  it;  never  heard  him  speak  of  it.  If  there  is  any  further  infor- 
mation that  I  can  give  you  in  your  undertaking,  will  do  it  with  pleasure." 
He  writes  again,  Oct.  18,  1883,  "The  date  of  my  aunt's  marriages  or  my 
father's,  whose  name  was  Sprague  Arnold,  I  have  no  record  or  knowledge  of. 
Am  Rebecca's  only  child;  she  died  Dec.  22,  1836.  I  find  by  examining  old 
documents,  which  has  caused  the  delay  in  my  answer,  that  the  Indians  burnt 
Royalton  on  the  i6th  of  Oct.,  1780." 

A  mem.  in  a  family  Bible  owned  by  Percy  E.  Walbridge,  of  Boston, 
Mass.,  and  a  g.  g.  son  of  Henry,  says  Rebecca  m.  Bezar  Lee  Bradford,  which 
would  seem  an  error  from  above  letters,  or  that  Bradford  was  her  first  hus- 
band.    (See  178.) 

Henry's  chi.  were  all  born  at  Weston  (T.  R.),  now  Warren,  Mass.,  save 
Amos,  he  at  Randolph,  Vt. 

69  i.  Susannah,  b.  Sept.  17,  1764,  m.  Justus  Smalley. 

70  ii.   Oliver,  b.  Jan.  14,  1767,  m.  Elizabeth  Smith. 

71  iii.   Martha,  b.  Aug.  6,  1769,  m.  Frederick  Griswold. 

72  iv.   Henry,  b.  April  11,  1772,  m.  Lydia  Strong. 

73  V.  Abigail,  b.  Feb.  17,  1775,  m.  Joseph  Converse. 

74  vi.   Levi,  b.  Sept.  23,  1781;  taught  at  St.  Mary's,  S.  C. ;  also  at  Charles- 

ton for  some  years;  was  a  graduate  of  Dartmouth  Col.  in  1806;  then 
studied  Divinity  for  orders  in  the  Prot.  Epis.  Ch.,  but  died  in  the 
pursuit  at  Charleston  or  Edisto  Island,  S.  C. 

75  vii.  Amos,  b.  April  21,  1785,  m.  Lavinia  Gillett. 

76  viii.  Rebecca,  b.  Jan.  19,  1799,  m.  Sprague  Arnold,  d.  Dec.  22,  1836, 

having  had  one  chi.,  Sprague  Arnold,  Jun. 


ABIGAIL-''  {Amos,^  Hcnry^),  b.  Oct.  17,  1741,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  m. 
there  Nov.  26,  1761  (T.  R.),  John  Victory,  probably  of  Deerfield,  Mass.,  as 
the  records  of  the  ist  Cong.  Ch.  show  that  "June  5,  1763,  Mr.  John  Victroy 
was  admitted  to  Communion,  being  recommended  by  ye  Revd.  Mr.  Jonathan 
Ashley,  of  Deerfield."  July  24,  1763,  Abigail  the  wife  of  John  Victroy  was 
admitted.     Their  chi.  were  born  at  Stafford. 


i.  John  Victory,  bapt.  June  5,  1763. 

ii.   Elihu  Victory,  bapt.  Nov.  18,  1764,  d.  Oct.  3,  1775. 

iii.   Memory  Victory,  b.  Feb.  28,  1767,  bapt.  the  same  year. 

iv.  Sarah  Victory,  b.  July  10, ,  bapt.  July  16,  1769. 

Abigail  (Walbridge)  Victory  m.  for  second  husband  Ezra  Cleveland, 
and  had  one  child,  Ezra,  b.  at  Cocyman's  Patent,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  7,  1774,  d.  April 
4,  1855,  at  Burlington,  Conn.  He  m.  at  Burlington,  Conn.,  Oct.  20,  1794, 
Hannah,  dau.  of  Abijah  and  Mary  (Auchmady)  Crandall.  She  was  b.  Aug. 
II,  1778,  d.  Dec.  30,  1852,  at  Burlington,  Conn.,  having  had  chi.,  (i)  Porter, 
b.  May,  1797,  (2)  Horatio  Nelson,  b.  June  13,  1799,  (3)  Theodia  b.  Sept.  4, 
1801,  (4)  Emily,  b.  Dec.  25,  1803,  (5)  Ezra,  b.  April  4,  1807,  (6)  Elihu,  b. 
May  2,  1809,  (7)  John  Crandall.  b.  March  3,  i8n.  died  Oct.  24,  1869,  at 
Colchester,  Conn.,  married,  Nov.  5,  1832,  Candace  Roberts,  of  Burlington, 
Conn.  She  was  born  June  17,  1808,  died  Oct.  29,  1842.  Their  dau., 
Cynthia  Maria  Cleveland,  born  Oct.  10,  1833,  died  Nov.  17,  1880,  at  Hebron, 
Conn.,  married  June  3,  1855,  George  Day  Beach,  of  Hebron,  Conn.  He 
was  born  at  Hebron  Sept.  30,  1831,  and  was  a  manufacturer  of  cotton  warp, 
wick,  and  twine. 

Their  son,  Hubert  Cleveland  Beach,  of  Maiden,  Mass.,  was  born  at 
Hebron,  Conn.,  Oct.  8,  1859,  m.  Sept.  21,  1882,  Gracie  Arlington,  dau.  of 
Harvey  Edwin  and  Nancy  Maria  (Bushnell)  Buel,  of  Clinton,  Conn;  had  two 

Mr.  Beach  is  Prest.  of  Beach  &  Clarridge  Co.,  Man'fg.  Chemists,  Bos- 
ton, Mass.,  and  traces  his  ancestry  back  on  many  lines  to  the  Rev.  and  Col. 
Wars,  and  to  Gov.  Bradford  of  the  Mayflower. 

(8)  Polly,  b.  Oct.  5,  1813,  (9)  infant,  b.  March  13,  1816,  (10)  Cynthia 
Maria,  b.  1818,  (11)  and  (12)  infants,  (13)  Charles. 


ANNA'  (Hcnry.^  Hcnry^).  b.  Nov.  5,  1723,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.), 
m.  there,  Oct.  4,  1741  (T.  R.),  Abijah  Fitch,  and  d.  Jan.  17,  1755  (T.  R.), 
having  had  (T.  R.): 

i.  John  Fitch,  b.  Aug.  26,  1742,  d.  Feb.  3,  1743-4. 
ii.   Hannah  Fitch,  b.  Feb.  5,  1744-5. 
iii.  Jerusha  Fitch,  b.  May  8,  1749. 

Abijah  Fitch  was  h.  Dec.  28,  1717,  the  son  of  Benjamin  and  Hannah 
(Read)  Fitch  (N.  T.  R.).     He  m.  for  second  wife  Mrs.  Azubah  Lothrop, 


Dec.  22,  1755,  and  had,  (i)  John  Fitch,  b.  Feb.  8.  1758,  d.  Aug.  15,  1759 
(N.  T.  R.). 


ELEAZER^  {HenryJ^  Henry^),  h.  Feb.  10,  1725,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  d, 
there  1748,  probably,  as  his  widow  was  granted  adm.  letters  Jan.  10,  1749. 
He  m.  March  2,  1747,  at  Norwich  (T.  R.),  Margaret,  dau.  of  Eleazer  Jewett. 
The  N.  T.  R.  show  birth  and  death  of  one  chi. 

yy  i.  Eleazer,  b.  Jan.  22,  1748,  d.  Nov.  23,  1748  (T.  R.),  but  he  having  died 
before  the  distribution  of  the  estate,  the  one  mentioned  as  getting 
the  balance  of  the  estate,  and  as  only  son,  must  have  been  a  second 

78  ii.  Eleazer  is  mentioned  on  probate  records  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  and 
probably  migrated  to  Stafford,  Conn. 

The  first  entry  on  Norwich  Probate  Records  is  as  follows,  dated  Jan.  10, 
1749:  "This  Court  grants  power  of  Administration  on  all  the  goods,  chattels 
and  credits  of  Mr.  Eliezer  Wallbridge  late  of  Norwich,  deceased,  to  Mrs. 
Mary  Wallbridge  of  said  Norwich,  widow  and  relict  to  said  deceased." 

The  inventory  includes:  A  blue  coat  £23.,  A  black  jacket  £4.  A  great 
coat  £6.,  A  brown  coat  £7.,  A  blue  jacket,  £4.,  a  paire  of  leather  breeches 
£2 — 10,  Two  flannel  shirts  £2—10,  A  fine  shirt  £3 — 10,  A  Bassalona  hand- 
kerchief 22s,  3  pair  of  stockings  £1 — 5.  A  beaver  hat  £4.,  A  feather  bed  and 
bolster  £20.,  A  pair  of  woolen  blankets  £6 — 15.,  A  covorts  (coverlid?) 
£4 — 10,  A  case  of  drawers  £15,  A  looking  glass  £2.,  3  small  platters  £3.,  6 
putor  plates  £3.  A  warming  pan  £5.  An  iron  pot  30s,  16  pounds  of  tobacco 
i6s.  Saddle  £7.,  a  pillion  and  cloath  45s,  2  oxen  £50,  i  cow  £30,  a  small  cow 
£22,  Nine  sheep  £16.,  one  swine  £4.  one  meare  £35.,  a  gun  £5.,  a  sword  36s 
a  large  bible  25s,  a  small  one  30s,  4  books  12s,  shoemaker's  tools  30s,  Farm 
and  buildings  all  computed  in  old  Tenor  £550 — o — o.  a  woman's  saddle  £12., 
a  Taylor's  Goose  £1 — 10 — o  Total  of  Estate  £1111 — 5 — 6  of  which  the 
widow  gets  1-3  moveable  estate  viz.  180 — 8 — 6  and  the  balance  to  "Eleazer 
the  son  and  only  child." 


HENRY»  (Henry, ^  Henry'),  b.  Jan.  23,  1727,  at  Norwich.  Conn.  (T.  R.), 
d.  Sept.  17,  1809,  at  Bennington,  Vt..  m.  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  Dec.  25. 
1750,  Anna,  dau.  of  Deacon  Joseph  SafYord  and  Ann  Longbottom.     She 

i   Nf,W  YC- 

















was  born  Dec.  11,  1730  (T.  R.),  at  Norwich,  d.  Dec.  31,  1817,  at  Benning- 
ton, Vt.     For  Safford  ancestors  see  Safford  Notes  in  appendix. 

N.  T.  R.  show  births  of  five  chi.  Lucy  appears  on  the  Bennington 
records,  and  there  the  remaining  children  were  probably  born. 

79  i.  Asa,  b.  April  II,  175 1,  d.  June  23,  1752. 

80  ii.  Asa,  b.  June  8,  1753,  d.  Feb.  10,  1755. 

81  iii.  Solomon,  b.  Jan.  8,  1755,  m.  Mary  Holmes. 

82  iv.  Anna,  b.  Oct.  2,  1756,  m.  Jonathan  Fisk. 

83  V.  Silas,  b.  June  27,  1759,  m.  Rhoda  Gunn. 

84  vi.   Lucy,  b.  Feb.  10,  1764,  at  Bennington  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  unm.  at  Cam- 

bridge, Vt. 

85  vii.  Asa,  b.  Oct.  12,  1766,  m.  Relief  Dickinson. 

86  viii.   Esther,  b.  July  14,  1768,  d.  unm.  1842,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

87  ix.   David,  b.  May  25,  1769,  m.  Isabel  and  Ruth  Brush. 

88  X.  Sarah,  b.  April  10,  1772,  m.  Elias  Fassett. 

89  xi.   Mary,  b. ,  1773,  bapt.  Sept.  5,  1773. 

Henry  Walbridge,  with  his  wife  and  children,  Solomon,  Anna,  and  Silas, 
probably  came  to  Bennington  with  the  Saffords  in  1761,  certainly  before 
Feb.,  1764,  when  his  dau.  Lucy  was  born.  His  house  was  built  in  1768, 
possibly  earlier. 

March  28,  1764. — Henry  was  chosen  selectman,  and  the  same  day  they 
voted  that  "Hogs  shall  not  run  at  large  from  April  to  the  15th  of  Oct.  and 
to  give  the  Selectmen  3  shillings  a  day  for  the  year  past." 

Aug.  29,  1765. — United  with  the  church  at  Bennington. 

Doc.  Hist,  of  N.  Y.,  Vol.  IV,  p.  361,  Dec.  18,  1765,  a  report  is  made  to 
"Sir  Henry  Moore  Bart.  Capt.  General,  Governor  in  chief  over  the  Province 
of  New  York  &c  &c.,  of  the  names  of  those  living  on  several  townships  in 
the  N.  H.  grants."  In  the  Bennington  list  of  those  who  settled  "before  the 
first  of  June  Last  Past"  is  the  name  of  Henry  Walbridge. 

Ibid,  p.  620,  we  find  the  names  of  Henry  Walbridge  and  of  Henry  Wal- 
bridge, Jun.,  among  signers  to  a  petition  to  the  King  (Geo.  Ill)  of  Nov., 
1766,  begging  for  relief  from  the  heavy  taxes  laid  by  New  York  on  those 
who  settled  the  N.  H.  Grants.  "Your  humble  Petitioners  conceive  that  the 
insisting  to  have  large  and  exorbitant  Fees  *  *  *  is  without  all  reasonable 
and  equitable  Foundation,  and  must  and  will  necessarily  terminate  in  the 
totally  preventing  your  Petitioners  obtaining  the  said  Lands,  and  so  the 
same  will  fall  into  the  Hands  of  the  Rich  to  be  taken  up,  *  *  *  while  your 


Petitioners  with  their  numerous  and  helpless  families,  will  be  obliged  to 
wander  far  and  wide  to  find  where  to  plant  themselves  down,  so  as  to  be  able 
to  live,"  after  all  which  humbleness  they  decided  to  hold  their  grounds  by 
force  of  arms,  having  nine-tenths  of  the  law  on  their  side,  and  did  so  success- 
fully. {Fide  Calendar  N.  Y.  Hist.  Manuscripts,  1664-1776,  pp.  28-78;  N.  Y. 
Council  Minutes,  Dec.  12,  1769;  Narrative  of  N.  Y.,  iyy2i'>  Allen's  do.,  1777, 
pp.  131-134;  Docket  Minutes  Court  of  Sessions. 

March  26,  1766. — He  was  made  2d  Constable. 

March  25,  1767. — A  Tithing  man  and  a  Cullor  of  Shingles. 

Feb.  8,  1768. — At  an  adjourned  meeting  of  the  Congregation  of  the 
Bennington  Ch.  Henry  and  James  Walbridge  were  chosen  collectors  of  the 
tithes  for  support  of  the  minister.  (Of  this  James  I  have  found  no  other 
mention,  nor  been  able  to  trace  him  at  all. — W.  G.  W.,  1894.) 

March  30,  1768. — Henry  chosen  a  fence  viewer. 

June  5.  1768. — A  collector  of  the  church  taxes. 

Dec.  12,  1769. — A  proclamation  was  issued  for  the  apprehension  of 
Henry  Walbridge  and  others  for  obstructing  the  surveying  of  the  Patent  of 

1770. — Henry  chosen  one  of  seven  to  "let  out  Town  land  to  any  that 
appear  to  take  it,  as  may  be  beneficial  for  the  town." 

April  II,  1781. — Henry  chosen  Petit  Juryman. 

July  7,  1786. — At  a  legal  church  meeting  the  church  voted  a  second  ad- 
monition on  brother  Henry  Walbridge,  being  charged  with  unchristian  and 
irregular  walk,  in  withdrawing  from  this  church  and  violating  his  covenant 
and  obligation  with  them  in  not  walking  with  them  in  all  the  ordinances  of 
Christ's  house  blameless. 

Oct.  6,  1786. — The  church  voted  to  excommunicate  Bro.  Henry  Wal- 

''Henry  Walbridge,  always  called  Uncle  Henry,  was  a  positive,  staunch 
man,  a  strong  pillar  in  the  first  church  organized  in  Bennington,  Vt.,  with 
which  he  united  Aug.  29,  1765,  and  where  his  chi.  were  baptized  as  follows: 
33  Feb.,  1766,  Solomon,  Silas,  Anna,  Lucy;  23  Aug.,  1767,  Esther;  i  July, 
1770,  David,  and  5  Sept.,  1773,  Sarah  and  Mary. 

Jedidiah  Dewey,  the  first  minister  of  said  church,  had  come  into  posses- 
sion of  a  colored  boy,  in  whom  he  claimed  some  kind  of  ownership. 

■::..S  NEW  YORK 
3LIC  UBRA-^' 











Organized  1762 

At  Bennington  Centre,  Vt. 

Tlie  first  meeting-house  was  occupied  in  or  before  1766, 
and  the  second  and  present  one  shown  on  the  opposite  page, 
was  buih  in  1805.  In  the  cemetery  just  at  the  left  of  the 
church  are  buried  thirteen  of  the  Walbridge  family,  while 
others  lie  in  the  cemeteries  at  Bennington  and  Paper  Mill 

Joseph  Safiford,  one  of  the  founders  of  the  church,  had 
been  a  deacon  of  the  New  Ent  (now  Lisbon)  Society,  near 
Norwich,  Conn.,  of  which  society  Ebenezer,  the  father  of  Gen- 
eral Ebenezer  Walbridge,  was  also  a  member. 

The  records  of  the  New  Ent  Church  were  brought  to 
Bennington  by  Deacon  Safford,  and  for  many  years  remained 
in  the  possession  of  his  family.  Loaned  to  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jen- 
nings during  the  writing  of  his  Memorials  of  a  Century,  they 
were  returned  to  their  owner,  Mrs.  Cogswell  Morgan,  and  from 
her  obtained  by  Deacon  Alfred  Robinson  "to  keep  with  the 
church  records."  Since  then  they  have  been  sought  in  vain, 
but  it  is  hoped  they  will  reappear. 


The  State  of  New  York  was  at  that  time  a  slave  State,  and  claimed  juris- 
diction over  what  is  now  Vermont.  Uncle  Henry  told  Parson  Dewey  that 
he  should  never  partake  of  the  Sacrament  from  his  hand  so  long  as  he 
claimed  to  own  one  drop  of  that  colored  boy's  blood.  He  was  as  good  as 
his  word,  and  the  parson  had  to  yield  all  claim  of  ownership."  This  same 
Parson  Dewey  built  the  first  house  in  the  old  town  of  Bennington,  now 
known  as  Bennington  Centre.  The  house  is  still  standing  (1898),  and  the 
Parson's  tombstone  can  be  seen  in  the  first  row  of  those  near  the  old  white 
church.  The  inscription  is  worth  copying,  the  more  so  as  Mr.  Dewey  often 
used  the  concluding  lines  in  his  funeral  sermons,  and  requested  that  they  be 
put  over  his  dust : 

In  Memory  of  the  Revd.  Mr  Jedidiah  Dewey,  First  Pastor  of 
the  Church  in  Bennington,  Who  after  a  Laborious  Life  in  the 
Gospel  Ministry,  Resigned  his  Of^ce  in  God's  Temple  For  the 
Sublime  Employment  of  Immortality 

Decembr  21st  1778 
In  the  65th  year  of  his  Age.  Of  Comfort  no  Man  Speak 
Let's  talk  of  Graves  and  worms  and  Epitaphs,  make  dust  our 
Paper,  and  with  Rainy  Eyes  Write  Sorrow  in  the  Bosom  of  the 

Mrs.  Isaac  L.  Miller  writes  in  Oct.,  1892:  "I  also  spent  some  time  in 
examining  records  at  the  town  clerk's  of^ce  in  Bennington  a  year  ago  last 
summer,  and  discovered  much  of  interest  pertaining  to  my  great-grandfather, 
Henry  Walbridge,  concerning  whom  little  was  said  in  Dr.  Jennings'  work, 
owing,  I  presume,  to  the  fact  that  none  of  his  descendants  live  in  Bennington 
at  this  time.  He  was  a  prominent  actor  in  the  resistance  made  to  the  'York- 
ers' prior  to  the  Revolution,  and  was  one  of  the  six  men  for  whose  capture 
the  Gov.  of  N.  Y.  offered  a  reward.  The  old  house  built  by  him,  and  after- 
ward occupied  by  his  son  Silas,  and  known  by  his  name,  still  stands  out  of  the 
town  in  an  excellent  state  of  preservation,  and  unaltered.  It  was  built  in 
1768,  and  is  therefore  one  of  the  oldest  and  most  interesting  on  that  account 
in  that  locality." 

A  descendant  writes:  "I  have  thought  of  one  or  two  incidents  respect- 
ing that  old  Aunt  Esther  (she  always  insisted  her  name  was  Easter  and  would 
answer  to  no  other  title),  who  gave  the  account  of  the  battle  of  Bennington. 
She  was  of  a  most  peculiar  disposition,  not  very  agreeable  I  am  afraid.  She 
lived  and  died  an  old  maid,  always  declaring  that  she  refused  many  good 
ofTers,  among  them  a  son  of  'Old  Put,'  but  preferred  independence.     When 


the  old  home  was  broken  up  she  went  to  Cambridge,  Vt.,  to  Uve  with  her 
brother  Solomon.  After  the  famil}-  hegira  to  Western  N.  Y.  she  became 
very  restless  and  determined  to  join  them.  It  being  a  long  and  expensive 
journey,  her  friends  opposed  her,  but  she,  with  true  Walbridge  grit,  said  she 
woukl  go  if  she  had  to  walk.  No  one  supposed  she  would  do  so,  but  she 
actually  did  walk  from  Vermont  to  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.  I  do  not  know  how 
long  it  took  her,  or  how  she  accomplished  it,  for  she  was  then  considerably 
over  fifty  years  old.  Some  old  people  in  Bennington  remembered  her  and 
spoke  of  this  singular  journey.  I  am  afraid  her  relatives  at  the  end  of  the 
route  were  not  particularly  pleased  to  see  her;  her  eccentricities  of  temper 
and  character  was  so  great;  however,  she  never  went  back,  but  died  in  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y.,  in  1841.  I  can  just  remember  a  very  little  woman  with  very 
white  hair  and  very  black  eyes.  She  left  some  old  silver  belonging  to  her 
parents'  wedding  outfit,  and  some  old  deeds  of  property  in  Bennington;  also 
the  will  of  Henry,  her  father,  which  relics  are  in  the  hands  of  the  members  of 
the  family.  She  told  us  that  her  father  and  his  sons  Solomon  and  Silas  were 
in  the  battle  of  Bennington,  and  that  toward  dusk  her  mother's  anxiety 
became  so  great  that  she  sent  her,  a  girl  of  nine,  to  watch  for  news  by  the 
roadside.  It  is  a  retired  spot  even  now,  about  two  miles  south  of  the  vil- 
lage. There  she  sat  on  a  large  rock  by  the  wayside,  and  as  one  neighbor 
after  another  hurried  by,  interrogated  them,  but  all  was  confusion,  and  none 
knew  how  the  day  had  fared.  At  last  she  saw  a  man  riding  rapidly  up  the 
road  on  a  white  horse  stained  with  blood.  He  shouted,  'The  British  are 
beaten  !'  but  could  give  news  only  of  the  brothers." 

Another  g.-g.  dau.  of  Henry  writes:  "My  g.-g.  father  and  his  sons  Solo- 
mon and  Silas  were  at  the  battle.  Henry  carried  a  cane,  which  is  now  in 
possession  of  the  family,  and  after  the  fighting,  while  looking  for  the  boys, 
he  found  five  Hessian  soldiers  hidden  in  a  potato  pit,  and  marched  them  in 
as  prisoners.  He  said  he  had  been  busy  for  hours  carrying  the  wounded, 
I  think  to  the  church  on  the  hill.  Another  Henry  Walbridge  was  killed  in 
the  battle,  and  for  some  time  it  was  thought  to  be  the  husband  and  father, 
so  great  rejoicing  took  place  when  finally  the  absentees  returned  safe  and 
sound.  My  aunt,  Mrs.  Beebe,  said  she  could  remember  Henry  and  Col. 
Ebenezer  as  old  men  sitting  on  the  porch,  smoking  and  fighting  their  battles 
o'er  and  o'er." 


In  the  cemetery  at  Bennington  Centre  are  the  following  epitaphs : 
Sacred  to  the  Memory 

of  Mr.  Henry  Walbridge  who  died  Sept.  i,  1809  ge  82  y  &  8  m. 
having  resided  in  Bennington  47  years,  through  his  whole  life 
supported  a  fair  reputation,  and  under  his  charitable  roof  the 
afflicted  found  friendship. 

But  yet  the  debt  of  nature  must  be  paid,  by  which  we  learn 
the  following  lesson 

"Death's  terror  is  the  mountain   Faith   removes 

'"Tis  Faith  disarms  destruction 

"Believe  and  look  with  triumph  on  the  tomb. 

Sacred  to  the  Memory 

of  Mrs.  Anna  Walbridge,  eldest  daughter  of  Deacon  Joseph 
Safiford,  widow  of  Mr.  Henry  Walbridge.  She  was  one  of 
the  first  settlers  of  this  town,  an  early  member  of  the  church, 
who  lived  beloved  and  respected  and  departed  this  life  greatly 
lamented  on  the  31st  Dec.  18 17  in  the  88th  year  of  her  age. 

"When  Faith  presents  the  Savior's  death 
"And  whispers  this  is  thine 
"Sweetly  my  rising  hours  advance 
"And  peacefully  decline. 

Henry  Walbridge 


Will  and  Testament 

In  the  Name  of  God  Amen 

I,  Henry  Walbridge  of  Bennington  in  the  County  of  Bennington  and 
State  of  Vermont,  being  in  health  and  of  sound  mind  and  memory  and 
understanding;  but  considering  the  uncertainty  of  human  Life.  Do  make, 
publish  and  declare  this  my  last  Will  and  Testament  in  manner  and  form 
following.     To  wit 

ily  I  do  hereby  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  Solomon  five  shillings 
over  and  above  what  I  have  heretofore  given  him  by  deed  as  his  proportion 
of  my  Estate. 


2ly  I  give  unto  my  daughter  Anna  Fish  five  shilhngs  over  and  above 
what  I  have  heretofore  given  her  as  her  full  share  of  my  Estate 

3ly  I  give  unto  my  son  Silas  Five  shillings  over  and  above  what  I  have 
given  by  Deed  as  his  full  share  of  my  Estate 

4ly  I  give  unto  Daughter  Lucy  Twenty  Pound  in  full  of  her  share  of 
my  Estate  in  addition  to  what  I  have  heretofore  given  her 

5ly  I  give  unto  my  son  Asa  Five  shillings  over  and  above  what  I  have 
already  given  him  by  deed  as  his  full  share  of  my  Estate 

61y  I  give  unto  my  daughter  Easter  Twenty  Pounds  over  and  above 
the  sum  of  Forty  Pounds  which  I  have  heretofore  given  her 

7ly  I  give  unto  my  daughter  Sarah  Twenty  Pounds 

Sly  As  to  my  beloved  wife  Anna — in  addition  to  what  I  have  already 
provided  for  her  by  deed,  it  is  my  Will,  and  I  do  hereby  give  unto  her  all 
my  Personal  Estate  that  I  may  die  possessed  of  at  the  time  of  my  Death,  She 
paying  all  my  just  debts  and  the  legacies  herein  mentioned  to  be  divided 
amongst  my  children  as  she  shall  direct.  And  lastly  I  hereby  nominate  and 
appoint  my  beloved  wife  Anna  together  with  my  son  David,  executors  of 
this  my  last  Will  and  Testament,  hereby  revoking  all  former  Will  and  Wills 
by  me  heretofore  made. 

In  witness  whereof  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  seal  this  13th  day 
of  December  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  ninety 

Henry  Walbridge  [seal] 

Signed,  sealed,  published  and  declared  by  the  said  Testator  Henry  Wal- 
bridge as  for  his  last  Will  and  Testament  in  the  presence  of  us,  who  at  his 
request  in  his  presence  and  in  the  presence  of  each  other  have  hereunto  sub- 
scribed our  respective  names  as  witnesses 
Isaac  Tichenor 

Stephen  Camp  ' 

Betsey  Tichenor 


MARY*  {Thomas,^  Hcnry^),  b.  Aug.  17,  1729,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T, 
R.),  d.  Dec.  12,  1800,  at  Norwich.  She  was  bapt.  Aug.  17,  1729  (Lisbon 
Ch.  Rec),  m.,  1749,  Ezekiel  Huntley,  said  to  be  Scotch  born.  He  came 
from  Lyme  to  Bozrah,  a  part  of  Norwich,  and  in  1760,  while  returning  horne 
from  an  expedition  against  the  Indians,  died  of  small-pox.  His  wife  was 
over  40  years  a  widow,  and  died  at  the  house  of  her  son  Ezekial,  who,  b.  at 
Franklin,  Conn.,  March  12,  1752,  m.,  Nov.  28,  1790,  Sophia  Wentworth. 


Mary  E.  Perkins,  in  her  Old  Houses  of  Nonvich,  is  in  error  concerning 
the  parentage  of  Mary  Wallbridge,  which  is  correctly  given  above.  She 
gives  the  following  for  descendants : 

Ezekial,  b.  1750  (?),  d.  1837,  m.  (i)  1786,  Lydia  Howard,  who  d.  1787; 
he  m.  (2),  1790,  Zerviah  Wentworth,  b.  1767,  d.  1834,  dau.  of  Jared  and 
Abigail  (Wilson)  Wentworth. 

Lydia,  dau.  of  Ezekial  and  Zerviah  (Wentworth)  Huntley,  b.  1791,  d. 
1865,  m.  1819  Charles  Sigourney,  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  son  of  Charles  and 
(Frazier)  Sigourney,  of  Boston,  Mass. 

She  was  one  of  the  literati  of  the  day,  and  her  poems  and  prose  works 
are  found  in  many  old  libraries. 


LYDIA3  (^Thomas-  Henry^),  b.  April  16,  1734,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T. 
R.),  bapt.  April  21,  1734  (Lisbon  Ch.  Rec),  m.  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  Dec.  4, 
1760  (S.  T.  R.),  James,  son  of  James  and  Mary  Tory. 

S.  T.  R.  say  James  Tory,  Senr.,  d.  May  14,  I755-  James  Tory,  Junr.,  d. 
May  4,  1755,  and  Mary,  widow  of  James  Tory,  d.  Nov.  24,  1755. 
i.  Timothy  Tory,  b.  June  3,  1765,  S.  T.  R. 
ii.  Mary  Tory,  b.  Feb.  6,  1768,  S.  T.  R. 
iii.   Sarah  Tory,  b.  April  30,  17—,  S.  T.  R. 


ELIJAHS  (jkomas,'^  Henry'-),  b.  Dec.  23,  1736,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T. 
R.),  d.  Oct.  10,  1776,  at  Stafford,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  where  he  m.  Sept.  10,  1761 
(T.  R.),  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sergt.  William  and  Sarah  Orcutt,  who  had  (S.  T.  R.), 
(i)  William, b.  April  25, 1725.  (2)  Susanna,  b.  Sept.  29,  1727,  d.  June  26,  1744, 
(3)  Simeon,  b.  Aug.  2,  1732.  (4)  Moses,  b.  Dec.  10,  1737,  (5)  Sarah,  b.  Nov. 
7,  1740,  d.  1819,  (6)  Jane,  b.  July  26.  1743,  (7)  Jacob,  d.  Aug.  i,  1745-  Capt. 
Wm.  Orcutt's  pay  roll  for  his  co.  in  the  Danbury  raid  of  April,  1777,  Lieut. 
Wm.  Orcutt  appointed  Aug.  3,  disch.  Sept.  21,  1778.     {Vide  Conn,  in  the 

Rev.,  pp.  493-532-) 

Elijah  was  in  service  during  the  Revolution.  When  returning  home  with 
his  company  they  stopped  for  water  at  a  well  which  had  been  poisoned  by 
the  Tories,  and  he  with  others  died  from  the  efTects  thereof.  N.  Y.  State 
Archives,  Vol.  L  gives  on  the  roster  of  State  troops,  "Elijah  Walbridge, 
private  in  Hopkin's  regt.  Talmadge's  co." 

His  widow  died  at  the  residence  of  her  dau.  Mary. 


S.  T.  R.,  March  i8,  1765,  "Elijah  Walbridge's  Earmark  is  a  Swallow's 
Tail  in  the  Top  of  Each  Ear  and  a  happany  the  under  Side  of  Each  Ear." 
Chi.  all  born  at  Stafford  (T.  R.) : 

90  i.   Peter,  b.  Nov.  16,  1762,  m.  Mary  Bishop. 

91  ii.   Mary,  b.  March  14,  1765,  m.  Benj.  Davis,  Jr.,  fam.  reported  all  dead. 

92  iii.  Joseph,  b.  March  28,  1767,  took  the  oath  of  allegiance  at  Stafford 

Sept.  16,  1792,  said  to  have  gone  to  Vt.;  may  have  been  the  Joseph 
who  enlisted  in  N.  H.  Aug.  2,  1812,  for  18  mos.  On  the  roll  of  Capt. 
John  Bliss'  co.,  nth  U.  S.  Infty.,  appear  the  entries:  Joseph  Wal- 
bridge,  Jun.  enlisted  Aug.  2,  1812  for  18  months,  and,  Joseph  Wal- 
bridge  enlisted  Feb.  2^,  1813  for  18  months.  These  are  possibly  the 
same  person,  and  the  second  date  that  of  re-enlistment;  no  residence 
is  given,  but  the  recruiting  between  May  8  and  Sept.  16  vi'as  at  Con- 
cord, and  Joseph  probably  was  from  that  neighborhood.  {J'ide  Adj. 
Gen  I  N.  H.,  Report  of  1868,  Mil.  Hist,  of  N.  H.,  p.  65. 

93  iv.     James,  b.  Feb.  22,  1770,  went  to  Cattaragus  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  is  sup- 

posed to  have  been  killed  at  Black  Rock  in  the  war  of  181 2. 


MARY^  (Ebenezer,^  Henry'),  b.  March  5,  1732,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T. 
R.),  d.  June  12,  1761,  at  Franklin,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  where  she  m.  May  16, 
1752,  David  Ladd,  he  b.  Dec.  10,  1727,  at  Haverhill,  Mass.,  was  admitted 
to  the  Franklin  Ch.  by  profession  Sept.  6,  1741.  He  was  the  sixth  and  last 
child  of  David  Ladd,  of  Haverhill,  Mass.,  who  m.  Hepzibah  Hazen,  of  Row- 
ley, Oct.  I,  1716. 

The  m.  of  David  Ladd  and  Hepzibah  Hazen,  also  with  his  second  wife, 
Mary  Waters,  and  the  chi.  of  both  marriages  are  given  in  N.  T.  R.,  B.  i,  p. 
lOi.     Hepzibah  Ladd  d.  March  13,  1728. 

1st  Cong.  Ch.  (Norwich  Town)  records,  Sept.  14,  17 18,  give  bapt.  of 
Daniel  Ladd,  his  wife  Elizabeth  and  chi.  James,  John,  Abigail,  Anne  and 

David  Ladd,  who  m.  JMary  Walbridgc,  m.  for  second  wife  Mrs.  Eunice 
Guild,  of  Preston,  Feb.  28,  1765.  Their  chi.  are  given  in  N.  T.  R.,  B  3,  p. 
304.     He  d.  at  Preston  April  28,  1796. 

Chi.  by  first  m.  from  N.  T.  R. : 

i.  Eunice  Ladd,  b.  Feb.  22,  1753,  d.  Jan.  7,  1754. 
ii.  William  Ladd,  b.  Sept.  27,  1754,  d.  Oct.  5,  1776. 


iii.  Roger  Ladd,  b.  April  6,  1757. 
iv.  Eunice  Ladd,  b.  July  3,  1759. 
V.  Temperance  Ladd,  b.  May  14,  1761. 


SUSANNA^*  {Ebenezcr,^  Henry^),  h.  May  11,  1736,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  where  she  m.  Nov.  23,  1758  (T.  R.),  Samuel  French,  b.  at  Norwich, 
May  15,  1737,  2d  chi.  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (White)  French,  who  were 
m.  Nov.  4,  1734  (F.  C.  R.). 

Chi.  from  N.  T.  R. :  . 

i.  Ebenezer  French,  b.  May  26,  1759,  d.  Aug.  9,  1761. 

ii.  Ozias  French,  b.  May  11,  1761. 

iii.  Lucy  French,  b.  April  4.  1763. 

iv.  Jabez  French,  b.  May  2,  1765. 

V.  Lydia  French,  b.  June  12,  1769. 

vi.  Azel  French,  b.  Nov.  7,  1771. 

vii.     Susa  French,  b.  March  7,  1773. 

viii.  Eunice  French,  b.  Dec.  10,  1775. 


EBENEZER^  (Ebenezer,'^  Henry^),  h.  Dec.  20,  1738,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  d.  Oct.  3,  1819,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.  March,  1760,  at  Northfield, 
Mass.,  Elizabeth  Stebbins,  b.  Oct.  8,  1736,  d.  Sept.  24,  1822.  She  was  the 
eighth  chi.  of  Joseph  Stebbins,  who  was  b.  March  30,  1679,  d.  Jan.  31,  1782, 
m.  Mary  Williams  (dau.  Zebediah,  who  resided  first  at  Deerfield,  Mass.,  rem. 
to  Northfield  in  1726),  and  had  (Northfield  T.  R.),  (i)  Mary,  b.  July,  1719, 
(2)  Joseph,  b.  Jan.  13,  1720,  (3)  Zebediah,  b.  Nov.  29,  1723,  (4)  Sarah,  b. 
Jan.  27,  1727,  (5)  Josiah,  b.  Oct.  20,  1729,  (6)  Anne,  b.  Sept.  15,  1731,  d. 
Nov.  5,  1732,  (7)  Ann,  b.  Nov.  10,  1734,  (8)  Elizabeth,  b.  Oct.  8,  1736,  (9) 
Elisha,  b.  March  26,  1743.  Those  interested  in  the  Stebbins  family  are  re- 
ferred to  Sheldon's  Hist,  of  Dccrficld,  Mass.,  pub.  1896;  also  Hist,  of  North- 
field,  pub.  1875.  Ebenezer's  chi.  were  born,  five  at  Northfield,  Mass.,  the 
others  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  as  shown  by  the  town  records. 

94  i.  Henry,  b.  Aug.  22,  1762,  m.  Mercy  Hopkins. 

95  ii.  Gustavus.  b.  Oct.  27,  1763,  m.  Clara  Dewey  and  Rhoda  Rutenber. 

96  iii.   Rodolphus,  b.  Oct.  27,  1763,  d.  Jan.  16,  1767. 

97  iv.  Susanna,  b.  Sept.  15.  1765,  m.  Gad  Chapin. 


AS70K,    LENOX 




98  V.  Adolphus,  b.  March  9,  1767,  m.  Mary  Deming. 

99  vi.  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  28,  1768,  d.  May  i,  1770. 

100  vii.  Stebbins,  b.  Aug.  10,  1770,  m.  Betsey  Denio  and  Fanny  Walbridge. 

loi  viii.  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  26,  1771,  d.  June  23,  1782. 

102  ix.  Betsey,  b.  Oct.  18,  1773,  m.  Chauncey  Hopkins. 

103  X.  Ebenezer  WiUiam,  b.  Oct.  28,  1779,  m.  Sally  Morgan  and  Martlia 


No  trace  can  be  found  of  any  portrait  or  likeness  of  General  Ebenezer 
Walbridge,  so  his  descendants  must  be  content  with  his  deeds  as  taken  from 
the  records  of  his  time. 

In  the  cemetery  of  "The  First  Church  of  Christ,"  at  Bennington  Centre, 
is  the  following  inscription  : 

In  Memory  of  Genl.  Ebenezer  Walbridge  who  departed 
this  life  Oct.  the  3rd  1819  in  the  82nd  year  of  his  age. 

He  was  an  affectionate  Husband  an  indulgent  Farther 
&  a  Friend  to  all  mankind.  He  died  in  the  full  belief  of  a 
glorious  Resurrection  in  and  through  the  Atonement  of  Jesus 
Christ  our  Lord. 

In  the  cemetery  of  Paper  Mill  Village,  near  the  old  homestead,  we  find 
this  inscription : 

In  Memory  of  Mrs  Elizabeth  Walbridge  Consort  of  the 
late  Genl.  Ebenezer  Walbridge  deed  who  departed  this  life  on 
the  24th  of  Sept.  1822  in  the  87th  year  of  her  age. 

She's   gone,   she's   gone   to   Reims  above, 

Where  Saints  and   Angels  meet. 
To  realize  her  Savior's  love 

And  worship  at  his  feet. 

The  name  of  Ebenezer  Walbridge  appears  on  the  Georgia,  Vt.,  T.  R. 
as  one  of  the  original  grantees  of  the  town  Aug.  17,  1763;  also  as  having 
been  paid  one  pound  for  killing  five  snakes. 

A  town  meeting  was  called  in  Northfield,  Mass.,  August,  1761,  to  con- 
sider the  question  of  building  a  new  meeting-house.  Stone  for  the  founda- 
tions was  drawn  and  laid,  and  the  "raising"  took  place  early  in  the  siunmer 
of  1763. 

As  refreshments  the  committee  supplied  2  bbls.  N.  E.  rum  at  a  cost  of 
£9 — 2 — 4  and  4  Galls.  West  India  rum  at  8  shillings  a  gallon.  The  work 
seems  to  have  dragged  along  (perhaps  owing  to  the  stimulus  supplied),  for 


under  date  of  August,  1767,  the  town  has  a  receipt  from  Ebenezer  Walbridge 
for  £14 — 8  "in  full  for  work  done  at  Meeting  House." 

March  4,  1766. — The  town  "voted  and  chose  Ebr.  Harvey  and  Ebr. 
Walbridge  surveyors  of  lumber."  March  2,  1767,  "voted  and  chose  Pedajah 
Field  and  Ebenezer  Walbridge  wardens."  March  5,  1770,  "voted  a  bounty 
of  sixpence  per  head  for  every  old  crow  and  three  pence  for  every  young 
crow  killed  within  the  bounds  of  the  town  of  Northfleld." 

Bennington  was  the  first  town  settled  in  Vermont  west  of  the  Green 
Mts.,  and  its  charter  is  the  oldest  in  the  State.  The  town  was  named  for 
Benning  Wentworth,  then  Royal  Governor  of  N.  H.,  surveyed  in  Nov.,  1749, 
and  the  charter  granted  the  following  March.  The  name  of  Ebenezer  Wal- 
bridge appears  in  1770  upon  the  town  records,  from  which  is  taken  the  fol- 
lowing curious  specimen  of  sanitary  legislation  : 

"Feb.  10,  1777,  it  was  voted  at  a  town  meeting  to  establish  a  pest  house 
for  small-pox  patients,  and  to  prevent  the  spread  of  the  disease,  it  was  de- 
clared by  vote  that  any  person  who  should  presume  to  have  the  infection 
on  either  of  the  several  main  roads  through  the  town  should  be  liable  to  pay 
a  penalty  of  twenty  pounds,  and  any  person  who  without  license  from  the 
Committee  should  give  or  take  the  infection,  or  having  it  should  go  more 
than  30  rods  from  the  pest  house,  he  should  forfeit  the  like  sum  of  twenty 
pounds."  In  1800  the  question  of  vaccination  was  first  introduced  into  the 
town  meeting  and  met  with  considerable  opposition. 

Most  of  the  entries  under  dates  are  from  Governors  and  Councils  of  Ver- 

March  28,  1770. — Ebenezer  W.  chosen  "Cullor  of  Shingles." 

January,  1776. — Col.  Warner's  Reg't  of  Green  Mt.  boys  was  ordered 
to  Quebec. 

March  3,  1776. — And  a  record  of  that  year  on  a  fragment  of  original 
muster  roll  still  in  existence  shows  Ebenezer  to  have  served  as  ist  Lieut, 
in  Capt.  Gideon  Brownson's  co.  and  as  Adjt.  of  the  Regiment. 

July  5,  1776. — It  was  resolved  that  a  regt.  be  raised  out  of  the  officers 
who  served  in  Canada,  and  he  was  commissioned  ist  Lieut,  in  Col.  Seth 
Warner's  Regt. 

Sept.  23,  1776. — At  a  town  meeting  of  Bennington,  Vt.,  it  was  "voted 
to  raise  money  as  an  encouragement  for  those  that  may  enlist  in  the  service 
of  guarding  the  frontier  towns  on  the  grant.  3rdly.  To  raise  £90.  for  the 
above  purpose,  viz  40  shillings  per  man." 

October,  1776. — Ebenezer  was  ist  Lieut,  in  Capt.  Elijah  Dewey's  com- 
pany at  Fort  Ticonderoga,  as  shown  by  a  paper  found  among  Capt.  Dewey's 
effects,  called  "Pay  roll  of  Capt.  Elijah  Dewey's   company   in   Col.    Moses 


Robinson's  Regt.  of  the  Mililia  in  tlie  service  of  the  U.  S.  of  America,  Mount 
Independence,  1776."  This  roll  shows  EHjah  Dewey  to  be  Capt.  and 
Ebenezer  Walbridge  First  Lieut,  of  the  co.  while  in  service  near  Fort  Ticon- 
deroga,  which  was  then  threatened  with  attack.  On  dismissing  the  regt. 
Gen.  Gates  wrote  a  letter  Nov.  9,  1776,  to  Col.  Robinson,  which  is  quoted 
in  the  Vcr.  Hist.  Mag.,  p.  153.  (See  also  the  pay  roll  reproduced  in  this 

March  26,  1777. — Lieut.  Ebenezer  W.  was  chosen  Moderator  and  Se- 

June,  1777. — The  regt.  was  in  service  at  Fort  Ticonderoga  until  its 
evacuation  by  St.  Clair,  July  6,  1777. 

August  16,  1777. — He  served  as  Adjutant  in  the  battle  of  Bennington, 
which  was  waged  by  Gen.  Stark  and  his  Green  Mt.  boys  against  Col.  Baum, 
who  w-as  sent  by  Genl.  Burgoyne  to  seize  the  stores  at  Bennington,  but  was 
defeated  with  the  loss  of  nearly  his  entire  force.  In  this  battle  Henry,  the 
brother  of  Ebenezer,  was  killed. 

Nov.  12,  1777. — He  had  the  title  of  Brigade  Major,  as  shown  by  the 
following  entry:  "Brig.  Major  Walbridge  built  a  store  house  in  Benning- 
ton and  had  assistants  assigned  him  by  order  of  the  council,  Lieut.  Edgerton 
and  other  workmen  to  be  allowed  $1.00  a  day  in  addition  to  their  ordinary 
pay,  and  common  workmen  4  shillings." 

April  23,  1778. — He  was  Lieut.  Col.  of  the  2d  regt.  of  Militia,  and  Colo. 
Hcrrick  ordered  to  direct  Lt.  Col.  Walbridge  to  lead  the  second  co.  in  Ben- 
nington to  a  choice  of  Capt. 

May  28,  1778. — The  list  of  the  2d  regt.  of  Militia  gives  names  of  Col. 
Saml.  Herrick,  Lieut.  Col.  Ebenezer  Walbridge,  Major  Gideon  Olin,  Adju- 
tant Joseph  Fay,  and  Quarter  Master  John  Burnham. 

Sept.  I,  1778. — A  meeting  of  the  Freemen  chose  Col.  Ebenezer  Wal- 
bridge as  their  representative  to  attend  the  General  Assembly  at  their  next 

Sept.  10, 1778.- — A  list  of  Freemen  names  Ebenezer,  Solomon  and  Henry. 
June   17,   1778. — Governor  Chittenden  wrote  to  Ebenezer  addressing 
him  as  Connnissioner  of  Sequestration. 

June  18,  1778. — He  was  ordered  with  toi  men,  including  of^cers,  to 
Rutland,  Vt.,  "and  in  conjunction  with  the  troops  now  at  that  place  under 
the  command  of  Capt.  Brownson  to  guard  the  frontiers  in  that  quarter  to 
the  best  of  your  skill  in  war,  for  and  during  the  term  of  twenty  days  from 
your  arrival  at  that  place  unless  sooner  discharged." 

Oct.  16,  1778. — He  was  a  member  of  the  Committee  on  Treason. 
Oct.  23,  1778. — His  name  appears  on  the  list  of  members  of  the  First 
General  Assembly  representing  Bennington. 


1780. — He  succeeded  Col.  Herrick  in  command  of  the  Bennington 
regt.,  and  was  a  member  of  the  2d  Genl.  Assembly,  and  during  the  sessions 
of  both  Assemblies  was  frequently  a  member  of  important  committees. 

Nov.  8,  1780. — Col.  Walbridge  was  appointed  State  Auditor  of  Public 
accounts,  with  five  others,  to  look  into  the  expenditure  of  the  State's  money, 
call  all  public  officers  to  account,  and  enforce  collection  of  all  sums  due,  and 
the  Gov.,  Councils  and  Court  of  Confiscation  were  requested  to  furnish  them 
with  all  necessary  papers. 

Feb.  14,  1781. — Appointed  on  the  Committee  to  consider  the  subject  of 
jurisdictional  claims  urged  by  the  State  of  New  York. 

April,  1 78 1. — He  was  one  of  a  committee  of  three  for  signing  the  first 
and  only  letters  of  credit  issued  by  Vermont,  an  issue  of  £25,155.  A  fac 
simile  of  these  bills  may  be  seen  in  Thompson's  Vermont,  p.  134. 

April  II,  1 78 1. — He  was  chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Original  Juris- 
diction, and  was  appointed  on  committee  of  original  instructions  to  Con- 
gressional delegates,  but  declined  to  serve. 

June,  1 78 1. — He  had  several  parties  arrested  for  counterfeiting  the  bills 
of  credit  of  the  State. 

Oct.  31,  1781. — Was  with  his  regiment  on  an  expedition  to  Castleton. 
N.  Y.,  accompanied  by  Silas  Walbridge. 

Dec,  1 78 1. — When  Vermont  and  New  York  were  disputing  over  the 
land  known  as  the  "Western  Union,"  Col.  Walbridge  commanded  the  Ver- 
mont troops,  and  with  his  regiment  marched  to  San  Coick,  upon  which  Col. 
Yates,  with  his  small  force,  retreated.  His  correspondence  with  the  N.  Y. 
authorities  is  among  the  papers  of  Govr.  Clinton  in  the  State  Library  at 
Albany,  N.  Y.  One  of  the  letters  dated  Maplewood,  Vt.,  Dec.  17,  1781, 
was  written  to  Col.  Van  Rennselaer  of  the  N.  Y.  troops,  and  signed  E.  Wal- 
bridge, Colo,  commanding. 

Feb.  27,  1782. — It  was  resolved  "That  the  Proprietors  of  the  town  of 
Fayston  granted  to  Col.  Ebenezer  Walbridge,  INIajor  Gideon  Ormsby  and 
company  to  the  number  of  sixty  five,  pay  for  each.  Eight  pounds  lawful 
money  to  be  paid  on  the  first  day  of  May  next,  to  be  settled  three  years  after 
the  war." 

March  27,  1782. — Ebenezer  Walbridge  and  Joseph  Bingham  sign  as 
Committee  to  examine  the  Town  Books. 

Sept.  2,  1782. — Brig.-Genl.  Ethan  Allen  was  empowered  to  raise  150 
men  in  Col.  Walbridge's  regt.  and  100  in  Col.  Ira  Allen's  and  march  them 
into  Windham  Co. 

Sept.  8,  1782. — Col.  Walbridge  with  a  party  arrested  three  leading 
Yorkers  of  Halifax. 

ThIJ  new 


~YO*K     I 





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Oct.,  1776. 

When  in  Bennington,  Vt.,  in  July,  1897,  the  original  of 
this  valuable  paper  was  loaned  me  by  Miss  Gertrude  Hubbell, 
a  descendant  of  Capt.  Elijah  Dewey,  living  in  the  homestead 
near  Bennington  Centre,  and  the  owner  of  many  family  relics. 
I  took  the  paper  to  Watson,  the  photographer,  and  secured 
a  negative,  from  which  this  copy  is  taken.  On  the  back  of  the 
paper  was  the  following : 

"Reed.  Bennington,  May  7,  1777  of  Elijah  Dewey  one 
"hundred  &  Forty  sevin  Dollars  the  whitch  Money  he  Reed.  & 
"gave  his  Rect.  For  on  My  pay  Role  at  the  pay  tabel  in 
"Rec'd.  pr  Me Samuel  Wright. 


March,  1785. — During  eight  years  of  service  the  original  Constitution 
of  Vermont  had  developed  so  many  faults  that  its  revision  became  impera- 
tive, and  to  prevent  possible  disunion  the  revision  was  not  submitted  to 
popular  vote,  but  to  a  council  of  censors  chosen  from  the  ablest  men  in  the 
State  and  for  this  specific  purpose.  The  journal  of  the  house  shows  that 
these  censors  were  elected  the  last  Wednesday  in  March,  1785,  and  included 
Genl.  Ebenezer  Walbridge,  to  whom  a  certificate  of  election  was  issued  May 
6,  1785. 

Oct.  12,  1786. — He  was  chosen  Councillor  for  the  ensuing  year. 

Extract  from  Governors  and  Council,  Vermont,  Vol.  Ill,  p.  130,  in- 
cluding foot-note : 

Assembly  Journal,  28th  Feb.  1787.  His  Excellency,  the  Capt.  General, 
— the  Governor;  laid  before  the  house  his  general  orders  of  yesterday,  di- 
viding the  State  into  two  divisions,  six  brigades,  and  fourteen  regiments. 
Ordered,  that  the  members  of  council  and  assembly  belonging  to  each 
brigade  where  there  is  no  brigadier,  nominate  a  Brig.  General  of  such  brigade 
and  make  report  tomorrow  morning,  and  that  tomorrow  morning  be  as- 
signed for  the  Governor,  Council  and  Assembly  to  elect  Brigadiers  General. 

Thursday,  ist  Mch.  1787. 

Agreeably  to  the  order  of  the  day,  the  Governor,  Council  and  General 
Assembly  proceeded  to  the  choice  of  Brigadier  Generals  for  the  ist,  3rd,  4th, 
5th  and  6th  brigades.  The  ballots  being  taken,  the  following  persons  were 
declared  to  be  duly  chosen,  viz. 

Col.  Ebenezer  Walbridge,  ist  Brigade;  Col.  Benj.  Wait,  3d  Brigade; 
Col.  Isaac  Clark,  4th  Brigade;  Col.  Israel  Morey,  5th  Brigade;  Col.  John 
Strong,  6th  Brigade. 


Joseph  Fay  Secy. 

For  the  Oct.  Session  of  Council,  1794,  he  received  for  58  miles  travel 
and  22  days  attendance  £9 — 12 — 8,  and  for  the  Oct.  Session,  1795,  for  90 
miles  travel  and  20  days  attendance,  £1 1 — 15 — o. 

March  30,  1803. — He  was  a  Grand  Juror. 

Sept.  3,  1805. — Was  made  Councillor. 

Dec.  4,  1805. — Moderator  of  Cong.  Soc.  meeting. 

March  25,  1812. — Ebenezer  Walbridge  was  a  Grand  Juror. 

Jennings  says,  p.  217,  "Genl.  Ebenezer  Walbridge,  an  early  settler  in 
Vermont  from  Norwich  Conn,  and  highly  distinguished  in  the  civil  and  mili- 
tary annals  of  the  town  and  previously  a  member  of  the  church;  adopted 
Winchester  sentiments,"  i.  c,  those  of  Revd.  Mr.  Winchester,  who  preached 


tlic  Universalist  doctrine,  and  the  adoption  of  wliicli  was  doubtless  the  cause 
of  our  ancestor's  excoinmimication  from  the  churcli  in  1814. 

He  was  a  representative  of  the  town  in  the  Geni.  Assembly  in  1778  and 
1780,  and  a  member  of  the  State  Councils  for  eight  years,  1786-1795. 

In  the  beginning  of  the  State  Papers  of  Vermont,  Hist.  Socy.  of  Penna., 
at  Phila..  Pa.,  are  several  papers  of  those  assemblies  called  General 
Conventions,  which  precedetl  and  led  up  to  the  General  Assembly.  One  of 
these  papers  is  signed,  and  the  signatures  include  that  of  Ebenezer  Wal- 

The  names  of  Henry,  Stebbins,  and  Gustavus  Walbridge  appear  on 
Freemen's  lists  of  Sept.  4,  1804,  and  Sept.,  1806. 

Oct.  3,  1819. — Genl.  Ebenezer  died  intestate,  and  Dec.  i,  1819,  Steb- 
bins W.  was  appointed  Administrator.  The  Estate  was  appraised  at  $5882.25, 
and  among  others  were  the  items  60  Bushl  oats  @  $15.  7  tons  hay  @$38, 
32  sheep  @  $48,  8  Bush  rye  @  $4.00.  His  books  were  mainly  on  religion 
and  history,  as  shown  by  the  inventory  on  file  at  Bennington,  covering 
several  pages  in  the  Probate  Records  and  giving  real  estate  as  follows,  inider 
date  of  Jan.  5,  1820: 

The  homestead  farm  with  \  of  Grist  Mill,  Paper  Mill,  Saw  Mill,  Trip 
hammer  shop  with  the  utensils  thereunto  belonging  together  with  |th  of  the 

water  privilege  thereunto  belonging,  27  acres  of  land $3000 

Also  971  acres  of  land  called  the  Walbridge  farm 1950 

Also  four  acres  on  the  Henderson  hill 130 

Stebbins  Denio  Walbridge,  a  grandson  of  the  General,  wrote  about 
1875,  "Col.  Ebenezer  Walbridge  was  one  of  the  most  venerable  looking 
men  at  eighty  years  of  age  I  ever  saw,  he  dressed  in  short  breeches,  long 
.stockings,  silver  shoe  buckles,  three  cornered  hat,  silk  waistcoat;  and  with 
an  eagle  eye  which  never  cowered  before  men,  he  constituted  a  figure  and 
presence  not  often  seen  in  these  days.  I  often  rode  out  with  him  in  his  car- 
riage about  our  town,  where  he  was  always  saluted  by  his  title,  and  always 
responded  with  a  grace  that  commanded  respect  from  all.  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Congregational  church  of  this  town  for  fifty  years.  After  the 
close  of  the  Revolutionary  war  in  1786,  he  built  himself  a  fine  residence 
and  the  house  is  in  fine  condition  and  occupied  by  one  of  his  descendants." 

The  house  referred  to  is  that  at  Paper  Mill  Village,  or  Bennington  Falls, 
and  is  now  (1898)  occupied  by  Mr.  Henry  A.  Walbridge  and  his  dau.,  with 
whom  resides  Mrs.  Sophia  Winne,  who  celebrated  her  looth  birthday  on 
July  2y.  1898.  The  porch  is  modern,  and  in  1826  the  old  gambrel  roof,  with 
its  dormer  windows,  was  altered  to  the  present   one   by   Daniel   Story   and 


Norman  Harvey,  the  latter  of  whom  married  Betsey  Gibbs,  who  was  related 
to  the  Walbridge  family.  Otherwise  the  house  is  practically  as  the  builder 
and  owner  left  it,  and  is  well  preserved.  Much  of  the  work  was  done  by 
General  Ebenezer,  and  the  elaborate  paneling  and  cornice  of  wood  in  the 
room  on  the  right  as  one  enters,  prove  him  an  adept  as  a  carpenter  and 


HENRY'  {Ebenezer-  Henry^),  b.  March  17,  1744,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  killed  Aug.  16,  1777,  at  Bennington  battle,  m.  about  1769  Lucy 
Nichols,  who  probably  was  a  widow  with  chi.,  judging  from  the  will  of 
Henry,  Jr.,  which  follows  later. 

Chi.  all  b.  at  Bennington  (T.  R.) : 

104  i.  Eldad,  b.  June  7,  1770,  prob.  d.  young. 

105  ii.  Medad,  b.  Jan.  i,  1772,  prob.  d.  young. 

106  iii.  Mary,  b.  Jan.  6,  1774,  prob.  d.  young. 

107  iv.  Henry,  b. >  1776. 

Nov.,  1766. — Henry,  Sr.'s,  name  is  on  a  petition  of  the  settlers  to  the 

Henry,  Sr.,  appears  as  Sergt.  on  pay  roll  of  9th  co.  in  8th  regt.  of 
Continental  troops,  Abram  Tyler,  Capt.,  for  service  of  1775.  He  had  also 
been  4th  Sergt.  of  the  ist  co.  of  Militia  org.  4  Oct.,  1764,  and  his  name  with 
that  of  Solomon  appears  on  the  list  of  those  of  Capt.  Saml.  Robinson's  co. 
taking  part  in  the  battle  of  Bennington.  The  Archives  of  State  of  N.  Y., 
Vol.  I,  p.  536,  state  that  a  "Pay  roll  for  the  year  1780,  a  manuscript  found 
among  the  Vermont  papers,  shows  the  names  of  privates  Silas  (83)  and 
Henry  Walbridge."     This  Henry  could  hardly  be  (37),  but  may  refer  to  (48). 

Ver.  Hist.  Gazetteer  and  Jenning's  Memorials  of  a  Century  both  say  that  a 
roll  of  Capt.  Saml.  Robinson's  co.  at  the  battle  of  Bennington,  Vt.,  shows 
the  names  of  Henry  (37)  and  Solomon  (81)  Walbridge,  but  the  Adj.  and 
Inspector  Genl.  of  Vermont  says.  May  14,  1895,  in  response  to  inquiry.  "We 
have  no  roll  of  Capt.  Samuel  Robinson's  co.  at  the  battle  of  Bennington, 
one  is  given  in  Hemenway's  Vt.  Gazetteer,  Vol.  i,  but  we  do  not  give  certifi- 
cates or  swear  to  what  we  may  find  in  history." 

Nov.  18,  1778. — Col.  Ebenezer  Walbridge  and  Samuel  Robinson,  Esq.. 
are  bound  for  £6000,  for  the  said  Walbridge  acting  the  part  of  a  faithful 
guardian  to  Henry  W.,  son  of  Henry  W.,  deed. 



Nov.  27,  1778 

One  yoke  of  oxen 

One  mare 

One  red  cow 

One  red  white  faced  do 

One  red  2  yr  old  heifer 

One  swine 

Three  sheep 

I  pr.  pillows  &  cases 

I  Blk.  silk  neckcloth 

I  pr.  breeches  sold  for 

I  set  stay  tackling 

15  Bu.  potatoes  ^ 

An  inventory  of 










6s  per  Bu. 

8  Tons  hay  @  £9  pr.  Ton. 

One  hand  saw  36s. 

One  pair  saddle  bags  54s. 

One  lanthorn  12s. 

One  coverlid  £2.10 

One  bed  quilt  0.18 

One  woman's  saddle  11. — 

his  estate  shows  among  other  items : 

One  woolen  sheet, 

One  jacket  without  sleeves 

One  pr.  cloth  breeches 

One  outside  jacket 

14  Bush.  Rye 

74  Bush.  Corn  (0 

6  pewter  plates 

One  tankard 

One  pr.  silver  buckles 

One  pr.  silver  buttons 

One  high  case  drawers 

3  Linen  sheets 

I  Beaver  hatt 

1  Straight  bodied  coat 

2  checked  linen  shirts 
I  striped  shirt 
18  Bu.  oats 
6|  bu.  wheat 

3  bu.  poor  do 




@  24s  pr.  Bu. 

@  i8s  pr.  Bu. 








£10. — 



@  9s  pr.  bu. 

@  36s  pr.  bu. 

@  24s  pr  bu. 

Value  of  personal  property  about  £500. 

One  farm  of  Land  with  buildings  and  appurtenances  £2000. 

There  was  set  off  for  the  widow's  third,  part  of  this  farm,  "containing 
58I  acres,  about  half  of  which  is  improved,  and  the  other  half  woodland,  with 
half  the  barn  and  all  the  house  on  the  same,  also  the  privilege  of  a  road  from 
the  S.  W.  corner  of  the  above  said  piece  into  an  ash  swamp  which  contains 
the  chief  of  the  fencing  timber  on  the  farm  in  order  to  take  an  equal  share 
of  the  same." 

Henry,  St.,  is  buried  near  the  old  church  at  Bennington  Centre.  His 
epitaph  is  as  follows: 

Mr  Henry  Walbridge  I  Who,  Amiable  in  the  social,  esteemed 
in  the  christian,  faithful  in  the  civil,  and  brave  in  the  military 
life,  gloriously  fell  in  defence  of  American  Freedom  in  the 
Battle  of  Bennington  on  the  i6th  of  August  1777  in  the  33rd 
year  of  his  age. 

In  the  cemetery  at  Bennington  Centre  is  the  following  epitaph : 
In    Memory   of    Henry    Walbridge   2nd    who    departed    this 
life  March  4.  1797  in  the  21st  year  of  his  age.     He  was  the 


only  son  of  Henry  Walbridge  who  fell  fighting  in  defense  of 
his  Country  in  the  Memorable  Battle  of  Bennington  1777. 

Note. — From  the  above  epitaph  it  would  seem  that  the  first  three  chi.  of  Henry  Senr. 
died  in  infancy.  No  record  further  than  that  of  their  birth  has  been  found,  and  that  is 
taken  from  the  Bennington  town  records.  The  monument  commemorating  the  battle  of 
Bennington  is  reproduced  here  by  the  courtesy  of  M.  E.  Watson,  of  Bennington,  Vt. 
The  monument  contains  an  entrance  hall  20x20  and  29  feet  high.  From  the  ceiling  is 
hung  the  camp  kettle  used  by  Gen'l  Burgoyne.  Two  hundred  feet  above  the  ground  is 
the  look-out  room,  from  which  the  battle  ground  is  plainly  seen.  The  dimensions  of  the 
monument  are:  Base,  37x37  feet;  height,  301  feet  io54  inches;  cost,  $100,000. 

Vermont  Hist.  Mag.,  Vol.  I,  p.  143,  says:  "In  Oct.,  1764,  a  militia  co.  was 
formed  in  Bennington,  of  which  an  authentic  roll  has  been  found  among  the 
papers  of  the  late  Capt.  Elijah  Dewey  by  his  grandson,  E.  D.  Hubbell,  Esq., 
headed  as  follows : 

"Muster  roll  of  the  first  co.  of  Militia  in  the  town  of  Bennington  org. 
Oct.  24,  1764."  Among  the  names  thereon  are  John  Fassett,  Captain,  and 
Henry  Walbridge,  4th  Sergt. 

1783-1784. — Henry  was  a  town  representative. 

Sept.  5,  1786. — On  a  list  of  freemen  admitted  to  oath  appears  the  name 
of  Henry  Walbridge,  Junr. 

Feb.  21,  1797. — An  act  empowering  Benj.  Fassett  to  sell  the  real  estate 
of  Henry  Walbridge  the  second  &c.  having  passed  the  house  was  read  and 
concurred  in  by  Gov.  and  Council. 

The  will  of  Henry  Walbridge  Junr.  is  copied  from  the  Probate  Records 
at  Bennington,  and  is  as  follows : 

In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  I,  Henry  Walbridge,  Second,  of  Benning- 
ton, in  the  County  of  Bennington  and  State  of  Vermont,  being  weak  in  body, 
but  of  perfect  Mind  and  Memory,  thanks  be  given  to  God,  calling  to  Mind 
my  Mortality  and  knowing  that  it  is  appointed  to  all  Men  once  to  die,  do 
make  and  ordain  this  to  be  my  last  Will  and  Testament.  First  of  all,  I  give 
and  bequeath  my  Soul  into  the  hands  of  God  who  gave  it,  hoping  and  trust- 
ing that  through  the  rich  grace  of  God  our  Saviour  he  will  accept  and  re- 
ceive it  to  his  heavenly  Mansions  above,  my  Body  I  commit  to  the  Dust, 
to  be  buried  in  decent  Christian  Burial,  nothing  doubting  but  that  in  the 
Morning  of  the  Resurrection  I  shall  Receive  the  same  raised  in  incorruption. 

As  to  such  Estate  as  it  hath  pleased  God  to  bless  me  with  in  this  Life, 
I  will  and  bequeath  the  same  in  the  manner  following. — 

First,  I  will  that  all  my  just  and  honest  Debts,  be  paid  out  of  my  Real 
and  Personal  Estate,  by  mv  Executor. — 


Courtesy  of  M.   E.  Watson,  Photographer. 



Secondly,  I  will  and  bequeath  to  my  dear  Brothers  and  sister  to  wit, 
Eunice  Nichols,  Dewey  Nichols,  Elisha  Nichols,  Elijah  Nichols  and  Hiram 
Nichols,  whom  I  most  tenderly  love,  all  my  Real  and  persona!  estate,  which 
appertains  or  fell  to  me  from  my  Deceased  Father,  together  with  all  other 
Estate,  which  I  may  die  possessed  of,  to  be  divided  to  them  in  equal  shares 
by  my  executor,  earnestly  beseeching  them  to  accept  this  legacy  as  a  sincere 
token  and  tenderness  which  I  bear  them,  as  being  descended  from  one 
mother,  the  Memory  of  whose  Virtues  I  must  attest  at  this  Moment  and 
pray  God  that  I  and  my  dear  brothers  and  sister  may  follow  her  example. 
And  should  any  of  my  Brothers  or  sister  not  Survive  me,  it  is  my  Will,  that 
my  Estate  be  divided  equally  among  the  Surviving  Brothers  and  Sister,  or 
such  of  them  as  do  survive  me. 

I  hereby  make,  constitute  and  appoint,  my  Trusty  friend,  and  Guardian, 
Benjamin  Fassett  Esquire  to  be  my  Executor,  Ratifying  and  confirming 
this  and  no  other  to  be  my  last  Will  and  Testament.  In  witness  whereof 
I  iiave  hereunto  set  my  Hand  and  seal  this  Fifth  day  of  January  1797. 

Henry  Walbridge  2nd.     [seal.] 

Jonathan  Robinson        "j 

Andrew  Selden  V  Witnesses. 

Jonathan  E.  Robinson  J 

Ebenezer  Walbridge  and  Job  Wood  contested  the  above  will  on  the 
ground  of  Henry  not  being  21  years  old,  and  of  undue  influence  by  E.xecutor 
and  those  named  in  will.     The  will  was  probated,  appeal  taken  and  allowed. 


GUSTAVUS^  {Ebenezer,-  Henry^),  b.  Oct.  4,  1755,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  d.  Sept.  23,  1828,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  He  m.,  May  23,  1790,  at  Nor- 
wich, Conn.  (T.  R.),  Anna  Sanford,  b.  June  11,  1755,  prob.  at  Norwich,  d. 
April  II,  1819,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  She  was  possibly  the  dau.  of  Joseph 
Sanford,  who  was  admitted  by  profession,  June  20,  1742,  to  the  church  at 
Franklin,  Conn.,  where  the  records  also  show  admission  Jan.  24,  1748,  of 
Mrs.  Bethiah  Sanford,  who  d.  Sept.  12,  1808,  cet.  85,  and  the  baptisms  of 
Joseph  Sanford,  July  27,  1740,  and  Sarah  Sanford,  May  6,  1744.  The 
records  of  the  First  Cong.  Ch.  at  Norwich  give  the  m.  of  Gustavus  as  on 
May  13,  1790,  and  to  Anna  SafTord.  The  Fourth  Battalion,  Wadsworth's 
Brigade,  Col.  Selden,  1776,  was  raised  June,  1776,  to  reinforce  Washington 
at  New  York.  Served  in  New  York  City  and  on  Long  Island,  was  caught  in 
the  retreat  from  the  city  Sept.  15,  and  suffered  some  loss;  present  with  the 


army  until  Dec.  25,  1776,  when  term  of  regt.  expired.  On  the  roll  of  Capt. 
Huntington's  co.  from  Norwich,  Conn.,  is  the  name  of  Gustavus  Walbridge, 
private.  {Records  of  Conn.  Men  in  the  Revolution,  War  of  1812,  and  Me.vico.) 
On  the  Norwich  deed  books  is  an  entry,  "Gustavus  Walbridge  to  Town 
of  Norwich,  July  21,  1787,  sold  for  £2 — 18 — o  on  account  of  taxes,  by  Mun- 
dator  Tracy,  Town  Collector."  Gustavus  is  said  to  have  moved  in  1804  to 
Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he  doubtless  resided,  at  least  until  after  his  wife's 
death.     His  children  were  all  born  at  Norwich,  as  shown  on  the  T.  R. : 

108  i.  Anna,  b.  Oct.  30,  1791,  m.  in  1821  Eleazor  C.  Tabor. 

109  ii.  Roxana,  b.  Aug.  5,  1793,  m.  Hiram  Hinsdill. 
no     iii.  Mary,  b.  March  2,  1795,  m.  Chester  Walbridge. 

111  iv.  Eunice,  b.  Nov.  2,  1798,  m.,  July  19,  1836,  Lewis  Dudley,  and  2d 

E.  N.  Faxon,  who  was  reported  (1893)  as  living  in  Chicago.  The 
Bennington  records  show  no  Dudley  or  Faxon,  and  nothing  further 
has  been  found  concerning  Eunice. 

112  v.  Henry  Sanford,  b.  April  8,  1801,  m.,  ist,  Susan  H.  Dana,  2d,  Fanny 

Thompson,  3d,  Matilda  Woolley. 


























































JOHN*  (Jolui,^  William,^  Henry^),  b.  April,  1740,  at  Norwich,  Conn., 
bapt.  April  13,  1740.  at  Lisbon,  Conn.  (C.  R.),  lived  in  Coventry,  Conn.,  with 
his  father,  had  three  days'  service  at  Lexington,  served  in  the  Rev.  war,  and 
d.  1823  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  leaving  his  farm  to  his  son  Selah.  His  sons  Roger 
and  Porter  were  in  the  War  of  181 2,  and  drew  bounty  land. 

E.  B.  Baldwin,  aged  74,  writes  from  Sharon  in  Nov.,  1892,  that  he  has 
owned  the  Walbridge  farm  for  fifty  years,  and  can  recollect  "Capt.  John  and 
his  sons  William,  Selah  and  Roger." 

John  Walbridge,  Jun.,  is  credited  with  three  days'  service  as  a  private 
from  Coventry,  Conn.,  at  the  Lexington  Alarm.  {Records  of  Conn.  Men  in 
the  Rev.,  Adj.  Gen'l,  1889.) 

John  Walbridge  m.  Mary .     The  last  four  chi.  are  on  Sh.  T.  R. 

of  births.     (See  Notes  on  299.) 

1 13  i.  William,  b. ,  1768,  m.  Anna  Libby. 

114  ii.  Josiah,  b.  Nov.  13,  1769,  m.  Rosamond  Chamberlain. 

115  iii.   Roger,  b. ,  1774,  m.  Polly  Chamberlain. 

1 16  iv.   Rufus,  of  whom  we  know  only  that  in  the  record  of  the  First  Baptist 

Ch.  of  Phila.,  Pa.,  is  the  following  entry:  "Rufus  Walbridge  and 
Judith  Yocum,  married  May  16,  1798.  He  a  soldier  from  Hart- 
ford Conn,  she  of  Philadelphia. 

"(Signed.)     William  Rogers." 

117  v.  Roxana,  m.  Aug.  2,  1804  (Sh.  T.  R.),  Samuel  Cook. 

118  vi.  Mabel,  b.  Oct.  13,  1782,  m.  "Capt."  Joseph  Libby. 

119  vii.  Anna,  b.  May  6,  1787,  m.  James  Bliss. 

120  viii.  Selah,  b.  April  2,  1788,  m.  Betsey  Preston. 

121.  ix.   Henry,  b.  Oct.  2,  1789,  d.  in  Malone  (N.  Y.?)  unm. 
122     X.   Porter,  b.  Dec.  16,  1795,  said  to  have  fought  in  War  of  1812-14. 
(See  115.) 




SAMUEL*  {John,^  IVilliam,'  Hemy),  b.  1741  at  Preston,  Conn.,  bapt. 
Oct.  31,  1742,  at  Lisbon,  Conn.  (C.  R.),  d.  Dec.  17,  1831,  at  Andover,  Conn., 
set.  90.  He  m.  Oct.  14,  1767,  at  Coventry,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  Sarah  Page,  b. 
1748,  d.  Oct.  13.  1804,  at  Andover,  Conn.,  cet.  56. 

Had  chi.  b.  at  Coventry,  where  the  name  is  spelled  Wallbridge. 

123  i.  Samuel,  b.  Oct.  19,  1768,  d.  April  12,  1785. 

124  ii.  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  i,  1773. 

125  iii.  Amanda,  b.  March  26,  1781,  d.  Dec.  29,  1798. 

Samuel's  epitaph : 

Here  lies  interred  a  young  but  learned  head 

Just  mounts  the  stage,  then  sinks  among  the  dead 

Youth!  stop,  behold  me  now  as  you  pass  by 

As  you  are  now,  so  once  was  I 

As  I  am  now,  you  soon  shall  be 

Prepare  for  death  and  follow  me  1 

Amanda's  epitaph :  , 

Life  makes  the  soul  dependent  on  the  dust 

Death  gives  her  wings  to  mount  above  the  spheres 

Friends,  cease  your  fruitless  grief 

I  go  to  prove  immortal  youth  and  sing  redeeming  love 


ISAAC*  {John,^  William,^  Henry^),  was  born  Jan.  i8,  1745,  at  Preston, 
Conn.,  and  the  fact  noted  on  the  town  records  of  Coventry,  Conn.,  where  his 
father  moved  about  1749. 

Isaac  m.  Hannah  Smith,  and  must  have  lived  for  a  time  at  Lebanon, 
N.  H.,  as  "The  Pay  Roll  of  Capt.  Jonathan  Chase's  Regt.  of  Militia  in  the 
State  of  N.  H.  which  regt.  went  and  reinforced  the  Northern  Continental 
Army  at  Ticonderoga  by  Major  Genl.  Folsom's  orders  May  7,  1777,"  shows 
among  the  Lebanon  men  the  name  of  "Isaac  Walbridge,  Sergt.  disch.  June 
13,  1777,  in  service  i  m  7  da,  am't.  of  wages  £6 — o — 10,  travel  to  Ticon- 
deroga at  3d.  per  mile,  no  m,  £1 — 7 — 6,  travel  home  at  2d.  pr.  mile,  allow- 
ing two  days  provisions,  70m.,  o — 11 — 8,  whole  amount  £8 — o — o."  {State 
Papers,  N.  H.  Rev.  Rolls,  Vol.  II,  p.  15,  and  Vol.  XV.) 

Although  no  Walbridge  appears  on  the  Ch.  or  T.  R.  of  Lebanon,  the 
T.  C.  wrote  in  1891  that  some  of  the  name  had  lived  in  the  town.  (See  also 
No.  128.) 


Isaac  later  went  to  Bethel,  Vt.,  where  the  deed  books  show  convey- 
ances : 

June  9,  1809.— David  Burroughs  to  Isaac  Walbridge. 

Jan.  21,  181 1. — Isaac  Walbridge  to  Webster  Walbridge. 

June  22,  18 19. — Isaac  Walbridge  to  John  Wallace;  and  on  same 
date,  John  Wallace  to  his  "honored  Father  and  Mother  Isaac  and  Eunice 
Walbridge."  This  last  entry  would  suggest  the  existence  of  another  daugh- 
ter than  Lavinia,  also  that  Isaac  had  married  again. 

The  Bethel  reconls  of  b.  and  d.  were  not  regularly  kept  until  1857.  The 
existence  of  the  chi.  Harvey  and  Henry  seems  doubtful,  though  their  names 
were  reported  by  a  descendant  of  Isaac,  who  wrote  that  Webster  was  the 
second  son,  that  Harvey  d.  in  infancy,  and  Henry  settled  in  Wallingford, 
Vt.,  where,  however,  no  record  of  him  is  found. 

126  i.  Webster,  b.  Oct.  10,  1775,  m.  Polly  Saunders. 

127  ii.   Lavinia,  m.  James  Wallace. 

128  iii.  John. 

129  iv.  Harvey. 

130  V.   Henry. 

131  vi.  Isaac,  b.  1781,  prob.  the  Isaac  who  m.  Elizabeth  Newton. 


HANNAH*  {John,^  William,^  Hcnry^),  b.  May  29,  1748,  at  Preston, 
Conn.,  m.  at  Coventry,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  March  20,  1777,  Jonathan  Murdock 

(who  had  previously  m.  Sarah  ,  who  d.  April  7,  1776,  having  had  a 

dau.  Submit,  b.  that  day).     Hannah's  chi.  appear  on  Coventry  T.  R. : 

i.  Hannah  Murdock,  b.  Jan.  7,  1778. 
ii.   Polly  Murdock,  b.  May  7,  1779. 
iii.  Dau.  Murdock,  b.  Nov.  3,  1781. 
iv.  Roxa  Murdock,  b.  Aug.  10,  1783. 
v.   Licindia  Murdock,  b.  June  7,  1785. 
vi.  Samuel  Murdock,  b.  March  13,  1787. 
vii.  Betsey  Murdock,  b.  Dec.  20,  1789. 


HENRY*  (John,^  William/^  Henry^),  b.  Jan.  21,  1751,  at  Andover,  Conn. 
(C.  T.  R.),  m.  Dec.  i,  1773,  at  Coventry,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  Sarah  Fowler.     This 


is  possibly  the  Henry  Wolbridge  who  enlisted  July  9,  1775,  in  the  9th  co., 
8th  regt.,  Huntington's,  and  d.  Dec.  16,  1775.     {Vide.  p.  90,  Conn,  in  the  Rev.) 

132     i.  Sarah,  b.  Nov.  15,  1774  (C.  T.  R.). 


LEMUEL*  (/o/;n,3  William,"  Henry'),  b.  April  15,  1754.  at  Andover, 
Conn.  (C.  T.  R.),  d.  June,  1835,  at  Bridgewater,  Susquehanna  Co.,  Pa.  The 
Preston  T.  R.  give  his  m.  March  23,  1786,  to  Elizabeth  Killam,  while  the 
Coventry  T.  R.  say  under  same  date  that  he  m.  Elizabeth  Williams,  of 
Preston,  Conn.,  and  descendants  report  her  born  at  Stonington,  Conn.,  and 
dan.  of  Nathan  Williams.     She  d.  181 5- 16  at  Bridgewater,  Pa. 

P.  T.  R.  Feb.  13,  1730,  John  Killam  m.  Abigail  Kimball,  their  son 
Nathan  Killam,  b.  May  5,  1732,  was  possibly  the  Nathan  above  and  father  of 
Lemuel's  wife. 

Lemuel  Wallbridge  with  his  wife  migrated  to  Bridgewater,  Susquehanna 
Co.,  Pa.,  where  their  children  were  probably  born.  Emily  C.  Blackman's 
History  of  Susquehanna  Co.  says,  "The  first  settler  on  Dutch  Hill  was  a  native 
of  Connecticut,  Lemuel  Wallbridge,  who  was  located  as  early  as  18 12  near 
its  top.  Eliza  K.  Wallbridge  died  on  the  Dutch  Hill  farm,  and  was  buried 
on  the  Brock  farm  in  Forest  Lake  Township,  Susquehanna  Co.,  Pa.  Lemuel 
was  a  Revolutionary  soldier  and  was  living  on  the  lands  of  Robert  H.  Rose. 
Aug.  26,  1814,  his  name  occurs  on  a  list  of  Revolutionary  soldiers." 

133  i.  Henry,  b.  about  1787,  m.  Nancy  Shelp. 

134  ii.  Samuel,  b. , ,  d.  unmarried. 

135  iii.  Abigail,  b. ,  1791,  m.  John  Shelp. 

136  iv.  Thomas  Thompson,  b.  Feb.  16,  1792,  m.,  181 1,  Juliana  Newcomb, 

and  1830  Emily  Lamphere. 

137  v.  Waite.  who  was  for  several  years  a  lumber  dealer  at  Snake  Creek, 

Pa.     He  m.  Lavinia  Markham,  removed  about  1850  to  Catteraugus 
Co.,  N.  Y.     No  chi.  at  that  time. 


ABIGAIL"  (Zebulon,^  William,^  Henry'),  b.  July  14,  1744.  at  Norwich, 
Conn.  (P.  T.  R.),  m.  Nathaniel  Cross,  and  had 

i.  Zebulon  Cross, 
ii.  Nathaniel  Cross. 
iii.  Asa  Cross. 


"Ipswich,  a  note  of  the  names  and  ages  of  all  the  Passengers  which  took 
shipping  in  the  Elizabeth  of  Ipswich,  Master,  Wm.  Andrews,  bound  for  New 
Eng.  the  last  of  Aprill,  1634,  John  Crosse  aged  yeares  50,  Anne  Crosse  his 
wife  38."  {Lists  of  Ncn.<  England  Emigrants  from  Her  Majesty's  State  Papers 

Cross  is  given  as  a  family  name  among  the  list  of  planters  of  Conn,  and 
New  Haven  previous  to  their  union  in  1635.  The  Prticular  Court  at  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  Dec.  4,  1645,  "Will  Crosse,  for  haveing  wyne  sould  in  his  howse 
wthout  lycence  is  fyned  40  sh." 

18  Oct.,  1676. — The  Court  in  Hartford,  Conn,  approves  of  Thorn. 
Bissell  and  Saml.  Grant's  laying  out  of  Nathan  Gillett's  grant  of  land  to  Saml. 
Cross.     (Col.  Rcc.  of  Conn,  by  Trumbull.) 

Peter  Cross  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Norwich,  Conn.;  had  land 
recorded  in  1672,  was  a  resident  in  1698,  and  later  removed  to  Windham. 
Geo.  Cross  was  a  resident  of  Nor^vich  in  1719. 


ELIAS^  {Zebnlon?  William,"  Henry^),  b.  March  6.  1749,  at  Norwich, 
Conn.  (P.  T.  R.),  d.  at  Stamford,  N.  Y.,  m.  Hannah  Height,  and  had 

138  i.  Sarah,  b. , ,  m.  Peter  Turner. 

Elias  lived  on  the  Stamford  farm.     (See  account  following  No.  11.) 


ELIJAH^  {Zcbulon?  William,-  Henry^),  h.  Jan.  9,  1752,  at  Norwich, 
Conn.  (P.  T.  R.),  d.  Oct.  3.  1842,  at  Trenton,  Canada,  m.  July  2,  1775,  at 
Pawlings  (or  Quaker  Hill),  N.  Y.,  Hannah  Margaret,  dau.  of  William  and 
Sarah  (Lewis)  Holloway.  She  was  b.  Feb.  20,  1755,  at  Quaker  Hill,  N.  Y., 
and  d.  March  2.  1792,  at  Milton.  N.  Y.,  where  she  is  buried  in  the  cemetery 
near  Howard's  corners.  Quaker  Hill  is  now  called  Pawlings,  N.  Y.,  and  the 
records  were  destroyed  by  fire  some  years  since. 

Elijah  m.  for  second  wife  Catharine  Kelly,  b.  in  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y., 
and  d.  at  Fort  Dodge,  Iowa. 

139  i.  William  Holloway,  b.  Sept.  20,  1776,  m.  Mary  Everett. 

140  ii.  Sarah,  b.  Nov.  17,  1777,  m.  John  Howard. 

141  iii.  Zebulon,  b.  June  7,  1779,  d.  Aug.  5,  1780. 

142  iv.  Mary,  b.  Jan.  9,  1781,  at  Plardscrabble,  N.  Y.,  d.  Aug.  2,  1782. 

143  V.  Asa  E.,  b.  Nov.  2,  1782,  m.  Hannah  Every. 


145  vi.  Mary  Holloway,  b.  Aug.  16,  1784,  ni.  Adam  Henry  Meyers. 

146  vii.  Anne,  b.  July  17,  1786,  at  Baker  Hill,  N.  Y.,  d.  June  26,  1787. 

147  viii.  Elias,  b.  Aug.  13,  1788,  m.  Olive  Shelly. 

148  ix.  Margaret,  b.  May  27,  1790,  m.  John  Everett. 

149  X.  Wing  Kelley,  b.  April  19,  1808,  m.  Sarah  Brown  and  Hannah  M. 


Elijah  W.  was  one  of  the  early  settlers  of  the  town  of  Milton,  Saratoga 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  he  located  about  1770  on  the  farm  adjoining  what  is  now 
known  as  the  Swan  farm. 

Jan.  17,  1786,  he  purchased  325  acres  of  land  for  £325.  The  deed  for 
this  land,  drawn  on  parchment,  is  now  (1892)  in  the  possession  of  Wm.  Hol- 
loway Wallbridge,  of  Belleville,  Canada,  was  to  Elijah  Wallbridge,  Yeoman 
of  the  County  of  Dutchess  and  State  of  N.  Y.,  and  was  acknowledged  14 
June,  1786,  before  James  Duane,  Mayor  of  N.  Y.  city.  The  land  is 
described  as  in  the  co.  of  Albany,  being  part  of  the  allotment  of  the  Patent 
of  Kayerderosseros,  and  lies  near  Howard's  Corners. 

Elijah  in  1802  moved  to  Canada,  joining  his  brother  Asa.  He  died  at 
the  mouth  of  the  River  Trent  in  Upper  Canada  (now  Trenton),  and  is  buried 
in  the  Church  of  England  burying  ground  in  Belleville,  Ontario,  Canada, 
twelve  miles  east  of  Trenton  on  the  Bay  of  Quinte.  On  his  arrival  in 
Canada,  he  bought  largely  of  real  estate  in  the  neighborhood  of  Belleville, 
and  much  of  that  land  is  now  in  the  possession  of  his  descendants. 

Among  his  purchases  were  some  2000  or  2500  acres  in  the  Township  of 
Ameliasberg,  Co.  of  Prince  Edward,  about  200  in  Percy  Township  (a  fine 
farm),  and  some  hundreds  of  acres  in  Township  of  Clarke  in  New  Castle 
district,  a  ver\'  fine  part  of  the  country. 

"Shelly  says  he  heard  Grandfather  (54,  Elijah)  talk  about  driving  oxen 
for  his  father,  who  always  had  poor  oxen  because  he  worked  them  in  the 
cool  of  the  morning  and  evening,  and  then  turned  them  out  in  the  middle 
of  the  day,  at  which  time  the  oxen  would  not  eat  on  account  of  the  heat.  He 
would  have  preferred  working  them  in  the  middle  of  the  day,  and  letting 
them  feed  in  the  cool,  for  a  tired  ox  turned  out  at  night  will  after  eating,  lie 
down  and  generally  be  found  in  the  same  place  the  next  morning. 

Grandfather  prided  himself  on  his  knowledge  of  cattle,  farming  and  ox 

Shelly  says  that  the  old  folks  used  to  talk  about  their  ancestors  having 
left  England  on  account  of  having  been  implicated  in  the  gunpowder  plot, 
they  did  not  like  the  parliament. 

He  also  says  that   Grandfather  Wallbridge  went  as  a   volunteer  to 


Kingston  in  1812,  carrying  a  musket  and  riding  in  a  day  on  horseback  from 
Trenton  to  Kingston." 


YiXyi^Ali*  {Amos?  Amos- Henry^),  b.  Oct.  11,  1752,  at  Stafford. 
Conn.  (T.  R.),  m.  there  June  2y,  1771  (T.  R.),  Israel  Converse. 

Records  of  Stafford  ist  Cong.  Ch.  tell  us  that  June  18,  1769,  Sarah  Con- 
verse, wife  of  Mr.  Israel  Converse,  d.  set.  24  years,  and  Jan.  24,  1773.  d.  an 
infant  of  Mr.  Israel  Converse  and  Hannah  his  wife,  aged  about  8  months. 

S.  T.  R.  give  the  chi.  of  Josiah  and  Eleanor  Converse  as  Josiah,  b.  June 
4,  1737,  Israel,  b.  Aug.  7,  1743.  and  the  triplets  Joseph,  Benjamin,  and  Han- 
nah, April  22.  1752. 


PORTER*  {Amos,^  Amos,"  Heiiry^),  b.  Dec.  10,  1760,  at  Stafford,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  d.  there  June  23,  1823.  m.  Nov.  23,  1786  (T.  R.  and  C.  R.  agree,  but 
Mrs.  Sherman  Converse  writes,  "The  record  of  his  m.  is  in  the  family  Bible 
and  written  by  my  father,  so  I  am  sure  it  is  correct,  and  the  date  is  Dec.  8, 
1786"),  Miriam  McClure,  b.  1767,  d.  May  6,  1820,  aet.  53,  dau.  of  Dr.  David 
and  Lucy  McClure.  In  Nov.,  1799,  Mrs.  Lucy  McCluer  (as  the  name  is 
spelled  on  T.  and  C.  R.).  wife  of  Dr.  David  McCluer.  was  bapt.  and  admitted 
to  communion,  her  dau.  Miriam  was  bapt.  May  13.  1770.  On  the  list  of 
musicians  of  2d  regt.  Conn.  line,  we  find  Porter  Walbridge  of  Walbridge 
CO.  enlisted  Jan.  25,  1777,  term  3  years.  Promoted  Fife  Major  Feb.  i,  1777, 
disch.  Jan.  i,  1780.  His  name  also  appears  as  musician  on  the  list  of  Conn, 
pensioners  of  1818  as  published  in  Pub.  Doc's,  ist  session  of  Congress. 
(Conn.  Men  in  the  Rev.) 

Porter  W.'s  tombstone  gives  above  date  of  death  and  age  60  j-ears,  but 
the  church  records  give  age  as  63,  which  tallies  with  other  data,  and  is  prob- 
ably correct.  The  fam.  Bible  gives  m.  Dec.  8,  1786.  The  birth  of 
sixth  chi.  Henry  is  the  first  mention  of  the  children  on  Stafford  town  records. 
The  church  records  report,  "d.  Feb.  2,  1804.  infant  son  of  Capt.  Porter  Wall- 
bridge,  age  5  or  6  years." 

150  i.  Hannah,  b.  Feb.  25.  1788.  m.  Howard  Fosket,  and  d.  Aug.  3,  1838, 

said  to  have  had  son  Danforth,  who  lived  in  New  Haven  or  Bridee- 
port.  Conn. 

151  ii.  William,  b.  Jan.  2y.  1789,  m.  Caroline  Gould. 

152  iii.  David  McClure,  b.  Aug.  2y.  1791,  adm.  elector  Sept.  21,  1818,  was 


an  M.  D.,  unm.,  and  d.  May  ii,  1820.  He  left  a  diary,  now  in  pos- 
session of  Albert  Walbridge,  of  Maiden,  Mass.,  in  which  he  says, 
"Great  grandfather  Walbridge  a  native  of  Ireland  settled  in  Nor- 
wich, Conn." 

153  iv.  Ames,  b.  Jan.  8,  1794,  d.  July  30,  1869,  at  Greenville,  Mass.     He 

m.,  1840,  Candace  Parkhurst,  b.  1796,  d.  Sept.  26,  1866,  at  Leicester, 
Mass.,  both  are  buried  in  Cem.  on  Stafiford  St.  "Ames  Walbridge 
d.  in  Greenville,  a  village  in  Leicester,  Mass.,  30  July,  1869,  aged 
75  y.,  6  m.,  22da.  His  native  town  was  Stafford,  Conn.  For  about 
40  years  he  practiced  medicine  in  Greenville  with  success.  His 
sympathies  were  always  active  toward  the  unfortunate,  and  he  left 
by  his  will  a  small  fund  for  needy  widows  and  orphans  of  the  town. 
He  m.  in  middle  life,  and  his  wife  d.  some  3  or  4  years  before  him, 
leaving  no  chi."  {Graduates  of  Yale,  Obituary  Record  from  Jidy, 
i8§p,  to  July,  18/O,  Class  of  1826,  Med.)  He  was  made  an  elector 
at  Stafiford  April  3,  1826. 

154  V.  Eleazer  Jewett,  b.  April  i,  1796,  d.  Aug.  4,  1823,  m.  Philena  Francis, 

of  Stafiford,  who  d.  Feb.  26,  1855,  ast.  55. 

155  vi.  Henry,  b.  June  18,  1798,  m.  Olive  Smith. 

156  vii.  Pamelia,  b.  March  5,  1801,  d.  Nov.  16,  1878,  ni.  Sept.  29,  1823, 

Oscar  Painter  Sheldon. 

157  viii.  Ira,  b.  Jan.  27,  1804,  d.  Jan.  30,  1804. 


AMES*  {IVilliam,^  Amos,-  Heiiry^),  b.  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  Aug.  20,  1782, 

d.  July  27,  185 1,  at  Wales,  Mass.     He  m.  Pamelia ,  whose  death  is  on 

Monson,  Mass.,  T.  R.  Feb.  17,  1859,  s:t.  73;  she  is  buried  at  Wales,  Mass., 
where  the  chi.  were  all  born. 

158  i.  Sophia,  b.  April  25,  1805. 

159  ii.  Winthrop,  b.  Jan.  31,  1807. 

160  iii.  Hannah,  b.  May  22,  181 1. 

161  iv.  Whitman,  b.  Dec.  25,  1813.  ni.  Sophia  Hale. 

162  v.  Adeline,  b.  Sept.  16,  1816. 

163  vi.  Mary,  b.  June  10,  1819. 


OLIVER*  {Henry,^  Amos,"  Hcnry^),  b.  at  Western,  now  Warren,  Mass., 
Jan.  14,  1767  (T.  R.)     Oliver  m.  Elizabeth  Smith,  and  resided  for  a  time  at 




Cabot,  Vt.,  where  the  T.  R.  dale  from  1796  and  show  the  births  of  his  first 
four  chi.  From  Cabot  he  moved  to  Wolcott,  Vt.,  where  his  other  chi.  were 
doubtless  born;  here  he  built  the  first  grist  and  saw  mill  in  the  town,  also 
the  first  two-story  house,  and  as  the  T.  C.  wrote,  "owned  nearly  all  the  land 
on  which  is  built  the  village  of  Wolcott;  he  was  one  of  tlie  first  settlers,  but 
none  of  the  family  are  left." 

164  i.   Daniel,  b.  March  21.  1796. 

165  ii.   Henry,  b.  Sept.  14,  1797,  moved  to  Clyde,  Ohio. 

166  iii.  Ira,  b.  Aug.  22,  1799,  at  Cabot.  Vt..  m.  Feb.  21,  1827,  Martha 

Morrill,  of  Randolph.  After  m.  he  moved  into  the  woods  two  miles 
from  Wolcott,  built  a  log  house,  and  cleared  up  a  farm.  He  d.  June 
29,  1877,  having  had  two  chi.,  who  d.  in  infancy.  His  widow  was 
living  on  the  farm  in  1895  with  her  adopted  dau..  Mrs.  M.  D.  Scott, 
who  was  Helen  M.  Walbridge,  b.  May  18.  1847,  at  Wolcott,  Vt., 
111.  Jan.  I,  1867,  at  East  Hardwick,  Vt.,  Mark  Duane  Scott,  b.  Jan. 
9,  1845.  at  Cambridge,  Vt..  fourth  chi.  of  Darius  and  Olive  (Larra- 
bee)  Scott,  and  a  member  of  Burnell  &  Scott,  furniture  dealers  at 
Wolcott,  Vt.  They  have  one  chi.  Minnie  E.  Scott,  b.  Oct.  22. 

167  iv.  Betsey,  b.  April  30,  1800,  m.  Olmstead,  said  to  have  son 

F.  A.  Olmstead,  at  Hardwick.  Vt. 

168  v.  Martha  Read,  m.  Hezekiah  Guyer. 

169  vi.  Hannah,  b.  18 — . 

170  vii.  Cynthia,  b.  18 — . 

171  viii.   Elvira,  b.  18 — . 

172  ix.  Oliver,  b.  18 — . 
172a  X.  Abigail,  b.  18 — . 

172b  xi.  Phoebe,  b.  18 — ,  m.  Morehouse  Taylor,  and  lived  at  Batavia,  N.  Y. 


HENRY*  {Heiiry,^  Amos,"  Hcnry^),  was  born  April  11,  1772,  at  West- 
ern, now  Warren,  Mass.  (T.  R.),  said  to  have  d.  about  183 1-2.  He  ni.  Lydia 
Strong,  b.  1776,  dau.  of  Benajah  (b.  Jan.  17,  1734-5)  and  Polly  (Bacon) 
Strong,  of  Hartford,  Vt.  Their  chi.  were  probably  born  at  Cabot,  Vt.  The 
record  of  this  branch  has  been  a  difficult  one  to  trace,  a  mem.  in  a  family 
Bible,  owned  by  Percy  E.  Walbridge,  of  Boston,  gives  the  names  of  the  chi., 
which  are  also  given  in  the  Strong  fani.  hist.  From  other  sources  and  by 
much  correspondence  has  been  gathered  what  follows : 


173  i.   Hiram,  went  West  when  young,  lived  in  Galena,  111.,  was  a  volunteer 

in  the  Black  Hawk  war,  had  one  son  who  was  killed  in  the  Rebellion, 
also  had  several  daughters. 

174  ii.  AdeHne,  m.  Dec.  2,  1830  (Cabot  T.  R.),  Hezekiah  Ward,  of  Mont- 

pelier,  Vt. 

175  iii.  John,  probably  the  John  who  m.  at  Cabot  (T.  R.)  June  12,  1834, 

Caroline  Wilson,  said  to  have  had  two  sons,  Henry  and  Morris,  re- 
siding in  California. 

176  iv.  Lydia. 

177  V.  Amos,  b.  Sept.  i,  1809,  m.  Harriet  Boyer. 

178  vi.  Rebecca,  prob.  the  Rebecca  who  Cabot  T.  R.  show  was  of  Ran- 

dolph, and  m.  May  21,  1818,  Bazabeel  Bradford,  of  Tunbridge;  the 
family  report  her  as  m.,  but  no  chi.     (See  20.) 

179  vii.  Joel,  d.  in  New  Orleans  under  30  years  of  age. 

180  viii.  Tryphena,  m.  at  Cabot  (T.  R.)  Aug.  28,  1834,  John  M.  Bradford. 

181  ix.  Henry,  b.  Aug.  21,  1820,  ni.  Almira  Hill  and  Zilpha  Allen. 

182  X.  Susan. 


AMOS*  (Henry,^  Amos,"  Henry^),  b.  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  d.  June  23,  1868, 
at  Boston,  Mass.,  m.  at  Hartford,  Vt.,  Oct.  3,  1810,  Lavinia  Gillett,  b.  at 
Hartford,  March  16,  1790,  d.  at  Boston,  Mass.,  July  4,  i860.  She  was  the 
dau.  of  John  and  Jemima  (Snialley)  Gillett. 

"John  Gillett,  son  of  Ebenezer,  bapt.  7  Apr.,  1745,  m.,  1773,  Jemima 
Smalley.  He  came  from  Lebanon,  Conn.,  to  Hartford  (Vt.)  with  his  bro. 
Israel  in  1768,  and  with  him  erected  a  log  house  near  White  River  Falls, 
in  which  they  lived  several  years.  Later  John  built  and  removed  to  the 
house  which  is  the  present  home  (1889)  of  Mrs.  Azro  Gillett  on  Christian 
St.  John  and  Israel  were  enterprising,  progressive  men,  and  were  the  in- 
cumbents of  many  offices  of  honor  anfl  trust  in  the  town  for  nearly  half  a 
century.  On  the  5th  of  March,  1772,  John  donated  to  Dartmouth  College, 
to  promote  the  cause  of  education,  sixty  acres  of  land  lying  in  Hartford. 
He  died  19  Jan.,  1829.  Marv,  his  wife,  d.  21  Jan.  1835."  {Hist,  of  Hart- 
ford, Vt.) 

The  chi.  of  Amos  Walbridge  were  born  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  except  ix  and 
X,  they  at  Wolcott,  Vt.  Amos  lived  during  his  father's  life  upon  the  Ran- 
dolph farm,  which  he  later  sold,  and  removed  to  Boston,  Mass. 

183  i.   Louisa,  b.  Sept.  30,  181 1,  d.  at  Boston,  Mass.,  April  9,  1864.     She 

m.,  April  2,  1838,  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  John  Curtis  Underwood,  b.  181 1, 


d.  June  6,  1862,  at  Quincy,  Mass.,  having  had  one  child,  Caroline 
Cornelia  Underwood,  who  m.  James  C.  W.  Chipman  in  Boston 
some  time  in  the  sixties.  They  had  one  cliild,  who  d.  in  infancy, 
and  the  mother  d.  at  Jamaica  Plains  (Boston)  late  in  the  eighties. 
Mr.  Chipman  said  to  have  gone  to  Michigan. 

184  ii.   Lavinia,  b.  July  5,  1813.  d.  at  Wolcott,  Vt.,  Sept.  2y,  1832. 

185  iii.   Martha,  b.  April  29.  1815,  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  d.  April  28,  1878,  at 

Boston,  Mass.  She  m.  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  Dec.  i,  1830,  Geo.  Newell, 
and  had  one  chi.,  Amanda  Melvina  Newell,  who  m.  Isaac  Freeman 
Andrews,  and  had  two  chi.,  (i)  Edith  Andrews,  m.  Arthur  Wright, 
of  Boston,  has  chi.,  (2)  Clifford  F.  Andrews,  who  m.  in  Boston,  now 
resides  in  Chicago,  and  has  chi.  Isaac  F.  Andrews  d.  in  Boston  in 
1871,  his  widow  m.  Arthur  B.  Gove,  of  Boston,  and  now  lives  there, 
having  had  no  chi.  by  last  m. 

George  Newell  d.  in  Lowell  March  28,  1844,  his  widow  m.  George 
Washington  Tuckerman  Feb.  13,  1851,  at  Boston,  where  she  d. 
April  28,  1878,  having  had  no  chi.  by  m.  with  Mr.  Tttckerman,  who 
d.  April,  1882. 

186  iv.  John  Gillett,  b.  March  11,  1S17,  m.  Lavinia  G.  Moore. 

187  v.   Amos,  b.  March  2,  181 9,  d.  July  4,  1821. 

188  vi.   Levi,  b.  Feb.  5,  1821,  m.  C.  I.  Lovering  and  J.  Newell. 

189  vii.  Lucinda  Jemima,  b.  June  23,  1823,  d.  Sept.  i.  1825. 

190  viii.  Caroline  Cornelia,  b.  June  9,  1825,  m.  at  Dorchester  Jan.  9,  1849, 

Ira  Weld  Hill.  She  d.  in  Weymouth  during  a  temporary  residence 
there  Dec.  21,  1891,  having  had  no  chi.  Her  husband  is  a  provision 
dealer  residing  (1895)  at  50  G  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

191  ix.   Frederick  Griswold,  b.  Feb.  14,  1828,  m.  Lydia  Ann  Gray. 

192  X.   Lucius  Hazen,  b.  May  21,  1830,  m.  E.  M.  Dunn  and  C.  Warren. 


ELEAZER*  {Elcazer?  Henry,-  Hciiry^).  was  probably  born  in  1748  at 
Norwich,  Conn.,  though  he  does  not  appear  on  the  T.  R.,  but  is  mentioned 
in  the  division  of  his  father's  estate  as  the  only  child.  He  d.  Oct.  31,  181 5 
(T.  R.),  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  where  he  took  up  a  farm  in  1787,  coming  from 
Stafford,  Conn.,  where  his  children  were  all  born  save  Jewett,  who  is  said  by 
his  descendants  to  have  been  born  at  Litchfield,  Conn.,  while  the  family  were 
moving  to  their  Vermont  home,  which  they  reached  by  driving  an  ox  team 
along  the  trail  blazed  through  the  forest.  The  Randolph  T.  R.  state,  "Juett, 
son  of  Eliezer  Walbridge  and  Abigail  his  wife,  was  born   the   26th   day   of 


February  A.  D.  1791,  and  Eli  son  to  above  d.  25,  Aug.  1791,"  the  latter 
was  possibly  the  son  born  on  the  journey.  Eleazer  m.,  Aug.  25,  1768,  at 
Stafiford,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  Abigail  Washburne,  dau.  of  William  and  Lydia,  the 
name  is  also  spelled  on  Stafford  records  Worshborn  and  Worthborn.  The 
Stafiford  Ch.  records  show  the  bapt.  Oct.  29,  1775,  of  the  chi.,  Phoebe,  Susa, 
Abigail,  and  Williams,  and  birth  of  Ames  as  March  30,  1777,  also  admission 
to  communion  July  9,  1775,  of  Eleazer  and  his  wife  Abigail,  and  bapt.  March 
21,  1784,  of  "  a  child  of  Mr.  Eleazer  Wallbridge  named  Cinda."  The  same 
records  give  bapt.  Nov.  23,  1760.  of  a  chi.  of  Ensign  Timothy  Edson,  Junr., 
named  Eliab.  Eleazer's  name  as  a  private  appears  in  the  roll  of  Captain  Par- 
son's CO.  Third  Battalion,  Wadsworth's  Brigade,  Col.  Sage.  1776.  The 
Battalion  was  raised  June,  '76,  to  reinforce  Washington  at  New  York. 
Served  in  N.  Y.  City  and  on  Long  Island.  Was  caught  in  the  retreat  from 
the  city  Sept.  15,  and  sufifered  some  loss.  Engaged  in  battle  of  White 
Plains  Oct.  28.  Time  expired  Dec.  25,  1776.  {Vide  Records  of  Conn.  Men 
in  the  Revolution,  War  of  1812.  and  Mexico,  pub.  Adj.  Genl.  Ofifice,  1889, 
which  also  credits  him  on  the  Lexington  Alarm  list  with  seven  days"  service 
as  a  corporal  from  Stafiford,  Conn.). 

Stafford  T.  R.  note  that  on  Sept.  16,  1777,  Eleazer,  William,  and  Porter 
took  the  oath  of  allegiance. 

193  i.  Susan,  b.  Jan.  14,  1771.  m.  Simeon  Edson. 

194  ii.  Abigail,  b.  Jan.  i,  1772,  m.  Francis  Arnold. 

19s  iii.  Phoebe,  b.  Jan.  i.  1773.  at  Stafford  (T.  R.).  ni.  at  Randolph,  Vt.. 
June  II.  1788  (T.  R.).  Jacob  Orcutt,  and  had  by  Randolph  records, 
(i)  Perley,  b.  July  15,  1789,  (2)  Philena,  b.  July  16,  1791,  (3)  Bloome 
(dau.).  b.  April  3.  1795.  (4)  John,  b.  May  23.  1797. 

196  iv.  A  son,  b.  Dec.  6.  1774. 

197  v.  Williams,  b.  Dec.  1775,  m.  Hannah  and  Fanny  Parish. 

198  vi.  Ames,  b.  Feb.  9.  1777,  m.  Rachael  Laird. 

199  vii.  Eliezer,  b.  May  5.  1779,  m.  Olive  Billings  and  Huldah  Lillie. 

200  viii.  Marian,  or  Miriam,  b.  Sept.  17.  1781,  m.  James  Marsh,  of  Cabot. 


201  ix.  Lucinda,  b.  Jan.  31.  1784.  m.  Eliphalet  Adams,  of  Cabot.  Vt. 

202  X.  Martha,  b.  Feb.  5,  1786.  m.  Horace  Kellogg,  of  Randolph.  Vt. 

203  xi.  Jewett.  b.  Feb.  6.  1791,  m.  Harriet  B.  Skinner. 


SOLOMON*  {Henry.^  Henry."  Henry'),  h.  Jan.  8,  1755,  at  Norwich, 
Conn.  (T.  R.),  d.  Sept.  15,  1814,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.     He  m.,  Feb.  28,  1777,  at 


liUDiLH   ifOUtiDATlOit 






Bennington,  Vt.,  Jan.  7,  1784. 

The  original  of  this  interesting  church  paper  is  owned  by 
Mrs.  Geo.  W.  Robinson,  of  Bennington  Centre,  Vt. 

In  July,  1897.  she  kindly  allowed  the  compiler  of  these 
notes  to  have  it  photographed,  and  to  her  courtesy  is  due  the 
fac  simile  shown  opposite. 


Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Mary  Holmes,  b.  Sept.  5,  1754,  d.  about  1830  at 
Cambridge,  Vt.  She  was  probably  the  dau.  of  Moses  and  Keziah  Holmes, 
of  Norwich,  Conn.,  where  the  records  show  their  children,  Abel,  b.  Sept.  15, 
1 75 1,  and  Amos,  b.  June  29,  1753.  No  early  records  of  Holmes  at  Ben- 
nington, save  the  m.  of  Solomon  to  Mary  above  given.  They  had  five  chi. 
b.  at  Bennington,  the  others  at  Cambridge,  Vt. : 

204  i.  Mary,  b.  Dec.  22,  1777,  at  Bennington  (T.  R.),  m.  at  Cambridge,  Vt., 

Josiah  Perry,  she  d.  March  24,  1813,  having  had  (i)  Mary  Perry. 

205  ii.  John,  b.  June  21,  1779,  d.  April  25,  1783. 

206  iii.  Anna,  b.  April  10,  1781,  m.  John  Wires. 

207  iv.   Martin,  b.  Dec.  5,  1782,  m.  Phoebe  Perry. 

208  V.  Henry,  b.  June  24,  1784,  d.  unm.  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  or  Lockport. 

209  vi.  John,  b.  Oct.  3,  1786,  m.  Mary  Reynolds  and  Mercy  Burgess. 

210  vii.  William,  b.  Sept.  29,  1788,  m.  Zilpha  Perry. 

211  viii.  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  15,  1791,  m.  Erastus  Powell. 

212  ix.  Almira,  b.  Dec.  23,  1793,  m.  Riley  Burnham. 

213  X.  Solomon,  b.  May  5,  1795,  m.  Elizabeth  McKinstrey. 

Solomon,  Sr.,  was  a  member  of  Capt.  Samuel  Robinson's  co.  in  the 
battle  of  Bennington  Aug.  16,  1777.  He  was  chosen  petit  juryman  March 
29,  1780.  and  in  1785  moved  to  Cambridge,  Vt.  The  records  of  St.  Albans, 
Vt.,  show  that  Solomon  was  Sheriff  of  Franklin  Co.  during  181 1  to  1813, 
and  Henry,  his  son,  a  Deputy  Sheriff  in  1813,  and  administrator  of  his 
father's  estate  in  1815. 

Mrs.  S.  B.  Campbell  writes,  "Grandfather  was  High  Sheriff  of  St.  Al- 
bans for  a  good  many  years  previous  to  his  death.  I  have  heard  Mother  tell 
about  going  to  see  him,  with  Father,  Sunday,  Sept.  11,  1814,  and  she  has 
more  than  once  pointed  to  the  rocks  in  Fairfax,  as  we  have  been  passing, 
which  they  climbed  to  see  some  signs  of  the  battle  which  was  in  progress  at 
Plattsburg.  Grandfather's  sons  were  in  the  battle,  and  Father  started  for 
Plattsburg  immediately  after  arriving  at  St.  Albans,  but  on  hearing  the  news 
of  victory  returned  and  gladdened  grandfather's  last  hours,  he  died  the 
Thursday  following." 

Plattsburg  in  18 12  became  the  headquarters  of  the  U.  S.  Army  on  the 
northern  frontier,  and  in  Sept.,  1814,  was  the  scene  of  the  capture  of  the 
British  flotilla  under  Commodore  Downie,  by  the  U.  S.  boats  under  Com- 
modore McDonough,  and  the  subsequent  retreat  across  the  Saranac  of  Sir 
George  Prevost,  who  had  been  attacking  the  village  with  a  powerful  army. 

From  the  narrative  of  Jonathan  M.  Blaisdell,  written  at  the  time,  we 
take  the  following  extract : 


"The  day  of  the  election  at  St.  Albans,  after  the  election,  Sanford  Gad- 
comb,  Solomon  Walbridge  son  of  the  old  Sheriff  at  St.  Albans  and  myself 
started  to  go  to  Plattsburg  as  soldiers  on  horseback  through  Georgia  and 
Milton,  at  the  sand  bar  at  Milton  we  attempted  to  cross  over." 

It  was  a  mile  across,  the  night  was  very  dark  and  a  strong  wind  was 
blowing.  Their  horses  got  off  the  bar  and  had  to  swim,  and  as  the  waves 
were  high  they  would  soon  have  perished  had  not  Walbridge  turned  in  the 
right  direction  and  found  footing  for  his  horse.  They  then  returned  to  the 
tavern  and  waited  until  the  moon  rose,  when  with  new  arrivals  of  some  ninety 
men  they  crossed  without  difficulty  and  took  their  part  in  the  battle  of  Platts- 
burg. Solomon  W.  was  probably  in  the  co.  of  Capt.  Farnsworth  from  St. 
Albans,  as  the  roll  has  the  name  of  Sanford  Gadcomb,  who  crossed  the  bar 
v.ith  him.     (Ver.  Hist.  Gazetteer.) 

The  Bennington  town  records  give  the  name  of  Mary  Holmes  for  the 
wife  of  Solomon,  while  Sarah  Robinson's  genealogical  notes,  printed  in 
1837,  give  it  as  Sarah  Holmes.  I  have  taken  Mary  as  probably  the  correct, 
one.  The  second  authority  gives  the  name  of  Solomon,  Jun.'s,  wife  as 
Elizabeth  Kenister. 

The  Adj.  Gen.  of  Vt.  writes  in  May,  1895,  that  there  is  no  official  record 
of  a  muster  roll  of  Capt.  Saml.  Robinson's  co.  at  the  battle  of  Bennington, 
and  mentions  the  one  in  the  Vt.  Gazetteer,  but  adds,  "We  do  not  give  certifi- 
cates, or  swear  to  what  we  may  find  in  history."  (See  also  Jennings' 
Memorials  of  a  Century,  p.  201.) 

Solomon  must  have  been  a  member  of  the  State  Legislature,  for  the 
Records  of  Gov.  and  Councils  show  his  name  on  Committees  Oct.,  1804,  1805, 
on  Bank  Com.  in  1806,  and  on  Com's.  1809-1812-1813. 


ANNA*  (Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  h.  Oct.  2,  1756,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  d.  at  Cambridge,  Vt.  She  m.  Jonathan,  son  of  Jacob  Fisk,  of  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  where  no  Fisk  appears  on  the  records  before  1840.  He  d.  at 

i.  Ira  Fisk,  m.  Miss  Terene. 

ii.  Asa  Fisk,  m.  Hannah,  dau.  of  Nathan  Fassett,  who  was  born  in  Hard- 
wick,  Mass.,  April  2,  1749.     Asa  d.  in  1883,  having  had  one  dau. 
iii.  Aimer  Fisk. 
iv.  Anna  Fisk. 
V.  Burrill  Fisk. 



SILAS*  {Henry, ^  Henry, ^  Henry^),  b.  June  27,  1759,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 
(T.  R.),  d.  May  12,  1840,  at  the  homestead,  Bennington,  Vt.  He  m.  Oct.  2, 
1783,  at  Bennington,  Rhoda  Gunn,  who,  b.  1761,  d.  Jan.  14,  1830,  at  Ben- 
nington, where  the  earhest  mention  of  a  Gunn  is  the  m.  of  Moses  Gunn,  Jr., 
to  Phoebe  Nichols,  Dec.  9,  1802  (T.  R.).  Silas  was  in  the  battle  of  Ben- 
nington Aug.  16,  1777,  and  wrote  a  report  thereof,  which  Jennings  quotes 
from  in  his  Memorials  of  a  Century,  p.  183,  and  should  be  in  the  possession 
of  Ex-Gov.  Hall,  of  Vt.,  or  his  family.  He  was  also  taken  prisoner  by  the 
British  while  scouting  near  Fort  Ticonderoga,  an  account  of  which  is  on  pp. 
306-525  of  a  manuscript  volume  in  the  Vt.  Sec.  of  State's  ofifice,  entitled  Rev. 
Service.  State  of  Vt. 

Silas  was  a  farmer,  and  lived  all  his  life  on  the  farm  near  Bennington, 
from  whence  his  son  Silas  moved  west,  and  founded  the  Rochester,  N.  Y., 
branch  of  the  family.  A  manuscript  found  among  the  Vermont  papers  at 
Albany,  N.  Y.,  called  a  pay  roll  for  the  year  1780,  shows  the  names  of  privates 
Silas  and  Henry  Walbridge.     (Pp.  536-7,  Vol.  I,  Archives  State  of  N.  Y.) 

The  names  of  the  first  eight  chi.  appear  in  the  genealogical  notes  of 
Sarah  Robinson. 

214  i.  Rhoda,  b.  1784,  m.  Loan  Fassett. 

215  ii.  Silas,  b.  Oct.  2,  1786,  m.  Esther  Dewey. 

216  iii.  Almira,  m.  Elijah  D.  Nichols. 

217  iv.  John  Jay,  m.  CaroHne  M.  Collins. 

218  V.  Romulus,  b.  1803,  m.  Emily  Safiford  Scott. 

219  vi.  Septimeous,  b.  Nov.  10,  1804,  m.  Sarah  Hawks. 

220  vii.  Remus,  probably  d.  young. 

221  viii.  Fanny,  m.  Stebbins  Walbridge. 

222  ix.  Polly. 

223  X.  Laura. 

The  tomb  of  Mrs.  Silas  Walbridge  in  the  cemetery  at  Bennington  Cen- 
tre bears  the  following  inscription : 

In  memory  of  Mrs  Rhoda  Walbridge  wife  of  Mr  Silas  Wal- 
bridge who  died  Jan.  14.  1830  in  the  69th  year  of  her  age 

"Husband   and  children  and  all   friends 
"Who  'ere  shall  see  this  stone 
"Remember  that  your  time  is  short 
"For  death  will  surely  come 


















5  Tl'- 



ASA*  {Henry,^  Henry,-  Hcnry^),  b.  Oct.  12,  1766,  at  Bennington,  Vt., 
d.  Jan.  15,  1850,  at  Madrid,  N.  Y.  He  m.,  1786,  at  Bennington,  Relief,  dau. 
of  Dr.  Benj.  Franklin  Dickinson.  She  was  born  May,  1766-7,  d.  April  17-19, 
1866-67,  ^t  Madrid  or  Waddington,  N.  Y. 

Asa  served  in  the  war  of  1812,  lived  at  E.  Cambridge,  Vt.,  removing 
about  18 1 5  to  Madrid,  N.  Y. 

224  i.  Benj.  Franklin,  b.  1789,  m.  Temperance  Austin. 

225  ii.   Buel,  b.  Feb.  25,  1801,  m.  Eliza  Hunt. 

226  iii.  Ora,  b.  Feb.  12,  1808,  m.  Emily  Daniels.  Jlfl/'*^! 

227  iv.  Alonzo,  b.  March  9,  1810,  m.  Mary  (Keyes)  Hughes.    "' 

228  v.  Sophia,  b. ,  m.  Roswell  Morgan  and  I^ea-H*^ Clark^,  and  died 

aet.  30  at  Marseilles,  Inc};,  where  some  of  her  grandchi.  are  said  to 

229  vi.   Lavinia,  m.  Charles  Lowry,  and  is  reported  living  in  Minnesota 

(1895)  with  a  son  Alonzo. 

230  vii.   Esther,  m.  Orange  Whitney,  said  to  have  lived  in  Ohio. 

231  viii.  Betsey,  m.  Simon  Clarke,  two  daughters  reported. 

232  ix.  Aurilla,  m.  and  d.  in  Ohio. 

233  X.   Lamoille,  m.  Ann  Grow,  said  to  have  lived  in  Vt. 


DAVID*  (Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^).  b.  May  25,  1769,  at  Bennington, 
Vt.,  d.  Oct.  6,  1829,  at  Erie,  Pa.  He  m.,  Jan.  16,  1792,  at  Bennington, 
Isabel,  dau.  of  Eliphalet  Brush.  She  was  b.  Aug.  17,  1771,  at  Bennington, 
where  she  d.  May  22,  1804.  David  m.  for  second  wife,  March  2,  1807,  at 
Bennington,  Ruth,  dau.  of  Elkanah  Brush.  She  was  born  Aug.  6,  1785,  at 
Vergennes,  Vt.,  d.  Oct.  14,  1853,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

234  i.  Harry  Brush,  b.  Sept.  11,  1792,  m.  Elizabeth  Barnard  Faxon. 

235  ii.   Ruth,  b.  July  31,  1795,  d.  Dec.  30,  1800. 

236  iii.  Eliphalet,  b.  Feb.  8,  1797,  m.  Sarah  Strong. 

237  iv.  David  Safford,  b.  July  30,  1802,  m.  Eliza  Taggart. 

238  V.   Infant,  b.  May  17,  1804,  d.  June  14,  1804. 

239  vi.  Ruth  F.,  b.  May  8,  1809,  m.,  Oct.  2,  1828,  Abijah  Beebe,  and  d. 


240  vii.   Lucy,  b.  Jan.  26,  181 1,  m.  Wm.  W.  Perkins. 

241  viii.  George  Brush,  b.  Sept.  14,  1814,  m.  Wilhelmina  C.  L.  Colson. 


242  ix.  Alathea  Frink,  b.  April  28,  1819,  d.  unm.  at  Kalamazoo,  Mich., 

June  21,  1847. 

243  X.  Charles  Elkanah,  b.  Feb.  21,  1821,  d.  unm.  at  Erie,  Pa.,  Feb.  4,  1841. 

244  xi.  Sidney  R.,  b.  July  28,  1824,  d.  unm.  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  16, 


David  moved  from  Bennington,  Vt.,  about  1820-5  to  western  N.  Y.. 
accompanied  by  his  sons,  daughters  and  grandchildren.  He  settled  first 
near  Rochester,  but  afterward  moved  to  Erie,  Pa.  At  a  Bennington  town 
meeting,  27  March,  1893,  David  was  made  Surveyor  of  Highways,  and  30 
March,  1803,  Petit  Juror,  lister  and  Surveyor  of  Highways. 

"His  second  wife,  Ruth  Brush,  was  the  first  white  child  born  in  the  town 
of  Vergennes.  Her  mother  died  young  and  she  was  left  in  charge  of  the 
family.  She  was  brought  up  in  the  strictest  puritanical  way,  and  it  always 
showed  in  her  demeanor,  which  was  rather  stif¥.  Though  rigidly  upright 
she  had  one  of  the  kindest  hearts  that  ever  beat,  and  no  more  perfect  praise 
can  be  spoken  of  her  than  the  words  of  one  of  her  stepsons,  David  Safiford 
Walbridge,  who  said  no  mother  could  be  more  devoted  and  more  tender 
than  she,  that  if  the  question  of  preference  came  up  between  her  own  and  her 
husband's  children,  the  latter  always  had  it;  in  short,  she  was  that  rara  avis, 
a  good  step-mother." 

Sarah  Robinson's  notes  give  first  m.  of  David  Walbridge  as  to  Eba 
Brush  in  1791,  and  state  that  Elkanah  Brush  d.  in  Indiana.  (See  Brush 
notes.)  2UwWa, 


SARAH^  {Hcnry,^  Henry,-  Henry^),  b.  April  10,  1772,  at  Bennington, 
Vt.,  bapt.  Sept.  5,  1775  (B.  Ch.  R.),  m.,  1792,  at  Bennington,  Ehas,  son  of 
John  and  Hannah  (Safiford)  Fassett.  He  was  born  Dec.  20,  1771,  at  Ben- 
nington, d.  Aug.  15,  1822.     Their  chi.  born  at  Cambridge,  Vt. 

i.   Henry  Fassett,  b.  May  17,  1794,  a  physician,  m.  Clarissa  Peck. 

ii.  Sarah  Fassett,  b.  Dec.  4,  1796. 

iii.  Elias  Fassett,  b.  Dec.  9,  1798,  m.  Jerusha  Munson. 


PETER-'  {Elijah,^  Thomas,^  Henry^),  b.  Nov.  16,  i762,at  Stafford, Conn. 
(T.  R.),  d.  Sept.  18,  1849,  at  Stafford.  He  m.,  April  5,  1792,  Mary  Bishop, 
b.  June  27,  1773,  at  New  London,  Conn.,  d.  Feb.  24,  1828,  at  Stafford,  Conn. 


She  was  the  dau.  of  Lieut.  Samuel  Bislioi),  wlio  served  in  the  French-Indian 
war,  and  was  a  Lieut,  in  the  Rev.  He  was  from  North  Wilbraham,  Mass., 
where  he  and  his  wife,  Mary  Mason,  are  buried.  He  d.  May  21,  1814,  aged 
76  y.  2  mo.;  she  d.  Dec.  16,  1792. 

Peter  was  a  carpenter,  cooper  and  farmer.  He  began  housekeeping  in 
Suffield,  Conn.,  removing  after  one  year's  residence  to  Stafford,  Conn., 
where  Ehjah  and  Horace  were  born,  thence  removed  to  N.  Wilbraham, 
Mass.,  and  in  1807  to  West  Stafford,  Conn.,  where  his  wife  is  buried  on  the 
hill.  Among  other  names  prominent  in  this  cemetery  are  those  of  Davis, 
Patten,  Ensign  Jonas  Cady  d.  1775,  Ensign  Aaron  Eaton  d.  May  25,  181 5, 
Nathaniel  Cu.shman  d.  1817  :et.  78,  James  Lull  d.  1808  ast.  70,  Capt.  Nathan 
Johnson  d.  June  6,  1793,  ast.  76. 

245  i.  Elijah,  b.  Nov.  25,  1792,  d.  June  i,  1820. 

246  ii.   Horace,  b.  June  25,  1796,  m.  Emehne  Andrews. 

247  iii.   Melinda,  b.  May  16,  1799,  d.  June  10.  1863,    at    Tolland,    Conn., 

buried  at  Springfield,  Mass.,  m.  Daniel  B.  Perkins,  a  carpenter  from 
Lancaster,  N.  H. 

248  iv.  Austin,  b.  April  3,  1802,  m.  Almira  Howe. 

249  V.  Zorin,  b.  July  31,  1804,  at  West  Stafford,  Conn.,  d.  May  24,  i860, 

at  West  Beckett,  Mass.  He  m.  Abigail  Butler,  and  had  a  son  who 
lived  several  years  at  Lycoming,  Pa.,  where  he  m.,  went  to  Missouri, 
and  was  in  the  Rebellion,  on  which  side  is  unknown.     (See  1 153.) 

250  vi.   Marcus,  b.  April  24,  1807,  d.  April  24,  1807. 

251  vii.   Mary,  b.  May  29,  1809,  d.  Feb.  11,  1839. 

252  viii.  Eliza,  b.  Jan.  14,  1813,  m.  Anthony  M.  Weaver. 


HENRY*  {Ebcnczer,^  Ebenescr,^  Hcni-f),h.  Aug.22,  1762,  at  Northfield, 
Mass.  (T.  R.),  d.  Feb.  12,  181 1,  at  Burlington,  N.  Y.  He  m.  Mercy  Hop- 
kins, b.  March  31,  1767,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  at  Geneva,  N.  Y. 
She  was  the  dau.  of  Stephen  and  Rhoda  (Dewey)  Hopkins,  whose  chi.  are 
given  on  the  Bennington  T.  R.  as  follows:  (i)  Stephen,  b.  Aug.  14,  1769, 
(2)  Mercy,  b.  March  31,  1767,  bapt.  March  27,  1768  (C.  R.),  (3)  Chauncey, 
b.  Aug.  24,  1 77 1,  (4)  Martin,  b.  March  14,  1774,  (5)  Daniel  Dewey,  b.  March 
21,  1776,  (6)  Heman,  b.  April  28,  1778,  (7)  Rhoda,  b.  April  23,  1781,  (8) 
Charles,  b.  May  24,  1873,  (g)  Edward,  b.  Jan.  14,  1786,  (10)  Julia,  b.  Feb. 
12,  1778. 


The  T.  C.  of  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  reports  that  though  the  town  was 
formed  in  1792,  the  m.  records  date  only  from  1882. 

Stephen  Hopkins  was  from  Vermont,  as  we  have  learned  from  Benning- 
ton records,  he  d.  at  Burlington  Flats,  Otsego  Co.,  N.  Y.  His  son  Dewey 
d.  about  1843  at  Wilson's  Corners  or  Centre,  N.  Y.,  and  his  son  James  H. 
wrote  me  from  Ransomville,  N.  Y.,  March  18,  1895,  "Mercy  Hopkins  must 
have  been  my  grandfather's  sister,  and  I  will  send  your  letter  to  Alva  Hop- 
kins, my  father's  eldest  bro."  Alva  Hopkins  wrote  from  Hamilton,  N.  Y., 
March  29,  1895,  when  90  years  old,  saying,  "In  1794  my  grandfather,  his 
chi.  and  Aunt  Mercy  all  removed  to  Burlington,  N.  Y.  Uncle  Henry  d. 
there,  and  the  family  moved — first  to  Geneva,  N.  Y." 

253  i.  Stephen,  b.  April  20,  1786,  m.  Eunice  Mattison. 

254  ii.  Hiram,  b.  Feb.  20,  1789,  m.  Lucy  Ann  Rose. 

255  iii.  Chester,  b.  Aug.  8,  1791,  m.  Mary  Walbridge. 

256  iv.   Henry,  b.  Sept.  30,  1793,  m.  Polly  Hosmer. 

257  V.  Heman,  b.  Sept.  11,  1795,  m.  Mary  Hoskins. 

258  vi.  Charles  H.,  b.  Dec.  19,  1797,  d.  Sept.  27,  1818. 

259  vii.   Harriet,  b.  Feb.  2,  1800,  m.  Henry  Newton. 

260  viii.   Chauncey,  b.  July  20,  1802,  d.  March  20,  1813. 

261  ix.  Rhoda  Dewey,  b.  July  3,  1804,  m.  Nathan  B.  Kidder. 

262  X.  Ebenezer,  b.  Aug.  20,  1806,  d.  Sept.  6,  1806. 


GUSTAVUS*  {Ebenezer,^  Ebenezer  ~  Henry'),  b.  Oct.  27,  1763,  at  North- 
field,  Mass.  (T.  R.),  d.  May  16,  1817,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he  m.,  Dec. 
6,  1787,  Clara  Dewey,  b.  Oct.  6,  1773,  at  Bennington,  where  she  d.  May  28, 
1796,  dau.  of  Revd.  Jedediah  and  Betsey  (Buck)  Dewey.    (See  Dewey  notes.) 

Gustavus  m.  for  second  wife,  April  6,  1808,  at  Ben.  (T.  R.),  Rhoda 
Rutenber  from  Rhode  Island.  In  the  First  Ch.  yd.  is  a  stone  to  David 
Rutenber,  b.  Nov.  28,  1798,  d.  March  23,  1862.  Minerva,  his  wife,  d.  Oct. 
23,  1832,  aged  32. 

Sept.  I,  1817,  William  Henry  and  Joseph  Hinsdill  report  to  the  court 
concerning  his  estate,  that  notes  for  $374.71  are  "desperate  debts  and  cannot 
be  collected."  Among  those  indebted  to  the  estate  are  Chester,  Ebenezer 
and  Stebbins  Walbridge.  March  13,  1818,  the  court  appointed  Commis- 
sioners to  settle  claims  against  the  estate,  allowing  a  total  of  $1239.98.  The 
chi.  of  Gustavus  were : 


263  i.  Sally,  b.  Aug.  20,  1789,  m.  Lucius  H.  Gibbs. 

264  ii.  Charles,  b.  June  21,  1791,  m.  Sally  Hathaway. 

265  iii.   Pliny  Dewey,  b.  Feb.  i,  1794,  d.  Sept.  23,  1794. 

266  iv.  Franklin  Benjamin,  b.  Feb.  14,  1809,  ni.  Mary  Ann  Gibson. 

267  V.  Adeline  Maria,  b.  April  22,  1810,  d.  unm.  Jan.  11,  1888,  at  Chicago, 


268  vi.  Elizabeth  Tabitha,  b.  Nov.  25,  1812,  m.  Peter  B.  Wheeler,  has  a 

dan.  Jennie,  and  resides  at  Chicago,  111. 


SUSANNA*  {Ebenezcr,^  Ebcnczcr,-  Hcnry^),  b.  Sept.  15,  1765,  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  d.  Nov.  14,  1820,  at ,  Pa.     She  m.  Gad  Chapin,  and  had 

sixteen  chi.  The  Bennington  T.  R.  show  the  marriage,  Nov.  19,  1813,  of 
Alpheus  Chapin,  of  Benson,  Vt.,  and  Beulah  Hubbell,  the  only  Chapin  on 
record  to  that  time.     Their  chi.  were : 

.   Elizabeth  Chapin.  ix.  Ebenezer  Chapin. 

i.  Elizabeth  Chapin.  x.  Hiram  Chapin. 

ii.  Sarah  Chapin.  xi.   Lorenzo  Chapin. 

v.  Abigail  Chapin.  xii.   Henry  Chapin. 

V.  James  Chapin.  xiii.   Hiram  Chapin. 

vi.  Gustavus  W.  Chapin.  xiv.  Adolphus  Chapin. 

vii.   Daniel  Chapin.  xv.  Joseph  Chapin. 

viii.  Gad  Chapin.  xvi.  Samuel  Chapin. 


ADOLPHUS*  {Ebeneser,^  Ebenezer,^  Hairy'),  b.  March  9,  1767,  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  m.  Mary,  dau.  of  James  and  Olive  Deming,  of  Weathersfield, 
Conn.     She  was  b.  Aug.  2,  1765. 

Adolphus  was  admitted  to  the  church  at  Bennington  in  1S03,  admon- 
ished March  16,  1821,  and  excommunicated  July  22  of  the  same  year.  He 
resided  in  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  for  many  years,  and  probably  died  there, 
"was  a  large  portly  man  and  had  a  colored  servant  named  Pomp."  His  dau. 
Eliza,  for  some  years  preceding  her  death,  lived  with  her  sister,  Mrs.  Bulkley, 
in  Charleston,  S.  C,  and  New  York  City.  Adolphus  m.  for  second  wife, 
Sept.,  182 1,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  widow  Catharine  Snyder. 


269  i.  Mary,  b.  Sept.  26,  1796,  m.  Erastus  Bulkley. 

270  ii.   Pamelia,  b.  Aug.  6,  1798,  m.  Cornelius  Lansing. 

271  iii.  Romeo,  b.  April  6,  1800,  m.  Julia  Gaston. 

2y2  iv.  Eliza  Juliet,  b.  Feb.  12,  1805,  d.  unm.  Oct.  24,  1863. 


STEBBINS*  (Ebcnczer;''  Ebcncaa:-  Hcnry^),  b.  Aug.  10.  1770,  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  where  he  d.  June  19,  1850,  having  m.  there,  Oct.  18,  1796, 
Betsey  Denio,  who  was  born  Oct.  30,  1769,  at  Greenfield,  Mass.,  d.  March 
26,  1836,  at  Bennington.  She  was  the  second  chi.  of  Seth  Denio  (son  of 
Aaron)  who  was  b.  1736,  m.  Rebecca  Allen,  served  all  through  the  last 
French  war,  also  during  the  Revolution  until  the  capture  of  Burgoyne  at 

Stebbins  m.  for  second  wife  Fanny  Walbridge,  dau.  of  Silas  and  Rhoda 
(Gunn)  Walbridge.  After  her  husband's  death  she  went  to  Rochester, 
N.  Y.,  and  is  said  to  be  buried  at  Albion,  N.  Y.,  with  a  sister. 

Stebbins'  chi.  were  all  by  first  wife.  He  was  Grand  Juror  in  March, 
1834  and  1837.  The  T.  R.  show,  March,  1835,  an  expenditure  of  $56.60  for 
repairs  to  the  Walbridge  bridge  in  the  S.  E.  part  of  the  town.  Nov.  2,  1820, 
an  act  was  passed  for  the  relief  of  Stebbins  as  adm.  of  the  estate  of  Gustavus. 

March  7,  1850. — Charles  Hicks  was  appointed  guardian  of  Stebbins, 
and  an  inventory  of  the  estate  at  that  time  shows  personal  property  $470.53, 
Real  Estate,  Homestead  on  North  side  of  River  with  buildings  and 

twenty  five  acres $175*^ 

30  acres  on  west  side  of  Stebbins  Denio  Walbridge 75° 

54  acres  south  of  river 1000 

In  the  cemetery  at  Bennington  Centre  we  find  the  following  epitaph: 

In  Memory  of  Ebenezer  S.  Walbridge  son  of  Stebbins  and 
Betsey  Walbridge,  who  departed  this  life  on  the  morning  of 
the  14  April  1810  aged  one  year  &  22  da. 

To  the  dark  and  silent 

Soon  I  hasted  from  the 

Ere  I  measured  out  my 

The  dawn  of  life  had  scarce 

Began  1 





<  2 





■-     O 

J     - 




273  i.   Sophia,  b.  July  27,  1797,  m.  John  Lansing  Winne. 

274  ii.   Betsey,  b.  Feb.  20,  1799,  ni.  Uel  Hicks. 

275  iii.  Stebbins  Denio,  b.  March  25,  1801,  m.  Harriet  Hicks. 

276  iv.  George,  b.  Feb.  9,  1803,  m.  Mary  Ann  Olin. 

277  V.   Charlotte  V.,  b.  Nov.  15,  1804,  d.  unm.  Feb.  11,  1894,  at  Albany, 

N.  Y.,  where  she  had  for  many  years  lived  with  her  sister,  Mrs. 
Winne,  on  State  St.,  opposite  the  new  State  Capitol  grounds,  and 
where  the  collector  of  these  notes  was  many  times  taken  as  a  small 
boy  and  regaled  with  those  delicacies  small  boys  enjoy.  She  is 
buried  in  the  old  Hindillsville  Cem.,  near  North  Bennington,  Vt. 

278  vi.   Fanny,  b.  Dec.  14,  1806,  m.  Joseph  N.  Hinsdill. 

279  vii.     Ebenezer  S.,  b.  March  22,  1809,  d.  April  14,  1810. 

280  viii.  Ebenezer  S.,  b.  Aug.  27,  181 1,  m.,  Aug.  27,  1834,  at  Bennington, 

Mary  Ann  Hicks,  b.  March  24,  1814,  d.  Feb.  15,  1891,   a   dau.   of 

James  and  Theede  (Kellogg)  Hicks,  and  a  sister  of  Harriet  Hicks, 

who  m.  Stebbins  Denio  Walbridge,    also    of   Uel    Hicks,    who    m. 

Betsey  Walbridge. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  among  those  who  gathered    at    the    Bennington 

family  homestead  to  celebrate  his  sister  Sophia's  looth  birthday  on  July  27, 

1897,  he  having  come  for  that  purpose  from  his  home  in  Oswego,  N.  Y., 

where  he  has  lived  since  1848. 


BETSEY*  {Ebenezer,^  Ebcncccr,-  Henry^),  b.  Oct.  18,  1773,  ^t  Benning- 
ton, Vt.,  m.,  probably  at  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  Chauncey  Hopkins,  b.  Aug.  24, 
1 77 1,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  son  of  Stephen  and  Rhoda  (Dewey)  Hop- 
kins.    (See  Hopkins  notes  under  No.  94.) 

i.   Fanny  Hopkins.  v.   Betsey  Hopkins, 

ii.  Sophia  Hopkins.  vi  Ebenezer  Hopkins. 

iii.   Charles  Hopkins.  vii.  Sarah  Hopkins, 

iv.  George  Hopkins.  viii.  Araminta  Hopkins. 


EBENEZER  WILLIAM*  {Ebenezer,''  Ebenezer,''  Henry^),  was  born 
Oct.  28,  1779,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  bapt.  Oct.  i,  1786,  and  d.  March  23,  1856, 
at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.  He  graduated  from  Williams  College,  Williams- 
town,  Mass.,  in  1800,  and  soon  after  was  made  Principal  of  the  Academy 


at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  where  he  Hved  and  died.  His  residence  was  on 
River  St.  overlooking  the  Hudson  River.  Licensed  as  a  lawyer  May  19, 
1804,  he  became  senior  member  of  the  firm  of  Walbridge  and  Tracy,  also 
attorney  for  the  Bank  of  Lansingburg,  the  oldest  banking  institution  in  the 
State.  This  bank  was  succeeded  by  the  present  banking  house  of  D.  Powers 
and  son,  whose  cashier,  Mr.  W.  C.  Groesbeck,  wrote  as  follows: 

Lansingburgh,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  4,  1898. 

Mr.  W.  G.  Wallbridge,  Litchfield,  Conn.  : 

Dear  Sir: — In  answer  to  your  inquiry  of  the  2d  instant.  From  the 
book  of  Minutes  of  the  old  Bank  of  Lansingburgh  we  learn  that  Ebenezer 
W.  Walbridge  was  elected  director  Aug.  5,  18 18,  and  continued  in 
ofifice  until  Feb.  24,  1849.  During  the  existence  of  the  bank  from 
1813  until  1877,  there  were  69  directors.  Mr.  Walbridge  served  for 
more  consecutive  years  than  any  other  director,  viz.,  30  years  and 
223  days.  On  July  5,  1837,  he  was  elected  President,  and  retained  the 
position  until  April  9,  1845.  He  succeeded  Abraham  C.  Lansing,  who  was 
the  Bank's  first  president.  Fortunately  for  your  research,  the  book  of 
Minutes  was  at  hand.  For  many  years  it  laid  in  the  cellar,  covered  with 
dust  and  ashes,  but  was  recently  found  and  placed  with  our  records. 

Very  truly  yours, 

W.  C.  Groesbeck. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  one  of  the  charter  members  of  the  company  com- 
posed entirely  of  Lansingburg  men,  and  incorporated  June  18,  181 1,  under 
the  title  of  the  "Cohoes  Manufacturing  Co.,"  with  a  generous  charter  en- 
abling them  to  manufacture  "Cotton.  Woollen  and  Linen  Goods,  make  Bar 
Iron,  Anchors,  Mill  Irons,  Nail  Rods,  Hoop  Iron  and  Iron  Mongery." 
Capital  to  be  $100,000,  divided  into  2000  shares.  This  was  one  of  the  first 
companies  formed  under  the  general  act  of  March  22,  1811. 

A  tract  of  sixty  acres  on  the  bank  of  the  Mohawk  was  secured,  together 
with  the  water  privileges,  while  land  was  also  bought  on  the  other  side  of 
the  river  embracing  Simmon's  Island,  from  Jacobus  Van  Schoonhoven,  who 
was  one  of  the  Patroons  of  that  time.  In  an  accounting  at  Bennington,  Vt., 
of  Stebbins  Walbridge  as  Adm.  of  General  Ebenezer's  estate,  is  the  credit. 
Sept.  26,  1820,  "By  I  part  of  Paper  Mill  and  land,  sold  E.  W.  Walbridge, 
$1082.22,"  also  a  charge  for  "Two  days  time  of  self  and  horse  going  to 
Lansingburg  to  sell  land,"  in  which  matter  E.  W.  W.  seems  to  have  been  the 
attorney.  He  was  also  President  of  the  village  for  many  years.  Town  Clerk 
for  ten  years.  Commissioner  of  Schools  for  twelve  years,  and  a  member  of 


•    ^    "■       t 



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the  State  Legislature.  An  active  member  of  the  First  Presbyterian  Church, 
he  was  ordained  Elder  in  1832.  The  church  manual  printed  in  1849  shows 
that  his  second  wife  Martha  joined  the  church  in  May,  1830,  Thomas  Wal- 
bridge  in  1812  (dead  in  1849),  Sally  W.  in  1819,  Ebenezer  Wm.  W.  in  1831, 
and  Margaret  (wife  of  H.  T.  W.)  in  1845. 

Ebenezer  William  Walbridge  m.,  Jan.  12,  1805,  at  Lansingburg,  Sally 
Morgan,  by  whom  he  had  four  chi.  She  was  born  Nov.  18,  1787,  at  Lan- 
singburg, where  she  d.  Nov.  26,  1824,  dau.  of  Ensign  Jonas  and  Sarah  (Mott) 
Morgan,  and  g.  g.  g.  grand-dau.  of  James  Morgan,  of  LlandafT,  Wales,  who 
immigrated  in  1636,  m.  Margery  Hill,  and  settled  at  New  London,  Conn. 
The  portrait  of  Mr.  Walbridge  is  from  a  painting  owned  by  his  g.  dau.,  Mrs. 
T.  J.  Horan,  of  Mt.  Carmel,  Pa.;  and  that  of  his  wife  Sally  from  a  painting 
owned  by  his  g.  dau.,  Miss  C.  C.  W^albridge,  of  Germantown,  Pa.  Their 
chi.  were : 

281  i.  Ann,  b.  May  5,  1817,  m.  George  W.  Merchant. 

282  ii.  Henry  Thomas,  b.  Aug.  25,  18 19,  m.  Esther  M.  Knickerbacker. 

283  iii.  William  Morgan,  b.  Oct.  16,  1821,  d.  unm.  March  6,  1888,  at  Sara- 

toga Springs,  N.  Y. 

284  iv.  John,  b.  March  28,  1824,  d.  Nov.  i,  1824,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y. 

His  second  marriage  was  Sept.  25,  1825,  to  Martha  (Russell)  Wood- 
ward, widow  of  Dr.  Woodward,  of  Troy,  N.  Y.  She  was  born  Aug.  13,  1789, 
at  Stafford,  Conn.,  d.  Aug.  13,  1874,  at  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  where  she  was 
living  with  her  son,  Fredk.  G.  Her  father,  Isaac  Russell,  m.  Mary  Green,  and 
had  six  chi.,  all  born  at  Stafford,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  (i)  Patty  (Martha),  b.  Aug. 

13,  1789,  (2)  Polly,  b.  Aug.  5,  1791,  m.  Warren,    of   Ticonderoga, 

N.  Y.,  (3)  Lucy,  b.  July  6,  1794,  (4)  John    Green,    b.    July    10,    1796,    (5) 

Augusta,  b.  June  20,  1801,  m.  Burnett,  of  Ticonderoga,  N.  Y.,  (6) 

Harriet,  b.  April  19,  1804. 

Mr.  Russell  moved  to  a  farm  near  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  where  he  and  his 
wife  died.  The  records  of  the  Stafford  First  Cong.  Ch.  state  that  "Mrs. 
Martha  Russell,  wife  of  Mr.  Isaac  Russell,  d.  1786,"  and  "June  5,  1788,  Mr. 
Isaac  Russell  and  Miss  Polly  Greene,  both  of  Stafford,  were  married." 
Ebenezer  William's  chi.  by  his  second  m.  were: 

285  v.  George  Russell,  b.  Aug.  i,  1826,  d.  Jan.  11,  1893. 

286  vi.   Frederick  Green,  b.  Sept.  i,  1829,  m.  Harriet  Skinner  and  Amaryl- 

lis Mitchell. 



ROXANA*  (CustavitAy^  Ebaieser,-  Hcnry^),  h.  Aug-.  5,  1793,  at  Nor- 
wich, Conn.  (T.  R.),  m.,  Jan.  11,   1818,  at   Bciiiiiiit;(on  (W  R.),  llirani,  son 
of  Joseph  and  Hannah  (Bingham)  llinstlill. 
i.  llcnry  Walhritlgc  llinsdill,  resides  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
ii.  Sanford  Hinsdill,  resides  Kalamazoo,  Midi. 
iii.  Gcralchne  TIins(H11,  m.  and  lives  Grand  Raiiids.  Mich, 
iv.  Althea  llinsdill. 
V.  Mary  Ann  Hinsdill,  m.  Caulkins. 
vi.  Ahnira  Hinsdill. 

Tiic  above  Hinsdill  chi.  were  given  me  by  Mrs.  Geo.  W.  Robinson,  of 
Bennington,  Vt.,  the  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Joanna  (Nichols)  Hinsdill. 


HENRY  SANFORD'  {Gnslaviis,-'  Ebcnczcrr  Hairy'),  b.  April  8,  1801, 
at  Norwich,  Goim.  (T.  R.),  d.  Jan.  27,  1869,  at  Bergen  Tunnel,  N.  Y.  He 
m.  1st,  Dec.  25,  1828,  at  Owcgo,  N.  Y.,  Susan  Huntington  Dana,  i).  Dec.  22, 
1808,  d.  Aug.  15,  1834,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Elcazer  Dana,  who  was  b. 
Aug.  12,  1772,  and  Mary  Stevens,  of  Ashford,  Conn.,  or  Wyoming,  Pa.  He 
m.  2(1,  July  20,  1836,  at  Ovid,  N.  Y.,  F"anny  Thompson,  b.  Feb.  21,  181 1, 
at  Stillwater,  Saratoga  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  July  12,  1862,  at  Kalamazoo,  Mich., 
dau.  of  William  and  Mary  (Hawkins)  Thompson.  His  3d  m.  was  June  13, 
1866,  at  N.  Y.  City,  to  Mrs.  Matilda  Delavan  (Smith)  Woolley,  b.  Nov.  24, 
181 1,  at  N.  Y.  City,  d.  Jan.  i,  1873,  at  N.  Y.  City. 

Mr.  Walbridge  moved  with  his  father  to  Bennington  in  1804,  and 
leaving  home  when  twenty  years  old.  resided  for  a  time  in  Syracuse,  N.  Y. ; 
then  made  Ithaca  his  homo  tmtil  1868,  when  be  moved  to  N.  Y.  City.  He 
served  as  a  Whig  M.  C.  during  1851-2-3-4,  was  also  a  member  of  the  State 
Legislature,  and  for  many  years  a  Jutlge  in  District  and  Circuit  Courts.  He 
died  instantly  from  concussion  of  the  heart,  occasioned  by  the  sudden  rush 
of  an  express  train,  while  he  was  crossing  the  tracks  at  Bergen  Tunnel,  N.  Y., 
to  take  his  train  for  the  city.  His  first  wife  is  buried  in  the  family  burial 
l^lace  in  the  cemetery  on  the  hill  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.  By  her  he  had  four  sons, 
who  all  d.  in  inf.uicy.     His  chi.  by  2d  wife  were: 

287  i.    llcnry  Haiia,  b.  Feb.  16,  1830,  d.  April  2,  1831. 

288  ii.  Henry  Sanford,  b.  May  17,  1832,  d.  July  22,  1832. 

289  iii.  Elcazer  Dana,  b.  May  14,  1834,  d.  Oct.  — ,  1834. 









v.;   YOV.X 


200  iv.  Susan  Frances,  b.  June  13,  1837,  "^-  Chas.  D.  Hamill. 

291  V.  Mary  C,  b.  Oct.  6,  1838.  m.  Peter  Page. 

292  vi.  Anna  Sanford,  b.  June  12,  1840,  m.  Chas.  C.  Greenley. 

293  vii.  Alice  Elmira,  b.  Feb.  21,  1843,  m.  Thos.  L.  Gulick. 

294  viii.  Ellen  Augusta,  b.  Nov.  18,  1846,  ni.  Geo.  W.  Darrow. 



WILLIAIVP  (John*  Jokn,^  William;-  Henry'),  b.  1768,  prob.  at  Coven- 
try, Conn.,  d.  Dec.  16,  1841,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Oct.  9,  1786,  at  Strafford, 
Vt.  (T.  R.),  by  Samuel  Bliss,  J.  P.,  to  Anna  (Nancy  on  T.  R.)  Libby,  b.  Sept.. 
1776,  at  Ipswich,  Mass.,  d.  July  20,  1855,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  2d  chi.  of  Isaac 
and  Abigail  Libby. 

Isaac  Libby  was  b.  1750,  d.  1813,  his  wife  Abigail,  b.  1754,  d.  1792. 
Their  son  Joseph  m.  Mabel,  sister  of  William  Walbridge. 

Chi.  all  born  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.) : 

295  i.  Eunice,  b.  Feb.  13,  1788,  m.  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Dec.  10,  1806, 

Josiah  Foster. 

296  ii.  Betsey,  b.  Oct.  7,  1789.  m.  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Nov.  2,  1808, 

Nicholas  Mosher. 

297  iii.  Walter,  b.  April  2.  1797,  m.  Ruth  Hunter. 

298  iv.  Wayne,  b.  Dec.  12,  1799,  m.  Anna  Roberts  and  Lorinda  Hubbard. 

299  V.  Anna,  b.  Dec.  28,  1803,  m.  George  Dorance  Blanchard. 

300  vi.    Porter,  b.  Nov.  28,  181 1,  m.  Jane  Anderson. 


JOSIAH^  (John,*  John?  Williawr  Henry'),  b.  Nov.  13,  1769,  prob.  at 
Coventry.  Conn.,  d.  June  13,  1813,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  m.,  in  1800  or  before, 
Rosamond  Chamberlain,  who  was  born  May  28,  1777,  d.  Oct.  17,  1849,  at 
Sharon,  Vt.,  where  the  chi.  were  born  (T.  R.).  The  Strafford,  Vt.,  T.  R. 
show  conveyance  of  29  acres  in  Strafford,  and  24  in  Sharon,  to  Rosamond 
from  Oliver  Ladd,  of  Strafford.  April  27,  1814.  May  12  following,  Robert 
G.  Preston,  of  Strafford,  convej's  one  acre  adjoining  above  land  and  situated 
in  Strafford. 


301  i.   Mabel,  b.  May  19,  1801,  d.  at  Roxbury,  Vt.,  m.  Dec.  25,  1817,  at 

Strafford,  Vt.,  by  Stephen  Morrill,  J.  P.,  to  John  Williams,  Jr.,  said 
to  have  a  son  John  Williams  in  W.  Randolph,  Vt.,  but  could  get 
no  reply  to  letters. 

302  ii.  Josiah,  b.  May  i,  1803.  m.  Mary  Ladd. 

303  iii.  John,  b.  Jan.  30,  1805,  m.  Clarissa  Thurston. 

304  iv.   Ruby,  b.  July  10,  1807,  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  there  Nov.  18, 

1880  (T.  R.),  reported  to  have  m. Brimall,  though  her  niece, 

Mrs.  B.  F.  Chadwick,  says  she  did  not  marry,  and  d.  Nov.  25,  1880. 

305  V.  Spencer,  b.  Nov.  18,  1810,  m.  Labrilla  George. 


ROGERS  {John*  Jolin,^  William,^  Henry^),  b.  1774,  prob.  at  Coventry, 
Conn.,  d.  Oct.  18,  1857,  a?t.  83,  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.).  m.  before  1790  Polly 
Chamberlain,  of  Strafford. 

Roger  and  his  bro.  Porter  were  in  the  war  of  18 12,  and  both  drew 
bounty  land  for  their  services.  He  lived  in  Sharon,  Vt.,  after  his  m.,  and 
with  his  wife  is  buried  in  the  old  burial  ground  two  miles  N.  E.  of  the  village. 

306  i.  Achsah  (so  spelled  on  T.  R.)  m.,  Jan.  30,  1812,  at  Strafford,  Vt.  (T. 
R.),  by  Asahel  Chamberlain,  J.  P.,  to  Jesse  Pike,  of  Norwich,  Vt.    ■ 

307  ii.   Levi,  b.  1800,  m.  Susanna  Silon  or  Silver. 

308  iii.  Roxana,  b.  Sept.  11,  1803,  m.  Reuben  Norton. 

309  iv.  Rowena. 

310  V.   Lothrop,  b.  Feb.  24,  1814,  m.  Hannah  Harrington. 

311  vi.   Fanny,  m.  Flynn  Rogers,  she  d.  May  4,  1874. 

312  vii.   Roswell,  m.  in  Conn.,  was  a  stone  cutter. 

313  viii.  William,  was  a  stone  cutter. 

314  ix.   Rufus. 

315  X.  Lucy,  b.  May  3,  1805,  m.  Asahel  Adams. 

316  xi.  Beulah,  m.  Gardner  Ames.  ,  ^ 


MABEL^  {Jolm*  John?  WUUam,-  Henry'),  b.  Oct.  13,  1782,  at  Sharon, 
Vt.,  (T.  R.),  d.  Feb.  9,  1867,  at  the  residence  of  her  son  Isaac  at  Johnson,  Vt. 
She  m.,  Jan.  2,  181 1,  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Joseph  Libby,  whose  sister  Anna 
m.  William  Walbridge.     He  was  born  Nov.  2,   1785,  at  Pittsfield,  N.  H., 



d.  Jan.  lo,  1830,  at  Danville,  Vt.,  where  his  chi.  were  born.  He  was  the 
sixth  chi.  of  Isaac  Libby,  who  was  b.  prob.  in  Rye,  N.  H.,  1750,  cl.  Tinmouth, 
Vt.,  April,  1813.  (See  113).  Joseph  was  a  farmer,  carpenter  and  Capt.  in 
the  militia. 

i.  Isaac  Tichenor  Libby,  b.  April  9,  1812,  m.  Nancy  Frisbie. 
ii.   Lovine  Libby,  b.  Aug.  29,  1813,  m.  Eliza  B.  Gale  and  Ann  Shekleton. 
iii.   Louisa  Libby,  b.  April  25,  181 5,  m.  Oren  Spaulding. 
iv.  Angelina  Libby,  b.  Jan.  19,  1817,  m.  Charles  K.  Hill. 
V.  Harrison  W.  Libby,  b.  Jan.  24,  18 19,  ni.  Sophronia  Richardson  and  Har- 
riet P.  Stacker, 
vi.  Caroline  Libby,  b.  March  20,  1821,  m.  Albert  S.  Burditch. 
vii.  Lina  Libby,  b.  Nov.  i,  1823,  m.  Joseph  B.  Foster, 
viii.  John  W.  Libby,  b.  June  5,  1826,  d.  March  21,  1833. 


ANNA^  {John*  John,^  William,"  Hcnry^),  b.  May  6,  1787,  at  Sharon, 
Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  Oct.  5,  1863,  m.,  Dec.  11,  1806,  at  Sharon  (T.  R.),  James 
BHss,  b.  about  1785,  at  Coventry,  Conn.,  d.  May  3,  1867,  at  Stanstead,  Can- 
ada, son  of  Samuel  and  Anna  (Pennock)  Bliss,  of  Strafford,  Vt. 

i.  Emily  Bliss,  b.  April  26,  1808,  at  Duxbury,  Vt.,  m.,  Sept.  2,  1827,  Dudley 
Davis,  a  farmer  of  Stanstead,  Can.,  and  had  (i)  Dudley  Davis,  b.  1828, 
(2)  Darius  Davis,  d.  aet.  2,  (3)  Carlos  Pierce  Davis.  She  m.  2d  Warren 
Ide,  of  Boston. 

ii.  Mercy  Bliss,  b.  May  25,  1812,  m.  Hiram  Elkins,  and  d.  Sept.  4,  1879,  at 
Boston,  Mass. 

iii.  Abalinda  Bliss,  b.  Dec.  18,  1814,  at  Coventry,  d.  unm. 

iv.  George  C.  Bliss,  b.  Jan.  2,  1817,  at  Compton. 


SELAH»  {John*  John,^  William,'^  Henry^),  b.  April  2,  1788,  at  Sharon, 
Vt.,  m.,  1812,  Betsey  Preston,  b.  March  29,  1790,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  April  7, 
1859.  Selah  moved  to  Erie  Co.,  Pa.,  in  1828,  traveling  the  entire  distance 
with  an  ox  team,  and  for  years  after  his  arrival  having  only  Pittsburg  as  the 
nearest  market  town.  He  went  to  Monroe,  Mich.,  on  business,  started 
home  on  the  lake  and  was  never  again  heard  of. 

He  and  his  brother  Porter  inherited  the  homestead  at  Sharon,  Vt. 
Selah  bought  Porter's  interest  therein,  together  with  the  land  warrant  given 





Porter  for  services  in  the  war  of  181 2.  About  1850  Western  parties  went  to 
Vt.,  bought  out  the  heirs  to  this  warrant,  and  then  wrote  Selah's  heirs  for 
information,  but  the  warrant  was  meanwhile  lost.  Gilbert  Hurd,  a  lawyer 
employed  by  Selah's  heirs  to  look  up  the  matter  went  West,  and  so  ended 
the  tale  of  the  warrant,  a  possible  fortune  lost  by  carelessness. 

317  i.   Henry  Danville,  b.  June  20,  1813,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  May  3,  1887, 

at  Toledo,  Ohio.  He  was  a  grain  and  commission  merchant  at 
Toledo,  Ohio,  for  over  forty  years,  and  at  one  time  owned  several 
vessels  on  Lake  Erie.  He  never  married,  was  six  feet  tall,  and  a 
fine  looking  man.  His  portrait  was  furnished  by  his  nephew,  Carl 
H.  W. 

318  ii.  John  Selah,  b.  Sept.  24,  1815,  m.  Jane  C.  Mallory. 

319  iii.   Marcia  A.,  b.  Oct.  18,  1818,  m.  Perry  Devore,  had  one  chi.,  and  is 


320  iv.   Lucia  M.,  b.  Feb.  10,  182 1,  at  Sharon,   Vt.,   d.   July   22,    1892,   in 

Springfield  Co.,  Pa.,  m.  Lorenzo  D.  Harvey,  and  had  a  son,  Henry 
G.  Harvey,  who  lost  a  leg  in  the  battle  of  Cold  Harbor.  He  m. 
Sarah  De  Wolf,  but  had  no  chi. 

321  v.  Janet  H.,  b.  April  25,  1825,  d.  May  11,  1887,  m.,  Nov.  12,  1846, 

Perry  M.  Brindle.  Mrs.  Brindle  wrote  that  her  Uncle  William  went 
to  or  near  Washington,  D.  C.  She  served  her  country  during  the 
war  by  nursing  her  nephews  Henry  G.  Harvey  and  Carlton  H.  Wal- 
bridge  during  the  summer  of  1863,  in  Armory  Square  Hospital, 
wards  K.  and  C.  Her  chi.  were  ,  (i)  Mathias  W.  Brindle,  b.  1847, 
m.  Alice  Nece,  had  one  chi.,  d.  1868,  (2)  Adelbert  H.  Brindle,  b. 
1849,  rn-  Emma  Sisson,  had  three  chi.,  wife  d.  Sept.  3,  1881,  (3) 
Charlotte  E.  Brindle,  b.  1851,  m.  Addison  W.  Walke,  had  three  chi., 
resided  at  Erie,  Pa.,  in  1893. 

322  vi.  Amelia  D.,  b.  Jan.  15,  1828,  m.  Asa  Devore,  who  was  b.  at  Spring- 

field, Pa.,  one  of  fourteen  chi.  He  and  wife  were  living  in  1895  at 
Perry,  Shiawassee  Co.,  Mich.  Their  son,  Henry  W.  Devore,  b.  1850, 
m.  and  lives  at  Toledo,  Ohio;  another  son,  Edgar  A.  Devore,  lives  on 
the  home  farm  at  Perry,  Mich. 


WEBSTER-"'  {Isaac,-'  Jolui.'^  WiUiam:-  Ilcury^).  b.  Oct.  10.  1775,  prob- 
ably at  Bethel,  Vt.,  d.  June  11,  1849,  m.,  Jan.  15,  1804,  Polly  Saunders,  b. 
Oct.  21,  1780,  d.  March  26,  1857. 


A  deed  on  record  at  Bethel,  Vt.,  transfers  property  from  Henry  Wal- 
bridge,  of  Enosburg,  Vt.,  to  his  father  Webster  W.,  in  1832.  Another  of 
July  I,  1828,  is  from  Webster  to  James  Blodgett. 

The  Bethel  records  are  incomplete,  and  contain  very  little  Walbridge 
data.  The  dates  for  Webster  Walbridge  and  chi.  are  from  an  old  family 
Bible  owned  by  Orpheus  Coburn,  of  Enosburg,  Vt. 

323  i.   Mary,  b.  Aug.  13,  1806,  m.  Oliver  Saunders. 

324  ii.  Hannah,  b.  Sept.  10,  1808,  m.  Alva  Coburn. 

325  iii.  Henry,  b.  Oct.  22,  181 1,  m.  Melonia  Wells. 

326  iv.  Harry,  b.  Dec.  30,  1814,  d.  Aug.  3,  1819. 

327  V.  Vienna,  b.  Oct.  8,  1818,  unm.,  d.  July  28,  1837. 

328  vi.  Adeline,  b.  Jan.  29,  1824,  unm.,  d.  Dec.  6,  1877. 


LAVINIA-'^  {Isaac*  John?  WilUamr  Henry'),  m.,  Dec.  30,  181 7,  at 
Bethel,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  James  Wallace.  Her  name  on  the  record  is  written 
Veona,  and  a  deed  of  June  22,  1819,  would  seem  to  show  that  John  Wallace 
was  a  son-in-law  of  Isaac.     (See  No.  46.) 


JOHN^  (Isaac,'*  John?  William;-  Henry').  This  is  probably  the  John 
Walbridge  who  graduated  at  Dartmouth  Coll.  in  1791,  said  to  have  been 
from  Lebanon,  N.  H.,  to  have  practiced  medicine  in  Maine,  and  moved  to 
Western  N.  Y.  The  T.  C.  of  Lebanon  wrote  in  1891  that  though  the  name 
did  not  appear  upon  the  record,  some  of  the  family  had  lived  in  the  town. 
Search  of  the  church  records  gave  no  clew.  A  history  of  Windham,  N.  H., 
pub.  1883,  says  on  p.  196,  "Dr.  Walbridge  was  in  town  as  early  as  1812  and 
practiced  his  profession,  he  was  associated  with  Dr.  Harris  of  Salem  before 
he  came  to  town."  To  this  Dr.  John  Walbridge  I  shall  ascribe  "the  three 
sons  of  a  Dr.  Walbridge  of  N.  Y.  City,"  leaving  it  for  others  to  prove  me 
right  or  wrong  in  my  deductions. 

329  i.  Jefiferson  D.,  d.  about  1836,  in  Davis  Co.,  Kentucky. 

330  ii.  John  D.,  d.  a  bachelor  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  about   i860,  leaving 

an  estate  of  $100,000  to  charitable  institutions  of  that  city.     In  1853 
he  was  with  Henkle,  Mason  &  Co.,  475  Race  St. 

331  iii.  Lawson,  was  drowned  on  the  Mississippi  River  before  1856,  unm. 



ISAAC,''^  prob.  {Isaac,'*  Joliii,^  William-  Henry'),  b.  in  Vermont  1781, 
d.  1822  in  Morgan  Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  emigrated  early  in  the  century.  His 
wife  was  Elizabeth  Newton,  b.  1791  in  the  old  fort  at  Marietta,  Ohio,  .1 
granddau.  of  Col.  Stacy,  who  was  one  of  the  pioneer  settlers  of  Ohio.  Isaac 
lived  near  Waterford,  Ohio.  His  grandson,  James  R.  Walbridge,  says  Isaac 
had  a  bro.  John.     The  chi.  reported  as  two  boys  and  three  girls. 

332  i.   Ira.  b.  Sept.  14,  1813,  d.  in  Ohio  July  16,  1857,  m.  there  Cynthia 

Baker,  she  b.  Jan.  20,  1804,  d.  Feb.  24,  1893. 

333  ii.   Sylvanus  Newton,  b.  Nov.  6,  1817,  m.  Eveline  Evelyn. 

334  iii.   Eliza. 

335  iv-  Dau. 

336  v.  Dau. 

"One  of  the  daughters  went  West  and  died,  her  dau.  came  back  to 
Ohio  and  died,  some  of  the  old  Walbridges  are  buried  on  Rainbow  Creek, 
so  people  say." 


HENRY^  (Lemuel,-*  Joliu,^  IVilliam,^  Henry'),  b.  about  1787  at  Bridge- 
water,  Pa.,  d.  at  Jessup,  Pa.,  m.  Nancy  Shelp,  and  lived  in  Jessup,  Pa.,  where 
he  is  buried  in  Fairdale  Cemetery. 

337  i.   Eliza,  m.  Richard  Otis,  four  chi.  reported,  resides  Jessup,  Pa. 

338  ii.   Samuel,  b.  May  22,  18 15,  m.  Mary  J.  Conly. 

339  iii.   Lavinia,  m.  John  Conly,  four  dau.  reported,  resides  Towanda,  Pa. 

340  iv.  Catharine,  m.  William  Mayher,  one  chi.,  resides  Jessup,  Pa. 


ABIGAIL"  (Lemuel,'  John,-'  William,-  Henry'),  b.  1791  at  Tolland, 
Conn.,  d.  April  12,  1858,  at  Jessup,  Pa.,  m.  John  Shelp,  the  chi.  prob.  born 
at  Jessup,  Pa. 

.   Freeman  Shelp,  m.  Sally  Hill,  had  four  chi. 

i.  Thomas,  m.  Jane  Hill,  had  one  chi.,  m.,  2d,  Caroline  Hulse,  had  five  chi. 

ii.   Elizabeth  Shelp,  m.  Windsor  Ball. 


iv.   Catharine  Shelp,  m.  Elmer  Bonnett,  had  eight  chi. 

V.  Stephen  Shelp,  m. Stillwell,  had  one  chi. 

vi.  John  Shelp,  m.  Clarissa  Lewis,  had  three  chi. 
vii.   Henry  Shelp,  m.  Hannah  Warner,  had  four  chi. 
viii.  Ezekiel  Shelp,  m.  Harriet  Smith,  had  three  chi. 

ix.  William  Shelp,  m.  Patience ,  had  fifteen  chi. 

X.   David  Shelp,  m.  Jane  Robinson,  had  five  chi. 

xi.  Addison  Shelp,  m.  Maurice  Webster,  had  four  chi. 


THOMAS  THOMPSON"'  {Lemuel*  John,^  William,-  Henry'),  b.  Feb. 
i6,  1792,  at  Andover,  Conn.,  d.  Oct.  31,  1875,  at  Tolland,  Conn.  (T.  R.). 
He  m.  1st,  Nov.  15,  181 1,  at  Tolland,  Conn.,  (T.  R.),  Juliana  Newcomb,  b. 
Aug.  6,  1788,  at  Willington,  Conn.,  d.  Dec.  9,  1828,  at  Tolland,  Conn.  (T. 
R.),  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Rhoda  (Scripture)  Newcomb.  His  second  m.  was 
in  1830  to  Emily  Lamphere,  b.  1794,  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  d.  Nov.  29,  1877, 
at  Tolland,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  John  Lamphere,  from  Swanson,  Vt.,  was  in  the 
war  of  1812,  and  fought  at  Lundy's  Lane.  Thomas  T.  moved  in  1796  with 
his  foster  parents  to  Tolland,  Conn.  He  served  as  private  in  the  Conn.  Mil., 
under  Lieutenant  Nathan  Johnson,  from  Aug.  8,  1814,  to  Oct.  29,  1814. 
(Adj.  Genl.  Report.) 

The  dates  of  birth  reported  by  the  family  difi'er  slightly  from  those  on 
the  Tolland  T.  R.,  which  are  here  given : 

341  i.  William  Harrison,  b.  March  31,  1813,  d.  unm.  in  Illinois,  March 

31.  1835- 

342  ii.  John  Winthrop,  b.  March  17,  1815,  d.  Aug.  28,  1818. 

343  iii.   Porter,  June  4,  1819,  m.  Nancy  Belinda  Babcock. 

344  iv.   Nelson,  b.  April  28,  1822,  m.,  Jan.  i,  1853,  Mary  H.  Cornell,  dau. 

of  Benjamin  Cornell  (a  farmer  of  Westchester  Co.  N.  Y.)  and  Sarah 
/Titus.  They  had  one  chi.,  Julia  Cornell  Walbridge,  b.  12  May,  1856, 
//  d.  9  July,  1856.  Mr.  W.  told  me  in  1892  that  20  years  before  an  old 
Dutchman  living  near  him  said  he  used  to  know  a  Mr.  Walbridge 
about  1830  in  Liverpool,  England,  who  was  a  large  ship  owner. 
Nelson  W.  and  wife  reside  316  East  65th  St.,  N.  Y.  City.  His 
portrait  shows  him  when  about  55  years  of  age. 

345  V.   Calvin  Clarke,  b.  Oct.  14,  1832,  m.  Mahalah  H.  Damon. 

346  vi.  Milton  Thompson,  b.  Feb.  23,  1834,  m.  Ellen  Marble. 


-•-.v;  YOhK 




WILLIAM  HOLLOWAY^  {Elijah,*  Zcbnlon,-'  WiUiamr  Henry'),  b. 
Sept.  20,  1776,  at  Filkinton,  N.  Y.,  d.  March  12,  1832,  at  Belleville,  Can., 
m.,  March  20,  1808,  at  Kingston,  Can.,  Mary  Everett,  b.  July  16,  1790,  near 
Kingston,  Can.,  d.  Dec.  5,  1854,  at  Belleville,  Can.,  dau.  of  Major  John  and 
Mercy  (Purdy)  Everett. 

Wm.  H.  was  in  Saratoga  County,  N.  Y.,  in  1797,  as  shown  by  the  fol- 
lowing verbatim  copy  sent  me  by  his  son,  Wm.  H.  Wallbridge: 

Saratog.a.  County,  St.\te  N.  Y.  Mach  21st  Day  1797 
Know  all  men  whom  it  may  concerne  that  the  Bearer  Wil- 
liam H.  Wallbridge  is  uniit  for  Military  duty  by  reason  of 
Lameness  in  his  Legs,    given  under  hand  the  day  and  year 
above  written. 

Aaron  Gregory  Surgeon  of  the  Regiment 
whereof  John  Ball  is  Lieut.  Col.  Comandant 

Of  his  chi.  five  d.  in  infancy,  the  others  were: 

347  i.   Marianne,  b.  Dec.  19,  18 13,  m.  Hiram  Edward  Howard. 

348  ii.   Lewis,  b.  Nov.  27,  1816,  d.  unm.  in  Winnipeg,  Manitoba,  Oct.  20, 


The  Hon.  Lewis  Wallbridge  was  born  in  Belleville,  Canada,  27 
Nov.,  1816.  After  two  years  supplementary  study  in  Montreal,  he 
finished  his  education  at  Upper  Canada  Coll.,  at  Toronto,  became 
a  Barrister  in  1839,  and  Queen's  Counsel  in  1856. 

Nov.  24,  1855,  was  made  Bencher  of  Law  Society  of  Upper  Can. 

Feb.  15,  1856,  Major  of  the  Belleville  Battalion  of  Militia. 

May  16,  1863,  he  received  his  Patent  as  Solicitor  General  of 
Upper  Canada.  Aug.  13,  1863,  was  made  Speaker  of  Legislative 
Assembly  of  Upper  and  Lower  Canada  at  Quebec,  and  was  the  first 
Speaker  at  Ottawa. 

He  presided  at  the  debates  on  the  Confederation  of  the  Prov- 
inces, was  Speaker  at  the  opening  of  the  new  Pariiament  building 
at  Ottawa,  also  a  Director  of  the  Bank  of  Upper  Canada  at  Toronto. 
Dec.  12,  1882,  he  received  his  patent  as  Chief  Justice  of  Queen's 
Bench  for  Manitoba,  a  life  api)ointmcnl.  He  was  also  Member  of 
Parliament  for  East  Hastings. 


Appleton's  Cy eloped,  of  Amcr.  Biog.  says  in  addition  to  above, 
"He  was  elected  to  the  Canadian  Parliament  in  1857,  and  became  a 
member  of  the  Executive  Council  in  1863." 

349  iii.  William  Holloway,  Junr.,  b.  March  24,  1820,  d.  unm.  at  Belleville, 

Can.,  and  supplied  much  of  his  family's  data  here  given.  He  was 
an  iron  founder,  and  wrote  in  Nov.,  1892,  that  he  had  the  old  Flint 
lock  musket  of  the  Revolution,  brought  by  his  ancestors  from  the 
States,  and  a  shoe  worn  by  his  Father  when  an  infant,  in  which  the 
sewing  and  pegging  are  as  rough  as  the  heaviest  work  done  now. 

350  iv.   Francis,  b.  April  6,  1822,  m.  Clarinda  M.  Stewart. 

351  v.  Hannah  Caroline,  b.  April  4,  1825,  d.  unm.  Sept.  15,  1891. 

352  vi.  Adam  Henry,  b.  Aug.  9,  1827,  m.  Phoebe  Stevenson. 

353  vii.  Thomas  Campbell,  b.  Jan.  2,  1830,  m.  Jane  A.  Miller. 

Note. — The  only  mention  of  Purdy  in  Savage's  Gen.  Diet,  of  N.  Eng.  is  "Frances  and 
Mary  Purdy,  Fairfield  1644  are  witnesses  to  the  will  of  William  Frost,  6  Jan.  1645,  possibly 
the  first  mentioned  was  a  man."  The  Purdy  family  were  among  the  early  settlers  of  Fair- 
field, Conn.,  where  Francis  Purdy,  the  first  member  of  the  family  of  whom  we  have  any 
account,  died  in  1658.  His  sons  were  Francis,  John  and  Samuel.  John,  the  second,  left 
Francis,  who  had  two  sons,  Joseph  and  John.  Joseph,  the  eldest,  was  one  of  the  proprie- 
tors of  the  White  Plains  and  Laine  Wills  purchases,  N  Y.  The  arms  of  the  family  are  Or  on 
a  chevron  Azure,  between  three  Mullets  Sable,  pierced  of  the  field.  No  less  than  21  of  the 
Purdy  family  signed  the  following  protest,  "We  the  subscribers,  freeholders  and  inhabi- 
tants of  the  County  of  Westchester,  being  assembled  at  the  White  Plains  in  consequence 
of  certain  advertisements,  do  now  declare  that  we  meet  here  to  declare  our  honest  abhor- 
rence of  all  unlawful  Congresses  and  Committees,  and  that  we  are  determined  at  the  hazard 
of  our  lives  and  properties  to  support  the  King  and  Constitution,  and  that  we  acknowledge 
no  representatives  but  the  General  Assembly,  to  whose  wisdom  and  integrity  we  submit  the 
guardianship  of  our  rights  and  privileges."  (See  History  of  Co.  of  W estehester ,  N.  Y.,  by 
Robert  Bolton,  Jr.,  2  vols.,  N.  Y.  1848,  in  which  the  Purdys  have  frequent  mention.) 

Gilbert  Purdy  was  of  Anglo-Saxon  descent,  his  father  being  EngHsh 
and  his  mother  Irish.  He  lived  near  N.  Y.  City  until  the  Amer.  Rebellion  of 
1777,  when  he  entered  the  British  service,  where  he  served  until  near  the 
close  of  the  war,  when  he  died  ofT  N.  Y.  on  board  his  ship.  He  had  eight 
children,  all  of  whom  except  one  daughter  came  to  Canada  at  the  close  of 
the  war  or  soon  after.  His  oldest  son,  David  Purdy,  was  born  20  Oct.,  1756, 
and  died  24  May,  1838.  The  next  chi.  was  Mercy,  b.  28  Aug.,  1758,  m. 
Major  John  Everett,  (3)  Gilbert  Purdy,  born  9  Jan.,  1763,  d.  5  Jan.,  1851, 
set.  88,  (4)  Micajah,  b.  10  May,  1766,  d.  26  Jan.,  1844,  set.  78,  (5)  Rhoda, 
afterward  Day,  b.  15  May,  1770,  d.  8  April,  1840,  ast.  70,  (6)  Charlotte,  after- 
ward Herchmer,  b.  26  Aug.,  1773,  d.  Aug.,  1843,  ast.  70,  (7)  Samuel  Purdy, 
b.  March,  1777,  d.  1849,  ast.  72.     David  Purdy  located  on  lot  42  first  con- 


cession,  Township  of  Eniestown,  wliich  lie  afterward  bought  of  the  Rev. 
John  Stewart  in  1787,  and  was  patented  to  tlie  Rev.  Stewart  l\Iay  17,  180J, 
containing  311  acres.  It  is  now  occupied  by  his  heirs.  David  Purdy  came 
from  N.  Y.  in  1783  with  David  Badcock,  Josh  Booth,  Robert  Clark,  Danie! 
Rose,  Major  Everett,  John  Burnett  and  others.  T.  C.  Wallbridge,  of  Belle- 
ville, Can.,  writes  22  April,  1868,  "Gilbert  Jones  told  me  that  Uncle  Samuel 
Purdy  near  Kingston  has  hunted  up  all  the  Purdy  family  and  has  it."  Also 
mentions  Amos  Wright,  of  Richmond,  as  posted. 


SARAH^  {Elijah*  Zcbidoii,^  William,-  Hciiry^),  b.  Nov.  17,  1777,  in 
Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  Feb.  21,  1850,  at  Milton,  N.  Y.,  m.  John  Howard, 
a  farmer  and  tanner,  who  was  born  Jan.  14,  1773,  in  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and 
d.  June  II,  1863,  at  Milton,  N.  Y. 

i.   Hannah  Howard,  b.  Jan.  18.  1797,  prob.  d.  before  1808. 

ii.  Phoebe  Hart  Howard,  b.  March  23,  1798,  at  Milton,  N.  Y.,  d.  Feb.  2, 
1834,  at  N.  Y.  City,  m.,  Sept.  10,  1817,  at  Milton,  N.  Y.,  Reuben  West- 
cot,  b.  Nov.  25,  1791,  at  Stephentown,  N.  Y.,  d.  May  15,  1862,  at 
Ballston  Spa,  N.  Y.  He  was  son  of  Joseph  Westcot,  b.  Aug.  6,  1765, 
at  Stonington,  Conn.,  d.  Sept.  19,  1795,  having  m.,  July  25,  1790,  Pris- 
cilla  Hewitt  (wid.  Reuben),  b.  Jan.  17,  1755,  d.  May  23,  1839.  They 
had  chi.,  ( i)  Sarah  Maria  Westcot,  b.  at  Ballston,  July  27,  1818.  m.  Nov. 

10,  1841,  Lorenzo  Kelly,  b.  Feb.  15,  1817,  d.  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  April 

11,  1892,  (2)  Hannah  Mary  Westcot,  b.  Aug.  i,  1820,  at  Ballston,  d. 
there  Sept.  29.  1872,  (3)  John  Howard  Westcot,  b.  Sept.  20,  1823,  at 
Ballston,  d.  there  Feb.  20,  1895.  He  m..  May  10,  1853,  Harriet  M.  Col- 
lamer,  of  Malta.  Mr.  Westcot  was  the  oldest  druggist  in  Saratoga, 
having  been  in  business  since  1843;  Village  Trustee  and  member  of 
the  Board  of  Education  for  several  years,  a  director  of  the  First  Nat. 
Bk.  for  twenty  years,  and  for  ten  years  a  warden  of  Christ  Church.  He 
was  prominent  in  the  Masonic  Fraternity,  a  member  of  the  Masonic 
Veterans'  Association,  Mystic  Shrine  and  BIoss  Council,  No.  14,  of 
Troy,  Washington  Commandery,  No.  25,  of  Saratoga  Springs,  Warren 
Chapter,  No.  23,  and  Franklin  Lodge,  No.  90,  of  Ballston.  He  left  of  his 
immediate  family,  his  wife,  one  daughter,  Mrs.  J.  F.  Kline,  of  Ballston 
Spa,  and  two  sons,  R.  Warren  Westcot,  of  Yonkers,  and  H.  C.  Westcot, 
of  Ballston,  also  one  bro..  Deputy  Co.  Clerk  Joseph  E.  Westcot,  and 
two  sisters,  Mrs.  Sarah  E.  Kelly,  of  Rochester,  and  Mrs.  F.  B.  Johnson, 


of  Winchester,  N.  H.  (4)  Elizabeth  Barnum  Westcot,  b.  July  2,  1825, 
at  Milton,  N.  Y.,  d.  March  14,  1828.  at  N.  Y.  C.  (5)  Joseph  Edward 
Westcot,  b.  Sept.  17,  1827.  at  N.  Y.  C,  m.,  Dec.  16,  1878,  Mannatee  S. 
Hibbett.  (6)  Frances  Barnum  Westcot,  b.  July  14,  1830,  at  Milton, 
N.  Y.,  m.,  Sept.  12,  1849,  Nathan  J.  Johnson. 

iii.  Hiram  Edward  Howard,  b.  May  9,  1800,  m.  Marianne  Wallbridge. 
(See  347.) 

iv.  John  Vivaldi  Howard,  b.  May  28,  1802,  at  Milton,  N.  Y.,  d.  Nov.  18, 
1877,  at  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.,  where  the  editor  of  these  notes  re- 
members him.  He  m.,  Feb.  28,  1825,  Mary  Wilde,  b.  Aug.  10,  1806, 
d.  May  7,  1859,  at  Milton,  N.  Y.,  and  had  chi.,  (i)  Edward  H.  Howard, 
b.  March  13,  1826,  d.  April  9,  1816,  in  Calif.,  (2)  John  Howard,  b.  March 
22),  1838,  d.  Feb.  21,  1841,  (3)  Mary  Howard,  b.  Nov.  11,  1842,  d.  Dec. 
25,  1862. 

V.  Hannah  Mary  Howard,  b.  April  19,  1808,  d.  unni.  Jan.  21,  1829,  in 
N.  Y.  C. 


ASA  E.»  {Elijah,^  Zcbnlon,^  William-  Hcnry^).  b.  Nov.  2,  1782,  at  Canton 
Landing,  N.  Y.,  d.  Dec.  4,  i860,  at  Newcastle,  Can.,  m.,  Sept.  30.  1809,  at 
Roxbury,  Delaware  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Hannah  Every,  b.  April  28,  1790,  at  Rox- 
bury,  N.  Y.,  d.  Feb.  10,  1838,  at  Newcastle,  Can.,  dau.  of  John  and  Catharine 
Every.  "John  Every  was  a  Baptist  deacon,  ran  a  distillery,  kept  tavern,  and 
preached  the  gospel."  Asa  E.  and  family  were  all  farmers  of  Township 
Clarke,  Ontario,  Can.,  moving  there  in  1812.  Wm.  H.  Wallbridge,  of  Belle- 
ville, thinks  Asa  E.  did  not  go  with  his  father  to  Milton,  but  remained  in 
Dutchess  Co.  until  his  removal  to  Canada.  This  was  probably  so,  as  his 
first  chi.  was  born  in  North  East,  N.  Y.,  in  1812,  while  Elijah  went  to  Milton 
in  1770.     Canton  Landing  is  six  miles  above  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y. 

354  i.   Hannah  Catharine,  b.  Feb.  4,  181 2,  m.  Leonard  Thompson. 

355  ii.  Sarah,  b.  April  11,  1814,  at  Massasauga  Point,  opposite  Belleville, 

Can.,  d.  Feb.  15,  1815. 

356  iii.  John  Every,  b.  Oct.  25,  1816,  m.  Alice  Hill. 

357  iv.  Elijah  Zebulon,  b.  Aug.  13,  1819,  m.  Miranda  L.  Hodges. 

358  V.  Elias,  b.  May  13,  1822,  at  Newcastle,  Can.,  d.  May  6,  1825. 

359  vi.  William,  b.  July  30,  1825,  d.  unm.  Feb.  3,  1863,  an  Eng.  and  Sur- 


360  vii.  Asa  Fobes,  M.  A.,  b.  July  9,  1828,  unm.,  is  a  Methodist,  had  at 




one  time  a  Bil)lc  class  of  70  Methodists,  24  Ch.  of  England  nieni- 
l^iers,  and  12  Presbyterians. 
361      viii.  Joseph  Ilolloway,  b.  April  20,  1832,  at  Newcastle,  Can.,  d.  Sept. 
16,  1836. 


MARY  HOLLOWAY'5  {Elijah*  Zcbiiloii.-'  IVilliain,-  Henry'),  h.  Aug. 
16,  1784,  at  Milton,  N.  Y.,  d.  June  15,  1852,  m.,  Jan.  27,  1807,  Adam  Henry 
Meyers,  a  native  of  Hanover,  Germany,  living  at  the  time  of  their  m.  at 
River  Trent,  Canada.     He  d.  May  9,  1832. 

i.  Anna  Margaret  Meyers,  b.  Oct.  24,  1807,  d.  Dec.  12,  1870,  m.  Thomas  A. 

Corbett,  who  held  the  life  office  of  High  Sheriff  of  Kingston,  Can.,  until 

his  death,  Jan.  2,  1874. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Corbett  left  four  sons  and  one  dau.,   the   latter   m. 

S.  R.  Balkuil,  of  Tacoma.     Of  the  sons,  Augustus  and  William  were 

surgeons  in  the  British  army,  went  through  the  Crimean  war  and  the 

Indian  mutiny,  and  lived  in  India  several  years.     Augustus  d.  in  Eng., 

leaving  a  wife,  one  son,  and  four  dan.,  the  son  is  m.,  and  lives  in  one  of 

the  Western  States,  was  in  the  battle  and  charge    at    Batoche    in    the 

N.  W.  Territory.     The  eldest  dau.  is  m.,  and  lives  near  Brandon,  N.  W. 

Ter.     The  mother  with  three  unni.  dau.  lives  (1892)    at    Vancouver, 


William  died  in  service  in  India,  where  his  wife  and  daughters  now 

live,  one  dau.  m.  to  an  army  officer. 

Thomas  d.  in  the  Dominion  mail  service,  and  Dr.  Henry  in  military 

service  in  the  N.  W. 
ii.  Elias  Von  Holland  Meyers,  b.  Feb.  22,  1809,  d.  young, 
iii.   Hannah  Maria  Meyers,  b.  Dec.  3,  1810.  m.  John  Cochrane,  a  Ch.  of  Eng. 

clergyman,  who  d.  Feb.  16,  1842.     Their  two  chi.  d.  in  infancv,  and  the 

wid.  was  living  Dec,  1892. 
iv.  Adam  Henry  Meyers,  b.  July  18,  1812,  d.  unm.  July  31,  1875.     He  was  a 

Barrister  and  M.  P. 
v.  Elijah  Wallbridge  Meyers,  b.  May  24,  1814,  d.  Aug.  21,  1868,  m.  Sophia 

Birdsall,  was  a  wholesale  lumber  merchant,  left  five  sons  and  one  dau., 

the  latter  is  dead. 

(1)  Adam  Henry  Meyers  was  a  barrister  in  Toronto,  Can.,  where 

he  d.  unm.  in  the  winter  of  1891,  (2)  Wm.  Frederick  Meyers,  a  ranchman 

in  N.  W.  Territory,  and  member  of  the  N.  W.  Leg.  at  Regina,  (3)  David 


Meyers,  resides  in  Toronto,  Can.,  is  connected  with  a  daily  paper,  he  m. 
Miss  Strong,  and  has  two  sons,  Lewis  Wallbridge  Meyers  and  Adam 
Henry  Meyers,  (4)  Donald  Campbell  Meyers  is  an  M.  D.  and  University 
lecturer  on  nervous  diseases,  of  which  he  made  a  special  study  in  Europe, 
(5)  Herbert  Meyers,  a  ranchman  and  fur  dealer,  residing  with  his  bro., 
William  F. 

vi.  Justus  Holloway  Meyers,  b.  April  18,  181 6,  d.  unm.  May  9,  1837,  was  a 
medical  student,  and  accidentally  shot. 

vii.  John  Everett  Howard  Meyers,  b.  Jan.  19.  1818,  d.  unm.  May  20,  1839. 

viii.  Wm.  Holloway  Wallbridge  Meyers,  b.  Nov.  12,  1819,  m.  a  dau.  of  John 
Turnbull,  of  Belleville,  Can.     She  is  dead,  her  husband  was  drowned. 


ELIAS'  (Elijah*  Zcbulou,^  IVilliam,'  Henry'),  b.  Aug.  13,  1788,  at  Mil- 
ton, N.  Y.,  d.  19-27  April,  1821-22.  He  m.,  March  12,  1812,  in  Jefferson 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  Olive  Shelly,  b.  1793,  d.  Feb.  19,  1836,  dau.  of 
Samuel  Shelly,  who  kept  a  hotel,  also  owned  mills  and  other  property 
at  Limerick.  Elias  came  from  Casenovia,  N.  Y.,  and  started  for 
Canada  the  day  after  his  m.  His  widow  lived  on  the  farm,  and  four  years 
after  his  death  m.  Francis  Kenn  or  Kerr,  and  had  four  chi.,  George,  William, 
John  and  an  infant  dau.  Samuel  Shelly,  who  came  from  Casenovia  and  set- 
tled in  Limerick,  left  four  uncles  or  brothers  in  Casenovia,  each  six  feet  tall 
and  over. 

362  i.  Asa  Elias,  b.  Sept.  30,  18 17.  m.  Martha  Anderson. 

363  ii.   Elizabeth,  b.  1819,  d.  1894,  m.  James  Cunningham,  of  Ameliasburg, 


364  iii.  Shelly,  b.  1821,  d.  Feb.,  1896-7,  m.  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Mason. 

365  iv.  Daniel,  b.  and  d.  in  infancy. 


MARGARET^  (EUjah.*  Zcbulon?  IVilliam:-  Hairy'),  b.  May  27,  1790, 
m.  John  Everett,  of  Kingston,  Canada. 

i.  Robert  John  Everett. 
ii.   Charlotte  Everett, 
iii.   Hannah  Everett. 

These  all  m.  and  had  chi. 



WING  KELLEY*  {Elijah*  Zcbulon,^  William:-  Hcnry^),  b.  April  19, 
1808,  in  Canada,  d.  Oct.  i,  1869,  at  Boone,  Iowa,  ni.,  ist,  Sarah  Brown,  by 
whom  he  had : 

366  i.  Phoebe. 

He  m.,  2d,  Oct.  10,  1849,  Hannah  Malvina  Brady,  b.  May  30,  1810,  d. 
Oct.  31,  1869,  at  Boone,  Iowa,  dau.  of  John  and  Lydia  (Parkes)  Brady. 

Wing  K.  Wallbridge,  a  farmer,  was  given  by  his  father  a  fine  farm  in 
Township  of  Clarke,  Ontario,  Can.,  which  he  sold  before  his  removal  to 
N.  Y.  State.  He  lived  for  a  time  at  Maysville,  N.  Y.,  where  his  son  was 
born,  then  at  North  East,  Pa.,  where  his  third  chi.  was  born.  In  1857  moved 
to  Fort  Dodge,  Iowa,  and  thence  in  1868  to  Boone,  Iowa,  where  he  died. 

367  ii.  John  Brady,  b.  June  24,  185 1,  m.  April  18,  1883,  Jennie  P.  Dyer. 

Attended  Hillsdale  Coll..  Mich.,  1871-3,  was  then  appointed  Station 
Agent  on  the  C.  &  E.  I.  R.  R.  at  Bismarck,  111.  April  i,  1879.  was 
promoted  to  Hoopeston,  111.  In  1882  he  went  to  Dakota,  studied 
law,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Redfield,  S.  D.  In  the  spring 
of  1890  was  appointed  Chief  Clerk  Yankton  Indian  Agency,  Green- 
wood, S.  D.,  has  a  dau.  Edith,  b.  Jan.  16,  1898. 

368  iii.  Deborah  Edith,  b.  Oct.  2.  1854,  m.  May  13,  1886,  Henry  J.  Carr. 

Graduated  at  Hillsdale  Coll.  20  June,  1878,  appointed  Asst.  State 
Librarian  II!.,  June  i.  1881.  Had  charge  of  State /Library  until 
May,  1886,  when  she  m.  Mr.  Carr.  then  Librarian  of  Public  Library 
at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  where  they  resided  until  the  fall  of  1890, 
when  Mr.  Carr  went  to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.  After  organizing  the 
library  there,  he  resigned  in  1891  to  accept  the  Librarianship  at 
Scranton,  Pa.,  where  they  now  reside.     No  chi.  in  1893. 


WILLIAM*  (Porter."  Amos?  Amos,-  Henry^).  b.  Jan.  27,  1789,  at  Staf- 
ford, Conn.,  d.  there  Sept.  9,  1854.  He  m.,  June  2,  1822.  at  Stafford,  Caro- 
line Gould,  b.  March  13,  1803,  at  Stafford,  dau.  of  William  and  Charlotte 
(Cushman)  Gould.  She  d.  Oct.  9,  1882.  Charlotte  Cushman  was  born 
March  26,  1773,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Cushman,  b.  Sept.  2,  1739,  d.  1817.  A 
family  Bible  in  the  possession  of  Mrs.  Arba  Hyde,  of  Stafford,  Conn.,  has 
much  valuable  data  of  the  Cushman  and  Gould  families. 


Chi.,  all  born  at  Stafford,  were: 

369  i.  Elizabeth  Cushman,  b.  July  30,  1826,  d.  Jan.  12,  1868,  m.,  Oct.  i, 

1850,  Henry  F.  Bottum,  b.  1821. 

370  ii.   Pamelia  Sheldon,  b.   May  25,   1830,  m.,  April  3.   1855,  Sherman 

Converse,  b.  Feb.  25,  1822,  at  Monson,  Mass.,  resides  at  Westboro, 
Mass.  Chi.,  (i)  Melville  Sherman  Converse,  b.  Dec.  26,  1857,  at 
Monson,  m..  June  12,  1884,  E.  Jane  Hardy,  and  has  Helen  Converse, 
b.  1887,  at  Westboro,  also  Standish  Sherman  Converse,  b.  1889  at 
Westboro;  (2)  Caroline  Walbridge  Converse,  b.  Sept.  25,  i860,  d. 
1861,  (3)  William  Welcome  Converse,  b.  Oct.  6,  1866,  d.  1867. 

371  iii.   Martha  Jane  (Jeannie).  b.  Aug.  6,  1835,  unm.  1892,  and  living  in 

Oakland,  Cal. 


HENRY*  {Porter,'^  Amos,^  Amos,"  Hcnry^),  b.  June  18,  1798,  at  Staf- 
ford, Conn.  (T.  R.),  d.  April  13,  1869,  at  Worcester,  Mass.,  m.,  Dec.  10,  1821, 
at  Stafford,  Olive  Smith,  b.  June  10,  1798,  at  Ellington,  Conn.,  d.  May  23, 
1886,  at  Worcester,  Mass.,  dau.  of  Leland  and  Mehitable  (Cook)  Smith. 

372  i.  Mary  Ann.  b.  June  20,  1823,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  m.,  April  23,  1845, 

at  Worcester,  Mass.,  Cheney  Aldrich,  who  d.  June  30,  1869;  no  issue. 

373  ii.  Henry  David,  b.  Nov.  i,  1827,  m.  May,  1849,  Louisa  Jane  Howe. 

374  iii.  Albert,  b.  June  24,  1833,  m.,  July  17,  1856,  Charlotte  A.  MacuUar. 


PAMELIA*  {Porter,^  Amos?  Amos.-  Hcnry^),  b.  March  5,  1801,  at  Staf- 
ford, Conn.,  d.  Nov.  16,  1877,  at  Worcester,  Mass.,  m.,  Sept.  29,  1823,  at 
Stafford,  Conn.,  Oscar  Painter  Sheldon,  b.  March  3,  1800,  at  Salisbury, 
Conn.,  d.  Aug.  12,  1863,  at  Salisbury,  Vt.  He  was  a  farmer,  and  son  of 
Moses  Sheldon,  who,  b.  in  Salisbury,  Conn.,  March  29,  1752,  m.  there  Han- 
nah Keep,  Jan.  10,  1782. 

i.  Moses  Seymour  Sheldon,  b.  Dec.  24,  1824,  d.  May  4,  1897,  m.,  Feb.  7, 
1854,  Martha  Dewey  Cooke,  had  chi.  (i)  May  Cooke,  b.  May  4,  1857, 
d.  May  15,  1876,  (2)  Catharine  Elizabeth,  b.  July  28,  i860,  lives  Middle- 
bury,  Vt. 

ii.  Hannah  Sheldon,  b,  March  10,  1835,  d.  Feb.  11,  1836. 



:  1'- 


iii.   Catliariiie  Case  Sheldon,  b.  April   16,  1837,  m.,  Oct.  16,  1866,  Charles 
Merrill;  he  d.  1888;  no  issue. 

Mrs.  Merrill  writes.  "In  my  father's  family  we  had  an  ancient  Bible 
brought  from  Conn.,  in  which  is  written  the  record  of  my  Grandfather 
Sheldon's  family.  When  our  home  in  Vermont  was  broken  up,  my 
sister  and  myself  gave  this  Bible  to  a  cousin,  Henry  L.  Sheldon,  of  Mid- 
dlebury,  Vt.,  who  was  collecting  relics  of  the  Sheldon  family."  Mrs. 
Merrill's  last  address  was  Denver,  Colo. 

iv.   Elizabeth  Crook  Sheldon,  b.  Jan.  23,  1841,  m.,  June  20,  1866,  Lorin  C. 
Mead,  resides  Highland  Lake,  Colo. 


WHITMAN'  {Ames*  IVillimn,^  Amos,-  Hciuy),  b.  Dec.  25,  1813,  at 
Wales,  Mass.,  where  he  d.  June  12,  1856,  m.  Sophia  Hale,  and  had 

375  i.   Miles,  b.  Jan.  14,  1847. 

376  ii.   Porter,  m.,  April  7,  1867,  Lorinda  B.  Piper,  and  for  second  wife, 

Nov.  27,  1873,  Nellie  A.  Greene,  b.  1849,  who,  after  his  death,  m. 
Stephen  P.  Smith,  b.  1849.  Their  m.  recorded  on  Monson,  Mass., 
T.  R.,  March  28,  1886,  reports  him  a  farmer,  b.  at  Wales,  son  of 
Stephen  V.  R.  and  Persis  W.  Smith.  She  b.  at  Wales,  a  mill  opera- 
tive, and  dau.  of  Benj.  and  Roxey,  his  2d  m.,  her  3d  m. 


MARTHA  READ^  (Oliver*  Henry?  Amosr  Henry'-),  b.  at  Wolcott, 
Vt.,  m.  Hezekiah  Guyer,  and  lived  at  Wolcott.     They  had  four  children: 

i.  Earl  Guyer,  m.  Matilda  Trow,  and  had  six  chi.,  (i)  Arthur,  (2)  Alfred, 
(3)  Josephine,  (4)  Hattie,  (5)  Martha,  (6)  Lottie.  Four  of  them  living 
in  March,  1898.  and  reside  with  their  mother  at  Hyannis,  Mass.,  their 
father  having  died  Oct.  18,  1891. 

ii.  Hezekiah  Guyer,  m.  Mary  Seaver,  and  resides  at  Keokuk,  Iowa,  they 
have  three  chi.,  (i)  Warren  B..  (2)  Maud,  (3)  Blanche,  all  living  March, 

iii.  Harriet  Guyer,  m.  J.  Warren  Bailey,  of  Montpelier,  Vt.,  who  died  April 
21,  1880,  leaving  two  daughters,  (i)  Clara  M.,  m.  Harry  Lowe,  and  lives 
at  ;Montpelier,  Vt.,  have  one  son,  Warren  Bailey  Lowe,  (2)  Ella,  who 


with  her  mother  lives  at  the  old  home,  114  Elm  St.,  Montpelier,  Vt., 
where  Mrs.  Bailey  began  her  married  life, 
iv.  Elvira  Guyer,  d.  Jan.  23,  1881. 


JOHN^  (Henry*  Hcni-y,^  Amos,"  Hcnry^),  m.  June  12,  1834,  at  Cabot, 
Vt.  (T.  R.),  Caroline  Wilson. 

377  i.  Henry. 

378  ii.  Morris. 


AMOS^  {Henry.*  Henry,^  Amos.^  Hciiry^).  reported  born  at  Montpelier, 
Vt.  (but  T.  R.  show  none  of  the  name)  Sept.  i,  1809,  d.  Jan.  27,  1870,  at 
Pottsville,  Pa.,  ni.,  April  2,  1833,  at  Boyertown,  Pa.,  Harriet  Boyer,  b.  there 
Sept.  I,  1816,  d.  Feb.  9,  1885,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  dau  of  the  farmer  John 
Boyer  and  his  wife  Susan  Holder.  Amos  moved  from  Vermont  to  Pennsyl- 
vania in  1830,  teaching  school  at  Earlville,  Greshville  and  Boyertown,  whence 
he  moved  to  Birdsboro  and  Reading,  and  finallv  to  Pottsville,  where  he  went 
into  the  lumber  and  coal  trade. 

After  the  return  of  the  three  months'  men  at  the  beginning  of  the  war, 
the  96th  regt.  Pa.  Vols.,  under  Col.  H.  L.  Cake,  was  org.  at  Pottsville. 
Under  the  existing  regulations  each  regt.  had  a  band,  and  four  of  Amos" 
sons,  Horace  G.,  Amos  F.,  Adophus  and  Henry  C,  joined  as  musicians  at 
Col.  Cake's  request.  Another  son,  John  B.,  enlisted  as  Corp.  in  the  129th 
Pa.  Vols.  A  year  later  Congress  enacted  the  discharge  of  regimental  bands 
and  the  organization  of  Brigade  bands.  Amos  F.  and  Adolphus  B.  re-en- 
listed in  the  48th  Pa.  Vols.,  which  was  connected  with  the  9th  army  corps, 
under  Genl.  Grant.  Henry  C.  joined  the  149th,  where  his  bro.  John  had 
enlisted,  and  Horace  G.  organized  a  band  of  musicians  and  took  them  to  the 
southwest  under  Genl.  Burnside.  All  the  boys  returned  home,  but  John 
B.,  Amos  F.,  and  Adolphus  died  from  disease  contracted  during  service. 

379  i.   Henry,  b.  Feb.  12,  1834,  d.  May  15,  1834. 

380  ii.  Adeline,  b.  Sept.  15,  1835,  d.  Sept.  6,  1840. 

381  iii.  John  Boyer,  b.  March  25,  1837,  m.  Cath.  M.  Gottschall  and  Har- 

riet E.  Fasolt. 


382  iv.   Horace  Greeley,  b.  Sept.  15,  1838,  m.  Isabella  Wren. 

383  V.  Amos  Franklin,  b.  Dec.  20,  1840,  m.  Mary  E.  Beyerle. 

384  vi.  Adolphus  Boyer,  b.  March  20,  1842,  m.  Susan  Cable. 

385  vii.   Susan,  b.  Jan.  8,  1843,  d-  A"&-  ^S-  i845- 

386  viii.   Henry  C,  b.  June  24,  1845,  m.  Hannah  Boyer. 

387  ix.  Lydia,  b.  June  26,  1847,  d.  Aug.  10,  1854. 

388  X.   Charles  F.,  b.  April  25,  1849,  m.  Emma  Haldeman. 

389  xi.  Anna  Lucilla,  b.  Sept.  6,  1850,  d.  July  8,  1852. 

390  xii.   Harriet  I.,  b.  Sept.  15,  1852,  d.  June  10,  1853. 

391  xiii.   Hiram,  b.  May  12,  1854. 


HENRV^  (Henry.*  Henry.''  Amos,-  Hcnry^),  of  St.  Johns,  Mich.,  was 
born  Aug.  21,  1820,  at  Cabot,  Vt.  He  m.,  1845,  Almira  Hill,  by  whom  he 
had  one  son;  his  second  wife  was  Zilpha  Allen,  by  whom  he  had  three  chi. 

Mr.  Walbridge  enlisted  in  1862,  and  in  the  fall  of  1863  contracted 
typhoid  malaria,  which  obliged  him  to  resign  Jan.  3,  1864.  At  that  time 
he  was  Capt.  of  Co.  G,  23d  regt.  Mich  Vol.  Infty.,  org.  at  E.  Saginaw,  Mich., 
Sept.,  1862,  and  mustered  out  June  28,  1865.  {Mich,  in  the  War,  and  p.  331, 
part  V,  Oificial  Army  Reg.)  When  last  heard  from  Mr.  W.  was  a  member 
of  Walbridge  &  Osborn,  attorneys-at-law,  St.  Johns,  Mich. 

392  i.  John  Hill,  b.  June  30,  1847,  m.  Cynthia  Chase. 

393  ii.  Henry  E.,  of  the  firm  of  H.  E.  &  E.  L.  Walbridge,  Grand  Rapids, 

Mich.,  was  born  at  Glover,  Vt.,  March  31,  1850,  graduating  from 
St.  John's  High  School  and  Olivet  College,  Olivet,  Mich. 

"Mr.  Walbridge,  though  a  new  comer  in  this  city,  will  soon 
gain  a  strong  foothold,  as  his  past  record  will  pave  the  way  for  his 
future.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  April  7,  1871,  and  has  been 
actively  engaged  in  his  profession  for  the  past  twenty  years,  having 
refused  many  public  offices,  in  order  to  give  all  his  time  to  his  prac- 
tice. For  a  number  of  years  he  was  associated  with  General  O.  L. 
Spaulding,  now  Assistant  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  Department  of 
the  United  States.  He  has  also  held  of^ce  of  Circuit  Court  Com- 
missioner for  six  years  in  Clinton  County,  and  was  also  local  attor- 
ney for  the  D.  G.  H.  &  M.  Ry.  at  St.  Johns  for  a  number  of  years." 

394  iii.   Edward  Leroy,  b.  Nov.  i,  1856,  m.  Mary  Topping. 

395  iv.  Ella,  m. De  May. 



JOHN  GILLETT"  {Amos*  Henry.^  Amos,^  Hcnry^),  b.  March  ii,  1817, 
at  Randolph,  Vt.,  d.  Feb.  10,  1882,  at  Cottage  Grove,  Wis.  He  m.,  June  28, 
1839,  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  Lavinia  Gordon  Moore,  b.  Jan.  11,  1818,  at 
Chester,  N.  H.,  d.  July  9.  1886,  at  Cottage  Grove,  Wis.  Her  mother 
was  Mary  Gordon  Brown.  Mr.  W.  was  engaged  in  manufacturing  at 
Claremont,  N.  H.,  also  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  where  his  first  chi.  was  born,  and 
at  Cohoes,  N.  Y.,  the  birthplace  of  the  son.  imtil  Aug.  8,  1850,  when  on 
account  of  ill  health  he  moved  west  and  settled  in  Cottage  Grove,  Wis., 
where  his  third  child  was  born.     Here  he  farmed  until  his  death. 

396  i.   Lavonne  Estelle,  b.  Dec.  28,  1844,  m..  May  i,  1873,  Charles  Timothy 

Crane,  b.  Sept.  19,  1843,  ^t  Braintree,  Mass.,  son  of  John  and  Eliza- 
beth Crane.  He  resides  at  Weymouth,  Mass.,  and  is  treasurer  of 
the  Weymouth  Savings  Bk. ;  no  chi. 

397  ii.  Le  Roy  Ira.  b.  May  21.  1849.  m.  Flora  Clements,  of  Sun  Prairie. 

Wis.,  has  a  family,  and  lives  near  Madison,  Wis.,  his  P.  O.  address. 

398  iii.   Ida  Jeanne,  b.  Aug.  5,  1856,  unm.  1897,  and  living  with  her  bro. 


LEVP  {Anios,'^  Henry,^  Amos,^  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  5,  1821,  at  Randolph, 
Vt.,  d.  Nov.  26,  1894,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  m.,  July  4,  1847,  at  South  Newmar- 
ket, N.  H.,  Clarissa  Isabel  Lovering,  b.  1825,  at  Hampton,  N.  H.,  d.  Oct.  28, 
1859,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  dau.  of  Major  John  Lovering.  Mr.  Walbridge  held 
no  pubHc  office,  devoting  his  time  to  the  development  of  his  furniture  and 
carpet  business;  was  also  greatly  interested  in  Masonic  work,  and  attained 
the  thirty-second  degree.  Levi  m.  for  second  wife,  Sept.  29,  i860,  at  South 
Boston,  Mass.,  Josephine  Newell,  b.  April  4,  1838,  at  Newport,  N.  H.,  dau. 
of  Jeremiah  and  Sarah  (Aiken)  Newell.  She  resides  (1897)  Boston,  Mass. 
Her  father  was  from  Croyden,  N.  H.,  b.  1803,  d.  Feb.  15,  1838;  her  mother 
b.  1802,  d.  Aug.  15,  1842,  was  a  dau.  of  Andrew  Aiken,  of  Bedford,  N.  H. 

399  i.  George,  d.  in  infancy. 

400  ii.  Clara  Amelia,  b.  July  14,  1849.  m.  Osmun  Cobb  Webster. 

401  iii.  Edward  Lovering,  b.  Oct.  25,  1852,  d.  unm.  Sept.  25,  1884. 

402  iv.  William  Spooner,  b.  Sept.  19,    1854,  m.  Alice  Langdon  Libbey. 

403  V.   Isabel  Louisa,  b.  Dec.  — ,  1858,  d.  May  i,  1859. 


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404  vi.  Josie  Florena,  b.  Nov.  14.  1863,  m.,  July  6,  1892,  at  Quincy,  Mass., 

Charles  Daland  Baker,  b.  at  Dorchester,  Mass.,  son  of  George  W. 
and  Elizabeth  A.  (Daland)  Baker,  a  dealer  in  dry  and  fancy  goods  at 
Randolph,  Mass.,  has  a  dau.  (i)  Marguerite  Walbridge  Baker,  b. 
May  26,  1893. 

405  vii.  Edmund  Burke,  b.  Oct.  27,  1868,  unm.  1897,  and  hving  in  Boston. 


FREDERICK  GRISWOLD^  {Amos*  Henry,^  Amos,^  Henry^),  b.  Feb. 
14,  1828,  at  Wolcott,  Vt.,  ni.,  Nov.  25,  1850,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  Lydia  Ann 
Gray,  resides  at  Boston,  Mass. 

406     i.   Percy  Edgar,  b.  April  12,  1857,  m.  Lillie  A.  James. 


LUCIUS  HAZEN'  (Amos*  Henry,^  Amos,'  Henry^),  b.  May  21,  1830, 
at  Wolcott,  Vt.,  d.  in  the  West,  m.,  Nov.  7,  1852,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  Ellen  M. 
Dunn,  by  whom  he  had  three  chi.  He  m.  for  second  wife,  in  Wis.,  Caroline 
Warren,  and  had  three  chi. 

407  i.  Charles,  reported  dead. 

408  ii.   Carohne,  m.  GHnes,  had  2  chi.,  and  is  dead. 

409  iii.  George,  lives  in  Boston,  Mass. 

410  iv.  Nettie. 

411  v.  Amos. 

412  vi.  De  Los. 


ABIGAIL^  {Eleazcr*  Ekazcr,^  Henry,-  Hcnry^),  b.  Jan.  i,  1772,  at  Staf- 
ford, Conn.,  d.  Feb.,  1862,  m.,  Dec.  8,  1794,  Francis  Arnold,  bom  Sept.  21, 
1770,  at  Hardwick,  Mass.     Their  chi.  were  all  born  at  Brookfield,  Vt. 

.  Almon  Arnold,  b.  Jan.  9,  1796.  d.  Aug.  2,  1865. 
i.   Eleazer  Arnold,  b.  June  19,  1799. 
ii.  Abigail  Arnold,  b.  Jan.  3,  1802. 

v.   Clarenda  Arnold,  b.  Aug.  30,  1805,  m.,  Nov.  4,  1824,  William  Howard 
Smith,  b.  Jan.  18,  1804,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  d.  Jan.  24,  1892,  at  E.  Ran- 


dolph,  Vt.,  son  of  Abijah  Smith  and  Judith  Whiton.  Chi.  born  at  Ran- 
dolph, save  (6)  and  (8),  they  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  (i)  infant,  b.  and  d. 
July  30,  1825,  (2)  infant,  b.  Jan.  12,  1827,  d.  Feb.  2,  1827,  (3)  Mary 
Smith,  b.  Jan.  30,  1828,  m..  May  5,  1852,  d.  Feb.  25,  1858,  (4)  dau.,  b. 
Sept.  19,  1830.  d.  same  day,  (5)  dau..  b.  and  d.  Nov.  23,  1832,  (6)  Emily 
Clarenda  Smith,  b.  Aug.  27,  1834,  m.  July  29,  1862,  (7)  Rozette  Arnold 
Smith,  b.  Sept.  25.  1837,  d.  Feb.  24,  1887,  (8)  Andrew  Arnold  Smith,  b. 
Nov.  5,  1839,  m.  May,  1864,  d.  Jan.  5,  1887,  (9)  William  Dana  Smith, 
b.  Nov.  II,  1843,  m.  Aug.  29,  1871,  d.  April  18,  1881. 

V.  Andrew  Arnold,  b.  May  i,  1808,  d.  Dec.  22,  1880. 

vi.  Phoebe  Arnold,  b.  Nov.  6,  1810,  d.  July  31,  1889. 

vii.  Francis  Arnold,  b.  July  5,  18 13. 

viii.  Rozette  Arnold,  b.  Dec.  12,  1815,  d.  May  5,  1865. 

ix.  Charlotte  Arnold,  b.  Oct.  7,  1818. 


WILLIAMS^  {Elcazer,*  Elcazcr,^  Hcnry,^  Hcnry^),  a  farmer,  b.  Dec, 
1775,  at  Stafford,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  d.  June  22.  1848,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  m.  ist 
Hannah  Parish,  b.  Oct.  22,  1776,  d.  Jan.  7,  1810,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.), 
dau.  of  Isaac  and  Mary  Parish,  by  her  he  had  four  chi.,  and  married  2d,  Oct. 
II,  1810,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Fanny  Parish,  b.  May  2,  1790,  at  Little 
Britain,  N.  Y.,  d.  June  16,  1862,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Mary 
Parish.  The  chi.  by  first  wife  were  born  in  Randolph,  Vt.,  those  from  second 
marriage  in  Brookfield,  Vt.  Three  of  Hannah's  chi.  lived  to  be  over  eighty 
years  of  age. 

413  i.  Williams,  b.  Oct.  13,  1802,  m.  Maria  Carpenter. 

414  ii.   Infant,  b.  Dec.  10,  1803,  d.  Dec.  19,  1803  (T.  R.). 

415  iii.  Hiram,  b.  Aug.  17,  1805,  m.  Lucy  Maria  Fisk. 

416  iv.  Hannah  M.,  b.  Feb.  5,  1809,  m.  Rufus  Glysson. 

417  V.  Harriet  Parish,  b.  Aug.  27,  1814  (the  T.  R.  give  the  name  as  Har- 

riet Philena),  d.  June  3,  1886,  m.,  Sept.  27,  1833,  Austin  Carpenter, 
of  Brookfield,  Vt. 

418  vi.  Lucinda,  b.  April  26,  1816  (T.  R.),  m.,  April   25,    1841,    Otis   W. 

Smith,  of  Brookfield,  Vt..  had  an  only  son,  Henry  Clay  Smith,  b. 
Sept.  7,  1844,  d.  June  29,  1883.     Mrs.  Smith  was  living  1895. 

419  vii.   Mary  Maria,  b.  June  5,  18 18  (T.  R.),  m.  Dr.  Jehial  Smith,  of  Wau- 

kesha, Wis.,  where  she  d.  April  11,  1862. 


420  viii.   Laura,  b.  Oct.  11,  1820,  d.  1828  (T.  R.). 

421  ix.  Loren,  b.  Feb.  25,  1824,  d.  1835  (James  Loring  on  T.  R.). 

422  X.   Laura,  d.  aged  one  year. 

423  xi.   Fannie  Parish,  b.  Oct.  25.  1830.  m.  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  Feb.  5,  1855, 

William  S.  Palmer.  They  have  no  chi.,  and  live  at  Norwich  town, 
Conn.  He  the  son  of  Stephen  West  and  Nancy  (Stratton)  Palmer, 
was  born  at  Orford,  N.  H.,  Aug.  6,  1827,  grad.  at  Dartmouth  Coll. 
in  1853,  studied  theology  at  Andover  Sem.,  was  pastor'of  the  Cong. 
Ch.  at  Wells  River,  Vt.,  from  1862  to  1874,  and  of  the  2d  Cong.  Ch. 
at  Norwich,  Conn.,  since  that  date.  He  received  D.  D.  from  Dart- 
mouth Coll. 


AMES''  {Eleazer*  Eleazer,^  Henry,-  Heury^),  h.  Feb.  9,  1777,  at  Stafford, 
Conn.  (T.  R.),  d.  April  2,  1833,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  m.,  Dec.  10,  1803,  Rachael 
Laird,  b.  1783  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  d.  May  3,  1847,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  dau.  of  John 
and  Lois  (Orcutt)  Laird.  The  m.  is  given  on  Cabot  T.  R.  as  Dec.  23,  1804. 
Ames  came  to  Cabot  and  settled  on  the  farm  where  his  grandson,  Levi 
Jevvett  Walbridge,  now  lives.  He  was  a  man  of  great  physical  strength, 
and  well  fitted  for  the  hard  life  of  a  pioneer.  He  took  much  interest  in  fruit 
raising,  and  brought  scions  from  Randolph,  so  that  he  had  a  large  orchard 
before  the  town  people  thought  of  raising  fruit.  He  and  his  excellent  wife 
lived  honored  and  useful  lives,  and  were  the  parents  of  fifteen  chi.,  twelve 
of  whom  lived  to  maturity,  while  eleven  married  and  raised  families.  Tiieir 
births  all  appear  on  Cabot  T.  R. 

424  i.  Son,  b.  March  25,  1804,  d.  same  month. 

425  ii.  Jewett,  b.  March  25,  1805,  m.  Mary  Jane  Orcutt. 
iii.   Infant,  b.  Feb.  23,  1806. 

426  iv.   Lucinda,  b.  Feb.  15,  1807,  m.  Anthony  Potter  Perry. 

427  V.  Zenas  (Lewis  on  T.  R.),  b.  Sept.  14,  1808,  m.  Esther  Coburn. 

428  vi.  Ames,  b.  May  7,  1810,  m.  Susan  Perry. 

429  vii.   Lyman,  b.  May  15,  181 2,  m.  Deborah  R.  Glover. 

430  viii.  William  Williams,  b.  Jan.  7,  1814,  m.  Frances  W.  Lillie  and  Har- 

riet L.  Miles. 

431  ix.   Lewis  Don  Alonzo,  b.  June  6,  1815,  m.  Frances  Ann  Farrington. 

432  X.  Eleazer,  b.  April  7,  1817.  m.  Elmira  Mann. 

433  xi.  Abigail  Washburne,  b.  April  7,  1817,  m.  Charles  C.  Perry. 

434  xii.  James  Marsh,  b.  May  16,  1819,  was  a  young  man  of  much  promise. 


In  Jan.,  1850,  he  went  to  Calif,  to  join  the  army  of  gold  seekers, 
was  successful,  and  in  Aug.,  1850,  started  for  home.  When  cross- 
ing the  Isthmus  of  Panama  he  was  persuaded  to  leave  his  company 
and  go  on  ahead.  He  was  never  heard  from  again,  and  was  prob- 
ably murdered  for  his  gold. 

435  xiii.   Louisa  Burbank,  b.  Sept.  4,  1820,  m.  Saml.  Boyd  Wilson. 

436  xiv.  Loren  (Loring  on  T.  R.),  b.  Sept.  6,  1822.  d.  Sept.  16,  1823. 

437  XV.   Leander,  b.  Feb.  27,  1825,  m.  Nancy  J.  Wood. 


ELEAZER5  (Elcaccr,^  Elcacer,^  Henry,-  Heiiry^),  b.  May  5,  1779.  at 
Stafford,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  d.  Aug.  13,  1849,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  m.,  Dec. 
I,  1808,  at  Royalton,  Vt.  (Randolph  T.  R.),  Olive  Billings,  b.  Feb.  24,  1784, 
at  Royalton,  d.  Oct.  4,  1814,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  dau.  of  Deacon  John 
Billings,  who  b.  Nov.  30,  1752,  d.  Aug.  22,  1832,  and  m.,  July,  1772,  Olive 
Noble,  who  was  b.  Jan.  4,  1754,  d.  May  14,  1843.  The  record  of  Eleazer's 
second  m.  at  Randolph  speaks  of  him  as  Capt.  Eleazer,  m.  Oct.  25,  1815,  by 
Rev.  Tilton  Eastman,  to  Huldah,  dau.  of  Elisha  Lillie,  of  Randolph.  She 
d.  Aug.  12,  1847,  T.  R.  say  Oct.  4,  1847.  Eleazer  was  about  eight  years 
old  when  his  father  moved  from  Conn,  to  Randolph,  driving  his  oxen  along 
the  blazed  trail  to  the  farm  where  both  he  and  his  son  lived  and  died. 

438  i.  Philander,  b.  Aug.  4,  1809,  m.  Lucinda  Jones. 

439  ii.  George  N.,  b.  July  23,  181 1  (T.  R.),  went  West  in  1832,  and  was 

not  heard  from  until  1843,  when  he  was  living  in  Adell,  Dallas  Co., 
Iowa,  where  he  owned  a  large  tract  of  land,  which  he  sold,  and  after 
the  war  moved  south,  settling  in  Neosho,  Mo.,  where  he  d.  1880. 
He  m.  in  1870,  but  had  no  chi. 

440  iii.  Harriet  Amelia,  b.  Dec.  25,  1812,  m.  Jehiel  Weston. 

441  iv.  Olive  Lucinda,  b.  Sept.  21,  1814,  m.  John  Pearson. 

442  V.  Eleazer,  b.  Oct.  25,  1822,  m.  Fanny  Goss. 

443  vi.  Elisha  Lillie,  b.  April  29,  1824  (Randolph  T.  R.  give  year  as  1829), 

m.  in  1853  Harriet,  dau.  of  George  Knapp,  of  Baraboo,  Wis.,  they 
had  no  chi.  Mr.  Walbridge  raised  a  co.  for  the  23d  Wis.  Infty.,  org. 
in  Aug.,  1862,  in  battles  Chickasaw  Bluffs,  Arkansas  Pass,  Port  Gib- 
son, Champion  Hill,  Big  Black  River,  Siege  of  Vicksburg  and 
others.  (Offic.  Army  Reg.  I'ols.,  p.  197,  part  VI.)  He  was  made 
1st  Lieut,  of  Co.  F,  and  d.  at  La  Crosse,  Wis.,  March  31,  1863,  of  dis- 
ease contracted  during  his  seven  months'  service;  his  wife  d.  in  1865. 


444  vii.  John  Billings,  b.  June  14,  1828  (T.  R.  says  1838),  m.  at  E.  Ran- 

dolph by  Revd.  George  W.  Bailey,  on  June  11,  1848  (T.  R.).  to 
Faustina  E.,  dau.  of  John  Sessions,  in  1850  moved  to  Baraboo,  Wis., 
thence  in  i860  to  Berlin  Heights,  Wis.,  where  he  d.  in  1862,  having 
had  no  chi. 


JEWETT^  (Eleazcr*  Eleazer?  Henry,"  Hcnry^),  b.  Feb.  6,  1791,  at  Ran- 
dolph, Vt.  (T.  R.),  though  his  dau.  Martha  says  early  in  1787,  and  probably 
at  Litchfield,  Conn.,  while  his  father  was  moving  his  family  to  the  Vermont 
home.  (See  78.)  "Jewett  Wallbridge,  a  private,  place  of  service  not  shown, 
commander,  Capt.  Isaac  Phelps,  service  Aug.  18,  1814  to  Oct.  24.  1814." 
{Conn.  Militia.  War  of  1812.)  He  m.,  1817-18,  at  Royalton,  Vt.,  Harriet 
Byron  Skinner,  who  was  born  there  May  22,  1798,  and  d.  Feb.  22,  1844,  at 
Newfane,  N.  Y..  where  Jewett  d.  Sept.  29,  185 1.  His  wife  was  the  dau.  of 
Luther  Skinner,  the  son  of  William  and  Thankful  Skinner.  Luther  was 
born  in  Woodstock,  Conn.,  Oct.  14,  1760,  m.  Temperance  Dewey  May  8, 
1788,  and  d.  at  Royalton,  Vt.,  Jan.  12,  1838,  having  had  nine  chi.,  of  whom 
the  sixth  was  Harriet  B. 

Jewett  is  reported  to  have  lived  some  time  after  his  m.  at  Lockport, 
N.  Y.  Later  he  purchased  land  in  Michigan,  and  the  labor  of  cleaning  it, 
with  the  change  of  climate,  caused  his  own  and  his  son's  death.  His  dau., 
Martha  M.,  says  he  always  spelled  his  name  Wallbridge,  and  insisted  that 
was  the  correct  way.  His  dau.  Pamelia,  b.  out  of  wedlock,  about  1812,  at 
Randolph,  where  she  d.  1829  or  1830,  and  whose  mother  was  an  Orcutt,  was 
adopted  and  brought  up  by  his  wife. 

445  i.   Harriet  Diana,  b.  Dec.  14,  1819,  m.  David  H.  Dutton. 

446  ii.   Huldah  Orilla,  b.  Aug.  22,  182 1,  d.  in  infancy. 

447  iii.  Jewett  Demetrius,  b.  Dec.  24,  1824,  d.  April  11,  1852,  at  Algansee 


448  iv.  Mary  Elizabeth,  b.  July  18,  1827,  d.  Dec.  28,  1887,  at  Quincy,  Mich. 

449  V.  Rudolphus  Philander,  b.  Aug.  6,  1830,  m.  Harriet  L.  Knapp. 

450  vi.  William  Henry,  b.  March  7,  1834,  m.  Minerva  McNutt. 

451  vii.  Martha  Maria,  b.  Aug.  9,  1839,  m.  Charles  Alexander  Dewar. 


ANNA''  (Solomon,*  Hcnry,^  Henry,"  Henry^).  h.  April  10,  1781,  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  Sept.  13,  1823,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  m.  there  Oct.  21, 


lygy,  Genl.  John  Wires,  1).  Nov.  27,  1771,  at  Leicester,  Mass.,  d.  Oct.  5, 
1855,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.  He  was  elected  2d  Major  of  Vol.  Corps  Nov.  7, 
1812,  appointed  Capt.  April  30,  1813,  resigned  Aug.  i,  1814,  and  elected 
Brig.  Genl.  Oct.  27,  1815.  {Vide,  pp.  475-126,  Vol.  VI,  Gov.  and  Council 
of  Vt.;  also  p.  384,  Vol.  V.)  Sarah  Robinson's  notes  state  that  John  Wires 
m.  at  Cambridge,  Jan.  29,  1824,  Anna  Cady,  and  had  (i)  Alvina  Wires,  b. 

Dec.  ID,  1826,  m.  Hatch,  lives  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  (2)  Jane  Wires, 

b.  Oct.  27,  1827,  and  (3)  Harlow  Wires,  b.  March  22,  1830,  lives  at  Cam- 
bridge, Vt. 

i.  Alvin  Wires,  b.  Dec.  9,  1798,  m.  Sept.  25,  1822,  d.  April  5,  1855,  at  W. 

Randolph,  Vt.     Had  H.  M.  Wires,  of  Randolph,  Vt.;  Ephraim  Wires, 

of  Millford,  Mass.;  Edwin  Wires,  of  Boston,  Mass.,  and  Marshall  Wires, 

of  Lynn,  Mass. 
ii.  Anna  Wires,  b.  April  2.  1800,  d.  July  18,  1801,  at  Cambridge,  Vt. 
iii.   Mary  Wires,  b.  March  29,  1802,  d.  Aug.,  1856,  m.,  Nov.,  1826,  Henry 

Reynolds,  of  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  had  three    chi.,    one    named    Jane,    and 

another,  O.  W.  Reynolds,  of  Cambridge,  Vt. 
iv.  John  F.  Wires,  b.  Feb.  4,  1804,  m.  Amanda  Holmes.     His  son,  M.  D. 

Wires,  lives  at  N.  Brookfield,  Mass. 
V.   Martin  Wires,  b.  July  12,  1806,  m.,  Nov.  5.  1832,  Diadema  Stearns,  and 

d.  at  Underbill,  Vt.,  May  14,  1876.     A  dau.,  Harriet  (Wires)  Brown, 

lives  at  Hyde  Park,  Mass. 
vi.  Solomon  Wires,  b.  May  10,  1808,  d.  May  4,  1866.     His  daughters,  Sarah 

Wires  and  Fannie  (Wires)  Bryant,  live  at  Burlington,  Vt. 
vii.  Junius  Wires,  b.  April  14,  1810,  m.  Oct.  10,  1836,  who  writes,  March  2, 

1898,  from  Oshkosh,  Wis.,  that  he  is  the  only  one  in  the  family  living. 

He  lives  with  his  dau.  Juha,    who    m.  Hobart,    of    Hobart    & 

Cameron,  Ins.  Agents,  at  Oshkosh. 
viii.  Anna  Wires,  b.  Nov.  8,  1814,  d.  March  13,  1847,  at  Underbill,  Vt. 
ix.  Solomon  H.  Wires,  b.  Oct.  3,  1816,  d.  unm.  1891,  at  Washington,  D.  C. 
X.  Lorinda,  b.  April  27,  1819,  d.  at  Underbill,  Vt.,  m. Chamberlain. 

Her  dau.,  Lorinda  (Wires)  Howe,  lives  at  Waukesha,  Wis. 
xi.   Cornelia,  b.  Sept.  27,  1822,  d.  unm.  at  Cambridge,  Vt. 


MARTIN^  {Solomon.*  Hcnry.^  Henry,"  Hcniy),  b.  Dec.  5,  1782.  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.  (T.  R.),  m.  Phoebe  Perry,  dau.  of  Josiah  and  Mary  Perry,  of 
Dudley,  Mass.     Their  chi.  were  all  born  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  where  Martin 



lived  as  late  as  1817.  He  owned  a  tract  of  some  109  acres  in  Camljridge, 
close  under  the  north  end  of  Mansfield  Mt.,  which  was  sold,  Nov.  10,  1817, 
to  his  bro.  Solomon  for  $500.  When  the  latter  moved  to  Canada  in  1822  he 
sold  to  John  Warner.  Part  of  this  land  is  described  as  "about  forty  acres  of 
the  Second  Division  of  the  right  of  John  Knickerbacker."  Martin  d.  in 
N.  Y.  State. 

452  i.  Mary,  b.  Aug.  5,  1806,  d.  Feb.  13,  1884,  m.  Gallup,  of  E. 

Cambridge,  Vt. 

453  ii.  Almira,  b.  Oct.  26,  1808,  m.  Stephen  Cornell,  of  E.  Cambridge,  Vt. 

454  iii.  Sanford,  b.  Jan.  25,  181 1. 

455  iv.  William  Harrison,  b.  Dec.  31,  1813. 

456  V.  Lucy,  m.  Holmes,  of  E.  Cambridge,  Vt. 


JOHN«  (Solomon*  Heiiry,^  Henry;-  Hairy'),  h.  Oct.  3,  1786,  at  Cam- 
bridge, Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  Oct.  31,  1839,  at  Plymouth,  Ind.,  m.,  Dec.  9,  181 1, 
at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  Mary  Reynolds  (dau.  of  William),  b.  Sept.  8,  1791,  at 
Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  March  10,  1829,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  where  their  children 
were  all  born.  John  Walbridge  was  a  farmer;  he  moved  July,  1838,  from 
Cambridge,  Vt.,  Plymouth,  Laporte  Co.,  Ind.,  having  m.  for  second 
wife.  Sept.  24,  1835,  at  Cambridge,  Mercy  Burgess,  who  d.  Sept.  3.  1839,  at 
Plymouth,  Ind.  She  was  the  sixth  chi.  of  Benj.  Burgess,  who,  b.  Jan.  25, 
1749,  m.  Elizabeth  Paine. 

457  i.   Charles  Follett,  b.  May  26,  18 13,  m.  Samantha  Heath. 

458  ii.   Electa  Adeline,  b.  Nov.  11,  1815,  m.  Bradbury  Fullington. 

459  iii.   Betsey  Maria,  b.  Sept.  22,  1818,  m.  Charles  Palmer. 

460  iv.  Solon  Reynolds,  b.  March  20,  1821,  m.  Harriet  Gage. 

461  v.   Mary,  b.  June  21,  1823,  m.  Henry  Emerson  Farmer. 

462  vi.   Martin  Reynolds,  b.  April  27,  1826.    m.    Sarah    A.    Thurbcr    and 

(Mrs.)  Ellen  C.  Cherry. 

463  vii.  Milo  Montague,  b.  Oct.  20.  1828,  was  for  some  years  Chief  Eng. 

of  U.  S.  Custom  House,  Chicago,  111.,  and  appears   on    the    1897 
directory  as  collector. 


WILLIAM'"*  (Solomon,*  Hcnry,^  Henry,-  Henry'),  b.  Sept.  29,  1788,  at 
Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  about  1886,  at  Berlin,  Wis.     He  m.  Zilpha  Perry,  a  niece 


of  Commodore  O.  H.  Perry,  who  gained  fame  upon  the  lakes  in  1812;  her 
husband  lived  for  a  time  in  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.,  near  the  family  of  Silas  Wal- 
bridge,  then  moved  west,  lived  in  Wisconsin,  and  took  part  in  the  war  of 
1812.  His  grandson,  Albert  P.  W.,  of  Phoenix,  Arizona,  writes  in  1895, 
"My  uncle,  Geo.  W.,  of  Berlin,  Wis.,  has  the  powder  horn  carried  by  my 
g.  g.  father  at  the  battle  of  Bennington,  Vt.,  and  later  by  my  g.  father  Wil- 
liam W.  in  the  war  of  1812.  I  also  have  a  silver  spoon  marked  Z.  W.,  one 
of  a  set  made  from  the  silver  received  by  my  g.  father  for  his  services  in  the 
war  of  1812,  and  which  after  his  death  were  distributed  among  his  chi." 

]'t.  Hist.  Gac,  Vol.  Ill,  p.  434,  says,  "On  a  roll  of  Capt.  John  Wires'  co. 
which  was  raised  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.  and  went  into  service  Nov.  30,  1813  was 
William  Walbridge  private.  Capt.  Wires  was  from  the  town  of  Cambridge, 
which  was  then  in  the  town  of  Franklin,  Vt." 

464  i.   George. 

465  ii.   Solomon,  b.  Nov.  14,  1820.  m.  Amy  Crocker. 

466  iii.   Henry,  b.  Aug.  30,  1822,  m.  Mary  Crocker. 

467  iv.   Martin,  b. ,  18 — . 

468  v.  William   Perry,   b. ,    18 — -.     A   son   of   Henry   Walbridge 

and  Mary  Crocker  writes,  "My  father  had  a  bro.  William  Perry  W., 
who  was  a  volunteer  from  Wisconsin  in  the  war,  and  died  from  a 
wound  received  in  the  battle  of  Shiloh.  My  mother  had  two  broth- 
ers in  the  Mexican  war  and  one  in  the  late  war  (rebellion)." 

469  vi.   Mary  Ann,  b. ,  18 — ,  m.  Henry  Stocking,  and  in  1895  was 

reported  living  with  her  chi.  near  Santa  Rosa,  Calif. 


Benjamin  Perry,  who  m.  Oct.  11,  1727,  Susannah  Barber,  was  the 
ancestor  of  Com.  O.  H.  Perry.     (Genl.  Diet,  of  R.  I.,  p.  150.) 

Benjamin  Perry  d.  1749,  chi.  of  Edward  and  Mary  (Freeman)  Perry, 
m.  Oct.  II,  1727,  Susanna,  b.  Oct.  23,  1697,  d.  1748,  iv.  chi.  of  Moses  and 
Susanna  (Wait)  Barber.     Their  chi. : 

i.   Benjamin,  b.  Nov.  7,  1729.  iv.   iNIary,  b.  Nov.  19,  1735. 

ii.   Edward,  b.  March  28.  1731.  v.   Susanna,  b.  Nov.  19,  1735. 

iii.   Freeman,  b.  Jan.  23,  1733. 

Edward  Perry,  d.  1695,  of  Sandwich,  Mass.,  m.,  1657,  Mary,  chi.  of 
Edmund  and  Elizabeth  Freeman.     Their  son 

Benjamin  Perry,  d.  1749,  of  So.  Kingston,  R.  L,  m.  (2)  Oct.  11,  1727, 
Susannah  Barber.     Their  third  chi. 


Freeman  Perry,  d.  1813,  Nov.  13,  of  So.  Kingston,  R.  I.,  m.  Mercy 
Hazard,  who  tl.  1810.     Their  son 

Christopher  Raymond  Perry,  b.  1761,  Dec.  4,  m.  Aug.,  1784,  d.  June  4, 
18 18,  m.  Sarah  Wallace  Alexander.     Their  chi. 

OHver  Hazard  Perry,  Com.  U.  S.  N.,  b.  at  So.  Kingston,  R.  I.,  Aug.  2t„ 
1785,  d.  at  Port  Spain,  W.  Ind.,  Aug.  23,  1819. 


SARAH^  (Solomon*  Henry, ^  Henry,"  Hcnry^),  b.  Dec.  15,  1791,  at  Cam- 
bridge, Vt.,  d.  June  2,  1889,  at  Essex,  Vt.,  m.,  April  11,  1810,  at  Cambridge, 
Erastus  Powell,  who  d.  Feb.  7,  1823.  Mrs.  Powell  at  the  time  of  her  death 
was  living  with  her  dau. -in-law  at  Essex,  Vt.,  and  although  98  years  old,  re- 
tained her  mental  faculties,  and  used  to  relate  incidents  of  the  Bennington 
battle  told  her  by  her  father.  She  had  the  cane  carried  by  her  grandfather 
when  after  the  battle  he  sought  for  his  three  sons,  who  were  in  the  engage- 

i.  Fernando  Powell,  b.  Feb.  5,  181 1,  m.,  Feb.  14,  1837,  Laura  Woodworth, 

at  Underbill,  Vt.,  where  he  resides. 
ii.  Solomon  Powell,  b.  Aug.  17,  1814,  m.,  Aug.  15,  1839,  at  Reeseville,  N.  Y., 

Sarah  Ingles,  resides  Essex,  Vt. 
iii.  William  Powell,  b.  Sept.  8,  1817,  m.  Dec.  15,  1841,  at  Jericho,  Vt.,  Julia 

A.  Lee,  and  d.  July  2,  1876,  at  Essex,  Vt. 
iv.   Hermione  F.  Powell,  b.  Nov.  15,  1820,  m.,  Sept.  11,  1842,  at  Cambridge, 

Vt.,  Charles  Prior. 


ALMIRA'  {Solomon,*  Henry,^  Henry,-  Hcnry^),  b.  Dec.  2t„  1793,  at 
Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  June  8,  1869,  at  Leonax,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.,  m.  Nov. 
12,  1812,  at  Cambridge,  Riley  Burnham,  b.  Aug.  24.  1788,  at  Windsor,  Vt., 
d.  Feb.  28,  1863,  at  Leonax,  his  mother  was  a  Hawley.  He  drew  a  pension 
as  a  participant  in  the  war  of  1812.  Sarah  Robinson's  notes  say  that  he 
resided  at  Stanbridge.  Lower  Can.,  and  had   two  sons  and  a  dau.  born  there. 

i.  Edward  Burnham,  b.  Feb.  14,  18 14,  d.  Oct.  16,  1832. 
ii.  Samuel  Burnham,  b.  Aug.  25,  1817,  d.  March  8,  1833. 
iii.   Henry  Walbridge  Burnham,  b.  June  30,  1820,  at  Colchester,  Vt.,  m.,  11 
July,  1843,  at  Wolcott,  Vt.,  Abigail,  dau.  of  Samuel  Scott  and  Betsev 


Montague.  She  was  b.  14  Aug.,  1821,  at  Fairfax,  Vt.  Mr.  Burnham 
resided  in  1892  at  Kenwood,  N.  Y.,  a  dealer  in  maple  syrup  and  sugar, 
also  Treas.  of  the  International  Christian  Alliance  of  N.  Y.  City,  and 
executive  member  of  the  board.  His  chi.  are,  (i)  Edwin  Scott  Burn- 
ham,  b.  May  15,  1844,  at  Cambridge,  Vt..  (2)  George  Henry  Burnham, 
b.  March  24,  1854,  (3)  Chester  Walbridge  Burnham,  b.  April  13,  1856, 
at  Leonax,  N.  Y.,  d.  May  20,  1864,  (4)  Ada  Marion  Burnham,  b.  May 
13,  1859,  at  Wallingford,  Conn. 

iv.  Sarah  A.  Burnham,  b.  May  11,  1822,  m.,  June  29,  1849,  S.  B.  Campbell, 
and  d.  July  5,  1889. 

V.  AdeHa  W.  Burnham,  b.  July  3,  1837,  d.  Feb.  8,  1841. 


SOLOMON^  (Solomon*  Henry?  Henry,-  Henry'),  h.  May  5,  1795,  at 
Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  March  20.  1854,  at  Mystic,  Canada.  He  m.,  Nov.  29, 
1818,  at  Cambridge,  Elizabeth  McKinstrey,  b.  Jan.  26,  1794.  at  Royalton, 
Vt.,  d.  Oct.  10,  1872,  dau.  of  Alexander  and  Abigail  (Cooper)  McKinstrey. 
From  Stiles'  Ancient  Windsor,  we  learn  that  Paul  McKinstrey  m.  ist  Sarah 
Laird,  of  Stafford,  Conn.,  who  d.  Aug.  5,  1778,  aged  36,  and  he  m.  2d  widow 
Abigail  (Deem)  Stone.  Paul  d.  June  14,  1818.  at  Bethel,  Vt.  His  son 
Alexander,  b.  Dec.  10,  1762,  at  Ellington,  Conn.,  d.  Feb.  5,  1817,  m.  ist 
Abigail,  dau.  of  Thomas  Cooper,  she  d.  April  8,  1804,  their  first  chi.,  Betsey, 
was  the  wife  of  Solomon  Walbridge. 

The  newer  cemetery  at  Stafiford  Spgs.,  Conn,  has  a  stone  to  Capt.  Sal- 
mon McKinstrey,  who  d.  Nov.  i,  1852,  aged  86,  and  Jerusha,  his  wife,  who 
d.  Sept.  18,  1848,  aged  72. 

Solomon  Walbridge  was  m.  by  C.  Trowbridge,  and  his  wife,  according 
to  the  Burt  Memorial,  was  a  grand-dau.  of  William  McKinstrey,  of  Scotland. 
Her  father  d.  Feb.  5,  1817,  and  her  mother  April  4,  1804,  at  Royalton,  Vt. 

470  i.  Adelia,  b.  Aug.  19,  1819,  m.  George  W.  Cleveland. 

471  ii.  Lavinia,  b.  Dec.  3,  1821,  m.  Guy  Meigs. 

472  iii.  Mary,  b.  June  6,  1824,  m.  Dr.  Thomas  B.  Nichols. 

473  iv.  Alexander  Solomon,  b.  Oct.  12,  1828,  m.  Harriet  E.  Taylor. 

Solomon  Walbridge  bought  from  his  bro.  Martin,  Nov.  10,  1817,  for 
$500,  about  109  acres  of  land  lying  close  under  the  N.  end  of  Mansfield 
Mountain,  near  their  native  town  of  Cambridge,  Vt.     This  land  he  sold  to 


John  Warner  prior  to  May  5.  1822,  at  which  time  he  removed  to  the  Prov- 
ince of  Quebec,  Canada,  where  he  bought  out  a  squatter  on  Lot  16,  Range  6, 
afterward  called  Stanbridge  Centre,  and  now  known  as  Mystic,  a  thriving 
town  forty  miles  from  Montreal,  with  three  railroads  through  it.  The 
country  at  that  time  was  a  wilderness,  and  the  roads  mere  wood  trails,  where 
his  wagon  stuck  in  the  mud,  and  he  was  obliged  to  hire  a  Dutchman  living 
near,  to  bring  his  oxen  and  draw  his  goods  through  the  mire  to  the  little 
log  cabin  that  was  to  be  their  future  home.  His  wife,  with  the  two  elder 
girls  under  her  shawl,  sat  on  the  sunny  side  of  the  hut  while  he  with  the  man 
cleaned  out  the  cabin,  which  had  been  used  as  a  refuge  by  the  sheep  and  cattle. 
As  there  were  no  windows,  they  hung  blankets  over  the  openings  which 
served  to  admit  light  and  air,  and  took  up  their  respective  tasks,  he  working 
in  the  fields  and  she  busy  with  her  needle,  having  for  some  three  weeks  to 
use  the  light  that  came  down  one  of  those  old  Dutch  chimneys  made  of  sticks 
and  mud.  After  getting  things  to  rights  Mr.  Walbridge  went  to  Highgate, 
Vt.,  16  miles  distant,  brought  back  glass  for  windows  and  other  necessary 
articles,  and  in  two  years  had  a  good  house  and  barn.  In  1832  the  family 
moved  to  Bedford,  two  miles  south  of  their  first  location,  and  kept  a  board- 
ing house  for  the  employees  of  some  large  tanneries,  which,  however,  burned 
that  year,  and  they  returned  to  the  farm,  where  they  remained  until  1836, 
when  the  house  was  leased  for  a  tavern,  and  they  spent  the  year  in  Bedford. 
In  1837  they  kept  the  tavern  themselves,  and  the  stages  from  Boston  via  Bur- 
lington,Vt.,  stopped  for  breakfast.  There  were  then  no  railroads  thereabouts, 
save  a  short  one  of  14  miles  from  St.  Johns  to  La  Prairie,  on  which  they  went 
to  Montreal  by  riding  18  miles  to  St.  Johns.  In  1843  the  house  was  rebuilt. 
Mr.  W.  was  a  Justice  of  the  Peace,  also  a  Capt.  of  Militia,  and  served  in  the 
Canadian  rebellion  of  1837-8,  being  at  the  battle  of  Moore's  Corners,  when 
the  defeat  of  the  rebels  ended  any  chance  of  their  success,  and,  as  his  son 
writes,  related  the  next  morning  at  breakfast  how  the  balls  whistled,  and 
that  he  shot  a  horse  hitched  to  a  canr.-^n,  to  prevent  the  rebels  carrying  the 
cannon  away. 


RHODA^  {Silas*  Hcnry,^  Henry.-  Heiiry^),  b.  1784  at  Bennington,  Vt.. 
d.  there  Jan.  6,  1816,  m.  there  Jan.  27,  1805,  Loan  Fassett,  b.  1783,  at  Ben- 
nington, son  of  Col.  Benjamin  Fassett  and  Betty  Dewey.  (See  Fassett 

i.  Rhoda  Fassett,  b.  Nov.,  1805.  d.  1877  in  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  m.  


Craig,  from  Royalton,  Vt.,  moved  to  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  had  a  dau.,  who 
m.  D.  W.  Powers,  of  Rochester,  and  had  several  chi. 
ii.  Ruth  Fassett,  b.  Jan.,  1814,  m.  and  had  chi. 


SILAS^  {Silas*  Henry?  Henry-  Henry^),  h.  Oct.  2,  1786,  at  Benning- 
ton, Vt.,  d.  April  13,  1864,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  m.,  March  28,  1813,  at  Ben- 
nington, Esther  Dewey,  b.  Feb.  7,  1787,  at  Bennington,  dau.  of  Eldad  Dewey 
and  Mary  Tilden.  (See  Dewey  notes.)  Four  chi.  were  born  at  Bennington 
(T.  R.).  Silas  was  a  farmer  at  Bennington.  Vt.,  for  many  years,  then  kept 
a  hotel  at  Clarkson,  N.  Y.,  and  at  Rochester.  His  name  appears  on  a  list 
of  freemen  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  Sept.,  1807. 

474  i.   Esther  Margaret,  b.  July  8,  1814,  m.  Thomas  H.  Hyatt. 

475  ii.  Silas  Dewey,  b.  May  28,  181 5,  m.  Sarah  Maria  Anderson. 

476  iii.   Daniel  Tilden,  b.  Jan.  22,  18 17,  m.  Eunice  Mather. 

477  iv.   Lucy  SafTord,  b.  Nov.  29.  1820,  d.  Jan.  16,  1824,  at  Britain,  N.  Y. 

478  v.   George  Washington,  b.  Nov.  28,  1822,  m.  Augusta  Piatt. 

479  vi.  William  Albert,  b.  Aug.  8,  1824,  is  dead. 

480  vii.   Henry  Clark,  b.  April  21,  1826,  at  Clarkson,  N.  Y.,  d.  Jan.   12. 



ALMIRA'  (Silas*  Hcnry,^  Henryr  Henry^),  b.  at  Bennington,  m.  there 
(T.  R.),  Feb.  19,  1815,  Elijah  D.  Nichols,  of  Malone,  N.  Y.,  and  had  four 
chi.,  all  dead. 

i.  Jane  Nichols.  iii.  Juliet  Nichols, 

ii.  Jeanette  Nichols.  iv.  Romeo  Nichols. 


JOHN  JAY'  (Silas*  Henry, ^  Henry, ^  Henry^),  b.  1798,  at  Bennington, 
d.  May  31,  1841,  m..  Feb.  i,  1825,  Caroline  M.  Collins,  b.  1802,  at  Ellington, 
Conn.,  d.  Nov.  4,  1888. 

481  i.  John  Jay,  b.  May  4,  1826,  m.,  April  16,  1850,  Martha  E.  Moss,  and 

d.  April  28,  1889.  His  widow  wrote  in  1894  from  Battle  Creek. 
Mich.,  but  seemed  averse  to  giving  information;  should  judge  she 
had  a  son,  Robert  M.  Walbridge. 

482  ii.  Harry,  prob.  lives  in  Michigan. 

■yi  YOKK 

























ROMULUS"  {Silas*  Henry.^  Heiiry,^  Hcnry^),  b.  1803  at  Bennington. 
Vt.,  where  he  d.  Jan.  28,  1840.  On  Feb.  5,  1840,  Alvah  Rice  was  appointed 
Adm.  of  the  estate,  which  was  appraised,  "Pers.  $350.17,  real  estate — Tavern 
house  stand,  land,  barns  and  sheds  in  Bennington  East  Village  $4700." 
This  tavern  was  known  as  the  Mt.  Anthony  house,  and  stood  on  the  site  of 
the  present  Putnam  house  in  Bennington. 

Romulus  m.  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  Feb.  4,  1830  (T.  R.),  Emily  Safford 
Scott,  b.  Sept.  17,  1798,  at  Bennington,  where  she  d.  March  24,  1836.  She 
was  third  child  of  Martin  and  Mary  (Billings)  Scott.     (See  Scott  notes.) 

483  i.  Catharine,  b.  March  9,  1831,  at  Bennington,  d.  at  Midland,  Mich., 

April  6,  1870.  m.,  1852,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  John  Francis  Char- 
boneau  (son  of  John),  b.  July  7,  1826,  at  Etobico,  Can.,  d.  Oct.  30, 
1890,  at  New  London,  Wis.,  having  had,  (i)  Charles  Edwin  Char- 
boneau,  b.  at  Albion,  N.  Y.,  July  21,  1853,  now  publisher  of  The 
Business,  White  Cloud,  Mich.,  (2)  John  Francis  Charboneau,  b.  at 
Saginaw  City,  Mich.,  March  11,  i860,  resides  335  6th  St.,  Mil- 
waukee, Wis. 

484  ii.  Roam,  b.  Sept.  8,  1833,  d.  March  25,  1834.  is  buried  with  his  f.  and 

m.  in  the  East  Cem.  at  Bennington,  Vt. 

485  iii.  Caroline  Scott,  b.  Oct.  12,  1835,  "i-  Byron  C.  Beebe,  resides  Co- 

burg,  Canada,  had  chi.,  (i)  Frederick  W.  Beebe,  b.  and  d.  in  1853. 
(2)  Mary  Alice  Beebe.  b.  April  5.  1855.  at  Jersey  City,  N.  J.,  m..  June 
17,  1895,  at  Toronto,  Canada,  George  Byron  Lawrence,  b.  Aug.  4, 
1855,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  son  of  John  and  Harriet  (Barber)  Law- 
rence. They  reside  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  (3)  Frederick  Walbridge 
Beebe,  b.  May  18,  1858,  at  Bennington,  m.,  Dec.  8,  1884,  at  Toronto, 
Can.,  Jennie  House,  of  that  place,  having  previously  m.  Dec.  11, 
1880,  at  Coburg,  Can.,  Sarah  Richardson,  by  whom  he  had  Frank 
House  Beebe,  b.  at  Coburg,  Sept.  16,  1882. 


SEPTIMEUS"  {Silas*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Hcnry^),  b.  Nov.  10,  1804,  at 
Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  Nov.  27,  1834.  He  m.  there  Oct.  15,  1830, 
Sarah  Hawks,  b.  June  5,  1806,  at  Bennington,  where  she  d.  Jan.  19,  1889, 
dau.  of  William  Hawks,  who  was  born  Jan.  i,  1772,  at  Bennington,  where  he 


d.  March  14,  1812.     His  wife  was  Temma ,  d.  Dec.  21,  1840,  aged 

66.  Their  tombstones  are  in  the  cemetery  at  Bennington  Centre,  where  are 
buried  also  Major  Eleazer  Hawks,  d.  Jan.  i,  1827,  aged  80,  and  his  wives, 
Rhoda,  d.  March  5,  1791,  aet.  40,  and  Anna,  d.  Nov.  18,  1816,  set.  55. 

Sarah  Hawks  had  a  sister  Temma,  b.  March  28,  1801,  who  m.,  Oct.  31, 
1820,  Samuel  Robinson,  who  was  born  July  5.  1799,  at  Bennington,  Vt. 

Sarah  Robinson's  notes  say  Septimeus  d.  Dec.  27,  1834,  but  the  date  on 
his  tombstone  is  probably  correct,  though  going  back  30  y.  9  mo.,  would  give 
his  birth  in  March,  1804.  He  is  buried  at  Bennington  Centre,  and  his  stone 
reads  as  follows : 

Septimeus  Walbridge  departed  this  life  Nov.  27  1834  set.  30  y.  9  mos. 

Farewell  my  child  and  partner  dear 
If  aught  on  earth  could  keep  me  here 
T'would  be  my  love  for  you 
But  Jesus  calls  my  soul  away 
My  dearest  friends,  Adieu! 

Dec.  20,  1834,  an  inventory  of  estate  shows  pers.  prop.  $1316.06  and 
real  prop.  $2326.50,  while  under  date  of  July  31,  1835,  claims  against  the 
estate  are  allowed  Romulus  and  John  Jay  Walbridge. 

Oct.  I,  1835. — Wm.  E.  Hawks,  adm.  of  Septimeus  W.,  conveys  certain 
land  purchased  by  the  deed,  and  Romulus  W.  and  Silas  W.,  and  speaks  of 
the  house  "now  occupied  by  Romulus  W." 
486     i.  William,  b.  May  17,  1833,  m.,  Oct.  10,  i860,  Chyllene  Parsons. 


BENJAMIN  FRANKLIN^  {Asa*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  h.  1789 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Sept.  20,  1858,  at  Spring  Prairie,  Wis.,  m.  181 1  at 
Burlington,  Vt.,  Temperance  Austin,  b.  March  13,  1794,  d.  in  Minnesota. 
Benj.  F.  Walbridge  was  born,  according  to  his  descendants  in  1789,  1790, 
1793  and  1795,  m.  1811-1815-1816,  and  died  1852-1856-1858-1859. 

He  began  life  poor,  worked  hard  during  the  day  and  studied  at  night 
by  the  light  of  the  wood  fire,  was  a  volunteer  in  the  war  of  1812.  In  Sept., 
1814,  fought  as  a  Lieut,  in  the  battle  of  Plattsburg,  and  was  at  the  battle  of 
Lake  Champlain. 

About  1818  he  moved  with  his  father  to  New  York  State;  was  a  Col.  of 
Militia  of  St.  Lawrence  Co.  for  three  years,  and  in  1843  moved  to  Madrid, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  engaged  in  lumbering.  In  1850-55  he  removed  to  Geneva 
Village,  Wis.,  finally  settling  in  Spring  Prairie,  Walworth  Co.     He  held 


several  town  offices,  was  a  Royal  Arch  Mason,  and  became  wealthy  and  in- 
fluential, leaving  to  his  heirs  a  fine  estate,  accumulated  by  his  thrift  and 
energy.  His  widow  moved  in  1859  to  Lewiston,  Minn.,  and  was  living  in 
1884  with  her  son  Geo.  at  Maywood,  Benton  Co.,  Minn. 

487  i.  Orlo  Judson,  b.  Dec.  27,  1814,  m.  Althea  M.  Packard. 

488  ii.  Julius,  b.  1817,  m.,  1850,  Lucretia  Bull;  kept  hotel  at  Fergus  Falls, 


489  iii.  Aurilla,  Aug.  9,  1819,  m.  Franklin  Erwin. 

490  iv.  Asa,  b.  1823,  m.  Eliza  Meigs. 

491  V.  Charlotte  Austin,  b.  March  6,  1825,  m.  Thomas  W.  Taylor. 

492  vi.  Silas  G.,  b.  1828,  m.  Susan  Austin. 

493  vii.  Ameretta,  b.  1830,  m.  P.  Smith. 

494  viii.   Harriet,  b.  1833,  m.  Mark  H.  Foote. 

495  ix.  Melissa,  b.  1835,  m.  Stephen  Ray. 

496  X.  George  Washington,  b.  1838. 


BUEL'  {Asa,'^  Henry?  Henryr  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  25,  1801,  probably  at 
Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  Oct.  5,  1868,  at  Riley,  Kansas,  m.,  at  Messena,  Eliza 
Hunt,  who  d.  Oct.  3,  1866,  at  Riley,  Kansas,  where  Buel  located  prior  to 
1 86 1.  This  branch  of  the  family  has  been  hard  to  reach,  and  when  reached 
very  slack  in  replying.  Two  of  Buel's  chi.  reported  living  in  Milford,  Davis 
Co.,  Kansas. 

497  i.  Laura,  b.  Feb.  8,  1823,  m.,  Oct.  18,  1843,  Lewis  Parish,  lived  about 

1887  at  Hatton,  Hernando  Co.,  Fla.;  were  reported  living  in  1893, 
but  no  response  could  be  had  from  them  or  their  dau,  Lucy  Lamoille 
Parish,  b.  Aug.  7,  1847,  at  Brockville,  Can.,  m.  at  Manhattan,  Kan., 
June  30,  1870,  Charles  N.  Blair,  a  farmer  of  Solomon  City,  Kans. 

498  ii."'-  Sappho,  b.  Nov.  25,  1825,  d.  unm.  April  22,  1887. 

499  iii.   Lucinda,  b.  1827,  d.  Aug.  24,  1858. 

500  iv.  Darius,  b.  Jan.  8,  1832,  enlisted  in   Co.   A,  2d   Kansas   Cav.,  and 

served  three  years. 

501  v.  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  6,  1840,  d.  unm.  March  10,  1856. 

502  vi.  Jerome,  b.  May  15,   1843,  m.,  Sept.  9,   1885,  Elizabeth  Angove, 

he  enlisted  May  14,  1861,  in  Co.  E,  2d  Kans.  Cav.,  was  disch.  Jan. 
26,  1865,  having  served  two  enlistments. 


503  vi.  Jennie  E.,  b.  March  4,  1847,  m.  Robert  Reynolds  and  W.  T.  Harts- 


504  vii.   Emma,  b.  March  6,  1849,  m.  March  i,  1869.  George  Fullington, 

and  d.  June  i,  1871. 


ORA'  {Asa*  Henry?  Henry.-  Henry^),  was  born  Feb.  12,  1808,  at  Cam- 
bridge, Vt.,  wrote  in  1892  from  Chase's  Mills,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.  He 
m.,  Dec.  17,  1829,  at  Madrid,  N.  Y..  Emily  Daniels,  d.  April  9,  1843,  at 
Madrid,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Samuel  Daniels. 

505  i.  Isadore,  b.  Oct.  19,  1830. 

506  ii.   Clark,  b.  Sept.  20,  1832,  d.  Dec.  30,  1863,  in  Libby  prison. 

507  iii.  Jehial,  b.  June  16,  1834,  killed  in  battle  at  Cold  Harbor,  June  i, 


508  iv.  Lamoille,  b.  Dec.  2,  1837. 

509  V.  Hannah,  b.  June  8,  1840,  m.  Nov.  4,  1858. 

510  vi.  Emily,  b.  March  31,  1843. 


ALONZO'  (Asa*  Henry,^  Henry,"  Henry^),  b.  March  9,  1810,  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  d.  Feb.  26,  1875,  at  Marseilles,  111.,  where  he  m.,  March  8,  1838, 

Mary,  widow  of  Edward  Keyes  and  dau.  of Hughes.     She  was  born 

Sept.  21,  1802,  in  Hiram  T.  P.,  Vt.,  d.  Nov.  9,  1890,  at  Marseilles,  111.,  where 
the  chi.  were  all  born.  Mr.  W.  moved  from  Bennington  to  St.  Lawrence 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  about  1827,  and  thence  to  Marseilles,  111.,  in  1837,  settled  on  a 
farm  two  miles  west  of  the  town,  and  became  quite  wealthy.  His  son,  Ed- 
ward K.,  writes,  "My  father's  mother  died  a  hundred  years  old  lacking  one 
month,  and  her  mother  died  at  104  years  of  age,  my  mother  was  88  at  the 
time  of  her  death." 

Narrative  of  Mrs.  Alonzo  Walbridge,  who  was  widow  of  Edward  Keyes : 

"We  came  to  La  Salle  Co.,  111.,  in  Nov.,  1830.  During  our  journey 
we  travelled  five  days  without  seeing  a  house  of  any  kind,  but  at  last  reached 
the  hospitable  cabin  of  Christopher  Long  on  Covil  creek  where  we  remained 
six  weeks.  On  Christmas  Day  we  moved  to  the  north  bank  of  the  Illinois 
river  about  five  miles  east  of  Ottawa.  We  reached  our  cabin  in  the  evening, 
it  was  bright  moonlight  and  a  wild  and  dreary  place  our  new  home  seemed, 












though  I  said  nothing  lest  it  should  discourage  my  husband.  Our  log  house 
was  about  twelve  feet  wide  and  fourteen  feet  long  and  one  story  high. 
Owing  to  the  extreme  cold  we  were  unable  to  build  our  chimney  but 
little  higher  than  the  mantel  shelf  should  be,  so  that  when  the  wind  came 
from  the  South,  we  had  to  open  the  cabin  door  to  let  out  the  smoke.  The 
bottom  land  about  us  was  covered  with  high  grass  intersected  with  Indian 
trails,  while  ours  was  the  only  house  on  the  bottom  between  Ottawa  and 
Joliet,  a  distance  of  fifty  miles,  and  Ottawa  had  but  three  houses.  In  the 
Spring  while  I  was  away  and  my  husband  alone,  two  Indians  stopped  and 
took  dinner  with  him.  They  told  him  that  the  Sioux  Indians  would  soon 
come  and  kill  all  the  Pale  Faces,  so  we  took  the  alarm,  packed  up  our  things 
and  went  to  Indiana,  thus  escaping  the  dangers  of  the  Black  Hawk  war.  We 
returned  to  our  cabin  in  the  spring  of  1832  and  found  it  as  we  had  left  it. 
After  putting  in  the  crops  my  husband  went  East  and  I  stayed  alone  two 
months,  was  taken  with  the  ague  and  shook  every  other  day,  was  asked  to 
go  to  some  of  the  neighbors  but  thought  1  would  stay  and  take  care  of  what 
we  had.  The  winter  of  1832-3  was  very  cold  and  the  mill  at  Dayton  frozen 
up,  so  that  we  had  to  pound  corn  for  bread  I  have  lived  to  see  the  wild 
region  which  appeared  so  forbidding  on  that  Christmas  Eve  in  1830,  trans- 
formed into  one  of  the  most  thriving  portions  of  the  west." 

511  i.  Alonzo  Franklin,  b.  Feb.  26,  1839,  m.  Delilah  Mick. 

512  ii.  Ora  Delorma.  b.  June  15,  1842,  m.  Isabel  A.  Marshall. 

513  iii.  Edward  Keyes,  b.  Feb.  15,  1844,  m.  Annie  Kane  and  Jennie  Rae. 


HARRY  BRUSH'*  {David,*  Henry,''  Henry,-  Henry'),  b.  Sept.  11,  1792, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  July  22,  1828,  at  Erie,  Pa.,  m.,  Dec.  3,  1818,  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.  (T.  R.j,  Elizabeth  Barnard  Faxon,  b.  May  18,  1793,  at  Clare- 
mont,  N.  H.,  d.  Oct.  21,  1878,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.  She  was  second  chi. 
of  Calvin  Faxon,  who  was  born  Aug.  15,  1766,  at  Braintree,  Mass.,  d.  Oct. 
24,  1839,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  m.,  April  3,  1790,  Electa  Barnard,  b.  Dec.  19, 
1769,  at  Deerfield,  Mass.,  d.  July  27,  1857. 

Mr.  Walbridge  lived  for  a  time  at  Bergen,  N.  Y.,  where  his  first  three 
children  were  born,  the  fourth  at  Buffalo.  He  settled  finally  at  Erie,  Pa., 
where  he  engaged  in  farming. 

514  i.  Isabel  Brush,  b.  Sept.  17,  1819.  d.  unm.  Oct.  15,  1828. 

515  ii.  Elizabeth  Barnard,  b.  April  14,  1821,  m.  Feb.  21,  1844,  William 


Rice  Watson,  b.  Aug.  17,  1812,  d.  Jan.  25,  1866,  at  Fairbury,  Neb., 
where  he  was  surveyor  and  Probate  Judge.  He  was  the  son  of  EH 
and  Sophia  (Preston)  Watson. 

516  iii.  Samuel  Dexter,  b.  Oct.  4,  1823,  m.  Sarah  Coe. 

517  iv.  George  Faxon,  b.  Sept.  30,  1825,  m.  Susan  Booth,  and  is  said  to 

have  a  niece,  Mrs.  John  Switzer,  at  Fairbury,  Neb. 


ELIPHALET'  {David,*  Henry,^  Henry  ■^  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  8,  1797,  at 
Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Aug.  13,  1828,  at  Le  Roy,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Sept.  18,  1819,  at 
Vergennes,  Vt.,  Sarah  Strong,  b.  there  Jan.  8,  1801,  d.  there  Jan.  26,  1856, 
dau.  of  Luke  and  Lucretia  (Harmon)  Strong.  EHphalet  was  a  farmer  and 
hotel  keeper,  his  first  chi.  was  born  in  Bennington,  Vt.,  the  second  in  Batavia, 
N.  Y.,  and  the  third  in  Le  Roy,  N.  Y. 

Luke  Strong,  b.  Aug.  6,  1768,  at  Addison,  Vt.,  was  son  of  General  John 
Strong  and  Agnes  McCure.  He  m.,  Aug.  30,  1797,  at  Vergennes,  Vt., 
Lucretia  Harmon,  dau.  of  Capt.  Dan!.  Harmon,  b.  2  March,  1780,  at  Ben- 
nington. Lucretia  m.  2d,  18  Feb.,  1829,  Daniel  Braley  Tuthill,  of  Land- 
grove,  Vt.,  and  removed  to  Illinois  in  1829.  Mr.  Tuthill  lived  to  be  almost 
eighty  years  of  age,  and  died  12  March,  1875,  at  the  residence  of  his  dau. 
Mary  (Mrs.  Robert  N.  Pearson),  in  Springfield,  111.  His  youngest  son, 
Richard  Stanley  Tuthill,  is  a  lawyer  in  Chicago.  Egbert  E.  Walbridge  has 
his  father's  family  Bible,  from  which  most  of  the  dates  for  his  descendants  are 

518  i.  Henry  Strong,  b.  Jan.  i,  1821,  m.  Rebecca  J.  Phelps  and  Matilda 


519  ii.  Egbert  EHphalet,  b.  May  i,  1824,  m.  Ann  EHza  L.  Tuthill. 

520  iii.   Lucretia  Maria,  b.  July  26,  1826,  m.,  Sept.  9,  1846,  Alex.  Pecks 

Gross,  and  d.  June  28,  1849,  of  cholera,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.  Mr. 
Gross  was  the  son  of  Pecks  Gross  and  Sarah  Whiting,  of  Ashburn- 
ham,  Mass.,  where  he  was  b.  18  Jan.,  1818.  He  engaged  in  the 
foundry  and  mill  business  at  St.  Louis  until  1866,  when  he  removed 
to  Napa,  Gal.,  and  d.  in  San  Francisco  4  Aug.,  1883;  his  second  wife 
'  was  Ellen  Louisa  Tuthill,  half-sister  to  his  first  wife.  He  had  one 
chi.  by  first  marriage,  Ellen  Whiting  Gross,  b.  St.  Louis,  Nov.  3, 
1847,  d-  F^t).  25,  1852,  at  Vergennes,  111. 



DAVID  SAFFORD^  {David*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  b.  July  30, 
1802,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  June  15,  1868,  at  Kalamazoo.  Mich.,  m.,  Oct. 
2T),  1823,  at  Byron,  N.  Y.,  Eliza,  dau.  of  Dr.  Samuel  Taggart.  She  was  b. 
March  3,  1803,  at  Coleraine,  Mass.,  d.  Dec.  12,  1866,  at  Kalamazoo,  Mich., 
hved  with  her  grandfather  the  Revd.  Samuel  Taggart,  until  1818,  when  she 
went  to  Byron,  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  she  lived  with  her  father  until  her 
marriage.  Her  husband  in  1840  adopted  his  wife's  niece,  Frances  Glover, 
b.  1838,  giving  her  his  name,  and  she  was  married  from  their  house  Nov.  9, 
1858,  to  Oliver  G.  Steele,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where  she  resides  at  90  N.  Pearl 
St.  Mich.  Pioneer  and  Hist.  Collection  says,  "Mr.  Lincoln  while  at  Kalamazoo 
was  the  guest  of  Hon.  David  S.  Walbridge.  Some  ten  or  twelve  years  after 
his  visit  a  member  of  the  family  found  a  pocket  knife  lost  by  Mr.  Lincoln 
at  that  time,  and  it  was  sent  to  Mr.  Robert  T.  Lincoln,  who  thankfully  re- 
ceived it  as  a  relic  of  his  distinguished  father."  On  the  list  of  students  in 
the  Climax  High  School,  Kalamazoo  Co.,  in  1863-4,  is  the  name  of  Ellen 

David  Safford  Walbridge  was  born  and  educated  in  Bennington,  Vt., 
and  when  18  years  old  removed  to  Geneseo,  N.  Y.,  in  1826  to  Jamestown, 
N.  Y.,  and  in  1841  or  1842  to  Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  where  in  1846  he  had  a 
hardware  store.  Here  he  soon  became  a  prominent  business  man,  pur- 
chased wheat,  and  to  market  his  grain  put  flat  boats  upon  the  Kalamazoo 
River,  and  established  a  line  of  vessels  to  run  from  the  mouth  of  St.  Joseph's 
River  to  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  His  operations  at  that  time  were  of  great  benefit 
to  the  farmers  of  the  adjacent  country  and  to  the  village  itself,  as  the  money 
so  put  in  circulation  went  through  many  hands  and  opened  the  way  for  more. 

For  a  number  of  years  he  was  the  principal  dealer  in  wheat  and  flour, 
establishing  large  flouring  mills,  which  soon  made  Kalamazoo  an  important 
shipping  point  to  the  East.  He  also  carried  on  a  large  mercantile  business, 
and  was  interested  in  extensive  farming  enterprises,  giving  especial  attention 
to  stock  raising.  Air.  Walbridge  took  a  deep  interest  in  all  political  move- 
ments of  the  day,  and  foresaw  in  the  attempted  enlargement  of  the  slave  terri- 
tory a  danger  that  must  arouse  all  the  combative  feelings  of  the  North.  Al- 
though an  old  line  Whig  of  the  Henry  Clay  type,  he  was  therefore  among  the 
first  of  those  to  oppose  the  attempts  of  the  States'  rights  leaders  to  force 
slavery  upon  the  Western  States,  and  was  made  the  presiding  officer  at  the 
Jackson  convention,  which  was  the  birthplace  of  that  Republican  party  des- 
tined to  sustain  the  Union  in  the  coming  conflict.  In  the  fall  of  that  year(i855) 


he  was  elected  to  Congress  by  a  good  majority  from  an  heretofore  strongly 
Democratic  district,  and  served  until  1858.  It  may  interest  some  of  to-day's 
politicians  to  note  the  names  of  the  political  parties  of  1855.  Among  them 
were  the  Republican,  Rum,  Whig,  Democratic,  Fusion,  Free  Soil,  and 
Know  Nothing.  Mr.  Walbridge  was  for  several  terms  a  member  of  the  State 
Legislature,  twice  in  the  State  Senate,  and  Postmaster  under  Prest.  Taylor. 
A  strong  and  staunch  man,  he  was  one  of  those  whose  presence  in  a  new 
community  was  of  especial  value,  and  caused  his  loss  to  be  most  sincerely 
regretted  by  his  friends  and  associates. 

521  i.  Wells  David,  b.  Sept.  4,  1824,  m.  Lydia  S.  Russell. 

522  ii.  Samuel  Elbridge,  b.  Feb.  15,  1826,  m.  Mary  C.  Beebe. 

523  iii.   Frank  Eliphalet,  b.  in  N.  Y.,  d.  April  6,  1863,  at  Kalamazoo,  Mich., 

m.  Eliza  Hayes. 

First  Lieut.  Frank  E.  Walbridge,  R.  Q.  M.  2d  Regt,  Mich.  Cav.,  pro- 
moted June  14,  1862,  to  Capt.  and  A.  Q.  M.  (born  in  N.  Y.  State),  regt.  org. 
at  Detroit,  Oct.  2,  1861,  mustered  out  Aug.  17,  1865.  {Official  Army  Reg., 
Part  V,  p.  257.) 

Frank  E.  Walbridge,  Kalamazoo,  ist  Lieut,  and  Q.  M.  2d  Cav.,  Sept.  2, 
1861,  Assist.  Q.  M.  U.  S.  Vols.,  June  9,  1862,  died  Kalamazoo,  6  April,  1863. 
{Michigan  in  the  War.) 


LUCY"  {David,*  Henry, ^  Henry, ^  Henry^),  b.  Jan.  26,  181 1,  at  Benning- 
ton, Vt.,  d.  1863,  at  Chicago,  111.,  m.,  June  9,  1829,  William  W.  Perkins, 
and  had  chi. : 

i.  William  E.  Perkins. 

ii.   George  Walbridge  Perkins,  d.  March  27,  1886,  at  Cleveland,  Ohio. 

iii.   Charles  Clarkson  Perkins. 

iv.  David  Walbridge  Perkins,  served  in  the  war  of  the  Rebellion,  was  Supt. 

of  Illinois  State  Prison  for  some  years,    also   of   the    Chicago    Reform 



GEORGE  BRUSH»  {David,'  Henry.''  Henry,-  Henrf),  b.  Sept.  14. 
1814,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Aug.  30,  1852,  at  BufYalo,  N.  Y.,  where  he  m., 
Jan.  12,  1836,  Wilhelmina  Caroline  Louise  Colson,  b.  March  19,  1814,  at 


•  \ 

-    i 



Plainfield,  N.  J.,  <1.  Jan.  11,  1883,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Revd.  Carl  Wil- 
helm  Colson.  a  native  of  Prussia,  who  m.  Caroline  Wilhelmina  Reimer. 

George  Brush  \V.  was  engaged  from  1835  to  the  time  of  his  death  in 
the  wholesale  grocery  and  lake  transportation  business  in  Buffalo,  N.  V. 
He  held  a  high  position  in  business,  social  and  church  life,  and  when  he  died 
the  general  feeling  was  one  of  regret  and  surprise  that  a  man  of  38  should 
have  accomplished  so  much  in  his  brief  career.  He  and  his  wife  were  among 
those  who  went  from  the  First  Presbyterian  Ch.  to  organize  the  North  Ch.. 
where  he  was  an  elder  and  the  first  supt.  of  the  Sunday-school.  Mrs.  Wal- 
bridge  was  a  resident  of  Buffalo  before  her  marriage,  coming  there  with  her 
brother,  Augustus  Colson,  in  1831. 

524  i.  Sarah  Colson,  b.  Feb.  24,  1837,  m.  Charles  Warren  Butler. 

525  ii.   Louise  Henrietta,  b.  Jan.  27,  1839.  m.,  July  7,  1881,  Henry  Wood- 

ley  Musson,  of  English  descent,  and  born  at  Toronto,  Can.  They 
have  no  chi.,  and  reside  at  Kansas  City,  Mo.  Mrs.  Musson  has  the 
will  of  her  great-grandfather,  Henry  Walbridge,  of  Bennington,  Vt., 
a  copy  of  which  is  given  under  No.  24;  also  the  bond  to  him  of  his 
son  Silas,  and  other  family  relics. 

526  iii.  Charles  Eliphalet,  b.  July  24,  1841,  m.  Annie  Fenwick  Noble. 

527  iv.  George  Brush,  b.  June  13,  1844,  m.,  June    12,    1872,    Mary    Van 

Schaik  Miller,  no  chi.  He  d.  March  28,  1886,  at  Plainfield,  N.  J  , 
and  his  wife  d.  Sept.  22,  1896,  at  her  residence,  90  So.  Oxford  St., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Wilhelmina  Caroline,  b.  Feb.  28,  1847,  m.  Isaac  L.  Miller. 

Anna  Rich,  b.  Aug  8,  1849,  m.  Edward  Porter  Bowen. 
Augustus  Colson,  b.  Oct.  10,  185 1,  d.  1852. 

.  Harry,  b.  Oct.  10,  185 1,  m.  Emily  Avery  Newman. 


HORACE^  {Peter,*  Elijah,^  Thomas,-  Henry'),  b.  June  25,  1796,  at  Staf- 
ford, Conn.,  was  drowned  May,  1834,  in  the  Hudson  River.  He  m.,  July  4, 
1821,  Emeline  Andrews,  b.  March  7,  1800,  dau.  of  Stephen  Andrews,  a 
cooper,  of  Birch  Mt.,  Warehouse  Point  and  Rainbow,  Conn.,  who  m.  La- 
vinia,  dau.  of  James  Porter,  of  East  Hartford,  Conn.  His  wife  was  reported 
in  1892  as  living  with  her  eldest  dau.,  Mrs.  Mary  Ann  Whitman,  at  Middle- 
sex, N.  Y.  A  grandson  Henry  Whitman,  of  Rushville.  N.  Y.,  was  in  the 
army,  and  a  prisoner  in  Andersonville  at  the  close  of  the  war,  resides  in  Chi- 
cago, 111.     Horace  said  to  have  had  six  chi. 










532  i.  Mary  Ann,  ni. Whitman. 

533  ii.  Nelson  Horace,  b.  Dec.  4,  1832.     (See  his  record.) 

534  iii.  Martha,  b.  1830,  m.,  June  11,  1848,  Charles  Andrews  Kingsbury, 

b.  Feb.  18,  1826.     He  a  manufacturer  at  So.  Coventry  in  1827. 

535  iv. 

536  V. 

537  vi. 


AUSTIN=5  (Peter*  Elijah,^  Thomas,'^  Henry^),  b.  April  3,  1802,  at  N. 
Wilbraham,  Mass.,  d.  Dec.  20,  1881,  at  Stafford  Springs,  Conn.,  m.,  March 
II,  1827,  Ahnira  Howe,  b.  1806,  d.  June  10,  1871,  at  Stafford  Springs,  Conn., 

dau.  of  Asa  and  Huldah  ( )  Howe.     Austin    was    a    carpenter    and 

joiner,  "a  first  class  mechanic."     He  and  his  wife  are  buried  in  the  Main  St. 
Cem.,  Staft'ord,  Conn. 

538  i.  Almira  Emeline,  b.  July  30,  1827,  m.,  April    10,    1850,    Sherman 

Woodworth,  b.  1822.     She  d.  March  23,  1888,  having  had  no  chi. 

539  ii.  Martha  Maria,  b.  Jan.  21,  1829,  m.,  June  11,  1848,  George  C.  Kings- 

bury, born  1827.     She  d.  Oct.  7,  1849,  having  had  one  chi. 

540  iii.  Orange  Scott,  b.  Jan.  22,  1831,  enlisted  Sept.  16,  1861,  in  Co.  B, 

nth  regt..  Conn.  Vol.  Infty.,  mustered  in  Oct.  24,  1861,  re-enlisted 
as  Vet.  Dec.  12,  1863,  promoted  Corporal  April  13,  1864,  mustered 
out  Dec.  25,  1865,  was  a  painter  by  trade,  and  d.  about  1895. 

541  iv.   Hiram  Austin,  b.  June  24,  1833.  m.,  March  31,  1856,  Julia  Hyde, 

resides  Southbridge,  Mass.,  said  to  have  the  family  record,  but  did 
not  reply  to  letter  sent  him. 

542  v.  Jerome,  b.  May  12,  1836,  d.  April  23,  1837. 

543  vi.  Eliza  Ann,  b.  March  10,  1838,  m.,  Nov.  26,  i860,  Henry  M.  Ben- 

ton, who  was  a  9  months'  man  in  the  war;  live  at  Stafford  Springs, 
Conn.;  had  chi.,  (i)  George  Benton,  b.  Feb.  25,  1876,  (2)  a  dau.,  born 
Aug.  12,  1 88 1,  and  prob.  others. 


•  ELIZA5  (j>eter,''  Elijah,^  Thomas,'^  Henry"),  b.  Jan.  14,  1814,  at  West 
Stafford,  Conn.,  m.,  March  18,  1846,  Anthony  Mason  Weaver,  a  farmer, 
b.  Oct.  9,  1797,  at  Warwick,  R.  I.,  they  lived  in  Tolland,  Conn.,  thence  went 
to  Windsor  Locks,  where  they  remained  six  years. 


i.  Fidelia  Weaver,  b.  Jan.  20,  1847,  d.  Feb.  5,  1847. 

ii.   Marissa  Weaver,  b.  May  12,  1848,  d.  Sept.  29,  1849. 

iii.  Sanford  P.  Weaver,  b.  April  26,  1850,  m.  Annie  A.  Kingsbury,  Nov.  20, 
1880,  she  was  born  at  Coventry,  Conn.,  1855,  d.  Sept.  19,  1881,  had  one 
chi.,  Annie  Kingsbury  Weaver,  b.  Sept.  7,  1881.  His  second  wife  was 
Jennie  Kingsbury,  ni.  Feb.  i,  1888.  Sanford  P.  Weaver  served  3  years 
in  Home  Guard,  Co.  T,  is  a  miller,  and  owns  a  home  farm  in  Coventry, 
Conn.,  where  his  mother  was  living  with  him  in  1892. 


STEPHEN''  (Henry*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenezcr,"  Hcnry^),  h.  April  20,  1786,  at 
Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Nov.  11,  1864,  at  Springwater,  N.  Y.,  m..  May  20,  1806, 
at  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  Eunice  Mattison,  b.  May  15,  1783,  at  Pownell,  Vt.,  d. 
Sept.  22,  183 1,  at  Springwater,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Abel  and (Goff)  Mat- 

Stephen  m.,  2d,  Pina  Norton,  Sept.  6,  1832,  at  Springwater,  N.  Y.  He 
went  with  his  father  in  1794  to  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  where  his  children  were 
born,  and  in  June,  1819,  he  removed  to  Springwater,  N.  Y.,  where  he  re- 
sided until  his  death. 

A  dau.  of  Orson  writes,  "Stephen  had  no  children  in  any  of  the  wars, 
as  he  had  only  two  sons,  and  they  had  no  sons.  Miranda  and  all  of  her 
family  are  dead,  and  living  so  far  from  us  I  can  get  no  date  of  her  niarriage 
and  my  father  does  not  remember,  nor  the  exact  date  of  Minerva's  marriage. 
Three  of  her  children  are  living,  Mrs.  Clarissa  Cordelia  Cooper,  of  Hornells- 
ville,  N.  Y. ;  Mrs.  Eliza  Ann  Waldron,  and  Mrs.  Laura  Augusta  Akhurst, 
both  of  Chicago,  111.  We  have  no  papers  of  grandfather's  of  any  interest. 
He  was  a  farmer,  coming  to  Springwater  when  the  place  was  almost  a  wilder- 
ness. Chauncey  lost  an  arm  while  firing  a  cannon  July  4,  1833.  He  was 
Postmaster  at  Manchester,  Mich.,  through  all  the  administrations  from  Lin- 
coln to  Cleveland,  and  quite  a  prominent  man  in  the  town  where  he  lived 
many  years  and  died." 

544  i.  Miranda,  b.  Sept.  5,  1807,  m.  Wicks,  and  had  five  chi.;  she  and  her 

family  reported  dead. 

545  ii.  Orson,  b.  Sept.  14,  1809,  m.  Eliza  Frost. 

546  iii.   Chauncey,  b.  Oct.  31,  1816,  m.,  Oct.  29,  1843,  fl-  Sept.  17,  1887; 

no  chi. 

547  iv.  Minerva,  b.  March  3,  1819,  m.  1839,  d.  Sept.  24,  1861. 



HIRAM^  {Henry*  Ebeneser,^  Ebenezer,^  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  20,  1789,  at 
Geneva,  N.  Y.,  d.  Feb.  24,  1830,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Jan.  26,  1825,  Lucy 

Ann  Rose,  b.  at  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Almon  and (Hascall)  Rose; 

he  had  no  chi.  His  widow  m.,  g  June,  1834,  Hon.  Darius  Lyman,  b.  19  July 
1789,  at  Goshen,  Conn.,  d.  13  Dec,  1865,  at  Cleveland,  Ohio,  the  son  of  Col. 
Moses  Lyman  and  Ruth  Collins.  They  had  chi:  (i)  Mary  Rose  Lyman, 
b.  28  Sept.,  1835,  m.  Edmund  B.  Hood,  14  Oct.,  1857,  and  had  chi.,  Edmund, 
b.  18  Oct.,  1858,  and  William  C,  b.  June,  1866.  (2)  Anna  H.  Lyman,  b. 
3  Nov.,  1839. 


CHESTER^  {Henry,'*  Ebeiiecer.^  Ebene:!cr,-  Henry^).  b.  Aug.  8  (Heman 
D.  says  Aug.  10),  1791,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Nov.  22,  i860,  at  Washing- 
ton, D.  C.  He  m.,  June  10,  1819,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  Mary  (Polly  on  N. 
T.  R.),  dau.  of  Gustavus  and  Anna  (Sanford)  Walbridge.  She  was  born 
March  2,  1795,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  d.  Aug.  13,  1867,  at  Washing- 
ton, D.  C.  (See  no.)  She  was  her  husband's  first  cousin,  once  removed. 
The  portrait  of  Mr.  Walbridge  is  from  a  photograph  furnished  by  his  grand- 
son, Thomas  H.  Walbridge,  of  Toledo,  Ohio.  Hiram  was  b.  at  Ithaca,  the 
other  chi.  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y. 

548  i.   Hiram,  b.  Feb.  2,  1821,  m.  Jane  M.  Blake,  widow  of  Charles  Blake; 

they  had  no  chi.     He  d.  Dec.  5,  1870.     (See  his  record.) 

549  ii.  Horace  S.,  b.  July  21,  1828,  m.  Isabella  D.  Watkins. 

550  iii.  Heman  D.,  b.  Dec.  5,  1829,  m.  EHzabeth  Walbridge. 


HENRY'  {Henry*  Ebeneser,^  Ebenezer,^  Henry^),  b.  Sept.  30,  1793,  at 
Burlington,  N.  Y.,  where  he  m.,  Jan.  3,  1815,  Mary  (Polly)  Hosmer.  Soon 
after  his  father's  death  in  181 1,  he  moved  to  Sodus  Bay,  Wayne  Co.,  N.  Y., 
on  Lake  Ontario,  where  the  two  eldest  chi.  were  born.  About  1820  he  went 
to  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  and  in  1829  to  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  where  he  d.  Feb.  13,  1859. 
During  most  of  his  business  career  Mr.  Walbridge  was  engaged  in  the  mill- 


TH"^-   I-^r:,>v  Y-vK 

PUBLIC  Ucp:/,  ;;-  / 



ing  trade,  and  at  one  time,  with  his  son-in-law,  Washington  Hunt,  bought 
from  the  Albany  Land  Co.  some  50,000  acres  (part  of  the  Holland  purchase), 
at  two  dollars  per  acre,  on  which  they  realized  a  handsome  profit. 

The  date  above  given  for  his  birth  is  from  the  Bible  record  in  posses- 
sion of  his  nephew  John,  of  Toledo,  Ohio,  his  son  Henry  Budd  gave  it  as 
Dec.  16,  1793.  The  portrait  is  from  a  daguerreotype  loaned  by  his  dau,  Mrs. 
Washington  Hunt. 

551  i.   Mary  Hosmer,  b.  Dec.  7,  1815,  m.  Washington  Hunt. 

552  ii.   Henry  Budd,  b.  Feb.  25,  1818,  m.,  ist,  Helen  Maria  Chase,  2d,  Jen- 

nie Bronson. 

553  iii.  Truman,  b.  Oct.  10,  1820,  d.  May  25,  1824. 

554  iv.  Elizabeth,  b.  April  2,  1823. 

555  V.  Cornelia,  b.  March  13,  1826,  d.  April  8,  1827. 

556  vi.  Truman  K..  b.  Feb.  25,  1828,  d.  Jan.  11,  1856. 

"(Born  N.  Y.)  Truman  K.  Walbridge  (App'd.  N.  Y.),  rank  in 
class,  No.  17.  Mil.  hist.— Cadet  at  the  U.  S.  Mil.  Acad.  fr.  July  i, 
1844,  to  July  I,  1848,  when  he  was  grad.  and  prom,  in  the  army  to 
Bvt.  Second  Lieut.  4th  Artillery,  July  i,  1848.  Served  in  garrison 
at  Fort  Monroe,  Va..  1848;  Fort  Brooke,  Fla.,  1848-9;  Key  West, 
Fla.,  1849;  in  Fla.  hostilities  vs.  Seminole  Indians.  (Sec.  Lieut., 
4th  Artillery,  May  16,  1849)  1849:  emigrating  Indians  Nov. 
23,  1849,  to  May  21,  185 1 ;  in  garrison  at  Fort  Washington, 
Md.,  185 1 ;  as  A.  de  C.  to  Bvt.  Brig.  Gen.  Walbach,  and  Acting 
Assist.  Adj.  Gen.  3d  Mil.  Dept.,  Aug.  3,  1851,  to  Aug.  i,  1852,  at 
Baltimore,  Md.,  in  garrison  at  Fort  Hamilton,  N.  Y.,  1852-3;  on 
duty  under  Ind.  dept.  May  20,  1853,  to  Jan.  i,  1856,  and  on  sick 
leave  of  absence  1856.  (First  Lieut.  4th  Artillery,  Oct.  8,  1853.) 
Died  Nov.  15,  1856,  near  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  set.  28."  {Biog.  Reg.  of 
Graduates,  U.  S.  Mil.  Acad.) 

557  vii.  Hiram  Hopkins,  b.  May  27,  1830,  reported  to  have  lived  in  Fre- 

mont, O.;  letters  sent  there  were  returned,  and  his  wife  and  only 
child  said  to  be  dead. 


HEMAN-''  (Henry*  Ebenezer,^  Ebcnezer,^  Henry^),  h.  Sept.  11,  1795, 
at  Buriington.  N.  Y.,  d.  Oct.  16,  1847,  at  Matamoras,  Mexico.  He  m.,  Jan. 
I,  1818,  in  Cayuga  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Mary  Hoskins,  who  was  born  Nov.  23,  1793, 
in  Cayuga  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  Dec.  17,  1870,  at  Toledo,  Ohio. 


557a  i.  Cornelia,  b.  Feb.  7,  1819,  d.  Aug.  2,  1825. 

558  ii.  Caroline,  b.  Nov.  19,  1820,  m.  Willard  J.  Daniels. 

559  iii.  Charles,  b.  Dec.  8,  1823. 

560  iv.  George,  b.  Oct.  6,  1825,  m.  Isabella  Skinner;  he  d.  1861;  his  widow 

resided  in  1895  with  her  dau.  at  Toledo,  Ohio. 

561  v,  John,  b.  Nov.  30,  1827,  d.  Oct.  27,  1832. 

562  vi.  Ebenezer,  b.  Dec.  4,  1829,  m.  Alice  Cornell,  d.  March  31,  1868. 

563  vii.  Chester,  b.  Sept.  6,  1832,  m.  Elmina  J.  Farley,  and  d.  June  23, 1872, 

he  was  in  the  army  (commissary  dept.);  his  widow  reported  living 
with  her  son  Chester  in  N.  Y.  City. 

564  viii.  John,  b.  Feb.  10,  1835,  m.,  Oct.  21,  1863,  Olive  J.  Perrin. 

565  ix.  James  Kidder,  b.  Dec.  2,  1837,  d.  Aug.  13,  1838. 


HARRIET'^  {Henry,*  Ebenezer,^  Ebcnczcr,-  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  2,  1800,  at 
Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Jan.  22,  1878,  at  Superior,  Wis.  She  m.,  Oct.  20,  1816, 
at  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  Henry  Newton,  b.  Oct.  4,  1791,  at  Middlefield,  Mass., 
d.  Feb.  2,  1854,  at  Mishawaka,  Ind.,  the  son  of  John  and  Martha  (Whiting) 

i.  William  Henry  Newton,  b.  20  Sept.,  1817,  at  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  d.  13  Aug., 
1889,  at  Superior,  Wis.  He  first  m.,  19  Oct.,  1844,  Frances  Cecelia 
Holcomb,  and  had  Frances  Cecelia  Newton,  b.  13  Aug.,  1845,  at  Fulton, 
N.  Y.  His  second  m.  was  28  Feb.,  1856,  to  Sarah  O.  Johnson,  and 
his  third  m.,  23  June,  1870,  to  widow  Henrietta  Wood. 

ii.  Charles  Whiting  Newton,  b.  16  Feb.,  1820,  at  Seneca,  N.  Y.,  d.  2y  Jan., 
1871,  at  Jersey  City,  N.  J.,  m.,  28  July,  1852,  Jeannie  Frances  Wilson, 
had  chi.,  [I]  Jennie  Wilson  Newton,  b.  31  Aug.,  1853,  at  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.  She  m.,  ist,  William  H.  Newell,  at  Jersey  City  Heights,  N.  J., 
and  had  chi.,  (i)  Maud  Ritchey  Newell,  b.  9  Dec,  1874,  (2)  Harold 
Newell,  b.  i  Oct.,  1879.  She  m.,  2d,  J.  Burt  Martine,  15  Sept.,  1892, 
at  N.  Y.  C.  [H]  Harriette  Walbridge  Newton,  b.  29  Sept.,  1855,  at 
Sing  Sing,  N.  Y.,  m.,  15  June,  1881,  Robert  Fitch  Shepard,  of  N.  Y.  C, 
had  chi.,  (i)  Joan  Norsworthy  Shepard,  b.  21  March,  1882,  at  Yonkers, 
N.  Y.,  d.  17  Aug.,  1882,  at  Tannersville,  N.  Y.,  (2)  Mary  Norsworthy 
Shepard,  b.  31  Aug.,  1883,  at  Yonkers,  N.  Y.,  (3)  Alice  Bradford 
Shepard,  b.  20  April,  1887,  at  N.  Y.  C.  [HI]  Grace  Newton,  b.  2y  Sept. 
1857,  at  South  Orange,  N.  J.,  d.  there  8  Feb..  i860.  [IV]  Christina 
Maria  Newton,  b.  12  March,  1865,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  m.  Mr.  Boggs. 


[V]  Blanche  Newton,  b.  6  Dec,  1866,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  d.  23  Jan., 
1876,  at  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

iii.  Ann  Eliza  Newton,  b.  2  July,  1824,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  m.,  3  July,  1846, 
at  Mishawaka,  Ind.,  Oliver  Rugene  Webster  Lull,  resides  (1895)  Chi- 
cago, 111.  ]\Ir.  Lull  was  a  lawyer,  b.  April  23,  1824,  at  Manlius,  N.  Y., 
d.  Feb.  8,  1 871,  at  Winnetka,  III,  a  suburb  of  Chicago. 

He  was  the  son  of  Dr.  Ansel  Lull  and  Eliza  Stickney  Webster. 
His  chi.  were  [I]  Alice  Lull,  b.  16  June,  1847,  at  Mishawaka,  Ind.,  d. 
9  July,  1859,  at  Chicago,  111.  [II]  Newton  Lull,  b.  27  Dec,  1848,  at 
Chicago,  111.,  m.,  12  June,  1872,  at  Chicago,  111.,  Mary  Louise  Cotes, 
b.  30  May,  1850,  at  Wauregan,  111.,  dau.  and  only  chi.  of  Augustus 
Brown  Cotes,  b.  7  Feb.  1820,  at  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  d.  23  March,  1875,  at 
Chicago,  111.,  m.,  19  June,  1844,  Louise  Chapin,  b.  28  Nov.,  1825,  d. 
23  Aug.,  1864,  at  Chicago,  111.  Mr.  Lull  is  V.  Pres.  and  Treas.  of  Geo. 
E.  Marshall  &  Co.,  Mfg.  Stationers,  Chicago,  111.,  and  has  had  but  one 
chi.,  Webster  Lull,  b.  29  June,  1874,  at  Chicago,  d.  there  26  Feb.,  1885. 
[Ill]  Eliza  Webster  Lull,  b.  28  May,  1857,  at  Chicago,  111.  In  1896  Mr. 
Newton  Lull  published  some  notes  on  the  Newton-Walbridge  connec- 
tion, those  for  the  latter  family  being  furnished  by  the  compiler  of  this 

iv.  John  ]\Iilton  Newton,  b.  14  Jan.,  1827,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  m.,  7  Sept., 
1857,  Sarah  B.  Dolby.  He  was  drowned  in  Lake  Michigan  Sept.  8, 
i860,  had  chi.,  [I]  John  Frederick  Newton,  b.  17  Oct.,  1858,  at  Superior 
Wis.  [II]  Lewis  Dolby  Newton,  b.  15  Jan.,  i860,  at  Superior,  Wis.,  m. 
there  19  Sept.,  1893,  Kate  Christie,  had  chi.,  (i)  b.  21  Oct.,  1894,  at 
Superior,  Wis. 

V.  Harriette  Amelia  Newton,  b.  9  Nov.,  1829,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  d.  there 
6  May,  1831. 

vi.  James  Newton,  b.  29  July,  1831,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  d.  2  April,  1889,  at 
Superior,  Wis.,  m.,  15  Jan.,  1866,  Matilda  A.  Brennan,  and  had  chi., 
all  born  at  Superior,  Wis.,  (i)  Henry  William  Newton,  b.  14  Jan.,  1867, 
(2)  Charles  Whiting  Newton,  b.  21  May,  1870,  (3)  Herbert  Walbridge 
Newton,  b.  15  Oct.,  1872,  (4)  Emma  Rio  Newton,  b.  i  Feb.,  1879. 

vii.  George  Newton,  b.  14  Aug.,  1833,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  m.,  5  May,  1858, 
Laura  Smith;  had  chi.,  [I]  Inez  Newton,  b.  10  Oct.,  1859,  at  Marquette. 
Mich.,  d.  I  June,  1873,  at  Grass  Valley,  Calif.  [II]  Henry  Walbridge 
Newton,  b.  31  July,  1862,  Williamsburg,  Ind.,  m.,  1887,  Emily  S. 
Lyman,  in  Calif.;  had  chi.,  (i)  Arthur  Newton,  b.  7  Oct.,  1889,  at  San 
Francisco,  Calif.  [Ill]  Mary  Edith  Newton,  b.  24  Nov.,  1867,  at 
Goshen,  Ind. 


viii.  Mary  Elizabeth  Newton,  b.  22  Jan.,  1836,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  m.  29 
Nov.,  i860,  Hiram  Hayes,  b.  24  May.  1832,  at  Industry,  Maine.  They 
reside  at  Superior,  Wis.,  and  had  one  chi.,  Frank  Hayes,  b.  3  Aug.,  1867, 
at  Superior,  Wis.,  who  m.  at  Chicago,  111.,  8  Nov.,  1894,  Sara  L.  Sever- 

ix.  Frances  Newton,  b.  23  March,  1838,  drowned  at  Superior,  Wis.,  8  Sept., 

X.  Martha  Newton,  b.  5  July,  1841.  m.,  2  March,  1864,  Hamilton  Murray 

Peyton,  resides  (1894)  at  Duluth,  Minn.,  has  had  chi.,  (i)  Mary,  b.  24 
Dec,  1864,  Superior,  Wis.,  (2)  William  Rowzee,  b.  17  Jan.,  1867, 
Geneva,  N.  Y.,  (3)  Josephine,  b.  6  Nov.,  1868,  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  (4)  Bron- 
son  Murray,  b.  25  Aug.,  1870,  Superior,  Wis.,  (5)  Martha  Murray,  b.  21 
Sept.,  1873,  Superior,  Wis.,  (6)  Hamilton  Howe.  b.  6  June,  1876, 
Duluth,  Minn,  as  were  the  following,  (7)  Alice  Harriette,  b.  4  Nov., 
1877,  (8)  Frederick  Newton,  b.  16  Sept.,  1879,  d.  20  Aug.,  1880,  (9) 
Edith,  b.  2  June,  1881,  d.  8  Sept.,  1883,  (10)  John  Newton,  b.  19  April, 
xi.  Frederick  Augustus  Newton,  b.  6  Oct.,  1843,  ^^  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  m.,  24 
April,  1867,  Charlotte  Amelia  Woodruff,  had  chi.,  [I]  Reuben  Webster, 
b.  19  March,  1872,  at  Chicago,  111.,  [II]  Albert  Woodruff,  b.  16  March, 
1876,  at  Chicago,  111. 


RHODA  DEWEY'  (Henry,*  Ebencccr,^  Ebenezer,^  Henry^),  b.  July  3, 
1804,  at  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  d.  Aug.  12,  1895,  at  Orange,  N.  J.,  m.,  Oct.  i, 
1826,  at  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  Nathan  Broughton  Kidder,    b.    Oct.    12,    1803,   d. 

June  29,   1875,  son  of  Ebenezer  and  (Broughton)  Kidder.     Mrs. 

Kidder's  family  papers  were  burned  in  the  great  fire  at  Chicago,  where  she 
was  then  living,  and  the  data  here  given  has  been  collected  with  much  diffi- 
culty from  various  sources. 

i.  James  Lawrence  Kidder,  b.  Oct.  6,  1825,  d.  1829. 

ii.  Cornelia  Kidder,  b.  June  28,  1830,  m.,  1850,  Wm.  Creighton  Lee,  resides 
W.  Orange,  N.  J.  They  had  (i)  Gideon  Lee,  b.  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  m. 
Kate  Baldwin,  dau.  of  Theo.  E.,  of  N.  Y.  C,  (2)  Charles  Henry  Lee, 
b.  Feb.  17,  18 — .  m.  Lucile  Whitney,  and  had  five  chi..  Mason,  John 
Williamson,  Charles  Henry,  Cornelia  Kidder,  and  Ellen.  (3)  David 
Williamson  Lee,  (4)  Cornelia  Lee,  m.  Edward  D.  Page,  and  had  chi.. 
Leigh,  Allaire,  and  Allen  Starr.     (5)  Wm.  Creighton  Lee,  (6)  Isabelle 


Walbridge  Lee,  m.  Stephen  W.  Carey,  and  had  Cornelia  Lee  Carey. 
(7)  Arthur  Kidder  Lee,  b.  W.  Orange,  N.  J. 
iii.   Mary  Kidder,  b.  Aug.  21,  1832,  m..  May  4,  1876,  James  Hughes  Stokes, 
a  General  of  the  U.  S.  A.     He  d.  Dec.  27,  1890;  no  children. 


SARAH''  (Gustavtts*  Ebcncccr,^  Ebenezer,^  Henry^),  b.  Aug.  20,  1789, 
bapt.  Sept.  27,  1789,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  and  Ch.  R.),  d.  March,  1854, 
at  Sandusky.  Ohio,  m.,  Jan.  28,  181 1,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Lucius  H. 
Gibbs.     This  m.  is  the  only  mention  of  a  Gibbs  on  the  B.  T.  R. 

i.  Henry  Gibbs.  iv.  Edwin  Gibbs. 

ii.  Lucius  Gibbs.  v.  Randall  Gibbs. 

iii.  Betsey  Gibbs,  m.  Norman  Harvey.  vi.  Gustavus  Gibbs. 


CHARLES^  {Gustavus,^  Ebenczcr,^  Ebcncccr,-  Hciiry^),  b.  June  21,  1791, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Jan.  25,  1840,  at  Dalton,  Mass.,  m.,  June  19,  1812, 
at  Georgia,  Vt.,  Sally  Hathaway,  who,  b.  Feb.  11,  1793,  at  Georgia,  Vt.,  d. 
July  13,  1849,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.  These  dates  are  mainly  from  a  family  Bible 
in  the  possession  of  Paul  Dewey  Walbridge. 

Simeon  Hathaway  came  from  Conn,  to  Bennington,  where  he  lived  and 
died,  was  Lieut,  in  Capt.  Robinson's  co.,  and  took  part  in  the  battle,  was  also 
one  of  the  three  Bennington  men  who  signed  the  warrant  for  the  convention 
for  the  purpose  of  declaring  the  independence  of  Vermont.  He  m.  Deborah 
Au.stin,  and  had  chi.,  fi)  Simeon,  (2)  Levi,  (3)  Shadrach,  (4)  Abraham,  b. 
1754,  (5)  Erastus,  (6)  Joshua,  (7)  Silas,  b.  1764,  went  to  St.  Albans,  1787,  and 
d.  there  Nov.,  1831,  (8)  Deborah,  (9)  Betsey,  (10)  Esther,  a  spinster. 

Abraham  Hathaway,  b.  in  Bennington,  1754,  d.  1796  in  Georgia,  Vt., 
m.  Hannah  Cook,  b.  1754,  d.  1834.  in  Georgia.  Their  chi.  were,  (i)  Han- 
nah, (2)  Betsey,  (3)  Deborah,  a  spinster,  (4)  Abraham,  (5)  Sarah,  b.  Feb.  11, 
1793,  at  Georgia,  Vt.,  m.  Charles  Walbridge. 

The  roll  of  Capt.  Samuel  Robinson's  co.  at  the  Bennington  battle  shows 
the  names  of  Simeon,  Levi,  Abram  and  Alpheus  Hathaway,  and  there  are 
nineteen  of  the  name  on  the  roll  of  Bennington  ist  Ch. 

SC-ift     i.   Dewey  Charles,  b.  July  3,  1813,  d.  April  3,  1814,  at  Bennington,  Vt. 
567     ii.  Phiann  ]\Iatilda,  b.  Nov.  16,  1815,  at  Broadalbin,  N.  Y.,  m.,  May 


31,  1838,  at  Dalton,  Mass.  (where  she  d.  Jan.  i,  1846),  FrankHii  S. 
Boardman,  b.  there  March  26,  1816,  had  chi.,  (i)  Gertrude,  (2) 
George  F.,  res.  Council  Bkiffs,  Iowa. 

568  iii.  Jane  Maria,  b.  Dec.  14,  1820,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  March  25, 

1840,  at  DaUon,  Mass,  Henry  M.  Boardman,  b.  there  Sept.  i,  1819. 
She  d.  Jan.  24,  1845,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  having  had,  (i)  Charles, 
drowned,  set.  8  y. 

569  iv.  (Pliny)  Paul  Dewey,  b.  Feb.  9,  1823,  at  Danbury,  Vt..  m.,  ist,  Oct. 

3,  1843,  at  North  Adams,  Mass.,  Dorothy  Stearns,  who  d.  Jvdy  4, 
1876,  at  Melrose,  Mass.  He  m.,  2d,  Oct.  11,  1877,  at  Boston,  Mass., 
Mary  H.  Chaplin.  Mr.  Walbridge  left  home  when  ten  years  old 
to  earn  his  own  way;  has  for  many  years  been  in  the  U.  S.  Navy  Paj' 
Ofifice  at  Boston,  Mass.,  and  is  responsible  for  the  wondrous  coat 
of  arms  that  many  of  the  family  swear  by.  When  last  heard  from 
(1897)  Mr.  W.  was  a  very  ill  man. 

570  V.  Fanny  Malona,  b.  Sept.  22,  1825,  d.  Oct.  10,  1826. 

571  vi.   Fanny  Margaret,  b.  Aug.  10,  1828,  at  Middlebury,  Vt.,  m.,  Sept. 

3,  1850,  at  Norwich,  N.  Y.,  Sanford  Keith  Aldrich. 

572  vii.  Ellen  Martha,  b.  Sept.  7,  1832,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  July  18, 

1853,  at  Sandusky,  Ohio,  James  Coit  Tucker,  b.  Feb.  29,  1828,  at 
Griswold,  Conn.,  son  of  Denison  Baldwin  and  Abia  (Burbank) 
Tucker.  Mrs.  Tucker  now  resides  with  her  dau.  at  No.  3  London 
St.,  Worcester,  Mass.,  and  has  given  valuable  assistance  in  the 
preparation  of  these  notes. 

(i)  Dora  Louise  Tucker,  b.  Sept.  21,  1854,  m.,  Oct.  10,  1877, 
George  A.  Bigelow,  he  born  July  19,  1853,  at  Worcester,  Mass., 
where  they  reside. 

(2)  Denison  Baldwin  Tucker,  b.  July  25,  i860,  m.,  Feb.  2,  1890, 
Lillian  Ross  Lynde,  of  N.  Fairfield,  Maine,  resides  at  1302  Chapel 
St.,  New  Haven,  Conn.,  where  he  is  Gen.  Agent  for  the  Conn. 
Mutual  L.  Ins.  Co.  of  Hartford,  Conn. 

573  viii.  William  Gustavus,  b.  May  5,  1834,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  Aug. 

21,  1854,  at  Sandusky,  Ohio. 


FRANKLIN  BENJAMIN"  (Gustavus,*  Ebcnczcr,^  Ebcnczer,-  Henry^), 
b.  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  Feb.  14,  1809  (T.  R.),  and  admitted  to  the  church 
March  4,  1826,  as  shown  by  the  ch.  records,  which  later  have  a  note  to  his 
name,  "gone."     He  m.  at  Stockbridge,    Mass.,  Oct.    5,    1830,    Mary   Ann 

^ilAA  jf 







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Gibson,  who  d.  July  26,  1837,  set.  28,  an  adopted   dau.   of   Miss   Catharine 
Sedgwick,  of  Lenox,  Mass.     Franklin  B.  Walbridge  died  Aug.  10,  1862. 

574  i.  Catharine  S.,  b.  March  4,  1832,  d.  July  7,  1834. 

575  ii.  Catharine  Sedgwick,  b.  April  28,   1835,  m.,  Oct.  27,   1853,  Clark 

H.  Sanborn,  of  Cleveland,  Ohio,  who  d.  Nov.  27,  1872,  aged  43, 
having  had  (i)  William  W.  Sanborn,  b.  Dec.  12,  1855,  d.  Dec.  25. 
1855,  (2)  Minnie  A.  Sanborn,  b.  Aug.  11,  1861,  m.,  March  12,  1881, 
Herbert  Markham  Avers;  no  chi. 


ELIZABETH  TABITHA"  (Gustaviis*  Ebcnczer,^  Ebcnczcr,-  Henry^), 
1).  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  Nov.  25,  1812  (T.  R.),  m.  at  Cleveland,  Ohio,  April 
14,  1846,  Peter  B.  Wheeler,  who  d.  Nov.  6,  1855.  Mrs.  Wheeler  was  living 
in  1897  at  Chicago,  111.,  and  gives  these  notes  through  her  dau.,  J.  M.  W. 

i.  George  Keith  Wheeler,  b.  Jan.  19,  1846,  d.  May  3,  1850. 

ii.  William  Gustave  Wheeler,  b.  May  13,  1846,  d.  Oct.  5,  1855. 

iii.  Jennie  Miles  Wheeler,  b.  June  10,  1852.  , 

iv.  Henry  Walbridge  Wheeler,  b.  Sept.  7,  1854,  d.  Oct.  22,  1855. 


MARY"  (Adolpfitis*  Ebc>ic::cr,^  Ebcnczcr-  Hciiry^),  h.  Sept.  26,  1796, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  March  23,  1872,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Sept.  2,  1824, 
Erastus  Bulkley,  b.  Nov.  6,  1798,  at  Rocky  Hill,  Conn.,  d.  Jan.  10,  1880,  at 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Charles  Bulkley  and  Eunice  Robbins.  The  por- 
traits of  Mrs.  Bulkley  are  reproduced  from  one  made  in  her  youth,  and  a 
photograph  taken  in  1871,  when  she  was  75  years  old,  which  were  sent  to  the 
author  by  Edwin  W.  Bulkley,  a  grandson  of  Mrs.  Bulkley,  now  with  Spencer 
Trask  &.  Co.,  Bankers,  Albany,  N.  Y.  The  chi.  were  all  born  at  Charleston, 
S.  C,  save  Mary  Virginia,  she  at  Hartford,  Conn. 

i.  Edwin  Adolphus  Bulkley,  b.  Jan.  21,  1826,  ni.,  Sept.  27,  1848,  Catharine 
F.  Oakley.  Mr.  Bulkley  is  pastor  of  the  First  Presby.  Ch.  at  Ruther- 
ford, N.  J.,  has  a  son  Edwin  M.,  who  m.,  June  12,  1895,  at  Plymouth, 
N.  H.,  Lucy  W.,  dau.  of  Amos  M.  Kidder,  of  N.  Y.  City. 

ii.  Theodore  Augustus  Bulkley,  b.  Sept.  14,  1827,  m.,  Aug.  26,  185 1,  Har- 
riet L.  Skinner,  and  died  Jan.  23,  1893. 


iii.  Frederick  Conrad  Bulkley,  b.  Feb.  ii,  1829,  m.,  Oct.  2,  1855,  Fanny 

iv.  Henry  Deming  Bulkley,  b.  Jan.  12,  1831,  m.,  Dec.   15,  1853,  Cara  A. 

V.  Reginald  Walbridge  Bulkley,  b.  Oct.  18,  1833,  d.  June  i,  1873,  having 

married.  May  31,  1858,  Carrie  A.  Wilkinson, 
vi.  Mary  Virginia  Bulkley,  b.  Nov.  16,  1835,  m.,  Aug.  21,  1861,  Arthur  T. 



PAMELIA^  (Adolphus,*  Ebenczcr,^  Ebcnczcr,-  Henry^),  b.  Aug.  6,  1798, 
at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  d.  April  4,  1867,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  ni.,  June  12, 
1822,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.  (Pres.  Ch.  Rec),  by  Dr.  Samuel  Blatchford, 
who  received  a  fee  of  $10,  to  Cornelius  Lansing,  b.  Oct.  28,  1798,  d.  Feb.  21, 
1863,  at  Gramercy  Park  House,  N.  Y.  C. ;  he  was  son  of  Abraham  Cor- 
nelius Lansing,  of  Lansingburg,  N.  Y. 

i.  Jacob  C.  Lansing,  b.  Dec.  13,  1823,  d.  April  24,  1879,  m.,  March  29,  1846, 
Louisa  A.  King. 

ii.  Edwin  B.  Lansing,  a  metal  broker  at  89  Fulton  St.,  N.  Y.  C,  was  born 
Oct.  I,  1830,  m.,  March  10,  1853,  Mary  B.  Deming. 

iii.  Mary  Catharine  Lansing,  b.  March  24,  1833,  m.,  Oct.  12,  1853,  John  K. 
Pruyn,  b.  Aug.  7,  1825,  a  son  of  Jacob  Ten  Eyck  Pruyn  and  Neiltje 
Knickerbacker.  They  had  (i)  Mary  Lansing  Pruyn,  born  Sept.  13, 
1855,  (2)  Nellie  Knickerbacker  Pruyn,  b.  Sept.  3,  1857. 

iv.  Romeo  W.  Lansing,  b.  Oct.  24,  1835,  d.  March  10,  1836. 

V.  Abraham  A.  Lansing,  b.  May  15,  1838,  d.  Sept.  14,  1845. 


ROMEO^  (Adolpliiis*  Ebenezer,^  Ebeneser,^  Henr'f),  b.  April  6,  1800, 
probably  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  April  8,  1835,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.,  m..  May  22, 
1823,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  Julia  Gaston,  who,  born  there  Dec.  27,  1799, 
died  Dec.  14,  1880,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.  Her  nephew,  John  W.  Gaston,  residing 
at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  supplied  some  missing  dates. 

576  i.  Sarah  E.,  b.  3  April,  1825,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  died  5  April,  187 1, 
at  Troy,  N.  Y.,  m.,  12  Nov.,  185 1,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.,  Levi  Smith,  who 
was  for  many  years  a  prominent  lawyer  of  that  place.     They  had 

'    THi  K?,  • 





two  chi.,  [I]  Julia  Walbridge  Smith,  b.  9  April,  1858,  at  Troy,  N.  Y., 
m.,  28  March,  1883,  Henry  Waters  Taft,  a  lawyer  of  N.  Y.  City, 
son  of  Judge  Taft,  of  Ohio,  who  was  U.  S.  Att.  Genl.  under  Prest. 
Grant,  and  in  1884  Minister  to  Austria.  Mrs.  Taft  and  her  chi.  are 
the  only  living  descendants  of  Romeo  Walbridge,  her  four  chi.  were 
born  at  Pelham  Manor,  N.  Y.,  (i)  Walbridge  Smith  Taft,  b.  29  Nov., 
1884,  (2)  Marion  Jennings  Taft,  b.  19  Aug.,  1886,  d.  23,  i,  1888,  (3) 
Wm.  Howard  Taft,  2d,  b.  11  Dec,  1887,  (4)  Louise  Witherbee  Taft, 
b.  20  Dec,  1888.  [II]  Sophie  Royce  Smith,  b.  at  Troy,  Sept.  17. 
i860,  d.  at  Troy,  Sept.  20,  i860. 

577  ii.  John  Gaston,  b.  April  15,  1829,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.,  d.  there  May  5,  1834. 

578  iii.   Fredk.  Gaston,  b.  July  8,  1832,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.,  d.  there  Oct.  24, 


273  V 

SOPHIA"  {Stebbins*  Ebenezer,^  Ebeneser,^  Henvf),  b.  at  Bennington, 
Vt.,  July  27,  1797,  she  was  m.,  May  5,  1825,  at  the  Presby.  Ch.  at  Lansing- 
burg,  N.  Y.,  by  the  Revd.  Samuel  Blatchford  (who,  the  record  states,  re- 
ceived $30  as  his  fee),  to  John  Lansing  Winne,  son  of  Lavinus  Lansing 
Winne.  He  was  born  July  30,  1772,  at  Watervliet,  N.  Y.,  and  d.  Jan.  30, 
1850,  at  Albany,  N.  Y.  Mrs.  Winne  is  living  with  her  nephew,  Edward  A. 
Walbridge  (583),  at  the  homestead  at  Bennington  Falls,  where  she  was  born, 
and  on  July  27,  1897,  celebrated  her  looth  birthday,  on  which  the  photo- 
graph was  taken  that  is  here  reproduced. 

"Sophia  Walbridge  was  married  in  1825  to  John  Lansing  Winne,  of 
Albany,  N.  Y.,  and  her  home  from  that  time  was  in  that  city,  where  she  had 
a  large  circle  of  friends.  Mrs.  Winne  has  been  a  widow  for  many  years,  and 
on  the  death  of  her  sister.  Miss  Charlotte  Walbridge,  in  1893,  she  became 
a  member  of  the  family  of  her  nephew,  Edward  A.  Walbridge,  at  Walbridge 
homestead,  Bennington  Falls,  North  Bennington,  Vt. 

"Mrs.  Winne  is  a  dainty,  well  preserved  lady,  in  the  enjoyment  of  excel- 
lent health,  and  with  but  slightly  impaired  faculties.  Naturally  she  lives 
much  in  the  past,  and  frequently  speaks  of  the  friends  of  her  youth  as  though 
they  were  still  living. 

"She  was  attired  for  the  occasion  in  a  dress  of  silver  gray  silk,  and  the 
picture  was  a  beautiful  one,  as  her  fair  young  grandniece,  Miss  Harriet  H. 
Walbridge,  stood  at  her  side,  gowned  in  white  over  pale  green,  presenting 
a  charming  contrast  of  youth  and  old  age. 

"The  guests  were  received  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Olin  Walbridge,  of  Brook- 


1797-  ^^^  .  ^^97 

Mrs.  Sophia  Walbridge  Winne 

Requefts  the  honour  of  your  prefence 

At  the 

Walbridge  Homeftead, 

Tuefday,  July  the  twenty-feventh, 

From  two  until  five, 

To  Commemorate  the  One  Hundredth 

Anniverfary  of  her  birth. 

Bennington  Falls,  Vt. 











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"  « 




















July  27,  1897. 









































Miss  Florence  Walbridge,  of  Bennington,  Vt. 

Edward  A.  Walbridge,  of  Bennington  Falls,  Vt. 

Olin  George  Walbridge,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Mrs.  Henry  Stebbins  Walbridge,  of  N.  Bennington,  Vt. 

Miss  Harriet  Hicks  Walbridge,  of  Bennington  Falls,  Vt. 

Mrs.  Olin  George  Walbridge,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Henry  Stebbins  Walbridge,  of  N.  Bennington,  Vt. 

Mrs.  James  Edward  Walbridge,  of  Bennington,  Vt. 

Ebenezer  S.  Walbridge,  of  Oswego,  N.  Y. 

Mrs.  Herbert  S.  Walbridge. 

Mrs.  Ellen  (Walbridge)  Tucker,  of  Worcester,  Mass. 

James  Edward  Walbridge,  of  Bennington,  Vt. 

Col.  James  Hicks  Walbridge,  of  N.  Bennington,  Vt. 

Walter  Randal  Wliite,  of  N.  Bennington,  Vt. 

William  Gedney  Wallbridge,  of  Litchfield,  Conn. 

Mrs.  Effie  M.  (Walbridge)  White,  of  N.  Bennington,  Vt. 

Mrs.  James  Hicks  Walbridge,  of  N.  Bennington,  Vt. 

Miss  Fanny  Walbridge,  of  Bennington,  Vt. 

Miss  Edith  Walbridge,  of  Bennington,  Vt. 

Miss  Henrietta  Walbridge. 


lyn,  and  Colonel  James  H.  and  Mrs.  Walbridge,  of  North  Bennington.  Miss 
Walbridge  standing  beside  Mrs.  Winne,  relieved  her  of  wearisome  hand- 
shaking, and  gracefully  presented  the  friends  to  her. 

"2\Irs.  Efhe  Walbridge  White,  a  grandniece  of  Mrs.  Winne,  read  two 
poems,  one  written  by  Miss  Helen  Walbridge,  of  Brooklyn,  seventeen  years 
old,  and  a  great-grandniece  of  Mrs.  Winne,  and  the  other  by  Miss  Mar- 
guerite Walbridge,  of  Brooklyn,  a  grandniece  of  Mrs.  Winne." 

More  than  400  invitations  were  issued,  and  many  friends  came  to  offer 
their  congratulations.  Among  those  present  were  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Olin  G. 
Walbridge,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  J.  Edward  Walbridge  and  family,  of  Ben- 
nington; Mr.  and  Mrs.  Henry  S.  Walbridge,  and  Col.  James  H.  Wal- 
bridge and  wife,  of  N.  Bennington;  Ebenezer  S.  Walbridge,  b.  181 1,  who 
came  from  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  to  attend  his  sister's  anniversary,  and  W.  G. 
Wallbridge,  of  Litchfield,  Conn.  All  of  these,  with  others  of  the  name,  ap- 
pear in  the  group  taken  at  the  time  and  reproduced  for  this  work. 


BETSEY'*  {Stcbbins,'  Ebenezci-;^  Ebcncscr,^  Hcnry^),  b.  Feb.  20,  1799, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  March  15.  1888,  at  Mexico,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Sept.  7,  1826, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Uel  Hicks,  b.  June  5,  1801,  at  Bennington,  Vt., 
son  of  James  and  Theedee  (Kellogg)  Hicks,  and  in  1895  living  at  Mexico, 
N.  Y.,  well  preserved  in  mind  and  body.  Their  children  were  born  at  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  and  appear  upon  the  town  records. 

i.  Ellen  Sophia  Hicks,  b.  23-11-1827,  m.  10  Sept.,  1852,  Edward  S.  Boyle, 
M.  D.,  of  N.  Y.,  b.  16  Sept.,  1825,  d.  12  July,  1855,  had  chi.,  Lizzie 
Boyle,  b.  March  4,  1864,  d.  23-9-1865.  Mrs.  Boyle  m.,  2d,  Benj.  S. 
Stone,  of  Mexico,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  18,  1863. 

ii.  George  Hicks,  b.  8  July,  1829,  d.  11  May,  1833. 

iii.  Elizabeth  Walbridge  Hicks,  b.  8  April,  1831,  m.,  17  Nov.,  1868,  Hial  K. 
Parsons,  of  Mansfield,  O.,  had  chi.,  (i)  Edward  Fredk.  Walbridge  Par- 
sons, b.  22  Dec,  1869,  d.  1871,  (2)  Walbridge  Parsons,  b.  Oct.  17,  1873. 

iv.  Frederick  Hicks,  b.  26-9-1834,  d.  8  Feb.,  1871,  m.,  8  Jan.,  1869,  Mary 
Jane  Waters,  of  Bennington,  Vt.,  b.  24  Dec,  1836,  had  chi..  Frederick 
Hicks,  b.  Oct.,  1869,  at  Danville,  N.  Y.,  d.  July  17,  1891,  at  Bennington. 

v.  George  Hicks,  b.  4  Oct..  1840,  in  service  for  9  months  previous  to  1863. 
April  9,  1864,  was  appointed  ist  Lieut,  in  Co.  F,  17th  Regt.  Ver.  Vols., 
and  made  Brevet  Capt.  for  meritorious  services  in  the  charge  at  Shand's 
Court  House,  Va.  He  was  shot  and  killed  before  Petersburg,  July  30, 





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STEBBINS  DENIO'  {Stcbbius,-'  Ebenezcr,^  Ebcnczer,^  //cnry),b.  March 
25,  1801,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  Aug.  27,  1885.  He  m.  there  Sept. 
22,  1824  (T.  R.),  Harriet  Hicks,  b.  March  20,  1803,  at  Bennington,  where  she 
d.  Aug.  31,  1832.  dau.  of  James  Hicks,  who  was  born  May  7,  1765,  d.  Dec. 
14,  1837,  having  married  Theedee  Kellogg,  b.  July  16,  1771,  d.  April  2,  1833. 

Stebbins  m.  for  second  wife,  April  26,  1835,  at  South  Shaftsbury,  Vt., 
Eliza  Ann,  dau.  of  Revd.  Warren  Skinner  and  Nancy  Farnsworth.  She  was 
born  April  18,  1816,  at  Proctorsville,  N.  Y.,  and  was  living  1895  at  Rich- 
mond, Indiana.  Warren  Skinner,  her  father,  son  of  Timothy  and  Ruth 
Skinner,  was  b.  at  Brookfield,  Mass.,  June  2,  1791,  d.  Oct.  6,  1874,  having  m., 
Nov.  5,  18 1 5,  Nancy  Farnsworth,  by  whom  he  had  seven  children,  of  whom 
Eliza  Ann  was  the  eldest. 

S.  D.  W.  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  Sept.  3,  1861,  at  Bennington,  Vt., 
where  his  chi.  were  born  in  the  homestead  where  he  was  born  and  lived. 

579  i.  John  Lansing  Winne,  b.  April  13,  1825,  m.  Mary  Matilda  Austin. 

580  ii.  James  Hicks,  b.  July  29,  1826,  m.  Eliza  Ann  Burgess  and  Mrs.  Delia 

M.  Bruce. 

581  iii.  Elizabeth,  b.  March  2,  1828,  d.  June  26,  1829. 

582  iv.  Henry  Stebbins,  b.  Nov.  10,  1829,  m.  Maria  Woodward. 

583  v.  Edward  A.,  b.  Aug.  13,  183 1,  m.  Mary  Sears. 

584  vi.  Warren  Skinner,  b.  March  8,  1836,  m.  Anna  Rice. 

585  vii.  Harriet  E..  b.  July  18,  1838,  d.  unni.  in  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  July  8, 

5S6     viii.  Charlotte  Adelaide,  b.  July  14,  1840,  d.  Oct.  29,  1852. 

587  ix.  Mary  G.,  b.  May,  1843.  d.  Dec.  28.  1848. 

588  X.   Francis  E.,  b.  Feb.  25,  1846,  d.  unm.  at  Bennington,  April  11,  1875. 

These  epitaphs  appear  on  the  tombstones  of  Elizabeth,  Charlotte  A., 
and  Mary  G. : 

Ere  sin  could  blight  or  sorrow  fade 
Death  came  with  friendly  care 
The  opening  bud  to  heaven  conveyed 
And  bade  it  blossom  there 

Farewell    Father,    Farewell    Mother 
Farewell  Brother  and  Sisters  dear 
I  go  to  join  my  angel  sister 
And  tell  her  you  will  soon  be  here 
Short  will  be  our  parting 
Your  earthly  trials  o'er 
Together  we'll  come  to  meet  you 
On  eternity's  deathless  shore 

Insatiate  death,  thine  arrows  fly 
And  bring  our  kindred  to  the  ground 
The  parents  leave,  the  orphans  sigh 
Salute  their  numerous  friends  around 
But  lo!  a  voice  from  heaven  is  heard 
On  bursts  another  froiri  the  grave 
It  brings  good  tidings  from  the  Lord 
Death  to  destroy,  but  man  to  save 



GEORGE"  {Stebbins*  Ebeneser,^  Ebeneser,^  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  9,  1803,  at 
Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  April  15,  1857,  having  m.  there  Nov.  10,  1825 
(T.  R.),  Mary  Ann  Olin,  dau.  of  John  H.  Olin,  of  Shaftsbury,  Vt.  The 
records  of  the  "First  Church  of  Christ  in  Bennington"  show  that  George 
Walbridge  and  his  wife  were  admitted  Sept.  4,  183 1,  and  dismissed  June  8, 

589  i.  Olin  George,  b.  Sept.  11,  1826,  m.  Anna  H.  Ryckman. 

590  ii.  Joseph  N.  Hinsdill,  b.  Sept.  17,  1828,  m.  Harriet  L.  Squires  and 

Florence  Stevens. 

591  iii.  Augustus,  b.  April  11,  1833,  ni.  Florence  Cosby  Vail. 

592  iv.   Frances  E.,  b.  Dec.  10,  1835,  m.  John  Ellerby. 

593  V.  John  Henry,  b.  April  13,  1840,  d.  April  12,  1841. 

594  vi.  Mary  Ann,  b.  Feb.  22,  1842,  d.  April  24,  1842. 


FANNY^  {Stebbins*  Ebeuczcr,^  Ebenczer,^  Henr-f),  b.  Dec.   14,  1806, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  d.  there  Dec.  15,  1884.     She  m.  at  Bennington,  March 
9,  1825  (T.  R.),  Joseph  Nichols  Hinsdill,  b.  at  Bennington,  Jan.,  1804,  d. 
Jan.  16,  1804,  son  of  Joseph  Hinsdill  and  Joanna  Nichols, 
i.  Joseph  Hinsdill,  b.  1826. 

The  first  Hinsdill  to  settle  in  Bennington  was  Joseph,  who  came  from 
Hardwick,  Mass.,  where  he  was  born  1774,  and  d.  in  Bennington  June  24, 
1822.  He  m.  Hannah  Bingham,  b.  1781,  d.  in  Bennington  Sept.  10,  1835. 
His  chi.  were: 

i.  Norman,  m.,  first,  Rhoda  Harmon,  sister  ol  Mrs.  Samuel  Scott,  and  for 
his  second  wife  a  dau.  of  Gov.  Galusha.  He  and  wife  are  buried  in 
Shaftsbury,  Vt. 

ii.  Daniel,  father  of  Milo  and  Alonzo  Hinsdill. 

iii.  Joseph,  m.  Joanna  Nichols,  at  Bennington,  Nov.  6,  1803;  his  son  Joseph 
m.  Fanny  Walbridge,  and  his  dau.  Jane  is  Mrs.  George  W.  Robinson, 
of  Bennington,  Vt.,  to  whose  courtesy  is  due  these  Hinsdill  items. 

iv.  Eliza,  m.  Elijah  Waters. 

V.  Amanda,  m.  R.  N.  Severance. 

vi.  Caroline,  m.  Samuel  Weeks. 

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vii.  Joannna,  m.  Stephen  Robinson. 

viii.  Chester. 

ix.   Hannah,  m.  Mr.  Tracy,  of  Rome,  N.  Y. 

X.  Stephen,  m.  Hannah  Edgerton. 

xi.  Lucretia,  m.  Aaron  Hubbell. 

xii.  Jeannette,  m. Seymour. 

xiii.  Electa,  m.  Jonas  Galusha. 
xiv.  Hiram,  m.  Roxana  Walbridge. 


ANN®  {Ebcnezcr  William.*  Ebciicccr,^  Ebcnczcr.^  Hcnry^),  b.  May  5,  1817, 
at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  d.  March  28,  1858,  at  Germantown,  Pa.  She  m.  at 
Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  8,  1837,  George  Washington  Merchant,  who  was 
born  Feb.  27.  1807,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  d.  Aug.  20,  1867,  at  Germantown,  Pa. 
Mr.  Merchant  was  the  proprietor  of  Merchant's  Gargling  Oil,  which  was  a 
standard  preparation  for  many  years,  and  made  its  originator  a  wealthy  man. 
He  and  his  wife  are  buried  in  Laurel  Hill  Gem.,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

i.  Anna  Louise  Merchant,  b.  July  25,  1841,  d.  April  22.  1844. 

ii.   George  Walbridge  Merchant,  b.  April  10,  1844,  d.  July  i,  1870. 

iii.  Henrietta  Merchant,  b.  March  13,  1849,  m.,  Jan.  7,  1873.  Royal  Marshall, 
who  d.  April  9.  1877,  at  Burn  Brae,  near  Phila.,  Pa.  She  d.  March  24, 
1886,  at  Roseville,  N.  J.,  having  had  one  chi.,  George  Merchant 
Marshall,  b.  Sept.  5,  1875.  d.  Jan.  24,  1876. 

iv.  Charles  Henry  Merchant,  b.  May  2,  1854,  d.  Aug.  7,  1854. 


HENRY  THOMAS^  (Ebeneser  William*  Ebcnezcr?  Ebcnezcr,-  Hcnry^), 
b.  Aug.  25,  1819,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  d.  Nov.  12,  1885,  at  Saratoga 
Springs,  N.  Y.  He  was  m.  at  11  a.  m.  May  29,  1845,  in  Grace  Epis.  Ch., 
at  Waterford,  Saratoga  County,  N.  Y.,  by  the  Reverend  George  B.  Eastman, 
to  Esther  INIargaret  Knickerbacker,  who  was  born  Aug.  i,  1826,  at  Water- 
ford,  N.  Y.,  and  d.  June  2,  1862,  at  their  residence,  109  Lake  Ave.,  Saratoga 
Springs,  N.  Y.  She  was  the  dau.  of  John  and  Caroline  (Chester)  Knicker- 
backer, her  father  was  a  son  of  Col.  John  Knickerbacker,  of  Schaghticoke, 
N.  Y.,  and  his  wife  Elizabeth  Winne.     He  was  for  more  than  fifty  years 


president  of  the  bank  of  Waterford,  N.  Y.,  and  a  man  prominent  in  the  busi- 
ness and  social  life  of  the  community  in  which  he  dwelt. 

The  following  letter,  written  soon  after  the  wedding  by  Mrs.  John 
Knickerbacker,  mother  of  Mrs.  Walbridge,  is  of  interest,  giving  as  it  does 
details  of  the  ceremony,  and  showing  what  letters  were  before  cheap  postage 
and  rapid  transit  destroyed  the  art  of  letter  writing.  The  letter  was  to 
Joseph  Coit,  Esqre.,  postmaster  at  Ellsworth,  Ohio,  where  his  widow  died 
but  recently : 

Waterford,  N.  Y.,  Monday  Evening,  June  30,  1845. 

Dear  Cousin  Joseph  : — My  pen  has  long  been  silent,  for  it  has  not 
been  possible  for  me  to  write  you  before,  the  wedding  gave  me  full  employ- 
ment. My  sisters,  with  Mrs.  Sigourney  (the  authoress),  Alfred  (Chester), 
wife  and  daughter,  arrived  in  the  car  Tuesday  evening.  On  Thursday  morn- 
ing I  awoke,  as  the  Irishman  would  say,  after  a  sleepless  night;  it  was  rain- 
ing very  hard,  but  before  eleven  it  cleared,  and  the  church  was  full.  The 
bridesmaid,  Jane  Chester  (afterward  Mrs.  Wm.  A.  Coursen),  with  Mr.  Bliss, 
entered  first.  Sophia  Todd  and  Mr.  Hall,  then  Mr.  W.  and  Margaret.  The 
bride  had  on  a  tarletan  muslin,  with  three  tacks  and  work  above  the  tacks. 
Three  rows  of  elegant  lace  about  her  neck,  and  a  bridal  pin,  both  the  gift  of 
my  dear  mother,  white  flowers  on  her  head.  They  saw  company  here  till 
three,  and  the  house  was  thronged.  We  had  twenty-seven  at  dinner.  They 
left  at  five  in  a  coach  and  four  for  Albany,  and  took  the  boat  for  New  York 
with  several  gentlemen  who  came  up  purposely  for  the  ceremony.  Uncle 
(Mr.  Wm.  G.  Bull)  expected  them,  and  Jane  Chester  and  Mr.  Bliss  dined 
with  them,  and  quite  a  party  were  there  in  the  evening.  The  next  morning 
they  went  over  to  Elizabethtown  with  Jane  (Mrs.  Coursen),  who  returned 
to  her  school.  On  Tuesday  they  left  for  Philadelphia.  Mrs.  Backus  gave 
them  an  elegant  dinner,  and  they  met  the  next  day  a  few  friends  there  at 
tea.  Mr.  Chauncey  kindly  urged  their  staying  with  him  at  Burlington,  and 
they  made  a  delightful  visit  there,  and  passed  Sunday  at  Brooklyn  with  an 
uncle  of  Mr.  Walbridge's.  They  arrived  here  Tuesday  morning,  and  stayed 
with  me  a  fortnight,  and  then  left  for  housekeeping.  They  have  a  new  and 
pleasant  house,  and  very  prettily  furnished.  Uncle  (Mr.  W.  G.  Bull)  gave 
her  her  silver,  and  was  all  kindness  in  many  ways.  Her  friends  have  been 
very  liberal  to  her:  she  had  many  beautiful  gifts. 

Dear  child,  may  she  have  just  so  much  of  this  world's  goods  as  may  fit  her 
for  Heaven,  and  no  more.  I  wish  I  could  send  you  some  cake,  not  that  it 
is  half  as  good  as  your  dear  wife's,  but  it  has  the  charm  of  being  wedding 
cake.     Mr.  Bunce,  E.,  and  his  two  boys  were  here  on  their  return  from  Can- 


Lliiir -_::u 




ada,  and  took  John  K.  (the  writer's  son)  with  them.  He  has  not  yet  re- 
turned. Louisa  (her  sister)  is  still  with  me,  though  in  poor  health  and 
spirits.  Airs.  Ellis  died  of  an  affection  of  the  heart  the  25th  of  May.  Mr. 
Eastman  is  soon  to  leave  his  people  to  be  settled  in  Conn.  Miss  Catharine 
Peebles  was  married  the  20th  of  May  to  Dr.  Austin,  a  young  physician  here. 
It  is  thought  a  good  match  for  lier,  and  is  very  pleasing  to  the  family.  My 
Bro.  Alfred,  after  making  all  his  arrangements  to  go  to  Cincinnati,  the  other 
minister  determined  to  go,  and  Alfred  had  reluctantly  to  give  it  up.  His 
health  is  very  miserable.  Mr.  K.  (her  husl)and)  is  better  than  usual.  John 
(her  son)  now  expects  to  enter  college  this  fall.  Jane  (now  Mrs.  Wm.  O.  Cun- 
ningham) is  thin.  She  has  a  good  school,  and  often  talks  of  Ohio.  Thomas 
(her  son)  grows  very  fast.  I  long  to  see  your  little  Frances,  but  when  it  will 
be  I  cannot  say.  Do  let  us  hear  from  you  soon.  Mrs.  Van  Schoonhoven 
has  just  returned  from  New  York.  She  brought  me  a  beautiful  bracelet  of 
her  hair.  I  shall  value  it  highly.  She  said  sister  sFrances  did  not  look  verj- 
well.  Remember  me  to  your  dear  wife,  and  a  kiss  to  Frances.  My  kind  re- 
membrance to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Talmadge  and  my  friend  Mrs.  Adams.  Do  give 
us  the  pleasure  of  hearing  from  you  soon,  and  any  questions  you  may  wish 
answered  I  stand  ready  to  answer.  Mr.  Smith  has  recently  returned  from 
Illinois.  They  have  been  painting  his  church,  taken  away  the  side  seats,  and 
improved  its  appearance  very  much.  They  have  a  new  organ  in  the  Episco- 
pal Church.  Yours  affectionately,  T  C  K 

Henry  Thomas  Walbridge,  eldest  son  of  Ebenezer  W.  Walbridge  and 
Sally  Morgan,  was  born  25  Aug.,  1819,  at  Lansingburg,  Rennselaer  Co., 
N.  Y.,  a  small  town  on  the  bank  of  the  Hudson  River,  and  a  few  miles  above 
the  city  of  Troy.  He  first  went  to  school  to  Mr.  Saunders  in  a  school-house 
opposite  the  "Seceder"  Church,  corner  of  Richards  and  Congress  Sts.,  after- 
ward to  Alex.  McCall  at  the  Academy.  Among  his  companions  were  Wm. 
T.  Seymour,  V.  D.  Reed,  Edward  Allen,  Chas.  Hasbrouck,  Wm.  Topping, 
William  and  Charles  Hedges,  Norman  Chipman,  Augustus  and  John  Taylor, 
Theodore  Walsh,  James  P.  Wallace,  Thomas  Wallace,  John  K.  Porter,  Wm. 
E.  Cramer,  and  Saml.  R.  House. 

Leaving  home  in  Aug.,  1832,  when  but  13  years  of  age,  Mr.  W.  was 
with  Morgan  &  Brush,  Auction  and  Commission  House,  No.  63  State  St., 
Albany,  N.  Y.,  remaining  five  years  after  the  death  of  Mr.  Brush  and  the 
removal  to  N.  Y.  of  Samuel  Morgan,  the  surviving  partner,  who  was  an 
uncle  to  Mr.  Walbridge.  In  1837  he  was  with  Lewis  Woodburn  on  State 
St.,  and  later  with  Horace  Day  in  Lansingburg.  In  1839  he  went  to  Coey- 
man's  by  stage,  thence  by  boat  to  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.,  where  he  went  into 


the  dry  goods  business.  There  he  cast  his  first  Presidential  vote  for  Har- 
rison; heard  speeches  by  Hoxie  and  others  for  "Tippecanoe  and  Tyler  too," 
while  "Log  Cabins  and  Hard  Cider"  was  the  battle  cry.  He  was  with  R.  S. 
C.  Heath,  No.  2  Cedar  St.,  and  in  1840  with  the  cloth  house  of  S.  M.  Blatch- 
ford  &  Samson,  Maiden  Lane,  corner  Williams  St.,  N.  Y.  City.  In  1842 
he  went  into  the  dry  goods  business  in  his  native  town  of  Lansingburg, 
having  for  clerks  John  Hoyt,  Edward  Foster,  Frank  Hoyt  and  John  K. 
Pruyn.  In  1849  he  sold  his  business.  In  1851  went  to  Elmira,  N.  Y.,  and 
afterwards  was  in  charge  of  the  Hudson  Riv.  R.  R.  Co.'s  freight  depot  at 
East  Albany,  N.  Y.,  to  which  point  the  road  had  been  finished.  In  1852  he 
moved  with  his  family  from  Lansingburg  to  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.,  was 
with  the  R.  R.  Co.  for  a  time,  and  in  May,  1853,  started  in  the  Real  Estate 
and  Insurance  business,  which  he  followed  until  a  few  years  prior  to  his 

Mr.  Walbridge  said  in  a  letter  from  which  I  quote,  "While  in  N.  Y. 
City  in  1840  I  heard  Daniel  Webster  make  a  speech  in  front  of  the  Merchants' 
Exchange,  on  Wall  St.,  which  was  packed  full  of  people  as  far  as  William 
St.,  listening  with  upturned  faces  to  catch  the  words  from  the  lips  of  the 
great  orator.  I  saw  and  shook  hands  with  him  again  in  1851  at  Dunkirk, 
N.  Y.,  upon  the  celebration  of  the  opening  of  the  Erie  R.  R.  from  N.  Y.  I 
saw  the  first  train  when  it  came  in  there  with  Washington  Hunt,  Benj.  Loder, 
of  N.  Y.,  and  many  others.  Mr.  Webster  was  near  me  on  the  deck  of  the 
steamer  as  we  left  Dunkirk  for  BufTalo  amid  the  cheering  of  the  crowd  upon 
the  docks." 

I  have  often  heard  him  tell  of  hearing  Jennie  Lind  sing  in  Castle  Garden, 
N.  Y.  C,  when  fabulous  prices  (for  those  days)  were  paid  to  hear  her;  of 
crossing  N.  Y.  State  in  canal  boats  before  the  railroads  were  built,  and  of 
seeing  the  first  train  come  into  East  Albany  on  the  completion  to  that  point 
of  the  Hudson  River  R.  R. 

Mr.  Walbridge  in  youth  was  known  as  "the  handsomest  man  in  the 
county,"  his  height  and  figure  were  good,  and  to  the  last  his  profile  was  re- 
markable in  its  beautiful  outline.  He  had  a  high  forehead,  exceptionally  and 
beautifully  shaped  nose  and  mouth,  fine  regular  teeth,  and  luminous  brown 
eyes,  while  his  complexion  was  clear  and  olive  in  its  type. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walbridge  began  housekeeping  on  the  S.  E.  corner  of 
5th  Ave.  and  6th  Sts.,  in  Lansingburg.  Two  sons  were  born  before  the 
removal  to  Saratoga  Springs,  where  the  family  first  lived  at  the  N.  E.  corner 
of  Broadway  and  Grove  Streets.  The  following  year  (1853)  they  removed  to 
the  S.  W.  corner  of  Circular  and  Caroline  Streets,  the  birthplace  of  three 
children,  where  a  partial  burning  of  the  house  caused  an  exposure  which 





finally  resulted  in  the  death  of  Mrs.  Walbridge.  The  present  homestead, 
No.  109  Lake  Avenue,  was  purchased  Dec.  22,  1857,  and  in  this  house  the 
youngest  child  was  born  and  the  parents  died.  In  politics  Mr.  Walbridge 
was  a  Republican.  Both  he  and  his  wife  were  active  members  of  the  Pres- 
byterian Church,  she  having  joined  the  church  in  Lansingburg  in  1845,  and 
carried  letters  from  there  to  the  church  in  Saratoga.  The  portrait  shown 
of  Mr.  Walbridge  is  from  a  daguerreotype  taken  in  1842,  when  he  was  23 
years  old;  that  of  his  wife  was  taken  in  1843,  when  she  was  17;  the  picture  of 
Mr.  Walbridge  and  family  in  1874,  and  that  of  the  house  in  1895. 

595  '•  John  Henry,  b.  April  2y,  1848.  m.  Henrietta  Van  Vorst  Agan. 

596  ii.  Thomas  Chester,  b.  May  9,  185 1,  m.  Anne  Editha  Carter. 

597  iii.  Caroline  C,  b.  Sept.  26,  1853,  resides  with  her  bro.  T.  C.  W. 

598  iv.  William  Gedney,  b.  April  16,  1856,  m.  Esther  Odin  Schaflfer  and 

Margaret  E.  Ritchie. 

599  V.    Louisa  Chester,  b.  Sept.  29,  1858,  d.  March  3,  1862. 

600  vi.  Louie  C,  b.  Aug.  29,  1859,  m.  Louise  R.  Castle. 


GEORGE  RUSSELL^  {Ebenezer  William*  Ebcnezer,^  Ebenczct;- 
Heury^),  b.  Aug.  i,  1826,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  entered  the  Volunteer  Army 
Oct.  26,  1 86 1,  as  1st  Lieut.  i8th  Wisconsin  Vols,  (organized  Jan.  20- 
March  18,  1862,  at  Milwaukee,  Wis.;  mustered  out  July  18,  1865).  He  re- 
signed Dec.  15,  1862,  on  account  of  wounds  received  at  Shiloh.  {Wis.  in 
the  War,  and  OfUc.  Army  Reg.  Vols.,  p.  190,  Part  VH,  and  pp.  38  and  49. 
Part  VHL)  Appointed  ist  Lieut.  Vet.  Reserve  Corps,  6th  regt.  (org.  Oct.  10, 
1863.  at  Wash.,  D.  C).  July  13,  1863,  promoted  Capt.  and  Brevet  Major. 
July,  1864,  transferred  to  12th  Vet.  Res.  Corps  (org.  Oct.  10,  1863,  at  Albany, 
N.  Y.),  July  17,  1865,  and  resigned  May  12,  1867.  Was  commissioned  2d 
Lieut,  in  6th  U.  S.  Infantry  May  7,  1867,  and  resigned  May  14,  1868,  on 
account  of  wounds  and  ill  health. 

While  serving  in  Washington,  D.  C,  in  Vet.  Res.  Corps,  was  appointed 
Assist.  Provost  Marshal  General  of  defenses  north  of  Potomac  on  General 
Augur's  staiT,  and  subsequently  Military  Supt.  of  the  old  Capitol  Prison,  and 
during  this  service  executed  Wirtz,  the  ".XnderscMiville  murderer,"  who  was 
responsible  for  the  many  atrocities  of  that  prison  pen. 

Upon  closing  this  prison  Mr.  Walbridge  turned  over  the  prisoners  to 
the  military  authorities  in  the  different  Southern  States,  and  was  appointed 
Assist.  Inspector  General  on  the  staffs  of  Generals  Tillson  and  C.  C.  Siblev 


until  transferred  to  his  regiment  in  the  field.  He  soon  resigned  on  account 
of  ill  health,  after  almost  seven  years'  service  in  the  Vol.  and  Reg.  Army. 
Afterward  held  a  position  in  the  General  Land  Office  at  Washington,  D.  C, 
until  his  death,  which  took  place  at  Garfield  Hospital,  Wash.,  D.  C.;  funeral 
services  at  Calvary  Baptist  Ch.,  Jan.  15,  1893. 


FREDERICK  GREEN^  {Ebcnczcr  William,''  Ebencser?  Ebcnczcr- 
Henvf),  b.  Sept.  i,  1829,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  is  now  living  at  Kansas 
City,  Mo.,  with  his  son.  He  m.  Harriet  Skinner,  by  whom  he  had  no  chi. 
His  second  wife  was  Amaryllis  Mitchell,  m.  at  Memphis,  Tenn.,  b.  May  4, 
1830,  in  Chautauqua  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  Nov.  8,  1872,  at  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  dau.  of 
Foster  Mitchell  and  Melissa  Johnson. 

601  i.  Martha  Carrie,  b.  Dec.  4,  1858,  m.,  Feb.  5,  1880,  Thomas  Joseph 

Horan,  an  accountant,  son  of  Michael  and  Maria  Horan;  reside  at 
Mt.  Carmel,  Pa.  Mrs.  Horan  has  a  large  portrait  of  her  grand- 
father, Ebenezer  William  Walbridge,  of  which  the  one  given  in  this 
book  is  a  reproduction.     They  have  no  chi. 

602  ii.   Clarence  Mitchell,  b.  Nov.  6,   i860,  m.,  Dec.   15,  1882,  Louie  K. 

Dorr.  He  is  with  Burnham,  Hanna,  Munger  &  Co.,  dry  goods 
importers  and  jobbers,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 


SUSAN  FRANCES^  {Henry  Sanford/ Gusfmms,^  Ebenc::er,"  Hciiiy). 
h.  June  13,  1837,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  where  she  m.,  Dec.  19,  1861,  Charles  D. 
Hamill,  b.  Nov.  14,  1839,  at  Bloomington.  Ind.,  son  of  Dr.  Robert  C.  and 
Eliza  J.  (Davisson)  Hamill.  The  family  reside  21 16  Prairie  Ave.,  Chicago, 

i.   Robert  Walbridge  Hamill.  b.  Dec.  8,  1863,  m.,  June  23,  1892,  Katharine 

Bacon  Lyon, 
ii.   Fanny  Hamill,  b.  May  17.  1865,  m..  Sept.    11,    1888,    Edward   Johnson 

iii.  Henry  Walbridge  Hamill,  b.  Dec.  5,  1866,  d.  1870. 
iv.   Charles  Hamill,  b.  March  20,  1868. 

V.  Frank  Thomson  Hamill,  b.  Sept.  20,  1869,  d.  Jan.  17,  1882. 
vi.  Paul  Hamill,  b.  June  6,  1871. 


'    I-iW  YCRK 

AS!0«,   LENOX 

lll.lJi.lS   i-OUNDA'nON 




MARY  C.'*  {Henry  Saiiford,^  Custavns,^  Ebenezer,"^  Henry^),  b.  Oct.  6, 
1838,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  d.  April  i,  1894,  at  Chicago,  111.  She  m.,  Feb.  16, 
1869,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  Peter  Page.  Her  chiklren  reside  with  their  aunt, 
Mrs.  Charles  D.  Hamill  (290). 

i.  Alice  \\'albridge  Page,  b.  Dec.  20,  1869. 
ii.   Elinor  H.  Page. 


ANNA  SANFORD'^  {Henry  Sanford*  Gustavus,^  Ebcncccr,-  Henry'),  b. 
June  12,  1840,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  where  she  m.,  Jan.  4,  1865,  Charles  Carroll 
Greenley.     The  family  reside  4552  Oakenwald  Avenue,  Chicago,  111. 

i.  Lucy  Walbridge  Greenley,  b.  April  21,  1868. 


ALICE  ELMIRA«  {Henry  Sanford*  Gustavus,''  Ebcnezer,'^  Henry'),  b. 
Feb.  21,  1843,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  m..  Nov.  25,  1872,  at  Chicago,  III,  Revd. 
Thomas  Lafon  Gulick,  b.  April  10,  1839,  at  Koloa,  Island  of  Kanai,  Hawaiian 
Islands,  son  of  Peter  Johnson  Gulick  and  his  wife,  Fanny  Hinckley  Thomas. 
No  chi. 

Mr.  Gulick's  parents  went  as  missionaries  of  the  Amer.  Board  to  the 
Hawaiian  Islands  in  1827.  He  is  an  ordained  minister  of  the  Congregational 
Church,  was  missionary  of  the  Amer.  Board  to  Spain  from  1872  to  1883; 
pastor  of  Foreign  Protestant  Church  at  Makawao,  Mani,  Hawaiian  Ids,  from 
1886  to  1893,  when  he  returned  to  this  country,  and  now  (1896)  resides  at 
Rosemont,  Pa.,  with  settled  charge. 


ELLEN  AUGUSTA*  {Henry  Sanford*  Gustavns,''  Ebeneser,^  Henry'), 
b.  Nov.  18,  1846,  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  m.,  June  6,  1872,  at  Chicago,  111.,  George 
Walton  Darrow,  born  Aug.  21,  1839,  at  Irasburg,  Vt.,  son  of  Pliny  and 
Mary  A.  (Walton)  Darrow.     They  reside  145  Oakenwald  Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

i.  Henry  Walbridge  Darrow,  b.  March  23,  1874. 



WALTER"  {William,''  John*  Jolui,^  William,^  Henry'),  b.  April  2,  1797, 
at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  Dec.  23,  1824,  at  Franklin,  Can.  East.  He  m.,  June  22, 
1820,  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Ruth  Hunter,  b.  Nov.  28,  1798,  at  Sharon,  Vt., 
d.  May  12,  1871,  at  Monticello,  Iowa.  Mr.  Walbridge  was  a  physician,  and 
located  in  the  town  of  Franklin,  Lower  Canada,  before  the  boundary  line 
was  run  between  New  York  and  Canada,  supposing  that  he  was  on  U.  S. 
soil.     The  family  afterward  removed  to  the  American  side  of  the  line. 

Dr.  Walbridge  left  this  record  of  his  wife's  brothers  and  sisters,  written 
by  him  in  the  family  Bible,  now  owned  by  his  grandson,  W.  W.  Calkins: 

(i)  Betsey  Hunter,  b.  Sept.  13,  1777.  (6)  Sally  Hunter,  b.  Sept.  9,  1789. 

(2)  Abner  Hunter,  b.  May  22,  1780.  (7)  Roxana  Hunter,  b.  Oct.  9,  1790. 

(3)  William  Hunter, b.  Nov.  10, 1782.  (8)  Joel  Hunter,  b.  April  15,  1793. 

(4)  Ira  Hunter,  b.  Jan.  10,  1784.  (9)  Polly  Hunter,  b.  Feb.  14,  1796. 

(5)  Jesse  Hunter,  b.  Jan.  10,  1787.  (10)  Ruth  Hunter,  b.  Nov.  28,  1798. 

He  had  but  one  child. 

603     i.  Sarah  Ann,  b.  June  30,  182 1,  m..  May  25,  1837,  at  Franklin,  Canada 
East,  Samuel  Calkins,  b.  Nov.  28,  1815.     Their  chi. : 
(i)  Wesley  Walter  Calkins,  b.  Feb.  3,  1839,  at  Franklin,  Can.,  m., 
July  3,  1862,  at  Chataugay,  N.  Y.,  resides  Monticello,  Iowa. 

(2)  Wm.  Samuel  Calkins. 

(3)  Ruth  Calkins. 

(4)  Susan  Calkins,  b.  Nov.  26,  1844,  d.  Nov.  9,  i860. 

(5)  Charles  Albert  Calkins,  d.  Nov.  i,  1859. 



WAYNE"  {IVilUam-'  John*  John,^  Williamr  Henry'),  a  farmer,  b.  Dec. 
12,  1799,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  April  14,  1874,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  m.  Anna 
Roberts,  and  for  second  wife  m.,  June  26,  1825,  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.), 
Lorinda,  dau.  of  Reuben  and  Alice  Hubbard.  She  was  b.  March  20,  1809, 
at  Strafford,  Vt.,  d.  Dec.  23,  1874,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.  Four  of  his  chi.  were 
born  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  one  at  Hyde  Park,  Vt.,  another  at  Sharon,  and  three 
at  Belmont,  N.  Y.  All  were  m.  at  Belmont,  save  George,  he  at  Malone, 
N.  Y. 

604  i.  Leroy  Pierce,  b.  Nov.  15,  1821,  m.  Minerva  Ann  Fulton. 

605  ii.  Lucy,  b.  June  26,  1826.  m.  Francis  G.  Drew. 

606  iii.  George  Wayne,  b.  May  28,  1828,  m.  Mary  Drake. 

607  iv.  Jason,  b.  April  23,  1830,  m.  Eliza  A.  Merrill. 

608  V.  W^illiam  Palmer,  b.  Nov.  18,  1832,  m.  Dolly  Drake. 

609  vi.  Susan  C.,  b.  Jan.  23,  1836,  m.  Hiram  A.  Gilman. 

610  vii.  Sarah  A.,  b.  June  15,  1838,  m.  Darius  W.  Merrill. 

61 1  viii.  Jennie,  b.  July  29,  1844,  m.,  March  27,  1880,  Newton  Briggs,  b. 

in  Ohio.     He  is  manager  of  the  Northwestern  Relief  Assocn.,  and 
resides  1234  E.  Dayton  St.,  Madison,  Wis. 

612  ix.  Nelson  John,  b.  Dec.  25,  1846,  m.  Clara  (Weed)  Stokes. 


ANNA«  (William,''  John,*  John,^  William,-  Henry'),  b.  Dec.  28,  1803, 
at  Sharon,  Vt.,  (T.  R.),  m.,  March  23,  1823,  at  Sharon,  George  Dorrance 
Blanchard,  b.  Nov.  17,  1792,  at  Providence.  R.  I.,  d.  March  18,  1869,  at  Nor- 
wich, Vt.,  son  of  Reuben  and  Mary  (Thornton)  Blanchard.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  a  soldier  in  the  war  of  1812.  His  children  were  all  born  at 
Sharon,  Vt.  His  wife  was  living  Nov.,  1892,  at  Janesville,  Wis.  "Although 
nearly  89  years  of  age,  her  mental  faculties  are  unimpaired  and  her  general 
health  is  good.  She  is  never  idle,  being  always  engaged  in  reading,  sewing 
or  knitting,  or  occasionally  taking  a  short  walk  to  call  upon  her  neighbors. 
She  says  her  father  reported  that  people  were  fined  in  Conn.,  where  he  came 
from,  if  they  did  not  attend  church.  Concerning  John  Walbridge,  a  soldier 
in  the  Revolution,  he  was  my  grandmother's  grandfather,  and  was  known 
as  Capt.  Walbridge  (44).  He  lived  with  his  son  Selah.  to  whom  he  gave  his 
farm  in  Sharon,  Vt.,  a  short  distance  from  his  son  William,  whom  he  used 


to  often  visit  and  amuse  his  grandchildren  by  telhng  them  war  stories,  a 
favorite  one  being  about  an  old  Indian  named  'Anny  One,'  who  after  all 
his  tribe  had  been  taken,  was  finally  captured  while  pounding  samp  among 
the  ledges  of  rock.  Capt.  Walbridge  died  soon  after  my  grandmother's 
marriage  in  1823.  She  says  she  went  to  the  funeral  on  horseback,  borrow- 
ing a  horse  for  the  occasion,  so  as  to  ride  alone,  instead  of  double,  as  was 
the  fashion  of  the  times." 

i.  Caroline  Blanchard,  b.  24  Jan.,  1824,  m.,  19  Aug.,  1844,  Noah  Button; 
had  chi,  (i)  George  Button,  d.  3  June,  1861,  (2)  Julia  C,  m.  Oscar  M. 
Pease,  (3)  Wm.  Henry  Button,  m.  Minnie  A.  Bankey,  had  chi.  Arthur 
Henry  Button,  Elsie  Hazel  Button,  d.  Sept.  3,  1892,  and  Gladys  Button. 

ii.  Henry  Walbridge  Blanchard,  b.  20  April,  1827,  m.,  i  Feb.,  1848,  Juliet 
Granville  Roberts.  She  d.  14  July,  1876.  at  Phila.,  Pa.,  where  he  d.  20 
Aug.,  1877,  leaving  dau.  Rosina  Ellen  Blanchard,  living  1892  with  her 
grandmo.  at  Janesville,  Wisconsin,  and  who  furnished  the  above  data. 

iii.  Rosina  Borance  Blanchard,  b.  7  Nov.,  1829,  unm.,  d.  29  July,  1852. 

iv.  Amanda  Blanchard,  b.  26  Bee,  1832,  died  June,  1833. 

V.  Ellen  E.  Blanchard,  died  unm.  1892. 


PORTER"  {William,"  John.'  John.''  William.-  Henry^),  b.  Nov.  28,  181 1, 
at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  April  30,  1891,  at  Betroit,  Mich.,  m.,  April  20,  1859,  at 
Clinton,  N.  Y.,  Jane  Anderson,  b.  May  25,  1826,  at  Shamblee.  Canada,  dau. 
of  Frederick  B.  Anderson,  who  was  born  1799  at  Shamblee,  Can.,  d.  Sept. 
28,  1886,  and  m.  Josephine  Bepote,  b.  1805,  at  Shamblee.  Can. 

Porter  was  a  farmer  in  Clinton.  N.  Y.,  until  1870,  when  he  moved  to 
Algonac,  Mich.,  on  the  St.  Clair  River,  and  was  in  the  lumber  business  for 
three  years.  He  then  went  to  Port  Huron,  Mich.,  where  he  was  connected 
with  the  supply  dept.  of  the  Chicago  &  Grand  Trunk  R.  R.  After  three 
years  service  he  represented  the  Co.  as  agent  for  eight  years  at  Lapeer,  Mich., 
and  then  removed  to  Betroit.  Mich.,  where  he  was  agent  for  the  Mich.  Cent. 
R.  R.  Co.  until  1885,  when  smitten  with  paralysis,  from  which  he  never  re- 

613  i.  Sarah,  b.  i860,  at  Clinton,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Jan.  16,  1879,  at  Lapeer, 
Mich.,  Frank  C.  Smith,  who  is  in  the  wholesale  and  retail  tobacco 
trade  at  70  Woodward  Ave.,  Betroit,  Mich.;  resides  277  Hudson 
Ave.     They  have  had  chi.  (i)  William   Walter   Smith,   b.    Bee.   8, 


1879,  at  Lapeer,  Mich.,  d.  Dec.  10,  1879,  (2)  Hazel  Kirk  Smith,  b. 
Sept.  17,  1881,  at  Lapeer,  (3)  Frank  Claude  Smith,  b.  Jan.  5,  1883, 
at  Detroit,  Mich.,  (4)  Nina  Valentine  Smith,  b.  Feb.  12,  1884,  at 
Detroit,  Mich. 

614  ii.  William  Walter,  b.  1862,  at  Clinton,  N.  Y.,  m.,  April  14,  1892,  at 

West  Bay  City,  Mich.,  Eda  Mae  Joslyn.  He  is  (1892)  train  baggage 
man  on  the  Mich.  Central  R.  R.,  from  Detroit  to  Mackinaw,  Mich., 
and  resides  with  his  mother  at  No.  29  Buchanan  St.,  Detroit,  Mich. 


JOSIAH«  (Josiah,''  John*  Joliii,^  William."  Henry'),  b.  May  i,  1803,  at 
Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  Sept.  22,  1881,  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  son  Wm.  H.  H.  gives 
the  date  Aug.  13,  1881.  He  m.,  Nov.  19,  1837,  at  Strafford,  Vt.,  Mary 
Ladd,  b.  Nov.  12,  1814,  at  Strafford,  d.  Aug.  2,  1867,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  dau. 
of  Alpheus  and  Betsey  (Carpenter)  Ladd.  Their  chi.  were  born  at  Sharon, 
Vt.  The  Strafford  T.  R.  show  transfers,  Sept.  2,  1805,  Warren  Chamber- 
lain, of  Strafford,  to  Josiah  Walbridge,  of  Sharon;  April  22,  1806,  Josiah 
Walbridge,  of  Sharon,  to  Levi  Root,  Jr.,  of  Strafford,  3  parcels  of  land;  June 
5,  1806,  Aaron  Burbank,  of  Strafford,  to  Josiah  Walbridge,  of  Sharon,  45 
acres  in  Strafford  Gore  next  to  Sharon. 

615  i.  William  Henry  Harrison,  b.  July  6,  1840,  m..  May  25,  1869,  Clara 

Frances  Quimby,  and  died  Oct.  28,  1880  (Sharon  T.  R.). 

616  ii.  Chester  Baxter,  b.  Dec.  22,  1842,  m.,  Dec.  4,  1878,  Ella  Loretta 

Graves,  dau.  of  Isaac  M.  and  Esther  A.  (Hodgkins)  Graves,  b.  Oct. 
26,  1855,  at  Walpole,  N.  H.;  reside  Sharon,  Vt.;  no  chi. 


JOHNS  (Josiah,^  John*  John,''  William,^  Henry'),  b.  Jan.  30,  1805,  at 
Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  April  29,  1869,  at  Enfield,  N.  H.,  m.,  April  5,  1829.  at 
Sharon.  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Clarissa  Thurston,  of  Sharon.  In  a  quit  claim  deed 
from  John  W.,  of  Northfield.  Vt.,  to  Josiah  W.,  of  Sharon,  dated  Jan.  12, 
1843,  John  speaks  of  his  mother  "Rosmer."  This  is  the  only  mention  of 
John  upon  the  Strafford  T.  R.  Letters  to  the  chi.  have  been  unanswered, 
and  we  only  know  that  John  had  several,  among  them : 

617  i.  Charles,  reported  at  Worcester,  Mass. 

618  ii.  Clifton,  reported  at  Worcester,  Mass. 

619  iii.  John,  reported  at  Enfield,  N.  H. 



SPENCER*  {JosiahJ'  John*  John.''  William,'  Hcnry^),  b.  Nov.  i8,  1810, 
at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  Sept.  18,  1885,  at  W.  Randolph,  Vt.  He  m.,  March  29, 
1837,  at  Strafford,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Labrilla  George,  b.  Jan.  i,  1814,  at  Strafford, 
Vt",  d.  Feb.  21,  i860,  at  W.  Randolph,  Vt.  Strafford  Town  Clk.  wrote  in 
Dec,  1897,  "Spencer  Walbridge  removed  from  the  town  a  generation  ago. 
His  wife  Barilla  has  a  sister  living  in  town,  Mrs.  Abigail  Robinson,  P.  O. 
address  Sharon.  No  Walbridge  now  in  town."  Chi.  all  born  at  Strafford 
(T.  R.). 

620  i.  Betsey  Ann,  b.  April  8,  1838. 

621  ii.  Edna  Louisa,  b.  11  May,  1843,  at  Strafford,  Vt.,  m.,  20  Oct.,  1864, 

Benj.  Franklin  Chadwick,  b.  7  Oct.,  1835,  chi.  of  Edmund  Chad- 
wick  and  Abigail  Curtis,  reside  (1892)  at  West  Randolph,  Vt.;  have 
no  chi.  Mrs.  Chadwick  furnished  most  of  the  data  concerning 
Spencer  and  his  chi. 

622  iii.  George  Alonzo,  b.  Dec.  3,  1844,  d.  in  W.  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.), 

Aug.  I,  1894.  He  enlisted  in  Co.  H,  3d  Rhode  Island  Cav.,  and 
was  badly  wounded  in  a  skirmish  by  being  shot  through  the  lung. 

623  iv.  William  Payne,  b.  Nov.  13,  1848,  d.  Aug.  30,  1849. 


LEVP  (Rogcr,^  John*  John,^  IVilliam.-  Hairy^),  a  farmer,  b.  1800,  at 
Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  Oct.  6,  1874,  at  W.  Norwich,  Vt.,  m.,  1828,  Susanna  Silon  or 
Silver,  b.  1808,  at  Norwich,  Vt.,  d.  Sept.  27,  1890,  at  W.  Norwich,  Vt.  The 
chi.  were  all  born  at  Sharon  save  ii  and  iii,  they  at  Norwich,  Vt. 

624  i.  Chester  B.,  b.  1829,  m. , . 

625  ii.  Walter  H..  b.  1831,  d.  Feb.  3,  1877. 

626  iii.   Fannie  M.,  b.  1832,  m. , • 

627  iv.  Jesse  S.,  b.  1834,  d.  Aug.  24,  18 — . 

628  V.  Schuyler  P.,  b.  1836,  m.  Ellen  M. . 

629  vi.  Sarah  J.,  b.  1837,  unm.,  in  1892  lived  in  Springfield,  Mass.;  said 

her  father  and  his  brothers  worked  in  Hartford,  Conn.  I  might 
say  here  that  careful  search  of  old  and  new  records  failed  to  show 
any  of  the  name  either  in  Hartford  or  East  Hartford. 

630  vii.  Ellen  M.,  b.  1838,  m. . 

631  viii.  Rufus  J.,  b.  1839. 


'Sl'IR.    LENOX 



632  ix.  Marcia  C,  b.  1840,  m.,  Sept.  22,  1877,  at  Sharon,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Nel- 

son C.  Roberts,  and  d.  Feb.  14,  1890. 

633  X.  Adeline  G.,  b.  1841,  d.  March  24,  1879,  m. . 

634  xi.  Munroe  L.,  b.  1844,  m. . 


ROXANA"  {Roger?  John.'  John.''  William:-  Henry'),  b.  Sept.  11,  1803, 
at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  May  6,  1891,  at  Conneaut,  Ohio,  was  m.,  April  24,  1821, 
at  Strafford,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  by  Benjamin  Preston,  Jr.,  J.  P.,  to  Reuben,  son  of 
Joseph  Norton.  He  was  born  Sept.  13,  1802,  at  Strafford,  Vt.,  d.  March  29, 
1863,  at  Conneaut,  Ohio,  where  the  chi.  were  probably  born.  L.  H.  Norton 
(iii),  of  Conneaut,  Ohio,  furnished  these  notes: 

i.  Polly  Norton,  b.  1-5-1823,  d.  Aug.,  1823. 

ii.   Lucy  Ann  Norton,  b.  13-4-1833,  m.,  7-3-1852,  Hiram  Hatch. 

iii.   Lorenzo  H.  Norton,  b.  27-2-1837,  m.  25-12-1858,  Alniira  Hatch. 

iv.  Wesley  B.  Norton,  b.  24-4-1839,  m.,   19-4-1862,  Nancy  J.   Preston,  d. 

V.  William  Norton,  b.  30-6-1841,  m.  16-6-1861,  Lucy  S.  Preston. 


LOTHROP"  (Roger,^  John*  John,''  Willieim,-  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  24,  1814, 
at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  there  March  17,  1886  (T.  R.),  m.  Hannah  Harrington, 
and  had  chi.  born  at  Sharon,  Vt. 

635  i.  Calvin,  b.  Oct.  29,  1845,  d.  March  2,  1859  (Sharon  T.  R.). 

636  ii.  Lucy,  b.  Dec.  10,  1847,  d.  March  6,  1859  (Sharon  T.  R.). 


JOHN  SELAH"  {Selah,''  John,*  John,^  William.-  Henry'),  b.  Sept.  24, 
1815,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  May  3,  1859,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  where  he  m.,  Feb.  9, 
1840,  Jane  Cowan  Mallory,  b.  Aug.  15,  1818,  at  Argyle,  N.  Y.,  d.  Jan.  22, 
1872,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Margaret  (Cowan)  Mallory. 
.Andrew  Mallory  was  a  Major  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  with  his  family  moved 
in  1819  from  Washington  Co.,  N.  Y.,  to  Springfield,  Erie  Co.,  Pa.,  where 
he  cleared  a  farm.     His  wife  was  born  Aug.  i,  1795,  d.  Nov.,  1866. 


John  Selah  Walbridge  moved  to  Erie  Co.,  Pa.,  in  1829,  and  settled  on 
a  farm  in  Springfield  Township.  Here  his  chi.  were  born,  and  he  and  his 
wife  died. 

637  i.  Emma  J.,  b.  Nov.  30,  1840,  m.  Jacob  W.  Moore. 

638  ii.  Charles  Preston,  b.  Aug.  25,  1842,  m.  Mary  Ann  Patterson. 

639  iii.  Florence  Helen,  b.  May  12,  1844,  m.  John  W.  Moore  and  Lemuel 

Dyer  Jordan. 

640  iv.  Henry  Carlton,  or  Carl  Henry,  b.  May  i,  1846,  m.  Dettie  Dedrick. 

641  V.  Andrew  Mallory,  b.  March  29,  1848,  m.  Kitty  O.  Strickland. 

642  vi.  Ann  Eliza,  b.  Sept.  3,  1850,  m.  Deloss  Morgan. 

643  vii.  Frank  Deloss,  b.  June  11,  1854,  m.  Ida  M.  Smith. 

644  viii.   Ida  Marcia,  b.  Aug.  25,  1858,  m.,  July  18,  1878,  Chas.  F.  French, 

at  Springfield,  Pa.;  no  chi. 


HANNAH"  {Webster,^  Isaac*  John?  William?  Hcnry^),  b.  Sept.  10, 
1808,  d.  Dec.  29,  1867,  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  m.  Alva  Coburn,  b.  1808,  d.  April 
I,  1876,  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  where  their  chi.  were  born.  The  names  and  dates 
are  from  an  old  family  Bible  owned  by  Alva  Orpheus  Coburn,  their  5th  chi. 

i.   Harvey  Walbridge  Coburn,  b.  Feb.  18,  1833,  living  1892. 

ii.   Horace  Webster  Coburn,  b.  Jan.  28,  1836,  living  1892. 

iii.  Isaac  Smith  Coburn,  b.  Jan.  27,  1839,  d.  July  16,  1864. 

iv.  Vienna  Amelia  Coburn,  b.  July  2,  1840,  d.  July  28,  i860. 

V.  Alva  Orpheus  Coburn,  b.  Feb.  21,  1843.  m.  Aug.  30,  1870,  living  1892. 

vi.  Henry  Wells  Coburn,  b.  Aug.  21,  1847,  living  1892. 

vii.  Orlando  Wallace  Coburn,  b.  June  20,  1850,  living  1892. 


HENRY"  {Webster?  Isaac?  John?  WilUam?  Henry^),  a  constable  and 
tax  collector  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  b.  Oct.  22,  181 1,  prob.  at  Enosburg,  where 
he  m.,  1834,  Melonia  Wells,  b.  June  22,  181 1,  at  Ducksburg,  Vt.,  d.  July  22, 
1875,  ^t  Enosburg,  Vt. 

645  i.  William,  d.  in  infancy. 

646  ii.  Francis  Henry,  b.  Sept.  6,  1839,  m.,  Nov.   6,    1858,   Martha   Ann 




JEFFERSON  D."  {Joliiw'  Isaac,*  Jolin,^  William:-  Hcnry^),  was  probably 
the  son  of  Dr.  John  Walbridge,  graduate  of  Dartmouth  Coll.  One  letter 
came  from  his  grandson,  Jefiferson  D.  Walbridge,  of  Henderson,  Ky.,  con- 
taining data  here  given.  Jefferson  D.  W.,  the  elder,  m.  Mahalia  Randolph, 
and  d.  about  1836  in  Davies  Co.,  Kentucky. 

647     i.  Randolph  F.,  b.  Sept.  17,  1832,  m.  Ellen  Frances  Cassell. 


IRA®  (Isaac,^  Isaac,*  Jolin.^  Williain,^  Henry^),  b.  in  Virginia  Sept.  14, 
1813,  d.  July  16,  1857,  in  Ohio,  where  he  m.,  in  1834  or  earlier,  Cynthia 
Baker,  b.  in  Ohio,  Jan.  20,  1804,  d.  Feb.  24,  1893. 

648  i.   Caroline,  b.  Feb.  14,  1835,  in  Ohio,  d.  April  17,  1884,  m.,  Aug.  6, 

1854,  Levi  A.  Newbanks,  who  lives  (1895)  at  Waterford,  Ohio. 
Their  chi.  are  (i)  Joseph  Ira  Newbanks,  b.  July  5,  1858,  m.,  Jan.  30, 
1890,  Belle  Vanhoy,  (2)  George  Arthur  Newbanks,  b.  Aug.  12,  1861, 
m.,  Aug.  4,  18 — ,  Addie  Cody,  lives  at  Lake  Chute,  Ohio,  (3)  Elza 
Newbanks,  b.  Sept.,  1868,  m.,  Jan.  7,  1892,  Miss  Leonie  Pheninger. 
Levi  Newbanks  m.  twice  again,  had  dau.  Mary  by  second  wife. 

649  ii.  Daniel  Webster,  b.  June  14,  1838,  living  (1895)  in  the  West,  he  m. 

Van  Meter,  and  has  a  bro. -in-law,  Samuel  R.  Van  Meter,  in 

Marietta,  Ohio,  from  whom  no  reply  could  be  obtained. 


SYLVANUS  NEWTON«  {Isaac!'  Isaac*  Johu.^  William;-  Henry'),  b. 
Nov.  6,  1817,  in  Morgan  Co.,  Ohio,  d.  April,  1890,  in  Orange  Co.,  Calif.  He 
m.,  April  13,  1837,  at  Stockport,  Morgan  Co.,  Ohio,  EveHne  Evelyn,  b.  Oct. 
23,  1820,  at  Windsor,  Morgan  Co.,  Ohio,  d.  March  26,  1870,  at  Belpre, 
Washington  Co.,  Ohio,  dau.  of  Moses  Evelyn,  who  m.  Dorothy  Craig;  the 
latter  was  a  descendant  of  the  Craig  and  Fleming  families  of  Virginia.  The 
data  for  S.  N.  W.  and  family  came  from  his  son,  James  Richmond  W. 

650     i.  Isaac  L.,  b.  May  21,  1838,  in  Morgan  Co.,  Ohio,  d.  unm.  Feb.  4, 
1867,  at  Belpre,  Washington  Co.,  Ohio. 


651  ii.  William  S.,  b.  April  30,  1841,  in  Morgan  Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  d. 

June  24,  1842. 

652  iii.   Daniel  J.,  b.  July  29,  1843,  d.  Oct.  10,  1843,  in  Morgan  Co.,  Ohio. 

653  iv.  James  Richmond,  b.  Oct.  25,    1844,  in  Dearborn   Co.,   Ind.,  m.. 

April,  1878,  Sarah  J.  Stokesbury,  has  no  chi.,  lives  Los  Angeles, 

654  V.  Charles  R.,  b.  Jan.  7,  1848,  in  Washington  Co.,  Ohio,  d.  unm.  in 

Lucas  Co.,  Iowa,  March  13,  1875. 

655  vi.  John  Deming,  b.  Nov.  27,  185 1,  m.  Hester  Householder. 

656  vii.   Henry  Franklin,  b.  April  10,  1854,  in  Washington  Co.,  Ohio,  m., 

1887,  Jane  Eaton,  has  no  chi.,  and  resides  at  Chariton,  Lucas  Co., 

657  viii.  Moses  Edward,  b.  Feb.  13,  1857,  in  Washington  Co.,  Ohio,  unm., 

and  resides  at  Los  Angeles,  Calif. 


SAMUEL®  {Henry,^  Lemuel*  Jolin,^  William,'^  Henvf),  b.  May  22,  181 5, 
at  Jessup,  Pa.,  d.  there  Aug.  7,  1894.  He  m.,  Nov.  20,  1850,  Mary  J.  Conly, 
b.  Sept.  5,  1828. 

658  i.  Henry  J.,  b.  Oct.  i,  1851. 

659  ii.  James  W.,  b.  July  14,  1855. 

660  iii.  Mary  Isa,  b. ,  d.  July  10,  1867. 

The  chi.  reside  at  Towanda,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.,  where  James  Walbridge 
is  a  member  of  Loder  &  Walbridge,  liquor  dealers. 


LAVINIA«  (Henry,'^  Lemuel*  John,^  William,^  Henry^).  b.  Oct.  3,  1828, 
at  Montrose,  Pa.,  living  (1898)  at  Towanda,  Pa.  She  m..  1841,  at  Towanda, 
John  A.  Conly,  b.  at  Towanda.  where  he  d.  July  20,  1865,  son  of  William 
Conly  and  Phcebe  Ackla. 

i.  Mary  C.  Conly,  m.  J.  S.  Carey, 
ii.  Nancy  Conly,  m.  J.  Epley. 
iii.   Elizabeth  Conly,  m.  B.  Thurston. 

iv.  Henrietta  Conly.  m.,  June  10.  187 1,  George   W.   Houser.   lives  at   To- 
wanda, Pa. 



PORTER*  {Thomas  Thompson,^  Lemuel  *  Jolm,^  William,'^  Henry^),  b. 
June  4,  1819,  at  Tolland,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  d.  Dec.  10,  1874,  at  Tolland,  where 
he  m.,  Aug.  6,  1840,  Nancy  Belinda  Babcock,  b.  June  20,  1817,  at  Tolland, 
and  living  there  in  1895  with  her  dau.,  Mrs.  Usher.  She  was  the  dau.  of 
Isaiah  and  Nancy  (Young)  Babcock,  and  supplied  much  of  this  data.  Their 
chi.  were  born  at  Tolland,  wiiere  their  names  and  dates  of  birth  appear  on 
the  town  records. 

661  i.   George  Porter,  b.  June  4,  1842,  m.,  Aug.  23,  1873,  Almira  Harris, 

has  no  chi.,  and  lives  (1895)  at  Seattle,  Washington. 

662  ii.  Henry  Harrison,  b.  Feb.  8,  1845,  m-.  May  3,  1873,  Elizabeth  Estelle 

Rogers,  at  Willimantic,  Conn.,  where  he  died  Aug.  21,  1879,  as  ap- 
pears on  the  Tolland  T.  R. 

663  iii.  Julia  Deane,  b.  Oct.  11,  1846,  d.  unm.  April  8,  1873. 

664  iv.  Dwight  Franklin,  b.  Oct.   17,   1848,  m.,  Nov.  30,   1877,  Virginia 

Benham;  she  d.  Aug.  20,  1883,  having  had  no  chi.  Mr.  Walbridge 
was  in  1876  a  teacher  at  the  Grand  St.  school.  New  Haven,  Conn., 
and  in  1895  principal  of  public  school  No.  8,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  was  when  last  heard  from. 

665  V.  Mary  Cornell,  b.  Oct.  2,  185 1,  m.,  Nov.  24,  1872,  Edward  W.  Mur- 

less,  they  have  three  chi.,  and  live  at  Weeping  Water,  Neb. 

666  vi.  Clarissa  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  24,  1853,  m.,  June  19,  1879,  Ephraim 

De  Wolf,  who  was  born  1854.  They  have  no  chi.,  and  live  at  Hart- 
ford, Conn. 

667  vii.   Nellie  Amelia,  b.  March  29,  1856,  d.  March  22,  1861. 

668  viii.  John  Nelson,  a  farmer  at  Tolland,  Conn.,  b.  there  Jan.  6,  i860, 

m.  Oct.,  1883,  owns  a  farm  at  Coventry,  Conn. 

669  ix.  Lucy  Thompson,  b.  June  12,  1862,   m.,   May   31,    1879   (Tolland 

T.  R.),  John  S.  Usher,  b.  1849,  has  two  chi.,  and  lives  at  Tolland. 


CALVIN  CLARKE"  (Thomas  Thompson,''  Lemuel,'  John,^  IVillimiu' 
Henry^),  b.  Oct.  14,  1831,  at  Tolland,  Conn.,  m.,  Oct.  14,  1852,  Mahalah  M 
Damon,  b.  July  10,  1831,  at  Chesterfield,  Mass.  The  chi.  were  born  at  Wil- 
liamsburg, Mass.,  and  the  family  in  1892  were  living  at  Leeds,  Mass.  Calvin 
C.  enlisted  and  was  Sergt.  in  Co.  I,  53d  Regt.  Mass.  Vols. 

174                               WALLBRIDGE  GENEALOGY. 
670     i.   Isa  A.,  b.  June  14,  1858,  m. . 

671  ii.  Josephine  M.,  b.  May  11,  i860,  m. . 

672  iii.  Abbie  M.,  b.  July  10,  1863,  d.  Aug.,  1863. 


MILTON  THOMPSONS  {Thomas  Thompson,''  Lemuel*  John,^  IVil- 
liam,^  Henry^),  b.  Feb.  23,  1834,  at  Tolland,  Conn.,  d.  Jan.  12,  1871,  at  Man- 
kato,  Minn.,  m.,  Dec.  8,  1857,  at  Shelby,  Minn.,  Ellen,  dau.  of  Barnard  Mar- 
ble.    She  was  born  Aug.  17,  1840,  at  New  Bedford,  Mass. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  educated  at  the  public  school.  In  1855  he  went 
West  and  located  at  Shelby,  Minn.,  where  he  took  up  a  homestead  of  160 
acres;  selling  this,  he  purchased  another  farm  in  the  same  township,  and 
followed  farming  until  1862,  when  he  enlisted  in  the  9th  Minn.  Infty,  serving 
as  orderly  sergeant  during  the  first  year  of  service  on  the  Western  frontier, 
after  which  the  regiment  was  attached  to  General  Thomas's  command.  He 
was  in  several  engagements,  and  at  Nashville  contracted  lung  fever,  and 
was  in  the  Memphis  Hospital  during  the  remainder  of  his  three  years'  service. 
Returning  to  Shelby  he  was  soon  elected  Sherifif  of  the  Co.  on  the  Demo- 
cratic ticket,  though  his  party  was  largely  in  the  minority.  After  serving 
his  term  he  sold  his  farm  and  removed  to  Mankato,  where  he  died.  His 
funeral  was  attended  by  both  lodges  of  Odd  Fellows,  of  which  order  he  was 
a  prominent  member.  Mrs.  W.  a  few  years  later  removed  to  Dallas,  Texas, 
where  she  now  resides  (1893).  Her  chi.,  Albert,  Hattie,  and  Herbert  live 
in  the  same  place.     Dates  and  names  are  from  the  family  Bible. 

673  i.  Lizzie  C,  b.  Aug.  20,  1858,  at  Shelby,  Minn.,  m.,  Sept.  16,  1879,  at 

Dallas,  Texas,  George  J.  Fowler,  and  removed  to  Ohio. 

674  ii.  Albert  E.,  b.  March  24,  i860,  at  Shelby,  Minn. 

675  iii.  Carrie  E.,  b.  Feb.  19,  1862,  at  Shelby,  Minn.,  m..  Nov.  18.  1883,  at 

Dallas,  Texas,  Charles  N.  Smith. 

676  iv.  Hattie  M.,  b.  Oct.  4,  1864,  at  Sidney,  Maine. 

677  V.   Lucy  E.,  b.  Dec.  2,  1866,  at  Mankato,  Mich. 

678  vi.  Herbert  M.,  b.  May  21,  1869,  at  Mankato,  Mich. 


MARIANNE"  (William  Hollozvayj'  Elijah*  Zcbulon?  William,-  Henry'). 
b.  Dec.  19,  1813.  at  Belleville,  Can.,  d.  Feb.  16,  1863,  at  Buffalo.  N.  Y..  m. 
Oct.  2,  1837,  Hiram  Edward  Howard,  b.  May  9,  1800,  at  Milton.  N.  Y..  d. 


Feb.  8,  1868,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  son  of  John  and  Sarah  (Wallbridge)  Howard. 
These  were  own  cousins,  lived  after  marriage  at  Ballston  Spa,  N.  Y.,  where 
two  chi.  were  born;  then  moved  to  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where  Mr.  Howard  was 
for  many  years  cashier  of  the  Marine  Bank,  holding  that  position  at  the  time 
of  his  death,  soon  after  which  his  family  removed  to  Belleville,  Canada. 

This  branch  of  the  Wallbridge  family  were  United  Empire  Loyalists, 
while  the  Howards  fought  in  the  American  ranks  in  the  Revolution. 

.  John  Howard,  b.  July  3,  1838,  d.  Feb.  3,  1842. 

i.   William  Edward  Howard,  b.  July  5,  1840,  d.  April  21,  1841. 

ii.  Hannah  Sarah  Howard,  b.  Dec.  25,  1843,  m.,  Oct.  15,  1878,  Octavius 
Henry  Lambart,  second  son  of  the  Earl  of  Caven  and  brother  of  the 
present  Earl.  He  holds  a  government  position  at  Ottawa,  Canada, 
where  they  reside.  Their  chi.  arc  (1)  Howard  Frederick  John  Lambart, 
b.  Dec.  30,  1880,  and  (2)  Caroline  Augusta  Lambart,  b.  May  14,  1883. 
iv.  Frances  Mary  Everett  Howard,  b.  April  15,  1846,  resides  with  the  Lam- 

V.  Caroline  Campbell  Howard,  b.  Oct.  15,  1848,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Aug. 
15,  1871,  at  the  family  residence,  John  St.,  Belleville,  Can.,  by  the  Revd. 
John  Grier,  A.  M.,  Rector  and  Rural  Dean,  and  the  Revd.  A.  H.  Bald- 
win, B.  A.,  to  Samuel  Thomas  Greene,  b.  June  11,  1843,  at  Waterford, 
Maine,  d.  Feb.  17,  1890,  at  Belleville,  Can.,  son  of  Jacob  Lyman  and 
Sarah  (Frye)  Greene.  Mr.  Greene  was  a  deaf  mute,  graduated  from 
the  Washington,  D.  C,  University  for  deaf  mutes,  and  was  for  over 
twenty  years  a  professor  in  the  Deaf  and  Dumb  Institute  of  Belleville, 
Can.  He  lost  his  life  in  a  lifeboat  accident,  and  in  token  of  the  esteem 
he  had  earned  during  his  career,  a  handsome  monument  was  erected 
by  his  many  friends  and  admirers,  while  the  Canadian  Government 
recognized  the  public  value  of  his  services  by  granting  a  substantial 
sum  to  his  family.  The  "Chautauqua  Salute"  was  originated  to  greet 
his  appearance.  Mr.  Greene  was  a  man  of  extraordinary  personal 
beauty  and  accomplishments.  His  widow  resides  at  Belleville,  Can. 
(i)  Howard  Greene,  b.  July  17,  1872,  at  Belleville. 

(2)  Bessie  Greene,  b.  Sept.  13,  1874,  at  Belleville. 

(3)  Sarah  Howard  Greene,  b.  Sept.  5,  1877,  at  Belleville. 

(4)  Octavia  Lambart  Greene,  b.  March  3,  1881,  at  Ottawa. 

(5)  Wilhelmina  Warren  Greene,  b.  Jan.  22,  1883.  at  Belleville. 

vi.  Henrica  Holloway  Howard,  b.  Aug.  3.  1852,  m.,  Nov.  20,  1873.  Samuel 
Shelly  Wallbridge  (a  solicitor),  son  of  Samuel  Shelly  Wallbridge,  a 
farmer  of  Ameliasburg,  Can.     She  died  Nov.  25,  1879,  leaving 


(i)  Marianne  Wallbridge. 
(2)  Lewis  Howard  Wallbridge. 
vii.   Lewis  Wallbridge  Howard,  b.  June  13,  1855,  he  was  educated  at  Hel- 
muth   Coll.,  London,   Canada,  and  since   1880  has  been   manager  or 
cashier  of  the  Molsons  Bank  at  Morrisburg,  Can.,  with  which  institution 
he  has  been  connected  since  1874,  was  unm.  in  1892. 


FRANCIS"  {William  Holloi^'ayJ'  Elijah*  Zebulon,^  William,-  Henry'), 
b.  April  6,  1822,  at  Belleville,  Can.,  m.,  Oct.  22,  1857,  at  Stratford,  Canada, 
Clarinda  M.  Stewart.  He  and  his  wife  were  both  living  in  1893  at  Belleville, 
Canada,  where  their  children  were  born. 

679  i.  Mary  Everett,  b.  Nov.  22,  1858,  m.,  Dec.  28,  1882,  J.  Fraser  Cald- 


680  ii.  Francis  Stewart,  b.  Feb.  16,  i860,  unm.  in  Feb.,  1893,  is  a  Barrister, 

and  Mayor  of  Belleville,  Canada. 

681  iii.  Caroline  Kennear,  b.  Oct.  5,  1861,  unm.  Feb.,  1893,  and  in  Tacoma, 


682  iv.  Lewis,  b.  May  15.  1863,  unm.  Feb.,  1893,  is  a  mechanical  engineer 

in  the  western  U.  S.  A. 

683  V.  William  Holloway,  b.  Oct.  i,  1864,  unm.  Feb.,  1893,  and  a  Barrister 

in  Toronto,  Canada.     He  writes  in  1893: 

"1  was  in  London,  Eng.,  in  Oct.,  1892.  and  received  by  post 
an  old  London  City  Directory  of  Streets  from  Uncle  Will,  from 
Belleville,  containing  the  names  of  the  London  streets  in  the  year 
1815,  or  thereabouts.  Among  them  was  Wallbridge  St.,  near  Can- 
non St.,  New  Road,  St.  Georges  in  the  East.  I  took  said  Directory 
and  went  by  omnibus  near  this  locality,  and  then  walked  and  in- 
quired of  policemen  and  others  as  to  the  location  of  Wallbridge 
Street,  and  was  told  that  the  name  had  been  recently  changed  to 
Wallburg  Street,  which  I  easily  found,  and  walked  some  distance 
along  it,  and  am  perfectly  satisfied,  not  only  from  the  information  1 
received  in  answer  to  my  questions,  but  also  from  the  description 
of  the  locality  thereof  in  the  said  Directory  (of  streets  of  London) 
that  I  was  on  Wallbridge  Street,  or  what  was  until  recently  so  called. 
It  is  in  the  very  old  portion  of  London,  and  the  houses  were  old 
but  of  good  build  and  design,  and  I  am  certain  of  the  identity  of  the 
street,  and  was  told  by  several  residents  thereon  that  it  was  formerly 
called  Wallbridge  Street." 


684  vi.  John  D S ,  b.  July  7,  1867,  iiniii.  in  Feb.,    1893,    and    a 

mechanical  engineer  in  Shoshone,  Idaho. 

685  vii.  Clara  Hawley,  b.  Sept.  23,  1869,  unm.  in  1893. 


ADAM    HENRY«    {IVilliam  HoUoivay?   Elijah*    Zcbulon?    William,'^ 

Hcnry^),  h.  Aug.  9,  1827,  at  Belleville,  Can.,  d.  there  Sept.  11,  1886,  m., 

— ,  1862,  at  Pictou,  Ontario,  Can.,  Phoebe  Stevenson,  who  was  born  at 
Pictou,  Can.,  and  d.  Feb.  8,  1872,  at  Belleville,  Can.,  where  their  chi.  were 
born.  She  was  the  dan.  of  David  Barker  Stevenson  and  Agnes  Rebecca 

686  i.  David  Stevenson,  b.  May  19,  1863,  unm.  June,  1895,  a  Barrister- 

at-Law  and  Solicitor  of  Province  of  Ontario ;  resides  at  Vancouver, 
B.  C,  where  he  went  Sept.,  1889,  and  is  manager  for  Rand  Bros., 

687  ii.  Adam  Henry,  b.  Jan.  30,  1865,  unm.  June,  1895,  ^"'^  a  resident  of 

Vancouver,  B.  C,  since  Oct.,  1890. 

688  iii.   Marianne,  b.  Sept.  13,  1867,  m.,  Dec.    18,    1894,    Charles    David 

Rand,  who  is  the  senior  member  of  Rand  Bros.,  brokers  at  Van- 
couver, B.  C. 

689  iv.  Frederick  Lewis,  b.  Sept.  18,  1870,  d.  Aug.  14,  1871. 


THOMAS  CAMPBELL«  (William  Hollozvay,^  Elijah*  Zebulon,^  Wil- 
liam.- Hcnry^),  b.  Jan.  2,  1830,  at  Belleville,  Canada,  d.  Jan.  22,  1881,  at  Belle- 
ville. He  m.,  Feb.  8,  1870,  at  Glasgow,  Scotland,  Jane  Alexander  Miller, 
1).  March  6,  1840,  at  Glasgow,  dau.  of  Robert  and  Margaret  (Steel)  Miller. 
Their  chi.  were  born  at  Belleville,  Can.,  and  with  their  mother  now  reside 
at  Toronto,  Can.  Mr.  Wallbridge  was  a  i)rominent  man  in  the  communitv, 
and  I  regret  not  having  received  a  sketch  of  his  life,  as  he  took  much  interest 
in  family  history,  and  the  English  notes  in  this  book  are  largely  from  memo- 
randa gathered  by  him  while  abroad,  and  kindly  loaned  me  by  his  widow. 
She  sailed  June  i,  1895,  with  her  daughter,  expecting  to  remain  abroad  a 
year  or  more.  Her  father  is  a  member  of  Addie,  Miller  &  Rankin,  coal  and 
ironmasters,  at  Glasgow,  Scotland. 

690  i.   Campbell  Miller,  b.  Feb.  7,  1871. 

691  ii.  Gavin,  b.  April  26,  1872. 

692  iii.  Jane  Alexander  Miller,  b.  April  3,  1875. 



HANNAH  CATHARINE**  {Asa  E.,^  Elijah,*  Zcbulon?  William," 
Henry^),  b.  Feb.  4,  1812,  at  North  East,  N.  Y.,  d.  Dec.  28,  1876,  at  New- 
castle, Can.,  m.,  Dec.  14,  1842,  Leonard  Thompson,  of  Hope  Township, 
County  Durham,  Can. 

i.   Hannah  Catharine  Thompson,  b.  July  13,  1845,  unm.  1892. 

ii.  Sarah  Ann  Thompson,  b.  July  8,  1847,  unm.  1892. 

iii.  Leonard  Asa  Wallbridge  Thompson,  b.  Sept.  12,  1850,  unm.  1892. 


JOHN  EVERY«  (Asa  E.,^  Elijah.*  Zebidon,^  William,^  Henry*),  b.  Oct. 
25,  1816,  opposite  Belleville,  Can.,  d.  Feb.  24,  1891,  at  Newcastle,  Can.  He 
m.  Jan.  20,  1840,  Alice  Hill. 

693  i.  Hannah  Catharine,  b.  Feb.  8,  1841,  m.  James  Broad. 

694  ii.   Mary  Louise,  b.  March  4,  1843,  m.,  June  6,  1863,  Royal  Shaw. 

695  iii.  Elizabeth  Elinor,  b.  March  27,  1859,  unm.  1892. 

696  iv.  Ida  Florence,  b.  April  19,  1861,  d.  Sept.  16,  1862. 

697  V.  Ada  Alberta,  b.  Oct.  27,  1863,  unm.  1892. 


ELIJAH  ZEBULON«  {Asa  E.,^  Elijah*  Zebulon,^  Williamr  Henry*). 
b.  Aug.  13,  1819,  at  Newcastle,  Can.,  d.  Sept.  26,  1864,  at  Newcastle.  He 
m.,  June  7,  1845,  Miranda  Louisa  Smith,  dau.  of Hodges. 

698  i.   Fanny  Hannah,  b.  March  25,  1846,  m. 

699  ii.  Miranda  Amelia,  b.  Oct.  26,  1847,  d.  Dec.  7,  1849. 

700  iii.  Asa  Holloway,  b.  Oct.  6,  1850,  m.  and  d. 

701  iv.   Harriet  Catharine,  b.  July  15,  1852,  m. 

702  V.  Emma  Alvira,  b.  April  21,  1856,  d.  Sept.  19,  1856. 


ASA  ELIAS«  {Elias,^  Elijah.*  Zchnlon?  William.^  Henry*),  b.  Sept.  30, 
1817,  at  Belleville,  Can.,  where  he  m..  Jan.  17,  1841,  Martha  Anderson,  b. 
April  II,  1818,  at  Belleville.  Can.,  dau.  of  William  and  Mary  (Way)  Ander- 

A:  .  .•- 









2  d 

22    g 





son.     In  1891  Mr.  Wallbridge  and  his  wife  celebrated  tiieir  golden  wedding, 
and  the  following  notice  from  one  of  the  local  papers  is  of  interest : 

A  social  reunion  took  place  at  the  residence  of  John  Nightingale,  Esq., 
on  the  17th  inst.,  at  which  a  large  company  of  Nightingales.  Wallbridges, 
Andersons,  and  other  relatives  and  friends  were  present,  and  sat  down  to- 
gether to  a  sumptuous  feast— in  memory  of  the  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the 
marriage  of  Mr.  Asa  E.  Wallbridge  to  Martha  Anderson,  the  father-in-law 
and  mother-in-law  of  Mr.  John  Nightingale.  The  old  couple,  now  well  ad- 
vanced in  the  seventies,  were  present,  looking  hale  and  hearty,  surrounded 
by  their  children  and  grandchildren,  in  a  most  social  manner:  and  the  pictures 
of  the  ancestors  of  the  families  hanging  on  the  walls  of  the  drawing-room, 
dating  back  into  the  past  century,  looked  like  turning  the  leaves  of  a  very 
interesting  history  backward.  In  this  case  it  reminded  one  of  the  early  set- 
tlers of  the  Massassaga  Point  section  of  Ameliasburg,  where  Elijah  Wall- 
bridge,  the  grandfather  of  the  honored  guest,  settled  ito  years  ago,  and 
purchased  more  than  2000  acres  of  land  on  the  shores  of  the  beautiful  Bay 
of  Ouinte,  opposite  to  where  the  city  of  Belleville  now  is,  where  his  children. 
grandchildren  and  their  descendants,  to  the  fourth  generation,  have  lived 
and  now  live,  and  where  the  unbroken  wilderness  and  the  Indian  wigwam 
then  prevailed — but  which  long  since  by  the  intelligent  industry  of  these 
people  has  given  place  to  extended  and  well  cultivated  fruitful  fields,  happy 
homes  and  palatial  buildings.  And  the  old  log  school-house  which  for  many 
years  was  used  for  the  double  purpose  of  a  school  and  meeting-house  or 
place  of  worship,  has  long  since  given  place  to  a  fine  stone  school-house 
that  has  the  appearance  of  a  little  college,  and  a  brick  edifice  fit  for  a  city 
church,  and  where  the  Creator  is  intelligently  worshiped.  The  families  of 
the  Wallbridges.  Nightingales  and  Andersons  are  so  interlaced  by  marriage 
and  by  the  most  disinterested  and  cordial  friendship  that  all  who  are  per- 
mitted to  enter  with  them  into  these  reunions  are  considered  fortunate,  in- 
deed, and  go  away  from  them  with  a  pang  of  regret.  Let  us  wish  the  old 
couple  and  their  many  friends  many  happy  returns  of  these  festive  occasions. 

703  i.  Cynthia,  b.  March  20,  1842,  m.,  Jan.  i,  1863,  Robert  Pye,  he  d.  Dec. 

27,  1895. 

704  ii.  Olive  Shelly,  b.  April  18,  1844,  m.,  Oct.  28,  1871,  John  Nightingale, 

whose  parents  came  from  Yorkshire.  Eng.  They  have  had  five  chi., 
four  of  whom  are  living  in  1898,  three  boys  and  one  girl.  The 
eldest  son  is  25,  the  youngest  is  12.  They  live  on  a  fine  stock  and 
dairy  farm  of  over  two  hundred  acres,  lying  on  the  shore  of  the  Bay 


of  Quinte,  and  known  as  "Elm  Dale."     Mrs.  Nightingale  says  that 
Elias  VVallbridge  fought  in  the  war  of  1837. 

705  iii.  Mary,  b.  May  2,  1846,  m..  Oct..  1866,  Ralph  Jones. 

706  iv.  Martha,  b.  April  16,  1848,  m.,  June  5,  1872,  Dyer  Hamilton,  and 

d.  June  4,  1873. 

707  V.   Bessie,  b.  May  18,  1853,  unm.  1898. 

708  vi.  Caroline,  b.  Oct.  14,  1857,  m.,  Oct.  5,  1893,  James  Howatson,  and 

lives  in  Butte  City,  Montana. 


HENRY  DAVID«  {Henry,^  Porter,''  Amos?  Amos,^  Henry'),  b.  Nov.  i, 
1827,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  d.  Sept.  23.  1876,  m.  in  May,  1849,  Louisa  Jane 

709     i.   Henry  Albert,  b.  Jan.  20,  1855,  lives  at  Paxton,  Mass. 


ALBERT"  (Henry,^  Porter,*  Amos,^  Amos,'^  Henry'),  b.  June  24,  1833, 
at  East  Brookfield,  Mass.,  m.,  July  17,  1856,  at  Worcester,  Mass.,  Charlotte 
A.  Macullar,  who  d.  Oct.  8,  1875. 

710     i.  Charlotte  A.,  b.  July,  1859,  d.  Feb.  25,  1864. 

Mr.  Walbridge  m.  for  second  wife,  at  Newburyport,  Mass.,  Aug.  20, 
1877,  E.  Minerva  Goodale.  He. is  a  cutter  and  tailor.  In  1892  was  with 
Charles  E.  Pease  &  Co.,  Burlington.  Vt..  and  is  now  in  the  Tremont  Bd'g, 
Bo.ston,  Mass. 


JOHN  BOYER"  (Amos,^  Henry,*  Henry,^  Amos,^  Henry'),  b.  March  25, 
1837,  at  Birdsboro.  Pa.,  d.  Jan.  31,  1879,  at  Pottsville.  Pa.  He  m.,  first,  Oct. 
25,  1857,  at  Pottsville,  Pa..  Catharine  M.,  dau.  of  Conrad  Gottschall;  she  was 
bom  March  17,  1839,  at  Pottsville.  Pa.,  and  d.  there  March  23,  1863.  His 
second  m.  was  Dec.  26,  1865.  at  Pottsville.  Pa.,  to  Harriet  Emma.  dau.  of 
Peter  Fasolt;  she  was  born  March  8,  1846,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.  Mr.  Walbridge 
enlisted  as  corporal  in  the  129th  Pa.  Vols.,  Col.  John  Irvin,  org.  at  Harrisburg, 
Aug.,   1862.    Fought  at  Chancellorsville.  Bethesda  Church,  Weldon   Rail- 


road,  Gettysburg,  Wilderness,  Spottsylvania,  Hatclier's  Run,  Tolopotomy, 
North  Anna,  and  Petersburg.  Mr.  W.  was  wountled  at  Spottsylvania  C.  H.. 
Va.,  May  lo,  1864;  promoted  from  corp.  to  ist  Lieut.  Co.  A.  Feb.  3,  1865; 
mustered  out  with  his  co.  June  24,  1865.  {Bates'  Pa.  I'ols..  Vol.  IV,  p.  618, 
and  Oflic.  Army  Reg.  of  Vols.,  Part  III,  p.  989.) 

711  i.  William  H.,  b.  May  31,  1858. 

712  ii.   Horace  A.,  b.  Nov.  27,  1861. 

713  iii.   Howard  Fasolt,  b.  Dec.  25,  1866,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  where  he  was 

a  photographer,  and  num.  in  Oct.,  1892. 

714  iv.   Cora  E.,  b.  Dec.  3,  1869. 

715  V.  Elmer  P.,  b.  June  3,  1872. 

716  vi.  Edith  M.,  b.  Oct.  23,  1874. 

717  vii.  Frank  E.,  b.  June  25,  1879,  d.  Feb.  15.  1882. 


HORACE  GREELEY"  (Amos,^  Henry*  Henry, ^  Amos,^  Henry'),  h. 
Sept.  15,  1838,  at  Birdsboro,  Pa.,  m.,  29  April,  1858,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  Isa- 
bella Wren,  b.  Dec.  26,  1841,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  dau.  of  William  and  Mary 
(Calder)  Wren. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  a  moulder:  lived  for  a  time  at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  and 
in  1888  was  a  resident  of  Tamaqua,  Pa.  He  was  mustered  in  as  a  musician, 
96th  regt.  Pa.  Vols.,  Aug.  27,  '61,  disch.  by  Gen.  Orders  July,  1862.  (P.  390, 
Vol.  Ill,  Bates'  Pa.  I'ols.) 

718  i.   Mary  Caldwin,  b.  July  24,  1859,  m.,  April  22,  1879.  Henry  N.  Wise; 

resides  at  Tamaqua,  Pa. 

719  ii.  Amos  Grant,  b.  Dec.  28,  i860,  unm.  in  1888. 

720  iii.   Horace  Butler,  b.  Aug.  19,  1863,  m.  Caroline  Foltz. 

721  iv.   Ella  Harriet,  b.  Aug.  5,  1867,  unm.  in  i! 


AMOS  FRANKLIN*  (Amos,^  Henry,*  Henry,^  Amos,'  Henry^),  h.  Dec. 
20,  1840,  at  Reading,  Pa.,  d.  April  8,  1885-6,  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  where  he 
was  a  liquor  dealer  and  kept  a  hoarding  house.  Mr.  Walbridge  was  mus- 
tered in  Aug.  27,  1861,  as  musician  in  the  96th  Pa.  Vols.,  disch.  by  Gen. 
Orders  July.  1862.     (Bates   Pa.  J'ols..  p.  391,  Vol.  III.)     He  m.,  Dec.  20, 


1863,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  Mary  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Henry  Beyerle.  She  was 
born  July  5,  1846,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.  Their  chi.  were  born  at  Pottsville, 
where  the  family  resided  until  1877,  finally  moving  to  Philadelphia  in  1881. 

722  i.  Clara  Cecelia,  b.  Sept.  28,  1864,  d.  July  14,  1867. 

723  ii.  Emma  Rebecca,  b.  May  2,  1866. 

724  iii.  Henry  Franklin,  b.  Feb.  11,  1867. 

725  iv.  Hiram  Adolphus,  b.  Nov.  30,  1869,  d.  July  16,  1870. 


ADOLPHUS  BOYER«  {Amos^'  Henry,*  Hcnry,^  Amosr  Hcnry^).  b. 
March  20,  1842,  at  Reading,  Pa.,  d.  May  12,  1882,  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.  He 
was  m.  Nov.  30,  1870,  by  H.  A.  Cordo,  Pastor  of  the  N.  Baptist  Ch.,  to  Susan 
Cable,  of  New  York  City,  who  was  born  April  7,  1849. 

726     i.  Wallace  E.,  b.  Aug.  29,  1871,  d.  Dec.  8,  1871. 

y27     ii.   Frank  A.,  b.  April  30,  1873,  d.  Feb.  11,  1874. 


HENRY  C.8  (Amos,'^  Henry*  Henry,^  Amos,^  Henry^),  b.  June  26,  1845, 
at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  where  he  m.,  Feb.  22.  1869,  Hannah,  dau.  of  William 
Boyer,  of  Pottsville,  Pa.  Was  a  musician  in  the  96th  Pa.  Vols.,  mustered  in 
Aug.  27,  '61,  disch.  by  Gen.  Orders  July,  1862.  (P.  391,  Vol.  HI.  Bates' 
Pa.  Vols.) 

728  i.   Harriet  C,  b.  May  4,  1870. 

729  ii.   Florence  M.,  b.  Jan.  8,  1872. 

730  iii.  William  H.,  b.  Aug.  15,  1873. 

731  iv.  Hiram  A.,  b.  Nov.  28,  1875,  d.  April,  1878. 

732  V.  Sophia,  b.  Oct.  22,  1878. 

733  vi.  James  A.  Garfield,  b.  Nov.  13,  1882. 


CHARLES  F."  (Amos.^  Henry*  Henry?  Amos.^  Henry^),  h.  April  25. 
1849,  at  Pottsville,  Pa.,  m.,  Feb.  2,  1873,  at  Tamaqua,  Pa.,  Emma  Halde- 
man,  b.  May  4,  1854,  at  Tamaqua,    Pa.,    dau.    of    Abraham    and    Hannah 


(Houser)  Haldeman.  Mr.  Walbridge  was  for  many  years  a  professor  of 
music,  and  orchestra  leader  at  ^^lahanoy  City,  Pa.  He  comes  from  a  family 
of  musicians,  as  will  be  seen  from  the  note  following  177.  In  April,  1893, 
he  moved  to  Erie,  Pa.,  where  in  1895  he  had  charge  of  the  pattern  shop  at 
the  Erie  City  Iron  Works,  giving  his  spare  time  to  musical  work. 

734  i.   ^linnie  Irene,  b.  Oct.  5,  1874. 

735  ii.   Birdie,  b.  June  14,  1876,  d.  June  17.  1876. 

736  iii.  Albert  H.,  b.  Oct.  29,  1879. 

yTf-j     iv.  Bessie,  b.  Nov.  24,  1880,  d.  Jan.  17,  1881. 
738     v.  Elsie,  b.  Oct.  4,  1885,  d.  April  16,  1886. 


JOHN  HILL«  {Henry,''  Henry,'  Henry:'  Amos,-  Henry'),  h.  June  30, 
1847,  at  Plainfield,  Vt.,  m.,  April  19,  1872,  Cynthia  Chase,  b.  May  8,  185 1, 
at  Concord,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Ehnore  and  Cynthia  (Hill)  Chase.  Mr.  Walbridge 
gives  his  record  as  follows,  writing  from  his  residence  at  West  Concord,  Vt. : 
"My  story  is  brief  and  commonplace.  When  I  was  16  months  old  my 
mother  died,  and  I  was  adopted  by  a  grand-uncle,  Chauncey  Hill,  a  well- 
to-do  farmer  in  this  town.  My  father  married  again,  and  moved  to  St.  Johns, 
Mich.,  where  he  engaged  in  the  practice  of  law.  I  attended  the  district 
school  and  the  town  grammar  school  until  16  years  old,  and  then  taught  for 
two  terms.  When  I  was  17  I  enlisted  in  the  17th  Vt.  Vols.  My  uncle  re- 
fused his  consent,  and  I  wrote  to  my  father,  who  was  then  with  General 
Burnside's  command  at  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  but  he  also  refused  to  sign  my 
papers.  After  attending  two  terms  at  the  St.  Johnsbury,  Vt.,  Academy,  I 
went  to  Galesburg,  111.,  and  graduated  in  the  scientific  course  from  Lombard 
University  as  Prest.  of  the  Class  of  1870.  It  was  my  intention  to  study  law, 
but  returning  to  Concord  at  the  earnest  request  of  my  uncle  I  remained  for 
a  time  to  assist  him  in  the  settlement  of  his  afifairs.  He  had  indorsed  paper 
for  more  than  $8000,  and  in  1876  there  occurred  a  series  of  failures  which  left 
him  a  poor  man  in  his  old  age.  There  was  but  one  honorable  thing  for  me 
to  do,  to  smooth  as  best  I  might  the  path  of  him  and  his  good  wife  during 
their  declining  years.  His  property  was  in  a  farm,  mortgaged  and  Inudencd 
by  a  life  lease  and  heavy  town  taxes.  I  have  discharged  the  trust,  but  my 
ambitions  were  never  realized.  In  1872  and  1874  I  was  elected  Justice  of 
the  Peace,  and  about  that  time  was  for  two  terms  Town  Superintendent.  I 
also  served  on  road  commissions,  and  for  several  years  as  Town  Grand  Juror. 
In  1888  I  was  elected  Town  Representative,  receiving  tiie  largest  majority 


of  any  member  ever  elected  in  town.  I  was  one  of  the  Committee  on  Edu- 
cation which  reported  the  school  law  of  1888,  introduced  a  bill  for  the  pro- 
tection of  horse  owners,  and  a  bill  restricting  the  investment  of  Savings  Bank 
funds  in  Western  loans,  which  was  enacted,  also  a  bill  to  reduce  the  salaries 
of  railroad  commissioners.  That  did  not  pass,  but  the  discussion  gave  me 
some  prominence.  In  1889  I  was  elected  County  Supervisor  of  Schools, 
and  served  until  the  office  was  abolished,  when  I  was  appointed  County 
Examiner.  Since  1887  I  have  had  the  office  of  Town  Supt.  of  Schools.  I 
am  still  farming,  making  sheep  raising  a  specialty.  In  religious  belief  I  am 
a  Universalis!,  and  in  politics  a  Republican;  have  always  taken  a  deep  interest 
in  national  ciuestions,  and  sometimes  spoken  at  campaign  rallies." 

739  i.   Henry  Chase,  b.  April  30,  1873,  at  Concord,  Vt. 

740  ii.   Blanche  May,  b.  Oct.  i,  1874,  at  Concord,  Vt. 

741  iii.   Winifred,  b.  Jan.  6,  1880,  at  Concord,  Vt. 


EDWARD  LEROY"  (Henry:'  Henry,'  Henry;''  Amos,'  Henry'),  b.  Nov. 
I,  1856,  at  St.  Johns,  Mich.,  m.,  Feb.  11,  1880,  at  De  Witt,  Mich.,  Mary  Top- 
ping, b.  there  Aug.  9,  1861,  dau.  of  George  W.  Topping  and  Sindenia  A. 

742     i.  Zoe  Alberta,  b.  July  26,  1884,  at  Ithaca,  Mich. 

"Edward  L.  Walbridge  was  born  Nov.  i,  1856,  at  St.  Johns,  Mich.,  and 
educated  at  St.  Johns  High  School  and  University  of  Michigan.  He  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  at  St.  Johns  Feb.  17,  1879,  and  at  that  place  lield  the 
position  of  deputy  postmaster  for  two  years.  Was  circuit  court  commis- 
sioner for  Clinton  county  for  two  years. 

He  moved  to  Ithaca  in  1883,  and  was  appointed  city  attorney  of  Ithaca, 
which  he  held  for  five  years  in  succession.  Gov.  Luce  appointed  him  circuit 
court  commissioner  for  Gratiot  county  in  1887,  retaining  that  position  for 
two  years.  Was  three  years  on  Ithaca  school  board,  and  its  president  in 
1890.  Admitted  to  United  States  Circuit  and  District  Courts  of  Michigan 
in  1886,  and  has  practiced  in  the  courts  of  Michigan.  He  was  prosecuting 
attorney  for  Gratiot  county  from  June,  1891.  till  this  spring. 

In  1880  Mr.  Walbridge  married  Miss  Mary  Topping,  daughter  of  Dr. 
G.  W.  Topping,  of  De  Witt,  Mich.,  Ex-President  of  State  Medical  Associa- 
tion and  Secretary  of  American  Medical  Association. 


When  Mr.  Walbridge  left  Ithaca  tlie  members  of  the  bar  of  the  29th 
JuiHcial  Circuit  for  the  State  of  Michigan  had  a  bar  meeting  in  open  court 
and  passed  a  set  of  resolutions  of  respect  and  honorable  standing  of  Edward 
L.  Walbridge  as  a  member  of  the  bar  of  29th  Judicial  Circuit. 

With  such  a  standing  to  back  them  the  success  of  Walbridge  &  Wal- 
bridge is  assured." 


CLARA  AMELIA"  {Levi:'  Amos,'  Hairy-'  Aiuos,"  Henry'),  b.  July  14, 
1849.  at  Dorchester,  Mass.,  m.,  April  29,  1869,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  Osmun 
Cobb  Webster,  b.  Oct.  7,  1844,  at  Freedom.  N.  H.,  son  of  Thomas  and  Nancy 
(Cobb)  Webster,  and  a  member  of  Webster,  Folger  &  Co.,  Boston,  Mass.; 
resides  at  Winchester,  Mass. 

.  Carrie  Isabel  Webster,  b.  Nov.  22,  1870,  d.  Sept.  6,  1875. 

i.  Florian  Lovering  Webster,  b.  July  2,  1873. 

ii.   Chester  Freeman  Webster,  b.  April  19,  1875,  d.  June  24,  1875. 


WILLIAM  SPOONER"  (Levi,''  Amos*  Henry,''  Amos,-  Henry'),  b. 
Sept.  19,  1854,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  m.,  Oct.  25,  1882,  at  Newton,  Mass.,  Alice 
Langdon  Libbey,  dau.  of  William  Langdon  and  Julia  (Miller)  Libbey.  Mr. 
Walbridge  is  a  member  of  Walbridge  &  Briggs,  furniture  dealers,  at  Merri- 
mac  and  Friend  Sts.,  Boston,  Mass.;  resides  at  Winchester,  Mass.  Wrote 
early  in  1898  that  he  thought  of  moving  to  Denver,  Colo. 

743  i.   Marie,  b.  April  19,  1884. 

744  ii.   Edward  Langdon,  b.  Jan.  29,  1887. 


PERCY  EDGAR"  (Frederick  Griszvold,^  Amos,'  Henry,''  Amos.-  Henry'), 
h.  April  12,  1857,  at  Boston,  Mass.,  m.,  April  12,  1881,  at  Boston,  Lillie  A. 
James,  b.  at  East  Deering,  Maine.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  lawyer,  with  an  ofifice 
in  Tremont  Bd'g.  Boston,  residing  at  Maiden.  Mass.  To  him  I  am  in- 
debted for  copy  of  entries  from  the  family  Bible,  concerning  Henry  Wal- 
bridge, who  ni.  Martha  Read,  and  their  descendants.     Had  all  mv  corre- 


spondents  made  as  clear  and  full  returns,  my  labors  would  have  been  materi- 
ally lessened. 

745     i.  Gladys,  b.  June  i6,  1884,  d.  June  20,  1895. 


WILLIAMS"  {Williams,''  Eleazer*  Elcazer,^  Henry,-  Henry'),  b.  Oct. 
13,  1802,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  Aug.  18,  1883,  at  Brookfield,  Vt., 
where  he  m.,  Dec.  5,  1827,  Maria  Carpenter,  b.  1807,  at  Nantucket,  Mass., 
d.  Nov.  22,  1841,  dau.  of  Comfort  and  Susan  (Austin)  Carpenter. 

746  i.  Laura  Maria,  b.  Jan.  20,  1834,  m.  Andrew  S.  Allis. 

747  ii.   Rodney  W.,  b.  June  12,  1838,  m.  Elsie  A.  Carley  and  Eunice  W. 



HIRAM«  (Williams,'^  Eleazer,*  Elcaccr,^  Henry,-  Henry'),  b.  Aug.  17, 
1805,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  Feb.  15,  1889,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  m. 
about  1828-30.  at  Killingly.  Conn..  Lucy  Maria  Fiske,  b.  1810.  at  Chapman 
or  Killingly,  Conn.,  d.  Sept.  7,  1870,  at  Roxbury,  Vt. 

748  i.    Charles  D.,  b.  Oct.  15,  1835,  m.  Vilora   M.   Wiley  and   Carrie   A. 


749  ii.  William  Henry,  b.  March  5,  1841,  m.  Fanny  Burnham. 

750  iii.   George  Loren,  b.  May  24,  1843,  m.  Celia  Prentis. 

751  iv.  Andrew  J.,  b.  July  i,  1845,  m.  Hattie  J.  Burnham. 

752  V.  Albert  D.,  b.  June,  1850,  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  m.,  Dec,  1871,  Jennie 

Smith,  of  Roxbury,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  March,  1876. 


HANNAH  M.«  {Williams.'-  Eleacer,*  Eleaccr,^  Henry,^  Henry'),  b.  Feb. 
5,  1808  or  1809,  at  Randolph.  Vt.,  m.,  June  10,  1827.  at  Brookfield,  Vt.. 
Rufus  Glysson,  and  d.  Dec.  19,  1889,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  where  her  husband 
d.  Nov.  23,  1864. 

i.   Harriet  M.  Glysson,  b.  Feb.  8,  1832,  at  Williamstown,  Vt.,  m.,  Dec.  14, 
1859.  at  Northfield.  Vt.,  Henry  C.  Crocker,  b.  July  5,  1830.  at  Thetford. 


Vt.  They  had  a  dau.,  Nancy  M.  Crocker,  b.  Oct.  5,  i860,  m.,  July  3, 
1884,  Ira  O.  Hayes,  and  has  (i)  Perry  C.  Hayes,  b.  April  19,  1885,  (2) 
Fred.  G.  Hayes,  b.  Dec.  i,  1888,  (3)  Herbert  W.  Hayes,  b.  Oct.  19,  1890, 
(4)  William  O.  Hayes,  b.  July  11,  1892.  The  family  reside  at  Brook- 
field,  Vt. 


JEWETT"  {Ames,^  Elea::er*  Eleaza-;^  Hairy,-  Hcnry^),  b.  March  25, 
1805,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  d.  there  May  21,  1865  (T.  R.).  He  m..  May  16,  1833, 
at  Somesville,  Mass.,  Mary  Jane  Orcutt,  b.  March  19,  1814,  at  Lynn,  Mass., 
d.  Nov.  22,  1885,  at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  dau.  of  Levi  and  Sally  H.  (Davis) 

753  i.  A  son,  b.  Dec.  16,  1834,  d.  Dec.  16,  1834. 

754  ii.  Sarah  Elizabeth,  b.  Dec.  14,  1835,  m.  Oct.  14,  1854,  at  Cabot,  (T. 

R.),  Addison  Laird. 

755  iii.   Eliza  Ann,  b.  April  30,  1838,  m.,  Dec.  25,  1859,  at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.), 

Charles  C.  Brown,  and  March  6,  1861,  m.  Lysander  E.  Walbridge. 

756  iv.  Mary  Jane,  b.  April  i,  1840,  m.,  1863,  Smith,  had  a  dau. 

Abbie  Smith,  and  resides  at  Cabot,  Vt. 

757  v.   Levi  Jewett,  b.  May  27,  1846,  m.  Susan  R.  Nye. 


LUCINDA«  {Amcs,^  Elcazcr*  Eleazcr,^  Henry,"  Hairy'),  b.  Feb.  15. 
1807,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  d.  July  28,  1890,  at  Manchester,  N.  H.,  m.,  Dec.  14, 
1 83 1,  at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  Anthony  Potter  Perry,  son  of  Anthony  and  Sub- 
mit (Wheatley)  Perry.     Chi.  born  at  Cabot,  Vt. 

i.   Laura  Ann  Perry,  b.  Sept.,  1832. 

ii.   Emily  G.  Perry,  b.  Feb.,  1833. 

iii.  Anthony  Ames  Perry,  b.  April  21,  1837,  m.,  Nov.   i,  1862,  Julia  .\nn. 

dau.  of  Asahel  and  Caroline  (Stone)  Gunn.     Had  a  son,  Walter  Jewett 

Perry,  b.  Jan.  17,  1865,  m.,  Jan.  i,  1890, . 

iv.   Cornelia  Emeline  Perry,  b.  1840. 
v.  Jewett  Walbridge  Perry,  b.  1843. 



ZENAS«  (Lewis  on  T.  R.),  {Ames,''  Elcaccr,'  Elcazer?  Hcnryr  Henry'), 
b.  Sept.  14.  1808-9,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  d.  Jan.  16,  1869,  at  Williamstown,  Vt., 
m.,  March  22,  1836,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  by  Revd.  Benjamin  Willard, 
to  Esther  Coburn,  b.  March  22,  1813,  at  Stockbridge,  Vt.,  d.  Jan.  10,  1889, 
at  WilHamstown,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Solomon  and  Rachael  (May)  Coburn.  They 
lived  at  Williamstown,  Vt.,  the  birthplace  of  their  chi. 


758  i.  Zenas  Orville,  b.  Nov.  18,  1836,  d.  Dec.  5,  1863. 

759  ii.  Edwin  Lewis,  b.  May  i,  1839,  m.,  Nov.  i,  1864, . 

760  iii.   Elizabeth  Ann,  b.  April  29,  1840,  d.  Aug.  25,  1854. 

761  iv.  Olivia  J.,  b.  Sept.  25,  1841,  d.  Sept.  27,  1854. 

762  V.   Helen  J.,  b.  June  2,  1846,  d.  Dec.  4,  1863. 

763  vi.  James  H.,  b.  Nov.  27,  1850,  m.,  Nov.  9,  1875,  Ella  Dutton. 

764  vii.   Louise,  b.  1852,  d.  1852. 


AMES"  (Amcs,^  Elcazcr,^  Elcacci-,^  Henry,"  Henry'),  b.  May  7,  1810, 
at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  where  he  d.  July  29,  1843.  He  m.  at  Cabot  (T.  R.), 
Oct.  9,  1832,  Susanna  Perry,  b.  April  30,  181 1,  at  Cabot,  where  she  d.  Dec. 
22,  1891,  dau.  of  Anthony  and  Submit  (Wheatley)  Perry.  They  lived  at 
Cabot,  Vt.,  where  their  chi.  were  born. 

765  i.  John  Wheatley,  b.  Oct.  29,  1833.     (See  his  record.) 

766  ii.  Mary  Vinal,  b.  Jan.  29,  1835,  m.,  March  i,  i860,  at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T. 

R.),  George  T.  Hazen,  of  Hartford,  Vt.,  had  three  chi.,  and  d.  Dec. 
19,  1869. 

767  iii.  Don  Carlos,  b.  Feb.  8,  1837,  was  a  soldier,  and  died  at  Pensacola, 

Fla.,  Nov.  27,  1862. 

768  iv.  Aurelia  Susan,  b.  April  11,  1840,  d.  unm.  April  2,  1866. 

769  v.  Allen  Ames,  b.  April  2,  1843,  m.  Sarah  J.  Harvey. 


LYMAN"  (Ames,^  Elca::er,*  Eleazer,^  Hcnry,^  Henry'),  b.  May  15,  1812. 
at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  where  he  d.  June  10,  1890  (T.  R.).  He  m.,  June  26. 
1834,  at  East  Cambridge,  now  Third  ward  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  Deborah 


Richards  Glover,  b.  Aug.  22.  1813.  at  Francestown,  N.  H..  d.  June  19.  1885, 
at  Cabot,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Jesse  Glover,  a  native  of  Dedham,  Mass.  (where  the 
first  Henry  \Valll)ridge  is  said  to  Iiave  Hved  at  one  time),  who  m.  Deborah 
Richards,  lived  for  many  years  in  Cambridge,  Mass.,  and  d.  there  in 

Mr.  Walbridge  lived  at  Cambridge  for  about  a  year  after  his  m..  then 
went  to  Argyle,  now  Alton,  Maine,  some  20  miles  above  Bangor.  There 
the  chi.  were  born,  and  in  1840  the  family  moved  to  Cambridge;  thence  in 
1 84 1  to  Cabot. 

"As  late  as  1805  Lyman  Walbridge  taught  the  winter  school  in  the  S.  W. 
district,  and  his  wages  for  the  term  were  $9.62."  (Temple's  Hist,  of  Palmer, 
Mass.,  p.  289.) 

I  have  found  no  other  mention  of  this  Lyman  Walbridge,  and  am  unable 
to  place  him  in  the  family. 

770  i.  Lysander  E.,  b.  Oct.  26,  1835,  m.  Eliza  Ann  Walbridge. 

771  ii.  Louisa  M.,  b.  Feb.  27,  1838,  m.  William  Stevenson. 


WILLIAM  WILLIAMS**  {Amcs,^  Elcaccr,*  Elcazcr,^  Hcnry,^  Henry^), 
b.  Jan.  17,  1814,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  d.  May  13,  1888,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.), 
where  he  m.  in  May,  1836,  Mrs.  Frances  W.  (Miller)  Lillie,  born  in  1800, 
at  Randolph,  Vt.,  d.  there  July  25.  1853,  dau.  of  Moses  and  Sally  (Blodgett) 
Miller,  and  niece  of  Col.  Jonathan  P.  Miller. 

Mr.  Walbridge  taught  school,  but  after  his  m.  removed  to  a  home  in 
the  wilderness  40  miles  north  of  Cabot,  where  his  chi.  were  born.  He  m.  for 
second  wife,  June  18,  1854,  Harriet  L.  Miles,  dau.  of  Orcutt  Miles,  of  Ran- 
dolph. Vt.,  where  they  were  m. ;  and  she  was  born  in  Sept.,  1830. 

772     i.   Ludovicus  Lillie,  b.  Aug.  5,  1836,  m.  Louise  J.  Hubbard. 

JJT,     ii.  Sarah  Lavinia,  b.  Feb.  18,  1839,  m.,  Sept.  9,   1862,  at  Randolph, 

Vt.  (T.  R.).  by  Rev.  Z.  S.  Haynes  to  James  Harvey  Winslow.     They 

have  four  chi.,  and  live  in  northern  New  York. 

774  iii.   Mary  W..  b.  July  22,  1841,  m.,  March  31,  1864,  ,  has  one 

child,  and  lives  at  Barre,  Vt. 

775  iv.  Josephine  Maria,  b.  Aug.  24.  1845.  m.,  March  19,  1878,  Azro  H. 

Adams,  has  two  chi.,  and  lives  at  Cabot,  Vt. 



LEWIS  DON  ALONZO"  {Ames.''  Elcazcr.*  Elcazcr,^  Henry,"  Henry^), 
b.  June  6,  1815,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  d.  Oct.  22,  1887,  at  Montague,  Mass.,  m., 
Sept.,  1845,  at  Walden,  Vt.,  Frances  Ann,  b.  August  1824,  at  Walden,  dau. 
of  Edward  and  Sarah  (Rogers)  Farrington. 

776     i.  Sarah  Frances,  b.  Aug.  10,  i856,*m.  Nov.  11,  1875. 


ELEAZER*  {Ames.^  Eleazer*  Eleaser,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  a  farmer,  b. 
April  7,  1817,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  d.  Feb.  19,  1870,  at  East  Bangor,  Maine,  m., 
Aug.  3,  1839,  at  Bangor,  Elmira  Mann,  b.  May  22.  1822,  at  Glenburn,  Maine, 
dau.  of  William  and  Sarah  (Sherburn)  Mann  of  that  place.  His  widow 
m.  Allen  C.  Tibbitts.  of  East  Bangor,  l\Taine. 

777  i.  Antoinette  Edson,  b.  Oct.  9,  1840,  d.  April  19,  1848. 

778  ii.  Rachael,  b.  March  5,  1844,  m.,  May  17,  1869,  J.  F.  Jordan,  of  Ban- 

gor, lived  in  Sebee,  Maine,  where  she  d.  Feb.  i,  1892. 

779  iii.  Everett  Lorenzo,  b.  Sept.  17,  1846,   m.    Ada   M.    Harriman   and 

Mabel  Driske. 

780  iv.  Esther  Peabody,  b.  Oct.  9,  1848,  d.  June  21,  1849. 

781  v.  Marietta  Hill,  b.  June  3,  1851,  d.  Jan.  25.  1854. 

782  vi.  Loring  James,  b.  April  8,  1854,  m.,  April  15,  1877,  Abbie  Lord, 

dau.  of  Edwin  Lord,  of  Berwick,  Maine;  she  died  1880.  and  her  hus- 
band, who  is  a  farmer,  lives  with  her  father. 

783  vii.  William  Wesley,  b.  Nov.  23,  1856,  is  a  clerk  at  No.  12  Mercantile 

St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

784  viii.  Etta  Cora,  b.  Nov.  4,  1864,  lives  at  East  Bangor,  Maine. 


ABIGAIL  WASHBURNE6  (Ames.^  Eleazer.*  Eleazer.^  Henry, ^ 
Henry^),  b.  April  7,  1817.  at  Cabot,  Vt..  where  she  d.  Dec.  2,  1884  (T.  R.). 
She  m..  June  7,  1840,  at  Cabot,  Charles  Carpenter  Perry,  b.  Aug.  13.  1813, 
at  Cabot,  where  he  d.  June  4,  1881,  son  of  Anthony  and  Submit  (Wheatley) 
Perrv.     The  chi.  were  all  born  at  Cabot. 


i.  Helen  Maria  Perry,  b.  Nov.  30,  1841,  m.,  Nov.  28,  1867,  Gonsalvo  de  Cor- 
dova Hatch,  and  lives  at  Cabot,  Vt. 

ii.  Ames  Boyd  Perry,  b.  June  2,  1845,  m.,  Sept.  8,  1874,  Elizabeth  Jennie 
Gilchrist,  and  lives  at  Mclndoe's  Falls,  Vt. 

iii.  Mary  Louise  Perry,  b.  April  20,  1849,  m.,  Oct.  4,  1870,  Charles  James 
Bell,  b.  March  10,  1845.  the  fifth  child  of  James  Dean  Bell,  who  was  b. 
Dec.  14,  1808,  d.  Dec.  6,  1880,  and  m.,  Jan.  8,  1835,  Caroline  Warner, 
b.  June  23,  1807,  d.  March  14,  1882.  having  had  seven  chi. 

Mr.  Bell  is  a  farmer  at  Walden,  Vt.     His  P.  O.,  East  Hardwick. 


LOUISA  BURBANK«  {Ames,^  Eleazer*  Eleaser,^  Henry,^  Henry'),  h. 
Sept.  4,  1840,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  living  in  1893  at  Napa  City,  Calif.  She  m., 
Sept.  12,  1845  (Cabot  town  records  say  1844),  Samuel  Boyd  Wilson,  of 
Nashville,  N.  H.,  b.  Feb.  29,  1812,  at  New  Boston,  N.  H.,  d.  Feb.  20,  1877, 
at  Napa  City,  Calif.,  son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Boyd)  Wilson.  Soon  after 
their  m.  they  went  to  Guadalajara,  Mexico,  where  they  lived  many  years 
until  the  unsettled  government  caused  them  to  leave,  and  they  removed  to 
Napa  City,  Calif. 

i.  Ramon  E.  Wilson,  b.  July  20,  185 1,  at  Guadalajara,  Mexico,  m.,  Nov.  16, 
1876,  Camille  Regina  Effie  Bronson,  b.  Jan.  25,  1855,  at  New  York 
City,  dan.  of  Lemuel  H.  Bronson  and  Jean  Stuart.  They  have  a  dau., 
Marion  Wilson,  b.  Jan.  26,  1879,  at  San  Francisco,  Calif.,  where  Mr.  Wil- 
son is  a  lawyer  and  has  his  residence. 

ii.  Lola  M.  Wilson,  b.  April  12,  1856,  at  Napa  City,  Calif.,  m.,  Sept.  4,  1874, 
Asa  R.  Ford,  and  lives  734  Troup  Ave.,  Kansas  City,  Kansas. 

iii.  Louise  A.  Wilson,  b.  Nov.  23,  1859,  at  Napa  City,  Calif.,  where  she  re- 

sides with  her  mother. 


LEANDER"  (Amcs,^  Elcazcr*  Elcazcr?  Henry,^  Henry'),  b.  Feb.  27, 
1825,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  and  living  in  Aug.,  1891.  He  m.,  March  19,  185 1,  at 
Greensboro,  Vt.,  Nancy  Johnston  Wood,  b.  May  16,  1832,  at  Greensboro, 
Vt.,  dau.  of  Samuel  Wood  and  Amy  Johnston.  To  Mrs.  Walbridge  the 
writer  is  indebted  for  valuable  assistance  in  compiling  the  record  of  the 
Cabot  branch  of  the  family,  and  he  trusts  she  will  be  living  and  able  to  enjoy 
the  result  of  her  efforts  when  this  data  is  published. 


785  i.   Robert  Peach,  b.  Aug.  11,  1862,  m.  Lilla  Eliza  Farr. 

786  ii.  Gertrude  Johnston  b.  June  22,  1870  (Cabot  T.  R.),  m.,  March  19, 

1891, . 


PHILANDERS  {Elcaser,^  Eleaser*  Eleazer,^  Henry?  Henry^),  b.  Aug. 
4,  1809,  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  d.  Dec.  4,  1872,  at  Menasha,  Wis.,  m.,  Nov.  7, 
1837,  at  Randolph,  by  Revd.  Stephen  Goodale  (T.  R.),  to  Lucinda  Jones, 
who  d.  May  31,  1893.  He  moved  to  Menasha,  Wis.,  in  1857,  "was  long- 
called  Captain;"  two  children  and  one  grandchi.  reported  living  in  1892. 

787  i.  Olivia  Lucinda,  b.  Oct.  19,  1843  (Randolph    T.    R.),    m.    

Dodge,  and  lives  at  Menasha,  Wis. 

788  ii.  George  Jones,  b.  Nov.  10,  1844,  m.  Ella  Merritt. 


HARRIET  AMELIA"  {Eleazer,^  Eleazer*  Eleazer,^  Henry,''  Henry^), 
b.  Dec.  26,  1812,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  there  March  31,  1891.  She  m. 
Nov.  26,  1833,  at  Randolph  (T.  R.),  Jehial  Woodward  Weston,  b.  at  Ran- 
dolph, June  2,  1809,  d.  there  March  i,  1892,  son  of  John  and  Dolly  (Sprague) 
Weston.     Chi.  born  at  Randolph. 

i.  OHve  Weston,  b.  Nov.  29,  1834,  d.  Aug.  30,  1862. 
ii.  Edwin  Weston,  b.  Aug.  7,  1836,  d.  Aug.  14,  1838. 
iii.   Infant,  b.  June  8,  1838,  d.  June  8.  1838. 


OLIVE  LUCINDA"  (Elcazer.^  Eleazcr*  Eleazcr,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  b. 
Sept.  21,  1814,  at  Randolph.  Vt.  (T.  R.),  and  d.  Aug.  22,  1883.  at 
West  Randolph,  Vt.  She  m.,  Aug.  25,  1835,  at  Randolph.  Vt., 
John  Pearson,  of  Bethel,  Vt.,  b.  there  Feb.  11,  1813,  d.  Aug.  27,  1883.  at 
West  Randolph.  Vt.  He  was  the  son  of  John  Tappan  Pearson,  who  was 
born  Dec.  i,  1776,  and  d.  Dec.  24,  1864,  having  married,  Jan.  12,  1803,  Polly 
Fowler,  born  July  3,  1784,  d.  June  i,  181 7.  John  T.  Pearson  reported  as 
having  been  an  Aide-de-Camp  of  General  Geo.  Washington;  if  so,  he  must 
have  been  on  the  kindergarten  branch  of  the  staff. 


i.  Amelia  Maria  Pearson,  b.  July  5,  1836,  m.  at  Rochester,  Jan.  5,  1858, 
Arnold  Biirch  Fish,  of  West  Randolph,  and  had 

(i)   Ernest  Elton  Fish,  b.  July  17,  1863,  m.,  June  4,  1884,  Lilla  Flint, 
has  a  son  Elton  Walbridge  Fish,  b.  Dec.  5,  1887. 

(2)  Ferda  Pearson  Fish,  b.  Feb.  15,  1866. 

(3)  Galen  Burch  Fish,  b.  June  24,  1867. 

(4)  Electa  Amelia  Fish,  b.  June  30,  1871. 

ii.   Betsey  Olivia  Pearson,  b.  Jan.  30,  1837,  d.  Feb.  22,  1850. 

iii.  John  Franklin  Pearson,  b.  Jan.  25.  1842,  d.  unm.  June  3,  1864.  He  was 
a  member  of  Co.  G,  loth  Regt.  Vt.  Vols.,  Col.  Wm.  W.  Henry,  Capt. 
Geo.  S.  Dawson.     J.  F.  P.  was  killed  in  action  near  Cold  Harbor,  Va. 

iv.  George  Birney  Pearson,  b.  Sept.  16,  1846,  d.  Aug.  13,  1848. 

V.  Laura  Faustina  Pearson,  b.  Feb.  28.  1850,  m.,  June  17,  1874,  at  Roches- 
ter, Vt.,  Fayette  Albe  Kezer,  a  manufacturer  of  that  place,  b.  May  i, 
1848,  at  Wentworth,  N.  H.,  son  of  Ferdinand  Columbus  Kezer,  b.  at 
Wentworth  Aug.  29,  1812,  d.  Sept.  15,  1883,  m..  May  17,  1840,  Hannah 
Weeks,  she  born  March  11.  1819.  at  Warren,  N.  H.,  d.  May  30,  1857. 
Their  chi.  are  Frank  Ferdinand  Kezer,  b.  June  21,  1877,  at  Rochester, 
Vt.,  and  Alice  Kezer.  b.  Feb.  7,  1883,  at  Rochester,  Vt. 


ELEAZER®  {Elcazer.^  Eleazer*  Eleazer?  Henry,^  Henry^),  h.  Oct.  25, 
1822,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  m.  there  Jan.  i,  1850  (T.  R.),  by  Revd. 
George  W.  Bailey,  to  Fanny,  dau.  of  Siba  Goss  and  Fanny  McAlister.  She 
was  born  May  23.  1824.  Mr.  Walbridge,  when  last  heard  from,  was  a  loan 
and  real  estate  agent  in  Baraboo,  Wis. 

789  i.   Fannie  Adelia,  b.  Oct.  10,  1852,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  unm. 

April  28,  1884. 

790  ii.  Cora  Bell,  b.  Oct.  28,  1862,  m.,  Aug.  3,  1886,  Byron  B.  Carter,  and 

has  (i)  Fanny  Carter,  b.  Oct.  5,  1887,  (2)  Doris  Eleanor  Carter,  b. 
Nov.  18,  1890. 


HARRIET  DIANA"  (Jewett,"  Eleazer*  Eleaser,^  Henry,''  Henry^),  b. 
Dec.  14,  1819,  at  Randolph,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  May  5,  1897,  at  Bethel,  Vt.,  m. 
Nov.  4,  1845,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  David  H.  Dutton,   b.  Jan.    12,    1822,   at 


Royalton,  Vt.,  son  of  Amasa  and  Althea  (Hazen)  Button.     Chi.  born  at 

i.  Henry  Walbridge  Button,  b.  April  6,  1847,  r"--  March  17,  1880,  at  Jericho, 

Vt.,  Laura  A.  Chapin,  b.  there  April  24,  i860,  dau.  of  Hoyt  and  Susan 

E.  (Smith)  Chapin. 

(i)  AUhea  L.  Button,  b.  Sept.  14,  1884,  at  Royalton,  Vt. 

(2)  Laura  A.  Button,  b.  Aug.  2,  1885,  at  Royalton,  Vt. 
ii.  Abbie  Caroline  Button,  b.  March  8,  1856,  m.,  Oct.  23,  1883,  at  Royalton, 

Vt.,  Charles  H.  Kidder,  son  of  Reuben  and  Emma  (Porter)  Kidder,  b. 

April  27,  1843,  at  Rochester,  Vt. 


RUBOLPHUS  PHILANBER*  {Jeivett,^  Eleazer*  Eleaser,^  Henry,'' 
Henry^).  b.  Aug.  6,  1830,  at  Royalton,  Vt.,  m.,  Jan.  17,  1857,  at  Wheatland, 
Mich..  Harriet  L.  Knapp,  born  Sept.  3,  1832,  at  Clarkson,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of 
Stephen  and  Mary  (Townsend)  Knapp. 

791  i.  Charles  H.,  b.  Oct.  20,  1857,  d.  June  3,  1859,  at  Algansee,  Mich. 

792  ii.  William  H.,  b.  Oct.  16,  i860,  m.,  April  9,  1884,  at  Algansee,  Mich., 

Eva  T.  van  Hoosear,  b.  Oct.  31,  1863,  at  Algansee,  dau.  of  Hezekiah 
and  Lydia  (Reed)  van  Hoosear.     They  have  one  chi. 

793  (i)  Ivan  H.  Walbridge. 

794  iii.  Herbert  B..  b.  April  10,  1866,  m.,  Jan.  2T),  1896,  at  Algansee,  Mich., 

Cora  Belle  Van  Tassell,  b.  Oct.  17,  1874,  at  Algansee,  Mich.,  dau. 
of  John  and  Polly  E.  (Hoyt)  Van  Tassell. 


WILLIAM  HENRY"  {Jewett,''  Eleazer*  Eleazer,^  Henry,''  Henry'),  h. 
March  7,  1834,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  m.,  first,  Nov.  i,  1855,  at  Jonesville, 
Mich.,  Minerva  McNutt,  b.  1836  at  Scipio,  Mich.,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Mary 
(Williams)  McNutt. 

His  second  m.  was  Nov.  21,  1864,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  to  Orphelia 
R.  Williams,  b.  March  12,  1847,  ^t  Grand  Rapids,  dau.  of  Charles  B.  and 
Rosina  P.  (Beeman)  Williams.  The  chi.  were  all  born  at  Grand  Rapids. 
Mich.,  where  the  familv  resided  when  last  heard  from. 


795  i.  May  M.,  b.  Jan.  5,  1867,  m.,  Dec.  i,  1890,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich., 

Wm.  H.  Richardson,  b.  Feb.  23,  1867,  at  Plainfieid,  Mich.,  son  of 
Austin  H.  and  Carrie  (Smith)  Richardson. 

(i)  Harry  S.  Richardson,  b.  Jan.  23,  1892,  at  Gaines,  Mich.,  where 
his  parents  reside. 

796  ii.  Charles  J.,  b.  May  12,  1869,  d.  Feb.  22,  1881. 

797  iii.  George  H.,  b.  May  5,  1872,  m.,  Nov.  28,  1895,  at  Button,  Mich., 

Bertha  Rudolph,  b.  June  15,  1878,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  dau.  of 
Gottlob  and  Fanny  (Keller)  Rudolph.  They  have  a  son,  Charles 
D.  Walbridge,  b.  Aug.  12,  1896,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

798  iv.   Frederick  N.,  b.  July  28,  1874. 

799  V.  Daisy  E.,  b.  Aug.  2,  1878. 

800  vi.  Arthur,  b.  Jan.  13,  1881,  d.  July  10,  1881. 

801  vii.  Walter  B.,  b.  March  31,  1884. 


MARTHA  MARIA*  (Jewett,^  Eleazer*  Eleazer,^  Henry,''  Henry^),  b. 
Aug.  9,  1839,  at  Newfane,  N.  Y.,  vi^as  for  some  years  Register  in  the  General 
Land  Office  at  Washington,  D.  C,  where  she  m.,  March  15,  1881,  Charles 
Alexander  Dewar.  b.  March  15,  185 1,  at  St.  Clair,  Mich.,  son  of  Daniel 
Dewar  and  Christiana  Kennedy.  Mr.  Dewar  is  a  Mason  and  civil  engineer, 
residing  at  Billings,  Montana.  Mrs.  Dewar  has  been  greatly  interested  in 
her  family  record,  and  says  a  tradition  in  her  family  has  always  ascribed  its 
origin  to  one  of  three  brothers  who  came  from  England  at  an  early  date. 


ALMIRA®  {Martin,''  Solomon,*  Henry,^  Henry,''  Henry^),  b.  Oct.  26, 
1808,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  where  she  m.,  March  4,  1840,  Stephen  Cornell,  who 
d.  April  II,  1892,  at  Cambridge,  Vt..  son  of  John  and  Persis  (Buker)  Cornell. 
Their  chi.  were  all  born  at  Cambridge,  Vt. 



i.  Henry  Martin  Cornell,  b.  Aug.  31,  1842. 

ii.  William  H.  Cornell,  b.  Oct.  31,  1844. 

iii.   Marian  Cornell,  b.  Feb.  15,  1849,  d-  April  23,  1851. 

iv.  Albert  D.  Cornell,  b.  Nov.  21,  1850,  m.,  1883, 

V.  Charlotte  Cornell,  b.  July  31,  1854,  m.,  July  14,  1874, Page. 



CHARLES  FOLLET*  (John,^  Solomon*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  b. 
May  26,  1813,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  and  d.  Feb.  11,  1883,  at  Avoca,  Wis.,  his 
family  live  at  Chico,  Calif.  He  m.,  April  24,  1845,  at  Pulaski,  Wis., 
Samantha  Heath,  b.  Dec.  10,  1829,  at  Liverpool,  Ohio,  d.  May  21,  1888,  at 
Tuscan  Springs,  Calif.  She  was  the  dau.  of  Hiram  and  Lucinda  (Priest) 
Heath,  her  father  was  born  May  18,  1802,  on  a  vessel  coming  from  Scotland, 
was  a  blacksmith,  and  d.  1875  at  Morgan  Springs,  Calif.;  her  mother  was 
born  Dec.  2,  1807,  d.  Jan.  28,  1845.  Samantha's  dau.,  Mrs.  FHck,  says,  "The 
battle  of  Tippecanoe  was  fought  on  the  home  farm  of  mother's  people,  and 
old  Genl.  Wolfe  was  her  great-uncle." 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  a  farmer,  and  lived  most  of  his  life  at  Avoca,  Wis., 
where  nine  of  his  children  were  born,  the  last  child  at  Clear  Lake,  Iowa.  His 
son,  Edgerton  B.,  has  the  record  from  which  most  of  the  family  data  is  taken; 
he  also  furnished  the  portrait  of  his  father. 

802  i.  Mary  Elizabeth,  b.  April  30.  1846.  at  Avoca,  Wis.,  m.,  Oct.  17,  1892, 

Carl  W.  Flick,  a  native  of  Stuttgart,  Germany,  ist  Sergt.  5th  Ar- 
tillery, U.  S.  Army,  stationed  at  San  Francisco,  California. 

803  ii.  Charles  Edwin,  b.  Oct.  29,  1847,  was  in  Co.  E,  nth  Wis.,  during 

the  Rebellion,  d.  Nov.  27,  1864,  at  Brashear  City,  La. 

804  iii.  Marion  E.,  b.  Feb.  28.  1850,  m.,  at  Mason  City,  March  29,  1875, 

Albert  O.  Quimby,  has  two  sons,  Claude  and  Earl,  also  a  dau., 

805  iv.  Cyrus  Edmund,  b.  July  8,  1852,  d.  Oct.  3,  1875,  at  Chico,  Calif., 

from  injuries  received  from  being  thrown  into  a  canyon  from  a  mus- 
tang he  was  riding. 

806  v.  George  Edgar,  b.  Nov.  28,  1854,  d.  May  24,  1855. 

807  vi.  Myron  Edward,  b.  April  4,  1856,  m.,  in  1873,  Sadie  Jones  Austin. 

was  a  lumberman,  and  killed,  July  29,  1881,  by  a  falling  tree,  near 
Chico.  Calif.,  leaving  no  chi. 

808  vii.  Edgerton  Byron,  b.  Oct.  7,  1858,  m.,  Oct.  3,  1888,  Martha  C.  Den- 

nis, b.  in  Iowa  Sept.  30,  1864,  a  dau.  of  Alexander  and  Susan  Dennis. 
They  have  no  chi.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  proprietor  of  the  Tuscan 
Springs,  Tehama  Co.,  Calif.,  reached  via  Red  Blufif. 

809  viii.  Lillian  Alice,  b.  March  10,  1861,  m.,  Sept.  2,  1877,  at  Quincy, 

Calif.,  Dewitt  Clinton  Winne,  of  Phila.,  Pa.  She  has  been  a  widow 
since  1879.  and  with  her  dau.,  Ethel  Gertrude  Winne,  resides  at 
San  Francisco,  Calif. 




810  ix.   Frank  Lincoln,  b.  Oct.  10,  1863,  ni.,  April    13,    1889,    Belle    La- 

bouchere;  lives  at  Red  Bluff,  Calif.,  where  he  is  agent  for  Wells, 
Fargo  &  Co.  and  the  W.  U.  Telegraph  Co. 

811  X.  Rosadel  A.,  b.  June  15,  1866,  m. Wessells,  is  a  widow,  with 

a  son,  Martin  Wessells. 


ELECTA  ADELINE"  {John,"  Solomon*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry'),  b. 
Nov.  II,  181 5,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  there  April  8,  1888.  She  m.,  Sept.  27, 
1839,  at  La  Porte,  Indiana,  Bradbury  Fullington,  b.  March  24,  1816,  at  Cam- 
bridge, Vt.,  where  he  d.  Sept.  30,  1892,  son  of  Ephraim  and  Sarah  (Foster) 
Fullington.     Ephraim  was  a  member  of  the  State  Legislature. 

"Mrs.  Fullington  was  but  thirteen  years  old  when  her  mother  died, 
leaving  seven  children,  the  youngest  an  infant  son  six  months  old.  Being 
the  eldest  daughter  and  child  but  one,  on  her  young  shoulders  fell  the  care 
and  burden  of  the  entire  household,  her  father  not  marrying  again  for  many 
years.  She  had  the  cooking,  weaving  and  sewing  to  attend  to,  but  still  man- 
aged to  attend  school  a  mile  or  more  away,  and  by  energy  and  perseverance 
became  a  successful  teacher  in  after  years.  To  her  the  lines  of  life  were 
heavy,  but  she  struggled  on  with  the  bravery  of  a  true  heroine.  She  was 
an  earnest  Christian,  a  member  of  the  Baptist  Church  for  more  than  fifty 
years,  and  much  interested  in  foreign  and  home  missions.  In  1838  her 
father  removed  to  Indiana  with  his  family.  Soon  after  her  marriage  she  re- 
turned to  Cambridge,  where  she  resided  during  the  remainder  of  her  long 
and  useful  life.  Two  sons  and  two  nephews  bore  her  remains  from  the  home 
to  the  little  neighboring  cemetery.  In  another  short  week  Hattie  Foote 
Fullington,  the  young  and  beautiful  wife  of  the  son,  Harrington,  and  daugh- 
ter of  Merritt  and  Elizabeth  Foote,  of  Johnson,  Vt.,  was  also  taken,  leaving 
her  two  little  boys,  Roy  and  Max,  and  an  infant  dau.  five  months  of  age." 

i.  Infant,  b.  Oct.  27,  1840,  d.  Oct.  27,  1840. 

ii.  Birney  S.  Fullington,  b.  Feb.  16,  1845,  m--  Aug.  9,  1871,  Helen  M.  Chad- 
wick.  He  enlisted  when  17  years  old  in  the  9  months'  service,  re-en- 
listed in  Co.  M,  1st  Regt.  Vt.  Cav.,  2d  Brig.,  3d  Div.  Cav.  Corps,  organ- 
ized at  Burlington,  Vt.,  and  was  in  the  battle  of  Gettysburg,  July  3,  1863. 

iii.  Harrington  C.  Fullington,  b.  Feb.  13,  1847,  m.,  Sept.  23,  1879,  Hattie 
E.  Foote. 

iv.  Eugenia  M.  Fullington,  b.  Oct.  27,  1849;  in  1895  had  been  principal  of 
the  State  primary  school  at  Monson,  Mass.,  for  13  years,  and  a  teacher 
there  for  nearly  22.     She  resided  at  Palmer,  Mass. 


V.  Mary  L.  Fullington,  b.  Dec.  25,  1851,  is  a  teacher  in  Woodstock,  Vt. 
vi.  Sarah  E.  Fullington,  b.  April  9,  1855,  m.,  March  28,  1883,  Dr.  Henry 
Bateman  Jones,  a  druggist  at  Industry,  Clay  Co.,  Kans. 


BETSEY  MARIA8  (John,"  Solomon,*  Henry,^  Henry,-  Henry'-),  b.  Sept. 
22,  1818,  at  Cambridge,  went  with  her  father  in  1838,  to  Plymouth,  Laporte 
Co.,  Indiana,  where  she  m.,  Sept.  8,  1840,  Charles  Palmer,  a  furniture  dealer, 
who  settled  in  1841  at  Plymouth,  where  their  chi.  were  born. 

i.  Harriet  Maria  Palmer,  b.  Dec.  2,  1841,  m.,  July  2,  1863,  George  B.  Lind- 
sey,  a  printer  and  editor  at  Plymouth.  Their  chi.  are,  (i)  Neffie  Palmer 
Lindsey,  b.  at  Plymouth,  Ind.,  March  22,  1866,  m.,  April  18,  1883. 
Martin  Luther  Helpman,  a  farmer  at  Bourbon,  Ind.  (2)  Hattie  Arlo- 
vine  Lindsey,  b.  April  15,  1868,  at  Des  Moines,  Iowa.  (3)  George 
Walter  Lindsey,  b.  Dec.  25,  1872,  at  Chicago,  111. 

ii.  John  Walbridge  Palmer,  b.  Oct.  4,  1844,  m.,  Nov.  21,  1871,  Katharine 
Hohann,  and  is  a  grocer  and  dry  goods  merchant  in  Plymouth,  Ind. 

iii.  Mary  Electa  Palmer,  b.  Jan.  28,  1852,  m.,  Sept.  8,  1870,  George  H.  E. 
Fleming,  and  had  one  child,  Georgia  Emma  Fleming,  b.  Feb.  11,  1874. 
Mr.  Fleming  d.  in  1875,  and  his  widow  m.,  Dec.  25,  1877,  D.  W.  Green, 
a  lawyer  at  Ligonier,  Ind.,  where  they  reside.  Their  son,  Charles 
Frederick  Green,  was  born  Oct.  20,  1881. 

iv.  Charles  Willis  Palmer,  b.  Oct.  29,  1854,  m.,  Nov.  11,  1880,  Clara  Bell 
Long.  He  is  a  member  of  Charles  Palmer  &  Co.,  furniture  dealers  at 
Plymouth,  Ind.,  where  they  reside  with  their  son,  Charles  Cooper 
Palmer,  b.  Dec.  26,  1881. 


SOLON  REYNOLDS*  {Johti,"  Solomon,*  Henry, ^  Henry, "^  Henry^).  b. 
March  20,  1821,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  m.,  Dec.  13,  1846,  at  Pulaski,  Wis.,  Har- 
riet Gage,  from  Michigan.     Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  farmer  at  Avoca,  Wis.     He 

is  said  to  have  married  for  second  wife  Deborah  .     Letters  sent  to 

his  sons  have  been  unanswered,  and  to  themselves  is  due  the  lack  of  data 
of  their  family. 

812     i.  Maria,  b.  Nov.  6,  1847,  d.  March  20,  1848. 

^^  ■  ■inn   ■ 



813  ii.  John  Solon,  b.  Nov.  21,  1849,  graduated  as  M.  D.  in  1874  at  the 

University  of  Mich.,  Ann  Arbor;  practices  at  Berlin,  Wis. 

814  iii.  Franklin  Eugene,  b.  Sept.  23,  1851,  grad.  as  M.  D.  in  1877,  and 

practices  at  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

815  iv.  Hutoka,  b.  Feb.  13,  1854,  d.  May  22,  1880. 

816  V.  Dakota,  b.  Feb.  13,  1854,  m.  and  lives  in  Colorado. 

817  vi.   Mary,  b.  Jan.  6,  1856,  lives  at  home,  Avoca,  Wis. 

818  vii.   Ella,  b.  Dec.  15,  1858,  m. Pinkerton. 


MARY*  {Jolui,'^  Solomon,-*  Hciiry.^  Henry,"  Hcnry^),  b.  June  21,  1823, 
at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  March  12,  1877,  at  Marengo,  111.,  m.,  Feb.  17,  1840, 
at  Plymouth,  Ind.,  Henry  Emerson  Farmer,  a  blacksmith,  b.  March  24,  1818, 
at  Castleton,  Vt.,  d.  April  7,  1878,  at  Avoca,  Wis.  He  was  the  son  of  Emer- 
son Farmer,  who  was  born  July  17,  1778,  and  whose  name  appears  as  En- 
sign on  an  old  Vermont  military  commission,  now  in  possession  of  his  grand- 
dau.,  Mrs.  Kidder,  dated  June  18,  1823. 

i.  John  Emerson  Farmer,  b.  Sept.  5,  1841,  at  Kingsbury,  Ind.,  m.,  Aug.  19, 

1864,  at  Beloit,  Wis.,  Emma  Cooling,  of  Rockford,  111.,  where  he  d. 
Nov.  II,  1894. 

ii.   Marion  Eugenia  Farmer,  b.  Oct.  17,  1847,  at  Chicago,  111.,  m.,  Dec.  6, 

1865,  at  Marengo,  111.,  Mile  Eastman,  of  South  Elgin,  III,  lives  (1895) 
at  East  Tawas,  Mich. 

iii.  Lilian  Jane  Farmer,  b.  Nov.  18,  1856,  at  Marengo,  111.,  there  m.,  Jan.  26, 
1877,  Frank  Edward  Kidder,  of  Boston,  Mass.  Address,  335  Merrick 
Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich,  where  Mr.  Kidder  is  in  the  real  estate  business. 


MARTIN  REYNOLDS*  {John-'  Solomon,*  Henry,''  Henry,-  Henry'), 
h.  April  27,  1826,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  May  10,  1888,  at  Wyoming,  Neb. 
He  m.,  Feb.  17,  1853,  at  Laporte,  Indiana,  Sarah  Augusta  Thurber,  b.  Aug. 
31,  1834.  at  Laporte,  Ind.,  d.  June  20,  1874,  at  Wyoming,  Neb.,  having 
borne  five  children.  Mr.  Walbridge  m.  for  second  wife.  April  27,  1876,  at 
Wyoming,  Neb.,  Mrs.  Ellen  C.  Cherry,  by  whom  he  had  two  chi.  He  was 
a  farmer,  and  sent  a  substitute  to  the  war.     His   first   wife  was   a   dau.   of 


Nathaniel  and  Sarah  (Lealand)  Thurber.     His  family  reside  at  Wyoming, 

819  i.  Jessie  May,  b.  April  3,  1854,  m.,  June  29,  1876,  W.  H.  M.  Robb,  and 

lives  at  Nebraska  City,  Neb. 

820  ii.  Charles  P.,  b.  Aug.  5,  1856,  m.,  Sept.  13,  1883,  Louisa  Yard,  has  no 

chi.,  and  lives  at  Albuquerque,  N.  M. 

821  iii.   Carrie  A.,  b.  Dec.  3,  1858,  a  music  teacher  at  South  Bend,  Ind. 

822  iv.  Ida  May,  b.  Oct.  21,  1868,  d.  Aug.  24,  1872. 

823  V.  Ross  Lealand,  b.  April  3,  1871,  d.  Sept.  20,  1872. 

824  vi.  Frank  B.,  b.  July  29,  1878. 

825  vii.  Eugene  Martin,  b.  Dec.  25,  1879. 


SOLOMON*  {William,^  Solomon*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  b.  Nov.  14, 
1820,  in  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  Jan.  16,  1891,  at  Phoenix,  Arizona.  He  m., 
April  4,  1854,  in  Collin  Co.,  Texas,  Amy  Crocker,  b.  Dec.  23,  1834,  at  Bloom- 
ington,  Indiana,  d.  Dec.  22,  1894,  at  Phoenix,  Arizona.  She  was  the  dau.  of 
Orion  Crocker,  son  of  Theophilus  (whose  wife  was  a  sister  of  Ethan  Allen), 
and  a  cousin  of  Charles  Crocker  of  the  Central  Pacific  R.  R.  He  was  born 
in  N.  Y.  State  about  1785,  served  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  d.  in  Texas  in  1864. 
His  wife  was  Alice  Berry,  who  was  born  about  1800  in  Kentucky,  and  is  said 
to  have  been  a  dau.  of  Ethan  Allen's  sister.  They  had  eight  children,  Wil- 
liam, Allen,  Alfred,  Martha,  Eliza,  Mary,  who  m.  Henry  Walbridge;  Amy, 
who  m.  Solomon  Walbridge,  and  Lois. 

826  i.  Olive  Perry,  b.  March  8,  1855,  in  Texas. 

827  ii.  Alfred  Perry,  b.  Dec.  27,  1857,  m.  Narcissa  Wright. 


HENRY"  {William,^  Solomon*  Henry?  Henry,^  Henry^),  b.  Aug.  30, 
1822,  in  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  Nov.  22,  1883,  at  Jerusalem,  Calif.  He  m., 
April  12,  185 1,  in  Fannin  Co.,  Texas,  Mary,  dau.  of  Orion  and  Mary  (Berry) 
Crocker.     (See  465.)     She  was  born  Oct.  2j,  1829,  at  Bloomington,  Indiana. 

Henry  Walbridge  moved  to  Texas  in  1850,  and  thence  in  1859  to  Cali- 
fornia, in  which  State  he  lived  the  rest  of  his  life.  His  surviving  children 
all  live  in  California  save  Wm.  S.,  who  moved  to  Washington  with  his  family 
in  1883,  and  lives  at  Auburn  in  that  State;  he  lived  also  at  Slaughter,  Wash. 


828  i.  Myra,  b.  Feb.  26,  1852;  lives  at  Montalvo,  Calif. 

829  ii.  William  S.,  b.  Jan.  3,  1854,  m.,  Sept.  2,  1875,  Eva  Tyrrell. 

830  iii.  Orion  C,  b.  March  5,  1856,  d.  June  3,  1892. 

831  iv.  Harvey  M.,  b.  July  20,  1858,  ni.,  May  15,  1889,  Carrie  Johnson; 

lives  at  Montalvo,  Calif. 

832  v.   Mattie,  b.  May  2,  1861,  at  Bakersfield,  Calif.,  m.,  Nov.  17,  1894, 

Fred  W.  Yates,  who  was  born  May  18,  1864,  at  Fond  du  Lac,  Wis. 
They  reside  at  Santa  Barbara,  Calif. 

833  vi.  George  A.,  b.  Aug.  15,  1869,  lives  at  Montalvo,  Calif. 


ADELIA*  {Soloynon,^  Solomon*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  b.  Aug.  19, 
1819,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  June  26,  1857,  at  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  m..  May  8, 
1844,  George  W.  Cleveland,  who  was  born  Dec.  i,  1816,  at  Georgia,  Vt., 
d.  March  6,  1878,  at  Condon,  111.,  son  of  John  D.  and  Abi  (White)  Cleveland, 
of  Georgia,  Vt. 

i.  EHzabeth  Walbridge  Cleveland,  b.  Oct.  31,  1847,  m.,  Jan.  20,  1869,  Charles 
J.  Allen,  resides  at  4234  Morgan  St.,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and  has  had  (i) 
Philip  Cleveland  Allen,  b.  Dec.  20,  1869,  at  Rock  Island,  111.  (2) 
George  Walbridge  Allen,  b.  Dec.  23,  1871,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.  (3) 
Charles  Kissam  Allen,  b.  Dec.  3,  1875,  at  St.  Louis  Mo.  (4)  Grace 
Elizabeth  Allen,  b.  Sept.  18,  1886,  at  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

"Allen,  Chas.  J.  (Major  of  Engineers).  Born  in  N.  Y.  Jan.  31. 
1840.  Retiring  year,  1904;  appointed  fr.  N.  Y.  Cadet  at  the  U.  S.  Mili- 
tary Acad.,  July  i,  '60;  grad.  June  13,  '64.  Actual  rank,  ist  Lieut. 
Engs.  June  13,  '64;  Capt.  March  7,  '67;  Major  Jan.  10,  '83.  Brevet 
rank — Capt.  Aug.  24,  '61,  for  highly  meritorious  services  in  the  sieges 
of  Forts  Gaines  and  Morgan,  Ala.;  Major  March  26,  '65,  for  gallant 
and  meritorious  services  during  the  campaign  against  the  city  of  Mobile 
and  its  defenses.  Service — Served  during  the  war  of  the  Rebellion, 
'64-'66,  in  the  Military  Division  of  West  Miss.,  July,  '64,  to  July  16,  '65, 
and  in  the  Dept.  of  Louisiana  July  16  to  Aug.  5,  '65,  being  engaged  in 
the  siege  and  capture  of  Fort  Gaines,  Ala.,  Aug.  4-8,  '64;  siege  and 
capture  of  Fort  Morgan,  Ala.,  Aug.  9-23,  '64,  and  in  engineering  duties 
from  the  close  of  the  war."  {Vide  Living  Officers  of  the  U.  S.  Army.) 
Major  Allen  is  seventh  in  descent  from  John  Lee  of  Farmington, 
Conn.,  his  family  there  and  the  McKinstrys  intermarried  a  hundred  or 
so  years  ago. 


ii.  Aba  Adelia  Cleveland,  b.  July  13,  1850,  m.,  May  5,  1875,  Wm.  W.  Nichols, 
and  d.  July  29,  1886. 


LAVINIA**  {Solomon,^  Solomon*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  b.  Dec.  3, 
1821,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  Feb.  23,  1892,  at  Neenah,  Wis.,  m.,  May  5,  1842, 
Guy  Meigs,  of  Highgate,  Vt.,  who  d.  Feb.  18,  1889. 

i.  Lucy  Meigs,  b.  Sept.  12,  1844,  m.,  May  4,  1864,  Amos  Klingensmith;  no 
chi. ;  residence  205  Mason  St.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

ii.  Julia  Meigs,  b.  Aug.  22,  1846,  m..  May  4,  1865,  Oscar  F.  Ladd,  and  had 
chi.,  (i)  Grace  Ladd,  b.  July  22,  1866,  d.  April  6,  1873.  (2)  Lulu  Ladd, 
b.  July  18,  1871,  d.  April  12,  1873.  (3)  Allen  Harwood  Ladd,  b.  Oct. 
29,  1874,  lives  in  Mitchell  Co.,  So.  Dakota.  The  family  live  4220  Berk- 
ley Ave.,  Chicago,  111. 

iii.  Mary  J.  Meigs,  b.  Aug.  24,  1848,  m.,  Feb.  5,  1868,  Charles  S.  Webster, 
and  had  Cora  Mildred  Webster,  b.  Nov.  3,  1869,  resides  4222  Berk- 
ley Avenue,  Chicago,  111. 

iv.  Adelia  Meigs,  b.  March  17,  1855;  lives  at  Neenah,  Wis. 

V.  Walbridge  Meigs,  b.  April  13,  1857,  d.  Aug.  28,  1864. 


MARY''  {Solomon,^  Solomon,*  Henry,^  Henry,-  Henry^),  b.  June  6,  1824, 
at  Bedford,  Quebec,  Canada,  d.  May  6,  1893,  at  Plattsburg,  N.  Y.  She  m., 
June  2,  1847,  at  Mystic,  Canada,  Thomas  Brainerd  Nichols,  M.  D.,  b.  March 
21,  1817,  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  son  of  Levi  and  Rachael  (Smith)  Nichols.  Mary 
Walbridge  first  attended  school  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  and  completed  her  educa- 
tion at  the  then  well-known  seminary  at  Montreal,  Canada,  conducted  by 
Mrs.  Easton.  An  interesting  memorial  of  Mrs.  Nichols  was  printed  by  the 
family  soon  after  her  death,  which  presents  the  life  of  a  fond  mother  and  de- 
voted wife. 

Thomas  Brainerd  Nichols,  son  of  Levi  and  Rachel  (Smith)  Nichols,  the 
former  a  native  of  Leominster,  Mass.,  and  the  latter  of  Cornish,  N.  H.,  was 
born  in  Enosburg,  Franklin  Co.,Vt.,  March  21, 1817.  His  father,after  obtain- 
ing what  was  then  known  as  a  higher  education,  at  Groton  (Mass.)  Academy, 
turned  his  back  upon  a  prospective  professional  life,  and  betook  himself  to 
the  then  wild  woods  of  Northern,  Vt.,  where  he  purchased  a  small  tract  of 


timbered  land,  turning  in  as  part  payment  the  saddle  horse  and  rifle  that  had 
been  his  companions  on  the  journey  from  Massachusetts.  He  at  once  began 
to  fell  the  timber  and  clear  the  land,  and  two  years  later,  in  Jan.,  18 15,  he  was 
married  to  Rachel  Smith,  who  accompanied  him  to  his  house  the  following 
spring.  To  them  eleven  children  were  born,  eight  boys  and  three  girls.  Of 
these  Thomas  B.  was  the  second  chi.  The  farm  being  still  new  and  heavily 
timbered  when  Thomas  was  born,  and  the  number  of  hungry  mouths  rapidly 
increasing,  he  was  kept  at  work  on  the  farm  until  his  nineteenth  year.  Soon 
after  this  he  entered  the  Johnson  Academy,  at  Johnson,  Vt.,  and  began  to 
fit  himself  for  college.  He  entered  the  University  of  Vt.  in  Sept.,  1838, 
spent  one  year  there,  and  in  the  fall  of  '39  went  South,  spending  the  autumn 
and  winter  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  and  the  spring  and  summer  in  the  city  of 
N.  Y.,  during  which  time  he  prepared  and  had  published  the  first  business 
directory  of  N.  Y.  City,  after  the  plan  of  one  he  had  seen  in  Philadelphia. 
Selling  his  interest  in  this  venture  to  one  John  Daggett,  of  Boston,  he  re- 
turned in  the  fall  of  '40  to  the  University,  taking  his  degree  in  1843.  While 
at  the  Academy  and  College  he  taught  district  school  during  vacations  in 
the  winters,  and  worked  on  the  farm  in  summer.  After  graduation  he  taught 
first  at  Clarenceville  (Conn.)  Academy,  then  at  Bedford  Academy,  Quebec, 
both  of  which  schools  were  adopted  by  the  Provincial  Govt,  while  under  his 
charge.  In  1848  he  gave  up  teaching  to  devote  himself  to  the  study  of  medi- 
cine, which  he  had  before  pursued  as  he  had  opportunity.  In  Nov.,  1850, 
he  graduated  from  the  Castleton,  Vt.,  Med.  Coll.,  and  practiced  at  Crown 
Point,  N.  Y.,  with  his  bro.,  Dr.  B.  S.  Nichols,  whom  he  soon  succeeded.  In 
1856  he  received  an  honorary  degree  from  his  Alma  Mater,  the  Univer.  of 
Vt.  After  thirteen  and  a  half  years  of  arduous  work  he  went  to  Plattsburg, 
N.  Y.  In  1865  he  especially  interested  himself  in  the  reorganization  of  the 
Clinton  Co.  Med.  Soc,  of  which  he  has  been  V.  P.,  Censor  and  Treas.  He 
is  also  a  member  of  the  Northern  N.  Y.  Med.  Assoc,  and  of  the  Med.  Soc. 
of  the  State  of  N.  Y.  During  the  early  years  of  his  residence  in  Plattsburg 
he  identified  himself  with  the  First  Presby.  Ch.,  of  which  he  soon  became 
Trustee  and  Elder.  For  years  he  was  Treas.  of  the  Clinton  Co.  Bible  Soc, 
and  is  now  (1895)  its  President  and  a  life  Director  in  the  Amer.  Bible  Soc. 

At  the  organization  of  the  Merchants'  National  Bk.  of  Plattsburg  he 
became  and  still  is  one  of  the  directors. 

Always  temperate,  never  using  stimulants  or  narcotics  of  any  kind,  he 
is  hale  and  hearty  in  his  77th  year  as  most  men  at  50. 

In  1865  he  was  made  U.  S.  Pension  Surg,  at  Plattsburg,  and  held  the 
office  until  the  organization  of  the  Plattsburg  Board  of  Surgeons,  of  which 
he  was  the  originator,  and  became  Prest.,  holding  office  until  deposed  by 


the  accession  of  Grover  Cleveland  to  the  Presidency.  Under  Harrison  he 
was  again  on  the  Board  as  its  Treas.,  resigning  when  Cleveland  was  re- 

i.  Thomas  Brainerd  Nichols,  b.  June  17,  1848,  m.,  Dec.  9,  1879,  Ellen  C. 

ii.  William  Walbridge  Nichols,  b.  Sept.  i,  1849,  d.  July  30,  1886,  m.,  May 

5,  1875,  Aba  Cleveland,  an  own  cousin  on  the  Walbridge  side,  and  dau. 

of  George  W.  and  Adelia  (Walbridge)  Cleveland  (her  sister  m.  Chas.  J. 

Allen,  of  St.  Louis,  Mo.).     Chi.,  (i)  William  Walbridge  Nichols,  b. 

Dec.  16,  1876,  (2)  Clive  McKinstrey  Nichols,  b.  July  30,  1882. 

George  W.  Cleveland  was  the  son  of  John  D.  and  Abi  (White) 

Cleveland,  and  grandson  of  Elisha  and  Hannah  (a  widow)  Cleveland, 
iii.  James  Allen  Nichols,  b.  May  5,  1858,  at  Crown  Point,  Essex  Co.,  N.  Y., 

a  physician,  resides  at  201  W.  117th  St.,  N.  Y.  City, 
iv.  Charles  McKinstrey  Nichols,  b.  Dec.  19.  1862,  m.,  Sept.  5,  1888,  Mary  S. 

Edwards.     He  is  head  of  C.  M.  Nichols  &  Co.,  85  Dearborn  St.,  Chi- 
cago, 111. 


ALEXANDER  SOLOMON"  (Solomon,^  Solomon*  Henry.^  Hcnryr 
Henry^),  h.  Oct.  12,  1828,  at  Stanbridge,  Canada,  where  he  was  m.,  Feb.  3, 
1869,  by  Revd.  T.  Constable,  to  Harriet  Eliza  Taylor,  who  was  born  Jan.  26, 
1846,  at  Petre  River,  six  miles  west  of  Mystic.  Canada.  She  was  the  dau. 
of  Abel  Louis  Taylor  and  Almira  Hale  Ellis.  The  chi.  were  all  born  at 
Stanbridge  save  Alex.  S.,  who  was  born  at  Petre  River.  Mr.  Walbridge 
and  family  reside  at  Mystic,  Province  of  Quebec,  Canada.  As  a  boy  he  at- 
tended the  district  school  until  1847.  when  his  father  gave  up  trying  to  make 
a  farmer  of  him,  as  he  was  constantly  employed  with  his  gimlet  and  jack-knife 
in  making  saw-mills,  water-wheels,  etc.,  which  he  had  running  on  the  nearest 

May  26,  1847,  he  went  to  Littleton,  N.  H.,  to  learn  the  trade  of  mill- 
wright, and  worked  there  a  year,  fifteen  hours  a  day,  at  $12  a  month,  and 
when  his  time  was  up  returned  home  with  $130.  which  he  writes  was  in  those 
days  a  big  sum  for  a  boy.  This  trade  he  followed  until  his  father's  death 
in  1854.  After  settling  the  estate,  he  studied  machine  work  for  three 
months,  then  entered  a  shop  in  Malone,  N.  Y.,  and  was  foreman  in  charge 
of  building  portable  engines.  Here  he  remained  for  three  years,  when  his 
health  failing,  he  went  abroad  and  visited  England,  France,  Scotland,  and 


Ireland,  and  on  his  return  again  went  into  the  Malone  shop  for  three  years. 
At  the  time  of  Mr.  Lincoln's  election  in  1863  Air.  Walbridge,  though  a 
British  subject,  cast  his  vote  for  him,  "and  never  regretted  it."  During 
that  year  he  severed  his  connection  with  the  Malone  shop  and  visited  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  also  many  of  the  battle-fields,  being  at  Gettysburg  soon  after 
the  battle.  In  1865  with  a  friend  he  took  a  trip  over  all  the  battle-fields, 
visited  the  Mammoth  Cave  in  Kentucky,  and  returning  to  his  Canadian 
home,  bought  out  the  other  interests  in  the  homestead.  Through  his  eflforts 
the  first  P.  O.  at  Mystic  was  established,  while  he  also  named  the  town  and 
started  the  Mystic  Iron  Works.  In  1866  he  built  a  new  and  handsome  brick 
house  a  few  rods  from  the  site  of  the  log  cabin  where  his  parents  first  settled 
in  1822.  Here  the  chi.  were  all  born  except  the  son,  who  was  born  at  Petre 
River,  his  mother's  birthplace.  Mr.  \\'albridge's  mother  left  as  the  pro- 
ceeds of  her  dairy  some  silver  coins,  from  which  he  has  made  a  cup  and 
spoons,  putting  on  the  cup  the  family  coat  of  arms,  with  a  log  cabin  with 
old  Dutch  chimney  and  an  appropriate  inscription,  thus  making  a  valuable 

834  i.  Lena  EHzabeth,  b.  Feb.  7,  1870. 

835  ii.  Mabel,  b.  June  14,  1871. 

836  iii.  Almira,  b.  March  19,  1873,  d.  Dec.  8,  1877. 
St^7  iv.  Helen,  b.  Sept.  18,  1874. 

838  V.  Ann  EHza,  b.  March  17,  1876. 

839  vi.  Adelia  Lavinia,  b.  April  18,  1879. 

840  vii.  Alexander  Solomon,  b.  Nov.  15,  1883. 

841  viii.  Lois  Josephine,  b.  June  9,  if 


ESTHER  MARGARET*  {Silas.''  Silas*  Henry?  Henry.-  Henry'),  b. 
July  8,  1814,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  m..  May  23,  1833,  Thomas  H. 

i.  Adelaide  Hyatt. 

ii.  Jennie  Hyatt,  m.  George  North,  said  to  live  in  California. 

iii.  Hart  Hyatt. 

iv.  Louise  Hvatt. 



SILAS  DEWEY«  {Silas,^  Silas*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry"-),  b.  May  28, 
1815,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  m.,  Jan.  14,  1840,  at  Gaines,  N.  Y.,  Sarah 
Maria,  dau.  of  Dr.  Thomas  Archibald  and  Sarah  ( )  Anderson. 

Mr.  Walbridge  removed  in  1843  from  Gaines,  N.  Y.,  to  Rochester, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  had  a  large  Hvery  estabhshment  for  four  years,  and  from 
1847  to  1863  was  proprietor  of  the  Eagle  Hotel;  is  living  (1898),  and  the  por- 
trait shown  is  from  a  photo,  taken  in  1895. 

842  i.  Arthur  Dewey,  b.  April  10,  1843,  at  Gaines,    N.   Y.,   d.    March   4, 

1872.  He  graduated  at  Princeton  College  in  1867,  where  he  was 
a  member  of  Beta  Phi  Chapter,  Delta  Kappa  Epsilon,  was  on  the 
editorial  staflf  of  the  N.  Y.  Tribune,  and  a  man  of  literary  and  musical 
tastes.  He  composed  several  popular  pieces  of  music,  among  them, 
"Now  I  Lay  Me  Down  to  Sleep,"  "Only  a  Face  at  the  Window," 
"Gone,"  and  "Sleeping  Where  the  Daisies  Grow."  He  began  the 
practice  of  law  in  the  ofBce  of  G.  F.  Danforth,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

843  ii.  Henry  Anderson,  b.  March  3,  1845.  d.  March  4,  1845. 

844  iii.   Helen  Maria,  b.  Nov.  12,  1848,  d.  April  14,  1876. 

845  iv.  Sarah,  b.  June  8,  1851,  d.  Sept.  7,  1851. 

846  V.  Mary,  b.  June  8,  1851,  d.  Nov.  21,  1865. 

847  vi.  Edward  Newton,  b.  Oct.  11,  1859,  m.  Helen  Velnette  Hess. 


DANIEL  TILDEN«  {Silas.^  Silas,*  Henry,^  Henry,"^  Henry^),  b.  Jan. 
22,  1817,  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  d.  March  15,  1857,  at  New  Haven. 
Conn.,  while  there  on  a  business  trip.  He  m.,  Aug.  10.  1841,  at  Gaines. 
N.  Y.,  Eunice,  fourth  chi.  of  James  Mather  and  Fanny  Bryant.  She  was 
born  Sept.  12,  1821.  at  Gaines  or  Clarkson,  N.  Y.,  and  d.  April  15,  1859.  at 
Rochester,  N.  Y.  The  Mich.  Pioneer  and  Hist.  Collection  says,  "Mrs.  Adeline 
Stewart,  born  at  Gaines,  N.  Y.,  in  1819.  and  d.  1890  in  Flint.  Mich., 
was  sister  of  Mrs.  Daniel  T.  Walbridge,  of  Rochester,  N.  Y.;  her  husband 
survives  her."  James  Mather  was  born  July  23,  1784,  at  Marlboro,  Vt.,  d. 
Aug.  29,  1855,  m.  Feb.  15,  1813,  and  had  eight  chi.;  his  wife  d.  in  1881. 

Mr.  Walbridge  moved  with  his  father  from  Gaines,  N.  Y.,  to  Clarkson, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  lived  until  after  his  marriage,  when  he  went  to  live  at  Roches- 
ter, where  his  chi.  were  born. 



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848  i.   Daniel  Mather,  b.  Oct.  15,  1842,  m.,  Sept.  3,  1867,  Mary  Elliott  Joy. 

He  is  a  banker  at  No.  10  Broad  St.,  N.  Y.  City. 

849  ii.  Mary  Eloise,  b.  April  i,  1847,  m.,  June  7,  1871,  Daniel  West  Bush. 

850  iii.  Fanny  Effa,  b.  March  17,  1849,  d.  April  15,  1859. 


GEORGE  WASHINGTON^  {Silas,^  Silas*  Henry, ^  Henry,-  Henry'), 
b.  Nov.  28,  1822,  at  Brighton,  N.  Y.,  d.  Feb.  15,  1878,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. 
He  m.,  April  11,  1844,  at  Stephentown,  N.  Y.,  Augusta  Piatt,  dau.  of  Henry 

and  Martha  ( )  Piatt.     She  was  born  Sept.  21,  1825,  at  Stephentown, 

N.  Y.     Mr.  Walbridge  was  for  many  years  a  resident  of  Rochester,  N.  Y., 
and  proprietor  of  the  Waverly  Hotel. 

851  i.  Frances  Augusta,  b.  at  Clarkson,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  22,  1845,  m.,  Oct.  14, 

1869,  William  Henry  Mathews,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where  they 
reside;  no  chi. 

852  ii.  Georgianna  Piatt,  b.  June  11,  185 1,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where  she 

m.,  March  26,  1879,  Calvin  Cook  Laney,  and  had  (i)  Marie  Wal- 
bridge Laney,  b.  March  25.  1880,  at  Warsaw,  N.  Y.  (2)  Augusta 
Piatt  Laney,  and  (3)  Esther  Dewey  Laney;  the  last  two  are  twins, 
b.  May  5,  1883,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y. 


JOHN  JAY«  {John  Jay,"  Silas,*  Henry,""  Henry,"  Henry'),  b.  May  4,  1826, 
at  Gaines,  N.  Y.,  d.  April  28,  1889.  He  m.,  April  16,  1850,  Martha  E.  Moss, 
b.  Oct.  5,  183 1,  at  Morganville,  N.  Y.  Mrs.  Martha  E.  W.  wrote  me,  Oct.. 
'94,  from  Battle  Creek,  Mich.,  and  should  imagine  from  her  letter  she  had  a 
son  Robert  M.,  but  had  no  response  to  further  inquiries. 

853  i.  Frederick  Jay,  b.  July  4,  1851,  m.  Louise  J. . 

854  ii.  Harry  M.,  b.  in  1853,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y. 


WILLIAM  HENRY«  (Septimeons,"  Silas,*  Henry,^  Hcnry,^  Henry'-), 
b.  May  17,  1833,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  Oct.  10,  i860,  Chyllene,  dau.  of 
Seth  and  Sarah  (Ball)  Parsons.     She  was  born  at  Hoosick  Falls,  N.  Y.,  July 


29,  1835.     Her  mother,  Sarah  Ball,  was  born  at  Wilmington,  Vt.,  d.  Dec. 

30,  1866,  aged  79  years.  Mr.  Walbridge  after  his  father's  death  lived  with 
his  mother  at  the  residence  of  her  youngest  bro.,  Wm.  E.  Hawks,  N.  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  getting  his  education  at  "the  little  red  school  house,"  clerking 
at  the  store,  and  doing  the  chores  at  home  until  he  was  20  years  old,  when 
he  entered  a  hardware  store  in  N.  Y.  City,  where  he  remained  until  Jan., 
1873,  when  he  removed  to  Chicago.  111.,  where  he  has  since  been  in  business; 
resides  at  La  Grange,  111.,  with  his  only  chi. 

855  i.  Walter  Parsons,  b.  16-9-1861,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  was  unm.  Oct., 
1892,  with  the  Chicago  branch  of  Sherman  S.  Jewett  &  Co.,  of  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y.,  and  resides  at  La  Grange,  111. 


ORLO  JUDSON*  {Benjamin  Franklin.^  Asa*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^). 
h.  Dec.  27,  1814,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  d.  June,  1880,  at  Eau  Claire,  Wis.  He 
m..  Feb.  18,  1836,  at  Madrid,  N.  Y.,  Althea  Maria  Packard,  b.  Dec.  8,  1815. 
at  Madrid,  N.  Y.,  living  in  1892.  She  was  the  dau.  of  Abisha  Packard,  who 
was  bom  June  25,  1783,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  and  m.  Olive  Peck,  who  was 
born  Dec.  26,  1794,  at  Hoosick,  N.  Y.,  and  was  a  lineal  descendant  of  Wm. 
Hyde,  one  of  the  founders  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  as  follows,  dau.  of  Olive  Hyde, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Hyde,  son  of  Thomas  Hyde,  son  of  Samuel  Hyde,  son  of 
Wm.  Hyde,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  whose  son  Wm.  was  a  witness  to  the  will  of 
Henry  Wallbridge,  of  Norwich. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  a  farmer  near  Madrid,  N.  Y.,  where  his  first  four 
chi.  were  born.  In  1844  he  began  preaching  in  the  M.  E.  Church,  and  in 
1833  moved  with  his  family  to  W^is.,  where  his  son,  Luther  P.,  was  b.  in  Rem- 
ington Prairie,  while  Julius  E.  was  b.  at  Crystal  Lake,  111. 

856  i.   Delia  Helen,  b.  May  26,  1837,  m.  John  Emery  Canright. 

857  ii.  Amy  Melinda,  b.  July  6,  1841,  m.,  Oct.  20,  1864,  William  S.  Kinyon, 

a  farmer  of  Waterford,  Dakota  Co.,  Minn.,  where  they  reside  with 
four  chi. 

858  iii.  Joseph  Austin,  b.  March  i,  1846,  m.,  1880. ,  having  gone 

in  1878  to  San  Francisco,  Calif.     He  is  a  music  teacher. 

859  iv.   Cyrus  Packard,  b.  July  20,  1849,  m.  Lizzie  M.  Merrell. 

860  V.   Luther  Peck,  b.  June  23,  1856.  studied  medicine  at  Iowa  City,  and 

graduated  at  the  Indiana  College  of  Medicine  at  Indianapolis,  Ind., 


in  1884.     He  practiced  at  Grafton,  111.,  and  in  1892  was  located  at 
Decatur,  III.,  then  unm. 
861     vi.  Julius  Emery,  b.  May  4,  1858,  a  teacher,  unm.  in  1892. 


AURILLA*  {Benjamin  Franklin.^  Asa*  Henry,^  Henry,"^  Henry^).  b. 
Aug.  9.  1819,  in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  Oct.  20,  1885,  at  Siata,  Dakota 
Co.,  Minn.  She  m.,  Oct.  6,  1842,  at  Madrid,  now  Waddington,  N.  Y., 
Franklin  Erwin,  b.  March  22,  1818,  in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  Feb.  2, 
1890,  at  Randal.  Morrison  Co.,  Minn.  Son  of  John  and  Mary  Erwin;  he 
was  a  farmer,  and  lived  at  Cascade,  Minn. 

.   Charlotte  Walbridge  Envin,  b.  July  7.  1843,  m.  Wm.  Church,  a  farmer, 
i.   Lucia  Ervvin,  b.  June  7,  1845,  m.  Elias  Scott,  a  farmer. 
ii.  Cecilia  Ervvin,  b.  May  16,  1847,  m.  Nelson  Hoople.  a  merchant. 
V.  Albert  Edward  Erwin,  b.  May  i,  1849,  !"••  J^ne  21,  1882,  at  Canton.  St. 
Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Emily  Jamieson.     He  is  (1895)  Genl.  Mgr.  of  the 
Stedman  Elevator  Co..  and  resides  Sauk  Centre.  Minn.     Have  two  chi., 
(i)  Annabel  Aurilla  Erwin,  b.  Dec.  8.  1885,  and  (2)  Harriet  Jamieson 
Erwin,  b.  Aug.  14.  1889. 
V.   Eliza  Envin,  b.  Aug.  5,  1851,  m.  David  Hossan  Miller, 
vi.  Temperance  Erwin,  b.  Dec.  26,  1853.  d.  Oct.  15,  1855. 
vii.  Orlo  Erwin,  b.  Jan.  2,  1857,  m.  Lucinda  Pond, 
viii.  Mary  Envin,  b.  Jan.  22.  i860,  m.  Alex.  Jamieson,  a  farmer. 
ix.  Cora  Envin,  b.  Jan.  29,  1863,  m.  John  Whitson,  a  farmer. 


CHARLOTTE  AUSTIN«  {Benjamin  Franklin,''  Asa,*  Henry, ^  Henry, ^ 
Hcnry^).  b.  March  6.  1825.  at  Madrid.  N.  Y..  d.  May  10.  1894,  at  Milwaukee. 
Wis.  She  m..  March  7,  1847,  at  Madrid,  N.  Y.,  Thomas  W.  Taylor,  who 
was  murdered  near  Kenosha.  Wis.,  in  1862,  while  on  his  way  south  to  buy 
cattle.  He  was  the  son  of  Rev.  Wm.  Taylor,  a  native  of  Scotland,  who  m. 
Mary  Armstrong,  and  in  i8ig  organized  a  church  at  Madrid,  N.  Y..  of  which 
he  was  pastor  until  1837.  when  it  had  370  members. 

i.  Agnes  Taylor,  b.  in  1848.  at  Madrid.  N.  Y.,  m..  in  1882,  Turn- 
grain;  lives  at  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  and  has  (i)  Paul  Turngrain,  b.  Nov.  24, 


1883.  (2)  Carl  Robert  Turngrain,  b.  Dec.  19,  1885,  d.  Nov.  11,  1886. 
(3)  Charlotte  Turngrain,  b.  Sept.  i,  1888. 
ii.  Henriette  Walbridge  Taylor,  b.  March  25.  1850,  at  Madrid,  N.  Y.,  m., 
Aug.  20,  1872,  Sellars  Leishman,  b.  Dec.  30,  1849,  at  Waddington, 
N.  Y.,  son  of  Edward  and  Aniorette  Leishman.  He  is  a  lawyer  of 
Waddington,  and  under  the  first  Cleveland  administration  held  the  post 
of  U.  S.  Commercial  Agent  at  Morrisburg,  Canada.  His  wife  is  an 
artist  and  fine  elocutionist.  They  had  three  children,  who  all  died 
within  a  year  of  their  birth. 


SILAS  G."  {Benjamin  Franklin,^  Asa*  Henry,^  Henry,-  Henry^),  b.  1828. 
in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  he  m.  Susan  Austin.  They  moved  to 
Geneva,  Wis.,  in  1858-9,  then  to  Fremont,  Waupaca  Co.,  Wis.,  where  he 
was  one  of  the  first  settlers,  a  merchant  and  holder  of  several  town  ofifices. 

862  i.  Benjamin  Franklin,  b.  1850,  in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Aug. 

II,  1884,  Frances  GifTord  Whitewater,  was  in  business  for  several 
years  at  Fremont,  then  at  Edgerton,  Wis.,  with  his  bro.,  until  he 
went  to  Janesville,  whence  he  is  said  to  have  gone  to  Whitewater, 
Wis.,  and  engaged  in  the  grocery  trade,  but  letters  sent  there  in  1892 
were  unclaimed. 

863  ii.  Ellen,  b.  1853,  in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  a  teacher. 

864  iii.  Frederick,  b.  1855,  in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y. 

865  iv.   Clinton  S.,  b.  1858,  in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  m.,  in  1880,  Alia 

Wright,  dau.  of  G.  F.  Wright.  He  graduated  from  the  business 
college  at  Oshkosh,  Wis.,  was  in  the  insurance  business  until  1878, 
when  he  went  West  and  speculated  in  land.  Returning  to  Oshkosh, 
he  moved  to  Edgerton,  Rock  Co.,  Wis.,  remaining  there  until  1884, 
when  he  sold  out  on  account  of  ill  health,  and  when  last  heard  from 
(1884)  was  in  Montana. 

866  V.  Flora,  b.  1859,  at  Geneva,  Walworth  Co.,  Wis.,  a  teacher. 

867  vi.    James,  b.  1861,  at  Fremont,  Wis.,  was  with  his  bro.  at  Whitewater, 



JENNIE  E.«  {Buel,^  Asa*  Henry?  Henry,^  Henry^).  b.  March  4,  1847, 
at  Waddington.  N.  Y.  She  m.,  May  6,  1876,  Robert  Reynolds,  who  d.  Aug. 
22,  1878,  leaving  one  chi. 


i.  Daisy  Reynolds. 

Mrs.  Reynolds  m.,  May  12,  1880,  at  Junction  City,  Kansas,  W.  T.  Harts- 
horn, M.  D.,  son  of  W.  A.  T.  Hartshorn  and  Anne  Cookson.  He  was  born 
at  Ironbridge.  Shropshire,  Eng.,  and  graduated  at  St.  Thomas'  Hospital, 
London,  Eng.  They  reside  at  Junction  City,  Kansas,  where  their  chi.  were 

i.  James  Buel  Hartshorn,  b.  May  6,  1881. 

ii.   Paul  Jerome  Hartshorn,  b.  June  15,  1882. 

iii.   Darius  Walbridge  Hartshorn,  b.  March  18,  1884. 

iv.   Leighton  Turner  Hartshorn,  b.  Feb.  6,  1885. 

V.  John  Russe!)  Hartshorn,  b.  May  5,  1886. 

vi.  Jennie  Hartshorn,  b.  May  6,  1889.  d.  Aug.  10,  1889. 



ALONZO  FRANKLIN"  {Alonzo:'  Asa*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  h. 
Feb.  26,  1839,  at  Marseilles,  111.,  where  he  m.,  Feb.  7,  1858,  Delilah,  dau.  of 
Jesse  and  Miranda  (Williams)  Mick.  She  was  born  Aug.  11,  1836,  at  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  her  father  d.  1889,  her  mother  d.  1890.  The  family  reside  at 
Marseilles,  111.,  where  the  chi.  were  born. 

868  i.  Relief  E.,  b.  June  3,  1859,  m.,  Sept.  12,  1882,  Elihu  Baxter;  resides 

at  Coleridge,  Neb. ;  no  chi. 

869  ii.  Adella  D.,  b.  Sept.  12,  1863,  m.,  Feb.  20,  1884,  Wm.  H.  Milliken; 

resides  at  Marseilles,  111.;  no  chi. 


ORA  DELORMA8  {Alonzo.^  Asa*  Henry?  Henry,^  Hcnry^),  b.  June 
15,  1842,  at  Marseilles,  111.,  where  he  m.,  July  8,  1866,  Isabelle  Alvira 
Marshall,  b.  May  22,  1841,  at  Lawrence,  Mich.  She  is  the  dau.  of  Nelson 
Silas  Marshall,  b.  181 1.  d.  1869,  who  m.  Alvira  Gibbs,  b.  1813,  d.  1854. 

Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  dealer  in  jewelry  and  silverware  at  Marseilles,  111., 
where  his  chi.  were  born.  He  writes,  "I  enlisted  Aug.  14,  1862,  in  the  104th 
III.  Vol.  Infty. ;  was  shot  in  right  arm  Dec.  7,  1862,  at  the  battle  of  Hartsville, 
Tenn.     In  service  two  years. 

"Had  good  times,  interspersed  with  hard  times.  Lived  royally  when  we 
had  plenty  of  'hard  tack'  and  'sow  belly'  (which   was   not   often);   remem- 


bering  we  had  to  pin  it  down  sometimes  with  a  bayonet  to  keep  it  from  walk- 
ing leisurely  ofif.  Two  of  my  cousins  were  starved  to  death,  one  in  Libby 
Prison,  the  other  in  Andersonville." 

870  i.   Bertie,  b.  Aug.  9,  1867,  d.  Aug.  8,  1869. 

871  ii.  Asa,  b.  July  27,,  1869,  unm.  1893. 

872  iii.  Ethel  Valentine,  b.  Feb.  14,  1877,  unm.  1893. 


EDWARD  KEYES"  (Alonso,^  Asa*  Hcnry,^  Henry,''  Henry^),  b.  Feb. 
15,  1844,  at  Marseilles,  111.  He  m.,  first,  June  18,  1868,  at  Galesburg,  111., 
Annie  Kane,  b.  May  i,  1848,  d.  Sept.  13,  1874,  at  Ottawa,  111.,  and  for  second 
wife,  Jan.,  1877,  Jennie  Rae,  b.  in  Scotland,  an  orphan  when  at  18  years 
of  age  she  came  to  this  country. 

Mr.  Walbridge  grad.  June,  1868,  at  Lombard  University,  Galesburg, 
111.,  stayed  at  the  homestead  a  year  teaching  school  in  the  winter,  then  moved 
to  Ottawa,  111.,  and  studied  law,  was  admitted  to  the  Bar,  practiced  some 
years,  and  since  has  been  in  real  estate  and  loaning  business.  Removed  in 
1889  to  Pittsburg,  Kan.,  where  he  resides. 

873  i.  Renovia  M..  b.  Dec.  24,  1869.  m.,  March  21,  1892,  at  Pittsburg, 

Kans..  Robert  Holland  Chapman,  b.  Nov.  28,  1867,  at  Hartford, 
Conn.,  son  of  Hon.  Charles  R.  Chapman  and  Harriet  Putnam 
Brownell  (dau.  of  Bishop  Brownell).  He  is  Secy,  of  the  Pittsburg 
&  St.  Louis  Zinc  Co.,  at  Pittsburg,  Kansas.  July,  1897,  they  reside 
at  337  Laurel  St.,  Hartford,  Conn.;  no  chi. 

874  ii.  Seroverus  A.,  b.  Dec.  31,  1872,  unm.  1893. 


SAMUEL  DEXTER8  {Harry  Brush,^  David,*  Henry, ^  Henry, ^  Henry^), 
b.  Oct.  4,  1823,  at  Bergen,  N.  Y.,  m.,  March  2,  1848,  Sarah  Coe.  He  was 
a  miller,  went  to  California  in  1855,  and  in  1868  resided  in  San  Francisco, 
reported  to  have  afterward  gone  to  Central  America.  The  Mich.  Pion.  and 
Hist.  Coll.  says,  "Samuel  D.  Walbridge  d.  in  Kalamazoo  Co.  April  5,  1893, 
aged  68,"  and  mentions  one  Eb.  Walbridge  at  Kalamazoo  July  4,  1845. 
This  latter  person  I  have  been  unable  to  place. 



GEORGE  FAXON"  (Harry  Brush,''  David*  Henry?  Henry r  Henry'), 
b.  Sept.  30,  1825,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Jan.  i,  1852,  at  Providence,  Bureau 
Co.,  111.,  Susan  Booth,  b.  Jan.  20,  1833,  at  Hayfield,  Eng.,  came  with  her 
parents,  Joseph  Booth  and  Hannah  Cooper,  of  Hyde,  Eng.,  to  America  in 
1844,  settling  in  Providence,  111. 

Mr.  Walbridge  went  from  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  when  three  years  old,  to 
Geneseo,  N.  Y.,  thence  in  1843  to  Providence,  111.,  thence  in  1888  to  Nepon- 
set,  same  co.,  where  he  engaged  in  farming.  In  1895  resided  at  118  N. 
Walnut  St.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  with  his  chi.,  May  and  Otis. 

875  i.   Mary  Elizabeth,  b.  March  31,  1855,  at  Providence,  111. 

876  ii.  William  Wilberforce,  b.  Dec.  19,  1856,  d.  Sept.  28,  1873. 

877  iii.  Francis  Watson,  b.  Dec.  19,  1856,  d.  Aug.  11,  1857. 

878  iv.  Frederick  Theodore,  b.  April  19,  1858,  d.  Nov.  11,  1865. 

879  v.  George  Hamilton,  b.  Jan.  8,  1862,  at  Buda,  111.,  where  he  m.,  Oct. 

7,  1891,  Kate  Ward,  b.  May  5,  1854,  at  Augusta,  III,  dau.  of  Elihu 
Ward  and  Rachel  Ingersoll,  resided  1895  at  Sioux  City,  Iowa. 

880  vi.  Otis  Collins,  b.  March  25,  1865,  at  Providence,  111. 

881  vii.  David  Samuel,  b.  July  27,  1868,  d.  Jan.  18,  1868. 


HENRY  STRONG"  {Eliphalet,^  David,*  Henry,^  Henry,'  Hetiry'),  b. 
Jan.  I,  1821,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  March  8,  1841,  Rebecca  J.  Phelps,  and 
for  his  second  wife  m.,  Dec.  28,  1854.  Matilda  Green.  When  last  heard  of 
Mr.  Walbridge  was  a  lumber  dealer  in  Cairo,  111.,  but  letters  sent  there  were 
unanswered.     His  chi.  so  far  as  known  are : 

882  i.  Sally. 

883  ii.  Charles  Henry. 

884  iii.  Eliza  Baldwin. 


EGBERT  ELIPHALET«  {Eliphakt.^  David,*  Henry,^  Henry,-  Henry'), 
h.  May  i,  1824,  at  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Oct.  25,  1849,  at  Landgrove,  Vt., 
Anne  EHza  Lucinda  Tuthill,  born  there  Oct.  25,  1827,  only  chi.  of  Cephas 


Corwin  Tuthill  (son  of  Daniel  and  Sarah  (Braley)  Tuthill)  and  Lucinda 
Brooks  Bigelow,  b.  June  9,  1801  (dau.  of  Reuben  Bigelow,  of  Peru,  Vt.,  b. 
Nov.  23,  1775,  at  Westminster,  Vt.,  and  Abigail  Brooks,  of  Princeton,  b. 
Sept.  16,  1776). 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  a  lumber  dealer  with  his  bro.  at  Thebes,  111.,  then 
at  Walbridge  station  on  the  lUinois  Central  R.  R.,  and  at  Cairo,  111.  Re- 
sides (1895)  at  951  W.  Adams  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

885  i.  Egbert,  b.  Dec.  31,  1850,  d.  Dec.  31,  1850. 

886  ii.  Lucretia  Maria,  b.  March  19,  1852,  at  Thebes,  111.,  m.,  April  22, 

1879,  Alexander  Shaw  Robertson,  b.  June  12,  1846,  in  Lake,  Wash- 
ington Co.,  N.  Y.  Resides  Chicago;  has  a  position  in  P.  O.  Mone}' 
Order  Dept.;  had  chi.,  (i)  Janet  Louise  Robertson,  b.  Cairo,  111., 
Feb.  20,  1880,  d.  March  27,  1880.  (2)  Egbert  Thomas  Robertson, 
b.  Cairo,  111.,  Dec.  8,  1881. 

887  iii.  Willie  Tuthill,  b.  April  5,  1854,  d.  Nov.  4,  1854. 

888  iv.  Ellen  Ann  Eliza,  b.  Nov.  26,  1855,  at  Thebes,  111.,  m.,  Nov.  19, 

1879,  Wm.  Gardner  Robbins,  b.  Nov.  19,  1852,  Cleveland,  Ohio;  re- 
sides (1883)  Topeka,  Kans. ;  is  in  Treasurer's  office  A.,  T.  &  S.  Fe 
R.  R.;  had  chi.,  (i)  Harold  Walbridge  Robbins,  b.  Topeka,  April  26, 

889  V.  Egberta  Bigelow,  b.  April  6,  1858,  d.  April  11,  1859. 

890  vi.  Corwin  Henry,  b.  Feb.  16,  i860,  at  Pulaski,  111.,  was  a  miller,  unm., 

and  residing  1883  in  Lemhi  Co.,  Idaho,  and  appears  in  the  Chicago 
Directory  of  1897  as  a  weigher. 

891  vii.   Richard  John,  b.  Sept.  5,  1862,  d.  Sept.  28,  1864. 

892  viii.  Laura  Lucinda,  b.  June  i,  1866,  a  clerk  in  Recorder's  office,  Chi- 

cago, 1886. 

893  ix.  Edith  Mary,  b.  Oct.  8,  1869. 


WELLS  DAVID«  {David  Saiford,^  David*  Henry,''  Henry, ^  Henry'), 
h.  Sept.  4,  1824,  at  Byron,  Genesee  Co.,  N.  Y.,  d.  April  29,  1880,  at  N.  Y. 
City,  was  buried  June  5,  1880,  in  Forest  Lawn  Cemetery  at  Bufifalo,  N.  Y. 
He  was  m.,  April  19,  1848,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  by  the  Revd.  Samuel  J.  May, 
to  Lydia  Smith  Russell,  who  was  born  Jan.  29,  1828,  at  New  Bedford,  Mass.. 
dau.  of  Wing  and  Elizabeth  (Smith)  Russell. 

Wing  Russell,  b.  1802,  at  New  Bedford,  Mass.,  d.  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y., 


Sept.  10,  1844,  and  is  buried  in  Forest  Lawn  Cemetery,  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  His 
mother  was  Sybil  Winslow. 

Elizabeth  Smith,  b.  Dec.  27,  1793,  m.,  Sept.  i,  1825,  in  Friends'  Meet- 
ing at  New  Bedford,  Mass.,  d.  April  7,  1881,  buried  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  She 
was  the  19th  chi.  of  Abraham  Smith  and  Zerviah  Ricketson,  of  New  Bedford. 
Her  bro.  Stephen  was  one  of  the  founders  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  Isaac  S.  Smith 
as  engineer  constructed  the  first  pier  and  lighthou"Se  on  Lake  Erie  (at  Buf- 
falo). Two  of  the  brothers  were  Port  Wardens  at  New  York  early  in  the 
century,  and  were  intimate  friends  of  Robert  Fulton.  Mrs.  Walbridge's 
parents  were  Quakers,  and  she  has  the  genealogy  of  her  mother's  family  in 
clear  form  from  the  landing  of  the  Mayflower. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  for  many  years  a  resident  and  active  business  man 
of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  at  one  time  a  partner  of  Geo.  B.  Walbridge  in  the  trans- 
portation business,  and  one  of  the  early  presidents  of  the  Y.  M.  A.  On 
the  organization  of  the  American  Transportation  Co.  he  was  made  Sec'y 
and  Treas.,  and  held  the  office  for  several  years.  After  a  residence  of  over 
twenty  years,  he  left  Buffalo  for  Detroit  in  1858,  and  there  engaged  in  trans- 
port business.  He  was  for  some  years  interested  in  mining  enterprises  in 
the  West,  lived  in  1875  at  Napa,  Calif.,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death  was 
secretary  of  a  large  mining  corporation  in  N.  Y.  City. 

Four  of  the  children  were  born  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  the  fifth  at  New  Bed- 
ford, Mass. 

894  i.  Russell  David,  b.  July  i,  1849,  grad.  Reus.  Poly.  Inst.,  Troy.  N.  Y., 

class  of  1871,  was  for  some  years  a  member  of  Fisk,  Walbridge  & 
Co.,  Bankers  and  Mining  Experts,  at  Globe,  Gila  Co.,  Arizona,  after- 
ward manager  of  the  Wailuku  Sugar  Co.,  Hawaiian  Islands,  where 
he  m.,  June  3,  1890.  Bernice,  youngest  dau.  of  Mrs.  Anna  S.  Parke; 
has  since  been  in  this  country,  and  when  last  heard  of  was  at  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y. 

895  ii.  Joseph  S.,  b.  June  16,  1851,  d.  Jan.  7,  1852. 

896  iii.  Elizabeth  Russell,  b.  Jan.  13,  1853,  d.  Feb.  10,  1854. 

897  iv.  Caroline  Tabor,  b.  May  22,  1858,  d.  Feb.  7,  i860. 

898  V.  Sarah  Louise,  b.  Nov.  4,  1861.  d.  Aug.  18,  1864. 


SAMUEL   ELBRIDGE"    (Dm'id  Safford?   David*   Henry?   Henry,'' 
Henry^),  b.  Feb.  15,  1826,  d.  in  1883.     He  m.,  April  26,  1848,  at  Erie,  Pa., 


Mary  C.  Beebe,  an  adopted  dau.  of  Dr.  Abijah  Beebe  and  his  wife,  Ruth  F. 
Walbridge,  the  latter  a  half-sister  of  David  Safford  Walbridge. 

So  far  as  known  the  chi.  live  at  Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  though  letters  to 
them  had  no  reply. 

899  i.  Isabelle  A. 

900  ii.   Minnie,  married. 

901  iii.  Bessie,  m.  W.  R.  Beebe,  a  clerk  in  the  City  Nat.  Bk.  at  Kalamazoo, 



SARAH  COLSON«  {George  Brush,^  David*  Henry,^  Henry,^  Henry^), 
b.  Feb.  24,  1837,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  m.,  April  3,  1861,  at  Buffalo,  Charles 
Warren  Butler,  born  March  3,  1828,  at  Marcellus,  N.  Y.  He  was  the  son 
of  Hiram  Butler,  who  was  born  at  New  Hartford,  N.  Y.,  and  m.  Harriet 
Talmadge,  of  Marcellus,  N.  Y.  C.  W.  Butler  had  a  son  by  a  former  mar- 
riage, Charles  Burr  Butler,  b.  at  Buffalo  in  1853. 

The  family  in  1868  moved  to  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  where  they  reside  at  No. 
40  Clifton  Place. 

i.  George  Walbridge  Butler,  b.  Feb.  6,  1862,  d.  March  8,  1864. 

ii.  Frederick  Warren  Butler,  b.  May  21,  1866,  m.,  Oct.  20,  1892,  Stella  May 
Sprague,  b.  Aug.  30,  1868,  only  child  of  Wm.  E.  Sprague,  who,  born 
1822,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  m.  Phoebe  Stelle,  b.  1832  at  Plainfield,  N.  J. 
Wm.  E.  Sprague  was  the  son  of  Hon.  Joseph  Sprague,  who  was  Presi- 
dent of  the  village  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  from  1827  to  1832,  and  one  of 
the  earlier  Mayors  of  the  city — in  1843-44. 

CHARLES  ELIPHALET"  {George  Brush,''  David*  Henry,^  Henryr 
Henry^),  b.  July  24,  1841,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Sept.  3,  1868,  at  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.,  Annie  Fenwick  Noble,  b.  Sept.  8,  1838,  at  North  Shields,  Eng.  She 
was  the  dau.  of  Capt.  James  Smith  Noble,  of  the  Royal  Navy,  who  was  killed 
during  the  Chinese  opium  war,  and  his  wife  Anne  Watson.  Capt.  Noble 
was  the  eldest  son  of  Ralph  and  Isabella  (Radcliffe)  Noble,  while  his  wife 
was  the  dau.  of  Thomas  Watson,  of  Welksham,  Wiltshire,  Eng.,  and  Susanna 
Gregory,  also  of  Wiltshire. 

Mr.  Walbridge  enlisted  in  the  looth  Regt.  N.  Y.  Vols.,  Oct.  i,  1861, 


THi  i' 

1  -riLpii^  ;iu:^OATioN_ 


and  when  the  regt.  organized  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y..  Jan.  12,  1862,  was  elected 
2d  Lieut,  of  Co.  H.  The  regt.  went  to  the  front  in  March,  1862,  taking- 
part  in  the  Peninsula  campaign  under  General  McClellan.  Lieut.  Walbridge 
was  present  at  the  siege  of  Yorktown  and  battles  of  Williamsburg  and  Fair 
Oaks.  On  the  march  up  the  Peninsula  he  was  detailed  acting  regimental 
quartermaster,  continuing  on  that  duty  until  sent  to  hospital  on  account 
of  illness.  On  return  from  hospital  he  assumed  command  of  his  company, 
there  being  no  other  officers  present  for  duty,  and  was  commissioned  First 
Lieut.  Dec.  10,  1862. 

Jan.  3,  1863,  he  was  detailed  as  brigade  quartermaster  just  before  the 
regiment  embarked  for  South  Carolina,  was  commissioned  Captain  Feb.  26, 
1863,  and  when  the  regiment  led  off  in  advance  toward  Charleston  in  the  fol- 
lowing month  he  was  relieved  from  staff  duty  at  his  own  request,  and  re- 
joined his  company.  In  June,  1863,  he  was  again  detached  by  the  Com- 
manding General  as  Chief  Quartermaster  of  the  District  of  the  Storro,  and 
in  that  capacity  had  charge  of  the  disembarkation  and  transportation  of  the 
troops,  stores  and  ordnance  used  in  the  siege  of  Morris  Island  and  Forts 
Sumter,  Wagner,  and  Gregg.  In  Nov.  of  the  same  year  he  was  commis- 
sioned by  the  President  as  Assist.  Quartermaster  of  U.  S.  Volunteers,  with 
rank  of  Captain.  In  Feb.,  1864,  was  ordered  to  Florida  and  acted  as  Chief 
Quartermaster  of  that  District  until  the  following  April,  when  the  loth 
Army  Corps  was  moved  to  Virginia  to  take  part  in  the  operations  then  being 
inaugurated  by  Gen.  U.  S.  Grant,  and  Capt.  Walbridge  was  sent  to  Glouces- 
ter Point  on  the  York  River,  to  take  charge  of  the  disembarkation,  fitting 
out,  and  subsequent  re-embarking  of  the  troops. 

May  4,  1864,  the  loth  and  i8th  Army  Corps,  constituting  the  Army  of 
the  James,  moved  rapidly  up  the  James  River  and  effected  a  lodgment  at 
Bermuda  Hundred,  just  above  City  Point.  Capt.  Walbridge  was  soon  put 
in  command  of  the  depot  at  that  point,  remaining  until  promoted  in  March, 
1865.  While  depot  quartermaster  for  the  Army  of  the  James,  he  had  charge 
of  the  marine  and  land  transportation  and  repair  shops  of  the  army,  taking- 
part  also  in  many  of  the  operations  of  his  department,  among  the  most  im- 
portant of  these  being  the  fitting  out  and  shipping  of  the  first  and  second 
expeditions  against  Fort  Fisher  at  the  mouth  of  Cape  Fear  River.  Jan.  i, 
1865,  was  made  Brevet  Major  U.  S.  Vols.  After  the  capture  of  Fort  Fisher 
by  Gen.  Alfred  Terry,  Major  Walbridge  was  ordered  to  report  to  that  General 
in  North  Carolina,  being  assigned  by  the  President  as  Chief  Quartermaster 
of  the  loth  Army  Corps,  with  rank  of  Lieut.  Col.  (com.  July  8,  1865).  He 
served  in  that  capacity  until  the  dismembering  of  the  Corps,  and  resigned 
from  the  service  Oct.  i,  1865.     Returning  home  he  engaged  in  the  hardware 


business,  which  he  is  still  carrying  on  at  3 17-3 19-321  Washington  St.,  Buf- 
falo, N.  Y.  Mr.  Walbridge.  under  date  of  March  26,  1898,  sends  the  fol- 
lowing as  the  correct  dates  of  his  commissions:  Sept.  21,  1861,  2d  Lieut, 
looth  Regt.,  N.  Y.  Vols.;  July  i,  1862,  ist  Lieut.  looth  Regt.,  N.  Y.  Vols.; 
Feb.  26,  1863,  Capt.  looth  Regt.,  N.  Y.  Vols.;  Feb.  29,  1864,  Capt.  and  A. 
g.  M., U.S.  Vols.  Jan.  i,  1865,  Brevet  Major  U.  S.  Vols.;  July  8,  1865,  Lieut. 
Col.  U.  S.  Vols,  and  Q.  M.  loth  Army  Corps.  (P.  589,  Part  H,  OMc.  Army 
Reg.  Vols.) 

902  i.  Wilhelmina  von  Colson,  b.  Nov.  7,  1870,  m.,  June  24,  1897,  at  the 

North  Presbyterian  Ch.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  Wilder  Stoddard  Buffum, 
and  resides  at  Dobbs  Ferry,  N.  Y. 

903  ii.  Isabel  Elizabeth,  b.  March  24,  1873. 

904  iii.   Louise  Henrietta,  b.  Aug.  24,  1876. 

905  iv.   Charles  Eliphalet,  died  in  infancy. 

906  v.  George  Brush,  died  in  infancy. 


WILHELMINA  CAROLINE^  {George  Brush,^  David*  Henry,^  Henry,'' 
Henry^),  b.  Feb.  28,  1847,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Sept.  i,  1870,  Isaac  L. 
Miller,  b.  Sept.  5,  1837,  at  Staten  Island,  N.  Y.,  son  of  the  Rev.  John  Ernest 
Miller,  of  Albany,  N.  Y.,  and  Ann  Kip,  of  N.  Y.  City.  Mr.  Miller  is  senior 
member  of  the  firm  of  Miller  &  Phillips,  counselors-at-law.  No.  20  Nassau 
St.,  N.  Y.  City,  and  resides  at  Plainfield,  N.  J. 

i.  Anna  Walbridge  Miller,  b.  Oct.  i,  1876. 
ii.   Brockholst  Kip  Miller,  b.  June  18,  1884. 


ANNA  RICH®  {George  Brush,^  David,*  Henry, ^  Henry,''  Henry^),  b. 
Aug.  8,  1849,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Nov.  9,  1869,  at  Buffalo,  Edward  Porter 
Bowen,  b.  Jan.  20,  1848,  at  Buffalo.  Mr.  Porter  is  the  son  of  Dennis  Bowen, 
a  prominent  lawyer  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  who  m.  Mary  Potter,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Potter,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.  He  is  also  the  grandson  of  Jonathan  Bowen, 
who  settled  in  Aurora,  Erie  Co.,  N.  Y.,  in  1810.  The  family  live  at  La  Salle, 
Niagara  Co.,  N.  Y. 


i.   Harry  Walbridge  Bowcn.  b.  Sept.  23,  1870,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

ii.   Dennis  Bowen,  b.  April  15,  1872,  at  La  Salle,  N.  Y. 

iii.  Jenny  Howard  Bowen,  b.  July  9,  1874,  at  La  Salle,  N.  Y. 

iv.  Lawrence  Bowen,  b.  Sept.  25,  1876,  at  La  Salle,  N.  Y. 

V.  Ernest  Bowen,  b.  July  24,  1878,  at  La  Salle,  N.  Y. 

vi.  Mary  Evelyn  Bowen,  b.  April  25,  1881,  at  La  Salle,  N.  Y. 


HARRY**  {George  Brush,^  David,^  Henry, ^  Henry, ^  Henry^),  b.  Oct.  10, 
1851,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where  he  m.,  Sept.  5,  1876,  Emily  Avery  Newman, 
born  Sept.  11,  1853,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  W.  H.  and  Jerusha  Avery 
(Burrows)  Newman. 

Mr.  Walbridge  is  junior  member  of  the  well-known  firm  of  Walbridge 
&  Co.,  wholesale  hardware,  occupying  a  large  building  at  317-325  Washing- 
ton St.,  Buffalo,  N.  Y.     The  chi.  all  bom  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

907  i.   Newman,  b.  Jan.  i,  1878. 

908  ii.   Grace,  b.  May  6,  1880. 

909  iii.   Laura  Strong,  b.  May  30,  1882. 

910  iv.  Charles  Eliphalet,  b.  Dec.  21,  1884. 

911  v.  George  Brush,  b.  Aug.  9,  1887. 

912  vi.  Emily  Newman,  b.  Oct.  6  ,1889,  d.  Dec.  8,  1892. 

913  vii.  Elizabeth,  b.  Dec.  5,  1891. 

914  viii.  Ruth,  b.  May  i,  1894. 


NELSON  HORACE''  {Horace,''  Peter,''  Elijah,^  Thomas,''  Henry'),  b. 
Dec.  4,  1832,  at  Naples,  Ontario  Co.,  N.  Y.,  m.,  first,  April  11,  1852,  Char- 
lotte A.,  dau.  of  David  and  Marcia  (Parke)  Jewell,  of  Yellow  Springs,  Ohio. 
She  was  born  Oct.  15,  1832.  and  d.  June  14,  1884,  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 
The  second  w'ife  was  Airs.  Mary  E.  Massie,  who  d.  Oct.  7,  1887.  Mr.  Wal- 
bridge m.  for  third  wife,  Aug.  28,  1888,  Ruby  S.,  dau.  of  William  and  Mary 
Sterling.     He  had  one  son  by  his  first  wife. 

915  i.  Edward  J.,  b.  Sept.  7,  1865. 

Nelson  Horace  Walbridge  resides  at  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  was  com- 
missioned Capt.  Co.  F,  8th  Mich.  Infty.,  organized  at  Detroit  in  Aug.  and 
Sept.,  1861,  mustered  out  July  30,  1865.     He  was  at  the  taking  of  Hilton 


Head  and  Beaufort  Island,  Coosaw  River,  Jan.  i,  1862;  capture  of  Fort 
Pulaski,  Ga.,  in  March,  '62;  James  Id.,  June,  '62;  in  Pope's  campaign  on  the 
Rapidan,  Va. ;  in  the  battles  of  Baract's  Ford,  White  Sulphur  Springs,  Cedar 
Mountain,  2d  Bull  Run,  and  Chantilly.  Under  McClellan  in  the  battles  of 
South  Mountain  and  Antietam,  with  Burnside  in  the  battle  of  Fredericks- 
burg, and  went  home  on  the  sick  list  in  1863  with  rank  of  Major. 

He  was  Supt.  of  the  Union  School  at  Union  Springs,  Cayuga  Co.,  N.  Y., 
for  two  years;  of  Prairie  Seminary,  Richland,  Kalamazoo  County,  Mich.,  for 
five  years;  of  Hastings  Union  School,  Barry  Co.,  Mich.,  for  two  years;  of 
Cedar  Springs  Union  School,  Kent  Co.,  for  four  years,  and  of  Newaygo 
Union  School  in  Newaygo  Co.,  Mich.,  for  two  years,  making  fifteen  years 
superintendence  of  schools.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  now  editor  and  publisher  of 
The  Michigan  School  Moderator,  a  publication  with  a  circulation  of  2,000,  de- 
voted to  the  interests  of  teachers  and  schools.  {Mich,  in  the  War  and  OfUcial 
Army  Register.) 


ORSON"  {Stephen,^  Henry,'*'  Ebeneser,^  Ebeneser,"^  Henry^),  b.  Sept.  14, 
1809,  at  Burlington,  N.  Y.,  m.,  June  5,  1831,  at  Springwater,  N.  Y.,  Eliza 
Frost,  b.  Jan.  30,  1809,  at  Hartford,  N.  Y.,  d.  Dec.  5,  1871,  at  Springwater, 
N.  Y.  She  was  the  second  child  of  Jonathan  Frost  and  Tamar  Ballou,  who 
was  born  April  20,  1784,  at  Richmond,  N.  H. 

Orson  Walbridge  early  learned  the  carpenter  and  joiner  trade,  later  that 
of  millwright,  at  which  he  worked  many  years.  He  has  been  prominent  in 
town  and  county  politics,  having  been  Justice  of  the  Peace  about  32  years, 
as  well  as  Supervisor  and  Associate  Co.  Judge.  Has  also  held  other  town 
ofhces,  and  published  a  history  of  the  town  of  Springwater  from  its  organiza- 
tion. Mr.  Walbridge  was  an  old  line  Whig  until  the  organization  of  the  Re- 
publican party,  to  which  he  has  since  belonged.  In  1895  he  was  living  with 
his  dau.  at  Springwater,  N.  Y. 

916  i.  Mary,  b.  Sept.  2,  1832,  d.  Sept.  4,  1832. 

917  ii.  Eunice  Sophia,  b.  Feb.  12,  1837. 

918  iii.  George  Henry,  b.  June  30,  1842,  d.  Sept.  26,  1847. 


MINERVA"  {Stephen,^  Henry,*  Ebeneser,^  Ebeneser,"  Henry^),  b.  March 
3,  1819,  at  Springwater,  N.  Y.,  d.  Sept.  24,  1861,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  She  m., 
in  1839,  Harrison  Brownell,  who  was  killed  in  the  Mexican  War. 





i.  Caroline  Browiiell,  b.  1840.  m.,  Oct.,  1859,  Hiram  Roberts. 

ii.  Clarissa  Brownell,  b.  Feb.  4,  1842,  at  Junius,  N.  Y.,  m.,  July  15,  1861,  at 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  Otis  A.  Cooper,  b.  May  23,  1836,  at  Waterloo,  N.  Y., 
son  of  Harvey  Cooper  and  Caroline  Davis.  Their  chi.  were,  (i)  Charles 
Scott,  b.  May  27,  1862.  (2)  Eugene  Steven,  b.  Aug.  24,  1864.  (3) 
Harry  Meade,  b.  Nov.  10,  1869.  (4)  Daisy  Brownell,  b.  April  12,  1875. 
(5)  Laura  Akhurst,  b.  March  21,  1877.  The  family  live  at  Hornells- 
ville,  N.  Y. 

iii.  Eliza  Ann  Brownell,  b.  Dec.  25,  1844,  m.,  1864,  James  Waldron,  reported 
living  in  Chicago,  111. 

iv.  Laura  Augusta  Brownell,  b.  1847,  m.  Harry  Akhurst. 


Hiram  Walbridge,  born  at  Ithaca.  N.  Y.,  Feb.  2.  1821,  was  the  son  of 
Chester  and  Mary  Walbridge.  and  great-grandson  of  Gen.  Ebenezer  Wal- 
bridge, of  Bennington,  Vt.,  of  Revolutionary  memory.  His  parents  moved 
to  Ohio  when  he  was  quite  young.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  he  taught  the 
district  school  for  six  months  without  compensation,  and  when  eighteen 
entered  the  Ohio  University,  but  soon  terminated  his  college  career  owing 
to  his  taking  an  active  part  in  the  political  campaign  contrarv  to  the  college 
rules.  Although  inclined  to  Democracy,  he  had  been  a  frequent  visitor  at 
the  house  of  Genl.  Wm.  Henry  Harrison,  the  Whig  candidate  for  the  Presi- 
dency in  1840.  He  warmly  espoused  the  cause  of  his  friend,  and  accepted 
an  invitation  to  speak  in  his  behalf  at  a  political  meeting.  While  earnestly 
addressing  the  audience  word  was  brought  to  him  of  his  expulsion  from  the 
college.  Nerved  by  this  news  to  greater  efforts,  he  soon  roused  such  enthusi- 
asm in  his  audience  that  he  received  a  perfect  ovation.  He  left  the  univer- 
sity and  returned  home,  completing  his  education  elsewhere.  He  studied 
law  with  Judge  Tilden.  and  was  admitted  to  the  Bar,  but  did  not  practice. 
He  was  elected  an  Alderman  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  where  he  then  resided. 

In  1844  he  was  commissioned  by  Gov.  Bartley  as  Brig.  Genl.  of  the  i8th 
Division  of  the  Ohio  Militia,  whence  came  the  title  by  which  he  was  gen- 
erally known.  He  became  very  popular  as  a  speaker  during  the  campaign 
of  1844,  when  he  advocated  the  election  of  James  K.  Polk,  the  Democratic 

During  the  Mexican  War  he  was  offered  the  rank  of  Colonel,  but  de- 
clined, having  decided  to  make  New  York  City  his  future  home.  He  met 
with  extraordinary  success,  and  soon  established  an  enviable  reputation.     In 


185 1  he  visited  Europe,  and  by  request  represented  the  American  Minister 
at  the  entertainment  given  by  the  leading  public  men  of  England  to  Kossuth, 
the  Hungarian  patriot. 

Genl.  Walbridge  eagerly  availed  himself  of  the  favorable  opportunities 
of  meeting  the  leading  statesmen  and  men  of  note  abroad,  and  gave  con- 
siderable time  to  the  study  of  the  existing  governments.  His  experiences 
during  this  period,  covering  the  events  of  Louis  Napoleon's  coup  d'etat,  were 
very  varied,  and  in  some  instances  remarkable,  forming  the  subject  of  many 
interesting  stories  after  his  return.  Among  other  incidents,  perhaps  the 
most  exciting  was  that  in  which  he  compelled  a  fraudulent  agent  in  London 
to  deliver  to  him  a  very  large  amount  of  his  funds.  He  had  engaged  as 
secretary  and  business  representative  a  former  private  secretary  of  King 
Louis  Philippe,  whose  keen  eye  for  his  own  interest  rather  blinded  him  to 
that  of  his  employer.  This  man  having  in  his  possession,  with  evident  in- 
tention to  abscond,  one  hundred  thousand  dollars  belonging  to  Genl.  Wal- 
bridge, the  latter  waited  in  his  room  until  midnight,  captured  him,  locked  the 
door,  put  the  key  in  his  pocket,  and  then,  with  revolver  in  hand,  gave  him 
the  choice  between  settlement  and  death.  In  1853  he  was  elected  to  Con- 
gress from  N.  Y.  City,  and  immediately  took  a  trip  to  California  to  familiarize 
himself  with  its  situation  and  needs,  returning  in  time  to  take  his  seat.  When 
Mr.  Walbridge  entered  Congress  he  was  a  comparatively  wealthy  man,  and 
withdrew  from  business  in  order  to  devote  himself  to  public  duties.  To  a 
friend  in  whose  judgment  and  integrity  he  liad  perfect  confidence,  he  en- 
trusted the  bulk  of  his  fortune  in  the  shape  of  ready  money  and  without  se- 

Before  his  first  term  expired  he  lost  every  dollar  of  it,  was  compelled  to 
abandon  politics  for  business,  and  declining  a  renomination  in  1854  entered 
at  once  into  business,  and  soon  was  more  prosperous  than  ever.  Such  was 
his  pubHc  spirit,  however,  that  while  he  declined  office,  he  took  an  active 
part  in  all  the  great  movements  of  the  day.  Having  again  secured  leisure 
by  assured  success,  he  gave  much  time  to  the  maintenance  of  the  Union,  be- 
fore and  during  the  Rebellion. 

When  war  actually  came,  he  assisted  in  organizing  the  War  Democracy 
and  arraying  them  on  the  side  of  the  administration.  Comprehending  the 
issues  involved,  and  the  real  magnitude  of  the  struggle,  he  at  once  advocated 
putting  the  country  on  a  war  footing  for  not  less  than  three  years,  with  an 
enrollment  of  600,000  men,  of  whom  one-half  should  be  kept  in  the 

President  Lincoln  wrote  him,  Nov.  18,  1861,  as  follows: 

C'-'>':>A'.no2^   I 




Genl.  Hiram  Walbridge: 

Dear  Sir  : — Your  note  reminding  me  of  the  fact  that  as  early  as  April 
last  you  pointed  out  to  me  on  the  maj)  Port  Royal  and  Beaufort  as  ad- 
vantageous places  to  make  lodgment  on  the  Southern  coast  is  received.  I 
am  free  to  confess  that  you  were  the  first  who  called  my  attention  to  that 
particular  locality.  I  also  remember  that  you  insisted  that  we  should  call 
600,000  men  into  the  field  a  considerable  time  before  I  had  brought  my  own 
mind  up  to  anything  near  so  large  a  scale. 

A.  Lincoln. 

Genl.  Cameron,  Secy,  of  War,  formally  tendered  him  a  commission  as 
Brig.  Genl.,  which  he  declined,  and  Prest.  Lincoln  personally  offered  to 
make  him  a  Major  Genl.,  which  he  also  declined. 

But  his  labors  in  his  chosen  field  of  operations  were  unremitting,  that 
of  keeping  public  opinion  up  to  the  support  of  the  government  during  the 
long  and  arduous  struggle.  He  was  an  effective  speaker,  and  in  the  darkest 
days  of  1862  his  voice  was  heard  at  the  Cooper  Institute,  declaring  that  New 
York  would  never  abandon  the  government  until,  after  quelling  treason 
at  home,  it  could  present  itself  as  a  great,  united,  and  powerful  nation.  He 
traveled  from  State  to  State,  kept  up  an  extensive  correspondence  with 
governors  and  leading  men,  giving  his  whole  heart  and  time  to  his  country 
until  victory  finally  perched  upon  the  banners  of  an  undivided  republic.  He 
was  elected  President  of  the  International  Commercial  Convention,  held  at 
Detroit,  Mich.,  11  July,  1865,  at  which  over  400  delegates  of  all  shades  of 
commercial  and  political  feeling  were  present.  Genl.  Walbridge  died  at 
the  Astor  House,  N.  Y.  City,  Dec,  1870,  and  was  buried  at  Washington, 
D.  C.  His  pall  bearers  were  Genl.  Sherman,  Horace  Greeley,  Secretary 
Boutwell,  Senators  Nye,  Wilson  and  Fenton,  Speaker  James  G.  Blaine.  Genl. 
Benj.  F.  Butler,  Judge  Casey,  Representatives  Banks  and  Peek,  and  Collec- 
tor Murphy,  of  N.  Y.  The  President,  his  Cabinet,  and  many  others  were 
present  to  honor  the  memorial  services  of  this  devoted  servant  of  the  great 
Republic,  whose  remains  rest  in  Glenwood  Cem'y,  Washington,  D.  C. 


HORACE  S.«  {Chester J-  Henry,*  Ebcnccer,^  Ebeneser,-  Henry'),  b.  July 
21,  1828,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  d.  Jan.  31,  1893,  at  Toledo,  Ohio.  He  m.,  Oct. 
18,  1853,  at  New  Bedford,  Mass.,  Isabella  Davis  Watkins,  born  May  13,  1831, 
at  Westport,  Mass.     She  was  the  dau.  of  Thomas  Watkins,  b.  Sept.  9,  1781, 


d.  March  24,  1857,  at  New  Bedford,  Mass.,  and  Mary  Davis,  b.  April  11, 
1789,  m.  Nov.  3,  181 1. 

Thomas  Horace  Walbridge,.son  of  Horace  S.,  writes  April  6,  1895 : 

Mr.  W.  G.  Wallbridge: 

Dear  Sir: — Your  letter  of  the  4th  at  hand  and  noted.  In  reply,  would 
say  that  there  were  three  brothers  in  father's  family,  whose  Christian  names 
were  Hiram,  Horace  and  Heman,  and  when  they  became  of  age  and  got 
into  business,  there  was  so  much  trouble  and  confusion,  that  father  and 
Heman  put  a  middle  letter  in  their  name.  I  have  asked  father  a  number 
of  times  what  it  stood  for,  and  although  he  told  me  once  or  twice  that  it  was 
Stephen,  the  facts  of  the  case  are,  I  think,  that  it  was  put  in  for  the  reasons 
stated  above,  and  has  no  further  significance. 

Horace  S.  Walbridge  was  a  son  of  Chester  and  Mary  Walbridge.  In 
1833  the  family  removed  from  Columbus,  Ohio,  to  what  then  was  the  town 
of  Toledo.  At  the  age  of  twelve  years  Mr.  W.  began  business  life  as  clerk 
for  Stephen  Marsh,  a  pioneer  merchant  in  a  small  way.  Soon  after  he 
clerked  for  Charles  G.  McKnight.  remaining  with  him  for  eighteen  months. 
When  fourteen  years  of  age  he  went  to  Palmyra,  Mich.,  as  clerk  with  Walter 
A.  Titus  &  Co.  In  the  winter  of  1845-6  he  superintended  the  construction 
of  a  saw-mill  at  Ottawa  Lake.  Michigan,  where  much  of  the  track  material 
of  the  old  Krie  &:  Kalamazoo  Rail'"oad  was  gotten  out.  In  the  spring  of 
1846  he  took  by  canal  to  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  a  stock  of  straw  hats,  gathered 
by  himself  from  the  French  at  Bay  Settlement,  Monroe  Co.,  Mich.  Return- 
ing to  Toledo,  he  was  with  Thomas  Watkins.  a  commission  merchant.  On 
the  death  of  Mr.  Watkins  in  1852,  Mr.  Walbridge  took  charge  of  the  Toledo 
business  of  P.  Buckingham  &  Co.,  and  during  the  following  winter  traveled 
along  the  Wabash  &  Erie  canals,  investing  $1,500,000  in  grain  and  pork. 
At  the  end  of  the  year  he  entered  the  firm,  which,  in  1857,  became  Brown, 
Walbridge  &  King  (his  partners  being  Mathew  Brown  and  Frank  J.  King), 
then  Brown,  Walbridge  &  Co.,  and  finally  H.  S.  Walbridge  &  Co.,  of  which 
Fbenezer  Walbridge  was  a  partner.  In  1865  Mr.  Walbridge  became  senior 
member  of  Walbridge,  Watkins  &  Co.,  at  Chicago,  from  which  he  with- 
drew to  give  his  attention  to  business  at  home,  including  real  estate.  In 
1869  Mr.  W.  was  appointed  one  of  the  trustees  supervising  the  construction 
by  the  city  of  the  Toledo  &:  Woodville  Railroad,  and  was  President  of  the 
board  for  five  years.  For  20  years  he  was  prominently  connected  with 
Toledo  banking  interests.  President  of  the  Northwestern  Savings  Bank, 
one  of  the  first  directors  of  the  Second  and  the  Northern  National  Banks, 


also  one  of  three  Toledo  men  who,  with  seven  other  parties,  secured  the  con- 
struction of  the  Cohtmbus  &  Toledo  Railroad,  and  was  largely  instrumental 
in  having  Detroit  and  Toledo  connected  with  the  Canada  Southern  Rail- 
way. Mr.  Walbridge  w-as  foremost  in  many  other  business  enterprises,  deal- 
ing largely  in  real  estate,  for  several  years  a  member  of  the  Toledo  City 
Council,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death  a  member  of  the  election  board.  In 
politics  a  Republican,  he  was  President  in  1864  of  the  Lincoln  Club,  and 
in  1868  of  the  Grant  Club.  In  1879  a  candidate  for  State  Senator,  and 
though  not  elected,  ran  1000  ahead  of  his  ticket  in  Lucas  Co. 

For  30  years  as  a  vestryman  of  Trinity  Prot.  Epis.  Ch.,  an  ofificer  of 
the  Protestant  Orphans'  Home.  Home  for  Friendless  Women,  Protestant 
Hospital,  and  as  Prest.  of  the  Toledo  Society  for  the  Suppression  of  Vice, 
Mr.  Walbridge  showed  himself  always  ready  to  embrace  any  undertaking 
tending  to  the  elevation  of  the  material  or  moral  welfare  of  his  fellow-citi- 
zens.    May  Toledo  have  many  men  of  his  character  and  worth. 

919  i.  Thomas  Horace,  b.  Jan.  3,  1855,  m.  Mary  Young. 

920  ii.   Hiram  C,  b.  Jan.  16,  1857,  d.  Sept.  17,  1857. 

921  iii.  Narcissa  G.  S.,  b.  Aug.  15,  1858,  m.,  Jan.  15,  1880,  Arthur  J.  Secor, 

member  of  the  firm  of  Secor,  Berdan  &  Co.,  wholesale  grocers  and 
provision  dealers,  Toledo,  Ohio. 

922  iv.  Mary  Davis,  b.  Jan.  21,  1865,  m.,  Dec.  6,  1892,  Eben  William  New- 

ton, of  Kinney  &  Newton,  attorneys,  Toledo,  Ohio. 

923  v.  Bessie  Caroline,  b.  March  22,  1869,  d.  Feb.  22,  1871. 


HEMAN  D.^  {Chester,^  Henry,'*  Ehcnczer,^  Ebcnccer,"  Henry^),  b.  Dec.  5, 
1829,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Oct.  28,  1873,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Elizabeth 
Walbridge,  b.  Dec.  18,  1848,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Henry 
Budd  Walbridge  and  Ellen  Maria  Chase  (see  552). 

Mr.  Walbridge  left  home  at  an  early  age  to  support  himself,  was  a  page 
in  the  National  House  of  Representatives,  afterwards  in  the  counting  house 
of  Granill,  Minturn  &  Co.,  prominent  shipping  merchants  of  N.  Y.  City. 
After  several  years  with  them,  he  went  to  San  Francisco  in  1853,  to  become  a 
partner  in  a  large  banking  house.  The  arrangements  were  not  concluded, 
and  after  two  years  Mr.  W.  returned  to  N.  Y.  City,  and  established  the  com- 
mission house  of  H.  D.  Walbridge  Si  Co.  Retiring  from  business  in  187 1, 
he  moved  to  Toledo,  Ohio,  whence  he  moved  in  1890  to  Washington,  D.  C, 


where  he  is  largely  interested  in  real  estate,  and  resides  at  1731  Q  St.,  N.  W. 
The  D.  in  his  name  was  added  by  himself,  to  avoid  confusion  with  the  other 
Henrys  and  Hemans. 

924  i.  Alice  Chase,  b.  Aug.  31,  1874,  m.,  Jan.  8,  1894,  at  Washington, 
D.  C,  Southwick  Gary  Briggs,  son  of  George  Gary  Briggs,  and 
Susan  Buel  Southwick.  of  Albany,  N.  Y.,  where  Mr.  Briggs  was 
born.  He  is  a  contractor  for  road  and  bridge  work,  and  resides 
1731  Q  St.,  N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  G. 


MARY  HOSMER**  (Hciiry,^  Henry*  Ebenczcr,^  Ebenezcr,^  Henry^),  b. 
Dec.  7,  1815,  at  Sodus  Bay,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Nov.  20,  1834,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y., 
Washington  Hunt,  son  of  Sanford  and  Fanny  (Rose)  Hunt. 

Mr.  Hunt  was  b.  Aug.  5,  181 1,  at  Windham,  N.  Y.,  and  d.  Feb.  2.  1867, 
at  Lockport,  N.  Y.  He  was  admitted  to  the  Bar  in  1834;  in  1836  was  made 
First  Judge  of  the  Gourt  of  Gommon  Pleas  of  Niagara  Go.,  N.  Y.,  and  ran 
unsuccessfully  for  Gongress  the  same  year.  In  1840  he  left  the  Democratic 
party  to  join  the  Whigs,  was  elected  by  them  in  1842-4-6  to  Gongress,  and 
served  during  his  last  term  as  Ghairman  of  the  Gom.  on  Commerce.  In 
1849  he  succeeded  Millard  Fillmore  as  Comptroller  of  N.  Y.  State. 

He  was  elected  Governor  in  1850  over  Horatio  Seymour,  who  defeated 
him  at  the  next  election.  Mr.  Hunt  then  retired  to  private  life,  residing 
in  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  where  he  took  an  active  interest  in  business  enterprises 
and  all  local  affairs  until  his  death.  For  a  full  account  of  his  life  see  Hutu 
Gen'y,  pub.  1862-3,  pp.  203  et.  seq. 

i.  Robert  Henry  Hunt,  b.  Oct.  9,  1848. 


HENRY  BUDD«  {Hcnry,^  Henry*  Ebcneser,^  Ebenezer?  Hcnry^),  b 
Feb.  25,  1818,  at  Sodus  Bay,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Oct.  17,  1839,  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio 
Helen  Maria  Chase,  b.  at  Keene,  N.  H.,  in  1817,  d.  Dec.  29,  1854,  at  Toledo 
Ohio.  She  was  the  sister  of  Salmon  P.  Chase  and  dau.  of  Ithamar  Chase 
who.  born  1763,  d.  1817,  m.,  in  1789,  Jeannette  Ralston,  of  Keene,  N.  H. 
and  had  eleven  chi. 

Mr.  Walbridge  m.  for  second  wife  Jane  Bronson.  He  studied  law,  anc 
was  admitted  to  the  Bar  of  Supreme  Court  of  N.  Y.  in  1839.     In  1846  h( 


became  a  student  of  divinity,  was  made  deacon  in  the  Prot.  Epis.  Ch.  Feb., 
1848,  by  the  Rt.  Rev.  Wm.  H.  Delancey,  and  priest  in  the  year  following 
by  the  Rt.  Rev.  Charles  P.  Mcllvaine.  He  was  rector  of  Trinity  parish  at 
Toledo,  Ohio,  for  twenty-one  years,  and  while  there  received,  in  1863,  a 
D.  D.  from  Columbia  College;  has  since  been  rector  for  twenty-one  years 
of  Emmanuel  Prot.  Epis.  Ch.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  and  is  now  rector  emeritus  of 
that  church. 

925  i.  Mary,  b.  May  10,  1841,  d.  June  15,  1855. 

926  ii.   Frank  Henry,  b.  May  21,  1843,  d.  at  Toledo,  O.,  in  1849. 

927  iii.  Washington  Hunt,  b.  Jan.  20,  1845,  was  admitted  to  U.  S.  Mil. 

Acad,  in  1863,  m.,  Dec.  29,  1870,  Ella  M.  Wolcott,  and  d.  Jan.  6, 
1876,  at  Colorado  Springs,  Colo. 

928  iv.  Dudley  Heber,  b.  March  24,  1846,  m.  Anna  Mayburry. 

929  V.   Lillian  Elizabeth,  b.  Dec.  18,  1847,  m-  Oct.  25,  1873,  Heman  D. 


930  vi.  Alice  Chase,  b.  June  24,  1850,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  m..  May  25,  1875, 

at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  David  Demarest  Lloyd,  son  of  Aaron  and  Maria 
Christie  (Demarest)  Lloyd.  Chi.,  (i)  David  Demarest  Lloyd,  b. 
1878.  (2)  Beatrix  Demarest  Lloyd,  b.  1880.  Family  reside  No.  28 
W.  23d  St.,  N.  Y.  City. 

931  vii.   Henry,  b.  April  19,  1854,  d.  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  Feb.  13,  1859. 

932  viii.  William  Delancey,  b.  May  10,  1856,  m.  Mary  Southwick. 

933  ix.   Robert  Hunt,  b.  Dec.  17,  1869,  resides  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


CAROLINE^  (Heman,^  Henry*  Eheneser,^  Ebeneser,^  Henry^),  h.  Nov. 
19,  1820,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  and  d.  Nov.  24,  1849,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  where 
she  m.,  Jan.  16,  1838,  Willard  J.  Daniels,  who  was  born  May  21,  18 14,  at 
Whiting,  Vt.,  and  d.  Nov.  20,  1877,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Samuel  and 
Hulda  (Parker)  Daniels. 

i.   Mary  Cornelia  Daniels,  b.  Dec.  25,  1841,  m.,  Oct.  26,  1865,  Samuel  A. 

Wheeler,  resides  (1897)  at  the  Monticello,  Toledo,  Ohio, 
ii.   Lucy  Daniels,  b.  Dec.  29,  1843,  "!■■  J^"-  5-  1864,  John  E.  Mack,  resides 

(1897)  Lockport,  N.  Y. 
iii.  Kate  Daniels,  b.  Sept.  11,  1845,  m.,  July  8,  1867,    Rev.    Lawrence    S. 

Stevens,  resides  (1897)  Pontiac,  Mich, 
iv.  Ellen  Caroline  Daniels,  b.  Aug.  12,  1847,  m.,  Feb.  23,  1870,  John  Hodge, 


who  d.  Aug.  7,  1895,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  where  his  widow  resided  in 
V.  Willard  Walbridge  Daniels,  b.  Nov.,  1849,  d.  July,  1850. 


EBENEZER®  {Hcnian,^  Henry*  Ebeneser,^  Ebenezer,^  Henry^),  b.  Dec. 
4.  1829,  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  d.  March  31,  1868,  at  N.  Y.  City.  He  m.,  Jan. 
13.  1859,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  Sarah  Alice  Cornell,  b.  April  11,  1830,  at 
Greece,  N.  Y.,  d.  Dec.  15,  1874,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Silas  and  Sarah 
(Mott)  Cornell. 

Ebenezer  Walbridge  was  a  successful  grain  merchant  in  Toledo,  Ohio, 
and  at  one  time  a  member  of  H.  S.  Walbridge  &  Co.  In  1866  he  removed  to 
Chicago,  the  following  year  his  health  failed,  and  he  brought  his  family  to 
New  York,  where  he  died,  leaving  large  interests  at  Toledo.  His  widow 
decided  to  live  at  Yonkers,  N.  Y.,  and  there  her  mother  died  in  1872,  just 
before  the  family  moved  into  the  house  Mrs.  Walbridge  built  at  Mt.  St. 
Vincent,  adjoining  her  brother's.  In  1878  Anna  M.  C.  Barnes  removed 
with  her  nephews  to  Toledo,  Ohio,  where  they  have  since  resided.  Copies  of 
daguerreotypes  taken  about  1859  of  Ebenezer  and  his  wife  can  be  seen  in  the 
book,  Adam  and  Sarah  Mott,  pub.  1892,  from  which  these  notes  are  taken. 

934  i.  Carlton  Hoskins,  b.  Jan.  31,  i860,  at  Toledo,  Ohio.,  ni.,  Nov.  21, 

1882,  Jessie  Sinclair. 

935  ii.  Silas  Cornell,  b.  March  27,  1861,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  m.,  Oct.  27,  1892, 

Elizabeth  Cummings;  is  with  the  Union  Mfg.  Co.,  Toledo,  Ohio. 

936  iii.  Anna  Barnes,  b.  Sept.  24,  1865,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  d.  July  27,  1866. 

at  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

937  iv.   Ebenezer  Franklin,  b.  March  10,  1868,  at  Yonkers,  N.  Y. 


JOHN*  (Hcman,^  Henry*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenecer,'^  Henry^),  h.  Feb.  10, 
1835,  and  m.,  Oct.  21,  1863,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  Olive  Jane  Perrin,  b.  Feb.  15, 
1 84 1,  at  Akron,  Ohio,  dau.  of  E.  W.  and  N.  J.  (Blodgett)  Perrin. 

938  i.  Mary  Perrin,  b.   Dec.   15,   1864,  m.,  Oct.   18,   1892,  Frank  Alvin 


939  ii.  George  Warren,  b.  May  29,  1867. 

940  iii.  Auguste  Perrin,  b.  March  14,  1871,   m.,   Oct.   25,    1894,   George 

Elizur  Bell. 



FANNY  MARGARET"  (Charles,^  Gnsiavus*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenezer;^ 
Hetiry^),  b.  Aug.  10,  1828,  at  Middleburg,  Vt.,  m.,  Sept.  30,  1850,  at  Nor- 
wich, N.  Y.,  Sanford  Keith  Aldrich,  b.  May  14,  1822,  d.  April  li,  1886. 
Their  chi.  were : 

i.  Alice  Rebecca  Aldrich,  b.  June  9,  1851,  d.  1888,  m.,  in  March,  1871,  Frank 
M.  Wood,  b.  Aug.  5,  1828,  had  chi.,  Normia,  LilHan  and  Nelly. 

ii.  Jennie  Maria  Aldrich,  b.  Dec.  12,  1856,  m.,  in  Dec,  1875,  Albert  Holms, 
b.  Sept.  5,  1850. 

iii.  Nelly  Hathaway  Aldrich,  b.  Dec.  29,  1859,  m.,  in  Sept.,  1874,  Harvey 
A.  Crandall,  b.  June  5,  1851.  They  had  (i)  William  S.  Crandall,  b. 
Aug.  25,  1875.  (2)  Grace  E.  Crandall,  b.  May  14,  1877,  m.,  March  8, 
1897,  William  A.  Ripley,  b.  Oct.  i,  1875,  and  (3)  Florence  R.  Crandall, 
b.  Aug.  9,  1879,  m.,  Jan.,  1893,  Dudley  W.  Brown,  b.  Dec.  25,  187 1, 
and  had  Charles  Roscoe  Brown,  b.  Aug.  13,  1894. 
Fanny  Margaret  (Walbridge)  Aldrich  m.,  March  30,  1890,  James  W. 

Sisson,  who  was  b.  Dec.  4,  1824,  d.  Dec.  28,  1895. 


JOHN  LANSING  WINNE"  {Stebbins  Dcnio,^  Stebbins,*  Ebenezer,^ 
Ebenezer,^  Henry^),  b.  April  13,  1825,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.  there,  Jan.  i, 
1850,  Mary  Matilda  Austin,  b.  Feb.  28,  1833,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  dau.  of 
Lorenzo  D.  Austin  and  Ruby  Winchester.  Mr.  Walbridge  removed  from 
Bennington  to  Wisconsin  in  1855,  address  given  as  Sun  Prairie,  Dane  Co., 
but  letters  were  returned  unclaimed. 

941  i.  Elizabeth  Ellen,  b.  Nov.   15,  1850,  m.,  March    2,    1877,    Andrew 


942  ii.  John  Franklin,  b.  Jan.  14,  1852,  m.,  Sept.  16,  1875,  Susan  Edson. 

943  iii.  Charles  Edward,  b.  Nov.  22,  1853. 

944  iv.  James  Henry,  b.  Oct.  2,  1855,  m.,  July  G,  1877,  Mary  Gregg. 

945  V.  Peter  Stebbins,  b.  Aug.  20,  1857. 

946  vi.  Mary  Matilda,  b.  April  28,  1859,  m.,  April  6,  1876,  Wm.  Knapton, 

and  d.  March  13,  1877. 

947  vii.  William  Seward,  b.  Aug.  31,  1861. 

948  viii.   George  Austin,  b.  April  28,  1863. 

949  ix.  Harriet  Hicks,  b.  June  6,  1865. 


950  X.  Lillie  May,  b.  Sept.  26,  1866. 

951  xi.   Frederick  Lorenzo,  b.  March  21,  1868,  d.  March  26,  1868. 

952  xii.   Herbert  Eugene,  b.  May  21,  1869. 

953  xiii.  Benjamin  Ebenezer,  b.  Feb.  28,  1871. 

954  xiv.  Ira  Hawks,  b.  Sept.  6,  1873,  d.  Oct.  7,  1874. 


JAMES  HICKS®  {Stcbbins  Dcnio,^  Stebbins*  Ebenezer?  Ebenezer,"^ 
Henry^),  b.  July  29,  1826,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.  there,  March  3,  1862  (T. 
R.),  EHza  Ann  Burgess,  b.  May  11,  1833,  at  Hoosac,  N.  Y.,  d.  April  25,  1865, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Nairn  and  Ruth  (Slafter)  Burgess,  of  Hoosac, 
N.  Y. 

Mr.  Walbridge  m.,  second,  Feb.  26,  1867  (B.  T.  R.),  wid.  Delia  M. 
Bruce,  b.  Nov.  9,  1826,  at  White  Creek,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Elihu  and  Sarah 
Perry.     They  had : 

955  i.  George  Hicks,  b.  at  Bennington  Aug.  22,  1869,  Sec.  and  Treas.  of 
the  White-Crosby  Co.,  contracting  engineers,  at  Baltimore,  Md., 
unm.  1895. 

Mr.  J.  H.  Walbridge  learned  the  business  of  paper  manufacturing,  and 
engaged  in  same  with  the  exception  of  three  years  spent  in  mackerel  fishing, 
until  April,  1852,  when  he  went  to  California,  where  after  eight  months  of 
gold  mining  he  turned  his  attention  to  printing,  and  in  1857  returned  to 
Bennington,  Vt.  While  in  California  he  was  a  member  of  the  famous 
Vigilance  Committee,  and  with  them  took  a  vigorous  part  in  crushing  out 
the  murderous  element  that  had  for  years  ruled  San  Francisco. 

After  his  return  home  he  purchased  the  homestead  built  by  his  ancestor. 
Gen.  Ebenezer  Walbridge,  and  farmed  until  the  spring  of  1861.  when,  as 
the  Vcr.  Hist.  Mag.  says,  "Early  in  May,  1861,  James  Hicks  Walbridge  was 
appointed  recruiting  officer,  and  enlisted  a  full  co.  of  volunteers  for  three 
years,  who  were  mustered  into  the  service  of  the  State  on  the  14th  of  that 
month,  being  the  first  co.  of  three  years'  men  raised  in  the  State.  On  the 
list  of  Co.  A,  2d  Regt.  Ver.  Vols.,  in  service  at  Washington  City,  July  i,  1861, 
is  Capt.  James  H.  Walbridge.  age  34,  res.  Bennington,  Vt." 

He  was  promoted  May  21,  1862,  to  Major;  Jan.  8,  1863,  to  Lieut.  Col., 
and  Feb.  9,  1863,  to  Col.  2d  Regt.  Vt.  Infty.  April  i,  1864,  he  was  dis- 
charged for  disability  contracted  in  the  service.  (Official  Army  Reg.  of  Vol. 
Forces,  Part  I,  p.  99.) 


Col.  Walbridge  was  in  every  battle  that  his  regt.  (2d  Ver.  Vols.,  org. 
at  Burlington,  June  20,  1861)  was  engaged  in  to  the  time  of  his  discharge, 
as  follows : 

July  21,  1861. — Bull  Run.  Sept.  17,  1862. — Antietam. 

Sept.,  1861. — Lewisville.  Dec.   13,   1862. — Fredericksburg. 

April  16,  1862. — Lee's  Mills.  May  3,  1863. — Marye's  Heights. 

May  5,  1862. — Williamsburg.  May  9,  1863. — Salem  Heights. 

June  26,  1862. — Golden's  Mills.  June  5,  1863. — Fredericksburg. 

June  30,  1862. — Savage  Station.  July  3,  1863. — Gettysburg. 

Sept.  14,  1862. — Crampton's  Gap.  July  10,  1863. — Funkstown. 

June,  1862. — White  Oak  Swamp.  Nov.  7,  1863. — Rappahannock. 

After  his  retirement  Col.  Walbridge  held  for  some  time  the  position  of 
Assist.  Assessor  or  Deputy  Collector  of  Revenue.  He  now  resides  in  North 
Bennington,  Vt. 


HENRY  STEBBINS"  (Stcbbins  Dcnio,"  Stebbins,*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenczcr,^ 
Henry^),  b.  Nov.  10,  1829,  at  Beimington,  Vt.,  where  he  m.,  Dec.  25,  1854 
(T.  R.),  Maria,  b.  Jan.  17,  1829,  at  Woodford,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Arnold  W.  and 
Jane  F.  (Rogers)  Woodward. 

Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  manufacturer  of  stereoscopes,  graphoscopes  and 
lenses  at  North  Bennington,  Vt.,  where  his  family  reside. 

956  i.  James  Edward,  b.  Dec.  14,  1855,  m.  Idella  Blood. 

957  ii.  Herbert  Stebbins,  b.  Sept.  28,  1857,  m.  Dec.  16,  1886.     His  dau., 

Henrietta,  appears  in  the  family  group  taken  at  the  homestead. 

958  iii.   Flora  Latilla,  b.  June  23,  1859,  m.,  June  19,  1892,  William  Louis 

Bailey,  b.  July  2,  1852,  at  Platteville,  Grant  Co.,  Wis.,  son  of  Wm. 
A.  and  Jane  (Hinman)  Bailey,  and  a  M.  E.  minister.  They  have 
no  chi.,  and  reside  at  Georgetown,  Colo. 

959  iv.   Efiie  Maud,  b.  May  25,  1861,  m.,  March  27,  1884,  Walter  Randal 

White,  b.  March  i,  i860,  at  N.  Bennington,  son  of  Nathan  and  Caro- 
line (Crawford)  White.     They  reside  at  N.  Bennington,  and  have 
chi. : 
(i)  Ralph  Henry  White,  b.  March  19.  1887. 

(2)  Wells  Woodward  White,  b.  June  22,  1889. 

(3)  Eugene  Leslie  White,  b.  May  14,  1891. 

(4)  J.  Edward  Walbridge  White,  b.  Sept.  28,  1893. 

960  v.  Mary  Adelma,  b.  Aug.  8,  1865,  d.  Dec.  7,  1879. 



EDWARD  A.®  (Stebbins  Denio,^  Stebbins*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenezer,^  Hcnry^), 
b.  Aug.  13,  1831,  at  Bennington  Falls.  Vt.,  m.,  Jan.  28,  1862,  at  Bennington, 
Vt.  (T.  R.),  Mary  Sears,  born  there  Feb.  12,  1837,  and  d.  April  27,  1884. 
She  was  the  third  child  of  Benjamin  Robinson  Sears,  who,  born  at  Benning- 
ton Dec.  21,  1807,  married  there,  Nov.  20,  1831,  Mary  Ann  Waters,  born  at 
Bennington  Oct.  28,  1805,  by  whom  he  had  eight  chi.,  (i)  Betsey  Robinson 
Sears,  b.  May  11,  1833,  (2)  Martin  Sears,  b.  Feb.  26,  1835,  (3)  Mary  Sears, 
b.  Feb.  12,  1837,  (4)  Esther  Robinson  Sears,  b.  Feb.  24,  1839,  (5)  Charles 
Follett  Sears,  b.  May  23,  1841,  (6)  Delia  Maria  Sears,  b.  June  5,  1843,  (7) 
George  Benjamin  Sears,  b.  Jan.  i,  1847,  (8)  Walter  Fobes  Sears,  b.  Nov.  12, 

Mr.  Walbridge  went  to  California  in  the  fall  of  1852  by  the  Nicaragua 
route,  taking  24  days  to  make  the  trip,  and  returning  six  years  later  by  the 
way  of  Panama.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Vigilance  Committee  in  San 
Francisco,  under  the  leadership  of  Wm.  T.  Coleman,  during  that  exciting 
period  in  the  history  of  the  city.  He  went  also  to  British  Columbia  during 
the  Fraser  River  gold  craze,  and  was  there  six  months.  Upon  his  return 
East,  he  settled  on  the  family  homestead  at  Bennington  Falls,  where  he  re- 
sides (1898),  cultivating  about  100  acres.     With  him  resides  his  only  child. 

961  i.  Harriet  Hicks  Walbridge,  b.  Nov.  25,  1871. 


WARREN  SKINNER8  (^stebbins  Denio,^  Stebbins*  Ebenezer?  Ebencser,- 
Heiirv^),  b.  March  8,  1836,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  June  14,  i860,  at  Hoosac 
Falls,  N.  Y.,  Anna,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Julia  (Bronson)  Rice. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  an  inmate  of  Libby  Prison  at  some  time  during  the 
war;  has  lived  over  20  years  in  Iowa,  and  resides  (1895)  at  Greenfield,  Iowa. 

962  i.  Charles  S.,  b.  Dec.  28,  1861. 

963  ii.  William  E.,  b.  July  8,  1865,  m.  June,  1892. 

964  iii.  Eugene  H.,  b.  Feb.  7,  1873. 


OLIN  GEORGE®  (George,^  Stebbins*  Ebenezer,^  Ebeneser,^  Henry^), 
b.  Sept.  II,  1826,  at  Bennington,  Vt,  m.,  Feb.  9,  1854,  at  N.  Y.  City,  Anna 
H.  Ryckman,  b.  May  i,  1830,  at  N.  Y.  City,  dau.  of  Robert  R.  and  Anne 

























(Sprung)  Ryckman.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  senior  partner  in  the  house  of  Cal- 
houn, Robbins  &  Co., 410-412  Broadway,  N.  Y.;  Vice-President  and  Director 
in  the  Pacific  Bank,  N.  Y.  City,  also  Director  in  the  Manhattan  Life  Ins.  Co. 
and  New  York  Rubber  Co.  He  resides  Ninth  Ave.  and  Garfield  Place, 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  where  his  last  four  chi.  were  born,  the  others  in  N.  Y.  City. 

965  i.   Mary  Eleanor,  b.  Nov.  27,  1854,  d.  March  5,  1855. 

966  ii.  Augustus  Clark,  b.  March  3,   1856,  m.,  May  30,  1878,  Katharine 

P.  Clark. 

967  iii.  George  Olin,  b.  Sept.  11,  1857,  m.,  June  4,  1885,  Carrie  E.  Borden. 

968  iv.  Robert  Ryckman,  b.  April  9,  1859. 

969  V.  John  Henry,  b.  Oct.  31,  i860. 

970  vi.   Frederick  Kidder,  b.  Jan.  10,  1862. 

971  vii.   Francis  Eugene,  b.  July  5,  1863,  m.,  Feb.  26,  1888,  Edith  Hazen. 

972  viii.  Anna  Louise,  b.  May  18,  1865,  m.,  June  i,  1892,  Paul  T.  Brown. 

973  i.x.  Charles  Clearman,  b.  Nov.  7,  1872. 


JOSEPH  N.  HINSDILL"  {George,^  Stebbins*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenezer,^ 
Hcnry^),  b.  Sept.  17,  1828,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  June  8,  1852,  at  Brown- 
ville,  N.  Y.,  Harriet  L.  Squires,  who  d.  Sept.  i,  1855,  leaving  no  issue.  She 
was  the  dau.  of  Buckley  Squires,  of  Bennington,  Vt.,  Mr.  Walbridge  m., 
second,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  June  28,  1876,  Florence  Stevens. 

He  practiced  dentistry  in  N.  Y.  City  from  1854  to  1867;  for  some  years 
resided  in  Pittsfield,  Mass.  In  1892  was  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  and  when  last 
heard  of  he  and  his  sister,  Mrs.  Ellerby,  were  living  at  Thomasville,  Ga. 

974     i.   Marguerite,  b.  July  26,  1877. 


AUGUSTUS®  (George,^  Stcbbins*  Ebenczer,^  Ebenezer,-  Henry^),  b.  April 
II,  1833,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Oct.  10,  1859,  at  St.  Peter's  Prot.  Epis.  Ch., 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Florence  Crosby  Vail,  b.  Sept.  30,  1839,  at  Louis- 
ville, Ky.,  dau.  of  Orsamus  M.  and  Marion  Jones  (Martin)  Vail,  of  Louisville. 
Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  diamond  dealer,  and  resides  at  52  Downing  St.,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.     Chi. : 


975  ••  Joseph  Boyd,  b.  Aug.  6,  i860,  d.  Dec.  25,  1861. 

976  ii.   Florence  Vail,  b.  June  9,  1862,  m.,  at  St.  James'  P.  E.  Ch.,  Brook- 

lyn, N.  Y.,  Oct.  10,  1885,  William  Joel  Battey,  b.  May  13,  i860,  at 
Keeseville,  N.  Y.,  chi.  of  the  Quakers  Jonathan  and  Anna  G.  (Keese) 
Battey.     He  is  a  commission  merchant  in  woolen  goods,  and  resides 
No.  599  St.  Mark's  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.     Has  chi. : 
(i)  William  Earle  Battey,  b.  Aug.  5,  1886. 
(2)   Donald  Ellerby  Battey,  b.  Feb.  26,  1888. 

977  iii.  Augustus  Merrill,  b.  Dec.  23,  1867,  unm.  1895. 

978  iv.   Marion  Creighton,  b.  Aug.  29,  1874,  unm.  1895. 

979  V.  Blanche  Homer,  b.  Jime  26,  1879,  d.  June  30,  1880. 


JOHN  HENRY"  {Henry  Thomas,^  Ebenezer  William*  Ebenezer,^  Ebcue- 
zer?  Hoiry^),  b.  April  27,  1848,  at  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.,  where  he  was  bapt. 
Sept.  2,  1848,  in  the  Presby.  Ch.  He  m.,  June  29,  1869,  at  Albany,  N.  Y., 
Henrietta  Van  Vorst  Agan,  who  was  born  Sept.  27,  1847,  at  Granville,  Wash- 
ington Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  d.  Nov.  16,  1893,  at  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.  She 
was  the  dau.  of  Benjamin  Franklin  Agan  and  Anna  Monteith  Van  Vorst. 
Mr.  Walbridge  after  a  short  business  experience  in  N.  Y.  City  settled  in 
Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.,  where  for  many  years  he  successfully  handled  real 
estate,  buying,  building  and  selling.  Leaving  Saratoga,  he  for  some  time, 
with  his  two  younger  children,  lived  at  Pasadena,  California,  where  he  en- 
gaged in  real  estate  and  brokerage  business,  became  a  member  of  Pasadena 
Lodge,  132,  Knights  of  Pythias,  and  as  a  RepubHcan  took  active  interest 
in  local  politics.  While  in  California  his  daughter  was  educated  at  Mrs. 
Caswell's  well-known  school  in  Los  Angeles.  He  now  divides  his  time  be- 
tween Pasadena  and  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.,  at  which  latter  place  his  chil- 
dren were  born,  and  where  they  reside,  at  156  Circular  St.  The  portrait 
shown  is  from  a  photo,  taken  in  April,  1893. 

980  i.  John  Knickerbacker,  b.  Sept.  20,  1870,  unm.  May,  1898,  and  hold- 

ing a  responsible  position  with  the  firm  of  G.  F.  Harvey  &  Co.,  man- 
ufacturing chemists,  at  Saratoga  Springs.  He  is  2d  Sergt.  in  the 
22d  Separate  Co.,  3d  Bat.,  2d  Regt.,  N.  G.  S.  N.  Y. 

981  ii.   Margaret  Caroline,  b.  Dec.  25,  1873. 

982  iii.   Benjamin  Agan,  b.  March  3,  1877,  studying  for  the  Bar,  is  a  Corp. 

in  his  brother's  co.  At  the  time  of  writing  the  boys,  after  being  in 
camp  at  Hempstead,  L.  L,  as  volunteers  for  the  war  with  Spain, 
have  been  ordered  to  Chickamauga,  Tenn. 

JOHN   HENRY   WA(.liRII)(;E. 










THOMAS  CHESTER*  (Henry  Thomas.^  Ebenezer  William.*  Ebene::er? 
Ebcnezer.-  Hcnrx^).  b.  May  9.  185 1.  at  Lansingburg,  X.  Y.,  where  he  was 
baptized  in  the  Presby.  Ch.  Dec.  6.  1851.  He  graduated  at  the  old  Law- 
rencev-ille  (N.  J.)  School  in  1869.  also  at  the  Rensselaer  Polytechnic  Inst., 
Troy.  N.  Y..  in  the  Class  of  1873;  was  \-ice-president  of  Mohawk  and  Hudson 
Mfg.  Co..  Waterford,  X.  Y..  1875-8;  teller  from  1882-9  o^  the  First  Xat. 
Bank,  Tamaqua,  Pa.,  where  his  children  were  bom.  Since  that  time  he  has 
resided  at  Germantown.  Pa.,  is  greatly  interested  in  the  various  patriotic 
societies  recently  established,  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Pa.  Society  of 
Colonial  Wars,  and  is  a  member  of  the  Sons  of  the  Revolution,  Military- 
Order  of  Foreign  Wars,  and  the  St.  Nicholas  Society  of  New  York. 

Mr.  Walbridge  was  married,  June  7.  1881,  by  Rev.  John  K.  Murphy, 
rector  of  St.  Michael's  P.  E.  Ch..  Germantown,  Pa.,  and  at  the  residence  of 
the  bride's  father.  2116  Walnut  St.,  Phila.,  Pa.,  to  Anne  Editha  Carter. 
b.  Feb.  I,  1855,  at  Tamaqua,  Pa.,  dau.  of  William  T.  and  Jane  (Jewill)  Carter. 
Mr.  Carter  was  bom  at  Breage,  Cornwall,  Eng.,  Aug.  23.  1827,  came  to  this 
countr}-  when  19  years  old,  entered  the  coal  and  iron  trade,  became  a  promi- 
nent and  successful  financier,  and  died  at  his  home  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Feb. 
9,  1893.  His  wife,  Jane  Jewill,  was  bom  Sept.  3,  1832,  d.  Nov.  18,  1864, 
the  dau.  of  William  Paull  Jewill  and  Martha  Treloar  his  wife,  of  Xancegollan, 
Crowan  Parish,  Comwall,  Eng. 

983  i.  Leonard  Knickerbacker,  b.  Dec.  2,   1883,  at  Tamaqua,   Pa.,  was 

bapt.  at  21 16  Walnut  St.,  Phila.,  Pa.,  May  6,  1884,  by  Rev.  John  K. 

984  ii.  Charles  Carter,  b.  April  24,  1887,  at  Tamaqua,  Pa.,  where  he  was 

bapt.  Oct.  17.  1887.  by  the  Rev.  John  K.  Murphy.  Both  boys  are 
now  attending  school  at  the  Germantown  (Pa.)  Academy,  an  insti- 
tution dating  back  to  Revolutionary  days. 


WILLIAM  GEDXEY®  (Henry  Thomas,^  Ebenezer  William*  Ebenezer,^ 
Ebenezer?  Henry^),  b.  April  16,  1856,  in  the  house  on  the  S.  W.  comer  of 
Caroline  and  Circular  Streets.  Saratoga  Springs,  X.  Y.,  was  baptized  by  Rev. 
John  Woodbridge,  pastor  of  the  First  Presby.  Ch.  After  some  years  of 
boarding  school  life  at  Bennington,  Vt.  (Mr.  Yates),  Easthampton,  Mass. 


(Williston  Seminary),  and  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.  (Riverview  Mil.  Acad.),  he 
entered  the  Rens.  Poly.  Inst,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.,  graduated  in  June,  1877,  and 
for  some  years  followed  his  profession  of  civil  engineering  on  government 
surveys  in  New  Mexico,  and  on  the  Missouri  and  Hudson  Rivers,  also  city 
work  at  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

He  was  m.,  Oct.  11,  1881,  at  St.  Michael's  P.  E.  Ch.,  Germantown,  Pa., 
by  the  rector.  Rev.  John  K.  Murphy,  to  Esther  Odin  SchafTer,  who  was  b. 
Nov.  II,  1855,  at  Germantown,  Pa.,  where  she  d.  Dec.  22,  1885,  having  had 
one  chi.  She  was  the  dau.  of  William  Lehman  and  Mary  Warren  (Dorr) 
Schaf?er,  and  the  granddau.  of  the  Rev.  Benjamin  Dorr,  who  was  rector  of 
Christ  Church,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  from  May  4,  1837,  until  he  died,  Sept.  18, 

Mr.  Wallbridge  was  m.,  Sept.  1 1,  1890,  at  the  bride's  residence  in  Litch- 
field, Conn.,  to  Margaret  Ewing  Ritchie,  dau.  of  William  Alexander  and 
Mary  (Creed)  Ritchie,  the  ceremony  being  performed  by  the  Right  Rev. 
William  Stevens  Perry,  P.  E.  Bishop  of  Iowa. 

985  i.  William  Knickerbacker,  b.  Aug.  11,  1882,  at  5121  Adams  St.,  Ger- 
mantown, Pa.,  where  he  was  bapt.  March  24,  1883,  by  the  Rev.  John 
K.  Murphy.  After  his  mother's  death  he  spent  part  of  several  years 
with  his  father  on  his  uncle's  ranch  in  Russell  Co.,  Kans.,  and  after 
two  years'  schooling  with  Messrs.  Tallmadge  and  Schumacher  at 
Morristown,  N.  J.,  entered  in  the  fall  of  1896  the  lower  middle  class 
at  the  Hotchkiss  School,  Lakeville,  Conn.,  to  prepare  for  Yale  Coll. 



LOUIE  C.®  {Henry  Thomas,'^  Ebenezer  William,'^  Ebenezer,^  Ebenezer,^ 
Henr'f),  b.  Aug.  29,  1859,  at  No.  log  Lake  Avenue,  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y., 
m.,  Jan.  21,  1892,  at  Sandwich,  111.,  Louise  R.  Castle,  b.  Jan.  21,  1861,  at 
Sandwich,  111.  She  is  the  dau.  of  Miles  Beach  Castle  and  Freelove  Kinney 
Hubbard.  Miles  Beach  Castle  was  born  Aug.  11,  1826,  at  Albany,  N.  Y., 
son  of  Elijah  and  Deborah  (Beach)  Castle.  His  grandfather  was  Commis- 
sary and  Aide  to  General  Washington  when  he  held  N.  Y.  His  father  was 
a  cavalry  Captain  of  a  company  raised  in  Dutchess  Co.,  and  after  the  war 
settled  in  Albany,  N.  Y.  His  mother  was  a  Beach  from  the  Conn,  branch, 
and  a  sister  of  Miles  Beach,  of  Saratoga  Springs,  N.  Y.  Mrs.  Castle's 
mother  was  a  Grinnell,  niece  of  Moses  Grinnell,  of  N.  Y.,  who  fitted  out 
Arctic  expeditions. 

Mr.  Castle  was  educated  at  the  Jonesville  Academy,  N.  Y.     After  some 





business  experience  moved  West  in  Dec,  1855,  and  located  at  Sandwich,  111. 
In  1857  m.  His  wife  was  born  in  Western  N.  Y.  in  1836.  He  established 
the  Sandwich  Bank,  of  which  he  is  to-day  President.  In  the  same  year 
(1856)  he  started  a  lumber  and  coal  yard,  which  he  still  operates.  Was 
elected  State  Senator  in  1871,  served  two  terms,  and  declined  re-election  on 
account  of  business.  In  1878  he  started  the  Sandwich  Argus,  a  weekly 
paper,  of  which  he  is  editor  and  proprietor.     His  children  are : 

(i)  John  B.  Castle,  a  lawyer  and  hardware  dealer  at  Sandwich,  b.  Aug.  13, 
1859,  m.,  Oct.  8,  1885,  Mollie  Latham. 

(2)  Louise  R.  Castle,  b.  Jan.  21.  1861,  m.,  Jan.  21,  1892,  Louie  C.  Walbridge. 

(3)  Grace  Castle,  b.  July  27,  1868,  m.,  Oct.  18, ,  Revd.  George  McGin- 

niss,  a  Baptist  pastor  at  Chicago,  111. 

Louie  C.  Walbridge,  after  military  school  training  at  Poughkeepsie  and 
Peekskill,  N.  Y.,  went  West,  was  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  then  with  his  bro.,  W.  G. 
W.,  on  government  work  on  the  Missouri  River.  Afterward  he  engaged 
in  the  hardware  business  at  Chicago,  111.;  left  there  on  account  of  his  health, 
and  became  interested  in  ranching  near  Russell,  Russell  Co.,  Kansas,  where 
he  now  resides  on  his  ranch  of  some  3500  acres.     His  two  daughters  are : 

986  i.   Margaret  Esther,  b.  Nov.  26,  1893,  at  the  ranch. 

987  ii.  Louise  Chester,  b.  July  18,  1895,  at  the  ranch. 


CLARENCE  MITCHELL"  {Frederick  Green;'  Ebeneser  William* 
Ebenezer?  Ebeneser,^  Henry^),  b.  Nov.  6,  i860,  at  West  Union,  Iowa.  He 
m.,  Dec.  5,  1882,  Louie  K.  Dorr,  b.  Sept.  30,  1863,  at  West  Liberty,  Iowa, 
dau.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  D.  (Van  Natta)  Dorr,  of  thai  place. 

988  i.  Amaryllis,  b.  Sept.  15,  1883,  at  Atchison,  Kansas. 

989  ii.  Eva,  b.  July  14,  1888,  at  Newtonville,  Kansas. 



LEROY  PIERCE^  (IVayne,^  William,'^  John*  John,^  William,^  Henry^), 
b.  Nov.  15,  1821,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  Aug.  30,  1888.  He  was  first  m.,  Dec, 
1843,  to  Minerva  Ann  Fulton,  b.  Jan.  19,  182 1,  at  Thelford,  Vt.,  d.  Nov.  30, 
1858.  His  second  m.  was  in  i860,  to  Eliza  Hall,  b.  Feb.  6,  1823,  at  Oxford, 
N.  H.,  d.  May  23,  1883.  The  births  of  the  last  two  chi.  appear  on  Sharon 
T.  R. 

990  i.  Grace  M.,  b.  April  12,  1845,  d.  May  11,  1883,  at  Canaan,  N.  H.,  m., 

April  13,  1869,  R.  W.  Bailey,  of  Hillsboro,  N.  H.,  and  had  chi.,  (i) 
Calvin  P.  Bailey,  b.  Dec.  11,  1871,  at  East  Lebanon,  N.  H.  (2) 
Richard  W.  Bailey,  b.  Sept.  22,  1874,  at  East  Lebanon,  N.  H.  (3) 
Grace  Bailey,  b.  Nov.  13,  1876,  at  East  Canaan,  N.  H.  (4)  Carrie 
Bailey,  b.  July  13,  1879,  at  East  Canaan,  N.  H. 

991  ii.   Melissa  A.,  b.  Jan.  6,  1847,  at  Thelford,    Vt.,   m.,   April    15,    1867. 

James  Eliphalet  Aldrich,  of  Hanover,  N.  H.,  b.  Dec.  25,  1844,  at 
Sharon,  Vt.,  resides  at  Norwich,  Vt.  Had  chi.,  (i)  Charles  Leroy 
Aldrich,  b.  June  25,  1868,  at  Hanover,  N.  H.  (2)  Mary  Minerva 
Aldrich,  b.  April  23,  1870,  at  Hanover,  N.  H. 

992  iii.   Leroy  Pierce,  b.  Sept.  15,  1861,  first  m.,  Dec.  17,  1883,  Hattie  E. 

Ballard,  of  Norwich,  Vt.,  b.  Sept.  19,  1862,  d.  March  21,  1890.  He 
m.,  second,  Nov.  17,  1891,  Laura  J.  Wakefield,  of  W.  Windsor,  Vt., 
b.  Sept.  16,  1864. 

993  iv.  Charles  H.,  b.  April  30,  1863,  d.  March  29,  1892,  m.,  July  2,  1884, 

Cora  E.  Esty,  and  had  four  chi. ;  names  not  reported. 



LUCY^  {Wayne,^  William,^  John.*  John,^  William,-  Henry'),  b.  June  26, 
1826,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  March  12,  1892,  at  Klemme,  Hancock  Co.,  Iowa; 
was  buried  at  Gamer,  Iowa.  She  m.,  Oct.  11,  1845,  Francis  G.  Drew,  b. 
June  5,  1823.  at  Chataugay  Lake,  N.  Y.,  d.  April  i,  1865,  at  City  Point,  Va., 
of  wounds  received  in  the  battle  of  Five  Forks,  March  31,  1865,  while  serving 
as  a  private  in  Co.  D,  39th  Regt.,  N.  Y.  Vols.  He  was  the  second  chi.  of 
Samuel  and  Judith  Ann  (Edgerly)  Drew. 

Children : 

i.  Solon  George  Drew,  b.  Sept.  30,  1846,  m.  Ida  V.  Ackley,  has  two  dau., 
resides  Marble  Rock,  Iowa. 

ii.  Lyman  Beecher  Drew.  b.  Feb.  i,  1850,  m.,  first,  Etta  Barney;  second, 
Elizabeth  Andrews;  had  one  chi.  by  first  wife;  resides  Minneapolis. 

iii.  Frances  Lucy  Drew,  b.  May  8,  1854,  m.  Alden  B.  Smith,  a  veteran  of  the 
14th  Maine.  He  was  gored  to  death  by  a  bull  in  1879.  leaving  one  chi., 
(i)  Alma  Emma  Smith,  who  grad.  from  Iowa  State  Normal  School, 
and  m.  Geo.  E.  Wells  in  1895.     Address,  Cedar  Falls,  Iowa. 

iv.  Alma  E.  Drew,  b.  July  16,  1856,  m.,  1873,  Edward  Haskell,  reside  at 
Klemme,  Iowa,  and  have  (i)  Frederick,  (2)  Frank,  (3)  Pansy. 

V.  Susan  C.  Drew,  b.  Sept.  18,  1861,  m.  James  G.  Houghton,  from  Maine, 
and  had  (i)  Harry  D.  Houghton,  (2)  Lucy  Houghton. 

vi.  Francis  George  Drew,  b.  March  6,  1864,  m.  Esther  J.  York,  from  N.  H. 
They  have  four  chi.,  (i)  Alice  M..  (2)  Orin  F.,  (3)  Loyal  M.,  (4)  Mabel. 
Mr.  Drew  resides  at  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  where  he  is  secretary  and  treas- 
urer of  the  Co-operative  Printing  Co.,  323  Nicollet  Ave.,  Past  Com- 
mander Minn.  Div.  of  Sons  of  Veterans;  Past  Capt.  of  Geo.  N.  Morgan 
Camp,  No.  4;  Vice-President  City  Councils,  and  Alderman  of  Twelfth 


GEORGE  WAYNE^  {Waynes'  IVilliamJ'  John*  John?  William,- 
Hcnry*),  h.  May  28,  1828,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  m.,  Nov.  20,  1852,  at  Malone. 
N.  Y.,  Mary  F.  Drake,  b.  Nov.  26,  1827,  in  Franklin  Co.,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  John 
R.  and  Mary  C.  (Drew)  Drake.  Mr.  Walbridge  moved  to  Iowa  in  1869, 
to  Minnesota  in  1879,  and  in  1889  to  Deer  Park,  Spokane  Co.,  Washington, 
where  he  resides  on  his  farm,  having  all  his  children  within  a  radius  of  five 


miles.     They  were  all  born  in  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  save  the  youngest,  she  in 
Floyd  Co.,  Iowa. 

994  i.  John  Wayne,  b.  Feb.  27,  1854,  m.  Oct.  13,  1883. 

995  ii.  Zilpha  Alzina,  b.  Nov.  20,  1855,  m.  April  24,  1873. 

996  iii.   Mary  Lorinda,  b.  Nov.  20,  1858,  d.  Aug.  i,  1868. 

997  iv.  George  Nelson,  b.  May  9,  1861,  m.  Nov.  26,  1886. 

998  V.  Betsey  Elizabeth,  b.  May  7,  1863,  m.  March  30,  1884. 

999  vi.  Dollie  G.,  b.  March  19,  1871,  m.  Jan.  15,  1892. 


JASON^  {Waync,^  William,''  John.*  John?  William?  Henry"),  b.  April 
23,  1830,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  m.,  June  14.  1852,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  Eliza  A.  Mer- 
rill, b.  March  28,  1828,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Paul  and  Hannah  (Shep- 
herd) Merrill.  Mr.  Walbridge  resides  at  Hastings,  Minn.,  whither  he  re- 
moved in  1889  from  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  where  his  children  were  born. 

1000  i.  Wesley  J.,  b.  May  22,  1853. 
looi     ii.  Walter  S.,  b.  May  23,  1862. 

1002  iii.  Adelbert  R..  b.  Nov.  5,  1868,  in.,  Nov.  15,  1894,  Floretta  Love- 

joy,  of  Hastings,  Minn. 


WILLIAM  PALMERS  {Wayne?  William?  John?  John?  William? 
Henry^),  b.  April  23,  1832,  at  Hyde  Park,  Vt.,  ni..  March  12.  1855,  at  Bel- 
mont, N.  Y..  Dolly  Drake,  b.  Nov.  26,  183 1,  at  Moira,  Franklin  Co.,  N.  Y., 
dau.  of  John  R.  and  Mary  C.  (Drew)  Drake.  They  reside  at  Brainardsville, 
N.  Y.,  where  Mr.  Walbridge  has  lived  since  early  childhood,  and  where  their 
chi.  were  born. 

1003  i.   Florence  Alzina,  b.  April  27,  i860,  unm.  1895. 

1004  ii.  Jennie  Almina,  b.  Sept.  6,  1862,  unm.  1895. 

1005  iii.  Mary  Lorinda,  b.  March  i,  1871,  unm.  1895. 


SUSAN  C."  (Wayne?  William?  John?  John?  William?  Hcn>Y).  b.  Jan. 
23,  1836,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  d.  Jan.  25,  1891,  at  Coldwater,  Iowa.  She  m., 
Nov.  8,  1861,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  Hiram  A.  Gilman,  of  New  Richmond,  Ind., 


b.  Nov.  7,  1832,  at  Fairfield,  Maine,  son  of  Samuel  and  Temperance  (Nye) 
Oilman.     They  live  at  Lynch,  Nebraska. 

i.  Charlotte  C.  Oilman,  b.  Oct.  17,  1863. 

ii.  Jennie  L.  Oilman,  b.  March  31,  1866. 

iii.   Hiram  F.  Oilman,  b.  March  i,  1868,  d.  Aug.  3,  1880. 

iv.  Albert  W.  Oilman,  b.  May  31,  1870. 

V.  Carrie  L.  Oilman,  b.  March  22,  1872. 

vi.  Orace  R.  Oilman,  b.  July  28,  1879. 


SARAH  A.'^  (Waytte,^  William.^  John,*  John,^  William.-  Henry^),  b. 
June  15.  1838,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y.,  m.  there,  Nov.  8,  1855,  Darius  W.  Merrill, 
who  d.  1887,  son  of  Paul  and  Hannah  (Shepherd,  or  Shepard)  Merrill,  of 
Manchester,  N.  H.  Mr.  Merrill  kept  a  hotel  at  Chataugay  Lake.  His 
widow  m.,  in  1894,  Isaac  Mastin,  and  lives  (1895)  ^t  Burke,  N.  Y. 

i.  Minnie  Merrill,  b.  1858,  m..  and  has  chi. 
ii.  Watson  Merrill,  b.  i860,  m.,  and  has  chi. 
iii.  Shepard  Merrill,  b.  1862,  m.,  and  has  chi. 
iv.  Charles  Merrill,  b.  1864,  m.,  and  has  chi. 


NELSON  JOHN^  {Wayne.''  William.''  John*  John,^  William,-  Henry'), 
h.  Dec.  25,  1846,  at  Belmont,  N.  Y..  m.  there,  Aug.  30,  1870,  Mary  Louisa 
Howe,  b.  Aug.  5,  1848.  at  Belmont,  d.  there  Jan.  16,  1889,  dau.  of  Earl  and 
Margaret  ( )  Howe.  He  m.  for  second  wife,  Sept.  9,  1890,  at  Bel- 
mont, Clara  (Weed)  Nokes,  b.  March  31,  1845,  at  Belmont,  dau.  of  William 
and  Huldah  Weed. 

Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  farmer  at  Malone,  N.  Y. 

1006  i.  Earl,  b.  Nov.  23,  1874,  d.  Dec.  23,  1878. 

1007  ii.   Karl  H.,  b.  May  5,  1877. 

1008  iii.   Ralph  William,  b.  Nov.  12,  1879. 

1009  iv.  Eunice  B.,  b.  Nov.  21,  1883. 



WILLIAM  HENRY  HARRISON"  (Josiah,^  Josiah,^  John*  John,^  Wil- 
liam,' Henry^),  b.  July  6,  1840,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  Oct.  28,  1880. 
He  m..  May  25,  1869,  at  Sharon,  Clara  Frances  Ouimby,  b.  Sept.  12,  1849, 
dau.  of  William  and  Mary  (Lull)  Quimby,  of  Sharon.  Mr.  Walbridge  was 
at  one  time  a  minister  at  Stowe,  Vt. 

loio     i.  Arthur  Henry,  b.  Dec.  22,  1874,  at  Sharon,   Vt.    (T.    R.),    living 
(1895)  at  Boston,  Mass. 


SCHUYLER  P.'  (Levi,^  Roger.''  John.*  John.^  William.'  Henry'),  b.  in 

1836,  at  Sharon,  Vt.,  where  he  m.  Ellen  M.  ,  and  had,  according  to 

Sharon  town  records : 

loii     i.   Emma  Amelia,  b.  April  29,  1863. 

1012  ii.  Barton  F.,  b.  Sept.  17,  1870. 

1013  iii.  Jennie  G.,  b.  April  30,  1880. 


EMMA  J.^  (John  Selah,^  Selah,^  John,*  John.^  William,'  Henry'),  b.  Nov. 
30,  1840,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  where  she  m.,  Dec.  26,  1864,  Jacob  W.  Moore. 
They  live  at  Pawnee  City,  Nebraska. 

i.  Clara  J.  Moore.  vi.  Don  Moore, 

ii.   Lucy  Moore.  vii.   Kate  Moore, 

iii.  Henry  Moore.  viii.  Juliet  Moore, 

iv.  Vinnie  E.  Moore.  ix.  Angie  Moore, 
v.  Mary  Moore. 


CHARLES  PRESTON'  (John  Selah.^  Sclah.^  John.*  John.''  William,' 
Henry'),  h.  Aug.  25,  1842,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  where  he  m.,  Dec.  17,  1866, 
Mary  Ann  Patterson,  dau.  of  Hugh  A.  Patterson,  who,  born  Jan.  13,  1814, 
m.  Huldah  Clark,  and  d.  March  24,  1857. 


Mr.  Walbridge  enlisted  Jan.  4,  1864,  at  Erie,  Pa.,  in  Co.  E.,  145th  Regt., 
Pa.  Vols.  Was  in  the  battles  of  the  Wilderness  and  Spottsylvania  Court 
House,  was  wounded  May  12,  1864,  sent  to  Fairfield  Seminary  Hospital, 
had  30  days'  furlough,  and  was  transferred  to  Army  Square  Hospital;  re- 
turned to  regiment  about  Sept.  10,  1864,  in  front  of  Petersburg,  and  was  on 
duty  along  the  line  at  or  near  Fort  Hell.  Voted  the  second  time  for  Abe 
Lincoln  at  Fort  Wheaton.  His  regt.  belonged  to  4th  Brigade,  ist  Division, 
2d  Army  Corps,  under  General  Hancock,  and  was  present  at  the  surrender 
of  General  Lee.  He  was  transferred  to  Co.  D  and  Co.  F,  53d  Pa.;  dis- 
charged from  that  regt.  at  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  July  8,  1865,  by  General  Orders, 
and  placed  on  pension  roll  for  gimshot  wound  in  left  side.  Mr.  Walbridge 
resides  at  Beattie.  Marshall  Co.,  Kansas.  {Bates''  Pa.  Vols.,  p.  113,  Vol.  H, 
p.  537,  Vol.  IV.) 

1014  i.   Clem.  H.,  b.  July  20,  1871,  d.  Feb.  20,  1872. 

1015  ii.   Maria  J.,  b.  March  31,  1875. 

1016  iii.   Frank  D.,  b.  May  17,  1878. 

1017  iv.   Millie  M.,  b.  May  27,  1881. 

1018  V.  Lottie  H.,  b.  Dec.  2^.  1886. 


FLORENCE  HELEN''  (John  Selah.^  Sclali.''  John.*  John.^  William,'^ 
Henry^),  h.  May  12,  1844,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  where  she  m.,  March  23,  1863, 
John  W.  Moore,  who  d.  without  issue.  His  widow  m.,  Feb.  25,  1869,  at 
Pawnee  City,  Neb.,  Lemuel  Dyer  Jordan,  b.  Jan.  14,  1832,  at  Danville  (now 
Auburn),  Maine,  son  of  Lemuel  Dyer  Jordan,  who  was  born  Oct.  3,  1806, 
d.  Oct.  15,  183 1,  and  m.,  at  Lisbon,  Sarah  Bartlett  Jordan,  settling  at  Dan- 
ville, Me.,  where  he  and  his  wife  died.     Family  live  at  Pawnee  City,  Neb. 

i.  Phila  Maud  Jordan,  b.  Dec.  9,  1869,  d.  Dec.  21,  1885. 

ii.  Mina  Dell  Jordan,  b.  Jan.  i,  1872. 

iii.   Ruth  Climena  Jordan,  b.  Jan.  23,  1874. 

iv.  Sadie  Florence  Jordan,  b.  March  12,  1876. 

V.  Bessie  Eliza  Jordan,  b.  May  16,  1878. 

vi.  Lemuel  Dyer  Jordan,  b.  July  12,  1880. 

vii.  Clem.  Goss  Jordan,  b.  April  22,  1883. 

viii.  T.  Clayton  Jordan,  b.  March  9,  1885. 

ix.  Ray  Walbridge  Jordan,  b.  Nov.  27,  1887. 



CARL  HENRY''  {John  Sclah,^  Sclah,^  John*  John?  William-  Henry^), 
b.  May  i,  1846,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  m.,  March  28,  1885,  at  Wilmington,  Del, 
Dettie  Dedrick,  of  Rochester,  N.  Y.  He  enlisted,  Sept.  10,  1862,  on  the 
U.  S.  steamer  "Michigan,"  the  only  war  vessel  on  Lake  Erie,  was  transferred 
the  same  month  to  the  Mississippi  squadron  under  Commodore  Foote,  and 
ser\'ed  on  the  vessels  "Clara  Donaldson"  (Dolson?),  "Marmora,"  "Brilliant," 
"St.  Clair,"  and  "Cincinnati"  as  a  doctor's  steward.  He  enlisted  March  31, 
1864,  in  Co.  E,  145th  Pa.  Vol.  Infty.,  was  transferred  to  Co.  F,  53d  P.  V.  L, 
went  through  the  Wilderness  campaign,  was  at  Cold  Harbor,  James  River, 
and  the  assault  on  Petersburg,  where  in  the  charge  of  June  16,  1864,  he  lost 
his  left  leg,  was  taken  to  Army  Square  Hospital,  Washington,  D.  C,  and 
received  his  discharge  June  8,  1865.     {Bates'  Pa.  Vols.,  p.  119,  Vol.  II.) 

From  1867  to  1875  he  was  with  the  Penna.  R.  R.  Co.  as  Superintend- 
ent's clerk  and  assistant  paymaster  at  Erie,  Pa.,  then  operated  a  lumber  yard 
until  1884,  when  he  went  to  Cape  Charies,  Va.,  to  take  charge  of  a  large 
truck  farm,  which  had  five  plantations,  some  2800  acres  in  all,  requiring  at 
times  over  500  men,  and  producing  in  1888  over  $81,000  worth  of  produce. 
From  oyster  beds  under  his  management  he  shipped  annually  about  100,000 
bushels  of  the  bivalves,  also  founded  the  town  of  St.  Charies,  and  was  its 
first  Mayor.  In  Oct.,  1888,  he  returned  to  Erie,  Pa.,  where  he  resides  on 
his  "Jersey  Meadow  Stock  Farm"  of  125  acres.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  Demo- 
crat, a  member  of  the  Knights  of  Honor,  Royal  Arcanum,  A.  O.  U.  W.  He 
changed  his  name  from  Henry  Carlton  to  avoid  confusion  with  other  Henrys. 
Mr.  Walbridge  has  taken  great  interest  in  the  progress  and  completion  of 
these  notes,  and  to  his  energy  is  due  much  of  the  data  and  all  the  portraits 
of  his  branch. 


ANDREW  MALLORY^  {John  Selah,^  Selah,^  John*  John.^  William,^ 
Hcnr-f),  b.  March  29,  1848,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  where  he  m.,  Nov.  30,  1871, 
Kittie  O.  Strickland,  and  is  living  on  the  farm  where  he  was  born. 

1019  i.  John  Jay,  b.  Oct.  17,  1872,  m.,  March  10,  1897,  Georgia  M.  Wilson, 

of  Springfield,  Pa. 

1020  ii.   Cari  Strickland,  b.  Feb.  23,  1875. 

102 1  iii.   Ralph  Henry,  b.  Dec.  4,  1878. 



IlLDEH  if 




i02ia  iv.  Norman  Lee,  b.  May  26,  1 88 1. 
1022     V.  Jennie  B.,  b.  Oct.  25,  1884. 
1022a  vi.  Frances  Lou,  b.  April  17,  1887. 


ANN  ELIZA^  {John  Selah,^  Selah,^  John*  John,^  William,'^  Henry^),  b. 
Sept.  3,  1850,  at  Springfield,  Pa.,  where  she  m.,  Nov.  16,  1870,  Delos  Mor- 
gan, of  Beattie,  Kansas,  where  their  children  were  born,  and  where  Mrs. 
Morgan  d.  April  2,  1895. 

i.  Minnie  Morgan,  b.  March  31,  1872,  m.,  April  2,  1894,  Dr.  Lewis  Pen- 
nington, and  has  two  daughters.  Helen  and  Lyde. 

ii.  Edith  Morgan,  b.  in  1874,  m.  Robert  Collins,  March  3,  1893,  and  has 
two  chi.,  Ralph  and  Lyle. 

iii.   Loren  Morgan,  b.  March  20,  1876. 

iv.   Harry  Morgan,  b.  Aug.  30,  1878. 


FRANK  DELOS'  {John  Sidney,^  Selah,^  John*  John,^  William;^ 
Jienry^),  b.  June  11,  1854,  at  Springfield,  Pa.  He  lived  on  his  father's  farm 
until  1868,  when  he  engaged  as  a  clerk  in  Henry  Beckman's  grocery  store. 
Six  years  later  he  entered  the  employ  of  the  Pa.  R.  R.  Co.,  Phila.  &  Erie 
R.  R.  Div.,  working  in  various  capacities  until  1876,  when  he  engaged  as 
fireman,  and  in  1880  was  promoted  to  the  cab.  His  service  both  as  fireman 
and  engineer  has  been  on  the  way  freight,  and  he  is  the  oldest  (as  regards 
service)  freight  man  on  the  road.  Since  1876  he  has  not  lost  thirty  days, 
nor  had  an  accident  of  any  kind.  He  m..  May  31,  1880,  Ida  M.  Smith,  dau. 
of  Christian  and  Eliza  (Blenner)  Smith,  of  Erie,  Pa.  He  resides  at  Erie, 
Pa.,  is  a  member  of  the  Brotherhood  of  Locomotive  Engineers,  Royal  Ar- 
canum, P.  O.  S.  of  A.,  School  Director  of  Erie  from  June,  1896,  to  June, 
1900,  and  is  politically  a  Democrat.  The  portrait  of  himself  and  sons  is 
from  a  photograph  taken  in  April,  1898. 

1023  i.  Harry  C,  b.  Dec.  7,  1881. 

1024  ii.  George  Arthur,  b.  Dec.  6,  1883,  d.  July  23,  1885. 

1025  iii.  Glen  Delos,  b.  March  31,  1887.  ^ 
1025a  iv.  Earl  G.,  b.  Nov.  12,  1892. 



FRANCIS  HENRY'  (Henry,^  Webster,^  Isaac*  John,^  William,^ 
Hcnry^),  b.  Sept.  6,  1839,  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  where  he  m.,  Nov.  6,  1858, 
Martha  Ami  Conrey,  b.  April  29,  1841,  at  Nashua,  N.  H.  His  widow  m. 
W.  A.  Wilson,  and  resides  (1893)  at  Dorchester,  Mass. 

1026  i.  Lillian  Gertrude,  b.  Oct.  23,  1859,  m.,  Sept.  6,  1880, Par- 

sell,  and  had,  (i)  William  Henry  Parsell,  b.  Aug.  23,  1884,  at  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  d.  June  17.  1885.  (2)  George  Walbridge  Parsell,  b.  April 
14,  1887,  d.  July,  1887. 

1027  ii.  Henry  Webster,  b.  Dec.  16,  i860,  m.,  April,  1881,  Jennie  Prentice. 

1028  iii.  Jennie  Vienna,  b.  Feb.  4,  1861,  m..  May,  1886,  William  A.  Heath; 

no  chi. 

1029  iv.  William  E.,  b.  July  4,  1863,  m.,  July  4,  1883,  Nellie  C.  Cushman; 

lives  at  Enosburg,  Vt. 


RANDOLPH  F.'  {Jefferson  D.,^  John,^  Isaac*  John,^  William,^  Henry^), 
was  an  only  child,  born  Sept.  17,  1832,  at  Henderson,  Ky.,  and  d.  Sept.  8, 
1878.  He  m.,  Aug.  28,  1856,  Ellen  Frances  Cassell,  born  Jan.  7,  1839,  in 
Union  Co.,  Ky.,  dau.  of  Hiram  Cassell,  who  was  born  June  26,  1804,  d.  Nov. 
I,  1853,  and  m.  Frances  P.  Bokannon  (Buchanan?),  who  was  born  Nov.  16, 
1804,  d.  1880. 

1030  i.  Louisa  Cassell,  b.  Jan.  18,  i860,  at  Caseyville,  Ky.,  m.,  Oct.  28, 

1886,  Alexander  McElwain,  b.  Oct.  28,  1845,  at  Trenton,  Ky.,  son 
of  John  W.  and  Martha  D.  (Barclay)  McElwain.  Their  chi.  are, 
(i)  Frances  C,  b.  Jan.  19,  1889,  at  Todd,  Trenton  Co.,  Ky.,  d.  Sept. 
5,  1891.     (2)  Jane  Barclay,  b.  Dec.  27,  1890,  at  Todd. 

1031  ii.   Fannie  Rouse,  m.,  1886,  D.  W.  C.  Worsham,  of  Henderson,  Ky. 

1032  iii.  Kittie  James,  m.,  1886,  Lazarus  W.  Powell,  of  Henderson,  Ky., 

grandson  of  the  late  Lazarus  W.  Powell,  who  was  Governor  of  Ken- 

1033  iv.  Jefferson  D.,  b.  Nov.  6,  1867,  at  Henderson,  Ky.     He  is  general 

agent  of  the  Manhattan  Life  Ins.  Co.  for  Western  Ky.,  with  ofifice 
at  Bowling  Green,  Ky. 




JOHN  DEMING^  (Sylvanus  Neivton,^  Isaac,^  Isaac*  John,^  William,- 
Henrv^),  was  born  Nov.  27,  185 1,  in  Washington  Co.,  Ohio,  m.,  1880, 
Hester  Householder;  lives  at  Santa  Anna,  Orange  Co.,  Calif. 


i.  Julia  Eveline. 


ii.   Byron  Burdette. 


iii.  Ralph. 


iv.   Ruth. 


OLIVE  SHELLY^  (Asa  Elias,"  Elias,^  Elijah*  Zebulon,^  William,^ 
Henry^),  b.  April  18,  1844,  at  Belleville,  Ontario,  Canada,  where  she  m.,  Oct. 
28,  1871,  John  Nightingale,  b.  Dec.  31,  1842,  at  Toronto,  Canada,  son  of 
James  and  Hannah  Nightingale,  both  of  Yorkshire,  Eng.  They  live  on  a 
fine  stock  and  dairy  farm  of  over  200  acres,  lying  on  the  shore  of  the  Bay 
of  Quinte.     P.  O.  address,  Belleville,  Ontario,  Canada. 

i.   William  Wallbridge  Nightingale,  b.  March  29,  1873. 
ii.  Bessie  Nightingale,  b.  Oct.  7,  1874,  d.  July  29,  1890. 
iii.  Thomas  Nightingale,  b.  June  30,  1876. 
iv.  Florence  Nightingale,  b.  Aug.  30,  1879. 
V.  Ignatius  Asa  Nightingale,  b.  Aug.  i,  1886. 


HORACE  BUTLER'  {Horace  Greeley,''  Amos,^  Henry*  Henry,^  Amos,' 
Hcnry^),  b.  Aug.  19,  1863,  m.,  Aug.  19,  1884,  Caroline  Foltz. 

1038  i.   Arthur  Leroy,  b.  Jan.  25,  1885. 

1039  ii.   Stanley  Paul,  b.  Jan.  19,  1887. 


LAURA  M.'^  {Williams,^  Williams,^  Eleazer,*  Eleazer,^  Henry,'^  Henry^), 
h.  Jan.  20,  1834,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  d.  there  July  26,  1894.  She  m.,  at 
Brookfield,  Andrew  S.  Allis,  b.  Sept.  i,  1821,  at  Brookfield,  son  of  Elisha 
Allis,  Jun.,  and  Mary  Steele.  The  family  live  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  where  the 
chi.  were  born. 


i.  Gertrude  M.  Allis,  b.  March  27,  1857,   m.,  Jan.    15,    1885,   Audubon   L. 

ii.  Wallace  S.  Allis,  b.  Aug.  7,  1859,  unm.  1895. 
iii.  Egbert  H.  Allis,  b.  Aug.  23,  1868,  m.,  Dec.  2y,  1893,  Alice  L.  Powers. 


RODNEY  W.'  {Williams,''  Williams,^  Elcazcr*  Eleazer,^  Henry,^ 
Henry^),  h.  June  12,  1838,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  m.,  Jan.  i,  1861,  at  Randolph, 
Vt.  (T.  R.),  Elsie  A.  Carley,  b.  1840,  d.  June  5,  1872,  dau.  of  Alpheus  and 
Sarah  Ann  (Story,  wid.)  Carley.  His  second  m.  was  June  25  ,  1878,  to 
Eunice  W.  Church,  b.  June  30,  1845,  at  Highgate,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Melvin  and 
Electa  (Wright)  Church.  They  had  two  chi.,  born  at  Brookfield,  Vt.  Mr. 
Walbridge  enlisted  Aug.  22,  1861,  served  three  years,  was  Sergt.  in  Co.  B, 
4th  Regt.,  Vt.  Vols.,  disch.  Sept.  30,  1864.  The  Randolph  T.  R.  give  first 
m.  as  to  Augusta  Carley,  Jan.  i,  1866,  by  Rev.  Eli  Ballou. 

1040  i.  Rodney  Ray,  b.  Aug.  19,  1882. 

1041  ii.  Carley  Church,  b.  May  29,  1884,  d.  Aug.  21,  1891. 


CHARLES  D.'  (Hiram,''  Williams,''  Eleazer,*  Eleazer,^  Henry^  Henry^), 
h.  Oct.  15,  1835,  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  m.,  in  March,  i860,  Vilora  M.  Wiley, 
b.  Jan.,  1840,  at  Roxbury,  Vt.,  d.  Feb.,  1869.  He  m.  for  second  wife,  in 
1870,  Carrie  A.  Butler,  b.  1848,  at  Buckland,  Mass.  Mr.  W.  is  a  die  sinker, 
lives  at  Northampton,  Mass.,  where  the  last  chi.  was  born,  the  first  three  at 
Roxbury,  Vt.,  the  next  three  at  Greenfield,  Mass. 

1042  i.  Charles  Ernest,  b.  1862,  d.  1883. 

1043  ii.  Henry  Loren,  b.  1864,  unm.  1895,  and  with  Forbes  &  Wallace, 

Springfield,  Mass. 

1044  iii.  Arthur  Leon,  b.  1866,  d.  1876. 

1045  iv.   Bertha,  b.  1871,  d.  1872. 

1046  V.  Winifred  L.,  b.  1874. 

1047  vi.  Ethel  A.,  b.  1878. 

1048  vii.  Victor,  b.  1883. 


WILLIAM  HENRY'  (Hiram,^  Williams,^  Eleaser,*  Eleazer,^  Henry,^ 
Henry'),  b.  March  5,  1841,  at  Brookfield,   Vt.,    m..    May    18,    1861,    Fanny 


Buraham,  b.  Sept.  11,  1842,  at  Roxbury,  Vt.  He  enlisted  Feb.  26,  1864, 
for  three  years  or  during  the  war,  and  was  mustered  into  the  service  as  a 
member  of  the  i6th  Mass.  Battery,  Light  Artillery.  The  battery  was  en- 
gaged in  the  several  battles  which  occurred  during  July,  1864,  near  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  at  the  time  of  Early's  move  toward  the  city.  The  following 
winter  was  spent  fighting  Mosby's  guerrillas,  with  headquarters  at  Fairfax 
Court  House.  He  was  on  duty  at  Brigade  Headquarters  as  Aide-de-Camp 
during  the  last  six  months  of  the  service,  which  expired  with  the  disband- 
ment  of  the  army.  Mr.  VValbridge  is  now  a  Unitarian  clergyman,  and  pastor 
of  the  Cong.  Ch.  of  Peterboro,  N.  H. 

1049  i.   Elmer  Burnham.  b.  Dec.  14,  1861,  at  Roxbury,  Vt. 

1050  ii.   Lucy  M.,  b.  June  11,  1870,  at  Waitsfield,  Vt. 

105 1  iii.  Charles  Fiske,  b.  Oct.  24,  1874,  at  Waitsfield,  Vt. 


GEORGE  LOREN'  {Hiram,''  Williams:'  Elcazcr*  Elcazer?  Henry,' 
Henry^),  b.  May  24,  1843,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  m.,  Nov.  17,  1869,  at  North- 
field,  Vt.,  Celia  Prentis,  b.  Aug.  2y,  1849,  at  Waitsfield,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Joseph 
Comstock  Prentis  and  Lydia  Cerentha  Chandler;  lives  at  Waitsfield,  Vt. 

1052  i.  Edith  v.,  b.  Dec.  3,  1870,  at  Roxbury,  Vt. 

1053  ii.  Martha  C,  b.  Sept.  i,  1875,  at  Waitsfield,  Vt. 


ANDREW  J.^  (HiraiuS'  Williams^-  Elcazcr,*  Elcazcr,^  Henry.^  Henry^), 
b.  July  I,  1845,  at  Randolph,  Vt.,  m.,  June  15,  1880,  at  Roxbury,  Vt.,  Hattie 
J.  Burnham,  born  there  Jan.  18,  1852.  Mr.  W.  is  a  member  of  Walbridge  & 
Taylor,  dealers  in  general  merchandise  at  Peterboro,  N.  H. 

1054  i.  Carey  Albert,  b.  May  14,  1882,  at  Roxbury,  Vt. 

1055  ii.   Robert  Edwin,  b.  Aug.  2,  1888,  at  Peterboro,  N.  H. 


LEVI  JEWETT'^  (Jetveti,^  Amcs,^  Elcazer,*  Eleazer,^  Henry,^  Henry^), 
b.  May  27,  1846,  at  Cabot.  Vt.,  where  he  m.  (T.  R.),  Jan.  17,  1866,  Susan  R. 
Nye,  b.  Aug.  8,  1845,  at  Marshfield,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Ira  and  Eliza  ( )  Nye. 


Family  reside  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  where  the  births  of  the  chi.  appear  on  the  town 

1056  i.  Frank  Lewis,  b.  Oct.  i,  1868,  m.,  Nov.  21,  1893  (T.  R.),  Laura  M. 

Blake,  and  has  a  daughter 

1057  Edna  Mabel  Walbridge,  b.  at  Cabot  (T.  R.),  Dec.  14,  1894. 

1058  ii.  Mabel  E.,  b.  Dec.  15,  1871,  m.,  Nov.  21,  1893  (T.  R.),  L.  A.  Far- 


1059  iii.   Myrtie  S.,  b.  March  20,  1875,  m.,  May  21,   1895  (T.  R.),  S.  C. 

Voodry,  a  merchant  of  Cabot,  Vt.,  b.  Sept.  20,  1865,  at  Woodbury, 
Vt.,  son  of  George  B.  Voodry  and  Florence  C.  Wakefield.  Mrs. 
Voodry  has  kindly  made  for  me  extracts  from  the  Cabot  records 
concerning  the  family. 

1060  iv.  Earle  M.,  b.  May  30,  1886. 


JAMES  H.'  {Zenas,^  Ames,'^  Eleaser*  Eleazer,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  h.  Nov. 
27,  1850,  at  Williamstown,  Vt.,  m.,  Nov.  9,  1875,  at  Brookfield,  Vt.,  Ella, 
dau.  of  Sandford  Dutton  and  Amelia  Martin. 

1061  i.  Amelia  Helen,  b.  June  22,  1881. 

1062  ii.  Orville,  b.  June  10,  1889. 


JOHN  WHEATLEY^  {Ames,^  Ames,^  Eleazer*  Eleazer,^  Henry, ^ 
Henry^),  b.  Oct.  29,  1833,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  where  he  m.,  June  9,  1861  (T.  R.), 
Mary  Jane  Stone,  dau.  of  Walter  and  Mary  (Sampson)  Stone.  She  d.  April, 
1877,  having  had  two  chi.,  and  Mr.  W.  m.,  Aug.  30,  1881,  at  Danville,  Vt. 
(Cabot  T.  R.),  Mary  (Martin)  Hubbell,  of  Wolcott,  Vt,  dau.  of  Ralph 
Martin.  She  d.  March  13,  1884,  without  issue,  and  Mr.  Walbridge  for  third 
wife  m.,  Jan.  24,  1885,  Etta,  dau.  of  John  Gilkerson,  b.  1853,  at  Greensboro, 
Vt.     The  chi.  were  born  at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.). 

1063  i.   Edward  Payson,  b.  Feb.  17,  1865,  m.  Lizzie  D.  Foster. 

1064  ii.  Frederick  Wheatley,  b.  Dec.  i,  1866,  m.,  March  7,  1894  (C.  T.  R.), 

Nellie  D.  Hale. 

1065  iii.  Harry  Enright,  b.  Oct.  17,  1885. 



ALLEN  AMES^  {Amesl^  Ames,^  Eleazer*  Eleazer,^  Henry,^  Henry^), 
b.  April  2.  1843,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  where  he  m.  (T.  R.),  Nov.  17,  1869,  Sarah 
Jane  Harvey,  b.  Dec.  6,  1839,  at  Woodbury,  Vt.,  d.  Jan.  27,  1890,  at  Madi- 
son, Wis.,  dau.  of  Thomas  Harvey  and  Mary  Blanchard,  of  Cabot,  Vt.  Mr. 
Walbridge  went  to  Wisconsin  in  1865,  was  a  dealer  in  general  merchandise 
at  Plover,  Wis.,  until  Nov.  3,  1885,  when  he  moved  to  Milton,  Wis.;  thence 
in  the  fall  of  1887  to  Madison,  Wis.,  where  he  now  resides,  and  is  senior  mem- 
ber of  Walbridge  &  Co.,  dealers  in  physicians'  supplies.  Jan.  8,  1894,  he  m. 
Sarah  Ruth  (Clark)  Strope,  b.  in  N.  Y.  State,  widow  of  Martin  Strope. 

1066  i.  Mary  Minnie,  b.  Sept.  6,  1870,  m.,  Sept.  13,  1894,  Dr.  F.  W.  Adam- 

son,  of  Milwaukee,  Wis. 

1067  ii.  Fanny  Rose,  b.  July  29,  1872. 

1068  iii.  Carrie  Susie,  b.  Sept.  30,  1873. 

1069  iv.  Allen  Harvey,  b.  March  6,  1876,  d.  May  7,  1877. 

1070  v.  Ernest  Lucian,  b.  June  17,  1877. 


LYSANDER  E.''  (Lyman,^  Anies,^  Eleaser,*  Eleazer,^  Henry,^  Henry^), 
a  farmer,  b.  Oct.  26,  1835,  ^^  Alton,  Maine,  m.,  March  6,  1861,  at  Danville, 
Vt.,  Eliza  Ann  Walbridge  (755),  b.  April  30,  1838,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  where  she 
had  previously  m.,  Dec.  25,  1859,  Charles  C.  Brown.  She  was  the  dau.  of 
Jewett  Walbridge  and  Mary  Jane  Orcutt.  They  live  at  South  Cabot,  Vt. 
Mr.  Walbridge  enlisted  the  last  year  of  the  war  in  the  8th  Regt.,  Ver.  Vols. 

1071  i.  Bertha  E.,  b.  Sept.  10,  1863. 

1072  ii.  Jewett  E.,  b.  Nov.  13,  1866. 

1073  "i-   Lysander  Eugene,  b.  July  30,  1868. 


LOUISA  M.'  (Lyma)!,"  Ames,^  Eleazer*  Eleazer,^  Henry,^  Henry^),  b. 
Feb.  27,  1838,  at  Argyle  (now  Alton),  Maine,  m.,  March  27,  1856,  at  Cabot, 
Vt.  (T.  R.),  William  Stevenson,  b.  July  13.  1826,  at  Barnet,  Vt.,  d.  Oct.  21, 
1897,  at  South  Cabot,  Vt.,  son  of  Wm.  R.  W.  Stevenson  and  Jean  McLaren. 
His  widow  resides  at  South  Cabot,  Vt. 


i.   George  H.  Stevenson,  b.  Jan.  31,  1857,  d.  Sept.  27,  1875. 

ii.   Mary  L.  Stevenson,  b.  Feb.  12,  1865,  m.,  Dec.  17,  1884,  Donald  D.  Smith. 

iii.  William  R.  Stevenson,  b.  Jan.  4,  1877,  d.  Nov.  28,  1880. 

iv.  Isaiah  J.  Stevenson,  b.  May  24,  1881,  d.  June  11,  188 1. 


LUDOVICUS  LILLIE'  (IVilUam  IVilliams,^  Ames,''  Eleazer*  Elcazcr,'' 
Henry,^  Henry^),  b.  Aug.  5,  1836,  at  Cabot,  Vt.,  m.,  June  12,  1861,  at  Mont- 
pelier,  Vt.,  Louise  J.  Hubbard,  b.  June  10,  1840,  at  Berlin,  Vt.,  dau.  of  Sher- 
man and  Louisa  (Johnston)  Hubbard.  Mr.  Walbridge  at  the  age  of  15  was 
apprenticed  to  learn  the  printing  trade  in  the  office  of  the  Christian  Reposi- 
tory at  Montpelier,  Vt.  Four  years  later  he  became  connected  with  the 
Boston  Journal  and  Post  as  a  reporter,  and  at  the  same  time  studied  short- 
hand writing.  In  1859  he  went  to  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  where  he  has  since  been. 
For  five  or  six  years  was  with  the  Republican,  then  with  the  Democrat  as  re- 
porter and  city  editor,  but  owing  to  the  demand  for  shorthand  work  in  the 
courts  he  left  the  press,  and  has  followed  court  reporting  as  a  business.  He 
resides  at  Webster  Groves,  Mo.  Lost  five  chi.  in  infancy,  and  has  one  dau. 

1074  i.  Louise  Hubbard,  b.  Aug.  12,  1877. 


EVERETT  LORENZO'  {Eleazer,"  Ames,^  Eleaser,*  Eleazer,^  Henry,-" 
Henry^),  h.  Sept.  17,  1846,  at  East  Bangor,  Maine,  enhsted  March,  1863, 
in  Co.  H,  31st  Maine  Regt.,  9th  Corps,  2d  Div.,  2d  Brigade,  was  in  the  three 
days'  battle  of  the  Wilderness,  May  4-7,  1864,  at  Spottsylvania,  Cold  Harbor 
and  the  siege  of  Petersburg,  where  he  was  wounded  April  2,  1865.  Oct.  28, 
1869,  he  m.  Ada  M.,  dau.  of  F.  A.  Harriman,  of  Grinnell,  Iowa.  In  1879  he 
entered  the  seminary  at  Bangor,  Maine,  to  study  for  the  ministry,  graduated 
June  I,  1 88 1,  preached  at  Millbridge,  Jonesport  and  Machias,  was  evangelist 
for  the  Missionary  Soc.  of  Vt.,  and  in  June,  1892,  was  called  to  Johnson,  Vt., 
where,  after  a  brief  and  effective  ministry,  he  died  of  heart  disease  Sept.  6, 
1892.  His  wife  Ada  bore  him  four  chi.,  two  boys  and  two  girls,  the  latter 
both  dead.  She  d.  at  Machiasport  Feb.  24,  1890,  and  he  m.,  July  2,  1891, 
Mabel  Driske. 

1075  i.  1077     iii. 

1076  ii.  1078     iv. 








ROBERT  PEACH^  {Leander,^  Ames,^  Elcazer*  Elcazcr?  Henry,^ 
Henry^),  b.  Aug.  11,  1862,  at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  ni.,  Jan.  i,  1887.  at  Crafts- 
bury,  Vt.  (Cabot  T.  R.),  Lilla  Eliza  Farr,  b.  June  12,  1865,  at  Greensboro. 
Vt.,  dau.  of  Oliver  Warner  Farr  and  Mary  Ann  Patterson.  They  live  at 
Cabot,  Vt. 

1079  i.   Florence  Eliza,  b.  May  24,  1888,  at  Cabot  (T.  R.). 

1080  ii.  George  Leander,  b.  March  25,  1890,  at  Cabot  (T.  R.). 


GEORGE  JONES^  {Philander,''  Elcaccr,"-  Elcazer^  Elcazcr?  Hcnry,^ 
Henry^),  b.  Nov.  10.  1844,  at  East  Randolph.  Vt.,  m.,  Oct.  2,  1871,  at  Clay- 
ton, Winnebago  Co.,  Wis.,  Ella  Merritt,  b.  March  20,  1852,  in  Illinois,  dau. 
of  Ebenezer  Merritt,  of  Appleton,  Wis.  Mr.  Walbridge  went  with  his 
parents  to  Menasha,  Wis.,  in  the  fall  of  1857,  thence,  June  4,  1874,  to  Colby, 
Clark  Co.,  Wis.,  where  he  engaged  in  the  hardware  business  Sept.  25,  1876, 
and  was  deputy  postmaster  from  that  date  until  Dec.  5,  1878,  when  he  be- 
came postmaster. 

1081     i.  Winifred,  b.  Oct.  29,  1879. 


ALFRED  PERRY"  {Solomon,^  William."  Solomon*  Henrx.^  Hcnrx.- 
Henry^),  h.  Dec.  27,  1857,  in  Fannin  Co.,  Te.xas.  His  parents  removed  to 
California  in  1859  by  ox  teams,  and  there  remained  until  1880,  when  in 
search  of  a  dry  climate  they  moved  to  .Arizona.  Mr.  Walbridge  m.,  at 
Phcenix,  Arizona,  on  Aug.  4,  1886.  Wright,  of  Pomona,  Calif.,  b. 
June  14,  1865,  in  Arkansas,  dau.  of  Joseph  Wright,  who,  born  about  1830, 
m.,  in  Arkansas,  Narcissa  Locke,  b.  about  1835,  and  now  dead.  Thev  had 
ten  chi.,  of  whom  the  last  two  were  twins:  (i)  Hattie,  (2)  Thomas,  (3)  Elsie, 
(4)  John  W.,  (5)  Annie,  (6)  Leigh,  (7)  Narcissa,  (8)  Joseph,  (9)  Mathew, 
(10) Joseph. 

Mr.  Walbridge's  youngest  child  was  named  for  her  great-grandmother, 
who  was  a  niece  of  Com.  O.  H.  Perry.     (See  210.) 

Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  bookkeeper  by  profession,  though  he  taught  school 
for  a  few  years  before  going  to  Arizona.     He   is   an    active   participant    in 


church  and  temperance  work,  having  been  an  officer  in  the  Christian  Church 
in  Phoenix  for  about  eight  years,  and  Supt.  of  the  S.  S.  for  a  longer  period. 
He  is  also  an  active  Endeavorer,  and  Treas.  of  both  the  Territorial  Y.  P.  S. 
C.  E.  and  S.  S.  Associations.  For  ten  years  he  has  been  one  of  the  most 
prominent  members  of  the  Independent  Order  of  Good  Templars  in  Ari- 
zona, and  is  now  serving  his  second  term  as  G.  C.  T.  From  the  organization 
of  the  Grand  Lodge  until  his  election  as  G.  C.  T.  he  was  Grand  Secretary 
of  the  jurisdiction.  He  has  always  edited  the  official  organ  of  the  order  in 
Arizona,  and  has  written  for  other  publications  as  well.  Politically  he  is  a 
staunch  Republican  and  a  firm  believer  in  the  principles  of  prohibition, 
though  never  a  member  of  that  party.  His  sister  lives  with  him  at  Phoenix, 

1082  i.  Amy,  b.  July  28,  1887,  d.  March  3,  1893. 

1083  ii.  Charles,  b.  June  8,  1890. 
1083a  iii.  Zilpha  Perry,  b. ,  1896. 

847        ■     • 

EDWARD  NEWTON'  {Silas  Dewey,^  Silas,''  Silas,*  Henry,^  Hcnry,^ 
Henry^),  h.  Oct.  11,  1859,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where  he  m.,  in  Dec,  1884, 
Helen  Velnette  Hess,  dau.  of  S.  F.  Hess.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  real  estate 
dealer  at  Rochester,  Vice-Commodore  of  the  Rochester  Yacht  Club,  and 
Lieut,  of  the  Rochester  Division  of  the  Naval  Reserves. 

1084  i.  Arthur,  b.  Aug.  25,  1889. 

1085  ii.  Elsie,  b.  Nov.  15,  1891. 


MARY  ELOISE'  (Daniel  Tilden,^  Silas,''  Silas,*  Henry,^  Henry,- 
Henry^),  h.  April  i,  1847,  at  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where  she  m.,  June  7,  1871, 
Daniel  West  Bush,  b.  July  29,  1843,  at  Rochester,  son  of  John  Fellows  Bush 
and  Mary  Stone.  Mr.  Bush  is  a  general  insurance  agent  at  Rochester, 
N.  Y.,  where  his  children  were  born. 

i.  Walter  Walbridge  Bush,  b.  Nov.  15,  1872,  d.  Oct.  16,  1893,  at  N.  Y.  City, 
ii.  John  Fellows  Bush,  b.  March  7,  1874. 
iii.   Mary  Eloise  Bush.  b.  Jan.  19,  1876. 
iv.  Daniel  Tilden  Bush,  b.  Feb.  12,  1877. 












V.  Fannie  Bush,  b.  Dec.  12,  1878,  d.  Aug.,  1879. 
vi.  Esther  Dewey  Bush,  b.  Feb.  27,  1882. 
vii.   Mary  Stone  Bush,  b.  Sept.  11,  1884. 


FREDERICK  JAY^  {John  Jay,^  John  Jay.''  Silas,*  Henry  J'  Henry, - 
Henry^),  b.  July  4,  185 1,  at  Gaines,  N.  Y.,  m.,  April    26,    1887,    Louise   J. 

,  b.  June  22,  1865.  at  Detroit,  Mich.     They   live    at    Battle    Creek, 

Mich.,  where  their  chi.  were  born. 

1086  i.  Howard  Joseph,  b.  June  22,  i8go. 

1087  ii.  Jay  Harold,  b.  Dec.  i,  1891. 


DELIA  HELEN^  (Orb  Judson,^  Benj.  Franklin,^  Asa,*"  Henry,^  Henry,- 
Henry^),  b.  May  26,  1837,  at  Madrid,  N.  Y.,  m..  May  i,  1855,  at  Pewaukee, 
Wis.,  by  her  father,  to  John  Emory  Canright,  son  of  Solomon  Canright. 
They  lived  in  Pewaukee  until  1862,  removing  thence  to  Fairmount,  Minn., 
their  present  home. 

i.  Orlo  Solomon  Canright,  b.  July  27,  1857,  grad.  1884  at  Rush  Med.  Coll., 

Chicago,  located  at  Princeton,  Minn, 
ii.   Charles  Emory  Canright,  b.  June  27,  1859,  a  lawyer, 
ill.   Francis  McClellan  Canright,  b.  Oct.  25,  1861,  a  farmer, 
iv.  Winnette  Irene  Canright,  b.  Aug.  23,  1865,  d.  April  30,  1878. 
V.   Lottie  May  Canright,  b.  July  24,  1868. 
vi.  Alice  Pamelia  Canright,  b.  Jan.  31,  187 1. 
vii.   Delia  Helen  Canright,  b.  Jan.  24,  1873. 
viii.  Amy  Maria  Canright,  b.  Nov.  10,  1875. 
ix.   Harry  Canright,  b.  Sept.  26,  1878. 


CYRUS  PACKARD^  {Orlo  Jiidson,"  Benj.  Franklin,^  Asa,*  Henry,^ 
Henry,^  Henry^),  h.  July  20,  1849,  at  Madrid,  N.  Y.,  m.,  Oct.  9,  1879,  at  St. 

Louis,  Mo.,  Lizzie  Merrell,  b.  Aug.  22,  185 1,  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  dau.  of 
Jacob  Spencer  Merrell  and  Kate  K.  Kellogg.     Mr.  Walbridge  graduated  in 

1874  at  the  law  school  at  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  having   paid    his   way    with 


money  earned  at  carpentering,  at  which  trade  he  had  had  some  training. 
He  practiced  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  until  1877,  when  he  moved  to  St.  Louis, 
Mo.,  where  he  became  Acting  Mayor  of  the  city  in  1892,  afterward  Mayor. 
He  is  also  president  of  the  J.  S.  Merrell  Drug  Co. 

1088     i.   Merrell  Packard,  b.  Sept.  5,  1884. 


THOMAS  HORACE^  {Horace  S.,^  Chester,^  Henry*  Ehenezer,^  Ebene- 
zer^  Henry^),  h.  Jan.  3,  1855,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  where  he  m.,  Feb.  27,  1878, 
Mary,  b.  Sept.  16,  1853,  at  Toledo,  dau.  of  James  and  Mary  (Sherret)  Young, 
both  of  Scotland.  Mr.  Walbridge  grad.  at  the  Rens.  Poly.  Inst,  of  Troy, 
N.  Y.,  in  1876,  became  a  member  of  the  firm  of  H.  S.  Walbridge  &  Co.,  real 
estate  and  money  brokers.  After  his  father's  death  he  purchased  all  other 
interests  in  the  firm,  and  continues  the  business;  is  President  of  the  Wal- 
bridge Building  Co.,  owning  the  large  eight-story  building,  "The  Nasby," 
also  President  of  the  People's  Savings,  Loan  and  Building  Co.,  Treasurer  of 
the  Woodlawn  Cemetery  Assoc,  and  Executor  of  his  father's  estate.  He 
resides  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  where  his  chi.  were  born. 

1089  i.  McLean,  b.  Jan.  11,  1879,  d.  Jan.  21,  1879. 

1090  ii.  Stanley,  b.  Dec.  31,  1879. 

1091  iii.  Bessie  Isabel,  b.  Nov.  6,  1882. 

1092  iv.   Horace  Secor,  b.  Aug.  i,  1887,  d.  Dec.  5,  1890. 

1093  v.  Thomas  Alexander,  b.  Dec.  11,  1891. 


DUDLEY  HEBER^  (Henry  Budd,'^  Henry,''  Henry,*  Ebenczer,^  Ebcne- 
zer?  Henry^),  h.  March  24,  1846,  at  Lockport,  N.  Y.,  d.  July  12,  1878,  at 
Col.  Spgs.,  Col.,  m.,  Aug.  6,  1868,  Anna,  b.  Sept.  16,  1844,  at  Erie,  Pa.,  dau. 
of Mayburry. 

1094  i.   Henry  Budd,  b.  March  24.  1869,  at  Chicago,  111.,  unm.  (1892),  and 

with  the  Chicago  house  of  J.  L.  Mott  &  Co.,  of  N.  Y.     He  resides 
7127  Yale  St.,  Englewood  P.  O. 

1095  ii.  Anna  Mayburry,  b.  July  12,  1872.  at  Chicago,  111.,  where  she  re- 

sides (unm.  1892)  with  her  brother. 




WILLIAM  DE  LANCEY^  (Henry  Budd,"  Henry,'  Henry*  Ebeneser,^ 
Ebenezer.-  Henry^),  b.  May  10,  1856,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  m.,  Sept.  19,  1883, 
Mary  Southwick,  resides  N.  Y.  City,  and  is  said  to  have  two  chi.,  a  boy  and 
girl,  but  inquiries  had  no  reply. 

1096  i.  Dudley  Hunt,  b.  Feb.  16,  1885. 
ii.  dau. 


CARLTON  HOSKINS^  {Ebenezer,^  Heman,'  Henry*  Ebenezer?  Ebene- 
zer,^ Henry^),  b.  Jan.  31,  i860,  at  Toledo,  Ohio,  where  he  m.,  Nov.  21,  1882, 
Jessie  Sinclair,  b.  July  20,  i860,  at  Toledo,  dau.  of  John  and  Ann  (Perigo) 
Sinclair.     They  reside  at  Toledo,  where  their  children  were  born. 

1097  i.  Kitty  AHce,  b.  Oct.  9,  1883. 

1098  ii.  Lester,  b.  June  24,  1888. 


JAMES  EDWARD'^  {Henry  Stebbins,^  Stebbins  Denio,^  Stebbins*  Ebene- 
zer? Ebenezer."  Henry^),  h.  Dec.  14.  1855,  at  N.  Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he 
m.,  Oct.  3,  1876,  Idella  Blood,  b.  Dec.  14,  1856,  at  Grafton,  Vt.,  dau.  of 
David  S.  and  Mary  (Farnham)  Blood.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  the  leading  furni- 
ture dealer  in  Bennington,  and  his  residence,  on  a  high  hill  overlooking  the 
town,  commands  a  fine  view  of  the  valley  and  mountains. 

1099  i.   Fanny,  b.  June  29.  1877. 
iioo     ii.   Florence,  b.  Oct.  13,  1879. 
iioi     iii.   Edith,  b.  May  19,  1882. 

1102  iv.  Mary,  b.  July  31,  1887. 

1103  V.   Edna,  b.  Oct.  30,  1889. 

1 104  vi.  Henry  Blood,  b.  Oct.  29,  1894. 


AUGUSTUS  CLARK^  (Olin  George?  George?  Stebbins?  Ebenezer? 
Ebenezer?  Henry^),  b.  March  3,  1856,  at  N.  Y.  City,  d.  Aug.  20,  1892,  at 
Brooklyn, N.Y.,  where  he  was  m..May  30,  1878,  at  the  residence  of  the  bride's 
parents,  and  by  Rev.  Joseph  T.  Duryea,  D.  D.,  of  the  Classon  Ave.  Presby. 


Ch.,  to  Katharine  Pierce  Clarke,  who  was  born  April  5,  1856,  at  Lawrence. 
Mass.,  dau.  of  George  H.  Clarke  and  Mary  Elizabeth  Pierce.  She  resides 
(1895)  at  52  Irving  Place,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

1 105  i.   George  Huntington,  b.  March  27,  1879. 

1 106  ii.   Helen  Isabel,  b.  April  13.  1880. 

1 107  iii.  Anna  Ryckman.  b.  Nov.  14,  1881. 

1 108  iv.   Ethel  Clarke,  b.  May  13.  1886. 

1 109  V.  Ernest  Augustus,  b.  Sept.  26,  1892. 


GEORGE  OLIN'  {Olin  George,^  George,^  Stebbins*  Ebeneser,^  Ebene- 
zer,'^  Henry^),  b.  Sept.  11,  1857,  at  N.  Y.  City.  He  was  m.,  June  4,  1885,  at 
the  Memorial  Presby.  Ch.,  Brooklyn  N.  Y.,  by  Rev.  Mr.  Nelson  to  Carrie  E. 
Borden,  b.  May  18,  1861,  at  Somerville,  Mass.,  dau.  of  Charles  J.  Borden 
and  Harriet  C.  Hills.  Mr.  Walbridge  is  a  real  estate  and  investment  broker 
at  168  Montague  St.,  Brooklyn,  resides  at  285  Garfield  Place. 

mo     i.  Lester  Borden,  b.  Aug.  20,  1886. 
nil     ii.  Rodney  Olin,  b.  June  19,  1888. 

1 1 12  iii.  Hazel  Clay,  b.  Feb.  26,  1894. 


FRANCIS  EUGENE'  {Olin  George,^  George,^  Stebbins,*  Ebenezer? 
Ebenezer,^  Hcnry^),  h.  July  5,  1863,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  where  he  m.,  Jan. 
26,  1888,  Edith  Hazen,  b.  Nov.  28,  1864,  at  Rifton,  N.  Y.,  dau.  of  Calvin  T. 
Hazen  and  Clara  Barnes.     They  reside  at  285  Garfield   Place,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 

1 1 13  i.  Edith,  b.  Nov.  29,  1888. 

1 1 14  ii.   Dorothy,  b.  July  6,  1890,  d.  Feb.  5,  1892. 


ANNA  LOUISE"  (Olin  George,^  George,''  Stebbins,*  Ebenezer,^  Ebenezer,'^ 
Henry^),  b.  May  18,  1865,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  where  she  m.,  June  i,  1892, 
Paul  Taylor  Brown,  b.  May  28,  1868,  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  son  of  John  Wil- 
liams Brown  and  Lydia  T.  Brock.  Mr.  Brown  is  a  member  of  J.  W.  Brown 
&  Co.,  103  Arch  St.,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  dealers  in  high  grade  canned  goods, 
olives  and  olive  oil.     They  reside  at  4023  Pine  St. 

i.  Marjorie  Walbridge  Brown,  b.  Feb.  14,  1893. 










HENRY  WEBSTER*  {Frmicis  Henry,''  Henry,^  Webster,^  Isaac*  John,^ 
William,^  Henry^),  b.  Dec.  i6,  i860,  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  m.,  in  April,  1881, 
Jennie  Prentice. 

1 115  i.  Lillian  May,  b.  Dec.  22,  1882,  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  d.  Dec.  22,  1890. 

1 1 16  ii.   Mabel  Gertrude,  b.  Nov.  19,  1892. 

j    I  Cj  ^  -^  c*  John-'  Wil- 

It.     X=^r\<    TTr«vici3\  -July  4, 1883, 

'  J  Mary  (Bordo) 

:hi.  were  born. 

O^Wo^ckaji  ,   J).      :3^n.  27^  /^(|^ 

nes,^    Elcaser,* 
R.),  where  he 
m.,  Oct.  4,  1892  (T.  R.).  Lizzie  D.  Foster,  had  chi.  born  at  Cabot  (T.  R.). 

1 120  i.  Maidem  E.  (son),  b.  Dec.  13,  1893. 

1 121  ii.  Morris  Edward,  b.  July  8,  1896. 








HENRY  WEBSTER*  {Francis  Henry,''  Henry, '^  Webster,^  Isaac,*  John,^ 
William,'  Henry^),  b.  Dec.  i6,  i860,  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  m.,  in  April,  1881, 
Jennie  Prentice. 

1 115  i.  Lillian  May,  b.  Dec.  22,  1882,  at  Lowell,  Mass.,  d.  Dec.  22,  1890. 

1 1 16  ii.  Mabel  Gertrude,  b.  Nov.  19,  1892. 


WILLIAM  E.»  (Francis  Henry,''  Henry, ^  Webster,''  Isaac,*  Jolin,^  Wil- 
liam." Hcnry^),  b.  July  4,  1863,  at  Enosburg,  Vt.,  where  he  m.,  July  4,  1883, 
Nellie  C.  Cushman,  b.  March  23,  1861,  dau.  of  Frank  E.  and  Mary  (Bordo) 
Cushman      He  is  a  farmer  at  East  Enosburg,  Vt.,  where  the  chi.  were  born. 

1 1 17  i.  Grace  L.,  b.  Aug.  25,  1884. 

1 1 18  ii.   Myrtle  L.,  b.  April  25,  1888. 

1 1 19  iii.  Jessie  G.,  b.  Nov.  11,  1890. 


EDWARD  PAYSON^  (John  Wheatley,''  Ames,^  Anies,^  Eleazer,* 
Eleazer,^  Hcnry,^  Henrf).  b.  Feb.  17,  1865.  at  Cabot,  Vt.  (T.  R.),  where  he 
m.,  Oct.  4,  1892  (T.  R.),  Lizzie  D.  Foster,  had  chi.  born  at  Cabot  (T.  R.). 

1 120  i.  Maidem  E.  (son),  b.  Dec.  13,  1893. 

1 121  ii.  Morris  Edward,  b.  July  8,  1896. 



The  names  following  are  of  those  whose  ancestry  has  not  been  traced 
with  certainty,  but  who  further  data  would  probably  show  to  be  descended 
from  Henry  Wallbridge,  of  Norwich. 


WILLIAM  WALBRIDGE,  d.  Dec.  8,  1814,  aged  49,  at  Stafford  vil- 
lage, Conn.,  m.  Catharine ,  who  d.  at  Stafford  village  Sept.  i,  1819, 

aged  44.  He  was  very  likely  a  descendant  from  the  Wales,  Mass.,  branch, 
which  has  in  no  way  contributed  information  or  aided  in  the  preparation  of 
these  notes.     (See  Nos.  17  and  1171.) 

1 123  i.  William,  b.  1781,  d.  May  23,  1807,  aged  26. 

1 124  ii.   Catharine,  b.  Feb.,  1809,  d.  Oct.  28,  1810. 

1 125  iii.   George  William,  b.  1813,  m.  Catharine  Shurtleff. 

1 1 26  iv.  Samuel,  died  out  West. 

1 127  V.  Esther,  m.  David  Miller,  of  Wales,  Mass.,  and  had  a  son  Augustus, 

who  lives  at  East  Willington,  Conn. 

1 128  vi.  dau. 


GEORGE  WILLIAM^  (William^),  d.  at  Stafford  village.  Conn.,  Jan. 
28,  1873,  aged  60.  He  m.,  April  11,  183 1,  at  Ashford,  Conn.,  Elizabeth, 
b.  181 5,  dau.  of  Sylvanus  Shurtleff.     She  was  living  in  1895. 

His  dau.,  Mrs.  Baker,  says,  "My  father    came    from    Monson,    Mass., 
where  his  father  d.  when  he  was  seven  years  old,  and  went  to  live  with  his 
uncle,  Reuben  Underwood.     He  moved  to  Ashford,  m.  Elizabeth  Shurtleff, 
and  died  there  in  Jan.,  1872.     His  widow  was  living  there  in  1895." 


1 129  i.   Leandcr,  b.  Aug.  15,  1832,  ni. 

1 130  ii.  Eliza  H.,  b.  April  24,  1837,  m.,  March,  i860,  Davis  A.  Baker,  has 

two  sons,  (i)  Oscar  A.,  (2)  Louis  A.,  and  lives  at  Warrenville,  Conn. 


LEANDER*  (George  William,^  William^),  b.  Aug.  15,  1832,  at  Monson, 
Mass.,  m.,  Nov.  20,  1853,  ^^  Ashford,  Conn.,  Emila  Baker,  b.  there  in  1833, 
dau.  of  Enoch  and  Mary  Baker.  Leander  was  living  in  1895  at  Stafford- 
ville.  Conn.,  as  were  his  sons,  Wm.  S.  and  Robert  Lee,  also  dau.  Adelaide 
and  her  family. 

1 131  i.  Adelaide,  b.  Dec.  7,  1854,  m.  Elwin  E.  Phelps,  and  has  five  chi. 

1 132  ii.  Angeline  C,  b.  July  9,  1859,  d.  Sept.  30,  1859. 

1 133  iii.   Mary  Ella,  b.  April  3,  1861,  a  dressmaker,  unm.  in  1895,  and  living 

in  Springfield,  Mass. 

1 134  iv.   Robert  Lee,  b.  Sept.  10,  1862,  m.,  Oct.  12,  1887,  Ida  P.  Bissell, 

Hve  at  Staffordville.  S.  T.  R.  show  the  birth,  Oct.  14,  1890,  of  a 
son  of  Robert  Lee  Walbridge,  of  Ashford,  Conn.,  and  Ida  P.  Bissell, 
of  Wales,  Mass. 

1 135  v.  Amy  E.,  b.  June  2,  1865,  m.,  Dec.  19,  1894,  at  Staffordville,  Conn., 

Hiram  Rathburn. 

1 136  vi.  William  S.,  b.  April  8,  1868,  m.  Leanora  Whitney. 

1137  vii.   Kate  E.,  b.  April  27,  1870,  m.,  Oct.   12,   1893,  at  Staffordville, 

Conn.,  Arthur  J.  Hedges,  b.  Oct.  12,  1868,  at  Westfield,  Mass.,  son 
of  Charles  A.  Hedges  and  Elizabeth  A.  Hitchcock.  They  live  at 
Westfield,  Mass.,  and  have  a  dau.,  Mary  Esther  Hedges,  b.  Aug.  2, 

1 138  viii.   Benjamin,  b.  Dec.  11,  1871,  at  Ashford,  Conn.,  d.  June  14,  1884, 

at  Stafford  (T.  R.). 


WILLIAM  S.*  (Leander,^  George  IVilliam,"  William^),  b.  April  8,  1868, 
at  Staffordville,  Conn.,  m.,  July  25,  1887,  Leanora  Whitney,  and  lives  at 
Staffordville,  though  the  town  record  of  the  first  child's  birth  notes  the 
father  as  from  Westfield,  Conn. 

1 1 39  i.  Earl,  b.  May  28,  1888. 

1 140  ii.  Richard,  b.  June  18,  1891. 



SAMUEL  WALBRIDGE,  a  furnace  man,  possibly  No.  1126,  was  a 
son  of  William,  and  born  at  Monson,  Mass.,  where  he  m..  May  31,  1820  (T. 
R.),  Electa  Moulton,  b.  1800,  d.  Aug.  9,  1846,  at  Monson,  Mass.  (T.  R.), 
having  borne  three  chi.,  who  appear  on  Monson  T.  R.  The  husband  m. 
again  at  Monson,  April  8,  1850  (T.  R.),  Sophia  C,  set.  38,  dau.  of  Joseph 
Davenport,  of  Granby.  Samuel  gave  his  age  as  48,  which  would  place  his 
birth  in  1802. 

1 142  i.  Maria,  b.  Dec.  12,  1820. 

1 143  ii.  Catharine,  b.  Dec.   12,  1825,  m.,  Jan.  2,  1844,  at  Wales,  Mass., 

Wales  Needham. 

1 144  iii.  Orvelia  E.,  b.  April  10,  1828. 


DIADEMA  WALBRIDGE,  of  Monson,  Mass.,  m.  there,  Sept.  20, 
1821  (T.  R.),  Andrew  Needham,  of  Stafford,  Conn.  She  was  possibly  a 
dau.  of  William,  No.  1122. 


DUNSTAN  S.  WALBRIDGE,  of  Peachem,  Vt.,  m.  Catharine  Bene- 
dict, b.  March  17,  1828,  dau.  of  Amos.  He  m.  for  second  wife,  Abbie  Hardy, 
dau.  of  N.  D.  Hardy,  she,  after  his  death  m.,  March  26,  1867,  Wm.  Henry 
Newcomb,  b.  Dec.  9,  1835,  son  of  Deacon  Orem  Newcomb.  Second  Lieut. 
Dunstan  S.  Walbridge,  of  ist  Regt.,  Vermont  Heavy  Artillery,  died  June 
19,  1864,  of  wounds  received  in  action.  The  regt.,  organized  Sept.  i,  1862, 
at  Brattleboro,  Vt.,  as  the  nth  infty.,  was  changed  to  an  artillery  organiza- 
tion, and  took  part  in  the  battles  of  Spottsylvania,  Coal  Harbor,  Petersburg, 
Charlestown,  Opequan,  Fishers  Hill,  and  Cedar  Creek.  {Official  Army  Reg., 
Part  I,  p.  95.) 


WALBRIDGE,  m.  Mary,  dau.  of  Paul  Home,  of  Dover,  and 

Hannah  Smith,  who  was  bapt.  June  17,  1753.     She  m.,  second,  her  cousin 
David,  son  of  Winthrop  Watson. 



HANNAH  (possibly  1128),  dan.  of Walbridge,  of  Wales,  Mass., 

was  born  at  Wales  about  1808,  d.  June,  1845,  at  Ellington,  Conn.,  set.  about 
37;  ni.,  at  Wales,  Mass.,  March  25,  1832,  John  Bond  Andrews,  b.  at  Wales, 
son  of  Alanson  Andrews.  He  was  a  dealer  in  pumps  at  Ellington,  Conn., 
where  their  chi.  were  born,  and  d.  of  cholera  in  Ashland  Co.,  Ohio,  aged 
about  42. 

i.  Alanson  Andrews,  d.  an  infant, 
ii.   Martha  Andrews,  d.,  set.  16,  at  Wales, 
iii.  Austin  Andrews,  d.  unm.  1870,  at  Genesee,  111. 

iv.  Alanson  Andrews,  b.  June  4,  1841,  m.,  Nov.  25,  1868,  Abbie  L.  Andrews, 
of  Austin. 


MARY  WALBRIDGE,  b.  about  1728,  m.  Jonathan,  son  of  David 
Hitchcock  and  Mary  Thomas.  He  was  born  after  1717,  and  d.  April  16, 
1757,  at  Alonson,  Mass.;  lived  in  Brimfield  and  Monson.  His  estate  was  ad- 
ministered May  18,  1757,  and  his  widow  appointed,  "Sept.  7,  1769,  guardian 
to  Eliab  and  Mary,  minors,  over  14  years  of  age,  heirs  of  Jonathan  Hitch- 
cock, of  Monson." 

i.  Jonathan  Hitchcock,  b.  May  25,  1752,  d.  Sept.  23,  1754. 

ii.   Eliab  Hitchcock,  b.  March  28,  1754,  m.  Hulda . 

iii.  Sarah  Hitchcock,  b.  Nov.  14,  1755,  m.,  Dec.  20,  1787,  Joseph  Tidd. 
iv.  Jonathan  Hitchcock,  b.  Sept.  21,  1757,  m.  Molly  Wood. 
V.  Mary  Hitchcock,  b.  before  1755. 


CHARLES  HENRY,  son  of  William  Walbridge  and  Maria  McLean, 
was  b.  Dec.  i,  1844,  m.,  Sept.  11,  1875,  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  Rose  Fanning, 
b.  1849.  His  mother's  bro.  lives  in  Glastonbury,  Conn.  His  father,  Wil- 
liam Walbridge,  came  from  Vermont  and  d.  in  Colchester,  Conn.,  was  pos- 
sibly No.  313,  of  Sharon,  Vt.,  who  with  his  bro.  Roswell  went  to  Conn.  Mr. 
Walbridge  lives  at  Hartford,  Conn. 

1 151  i.  Isabelle  Maria,  b.  May  10,  1876. 

1 152  ii.  Charles  Robert,  b.  May  13,  1879. 



LORIN  D.,  of  Omaha,  Neb.,  was  a  son  of  Lorin  Walbridge,  who  m. 
Abigail  Butler,  dau.  of  Samuel  Butler,  of  Monson,  Mass.,  a  relative  of  Genl. 
Benj.  Butler.  A  Lorin  Walbridge  was  made  an  elector  at  Stafford,  Conn., 
Oct.  22,  1884.  (See  No.  249,  Zorin  and  Lorin  are  doubtless  the  same  per- 

1 154  i.  Estelle,  b.  Nov.  11,  1854,  m.  Wm.  Arnold. 

1 1 55  ii.  Abigail,  b.  Dec.  24,  1855,  d.  June  27,  1857. 

1156  iii.   Helen  May,  b.  Nov.  3,  1857,  m.  Thomas  Adams. 

1157  iv.  Joseph  Addison,  b.  Feb.  2,  i860,  d.  Feb.  18,  1869. 

1 158  v.   Emma  W.,  b.  July  7,  1862,  m.  Frank  Hull,  and  d.  May  26,  1885. 

1159  vi.    Kate,  b.  March  1,  1864,  d.  April  27,  1865. 

1160  vii.  Adelaide  R.,  b.  Nov.  25,   1866,  m.  George  F.  Gellenbeck,  lives 

at  191 1  Cass  St.,  Omaha,  Neb.,  he  a  banjoist  and  teacher. 


PETER,  son  of  Joseph  Walbridge  and  Margaret  Williams,  was  born 
in  1787  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  (Vt.?),  d.  July  15,  1872,  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  m.. 
at  New  York  City,  Margaret  Kitchen,  b.  there  in  1787,  d.  Oct.  15,  1855,  at 
Memphis,  Tenn.  Franklin,  Conn.,  ch.  rec.  show  the  bapt.  of  Joseph  Wall- 
bridge  July  22,  1739,  and  a  Joseph  Wallbridge  took  the  oath  of  allegiance  at 
Stafford,  Conn.,  April  7,  1794. 

1 162  i.  Almira,  ni.  Henry  Hinckle  and  Reuben  Lloyd. 

1 163  ii.   Lydia. 

1 164  iii.   Eliza,  m.  William  Davis. 

1 165  iv.   Charlotte,  m.  Emanuel  Hubler. 

1 166  v.   Rudolph,  m.  Maggie  Wilcox. 

1 167  vi.  Kate,  m.  John  Campbell. 

1 168  vii.  Minna,  m.  Allen  Breese. 

1 169  viii.  Gordon,  b.  1836. 

1 170  ix.   Mary  Louise,  b.  1843,  unm.,  and  writes  June,  1895,  from  Decatur, 

111.,  that  all  the  children  are  dead  but  Gordon  and  herself,  and  that 
she  had  not  heard  of  him  in  22  years. 



PORTER,  son  of  Daniel  Walbridge  and  Jerusha  Rogers,  was  bom  July 
7,  1780,  at  Monson,  Mass.,  d.  July  7.  1S30,  at  Ellington,  Conn.,  where  he  is 
buried  on  the  mountain.  Mrs.  Bowie,  a  granddau.,  says,  "They  are  a  most 
peculiar  family,  they  rarely  ever  write  a  letter.  The  whole  family  have  al- 
ways been  ven.-  friendly  toward  each  other,  but  live  a  distance  apart,  and  do 
ver}-  little  visiting;  in  fact,  are  all  hard  working  people,  and  have  little  or  no 
desire  to  see  an)-thing  outside  the  village  where  they  live."  Porter  was  a 
blacksmith  and  carriage  maker,  was  twice  married,  and  by  his  first  wife  had 
one  son. 

1 1 72  i.  George,  b.  at  Monson,  Mass.,  a  blacksmith  and  axe  maker,  m.  and 

had  two  dau. ;  hved  in  Mass.  in  1873. 

Porter's  second  wife  was  Amanda  ChatTee,  b.  at  Wales,  Mass.,  d.  1832, 

at  Vernon,  Conn.     Her  mother  was  Amanda  Colby.     Some  of  the  chi.  are 

reported  bom  at  Monson.  others  say  all  were  bom  about  three  miles  from 

Stafford,  Conn.     Porter  also  said  to  have  a  bro.  George  and  a  bro.  William. 

1 173  ii.  Eunice  C,  b.  }klay  4.  1817.  m.  Joseph  G.  Thompson. 

1 174  iii.   Moulton.  b.  1815,  d.  March  zt^.  1831.  and  whose  name  would  sug- 

gest his  father  as  descending  from  William,  Xo.  17,  of  Wales,  Mass. 

1 175  iv.  Wing,  b.  June  15,  1819,  m.  Laura  H.  Bigelow. 

1 176  V.  Sandford,  b.  July  14,  1821,  m.  H.  Maria  (^Ashley)  Benton. 

1 177  vi.  King.  b.  April  i,  1823,  m.  Rebecca  -\nn  Steams. 

1 178  vii.  Austin,  b.  Aug.  2,  1825,  m.  Fidelia  S.  Howard. 

1 1 79  viii.  Adeline,  b.  1826,  and  d.  young. 

1 180  ix.  Porter,  b.  Oct.  10.  1827,  lives  at  Gardiner,  Maine,  where  he  is 

captain  of  a  river  steamboat,  has  one  son  and  two  dau.,  all  m.  and 
with  homes  of  their  own.  His  wife  d.  May  9,  1877.  He  says  also, 
■"My  father's  name  was  Porter  Walbridge.  his  father's  name  \vas 
Porter  Walbridge,  and  his  grandfather  was  Genl.  Poner  Walbridge. 
who  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War." 


EUNICE  C.«  {Porter,-  Danie?),  b.  May  4,  181 7,  at  Monson,  Mass.,  m., 
April  13.  1838.  at  Stafford.  Conn.,  Joseph  G.  Thompson,  b.  May  20.  1810. 
at  Hartford.  Conn.,  son  of  Joseph  Thompson  and  Hannah  Geer.  He  was 
employed  for  many  years  as  cutter  in  the  Keeney  Woolen  Mills.  They  live 
at  Manchester  Green,  Conn. 


i.  Elizabeth  A.  Thompson,  b.  Oct.  28,  1839,  d.  Oct.  i,  1873,  m.  Francis  H. 
Wright,  of  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  who  was  in  the  Civil  War. 

ii.  Darwin  P.  Thompson,  b.  Jan.  17,  1842,  was  a  private  in  Co.  B,  7th  Conn. 
Vols. ;  served  3  years  8  mos. 

iii.  Elihu  A.  Thompson,  b.  Dec.  6,  1844,  d.  May  14,  1889,  enlisted  as  drum- 
mer boy  from  the  Brooklyn  Navy  Yard,  and  was  armorer  on  the  U.  S.  S. 
"Dictator."  He  m.,  Oct.  i,  1866,  Emily  S.  Lewis,  and  on  May  22,  1876, 
Addie  Fisk. 

iv.  William  T.  Thompson,  b.  Dec.  12,  1846,  d.  Jan.  5,  1857. 

V.  Hannah  M.  Thompson,  b.  Nov.  16,  1851,  d.  Jan.  12,  1852. 

vi.  George  S.  Thompson,  b.  April  21,  1854. 

vii.  Emma  L.  Thompson,  b.  June  9,  1856,  m.,  July  3,  1876,  at  Waterbury, 
Conn.,  Willard  S.  Henry. 


WING^  {Porter-  Daniel^),  b.  June  15,  1819,  in  the  "Hollow"  about 
three  miles  from  Staitord  Springs,  Conn.,  where  he  m.,  Jan.  18,  1841,  Laura 
Hammond  Bigelow,  b.  June  15,  1821,  at  Barnard,  Vt.,  third  chi.  of  Eliphaz 
Bigelow,  who  was  b.  Dec.  23,  1793,  at  Putney,  Vt.,  d.  April  21,  i860,  at 
Barnard,  Vt.,  and  m.  Deborah  Hammond,  b.  Feb.,  1793,  at  Woodstock,  Vt., 

d.  Aug.  31,  ,  at  Barnard.     Wing  Walbridge  lived  for  25  years  on  his 

farm,  adjoining  the  Manchester  Cemetery,  where  his  son  is  buried.  Selling 
that  place  in  1882  he  moved  to  a  farm  near  Glastonbury,  Conn.,  where  the 
writer  saw  himself  and  wife  in  1892.  The  records  of  E.  Hartford  show  that 
he  was  admitted  elector  April  3,  1854,  also  that  April  14,  1852,  Arthur  E. 
Brewer  sold  to  him  for  $625  two  acres  subject  to  a  mtge.  for  $350. 

1 181  i.  George  Bigelow,  b.  April  18,  1844,  shown  by  Records  of  Conn.  Men 

in  the  War  of  the  Rebellion  to  have  enHsted  Aug.  4,  1862,  in  Co.  H, 
i6th  Regt.  Infty.,  Conn.  Vols.,  mustered  in  Aug.  24,  1862,  disch. 
disabled  Feb.  9,  1863;  re-enlisted  March  21,  1864,  in  Co.  B,  loth 
Regt.,  Conn.  Infty.  He  d.  July  23,  1864,  at  Point  of  Rocks  Hos- 
pital, Va. 

1 182  ii.  Mary  Lavonne,  b.  Jan.  18,  1846,  m.,  Nov.  22,  1876,  Alvin  P.  Cole, 

son  of  Alvin  and  Sarah  (Smith)  Cole.  He  was  b.  Nov.  23,  1837, 
has  four  chi.,  and  lives  at  Glastonbur}^,  Conn. 

1 183  iii.   Laura  Elizabeth,  b.  July  17,  1848,  at  Avon,  Conn.,  m.  there,  Sept. 

6,  1 87 1,  Henry  Porter  Sexton,  b.  June  21,  1844,  at  New  Haven, 


Conn.,  son  of  Harlin  Phelps  Sexton  and  Cornelia  Porter.     They 
live  at  Chicopee,  Mass.,  where  their  chi.  were  born, 
(i)  George  Henr>'  Sexton,  b.  Sept.  11,  1872. 

(2)  Laura  Cornelia  Sexton,  b.  Feb.  5,  1874. 

(3)  Harlin  Albert  Sexton,  b.  July  20,  1879. 


SANDFORD^  {Porter,^  Daniel}),  a  civil  engineer,  b.  July  14,  1821,  at 
Monson,  Mass.,  d.  May  2,  1893,  at  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  m.,  1842,  H.  Maria  (Ash- 
ley) Benton,  born  about  181 1,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  dau.  of  Abner  Ashley,  by 
whom  he  had : 

1 184  i.  Adeline  Maria,  b.  1850,  m.,  just  before  the  close  of  the  war,  W.  H. 

Mallard,  who  had  been  a  captain  in  the  merchant  service,  was  act- 
ing master  in  the  navy,  and  from  wounds  received  in  action  d.  in 
Brooklyn  June  27,  1879.  She  m.,  again,  John  Bowie,  a  native  of 
Scotland,  b.  183 1,  proprietor  of  the  Columbian  Brass  Foundry, 
112  Front  St.,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  (1887).  Mrs.  Bowie  had  brothers, 
who  are  all  dead.  The  Ashley  Genealogy,  pub.  1896,  says,  "Sanford 
Walbridge,  of  Brooklyn,  Conn.,  m.,  1844,  at  Monson,  Mass.,  Maria 
Benton,  wid.  of  Levi,  of  Tolland,  Conn.,  and  dau.  of  Abner  and 
Tryphena  (Abbott)  Ashley.  She  was  born  at  Hampton,  Conn., 
Sandford  m.,  for  second  wife,  Eleanor  Clark,  a  native  of  North  of  Ire- 
land, and  had : 

1185  ii.  Sandford,  b.  about  1863,  m.     His  wife  died,  leaving  a  dau.,  who 

lives  with  her  father  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


KING^  {Porter,-  Daniel}),  b.  April  i,  1823,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  d.  Nov. 
13,  1893,  at  Highwood,  Conn.,  m.,  June  2,  1844,  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.), 
by  Richard  Livesey,  of  the  M.  E.  Ch..  to  Rebecca  Ann  Stearns,  b.  April  2, 
1825,  at  Montville,  Conn.,  dau.  of  James  and  Abigail  (Maple)  Stearns,  of 
Cornwall,  Conn.  He  was  a  volunteer  in  the  ist  Conn.  Heavy  Artillery, 
served  three  years,  and  was  honorably  discharged;  was  a  blacksmith  and 
wagon  maker  at  Hartford,  Torrington,  and  New  Haven,  Conn.  "King 
Walbridge,  of  Torrington,  Conn.,  enlisted  May  23,   1861,  as  corporal  in 


Co.  I,  1st  Regt.,  Conn.  Vol.  Heavy  Artillery,  mustered  in  same  date,  re- 
duced to  ranks,  detailed  artificer  Jan.  25,  1864,  disch.  May  22,  1864,  time 
expired."     (Conn.  Men  in  the  War.) 

1 186  i.  Fannie  E.,  b.  Nov.  5,  1845,  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  m.,  Isaac  Barrows, 

of  Rockville,  Conn.,  two  chi. 

1 187  ii.  Emma,  b.  March  18,  1848,  at  Harwinton,  Conn.,  d.  Jan.,  1886, 

m.  Dwight  Beach,  of  Plymouth,  Conn.,  four  chi. 

1 188  iii.  William  Porter,  b.  Sept.  29,  1857,  m.,  April    9,    1879,    Isabel    J. 


1 189  iv.   Belle  M.,  b.  July  6,  1859,  at  Torrington,  Conn.,  m.  Alfred  J.  Raw- 

son,  of  Westville,  Conn.,  two  chi.  She  d.  April  2,  1895,  at  Bristol, 


AUSTIN^  {Porter,"^  Daniel}),  b.  Aug.  2,  1825,  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  d. 
Nov.  16,  1869,  at  N.  Y.  City,  m.,  March  19,  1849,  at  Manchester,  Conn., 
Fidelia  S.  Howard,  b.  Aug.  27,  1828,  at  Manchester,  Conn.,  dau.  of  William 
Howard.  Austin  Walbridge,  a  locomotive  engineer  on  the  Norwalk  & 
Danbury  R.  R.,  was  killed  in  an  accident  caused  by  a  misplaced  switch,  and 
was  buried  in  Danbury,  Conn.,  where  his  widow  lives  (1895). 

1 190  i.   Henry  A.,  a  R.  R.  engineer,  b.  June  17,  1855,  at  Danbury,  Conn., 

m.,  Feb.  28,  1880,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  Mary  A.  Herson,  b.  Aug.  19, 
1861,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.  They  live  at  West  Redding,  Conn.,  and 
have  two  chi. 

1 191  i.  Robert,  b.  Jan.  2,  1881,  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo. 

1 192  ii.  Turner  S.,  b.  Aug.  6,  1882,  at  Corning,  Mo. 


WILLIAM  PORTER*  {King?  Porter,''  Daniel}),  b.  Sept.  29,  1857,  at 
Wolcottville  (now  Torrington),  Conn.,  m.,  April  9,  1879,  at  New  Haven, 
Conn.,  Isabel  J.  Flight,  b.  Aug.  3,  1858,  at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  dau.  of 
Samuel  J.  Flight,  of  Gloucester,  Eng.,  who  served  three  years  in  the  22d 
Conn.  Cavalry,  and  m.  Sarah  J.  Smith,  of  East  Granville,  Mass.  They  live 
at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  where  his  chi.  were  born,  and  William  P.  has  a  posi- 
tion as  pinion  turner  with  the  New  Haven  Clock  Co. 


1 193  i.  Bessie  Bell,  b.  Sept.  27,  1880. 

1 194  ii.   Lillie  May,  b.  May  6,  1884. 

1 195  iii.   Nellie  Anna,  b.  Oct.  29,  1886. 


LOYAL  WALBRIDGE,  born  in  Ontario  Co.,  N.  Y.,  m.  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Henry  Francisco.  His  son,  George  B.,  says  Loyal's  mother  was 
named  Lucy,  that  Loyal  Hved  in  Canandaigua,  N.  Y.,  at  one  time  in  Cope- 
well,  Ontario  Co..  N.  Y.,  and  in  Newfane,  Niagara  Co.,  N.  Y.  Also  that 
Loyal  had  a  bro.  James,  who  lived  in  Iowa,  and  a  cousin  named  James,  older 
than  himself,  and  the  son  of  Philo,  who  lived  in  Hornellsville,  N.  Y.  The 
chi.  were  all  born  in  Niagara  Co.,  N.  Y..  except  Arnold  and  Jacob  H.,  they 
in  Canandaigua,  N.  Y. 

1 197  i.  George  B.,  b.  Sept.  i.  1829,  m.  Jane  S.  McCohnicie. 

1 198  ii.   Lucy,  b.  1832,  m. Walker,  and  d.  in  1880,  jet.  48. 

1 199  iii.  James,  b.  1833,  lives  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

1200  iv.  Arnold,  b.  1835,  lives  in  Michigan. 

1201  V.  Jacob  H.,  was  killed  in  Michigan,  1882. 

1202  vi.   William  H.,  dead,  resided  at  Penn  Yan.  N.  Y. 

1203  vii.   Elizabeth  A.  (Lydian),  b.  1844,  m.,  July  4,  1870,  at  Jamestown, 

N.  Y.,  Eli  Simmons,  b.  June  27,   1840,  at  N.  Wilbraham,  Mass., 
son  of  Silas  and  Louisa  Simmons,  live  at  Olean,  N.  Y. 

1204  viii.   Caroline,  m. Leader,  lives  at  E.  Saginaw,  Mich. 

1205  ix.  Susan,  m. Davis,  lives  at  Wallace,  Steuben  Co.,  N.  Y. 


GEORGE  B.2  (Loyal^).  h.  Sept.  i,  1829.  in  Niagara  Co..  N.  Y.,  m..  May 
24,  1861,  Jane  S.  McCohnicie,  b.  Nov.  4.  1831,  at  Belfast,  Ireland.  He  lives 
at  Rushville,  N.  Y.,  where  the  last  two  chi.  were  born. 

1206  i.   Henry,  b.  June  17,  1862,  m.  Mary  J.  Francisco. 

1207  ii.   Catharine  E.,  b.  Feb.  10,  1864,  m.,  May  20,  1884,  James  D.  Wood, 

b.  Dec.  12,  1855.  at  Canandaigua,  N.  Y. 

1208  iii.  Charles  L.,  b.  March  21,  1866. 



HENRY*  {George  B.,^  LoyaI>),  b.  June  17,  1862,  at  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
m.,  Nov.  12,  1884,  Mary  J.  Francisco,  b.  Feb.  8,  1870,  at  Naples,  N.  Y.  He 
lives  at  Rushville,  N.  Y.,  where  his  chi.  were  born. 

1209  i.  George  G.,  b.  Oct.  23,  1888. 

1210  ii.  Elizabeth,  b.  April  3,  1891. 

121 1  Sarah  Wallbridge,  of  Coventry,  Conn.,  m.  there  (T.  R.),  July  2,  1783, 

Asahel  House.  He  was  probably  the  Asel,  son  of  Jonathan  and 
Ruth  House,  whose  birth  is  recorded  July  3,  1759.  The  records 
of  Coventry  ist  Ch.  give  the  baptisms  of  his  chi.,  Jan.,  1790,  Wil- 
liam and  Nathaniel;  July,  1791,  Lydia. 

1212  Abigail  Wallbridge,  m.,  Sept.  27,  1733,  David  Tracy,  at  Stonington, 

Conn.,  vide  Cong.  Ch.  records. 

1213  "Mr.  F.  G.  Wallbridge,  B.  A.,  who  graduated  at  Trinity  University 

last  year  with  honors,  has  recently  passed  his  first  year  work  at 
Trinity  Medical  College,  carrying  ofif  Dr.  Sheard's  prize  in  physiol- 
ogy, in  which  he  received  95  per  cent,  in  the  sciences  and  mathe- 
matics. He  also  carried  off  the  Governor-General's  medals  in  the 
former  subjects,  and  received  over  75  per  cent,  in  his  examinations, 
entitling  him  to  be  in  the  list  of  honor  certificates."  (Belleville, 
Canada,  paper,  about  1890.) 

1214  Labrilla,  dau.  of  Ebenezer  and  Betsey  Walbridge,  died  Feb.  22,  i860 

(Randolph,  Vt.,  T.  R.). 

1215  Margaret  Walbridge,  m.  Ephraim  Hyde,  b.  Jan.  23,  1763,  at  Stafford, 


1216  Theode  Walbridge  and  Job  Wood,  both  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  were 

m.,  Feb.  27,  1758,  by  Peter  Gowen.  pastor  of  the  New  Ent  Society, 
now  Lisbon,  Conn.      (Ch.  rec.) 

1217  William  Walbridge.  of  Portland,  Ed.  and  Susan    L.    Chapman,    of 

Westchester,  Conn.,  m.  Sept.  21,  1845. 

1218  William  Walbridge,  native  of  Norwich,  d.  Oct.  27,  1850,  aet.  32. 

12 19  Frederick  Walbridge.  son  of  William,  d.  March  12,  1852,  aet.  25. 
(The  above  three  items  from  the  Westchester,  Conn.,  Ch.  Records.) 

1220     Walbridge.  m.  Hannah,  fifth  chi.  of  Moses  Haight,  she  d. 

before  1805.     {Hoyt,  Haight  fam.,  p.  391.) 

1 22 1  Jennie  R.  Walbridge,  born  in  Scotland,  is  assistant  matron  at  the 


Indian  School,  Pierre,  S.  Dak.,  was  appointed  from  Illinois.  (OMc. 
Reg.  U.  S.  1897,  p.  798,  Vol.  I.) 

1222  Sergt.   Peter  D.   Walbridge,   captured   at   Mechanicsville,   wounded 

in  action  at  Antietam,  by  re-enlistment  v.  v.,  mustered  in  Feb.  i, 
1864,  credited  Feb.  i,  1864,  3  years,  Co.  E,  42d  Regt.  (First  Rifles, 
13th  Res.),  Pa.  Vol.  Infty.,  transferred  to  Co.  — ,  190th  Regt.,  dis- 
charged 28  June,  1865.     {Hist.  Penna.  Res.  Corps,  Co.  E,  i^th  Regt.) 

1223  Henry  Walbridge,  private,  deserted  May  3,   1865,  on  march  from 

Fredericksburg  to  Ball's  Cross  Roads,  a  member  of  Co.  F,  15th 
Regt.     (Officers  and  Men  of  New  Jersey.) 

1224  Carrie  M.,  b.  April  30,  1882,  dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Walbridge  (Cabot 

T.  R.). 

1225  Alathea  I.  Walbridge,  b.  in  Pa.,  was  in  1895  a  P.  O.  clerk  at  Kalama- 

zoo, Mich.     (Offic.  Reg.  U.  S.,  1895,  P-  449-  Vol.  II.) 

1226  George  Walbridge  Miller,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Gilbert  Miller 

and  Maria  Banker,  married  Yuba  Kate  Chester,  dau.  of  Thomas 

Chester  and  Mary  P.  Hunt.     They  had  two  chi. 

(i)  Mary  Chester  Miller,  m.,  at  Buffalo  in  1895,  Richard  Augustus 

(2)  Bessie  C.  Miller. 
Mr.  Miller  wrote  me  in  1895.  "My  grandmother  was  a  Walbridge,  and 
lived  in  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.."  but  did  not  respond  to  further  inquiries. 

1227  Arthur  R.  Wallbridge  is  connected  with  the  press  in  N.  Y.  Citv,  came 

there  from  Belleville,  Can.,  where  he  says  his  grandfather  went 
direct  from  England,  and  claims  no  relationship  with  the  other 
Wallbridge  families  there. 

1228  Marshall  J.  Wallbridge,  an  engineer  at  Toronto,  Canada. 

1229  Robert  J.  Wallbridge.  agent  G.  N.  W.  Tel  Co.,  Toronto,  Canada. 

1230  William  C.  Wallbridge,  insurance  agent,  Toronto,  Canada. 

1 23 1  Jacob  L.  Walbridge,  driver,  St.  Joseph,  Mo. 

1232  Rose  Walbridge,  teacher  of  fencing,  San  Francisco,  Calif. 

1233  Franklin  G.  Walbridge,  laborer.  Penn  Yan,  N.  Y. 

1234  Rolla  C.  Walbridge,  manager,  Worcester,  Mass. 

1235  Etra  A.  Walbridge,  engineer  on  B.  &  A.  R.  R.,  Worcester,  Mass. 

1236  Judson  E.  Walbridge,  clerk,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

1237  Lionel  W.  Walbridge,  barber,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

1238  Cora  H.  Walbridge,  grocer.  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

1239  Frederick  E.  Walbridge,  insurance  agent.  Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

1240  Otto  B.  Walbridge,  clerk.  Chicago,  111.,  1897. 

1 24 1  Charles  W.  Walbridge,  meat  market,  Batavia,  N.  Y. 


1242  J.  Baxter  Carl  Walbridge,  clerk.  Bangor.  Maine. 

1243  Belle  Walbridge,  domestic.  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1244  Benjamin  Walbridge,  laborer,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1245  Edward  L.  Walbridge,  picture  framer.  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1246  Frank  C.  Walbridge,  door  finisher,  Hornellsville.  N.  Y. 

1247  George  W.  Walbridge,  mill  hand,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1248  Hattie  Walbridge.  button  carder,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1249  Henry  Walbridge,  wood  worker,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1250  James  Walbridge,  laborer,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

125 1  Mary  Walbridge,  domestic,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1252  Mary  H.  Walbridge,  dressmaker,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1253  Wm.  H.  Walbridge,  assistant  bookkeeper,  Hornellsville,  N.  Y. 

1254  On  the  list  of  non-com.  officers  of  the  2d  Regt.,  Conn.  Line,  is  Joshua 

Walbridge,  of  Walbridge  Co.,  enlisted  Jan.  25,  1777,  corporal  Feb, 
I,  1778.  disch.  Jan.  25.  1780,  and  on  list  of  Conn,  pensioners.  Act 
of  1818,  residing  in  Mass.,  is  the  name  of  Joshua  Walbridge,  private. 
{Conn.  Men  in  the  War.)  Possibly  this  is  the  Joshua  Walbridge 
who  m.,  April  21,  1785,  Priscilla  Blackmer,  at  Western,  now  War- 
ren, Mass.;  the  only  item  concerning  a  Walbridge  that  appears  on 
the  town  record. 

1255  Jewett  Walbridge,  d.  Aug.  4,  1823,  aged  2y,  at  Stafiford,  Conn.     (Ch. 


1256  Joseph  Wallbridge,  child  of  Charity  Wallbridge,  was  born  June  2, 

1776,  at  Stafford,  Conn.     (Church  records.) 

1257  Lee  Walbridge,  made  an  elector  at  Stafford,  Conn.,  Oct.  22,   1884. 

(T.  R.) 

1258  Rhoda  Walbridge,  of  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.  Randall  James,  of  Hoosac, 

Renns.  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  21,  1819,  at  Bennington.      (T.  R.) 

1259  Daisy  Walbridge,  nurse  at  the  Marion  Sims's  Sanitarium,  Chicago,  111. 


1260  George  W.  Walbridge,  a  mail  contractor  in   1895,  had  Star  route 

71,340  from  Jan.  i,  to  May  31.  {Offic.  Reg.  U.  S.,i8p5,  p.  1221, 
Vol.  H.) 

1261  Charles  Walbridge.  of  Danby,  Vt.,  at  whose  hall  Farmers'  Lodge, 

No.  30,  met  during  1823.     (P.  165,  Ver.  Hist.  Gas.) 

1262  John  Walbridge,  a  bailiff  of  Lamoille  Co.,  Ver.,  between  1836-68. 





"Joseph  Wallbridge,  of  the  Parish  of  Kingston,  bachelor,  and  EHzabeth 
Elfe,  of  the  Parish  of  Arreton,  spinster,  were  married  in  this  church  by  Banns 
the  19th  day  of  October,  in  the  year  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  sixty- 
two,  by  me,  Robert  Gibbs,  Curate."  (Church  Records  at  Arreton,  Isle  of 

JOSEPH  WALLBRIDGE  was  born  Nov.  18,  1732,  in  Dorsetshire, 
Eng.,  and  about  1752  went  to  Isle  of  Wight,  where  he  lived  for  many  years 
in  a  cottage  about  a  mile  S.  E.  of  the  village  of  Arreton.  For  the  cottage 
and  adjoining  six  acres  he  paid  an  annual  rental  of  six  pounds.  He  d.  Jan. 
17,  1816,  at  his  son's  home  in  Newport. 

2  i.  Robert,  b.  Jan.  30,  1776,  m.  Elizabeth  Sandford. 

3  ii.  William,  b.  Feb.  29,  1768,  d.  Feb.  23,  1835,    he    m.,    and    after    his 

mother's  death  in  1802,  returned  home  with  his  wife  and  one  chi.,  to 
help  his  father  with  the  dairy  work. 

4  iii.  Elizabeth,  b.  July  29,   1770,  d.  May  30,  i8or,  was  the  original  of 

Leigh  Richmond's  "Dairyman's  Daughter,"  a  simple  tale  that  as  a 
tract  has  been  printed  in  many  languages,  and  records  the  life  of  a 
lovely  nature  and  spiritual  mind. 

Her  father  was  the  subject  of  a  tract  called  "The  Dairyman," 
written  by  the  Revd.  D.  Tyerman. 

5  iv.  Hannah,  b.  May  29,  1773,  d.  Jan.  14,  1808. 



ROBERT  WALLBRIDGE2  {Joseph^),  was  a  brewer,  resided  at  New- 
port, Isle  of  Wight,  m.  Elizabeth  Sandford,  b.  July  25,  1766,  d.  Feb.  2,  1833. 

6  i.  Anna,  b.  Nov.  23,  1788. 

7  ii.  Joseph,  b.  Oct.  i,  1790. 

8  iii.  John,  b.  June  13,  1792. 

9  iv.  Robert,  b.  Oct.  11,  1794. 

10  V.  James,  b.  Sept.  26,  1797. 

11  vi.  Jabez,  b.  Nov.  10,  1800,  d.  1801. 

12  vii.  William,  b.  July  9,  1803. 

13  viii.  Thomas,  b.  July  9,  1803,  d.  Sept.  7,  1809. 

14  ix.  Elizabeth,  b.  Aug.  21,  1812,  d.  Sept.  23,  1812. 


JAMES^  {Robert?  Joseph^),  b.  Sept.  26,  1797,  at  Newport,  Isle  of 
Wight.  He  was  a  chemist,  living  and  doing  a  large  business  in  Wellesley,  a 
cathedral  town  in  Somersetshire.  He  left  the  Church  of  England  and  be- 
came a  Catholic,  a  step  which  so  aroused  local  prejudice  that  trade  deserted 
him,  and  he  was  obliged  to  leave  the  town.  He  went  to  London,  lived  for 
a  time  in  Thornhill  Crescent,  and  died  Aug.  4,  1866,  at  his  residence  in  Went- 
worth  Road,  London.     He  m.  Eliza  Blandford,  of  Dorsetshire,  and  had : 

15  i.  James  Sandford,  dead. 

16  ii.   Henry  Richardson,  who  was  for  28  years  managing  clerk  to  Messrs. 

Barnes  &  Pears,  solicitors,  of  London,  and  died  in  1890,  leaving  a 
wife  and  four  chi.,  the  youngest  born  in  1884. 

17  iii.   Charles  Goodwin,  a  ship  broker. 

18  iv.  Amy  Tucker. 

19  V.  Thomas,  b.  April  2,  1843,  m.,  Nov.  27,  1866,  Eliza,  dau.  of  Robert 

Faulkes,  at  Islington,  Middlesex  Co.,  England,  and  came  to  America. 
When  last  heard  of  he  was  a  member  of  McGuckin  &  Wallbridge, 
plasterers,  N.  Y.  City. 

20  vi.  Anna  Parbutt,  dead. 

21  vii.  George  Tusy,  dead. 

22  viii.   Edith  Eliza. 

23  ix.   Frederick,  lives  95  Whitehorse  Lane,  Mill  End  Road,  London. 

No.  lo.     English  Notes 


j  A3TO*!,    ' 



WILLIAM'  {Robert.'^  Joseph^),  b.  July  9.  1803,  m.,  June  30,  1829,  Jennie 
Angel,  is  a  tanner  in  Kent  (1868);  one  or  two  of  his  boys  went  to  Australia. 

Oct.  28,  1868,  John  Wallbridge  lived  at  No.  6  Upper  Surrey  St.,  Liver- 
pool. He  had  a  bro.  James  and  a  nephew  John,  both  in  Liverpool.  His 
mother  was  Mary  Holland,  born  1781,  of  Esher,  near  Hampton  Court,  Sur- 
rey. She  was  m.,  at  the  old  church  there,  to  John  Wallbridge,  son  of  John 
Wallbridge,  of  Piddleton,  near  Dorchester,  Dorset.  Her  husband  had  a  bro. 
Richard  and  three  sisters.  Hannah,  Mary  and  Sarah.  John,  who  m.  Mary 
Holland,  was  then  a  shepherd  on  Squire  Ellis's  farm  at  Claremont  Esher;  is 
now  a  victualler.  At  Southampton  there  are,  G.  Wallbridge,  a  builder,  and 
H.  Wallbridge,  a  cooper.  Wm.  Baker  Wallbridge  is  a  gunsmith  at  New- 
port. Isle  of  Wight.  The  address  of  Capt.  Wallbridge,  who  m.  into  the 
Abner  or  Aimer  family,  and  whose  wife  is  buried  at  the  old  church  at  Puddle- 
hinton,  is  Henry  Wallbridge,  Esq.,  Santhoney,  Skerry  Court,  near  Aber- 
gaveney,  Monmouthshire.  His  wife's  headstone  says,  Elizabeth  Wallbridge, 
dau.  of  Robert  and  Margaret  Aimer,  d.  Feb.  28,  1804,  aged  40.  Another 
inscription  is  to  the  memory  of  Margaret  Hascy  Wallbridge,  dau.  of  John 
and  Ann  Miller,  who  d.  June  22,  1843,  aged  36  years. 

Frome  is  a  large,  populous  market  town,  pleasantly  situated  on  the  N.  E. 
slope  of  a  hill  in  the  forest  of  Ledwood,  Somersetshire.  The  name  comes 
from  the  river  which  flows  through  the  lower  part  of  the  town,  under  a  stone 
bridge  of  five  arches,  and  has  over  it  three  other  bridges  within  the  parish, 
called  Wallbridge.  Blatchbridge.  and  Bradford's  Bridge. 

Poorstock  is  a  parish  of  some  1000  souls  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury,  Co. 
of  Dorset.  There  were  two  Wallbridge  brothers  here,  Thomas  (I)  and  Wil- 
liam. Thomas  d.  about  1809,  and  was  buried  in  Poorstock  churchyard, 
leaving  one  son,  Thomas  (II),  and  four  or  five  dau.  His  son,  Thomas  (II), 
had  chi.,  (i)  Edie.  (2)  Thomas  (III).  (3)  Samuel,  (4)  Nancy,  (5)  Sarah,  (6) 
William,  (7)  James.  Thomas  (III)  was  buried  at  Poorstock.  He  had 
Thomas  (IV)  of  Toller  Parcorum,  who  lives  (1868)  a  few  yards  from  the  old 
Swan  Inn.  He  says  Poorstock  is  the  home  of  the  Dorset  branch  of  the 
Wallbridge  family,  and  that  they  held  property  under  the  Lord  Sandwich 

and  the  Duke  of for  five  generations,  part  of  which  land  is  still  held, 

though  most  of  the  lives  have  been  bought  up.  Some  of  the  same  family 
went  to  live  at  Stoke  under  Ham,  not  far  from  Odcombe  (ask  for  Ham  Hill). 


Thomas  (IV),  of  Toller,  is  a  farmer,  paying  particular  attention  to  sheep, 
which  he  buys  at  the  different  fairs  and  fattens  for  market,  doing,  he  told 
me,  more  work  than  any  old  horse  in  the  county.  He  had  chi.,  (i)  Thomas 
(V),  a  founder,  living  at  Dorchester,  (2)  George,  dead,  left  widow  Ann,  who 
lives  at  Portland  Island,  (3)  Elizabeth,  dead,  no  issue,  (4)  John,  d.  unm.,  (5) 
William,  a  cooper,  went  from  Dorchester  to  Bere  Regis,  m.  Miss  White, 
and  some  years  later  went  to  Southampton  (H.  W.  mentioned  above  as 
living  there  is  possibly  his  son),  (6)  Henry,  lives  at  Great  Toller,  (7)  Sarah, 
m.  Toomer,  and  lives  at  Upway,  half  way  between  Dorchester  and  Wey- 

William,  of  Poorstock,  bro.  of  Thomas  (I)  had  chi.,  (i)  William,  who 
left  seven  or  eight  chi.,  (2)  James,  left  three  or  four  chi.,  (3)  Anne,  no  issue. 
(6)  Nancy,  no  issue,  (7)  John,  no  issue.  (8)  Henry,  no  issue.  At  Poorstock 
in  1869  lived  John,  Richard,  Henry,  Henry,  Jr..  and  James  Wallbridge.  all 
farmers.     At  North  Wooten  Lord  Digby  has  a  gardener  named  Wallbridge. 

At  Margate,  one  mile  from  Wareham,  on  the  Dorchester  Road,  lives 
(1869)  Thomas  W.,  aged  55  years,  a  son  of  John  W.,  whose  mother  was 
Margaret,  and  who  m.  Catharine  Gale,  and  had  chi.,  (i)  George,  lives  at 
Southampton,  (2)  Charles,  dead,  (3)  John,  lives  Solway  Ash,  (4)  Thomas, 
named  above,  who  has  chi.,  Mary.  Jane.  Sarah,  Tryphena,  John  and  Fannie, 
(5)  Harriet,  m.  Chas.  Vincent,  and  lives  at  Puddlehinton,  (6)  Susan,  m.  Saml. 
Roles,  lives  Little  Bredy  farm.  Dorchester,  (7)  Jane,  m.  James  Brain,  of 
London,  (8)  William,  resides  Southampton.  (9)  Eliza,  m.  Wm.  Lay,  lives  at 
Gables  Farm,  near  Bridport.  Thomas  says  his  family  came  from  Nether- 
bury  Parish,  and  that  his  grandmother  died  at  Poorstock. 

John  Wallbridge  and  wife  Sarah  Wats  died  at  Winterburn.  He  was  a 
shepherd  at  Stapleton,  where  he  and  his  wife  were  buried,  had  seven  chi.,  all 
born  there,  (i)  Susan.  (2)  Sarah,  (3)  Hannah.  (4)  Mars',  jet.  about  80.  (5) 
John.  (6)  James,  near  Portisham.  (7)  Richard. 

At  Crewkerne.  in  Somerset,  near  the  border  of  Dorset,  there  is  said  to 
be  a  family  of  Wallbridges.  There  was  also  a  family  near  Bere.  Dorset,  at 
Turner's  Puddle.     Two  sons  went  abroad,   Luke  to  America,  another  to 


British  Family  Names,  by  Barber,  London,   1890,  gives  "Wallbridge, 

a  local  name  Glost." 

Dorset  Records,  lists  of  wills  and  administrations  in  Probate  Reg.  at 
Blandford.  Dorset,  from  1681-1792.  give  Wallbridge.  Christ..  Puncknoll, 
1708;  Wallbridge,  Henry,  Puncknoll,  A  1708;  Wallbridge,  Henry,  Swire, 
A  1731;  Wallbridge,  William.  Poorstock.  1749. 

Puncknowle  (St.  Mary),  a  parish  in  the  union  of  Bridport,  hundred  of 


Uggscombe,  Dorchester  division  of  Dorset,  5^  m.  (S.  E.  by  E.)  from  Brid- 
port;  containing  425  inhabitants.  The  church  is  a  small,  low  fabric,  standing 
in  the  centre  of  the  parish.  West  Bexington,  in  the  parish,  was,  with  the 
church,  burnt  by  the  French  in  1470;  they  carried  away  the  inhabitants, 
whom  they  forced  to  redeem  themselves. 

Dorset  Wills,  1568-1792,  Archdeaconry  Court,  give: 

Henry,  of  Waddon  in  Porteshani, (.age)  78 — 1734 

George,  of  Swyre,   "  39 — 1746 

William,  of  Stanton,  St.  Gabriel,   "  74 — 1742 

William  of  Winterbourne,  Steepleton, "  52 — 1760 

Henry,  of  Poorstock,   "  58 — 1765 

Martha,  of  Chilcombe, "  20 — 1767 

Mary,  of  Poorstock,   "  49 — 1768 

John,  of  Litton,  Cheney, "  17 — 1788 

Alice,  of  North  Poorton,   "  28 — 1789 

In  Alumni  Oxonienses,  1500-1714,  we  find: 

"Wallbridge,  George,  s.  G.,  of  Puncknole,  Dorset,  paup.  Wadham  Coll., 
matric.  16  March,  1682-3,  aged  18;  B.  A.  fr.  St.  Alban  Hall,  1686." 

In  Somerset  Incumbents,  from  the  Hugo  MSS.,  30,  279-80,  in  the  British 
Museum,  edited  by  Fred'k  Wm.  Weaver,  Bristol,  Eng.,  1889,  we  find  under 
Frome,  on  p.  91 : 

{Cantaria  beats  Maria  virginis  in  ecclesia  de  Frome) 

before  Aug.  9,  1441,  the  incumbent  was  Will  Wallbrigge  on  above  date  Ric. 
Freeman  was  installed  "per  mort  W.  W.,"  the  patron  being  "Rob.  Lever- 
segge  domicellus"  ref.  to  Bishop's  Reg.  "Staff.,  182." 

In  Marriages  at  St.  George  Chapel,  May  Fair,  1740-17^4,  Hyde  Park 

July  8,  1742. — John  Mason,  of  St.  Celments  and  EHzabeth  Walbridge 
of  St.  Martins. 

In  Marriage  Allegations  in  the  Registry  of  the  Vicar  General  of  the  Arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury: 

Jan.  19,  1685-6. — Dositheus  Walburge,  of  St.  Helen's,  Lond.,  Milliner, 
Bachr.,  abt.  28,  and  Mrs.  Anne  Morris,  of  St.  Ethelburgh,  London,  Spr. 
abt.  22  at  own  disp;  at  St.  Clements  Danes  Midd. 

Aug.  21,  1690. — Simon  Walburge,  of  St.  Nicholas  Cole  Abbey,  Cit.  and 
Soapmaker  of  Lond.  Bach.  abt.  24.  and  Hannah  Anthony,  of  St.  Botolph, 
Bishopsgate,  Lond.  Spr.  abt.  20,  with  consent  of  her  parents;  at  St.  James, 
Clerkenwell  Midd. 



The  Bennington,  Vt.,  T.  R.  show  but  little  concerning  the  Brush  family, 
though  Sarah  Robinson's  notes  say  that  Nathaniel  Brush  was  b.  there  in 
1732.  Jennings  says  he  was  in  town  as  early  as  1775,  and  that  his  sister 
was  the  first  Mrs.  Capt.  Isaac  Dewey.  He  was  Colonel  of  militia 
in  the  town,  and  as  such  served  in  the  battle,  was  elected  town  clerk 
in  1782,  and  held  the  office  several  years.     Nathaniel  Brush  m.  Semanthe 

,  who  d.  Feb.  2y,  1789,  aged  40,  is  buried  in  the  Centre  Cemetery. 

The  births  of  their  chi.  from  the  B.  T.  R. : 

1.  Nathaniel  Brush,  b.  July  22,  1770,  m.,  Jan.  30,  1796,  Abigail  Leverett, 

and  had,  (i)  Sabina,  b.  Nov.  i,  1796,  (2)  Adela,  b.  Nov.  15,  1798,  (3) 
Mary  Leverett,  b.  Sept.  9,  1800. 

2.  Semanthe  Brush,  b.  Feb.  18,  1772,  d.  March  7,  1809,  m.  at  Bennington, 

Samuel  Robinson,  d.  Jan.  7,  1820,  had  Samuel. 

3.  Elijah  Brush,  b.  May  10,  1773. 

4.  Sabrina  Brush,  b.  Oct.  30,  1774. 

5.  Reuben  Brush,  b.  May  i,  1776,  d.  Nov.  11,  1776. 

6.  Reuben  Brush,  b.  April  4,  1779. 

Reuben  W.  Brush,  son  of  Elkanah,  who  d.  in  Indiana,  m.,  in  Bennino- 
ton,  June  23,  1818,  Sarah  Dewey,  b.  April   2"],    1800,    dau.    of   Stephen    (b. 
March  16,  1778)  and  Sarah  (Webster)  Dewey.     They  had  chi.  : 
George  Brush,  b.  May  5,  1822,  Bennington,  Vt. 
Wm.  Albert  Brush,  b.  Aug.  12,  1823,  Indiana. 
Harriet  Brush,  b.  July  9,  1825. 
Reuben  Brush,  b.  Dec.  — ,  183 1. 
George  Brush,  b.  May  5,  1833,  d.  July,  1833. 



The  following  notes  are  compiled  from  various  sources,  among  them 
the  town  records  of  Dorchester.  Mass.;  Westfield,  Mass.,  and  Bennington, 
Vt.;  also  A^.  F.  Gen.  and  Biog.  Keg.  and  tombstones  in  Bennington  Cemetery  : 

"THOMAS  DEWEY,  the  settler  (spelled  also  in  the  Dorchester  records, 
Duee),  came  to  Dorchester,  Mass.,  in  1633,  from  Sandwich,  Kent,  Eng.,  near 
the  ancient  town  of  Dover,  and  was  enrolled  as  a  freeman  there,  May  14, 
1634.  He  removed  about  1638  to  Windsor,  Conn.,  and  m.  there,  March  22, 
1638-9,  Frances  Clarke  (widow  of  Joseph),  by  whom  he  had  five  chi.  He 
was  cornet  of  the  town  troop  of  soldiers,  and  d.  at  Windsor  April  27,  1648. 
He  was  frequently  juror  and  deputy  to  the  General  Court.  His  wid.  m. 
for  a  third  husband,  Nov.  30,  1648,  George  Phelps,  and  soon  afterward  rem. 
to  Westfield,  Mass.,  with  all  the  Dewey  chi.,  except  Israel,  who  remained 
at  Windsor,  and  d.  there  at  an  advanced  age,  leaving  no  issue.  Thomas 
Dewey  and  all  his  descendants  for  several  generations  are  believed  to  have 
been  farmers." 

2  i.  Thomas,  b.  Feb.  16,  1639-40,  m.  Constance  Hawes. 

3  ii.  Josiah,  bapt.  Oct.  10,  1641,  m.  Mehitable  Miller. 

4  iii.  Anna,  bapt.  Oct.  15,  1643,  m.  John  Woodward,  of  Lebanon,  Conn. 

5  iv.   Israel,  b.  Sept.  25,  1645,  m.  Abigail  Drake. 

6  V.  Jedediah,  b.  Dec.  15,  1647,  m.  Sarah  Orton. 

THOMAS  DEWEY  (Thomas),  h.  Feb.  16,  1639,  at  Windsor,  Conn., 
where  he  was  a  cornet  of  troopers  like  his  father,  d.  at  Westfield,  Mass.  (T. 
R.),  April  27,  1690.  He  m.,  at  Northani])ton,  Mass.,  June  i,  1663.  Constant 
Hawes,  dau.  of  Richard.  She  b.  July  17,  1642,  d.  at  Westfield  (T.  R.),  April 
26,  1703.     Seven  of  their  chi.  appear  on  Westfield  birth  record. 

7  i.  Samuel,  b.  June  25,  1670. 

8  ii.   Hannah,  b.  Feb.  21,  1672. 

9  iii.  Elizabeth,  b.  Jan.  10,  1676. 

10     iv.  James,  b.  July  3,  1678,  prob.  d.  y.oung. 


11  V.  Abigail,  b.  Feb.  14,  1680. 

12  vi.  James,  b.  Nov.  12,  1683,  d.  ]\Iay  5,  1686. 

13  vii.  Israel,  b.  July  9,  1686. 

JOSIAH  DEWEY  {Thomas),  bapt.  Oct.  10,  1641,  m.,  at  Westfield, 
Mass.  (T.  R.),  Jan.  15,  i69o(?),  Mehitable  Miller,  and  had  chi.  (T.  R.): 

14  i.   Nathaniel,  b.  Feb.  20,  1672. 

15  ii.  Ebenezer,  b.  Feb.  20,  1672,  d.  June,  1675. 

16  iii.  Elizabeth,  b.  July  10,  1677. 

17  iv.  Joseph,  b.  April  9,  1682. 

18  V.  Experience,  b.  April  9,  1682. 

19  vi.  Josiah,  b.  Aug.  11,  1694. 

Westfield  T.  R.  give  also,  "Benj.,  s.  of  Josiah  Dewey  and  Hepsibah  his 
wife,  b.  July  8,  1685,"  and  say,  "The  births  and  deaths  above  mentioned  do 
belong  unto  Josiah  Dewey,  Sr.,  which  through  mistake  are  set  to  Josiah 
Dewey,  Jr." 

ISRAEL  DEWEY  (Thomas),  b.  Sept.  25,  1645,  m.,  Aug.  28,  1668, 
Abigail  Drake,  dau.  of  Job,  and  d.  Jan.  25,  1727,  at  Westfield.  Mass.  (T.  R.). 

20     i.  Israel,  b.  Dec.  30,  1673  (W.  T.  R.). 


JEDEDIAH  DEWEY  (Thomas),  b.  Dec.  15,  1647,  at  Windsor,  Conn., 
m.,  in  1671,  Sarah  Orton,  of  Farmington,  Conn.  After  a  short  residence 
there  they  removed  to  Westfield,  Mass.,  where  he  farmed,  and  died  Jan.  26, 
1717-18,  and  where  his  wife  died,  Nov.  20,  1711  (W.  T.  R.).  He  also  was 
comet  of  the  town  troop. 

21  i.  Sarah,  b.  March  28,  1672  (W.  T.  R.),  m..  Sept.  8,  1692,  Col.  John 
Ashley,  b.  June  27,  1669,  third  chi.  of  David  and  Hannah  (Glover) 
Ashley.  He  d.  April  17,  1759.  Sarah  d.  May  30,  1708,  having  had 
eight  chi. 

ALLIED  FAMILIES.       .  281 

22  ii.  Margaret,  b.  Jan.  10,  1673  (W.  T.  R.),  d.  Nov.  27,  1712,  having  m., 

Oct.  27,  1692,  Daniel  Bissell,  of  Windsor,  Conn.,  b.  Sept.  29,  1663. 
They  had  five  chi. 

23  iii.  Jedediah,  b.  June  14,  1676,  m.  Rebecca  Williams. 

24  iv.  Daniel,  b.  March  9,  1679  (W.  T.  R.),  a  farmer  at  Farmington,  Conn. 

25  V.  Thomas,  b.  June  29,  1682  (W.  T.  R.),  m.  Abigail  Ashley. 

26  vi.  Joseph,  b.  May  10,  1684  (W.  T.  R.). 

27  vii.  Hannah,  b.  March  14,  1685  (W.  T.  R.). 

28  viii.  Marv-,  b.  March  i,  1688  (W.  T.  R.),  d.  June  19,  1740. 

29  ix.  James,  b.  April  3,  1692  (W.  T.  R.),  d.  Aug.  28,  1767. 

30  X.  Abigail,  b.  Nov.  17,  1694  (W^  T.  R.). 

SAMUEL  DEWEY  (Thomas,  Thomas),  b.  June  25,  1670,  at  Westfield, 
Mass.  (T.  R.),  was  prob.  the  Samuel  who  m.,  at  Westfield  (T.  R.),  Dec.  19, 
1695,  Sarah  Wells.  She  d.  July  21,  1709,  at  Westfield  (T.  R.).  Chi.  from 
T.  R.  : 

31  i.  Sarah,  b.  Jan.  26,  1696. 

32  ii.  Elizabeth,  b.  May  13,  1699. 

33  iii.  Hannah,  b.  Oct.  14,  1701,  d.  Oct.  31,  1701. 

34  iv.  Samuel,  b.  April  12,  1703,  prob.  m.  Elizabeth  Younglove  (published 

May  30,  1730). 

35  v.  Deliverance,  b.  Aug.  4,  1706,  d.  May  14,  1707. 

36  vi.  Jonathan,  b.  June  3,  1708. 


JEDEDIAH  DEWEY  (Jedediah,  Thomas),  b.  June  14.  1676,  at  West- 
field,  Mass.  (T.  R.),  d.  Jan.  26,  1727  (T.  R.),  m.  there,  June  17,  1703  (T.  R.), 
Rebecca  Williams.     Chi.  from  T.  R. 

37  i.  Rebecca,  b.  June  11,  1704. 

38  ii.  Margaret,  b.  Feb.  12,  1706. 

39  iii.  Termiah.  dau.,  b.  March  i.  1708. 

40  iv.  Sarah,  b.  March  31.  1710. 

41  v.  Rhoda,  b.  July  10,  17 12.  m.  Hon.  Eldad  Taylor,  of  Westfield. 

42  vi.  Jedediah,  b.  April  11,  1714.  m.  Mindwell  Haydon. 



43  vii.   Martin,  b.  May  i8,  1716,  m.,  Oct.  7,  1740,  Eliza  Dewey. 

44  viii.  Hannah,  b.  March  9,  1718,  m.  Benjamin  Mosely. 

45  ix.  Mary  (Margaret?),  d.  June  19,  1740. 

46  -x.  Abner,  b.  Aug.  19,  1726,  m.  Rhoda  Noble. 


JEDEDJAH  DEWEY  {Jedediali,  Jedediah,  Thomas),  b.  April  11,  1714, 
at  Westfield,  Mass.  (T.  R.),  m.  there  Mindwell  Haydon,  Aug.  4,  1736  (T.  R.). 
Rev.  Jedediah  Dewey,  the  ancestor  of  the  Bennington  descendants  of  that 
name,  was  the  first  pastor  of  the  Bennington  Church,  a  carpenter  by  trade, 
and  a  man  of  vigorous  body  and  intellect.  Space  does  not  permit  an  ex- 
tended notice,  and  his  descendants  are  referred  to  the  Wallbridge  Geneal- 
ogy and  Jennings'  Memorials  of  a  Century  for  fuller  details. 

47  i.   Mindwell,  b.  Nov.  29,  1737,  m.  Major  Wait  Hopkins,  who  was  killed 

by  the  Indians  in  N.  Y.  during  the  Rev.  War.     They  had  an  only 
son.  Wait  Hopkins,  who  m.  Sarah  Fay,  and  a  dau.,  Sarah,  b.  in  Ben- 
nington, Feb.,  1770,  m.,  in  1793,  Major  Aaron  Robinson,  who  was 
b.  May  4,  1767.     Their  chi.  were: 
Henry  Hopkins  Robinson,  b.  Sept.  14,  1794. 
Aaron  Dewey  Robinson,  b.  Oct.  26,  1795. 
Mary  Fay  Robinson,  b.  Sept.  3,  1797. 
Reuben  Robinson,  b.  April  4,  1799,  d.  Aug.  24,  1829. 
Sarah  Robinson,  b.  Aug.  25,  1801,  d.  Feb.  11,  1802. 

48  ii.   Lucy,  b.  Nov.  16,  1739,  d.  June  21,  1747. 

49  iii.  Jedediah,  b.  June  17,  1742. 

50  iv.  Elijah,  b.  Nov.  28,  1744,  was  a  Captain  at  Ticonderoga  and  Benning- 

ton, also  at  Burgoyne's  surrender  at  Saratoga.  He  d.  Oct.  16,  1818. 
■^         His  first  wife  was  Eunice  ^^^^-^ — ,  m.  March,  1766,  and  d.  March  7, 

1788.     His  second  wife  was  Mrs.  McEowen.     He  had  three  dau. 

(i)  Sarah,  b.  1765,  m.,  June  27,  1782,  Aaron  Hubbell,  who  was  born 
in  Old  Stratford,  Conn.,  Sept.  14,  1757.  Had  chi.,  Sarah  Hub- 
bell,  b.  June  20,  1783,  d.  Aug.,  1844,  m.  Stephen  Robinson; 
Betsey  Hubbell,  b.  Feb.  24,  1785,  d.  Sept.  6,  1845,  m-  Daniel 
McEowen,  and  second,  Harmon;  Laura  Hubbell,  b.  March  18, 
1787,  d.  Aug.  15,  1864,  m.  John  Vanderspiegel,  Aug.  6,  1815; 
Elijah  Dewey  Hubbell,  b.  May  8,  1790,  d.  Feb.  3,  1864,  m.  Laura, 
dau.  Truman  Squier;  Maria  Hubbell,  b.  Oct.  27,  1792,  d.  Nov. 
19,  i860,  m.  Isaac  T.  Robinson. 




















(2)  Ruth,  b.  Feb.  16,  1769,  at  Westfield,  Mass.,  d.  Sept.  29,  1796, 
at  Bennington,  m.  Capt.  Moses  Robinson,  Jr.,  who  was  b.  at 
Bennington  Nov.  16,  1763,  d.  Jan.  30,  1825.  Had  children: 
Eunice,  b.  April  22,  1789,  Moses  Dewey,  b.  Feb.  21,  179 — , 
Ruth,  b.  June  26,  1796.  Betsey  m.  Col.  Benjamin  Fassett,  and 
had  three  dau.     (See  Fassett  notes.) 

51  V.  Eldad,  b.  Aug.  12,  1747,  d.  July  31,  182 1,  m.  Mary  Tilden,  b.  Nov.  9, 

1751,  d.  Feb.  5,  1835,  and  had  a  son,  Stephen  Dewey,  b.  March  16, 
1778,  m.  Sarah  Webster,  and  had  Sarah,  b.  April  27,  1800,  Ruth,  b. 
April,  1802,  d.  March,  1803,  Ruth,  b.  Aug.  13,  1804,  Eliza,  b.  June  22, 

Eldad  Dewey  also  had  a  dau.  Esther,  b.  Feb.  7,  1787,  m.  April, 
1813,  Silas  Walbridge.     (See  that  family.) 

52  vi.   Lucy,  b.  Nov.  9,  1751. 

53  vii.   Margaret,  b.  Nov.  20,  1756,  m.  Col.  Joseph  Fay,  b.  in  Hardwick, 

Mass.,  about  1752,  d.  in  N.  Y.  City  Oct.,  1803,  the  son  of  Stephen 
Fay,  landlord  of  the  Catamount  Tavern  at  Bennington  Centre,  Vt. 

The  births  of  the  preceding  chi.  of  Jedediah  Dewey  are  on  the 
T.  R.  of  Westfield,  Mass. 

54  viii.  Betsey,  b.  Dec.  16,  1759. 

Mrs.  Mindwell  Haydon  Dewey  d.  May  29,  1760,  aged  48,  and  the  Revd. 
Jedediah  m.  his  second  wife,  Betty  Buck,  Feb.  20,  1761.  She  d.  June  29, 
1792,  aged  54.     Their  children  were: 

55  i.   Loan,  b.  May  15.  1765,  m.  Mrs.  Susanna  Billing  Jan.  27,  1785,  and 

had  dau.,  Fanny,  b.  June  27,  1785. 

56  ii.  Tabitha,  b.  Feb.  16,  1768. 

57  iii.  Julia,  b.  Oct.  20,  1770. 

58  iv.  Clara,  b.  Oct.  6,  1773.  m.  Gustavus  Walbridge. 

59  v.   Phianna,  b.  Dec.  13,  1775. 

60  vi.   Pliny  (Capt.),  b.  Jan.  26,  1778,  d.  April  10,  1840. 

The  following  extracts,  with  those  included  above,  contain  all  the  Dewey 
b.,  m.,  and  d.  entries  on  the  town  records  of  Westfield,  Mass. : 

Capt.  Adijah  Dewey,  m.  Sarah  ,  d.  March  24,   1741,  and  had 

(1)  chi.  Nov.  13,  it69,  d.  Nov.,  1689,  (2)  Thomas,  b.  Sept.  30,  1693,  (3) 
Sarah,  b.  March  17,  1695.  (4)  Hester,  b.  Jan.  20,  1698.  (5)  Mary.  b.  Sept.  18, 
1701,  (6)  Abigail,  b.  Jan.  28,  1703,  (7)  Bethiah,  b.  Aug.  11,  1706,  (8)  Ann, 
b.  March  22,  1709,  (9)  Moses,  b.  Jan.  6,  1714. 


Deacon  David  Dewey,  m.  Sarah ,  and  d.  Nov.  30,  17 12.     Had 

(ij  Charles,  b.  July  18,  1703,  (2)  David,  b.  June  28,  1705,  (3)  Nathaniel,  b. 
Sept.  21,  1706,  (4)  Isaac,  b.  Sept.  10,  1708,  m.,  July  10,  1734,  Abigail  Bagg, 
(5)  Sarah,  b.  May  16,  171 1,  d.  Dec.  15,  1712.  The  first  chi.,  Charles,  was 
prob.  the  one  who  m.  Abigail  Dewey  Jan.  30,  1723-4,  and  had  Abigail,  b. 
Jan.  2,  1725. 

Thomas  Dewey,  probably  No.  25  above,  m.,  Nov.  7,  1706,  Abigail  Ash- 
ley. She  d.  Dec.  20,  1747,  and  he  d.  March  15,  1758,  having  had,  (i) 
Thomas,  b.  April  20,  1708,  d.  July  20,  1709,  (2)  Abigail,  b.  April  24,  1710,  (3) 
Israel,  b.  March  3,  1712,  (4)  Hannah,  b.  June  22,  1715,  (5)  Bashua  (dau.), 
b.  Aug.  12,  1718,  (6)  Thomas,  b.  Nov.,  1721,  and  prob.  the  Thomas  who 
pub.  his  intention  of  m.  with  Elizabeth  Warner,  of  Sufifield,  Conn.,  Dec.  2, 


Israel  Dewey,  son  of  Israel  Dewey  and  Abigail  Drake,  m.  Sarah , 

and  had,  (i)  Sarah,  b.  May  27,  1714,  (2)  Constant,  b.  March  20,  1716,  (3) 
chi.,  b.  Feb.  2,  d.  Feb.  11,  1717,  (4)  Israel,  b.  Jan.  27,  1718,  (5)  Aaron,  b. 
April  28,  1 72 1. 

Joseph  Dewey,  probably  No.  26  above,  d.  Jan.  3,  1757,  having  m.  Sarah 

,  who  d.  Feb.  19,  1769.     (i)  Joseph,  b.  Oct.  7,  1714,  (2)  Sarah,  b. 

April  15,  1716,  d.  March  4,  1728,  (3)  Lydia,  b.  May  25,  1718,  (4)  Mary,  b. 
March  21,  1720,  (5)  Roger,  b.  March  17,  1722,  (6)  Noah,  b.  May  3,  1724, 
pub.  intention  of  marriage  with  Mary  Pomeroy,  of  Suffield,  March,  1749-50, 
and  had  Noah,  b.  April  i,  1758. 

James  Dewey,  d.  Aug.  28,  1767,  of  small-pox,  m..  May  15,  1718,  Eliza- 
beth Ashley,  who  d.  Sept.  25,  1737.  It  was  prob.  this  James  who  m.  Joanna 
Taylor  Dec.  20,  1738;  she  prob.  a  wid.,  as  records  show  Paul  Taylor,  son  of 
Joanna  Dewey,  d.  July  29,  1747.  James'  chi.  were,  (i)  Stephen,  b.  May  13, 
1719,  (2)  Elizabeth,  b.  Sept.  29,  1722,  (3)  Anna,  b.  Aug.  30,  1724,  (4)  Keziah, 
b.  Oct.  20,  1726,  (5)  Daniel,  b.  March  10,  1729,  (6)  James,  b.  Aug.  14,  1731, 
(7)  Josiah,  b.  Jan.  29,  1733,  d.  March  17,  1733,  (8)  Mary,  b.  April  6,  1735, 
(9)  Josiah,  b.  Sept.  18,  1737.  It  was  prob.  the  first  chi.,  Stephen,  who  m. 
Joanna  Taylor  Oct.  3,  1744. 

Thomas  Dewey,  m.,  Aug.  6,  1718,  Abigail  Williams,  and  had,  (i) 
Abigail,  b.  Sept.  4,  1719,  d.  Sept.  20,  1719,  (2)  Azariah,  b.  Aug.  12,  1722. 

David  Dewey,  d.  Aug.,  1746,  m.  Abigail  Ashley,  who  d.  March  20, 
1747.  Had  chi.,  (i)  David,  b.  July  20,  1725,  (2)  Nathaniel,  b.  Jan.  14, 
1727-8,  d.  Dec.  2,  1743,  (3)  Eli,  b.  May  8,  1732,  (4)  Abigail,  b.  Aug.  3,  1735, 
(5)  Experience,  b.  March  25,  1738,  (6)  Asaph,  b.  Aug.  20,  1740,  d.  Nov.. 
1755.  (7)  Thankful,  b.  June  15,  1744. 

Abner  Dewey,  No.  46  above,  had  dau.  Diadama,  b.  Jan.  5,  1766,  at 


Stockbridge,,  Mass.,  d.  at  Bennington  June  22,  1854,  m.  April  18,  1786,  Ben- 
jamin Harwood,  and  had.  (i)  Hiram  Harwood,  b.  Oct.  23,  1788,  m.  at  Ben- 
nington March  19,  1815,  Sarah  Stone,  b.  Sept.  13.  1793.  dau.  of  Osborn 
Stone,  of  North  Guilford,  Conn.,  had  Adeline  Maria,  b.  Sept.  28,  1816,  and 
Hiram  Hopkins,  b.  April  i,  1822.     (2)  Lydia  Harvvood,  b.  Aug.  g,   1791. 

(3)  Diadama  Dewey  Har^vood.  b.  Feb.  2,  1800,  d.  Sept.  19,  1864. 

Adijah  Dewey,  Jun.,  d.  Jan.  31,  1753,  m.,  Jan.  11,  1732,  Mary  Ashley. 
Had  chi..  d)  Ashbel.  b.  April  23,  1734,  (2)  Medad,  b.  Nov.  18,  1736,  m. 
Elizabeth  Noble,  Dec.  8,  1757,  (3)  Bethiah,  b.  Sept.  22,  1739,  (4)  Mary.  b. 
April  II,  1743. 

Israel  Dewey,  m.,  Sept.  19,  1734,  Lydia  Mosely.  Had  chi.,  (i)  Israel, 
b.  June  21,  1735,  (2)  Benadiah,  b.  Dec.  i,  1736,  (3)  Paul,  b.  March  16,  1739. 

(4)  Eleanor,  b.  Jan.  5.  1740,  (s)  Solomon,  b.  March  i,  1742-3,  (6)  Lydia, 
b.  Oct.  I,  1745,  (7)  Abigail,  b.  Oct.  12,  1747,  (8)  Josiah,  b.  Nov.  3,  1749,  and 
d.  immediately,  (9)  Justin,  b.  Jan.  5,  1751,  (10)  Hugo,  b.  Dec.  4,  1753. 

Moses  Dewey,  m..  Jan.  i.  1735-6.  Sarah  Dewey,  who  d.  April  7,  1762. 
Had  chi..  (\)  Moses,  b.  March  31.  1739.  (2)  Sarah,  b.  April  13.  1741.  (3) 
Esther,  b.  April  9,  1744.  (4)  Keziah,  b.  Nov.  9.  1745,  d.  Oct.  15,  1752,  (5) 
Russell,  b.  Aug.  7,  1754,  (6)  Gideon,  b.  July  7,  1.758. 

Joseph  Dewey  m.  Jan.  26.  1738,  Beulah  Sackett.  Had  (i)  Beulah.  b. 
Feb.  5,  1739.  d.  July  18.  1739.  (2)  Joseph,  b.  March  5,  1741,  (3)  Benjamin, 
b.  April  5.  1743.  (4)  Gad.  b.  Jan.  14,  1744-5,  (5)  Elias,  b.  Nov.  2.  1746.  (6) 
Beulah.  b.  Oct.  12.  1748.  d.  Jan.  12.  1751,  (7)  Sarah,  b.  Sept.  12.  1750.  (8) 
Mary.  b.  Jan.  23.  1753. 

Martin  Dewey,  prob.  No.  43  above,  d.  June  20.  1763.  m..  Oct.  7.  1740, 
Elizabeth  Dewey,  who  d.  Oct.  12.  1756.  Had  chi..  d)  Martin,  b.  Dec.  26. 
1741.  (2)  Elizabeth,  b.  July  12.  1743,  (3)  Rhoda,  b.  March  31.  1746.  (4) 
Mary.  b.  Sept.  26.  1749.  (5)  Lucretia,  b.  March  27.  1750.  (6)  Grace,  b.  Oct., 


Israel  Dewey  m.,  March  4,  1741-2.  Joanna  Noble.  Had  chi.,  (t) 
Joanna,  b.  Aug.  2.  1743.  (2)  Enoch,  b.  Oct.  15,  1745.  (3)  Rhoda.  b.  Oct.  21. 
1747,  (4)  Stephen,  b.  Oct.  25.  1749.  (5)  Noble,  b.  June  15,  1752,  (6)  Ezekiel, 
b.  July  I.  1754.  (7)  Israel,  b.  Jan.  6.  1757.  (8)  Eleanor,  b.  April  5.  1759.  (9) 
Numan.  b.  Oct.  18.  1761.  fio)  Esther,  b.  Nov.  15,  1763. 

Aaron  Dewey  m.,  June  12.  1746,  Sarah  Noble.  Had  chi..  (\)  Aaron, 
b.  June  23,  1748.  d.  Nov.  15.  1748,  (2)  Sarah,  b.  June  23.  1748.  (3)  Aaron,  b. 
Jan.  20,  1749-50,  d.  Jan.  29,  1749-50,  (4)  Aaron,  b.  Jan.  15,  1750-1,  (5)  John, 
b.  Jan.  20.  1754.  (6)  Silas,  b.  March  22,  1756,  d.  Oct.  6,  1757,  (7)  Eunice,  b. 
March  22,  1758.  fS)  Silas,  b.  Jan.  9.  1761. 

Thomas  Dewey  m..  Jan.  31,  1750-1.  Sarah  Martindale.     Had  chi.,  (i) 


Thaddeus.  b.  July  5.  1752,  (2)  Cloe,  b.  May  30,  1754,  (3)  Ruth,  b.  May  31. 
1756,  (4)  Thomas,  b.  Jan.  23,  1765,  d.  April  20,  1765. 

David  Dewey  m.,  Oct.  24,  1751,  Rebecca  Phelps.  Had  chi.,  (i)  David, 
b.  April  7,  1752,  (2)  Timothy,  b.  Jan.  24,  1755,  (3)  Asaph,  b.  Feb.  2,  1758, 
(4)  Amos,  b.  Jan.  3,  1765. 

Ashbel  Dewey  m.  Mary  Phelps,  of  Windsor,  Conn,  (published  Sept.  15, 
1754).  Had  chi.,  (i)  Abijah.  b.  May  7,  1756,  (2)  Ashbel,  b.  July  11,  1758, 
d.  July  20,  1758,  (3)  Ashbel,  b.  March  13.  1760,  d.  March  18,  1760. 

Samuel  Dewey  m.  Rebecca ,  and  had,  (i)  Miriam,  b.  May  14, 

1703,  twins  Israel  and  Mabel,  b.  May  22,  17 18. 

A  Dewey  of  to-day  has  won  distinction  at  Manilla,  Philippine  Islands. 
Commodore  Dewey  traces  his  descent  from  Thomas  Dewey,  of  Dorchester, 
Mass.  His  father,  Dr.  Julius  Y.  Dewey,  was  a  physician,  and  practiced  at 
Montpelier,  Vt.,  residing  in  a  fine  old  colonial  mansion  almost  opposite  the 
State  House.  He  gave  up  his  profession  to  become  President  of  the  Nat. 
L.  Ins.  Co.  of  Vt.,  in  which  ofifice  his  brother  Charles  succeeded  him. 


Deacon  John  Fassett  was  b.  April  i,  1720.  In  the  summer  or  fall  of 
1761  he  moved  to  Bennington,  Vt.,  from  Hardwick.  Mass.,  where  his  chil- 
dren were  born.  He  kept  a  tavern  about  one-half  a  mile  south  of  the  green 
at  Bennington  Centre,  and  at  his  house  the  first  town  meeting  was  held, 
March  31,  1762,  and  afterward  until  1767,  when  they  were  held  at  the  meet- 
ing house.  He  was  Captain  of  the  first  miHtary  co.,  organized  Oct.  24,  1764, 
and  among  the  privates  were  his  sons  John,  David,  and  Jonathan.  He  was 
also  one  of  the  two  town  representatives  in  the  first  State  Legislature,  clerk  of 
the  proprietors'  meeting,  deacon  and  first  clerk  of  the  church.  He  d.  Aug.  12, 
1794,  at  Bennington,  where  Mar\'.  his  wife,  d.  Sept.  22,  1782,  aged  62.  His 
children  were : 

(i)  Sarah  Fassett,  m.  Dr.  Jonas  Fay,  second  son  of  Stephen  Fay.  He 
was  b.  at  Hardwick,  Mass.,  Jan.  13,  1737.  In  1756  was  clerk  to  the  military 
CO.  of  Capt.  Samuel  Robinson.  Sen.,  in  the  French  War  at  Fort  Edward  and 
Lake  George.  Their  dau.  Lydia  m.  Uriah  Edgerton,  while  Sarah  m.  Henry 
Hopkins,  only  son  of  Major  Wait  Hopkins,  and  grandson  of  the  Revd.  Mr. 
Dewey.     These  had  a  son,  Deacon  Fay  Hopkins,  of  Oberlin,  Ohio. 


(2)  John  Fassett.  b.  June  3,  1743.  m..  at  Bennington.  Oct.  18,  1764 
(T.  R.),  Hannah,  b.  1746,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Ann  (Bottom)  Safford,  and 
went  to  Cambridge  in  1784.  He  and  Henry  Walbridge  joined  the  church 
Aug.  29,  1765.  "Was  one  of  the  two  representatives  from  Arlington  in 
1778;  elected  one  of  the  Council  in  1779,  which  office  he  held,  excepting 
1785  and  1786,  until  1795,  also  a  Judge  of  the  Supreme  Court  for  eight  years, 
1778-1786."  He  and  his  wife  d.  in  Cambridge.  Their  chi.  were  b.  in  Ben- 

i.  Sarah  Fassett.  b.  July  10,  1765,  bapt.  Sept.  i,  1765,  m..  at  Cambridge, 
Noah  Chittenden,  and  had  Hannah  and  Susanna.  Her  husband  d. 
at  Jericho.  Vt..  Jan.  9,  1835. 

ii.  Persis  Fassett.  b.  Aug.  3,  1767,  m.,  at  Cambridge,  Martin  D.  Follett,  b. 
July  4,  1761,  at  Nine  Partners,  N.  Y.  (son  of  Eliphalet  Follett.  who  emi- 
grated to  Susquehanna.  Pa.,  and  was  killed  by  the  Indians  in  the  great 
massacre  of  June,  1777),  resided  at  Enosburg,  Vt.  Their  chi.  b.  in 
Cambridge,  (i)  John  Follett.  b.  Oct.  30,  1791,  m.  Sarah  Woodworth, 
and  had  Harriet,  b.  April  28.  1819,  Sophronia,  b.  Aug.  17,  1820,  Charles, 
b.  Feb.  7,  1822,  Alfred,  b.  April.  1823,  Martin,  b.  June.  1825.  Fidelia, 
b.  Sept.,  1826.  (2)  Martin  Follett.  b.  July  18.  1793,  d.  in  St.  Albans.  Vt., 
m.  Lorane  Winchel,  and  had  Sarah,  b.  1817,  Truman,  b.  March  4,  1820, 
chi.,  b.  1822,  d.  1825,  Lucy,  b.  March,  1823,  Anna,  b.  March,   1825. 

(3)  Henry  Follett,  b.  March  8.  1793.  m.  Clarissa  Pond,  had  Keziah, 
b.  March  8.  182 1.  Fisk.  b.  .April,  1824.  Elias.  b.  Feb..  1826.  (4)  Eliza- 
beth Follett,  b.  Nov.  30,  1797.  m.  Thomas  Woodworth,  and  had  Eliza- 
beth, b.  June  I,  1820,  Rossett,  b.  -April  4,  1824.  Persis  Fassett,  b.  March 
7,  1826.  (5)  Sarah  Follett  b.  Jan.  30,  1799,  d.  Jan.,  1805,  Enosburg,  Vt. 
(6)  Hannah  Follett.  b.  Jan.  31,  1804.  (7)  Eliphalet  Follett,  b.  Dec.  4, 
1806.  (8)  Charles  Follett.  b.  Feb.  28,  1808,  d.  May  21,  1808.  (9) 
Persis  Follett.  b.  April  5.  1809.     I'lo)  James  Follett,  b.  Feb.  28,  1811. 

iii.  John  Fassett.  b.  Dec.  17.  1769.  bapt.  July  8.  1770,  m.  Phoebe  Sayles.  and 
had  chi.,  John  Lock.  Emeline.  Duty  Sayles,  d.  1833,  Elisha  Hawley. 
He  m.,  second,  Martha  Thomas,  and  had  Loraine,  Phoebe,  Elias. 

iv.  Elias  Fassett.  b.  Dec.  20,  1771.  d.  Aug.  15.  1822,  was  Col.  of  the  30th 
U.  S.  Infantry  in  the  war  of  1812  (I'ide  Vcr.  Hist.  Mag.,  p.  136).  m..  in 
Bennington.  Sarah,  b.  April  10.  1772,  dau.  of  Henry  Walbridge  and 
Anna  Safiford.  They  had  chi..  b.  at  Cambridge,  (i)  Henry,  b.  May  17, 
1794,  m.  Clarissa  Peck,  (2)  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  4.  1796,  Elias,  b.  Dec.  9,  1798, 
m.  Jerusha  Munson. 

v.  Jo.seph  Fassett.  m.  Lucy  Newel,  had  Truman,  m.,  second,  Mary  Board- 
man  in  Ohio. 


vi.  Hannah  Fassett,  m.  and  had  Jason  and  Mary. 

vii.  Susanna  Fassett,  b.  May  22,  1776,  m.  Ira  Hawley,  and  had  Charles  and 

Amanda.     She  m.,  second,  Solomon  Green,  had  Charlotte,  Mary  Ann, 


(3)  Jonathan  Fassett,  b.  April  26,  1745,  at  Hardwick,  Mass.,  d.  May  21, 
1825,  at  Bakersfield,  Vt.,  m.  Mary ,  and  had : 

i.  Mary,  bapt.  Feb.  12,  1775. 

ii.  Jonathan,  bapt.  Feb.  9,  1777,  d.  1832,  m.,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  Anna,  b. 
Nov.  30,  1780,  dau.  of  David  and  Anna  (Brewster)  Safford,  of  Cam- 
bridge, resided  in  N.  Y.  His  wife  d.  Lewiston,  N.  Y.  Had  chi.,  (i) 
Anna  Maria,  b.  July  6,  1802,  Cambridge,  Vt.,  m.  William  Pope.  (2) 
Frances  Louisa,  b.  Feb.  2,  1804,  Cambridge,  Vt.  (3)  Alvin  Fay,  b.  Feb. 
14,  1806.  Georgia,  Vt.  (4)  Chauncey  Langdon,  b.  N.  Y.  (5)  Frances 
Eliza,  b.  N.  Y. 

(4)  David  Fassett,  b.  at  Hardwick,  Mass.,  m..  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  Jan. 

22,  1774,  Sabra,  dau.  of  John  and  (Plum)  Safford.     (See  Safford 


(5)  Nathan  Fassett,  b.  in  Hardwick,  Mass.,  April  2,  1749,  had  dau. 
Hannah,  who  d.  1833.  m.  Asa  Fisk,  and  had  a  dau. 

(6)  Amos  Fassett,  had  son  Alvin,  who  m.  Ann  Butler,  Sheldon.  Vt., 
and  had  James  Mann,  Juliet  Keyes.  John.  John  Butler,  Gardner  Smith. 

(7)  Mary  Fassett,  b.  at  Hardwick,  Mass.,  1754,  d.  at  Bennington  July 
15,  1822,  m..  at  Bennington,  Jonathan,  b.  Aug.  11,  I7.';6.  at  Hardwick,  Mass., 
d.  Nov.  3,  1819.  son  of  Samuel  and  Marcv  (Leonard)  Robinson.  Their  chi. 
were  b.  at  Bennington. 

(8)  Colonel  Benjamin  Fassett,  b.  March  21,  1757,  in  Hardwick,  Mass., 
d.  Feb.  II.  1816,  in  Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he  came  with  his  father  in  1761. 
His  two  wives  and  himself  are  buried  in  the  churchyard  at  the  Centre.  "He 
was  a  commissary  in  the  war  of  the  Revolution:  served  in  other  capacities 
in  civil  and  military  life,  and  was  an  active  business  man."  He  m..  first, 
Bettv  (whose  gravestone  says,  "D.  July  31,  1794.  in  the  35th  year  of  her 
age"),  dau.  of  Capt.  Elijah  Dewey,  was  with  her  received  into  the  church 
Oct..  1784.     He  m.,  second,  Mrs.  Hetty  Alvah,  b.  1764,  d.  Dec.  7,  184?. 

The  following  are  the  children  of  Col.  Benj.  Fassett  as  far  as  I  know 
i.  Ruth  Fassett,  b.  April  7,  1781,  d.  Aug.  14,  1862,  m.  Samuel,  b.  Aug.  16, 

1772,  at  Bennington,  son  of  Benjamin    and    Sarah    (Robinson)    Fay. 

Had  chi. : 


1.  Samuel  R.  Fay,  b.  Nov.  5,  1802,  d.  Oct.  13,  i860. 

2.  Benjamin  Fassett  Fay,  b.  Oct.  21.  1805,  d.  Feb.  15.  1853.,  m.  Mar- 

garet Lord,  dau.  of  Asa  Hyde,  of  Bennington.     Had  dau.  Mar- 
garet, b.  May  5,  1833,  at  Bennington. 

3.  John  Fay,  b.  Feb.  i,  1815,  d.  Feb.  25,  1866. 

ii.   Loan  Fassett,  b.  1783,  m..  Jan.  27,  1805,  at  Bennington.  Rhoda.  b.  1784, 
d.  Jan.  6,  1816,  dau.  of  Silas  and  Rhoda  (Gunn)  Walbridge.  had: 

1.  Rhoda  Fassett,  b.  Nov..  1805.  m.  Craig,  had  dau.  m.  Powers. 

2.  Ruth  Fassett,  b.  Jan.,  1814. 

iii.  Betsey  Fassett,  bapt.  Aug.  16,  1789.  m.  Uriah  Edgerton. 

iv.   Sarah  Fassett,  joined  the  church  in  1803. 

V.   Henry  Fassett,  b.  1805.  d.  Oct.  27.  1834,  m.  Mary  Fay,  b.  Sept.  3,  1797, 

dau.  of  Aaron  and  Sarah  (Hopkins)  Robinson,  had  (i)  Charles  Henry 

Fassett.  b.  March  4.  1829.  d.  April  29.  1833.     (2)  Catharine  Elizabeth 

Fassett,  b.  June  24.  1834. 
vi.  John  Vanderspiegel  Fassett,  m.  Ann  Maria,  b.  Sept.   13,  181 1,  dau.  of 

Heman  and  Betsey  (Wadsworth)  Robinson,  had  (i)  Frances  Ann  Fas- 
sett, b.  July,  183 1,  Troy,  N.  Y.     (2)  John  Schenck  Fassett,  b.  Dec, 
1832,  Troy,  N.  Y. 
vii.  Benjamin  Schenck  Fassett. 
viii.  Adeline  Fassett,  m.  Edward  H.  Swift. 
ix.  Man,'  Fassett,  m.  Revd.  Gordon  Hayes,  had  dau.  Lydia. 

(9)  Hannah  Fassett. 

The  above  Fassett  notes  are  taken  from  the  Bennington,  Vt.,  Town 
and  Church  Records,  gravestones,  Jennings'  Memorials  of  a  Century,  Sarah 
Robinson's  genealogical  notes,  the  W.  Hist,  magazines,  and  family  notes. 


This  name  appears  as  Ffobes,  Forbes,  and  Fobes  on  Norwich  records. 

Caleb  Forbes  (son  of  John)  had  a  land  grant  in  1762  at  Norwich,  Conn., 
and  was  constable  on  the  east  side  in  1685.  He  m.,  June  30,  1681,  at  Nor- 
wich (T.  R.),  Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Gager,  whose  will,  dated  Dec.  21,  1695, 
mentions  him  as  son-in-law,  and  gives  him  twenty  shillings  besides  what  his 
wife  has  already  received.  A  deed  from  the  Sachem  Owaneco,  Dec.  10, 
1683,  conveys  to  him  no  acres  of  upland  and  meadow  "south  of  Con- 
noughtug  brook."     He  was  a  signer  of  the  Preston,  Conn.,  petition  to  the 


Legislature  for  incorporation  of  the  town  in  Oct.,  1686,  and  is  named  among 
the  fifteen  landholders  on  the  Plantation  Act,  dated  Jan.  15,  1686,  and  on 
record  at  Preston. 

Deacon  Caleb  Forbes,  of  Preston,  d.  Aug.  25,  1710,  leaving  an  estate  of 
£625,  his  wife  Mary,  and  five  chi.,  viz. : 

i.  Sarah,  b.  June  24,  1684  (N.  T.  R.),  m.,  Jan.  2,  1705-6,  Thomas  Bishop, 
whose  chi.  are  given  on  N.  T.  R.  B.  i,  p.  71,  the  only  early  Forbes  de- 
scendants there  noted.' 

ii.  Caleb  Fobes  (so  spelled  on  T.  R.)  m.,  May  21,  1713,  Abigail  Gates,  who 
d.  July  10,  1774.  having  borne  (i)  Abigail,  b.  May  25,  1714,  (2)  Joshua, 
b.  Sept.  22,  1715,  (3)  Sarah,  b.  Sept.  13,  1717,  m.  Zebulon  Walbridge, 
(4)  Caleb,  b.  June  20,  1719,  m.  Edith  Walbridge,  (5)  Simon,  b.  Feb.  2, 
1721-2,  (6)  Bethiah,  b.  Feb.  2,  1725-6. 

iii.  Mary,  m.,  June  6,  1716  (P.  T.  R.),  Caleb  Gates  (both  of  Preston),  and 
had  ten  chi.,  given  on  P.  T.  R.,  the  father  d.  Sept.  23,  1774. 

iv.  John  Ffobes,  d.  Feb.  18,  1738-9,  m.,  Jan.  14,  1718-9,  Ruth  Bruster 
(Brewster?),  had  eleven  chi.  given  on  P.  T.  R. 

V.  Elizabeth. 

P.  T.  R.  give  m.  of  Mary  Fobes  and  Jonathan  Smith  March  17,  1742, 
five  chi.  on  record.  Goodwin's  Gen.  Notes  give  m.  of  Lydia  Forbes  and  Joel 
Clark  April  7,  1742.  He  was  b.  March  19,  171 7,  son  of  Sergt.  Samuel  and 
Abigail  (Owen)  Clark.  John  Forbes  was  a  soldier  Aug.  16,  1777,  at  the 
battle  of  Bennington,  Vt.  Edward  Fobes,  of  Bridgewater,  Canada,  was  a 
brother  of  Deacon  Caleb  Fobes  (of  Norwich?),  and  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
John  Howard. 


William  Gager  came  to  America  in  1630  with  Gov.  Winthrop.  His 
son,  John  Gager,  settled  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  Nov.,  1659,  was  constable  in 
1674  and  1688.  and  d.  there  Dec.  10,  1703,  leaving  chi. : 

i.  John,  b.  Sept.,  1647,  m.  Deborah,  dau.  of  Robert  Allyn,  and  d.  in  1691   " 

without  issue, 
ii.  Elizabeth,  b.  1649,  m.  John,  son  of  Robert  Allyn. 
iii.  Sarah,  b.  1651,  m.,  June  30,  1681,  Caleb  Forbes,  and  it  was  her  grandc 

Sarah  and  Caleb,  who  m.  Zebulon  and  Edith  Walbridge. 


iv.  Hannah,  b.  1653.  d.  young. 

V.  Samuel,  b.  Feb..  1654.  m.,  1695.  Rebecca  (Lay),  widow  of  Daniel  Ra\- 

mond.  of  New  London.  Conn.     Had  chi.  (1)  John,  (2)  William,  b.  1704, 

grad.  Yale  Coll.  1721,  d.  1739. 
\-i.  Bethiah,  b.  1657,  m.  Joshua  Abel, 
vii.  William,  b.  1662.  d.  young. 

viii.  Lydia.  b.  1663.  m..  Oct.  8.  1683.  Simon  Huntington,  and  had  four  chi. 
ix.  Hannah,  b.  1666,  m.  Daniel  Brewster. 
{.  Man,-,  b.  1671.  m.  Jeremiah  Ripley. 

Dec.  1774.  at  Xonvich.  Samuel  Gager  "liberated  three  faithful  slaves." 


Henn,-  Lehman,  b.  in  1535.  was  Farmer  General  of  the  revenues  and 
lands  of  the  Manor  of  Trebgen.  eight  miles  (English)  from  Dresden  in  the 
Mismian  Circle.     He  died  in  Trebgen  at  an  advanced  age,  leaN^ing  a  son, 


John  George  Lehman,  b.  at  Trebgen  in  1558.     He  held  the  same  offices 
as  his  father,  and  died  in  162S.  leaving  a  son, 


Michael  Lehrnan,  b.  at  Trebgen  in  1598.  where  he  died  in  1646,  leaving 
three  sons  and  two  daughters. 


George,  b.  1643.  d.  1695. 

Philip  Theodore,  afterward  secretan,-  to  Wm.  Penn..  and  who  in  that 
capacity  wrote  the  celebrated  letter  to  the  Indians  of  Canada,  which 
is  framed  and  hung  at  Harrisburg.  Pa. 

George  Lehman,  b.  1643.  at  Putzkon.  a  town  in  the  circle  of  Mismia, 
sixteen  miles  from  Dresden,  where  he  d.  Nov.  25.  1695.  He  had  four  dau. 
by  his  first  wife,  and  three  sons  and  three  dau.  by  his  second  wife,  Rosina 












Wabst,  who  was  born  at  Putzkon  Sept.  20,  1654,  d.  at  Dresden  Feb.  4,  1718. 
and  was  the  great-granddau.  of  the  Rev.  Simon  Wabst,  b.  about  1542,  deacon 
of  the  Lutheran  Ch.  in  Putzkon. 

9  i.  John  George,  d.  young. 

10  ii.   Godfrey  or  Godfried,  b.  Oct.  g,  1688. 

1 1  iii.  Andrew,  d.  young. 

12  iv.   Rosina,  m.  Stefish. 

13  V.  Regina,  m.  MitsherHng. 

14  vi.  Christina,  m.  Doberin. 


Godfrey  Lehman,  b.  Oct.  9,  1688  (new  style),  at  7  a.  m.,  at  Putzkon,  d. 
at  Germantown,  Pa.,  Oct.  4,  1756.  In  171 1  he  became  a  citizen  of  Dresden, 
purchasing  a  house  and  lot  before  the  Wilsdorf  Gate  near  the  King's  shoot- 
ing house  (Dresden  was  then  the  royal  residence  of  Augu.-lus  II,  l^^ing  of 
Poland  and  Elector  of  Saxony).  On  Nov.  15,  1712,  he  m.  Anna  :  ophia 
Kutchie  (Kutsher),  who  was  born  June  15,  1684,  d.' April  ;      -  d  was 

buried  in  St.  Anne's  churchyard  in  the  suburbs  of  Dresden.  lU:..  vather 
was  Christopher  Kutchee,  b.  1618,  at  Hirschfeldt,  in  Upper  Lusati?,  Sax- 
ony, and  served  for  ten  years  in  the  cavalry  of  Gustavus  Adolphiis.  Her 
mother  was  Anne  Elizabeth  Kramer,  b.  in  the  city  of  Rade>-burg,  Saxony, 
in  1645,  <i-  ^t  Dresden  1728,  dau.  of  Bartholomew  Kramer,  Elec.oral  Comp- 
troller of  the  Customs  of  the  Elector  of  Saxony  in  the  city  of  Rac.esbiirg. 

The  chi.  of  Godfrey  Lehman  by  his  first  wife  were : 

15  i.   Godfryd  Henry,  b.  Aug.  11,  1713,  d.  1714. 

16  ii.   Christian,  b.  Nov.  7,  1714,  d.  1774. 

17  iii.  John  Godfryd,  b.  1716,  father  of  Samuel  Lehman,  whi    .  siji   Luarles 

was  the  first  teller  of  the  Girard  Bank  of  Philadelphia,  r.nd  whose 
daughters,  Mary  and  Eliza,  m.  in  succession  Joseph  ■  ■■  .'of 
New  Jersey. 

18  iv.   Mary  Sophia,  b.  1718. 

19  V.  Abraham,  b.  1720,  d.  1722. 

After  his  wife's  death  he  removed  to  the  town  of  Herrnhuth.  belonging 
to  the  famous  religious  Count  Nicholas  Lewis,  of  Zinzendorf,  .n  t]-)!'  " 
quisate  of  Upper  Lusatia,  50  miles  from  Dresden.  Being  there,  pers-  .:  'd 
by  the  Moravians,  Godfrey  and  his  sons.  Christian  and  John,  aged  16  ..i:d  4 
years,  came  to  Pennsylvania,  leaving  Dover  Aug.  15  and  arriving  at  Pbtla- 




delphia  Oct.  13,  1731.  On  the  31st  of  that  month  he  moved  to  German- 
town,  and  bought  a  house.  By  his  second  wife,  Catharine  Gaber  or  Geber, 
he  had : 

20  vi.   Hannah  Loretta,  b.  1737. 

21  vii.  Augustine,  b.  1739. 

22  viii.  Mary  Sophia,  b.  1741. 

23  ix.   Daniel,  b.  1743. 

24  X.  Magdalena,  b.  1746,  m.  David  Studenbecker,  of  York,  Pa. 

25  xi.   Rosina,  b.  1749. 

26  xii.   Lydia,  b.  1752. 

27  xiii.  Joseph,  b.  1755. 


Christian  Lehman,  b.  in  Dresden  Nov.  7,  17 14,  christened  in  St.  Anne's 
Ch.  8  yusdem.  He  m..  May  2,  1751,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Frederick  Vende,  of 
Neustadt,  near  Zeitz,  in  Saxony.  In  1770  he  sold  his  house  in  Germantown, 
Pa.,  built  by  him  in  1743  on  a  lot  of  2i  acres  and  17  perches,  on  the  N.  E. 
side  of  Main  St.,  for  which  lot  he  paid  £90,  moving  to  Philadelphia,  N.  side  of 
Sassafras  (now  Race)  St.,  next  door  to  3d  St.  The  Hon.  John  Penn  com- 
missioned him  as  Notary  Public  and  Tabellion,  which  office  he  held  until  his 
death  in  1774.     His  chi.  were: 

28  i.  WiUiam,  b.  Feb.  2,  1752,  d.  1795. 

29  ii.  George,  b.  Aug.  2,  1753. 

30  iii.   Charles,  b.  1757,  d.  young. 

31  iv.  Benjamin,  b.  at  Germantown,  Pa.,  Jan.  14,  1760. 

32  V.  Anne,  b.  Nov.  22,  1761,  m.  Mr.  Lesher,  whose  bro.  m.  Miss  Fiedler, 

a  sister  of  Elizabeth  Fiedler,  who  m.  Wm.  Lehman,  No.  28. 
2,;^     vi.  Joseph,  b.  Jan.  7,  1764,  at  W.  Phila.,  a  druggist,  no  chi. 

34  vii.  Christian,  b.  Sept.  5,  1765,  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

35  viii.   Henry,  b.  May  8,  1768,  d.  young. 

36  ix.   Elizabeth,  b.  May  29,  1770,  d.  young. 

His  wife  Elizabeth  m.,  13  y.  3  m.  after  his  death,  Melchior  Ming,  of  Ger- 
mantown ;  her  sister  m.  John  Paul  Weiss,  of  Germany,  who  was  a  relative  of 
"_ount  Zinzendorf. 

^'  28 

Ma^yilliam  Lehman,  b.  Wed.,  Feb.  2,  1752,  bapt.  April  16,  1772,  by  Revd. 
tions".  Kuntze  in  Philadelphia,  and  confirmed  by  him  on  the  17th.     April 


26,  1775,  he  m.  Elizabeth  Fiedler  (dau.  of  Christian  and  Anna  Margaret),  b. 
in  Grenstadt,  Germany,  Dec.  6,  1750,  came  to  America  with  her  parents  in 
1754,  and  was  confirmed  in  1764.  She  d.  Oct.  16,  1793,  of  yellow  fever, 
was  buried  in  Lutheran  ground  between  Race  and  Vine  and  7th  and  8th  Sts., 
afterward  moved  to  Laurel  Hill  Gem.  where  on  her  tomb  is  the  following : 

In  der  zeit,  Da  in  drey  Monaten  uber  4000  au  der  Pest. 
Starben  entschlief  auch  Seelig  im  herren — Elizabetha — -Eine 
lieb  gewesene — Gatin  des  Wilhelm  Lehmans — Sie  war 
geborhnen  den  6ten  December  1750 — Schied  Seelig  ...  en 
den  16  October  1793 — Ihres  Alter — 42  Jahr — 10  Monath  und 
10  Tage. 

About  the  same  time  her  mother,  who  had  lived  with  her  nine  years  as 
a  widow,  died  Sept.  6,  1793,  aet.  70  y.  3  m.  10  da.  She  had  10  chi.,  and  lived 
to  see  22  grandchi. 

In  1793  Philadelphia  was  visited  by  the  yellow  fever  plague.  The 
patients  died  by  scores.  Their  medicine  was  rarely  administered,  their  food 
was  scanty  and  ill-prepared,  their  persons  were  never  washed,  their  filth  was 
suffered  to  stand  for  days  in  the  very  rooms  where  they  lay.  Such  was  the 
popular  horror  of  this  place  that,  rather  than  go  to  it,  the  afflicted  hid  the 
first  symptoms  of  their  malady  as  long  as  they  could,  and,  when  unable 
longer  to  do  so,  locked  themselves  in  their  rooms  or  rushed  out  of  the  city, 
and  perished  under  haystacks  or  in  ditches.  Nor  did  those  who  quitted  the 
city  in  perfect  health  fare  much  better.  For,  once  out,  it  was  almost  impos- 
sible to  go  on.  At  every  seaport  town  along  the  whole  coast  a  quarantine 
was  laid  on  packets  and  sloops  from  Philadelphia.  Some  towns  forbade  the 
stages  to  pass  through  them.  The  inhabitants  of  one  burned  a  wagon, 
loaded  with  furniture,  on  the  highway.  Those  of  another  fired  on  a 
stage  coach.  Others  put  up  rude  huts  on  the  outskirts,  where  each  stranger 
was  carefully  examined  before  he  was  sufifered  to  go  on.  At  every  ferry 
stood  an  armed  guard  to  keep  back  suspected  persons.  If  a  hungry  fugitive 
begged  for  food  at  a  farmer's  door  he  was  given  a  crust  on  the  end  of  a  pitch- 
fork and  bidden  to  hurry  away.  Postmasters  would  handle  no  letters  till 
they  had  been  seized  with  a  tongs  and  steeped  in  vinegar.  Innkeepers 
would  admit  no  traveler  till  he  had  shown  beyond  a  doubt  that  he  did  no 
come  from  the  infected  city.  But  the  saddest  of  all  sights  were  the  litt 
children  who,  hungry,  orphaned,  and  homeless,  wandered  through  ^^ 
streets.  No  one  would  feed  them.  None  would  go  near  them.  One, 
dead  from  starvation,  was  found  in  a  deserted  blacksmith  shop.  (McM' 


37  i.  Anna  Margaretta,  b.  Jan.  18,  1776,  m.  Capt.  Thomas  Boyd  Adams, 

and  d.  Oct.  4,  1862.     Her  only  chi.,  Caroline,  m.,  first, Hew- 

lings  (and  second,  John  Cooper),  whose  dau.  m.  G.  W.  Tyson,  Assist. 
P.  M.  General,  whose  dau.  m.  W.  W.  Rockhill  1877,  and  a  son  m.  a 
granddaughter  of  Pres.  Tyler. 

38  ii.   Elizabeth,  b.  Oct.  31,  1777,  d.  July  17,  1855,  m.  Charles  Schaffer, 

who  was  born  Sept.  5,  1772,  and  d.  April  14,  1846.  Their  son  David 
m.  Mary  Murrell,  dau.  of  Wm.  and  Catharine  (Lohra)  Murrell,  and 
had  a  son,  William  Lehman  SchafYer,  b.  at  Reading,  Pa.,  June  1, 
1827,  d.  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Oct.  i,  1863.  He  m.  at  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  Oct.  31,  1854,  Mary  Warren  Dorr,  b.  June  22,  1828,  dau.  of  the 
Rev.  Benj.  Dorr.  Their  eldest  child,  Esther  Odin  Schaffer,  was  the 
mother  of  William  Knickerbacker  Wallbridge. 

39  iii.   William,  b.  Sept.  14,  1779,  d.  March  29,  1829,  was  for  many  years 

a  member  of  the  Penna.  Legislature,  and  distinguished  as  the  origina- 
tor of  the  internal  improvement  system  for  the  State.  He  left  to  the 
Atheuceum  of  Philadelphia  the  money  with  which  they  built  the 
Hbrary  edifice  in  Sixth  St.,  below  Walnut.  He  spoke  French  and 
German  fluently  and  read  Latin  with  ease. 

40  iv.  Susanna,  b.  Feb.  4,  1782,  bapt.  March  7,  d.  in  infancy. 

41  v.  Maria,  b.  Feb.  13,  1784,  d.  Feb.  7,  1867,  m.  Nathaniel  Burt,  whose 

son  m. Brooke. 

42  vi.   Catharine  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  28,  1786,  d.  April  2,  1794. 

43  vii.  Susanna,  b.  March  16,  1789,  d.  May  30,  1827,  m.  Stacy  K.  Potts. 

44  viii.  Anna,  b.  Jan.  24,  1793,  bapt.  Feb.  11,  1793,  by  Revd.  Helmuth, 

m.  John  Dagworthy  Wells,  and  had  chi.,  Wm.  Lehman  Wells,  b. 
Feb.  21,  1834,  and  Elizabeth  D.  Wells,  b.  Dec.  31,  1832. 


George  Lehman,  b.  Aug.  2,  1753,  understood  thoroughly  English,  Ger- 
man, French  and  Latin,  and  could  speak  several  other  languages,  being 
considered  an  extraordinary  linguist.  In  1776  he  entered  the  U.  S.  service 
as  surgeon.  Was  physician  at  the  Yellow  Springs  Hospital,  near  Valley 
Forge,  with  Drs.  O'Fallan  and  Otto,  was  detached  to  the  hospital  in  the 
Jerseys.  In  1780  he  shipped  as  surgeon  on  the  privateer  "Fair  American." 
After  a  six  months'  cruise  she  was  captured,  and  he  was  sent  as  a  prisoner  to 
England,  being  finally  liberated  through  the  efforts  of  his  aunt  in  Germany, 
Margaret  Weiss,  whose  husband  was  largely  engaged  in  mercantile  transac- 
tions with  England.     He  m.  Catharine,  dau.  of  William  Eckard,  and  had : 


45  i.  Maria,  b.  Sept.  i,  1784,  m.  Dr.  Raid,  of  S.  C.     Their  dau.  m.  Mr. 


46  ii.  Elizabeth,  b.  Jan.  i,  1786,  d.  March,  1786. 

47  iii.  Anna,  b.  Jan.  13,  1788. 

48  iv.  Wm.  Eckard,  b.  Dec.  3,  1789. 

49  V.   Catharine,  b.  July  II,  1 791. 

50  vi.  George  P.,  b.  July  9,  1793. 


When  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  in  1883,  looking  for  Wallbridge  ancestors, 
my  curiosity  was  aroused  by  noticing  the  name  used  as  a  middle  name  in 
the  Meech  family.  Inquiry  developed  the  fact  that  in  that  family  a  tradition 
ran  that  the  first  American  Meech  was  a  Wallbridge  who  had  changed  his 
name,  taking,  says  a  Canadian  Wallbridge,  the  maiden  name  of  his  mother. 
The  following  notes  are  largely  from  data  sent  me  by  Miss  Harriet  Wal- 
bridge  Fitch,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  and  notes  collected  in  1847  ^"d  1888  by 
Levi  Witter  Meech,  the  last  lineal  occupant  of  the  Meech  homestead  near 
Preston,  Conn. — W.  G.  W. 

In  the  town  of  Preston,  Conn.,  close  by  the  village  of  Preston  City,  is  a 
public  burial  ground,  containing  an  old  tombstone  inscribed,  "In  memory 
of  Mr.  John  Meech,  who  died  Jan.  13,  1782,  aged  88  years."  Reckoning 
back  88  years,  we  note  that  his  father,  Stephen  Wallbridge,  who  changed  his 
own  name  to  Stephen  Meech  on  arriving  in  this  country,  must  have  done 
so  prior  to  1693.  Mr.  L.  W.  Meech's  informant  in  1846,  who  had  seen  one 
or  more  of  the  sons  in  her  youth,  related  that  their  father  Stephen  migrated 
on  account  of  religious  persecution.  Before  embarking  he  concealed  him- 
self under  a  haystack  while  awaiting  a  favorable  time.  He  married  here, 
and  had  four  sons,  (i)  John,  (2)  Daniel,  (3)  Moses,  (4)  Aaron.  Stephen's 
home  in  the  primeval  forest  then  covering  what  are  now  open  fields  in  the 
town  of  North  Stonington,  was  about  two  miles  east  of  Preston  City,  on  the 
west  side  of  a  cross  road  which  runs  southward  from  the  residence  of  Andrew 
Avery,  Esq.,  half  a  mile  to  this  spot,  and  continues  on  a  mile  and  a  half 
further  south  to  the  main  road,  near  what  became  the  second  residence  of  the 
Meech  family  line,  after  the  first  house  had  gone  to  decay.  Only  a  well  now 
filled  with  stone  will  in  a  dry  summer  mark  the  site  of  the  first  house. 

The  oldest  son,  John  Meech,  whose  death  is  noted  above,  m.  and  settled 
on  a  farm  some  two  miles  north  of  Preston  City.     It  was  remarked  that  in 












old  age  he  was  of  an  ugly  disposition  and  blind.  Years  afterward  Jacob 
Meech,  son  of  Joshua  Meech,  who  was  probably  son  of  John  Meech,  kept 
tavern  in  the  same  neighborhood,  north  of  Preston  City.  Preston  grave- 
stones tell  us  Mrs.  Lucy  Meech,  wife  of  Mr.  Joshua  Meech,  d.  Jan.  18,  1824, 
set.  95,  and  that  Jacob  Meech  d.  Feb.  21,  1847,  ast.  89,  while  Sarah,  his  wife, 
died  Feb.  10,  1836,  ast.  78.  This  Jacob  Meech  had  three  daughters  (Polly 
Meech,  dau.  of  Jacob,  m.  Oct.  12,  1806,  Erastus  Morgan,  b.  April  22,  1782, 
d.  Nov.  10,  1855,  in  Preston,  Conn.,  where  they  were  born  and  Hved),  and 
three  sons,  (i)  Appleton,  who  m.  Sybil  Brewster,  b.  Aug.  4,  1794,  dau.  of 
Elias  and  Margaret  (Morgan)  Brewster,  (2)  John,  a  peddler,  who  died  a  few 
years  ago  (1880?)  in  Norwich,  and  (3)  Charles. 

Stephen  W.  Meech's  second  son,  Daniel,  m.  a  first  wife,  who  soon  died. 
His  second  wife  was  Amy  Wilcox,  a  woman  of  extraordinary  beauty  and 
vigor.  They  had  eleven  children,  for  several  years  lived  in  the  old  paternal 
home,  and  afterward  removed  to  Canterbury,  Conn.,  where  the  last  will  is 

Their  oldest  son,  Hezekiah,  married  Sybil  Brewster,  and  occupied  the 
original  Wallbridge  house  till  both  he  and  his  second  wife  died  about  the 
age  of  25,  leaving  an  infant  son,  Daniel  Meech  (son  by  the  first  wife),  to  in- 
herit the  estate,  rented  until  his  arriving  at  manhood. 

Amy's  second  son,  Daniel,  was  a  Lieut,  in  the  British  Army,  who  was 
killed  at  Point  Levi  across  the  river  from  Quebec,  two  or  three  days  before 
the  decisive  battle  under  Genl.  Wolfe  in  1759,  leaving  a  wife  and  three  chil- 
dren. Amy's  third  son,  Thomas  Meech,  resided  in  Preston  City,  having 
married  Lucretia  Kimball.  They  had  four  daughters  and  six  sons,  including 
Revd.  Asa  Meech,  who  received  the  degree  of  A.  M.  from  Brown  University 
in  1807,  and  died  in  1849.  The  fifth  son  was  named  Stephen  (or  Amos). 
The  sixth  son,  Elisha,  emigrated  to  Vermont  about  1789,  and  became  one 
of  the  richest  and  most  influential  men  in  the  State.  He  had  five  sons.  The 
ninth  child  was  Esther  Meech,  who  married  Asa  Kimball,  and  was  the  mother 
of  Lucy  Kimball,  wife  of  Joseph  Tyler.  The  remaining  children  were,  (6) 
Hannah,  (7)  Amy,  (8)  Susan,  (10)  Jamson  or  Tamar,  who  died  of  fever  at 
the  age  of  16,  and  one  other  child,  who  died  young.  Stephen  (Wallbridge) 
Meech's  third  son,  Moses,  built  a  house  about  half  a  mile  west  or  northwest 
of  his  father's.     He  lived  there  for  some  years,  and  then  emigrated  West. 

Stephen  (Wallbridge)  Meech's  fourth  son  Aaron  traveled  from  place 
to  place  as  a  tinker,  was  never  married,  and  where  he  died  is  not  known. 

It  is  recollected  that  Daniel  and  Moses  were  large,  powerfully  built  men 
of  great  strength.  John,  the  oldest  son,  was  middle-sized,  and  Aaron,  the 
youngest,  rather  small.     The  lands  of  Stephen  (Wallbridge)  Meech  con- 


tinned  in  the  family  line  to  the  sixth  gen.  only,  and  were  sold  out  of  the  family 
name  in  1873.     The  occupants  were: 

1st. — Stephen  Wallbridge,  of  England  or  Scotland,  who  changed  his 
name  from  Wallbridge  to  Meech. 

2d. — Daniel  Meech,  son,  whose  second  wife  was  Amy  Wilcox. 

3d. — Hezekiah  Meech,  son,  whose  first  wife  was  Sybil  Brewster. 

4th. — Daniel  Meech,  their  only  son,  whose  first  wife  was  Zerviah  Witter. 

5th. — Revd.  Levi  Meech,  second  son,  whose  first  wife  was  Lydia  Tyler. 

6th. — Levi  Witter  Meach,  actuary,  whose  wife  is  Susan  M.  Hayward. 

A  letter  from  Alexander  Meech,  of  Burlington,  Vt.,  in  1892,  speaking 
of  the  above  Levi  W.  Meech  having  the  books  of  Daniel  Meech  and  quite  a 
number  of  papers  left  him  by  his  father,  the  Revd.  Levi  Meech,  who  d.  at 
Preston  about  1872,  says  also  there  are  a  nimiber  of  old  stones  in  the  Preston 
Cemetery  of  family  interest. 

Asa  Wallbridge,  of  Newcastle,  Canada,  writes  that  Stephen  Wallbridge 
took  his  mother's  name  when  he  changed  to  that  of  Meach. 

Stephen  Meech,  b.  in  1769,  and  a  great-grandson  of  the  first  Stephen 
Meech,  said  there  were  three  Wallbridge  brothers  came  to  America  at  the 
same  time  to  escape  rehgious  or  political  persecution,  and  that  one  of  them, 
unmarried,  was  thrown  from  his  horse  and  killed.  (Compare  this  with  Wall- 
bridge  introduction.) 


Stephen  (Wallbridge)  Meech,  the  emigrant. 

2  i.  John,  b.  1694,  m.  Sarah . 

3  ii.  Daniel,  m.  Amy  Wilcox. 

4  iii.  Moses. 

5  iv.  Aaron,  unmarried.  -»  / 

JOHN  MEECH2  (Stephen'),  h.  1694,  d.  Jan.  i,  1782,  m.  Sarah 
both  d.  at  Preston. 

DANIEL  MEECH^  (Stephen^),  who  m.  Amy  Wilcox,  had  eleven  chil 

6     i.  Hezekiah,  m.  twice.     Preston  Cem.  has  a  stone  to  "Abigail,  consort 
of  Mr.  Hezekiah  Meech,  and  late  ye  widow  of  Mr.  Joseph  Johnson, 


d.  13  Aug.,  1760,  in  the  25th  year  of  her  age."  The  other  wife  was 
Sybil  Brewster,  mentioned  above. 

7  ii.   Daniel,  m.,  and  had  three  children,  whose  descendants  claim  right  in 

the  land  on  which  the  city  of  Quebec  now  stands,  as  their  ancestor 
purchased  or  had  granted  to  him  said  land,  so  runs  the  tale,  also  that 
there  is  in  existence  a  will  of  the  first  Daniel,  wherein  he  gives  prop- 
erty to  three  chi.  of  the  second  Daniel.  This  will,  owned  by  and  in 
possession  of  Levi  W.  Meech,  of  Norwich.  A  stone  in  Preston  Cem. 
says,  "Lucy,  relict  of  Capt.  Daniel  Meech  and  formerly  wid.  of  Capt. 
Joseph  Tyler,  d.  March  17,  1853,  set.  86  years." 

8  iii. Thomas,  b.  Feb.  22,  1749,  d.  Oct.  21,  1822,  m.  Lucretia  Kimball. 

9  iv.   Stephen. 

10  v.   Elisha,  went  to  Vermont  about  1789,  had  five  sons,  one  became  Gov. 

of  the  State,  another,  Ezra,  b.  about  1822,  is  a  wealthy  farmer  in 

11  vi.  Hannah. 

12  vii.  Amy. 

13  viii.  Susan. 

14  ix.   Esther,  m.  Asa  Kimball. 

15  X.  Tamar,  d.  aged  16. 

16  xi.  Infant. 


THOMAS  MEECH=*  (Daniel,^  Stephen^),  h.  Feb.  22,  1749,  at  Preston, 
Conn.,  d.  Oct.  21,  1822,  at  Preston,  Conn.,  m.,  Oct.  5,  1768,  Lucretia  Kim- 
ball, b.  April  19,  1750,  d.  April  9,  1834,  at  Preston,  Conn.  (Preston  grave- 
stone says  Thomas  Meech  d.  Nov.  25,  1822,  set.  38.) 

17  i.  Stephen  VValbridge,  b.  May  20,  1769,  m.  Lucy  Billings. 

18  ii.  Gurdon,  b.  March  29,  1771,  m.  Lucy  Swan,  and  d.  Feb.,  1854. 

19  iii.  Shubael,  b.  Nov.  4,  1773,  m.  Lord,  and  d.  Nov.  4,  1839. 

His  dau.  m. Stevens,  and  one  of  her  sons  was  in  John  Brown's 

raid  at  Harper's  Ferry,  and  hanged  therefor. 

20  iv.  Asa  (Rev.),  b.  April  20,  1775,  m. Dewitt,  and  d.  Feb.,  1849. 

Was  a  minister  in  Hull,  Canada,  where  he  m.  several  times.  His  first 
wife  was  a  Dewitt.  She,  with  several  children,  was  drowned  while 
he  was  away  from  home. 

21  V.   Cynthia,  b.  Oct.  4,  1777,   m.  Samuel  Gager,  and  d.  Jan.,  1864. 

22  vi.  Esther,  b.  Feb.  26,  1780,  m.  Alexander  Rogers,  and  d.  April  23, 

1864.  , 


23  vii.   Charles,  b.  March  i,  1804,  m.  Cynthia  Crary. 

24  viii.  Thomas  Miner,  b.  Feb.  17,  1785,  m.  Ruth  Tyler,  and  d.  Nov.  23, 


25  ix.   Lucretia,  b.  Oct.  27,  1787,  d.  June  5,  1792. 

26  X.  Mary  Park,  b.  Aug.  22.  1792,  m.  Joseph  Yerrington. 

27  xi.   Lucretia,  b.  April  30,  1796,  m.  John  Abel. 


ELISHA^  {Daniel,-  Stephen^),  m.  Faith  Satterlee,  and  moved  to  Ver- 
mont about  1785  from  New  London,  Conn.,  settling  at  Hinesburg,  Vt.  He 
had  five  sons,  one  became  Governor  of  the  State,  another,  Ezra,  m.  Polly 
McNeil,  of  Charlotte,  Vt.,  lived  at  Shelburn,  Vt.,  and  had  a  son  Ezra,  who 
m.  Cynthia  Finney  in  1837,  to  whose  dau.,  Miss  Kate  L.  Meech,  of  Charle- 
voix, Mich.,  are  due  these  notes  on  Elisha.  She  also  says,  "The  reasons 
why  I  look  upon  the  legend  of  our  being  Wallbridges  as  mythical,  is  that 
my  grandfather  had  an  uncle  who  fought  as  an  officer  in  the  British  Army 
in  Nova  Scotia  in  the  war  of  1745.  and  for  his  bravery  was  given  a  tract  of 
land,  on  a  portion  of  which  part  of  the  city  of  Halifax  now  stands.  This  by 
English  law  was  entailed,  and  should  have  belonged  to  my  grandfather,  as 
his  uncle  was  unmarried,  but  the  proper  papers  for  attesting  his  claim  were 
burned  in  my  great-grandfather's  house  in  Hinesburg,  Vt.  My  grandfather 
had  been  urged  by  several  lawyers  to  assert  his  rights,  but  he  so  disliked 
anything  like  a  controversy  at  law  that  he  would  not  move  in  the  matter. 
This  would  look  as  though  his  ancestors  were  Meeches.  Then  in  England, 
down  in  Devon,  there  are  many  Meeches,  and  I  feel  sure  we  must  be  able  to 
trace  back  our  ancestry  to  them." 

Mrs.  Sherman  Converse,  a  Walbridge  by  birth  (370),  born  in  1830, 
writes,  "When  I  was  a  few  months  old,  my  father  and  mother  journeyed  to 
Vermont,  at  one  place  where  they  stopped  over  night  the  man  of  the  house, 
as  soon  as  he  saw  the  baby,  said,  'Wife,  that  child  is  a  Wallbridge,'  and  my 
father  in  talking  with  him  found  that  his  name  was  Meech." 


STEPHEN  WALBRIDGE  MEECH*  {Thomas?  Daniel,''  Stephen^), 
b.  May  20,  1769,  at  Preston,  Conn.,  where  he  d.  Sept.  22,  1859,  m.  Lucy 
Billings,  b.  1775,  d.  Feb.  26,  1837,  at  Preston,  where  the  chi.  were  born. 


28  i.  Stephen  Walbridge.  b.  April  23,  1797,  d.  Oct.  18,  1797. 

29  ii.  Harriot,  b.  Aug.  14,  1798,  d.  May  18,  1799. 

30  iii.  Sarah  Billings,  b.  Feb.  4,  1800,  unm.,  d.  Jan.  21,  1862. 

31  iv.   Lucy  Billings,  b.  Dec.  15,  1801,  m.  Edwin  Fitch. 

32  V.  Stephen  Wilcox,  b.  Jan.  25,  1804,  m.  Ann  Eliza  Hyde. 

33  vi.  Sandford  Billings,  b.  Sept.  11.  1806,  m.  Mary  Ann  Allyn. 

34  vii.   Harriot  Lucretia,  b.  Jan.  20,  1809,  d.  March  16,  1809. 

35  viii.  Noyes  Billings,  b.  June  17,  1810,  m.,  March  11,  i860,  Susan  Spicer. 

and  d.  April  23.  1877. 

36  ix.  Lucretia  Kimball,  b.  Nov.  11,  1812,  m.  Erastus  P.  Miner. 

37  X.  Eunice  Billings,  b.  March  4,  1816. 


CHARLES  MEECH*  {Thomas.^  Daniel?  Stephen^),  b.  April  25.  1782, 
at  Stonington,  Conn.,  d.  Jan.  25,  1863,  at  Preston,  Conn.,  where  he  m., 
March  i,  1804,  Cynthia  Cran,-,  b.  June  22,  1782,  at  Preston,  where  she  d. 
Nov.  2^.  1856.  She  was  the  dau.  of  Robert  Crary,  b.  Sept.  3.  1760,  d.  Jan. 
30,  1805,  m.  Cynthia  Lamb,  and  he  son  of  Robert    Crary,    who    m.    Sarah 

,  June  3,  1742,  and  had.  (i)  Huldah,   b.    May   6.    1743,   m.   

Downer,  d.  Aug.  21.  1810.  (2)  John.  b.  March  25,  1745,  d.  March  12,  1805. 
(3)  Eunice,  b.  Feb.  18.  1747.  m.  John  Morgan.  (4)  Lois,  b.  April  10.  1750. 
m.  Major  Nathan  Peters,  of  Washington's  staflf.  (5)  Elisha,  b.  March  7, 
1752.  d.  Sept.  8.  1773.  (6)  Robert,  b.  June  19.  1755,  d.  March  14,  1757. 
(7)  Sarah,  b.  Feb.  19,  1758.  d.  Nov.  6,  1775.  f8)  Robert,  b.  Sept.  3.  1760, 
d.  Jan.  30.  1805. 

Charles  Meech  was  in  command  of  a  co.  in  the  war  of  18 12. 

38  i.   Mary  Crary.  b.  March  13.  1805.  m.  Geo.  W.  Phillips. 

39  ii.   Charles  Lamb.  b.  Jan.  28.  1808.     (See  No.  39.) 

40  iii.  Alonzo  Kimball,  b.  Nov.  20,  1810,  d.  Nov.  9,  1812. 

41  iv.   Cynthia  Melissa,  b.  April  25.  1813.  d.  Dec.  24.  1831. 

42  v.  Sarah  Ann.  b.  June  17,  181 5,  m.  James  Mason  Fitch. 

43  vi.  A  son,  b.  Aug.  2y,  1817,  d.  Sept.  10,  1817. 

44  vii.  Louisa,  b.  Sept.  28,  1819,  d.  Aug.  27,  1821. 

45  viii.   Samuel  Swan,  b.  April  6,  1821,  d.  July  27.  1821. 

46  ix.  Diantha  Maria,  b.  Jan.  11.  1826.  m.,  Feb.  4,  1850,  Wm.  H.  Prentice. 


LUCY  BILLINGS  MEECH'  (Stephen  Walbridge*  Thomas?  Daniel? 
Stephen^),  b.  Dec.  15,  1801,  at  Preston,  d.  Oct.  10,  1848,   at   New   Haven, 


Conn.,  m.,  Sept.  15.  1824,  at  Preston,  Edwin,  b.  May  23,  1801,  at  Preston,  d. 
Sept.  28,  1883,  at  Lisbon,  Conn.,  the  son  of  Rufus  and  Zippurah  (Smith) 
Fitch.     Five  chi.  were  born  at  Bozrah,  Conn. 

47  i.  Stephen  Edwin  Fitch,  b.  Sept.  14,  1825,  d.  March  8,  1853. 

48  ii.   Maria  Lucy  Fitch,  b.  Sept.  i,  1827,  m.  Henry  Whitney. 

49  iii.  Rufus  Fitch,  b.  June  12,  183 1,  m.  Mary  C.  Churchill. 

50  iv.  James  Billings  Fitch,  b.  May  10,  1833,  m.  Margaret  J.  Myers. 

51  V.  Harriet  Walbridge  Fitch,  b.  May  8,  1835,  unm.  (1892). 

52  vi.  David  Gordon  Fitch,  b.  Oct.  11,  1837,  m.  Feb.  16,  1859,  d.  Dec.  20, 


53  vii.  Isabella  Eunice  Fitch,  b.  Nov.  16,  1845,  m.  J.  S.  W.  Huntington. 


STEPHEN  WILCOX  MEECH*  {Stephen  Walbridge."  Thomas,^ 
Daniel,^  Stephen^),  h.  Jan.  20,  1804.  at  Lebanon,  Conn.,  d.  May  31,  1857,  at 
Hartford,  Conn.,  m.,  Sept.  28,  1826,  Anne  Eliza,  b.  March  2,  1807,  at  Hamp- 
ton, dau.  of  Revd.  John  Hyde,  who  was  b.  July  7,  1776,  at  Norwich,  and 
m.  Susan  Nott,  b.  Dec.  2,  1782,  at  Norwich.  Mr.  Meech  grad.  Yale  Coll. 
1826,  was  a  merchant,  settled  at  Lisbon,  Conn.,  lived  at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and 
elsewhere,  finally  at  Norwich,  where  he  was  a  member  of  the  State  Legisla- 
ture. His  wife  was  living  at  Norwich  in  1858.  Their  chi.  were  eleven,  two 
died  unnamed. 

54  i.  Eliza  Walbridge,  b.  April  28,  1827,  m.  Henry  W.  Birge. 

55  ii.  Mary  Eliza,  b.  July  18,  1829,  d.  Sept.  20,  1829. 

56  iii.  Stephen  Walbridge,  b.  Dec.  7,  1831,  d.  1831. 

57  iv.  John  Stephen,  b.  May  18,  1836,  d.  Nov.,  1836. 

58  V.  Susan  Ann,  b.  July  18,  1838,  d.  Aug.  11,  1838. 

59  vi.  John  S.,  b.  Oct.,  1839,  d.  Jan.,  1840. 

60  vii.  Edmund  Hyde,  b.  Jan.  7,  1842,  d.  Aug.  2,  1845. 

61  viii.   Henry  Cecil,  b.  Dec.  3,  1843,  d.  July  29,  1845. 

62  ix.  Stephen,  b.  June  24,  1845,  d.  Sept.  10,  1845. 


SANDFORD  BILLINGS  MEECH^  (Stephen  Walbridge*  Thomas,^ 
Daniel,-  Stephen^),  b.  Sept.  11,  1806,  at  Preston,  d.  Sept.  27,  1854,  at  Nor- 
wich, where  he  m.,  March  24,  1836,  Mary  Ann,  b.  March  18.  1805,  d.  May  24, 
1853,  at  Norwich,  dau.  of  Stephen  B.  AUyn  and  Elizabeth  Charlton. 


63  i.  Stephen  Billings,  b.  Feb.  10,  1838,  m.  Louisa  W.  Bond. 

64  ii.  Lucy  Billings,  b.  Aug.  23,  1839.  d.  Jan.  20,  1840. 

65  iii.  Mary  Ann,  b.  Nov.  23,  1840,  d.  Sept.  16,  1841. 

66  iv.  Ann  Elizabeth,  b.  Jan.  2,  1842,  d.  Sept.  16,  1842. 

67  V.  Louisa  Adelaide,  b.  Feb.  7.  1843.  d.  Feb.  27,  1843. 

68  vi.  Seaford  Allyn,  b.  May  19,  1844,  d.  Aug.  31.  1844. 

69  vii.   Infant  son,  b.  July  6,  1845,  d.  July  15,  1845. 


NOYES  BILLINGS  MEECH^  (Stephen  Walbridge*  Thomas,^  Daniel,- 
Stephen^),  b.  June  17,  1810,  d.  April  23.  1877,  m.,  March  11,  i860,  Susan 
Spicer,  b.  Dec.  24,  1839.     Chi.  b.  at  Groton,  Conn. 

70  i.  Ann,  b.  Feb.  4,  1861. 

71  ii.   Susan  Billings,  b.  March  18,  1862. 

72  iii.   Sandford,  b.  Dec.  15,  1863. 


LUCRETIA  KIMBALL  MEECH''  (Steplmi  Walbridge*  Thomas,^ 
Daniel.'^  Stephen^),  b.  Nov.  11,  181 2,  d.  Jan.  6.  1865,  m..  Feb.  8.  1832,  Erastus 
P.  Miner,  b.  Aug.  3,  1808.  at  Stonington,  Conn.,  d.  Dec.  9,  1875.  Chi.  all 
born  at  Norwich,  Conn. 

73  i.  Eliza  Perkins  Miner,  b.  June  2,  1833,  d.  Nov.  13,  1863. 

74  ii.  Sarah  Lucretia,  b.  Oct.  16,  1835.  m..  June  7,  i860,  Charles  P.  Cogs- 

well, b.  Dec.  8,  1835,  and  had  chi.,  b.  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  (i)  Alice 
Walbridge,  b.  Feb.  24,  1864.  (2)  Amy  Lucretia,  b.  June  20,  1867,  (3) 
Charles  Perkins,  Jr.,  b.  July  14.  1869. 

yc,     iii.  William  Perkins  Miner,  b.  Dec.  13,  1837. 

76     iv.   Eunice  Billings  Miner,  b.  Feb.  12,  1840,  d.  Aug.  16,  1841. 

yy     v.   Noyes  Billings  Miner,  b.  Jan.  5,  1843. 

78  vi.  Anna  Walbridge  Miner,  b.  Oct.  18,  1845,  d.  Nov.  5,  1883. 

79  vii.  Stephen  Meech  Miner,  b.  Feb.  12,  1848. 

80  viii.   Lucy  Billings  Miner,  b.  June  11,  1850,  m.,  Dec.  i,  1869,  Nelson 

Rathburn,  he  d.,  and  widow  m.,  June  i,  1876,  Wm.  S.  Brown,  b.  Jan. 
28,  1848.  had  chi.,  (i)  Lucy  Meech,  b.  May  20,  1877,  (2)  John  Roland, 
b.  Sept.  26,  1878,  (3)  Anne  Walbridge,  b.  Sept.  26.  1880.  (4)  Leonard 
H.,  b.  Nov.  5,  1882,  (5)  Eugene  Forrest,  b.  Aug.  2,  1883,  (6)  Mary 


Hodges,  b.  July  29,  1886,  d.  Oct.  4.  1889,  (7)  Dorothy,  b.  June  ,  1891. 

81  ix.   Frederick  Babcock  Miner,  b.  March  26,  1853,  d.  Jan.  11,  1855. 

82  X.  Amy  Wilcox  Miner,  b.  Feb.  12,  1856,  d.  April  25,  1861. 


MARY  CRARY  MEECH^  {Charles,*  Thomas,^  Daniel,''  Stephen^),  b. 
March  13,  1805,  at  Preston,  d.  June  i.  1870,  m.,  Sept.  14,  1831,  George 
Washington  Phillips,  b.  May  10.  1813,  at  Preston,  son  of  George  Phillips, 
who  was  b.  March  4.  1772.  at  Exeter,  R.  I.,  d.  Feb.  i.  1843,  m.  Nancy  Rose, 
b.  March  26,  1771,  at  Preston,  d.  Dec,  1839.  Chi.  b.  at  Preston,  save  Helen, 
she  at  Bozrah,  Conn. 

83  i.  Cynthia  M.  Phillips,  b.  June  24.  1832,  m.,  Aug.  1856,  David  H.  Smith. 

84  ii.  Son,  b.  Feb.  28,  1834,  d.  March  14,  1834. 

85  iii.  George  A.  Phillips,  b.  Nov.  10,  1835,  d.  Dec.  29,  1891,  at  Rochester, 

N.  Y. 

86  iv.   Nancy  A.  Phillips,  b.  Oct.  9,  1837,  m.,  Nov.  7,  1858, . 

87  v.  Sarah  L.  Phillips,  b.  Oct.  6,  1839,  d.  at  Bozrah  Aug.  28,  1861. 

88  vi.  Ann  Eliza  Phillips,  b.  March  14,  1841,  d.  Nov.  26,  1882,  at  Roches- 

ter, Minn.,  m.  Wm.  E.  Smith,  a  bro.  of  David  H. 

89  vii.  Charles  C.  Phillips,  b.  March  12,  1843.  m.,  Aug.  26,  1868,  , 

d.  Jan.  8,  1892,  at  Brainerd,  Minn. 

90  viii.   Norman  A.  Phillips,  b.  Jan.  10,  1845,  enlisted  Aug..  1862,  in  26th 

Conn.  Vols.,  wounded  May  27  at  Port  Hudson,  d.  June  19,   1863. 
at  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  and  in  1864  was  buried  at  Preston. 
100     ix.   Helen  M.  Phillips,  b.  May  20,  1847,  m.,  Nov.  29,  1866, . 


CHARLES  LAMB  MEECH'  {Charles,*  Thomas,*  Daniel,''  Stephen^), 
b.  Jan.  28,  1808,  d.  May  14,  1862,  m.,  Oct.  i,  1829,  Abby  Amelia  Phillips, 
who  bore  two  chi..  and  d.  July  2.  1833.  He  m.,  second,  Mary  Ann  Swan, 
who.  d.  Oct.  3,  185 1.     His  third  wife  was  Mrs.  Eliza  Fanning  Baswell. 

loi  i.   Frances  Phillips,  b.  June  22,  1830,  d.  April  23,  1831. 

102  ii.  Charles  Hamilton,  b.  March  7,  1832. 

103  iii.  Louisa  Walbridge,  b.  June  22,  1839,  d.  Dec.  22,  1891. 

104  iv.  Frances  Gertrude,  b.  Jan.  31,  1842,  d.  May  11,  1881. 

105  V.   Henry  Chase,  b.  Alarch  10,  1844. 

106  vi.  James  Fitch,  b.  Aug.  10,  1846. 

107  vii.  William  Prentice,  b.  July  22,  1848. 



SARAH  ANN  MEECH^  (Charles,*  Thomas,^  Daniel,-  Stephen^),  b.  at 
Preston  June  17,  1815,  m.,  March  7,  1841,  James  Mason  Fitch,  b.  June  6, 
1809,  at  Montville,  Conn.,  d.  June  25,  1884,  son  of  James  Fitch  and  Nably 
Fox,  who  were  m.  May  14,  1797,  and  traces  back  to  the  Fitch  who  came 
over  in  1638. 

108  i.  James  Elisha  Fitch,  b.  Dec.  22,  1841,  Worcester,  Mass. 

109  ii.  Mary  Fitch,  b.  April  12,  1856,  Salem,  Mass.,  resides  Vineland,  N.  J. 


MARIA  LUCY  FITCH«  (Lucy  Billings,''  Stephen  IValbridge,*  Thomas,^ 
David,'  Stephen^),  b.  Sept.  i,  1827,  d.  May  15,  1886,  m.,  July  25,  1850,  Henry 
Whitney,  who  d.  March  21,  1856. 

109  i.   Maria  Whitney,  b.  May  26,  185 1,  at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  m.,  April 

28,  1870,  Robert  Cambridge  Livingston,  b.  May  9,  1847,  had  chi., 
(i)  Robert  Cambridge,  b.  March  i,  1871,  (2)  John  Griswold,  b.  Sept. 
26,  1872,  (3)  Henry  Whitney,  b.  Feb.  28,  1874,  (4)  Maud  Maria, 
b.  Aug.  10,  1875,  (5)  Johnstone,  Jr.,  b.  Dec.  19,  1876,  (6)  Louis,  Jr., 
b.  Jan.  9,  1880,  (7)  Caroline,  b.  Dec.  i,  1881. 

1 10  ii.   Caroline  Suydam  Whitney,  b.  Nov.  17,  1853.  at  Milford,  Conn.,  m., 

Oct.  18,  1871.  John  Griswold.  He  d.  Nov.,  1871,  and  she  m.,  June 
3,  1874,  Cornelius  Fellowes,  b.  March  8,  1840,  at  Louisville,  Ky.. 
had  (i)  Cornelius,  Jr.,  b.  Jan.  i,  1879,  (2)  Caroline  Whitney,  b.  April 
24,  1882. 
Mrs.  Henry  Whitney  m.,  second,  Nov.  20,  1862,  Nathan  A.  Baldwin. 

111  iii.   Natalie  A.  Baldwin,  b.  Dec.  27,  1864,  at  Milford,  Conn.,  m..  May 

13,  1886,  Morton  Grinnell,  b.  Jan.  3,  1855,  at  N.  Y.  C. 


RUFUS  FITCH*'  (Lucy  Billings.^  Stephen  IValbridge,*  Thomas,^  David,- 
Stephen^),  b.  June  12,  1831,  at  Bozrah,  Conn.,  d.  Oct.  18,  1878,  m.,  Oct.  7, 
1863,  Mary  C.  Churchill,  b.  Sept.  30,  1840. 

112     i.   Dabney  Carr  Fitch,  b.  Sept.  28,  1864. 


113  ii.   Mary  Churchill  Fitch,  b.  Aug.  14,  1866,  ni.,  Oct.  27,  1892,  Wm.  A. 

Bradshaw,  b.  Oct.  21,  1856. 

114  iii.  Edwin  Rufus  Fitch,  b.  Jan.  19.  1869. 

115  iv.   Lucy  Billings  Fitch,  b.  Sept.  5,  1870. 
115a  V.  Churchill  Fitch,  b.  Sept.  22,  1873. 


JAMES  BILLINGS  FITCH«  {Lucy  Billings,^  Stephen  Walbridge* 
Thomas,^  David,^  Stephen^),  b.  May  10,  1833,  at  Bozrah,  Conn.,  m.,  Jan.  9, 
1868,  at  Nashville,  Tenn.,  Margaret  J.  Myers,  b.  there  Sept.  20,  1845,  had: 

116  i.  Lucy  Fitch,  b.  Aug.  2,  1871,  d.  Aug.  2,  1890,  m.,  July  6,  1889,  Wm. 

C.  Holt,  b.  Jan.  10,  i860,  Marshall  Co.,  Tenn.     Had  Lucy  Fitch 
Holt,  b.  Aug.  2,  1890. 

117  ii.  Minerva  J.  Fitch,  b.  Feb.  23,  1876. 


ISABELLE  EUNICE  FITCH«  {Lucy  Billings,^  Stephen  Walbridge* 
Thomas,^  David.^  Stephen'^),  b.  Nov.  16,  1845,  at  New  Haven,  Conn.,  m.,  June 
3,  1869,  J.  S.  W.  Huntington,  b.  Aug.  28,  1843,  had  chi.  b.  at  Norwich,  Conn. 

118  i.   Natalie  Baldwin  Huntington,  b.  Dec.  2,  1872. 

119  ii.   Philip  Weatherly  Huntington,  b.  Jan.  20,  1876. 

120  iii.   Isabelle  Walbridge  Huntington,  b.  Aug.  18,  1878. 

121  iv.  William  Henry  Huntington,  b.  April  10,  1883. 

122  v.  Perit  Fitch  Huntington,  b.  Dec.  13,  1886. 

123  vi.  Rufus  Walbridge  Huntington,  b.  April  10,  1893. 


ELIZA  WALBRIDGE  MEECH«  {Stephen  Wilcox,"  Stephen  Wal- 
bridge* Thomas?  Daniel,^  Stephen^),  b.  April  28,  1827,  at  Preston,  Conn., 
m.,  Sept.  3,  1849,  Henry  W.  Birge.  Were  living  at  Norvvich  in  1857,  and 
had  four  chi. 

124  i.   Henry  Gilman  Birge,  b.  July  5,  1850. 

125  ii.  Anne  Eliza  Birge,  b.  Nov.  26,  1852. 

126  iii.  Stephen  Meech  Birge,  b.  Nov.  29,  1854. 

127  iv.  William  Bond  Birge,  b.  Nov.  16,  1856. 



STEPHEN  BILLINGS  MEECH«  {Sanford  Billings,''  Steplien  Wal- 
bridge*  Thomas,^  Daniel,-  Stephen^),  b.  Feb.  10,  1838,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  m. 
there,  Oct.  7,  1862,  Louisa  Waters  Bond,  chi.  of  Rev.  Alvan  Bond,  D.  D., 
and  Sarah  Richardson. 

128  i.  Nannie  ,  b.  Aug.  15,  1864,  m.,  Oct.  12,  1887,  Bowen  Whiting  Pier- 

son,  at  Norwich.  He  was  b.  Jan.  5,  1858,  at  Victor,  N.  Y.,  son  of 
Rev.  Job.  Pierson,  D.  D.,  and  Rachael  WiUiams  Smith.  Had 
Clarissa  Pierson,  b.  June  8,  1890,  at  N.  Y.  City. 

129  ii.    Louise  Bond,  b.  Feb.  12,  1869. 


CYNTHIA  M.  PHILLIPS'^  (Mary  Crary,^  Charles,*  Thomas,^  Daniel,- 
Stephen^),  b.  June  24.  1832,  at  Preston,  m..  Aug.  21,  1856,  David  H.  Smith, 
b.  Feb.  17,  1834,  at  Lansing,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Hiram  Smith,  who  was  b.  at 
Phillipstown,  N.  Y.,  March  13,  1800,  d.  1870,  m.  Chloe  Jessup,  b.  Nov.  6, 
1805,  at  Lansing,  N.  Y.  d.  Jan.  23,  1890. 

130  i.   George  Hiram  Smith,  b.  Sept.  3,  1857,  at  Reading,  N.  Y.,  d.  Jan.  14, 


131  ii.   Lillian  Ida  Smith,  b.  Jan.  4.  1861,  m.,  Aug.  21,  1883, . 

132  iii.  Anna  Norma  Smith,  b.  Nov.  10,  1862.  m.,  Nov.  24,  i 

133  iv.  Son,  b.  Jan.  23,  1870,  d.  Jan.  23,  1870. 

134  V.  Dau.,  b.  Nov.  18,  1871,  d.  Jan.  11,  1872. 

135  vi.  Wm.  Walbridge  Smith,  b.  July  18,  1873. 

Extracts  from  Ipswich,  Mass.,  Town  Records. 


(i)  Joseph  Saffourd  and  Mary  Baker  maryed  4  July,  1660. 

(2)  John  SafTord  was  married  to  Hannah  Newman  Sept.  15,  1685. 

(3)  John  Safford  and  Abigail  Martin  married  July  11,  1702. 

(4)  Mehetable  Safford  and  John  Hovey  married,  25,  May  1702. 

(5)  Hannah- Safford  and  James  Tyler  married  Oct.  8,  1705. 



(6)  Mary,  daughter  of  Joseph  Saffourd  borne  20  of  February  1661. 

(7)  Joseph,  son  of  Joseph  SafYord  born  the  1 1  of  August  1664. 

(8)  Sarah,  daughter  of  Joseph  SafTord  born  the  20  of  March  1666. 

(9)  EHsabeth,  daughr.  of  Joseph  Saffourd  born  the  3d  of  August  1670. 
(id)  Samuel,  son  of  Joseph  Safiford  borne  —  July  1678. 

(11)  Hannah,  daughter  of  Joseph  Safford  bone  i  ith  of  January  1681. 

(12)  Sarah,  daughter  of  John  Safiford  born  the  14  of  July  1664. 

(13)  Margrett,  daughr.  of  John  SafTord  born  the  28  day  of  February  1665. 

(14)  Rebeacha,  daughter  of  John  Saffourd  borne  about  the  31  of  March 


(15)  Mercy,  daughter  of  John  Saford,  born  the  26  of  February  1668. 

(16)  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Safourd  the  27  of  February  1670. 

(17)  Thomas,  sonn  of  John  Saffourd  borne  the  16  of  October  1672. 

(18)  Joseph,  son  of  John  Saford  borne  the  12  of  March,  1674. 

(19)  Sarah,  daughter  to  Thomas  &  Elinour  Safford,  born  29  March  1701. 

(20)  Thomas,  son  to  Thomas  &  Elenor  Safford  born  April  28,  1703. 
^21)  Joseph,  son  to  Thomas  and  Eleanor  Safford  born  March  — -  1705. 

(22)  Stephen,  son  of  Thomas  and  Elinor  Safford  born  10-12-1716. 

(23)  Hannah,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  Safford  born  July  26,  1707. 

(24)  Samuel,  son  to  Samuel  and  Hannah  Safford  born  Sept.  2y,  1709. 

(25)  Nathaniel,  son  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  Safford  born  8-5-1711. 

(26)  David,  son  of  Samuel  Safford,  born  27-12-1714. 

(27)  John,  son  of  John  and  Abigail  Safford  born  16-7-1711. 

(28)  Solomon,  son  of  John  and  Abigaile  Safford  baptized  May  29,  1715. 

(29)  Nathan,  son  of  Thomas  and  EHza.  Safford  born  16-1-1712. 

(30)  James,  son  of  Thomas  and  Eliza.  Safford  born  27-4-1714. 

(31)  Elizabeth,  daughter  to  Samuel  and  Eliza.  Safford  baptzd  Dec.  16,  1705. 

(32)  Titus,  son  of  Thomas  and   Eleanor  Safford  baptized  ye  24th  Feby 


(33)  Benjamin,  son  of  Samuel  Safford  baptized  Aug  3,  1718. 

(34)  Sarah,  daughter  of  John  Safford  baptized  Aug.  17,  1718. 


('35)  Joseph  Safford  the  29  of  August  1701  in  the  70th  year  of  his  age. 

(36)  Sarah,  daughter  to  Thomas  and  Eleanor  Safford  died  July  10,  1702. 

(37)  Eleanor,  wife  of  Thomas  Safford  dyed  22  Decemr.  1724. 

(38)  Titus  son  of  Thomas  and  Eleanor  Safford  dyed  April  11,  1729  ad  7  mos. 

(39)  Eleanor,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Safford  dyed  Dec.  13th,  1730. 


The  above  are  reported  Dec,   1897,  by  the  Ipswich  T.   C.  as  all  the 
Satiford  entries  on  the  town  records.     Ch.  rec.  in  the  town  office  give: 

(40)  Thomas  Safford  dyed  February  —  1666. 

(41)  Elzabeth  Safford  widdow  dyed  the  4th  of  March  1670. 

(42)  Thomas  son  of  Joseph  Safford  dyed  June  —  1675. 

The  following  names  and  dates  are  from  the  Norwich,  Preston,  and  Can- 
terbury, Conn.,  Town  Records. 

(43)  P.  T.  R.     The  age  of  John  Safford's  chi. : 

(44)  John,  b.  Feb.  28,  1687-8,  (45)  Hannah,  b.  Sept.  24,  1691,  (46)  Sarah, 

b.  Dec.  25,  1694,  (47)  Mary,  b.  March  5,  1697,  (48)  Elizabeth,  b.  Jan. 
24,  1700,  (49)  Margaret,  b.  April  24,  1703,  (50)  Joseph,  b.  Jan.  18, 
1705,  (51)  Gideon,  b.  March  24,  1709. 


(52)  P.  T.  R.     Hannah  Safford  m.  Ebenezer  Perkins  Aug.  14,  1710.     Had 

chi.  Newman,  b.  Mch.  8,  171 1,  Samuel,  b.  May  10,  1712,  Oliver,  b. 
April  29,  1713,  Charity,  b.  July  4,  17 14. 

(53)  N.  T.  R.     Sarah  Safford  m.  Roger  Hascoll  Jun.  Dec.  i,  1720  and  had 

Elijah,  b.  Mch.  7,  1721-2,  Ziphorah  b.  April  11,  1723,  Daniel  b.  Mch. 

13,  1724-5,  Gideon,  b.  Jan.  9,  1725-6. 

Sarah  the  w.  d.  April  14,  1729  and  Roger  m.  Mary  Walbridge. 

(54)  P.  T.  R.  Joseph  Safford  m.  Patience  Yeomans  Dec.  20,  1727,  and  had 

(55)  John,  b.  March  31,  1729,  (56)  Joseph,  b.  Feb.  8,  1 730-1,  (57) 
Hannah,  b.  Nov.  26,  1732,  (58)  Sarah,  b.  March  3,  1734,  (59)  Lucre- 
tia,  b.  May  i,  1737,  (60)  Jonathan,  b.  Sept.  21,  1738,  (61)  David,  b. 
Sept.  21,  1740. 
(62)  Gideon  Safford  m.  Elizabeth  Hill  Jan.  13,  1731-2,  and  had  (63)  Mary, 
b.  Sept.  I,  1732,  (64)  Thomas,  b.  Oct.  15,  1735,  (65)  Elizabeth,  b. 
Sept.  17,  1737,  (66)  Thankful,  b.  Oct.  15,  1739,  (67)  Amy,  b.  Jan.  25, 
1742,  (68)  Lucy,  b.  April  3,  1744,  (69)  Samuel,  b.  Jan.  2,  1748,  (70) 
Pagy  (dau.),  b.  May  10,  1750,  (71)  Anne,  b.  July  12,  1752,  (72) 
Gideon,  b.  Nov.  4,  1754. 

(73)  P.  T.  R.  Hannah  Safford  and  Benajah  Tracy  m.  Dec.  25.  1735.  and  had 

Sarah,  b.  Nov.  14,  1736,  Benajah,  b.  Nov.  9,  1738,  d.  Aug.  10,  1741, 
Hannah,  b.  March  17,  1742. 

(74)  P.  T.  R.  Joseph  Safford  m.  Anne  Longbottom  Nov.  5,  1729.     This  was 

the  emigrant  to  Bennington,  Vt.,  whose  chi.,  etc.,  will  be  given 
later  on. 

(75)  John  Safford  m.  Lydia  Hebard  (both  of  Norwich)  Feb.  26,  1735-6,  and 

had  (76)  John,  b.  Aug.  3,  1738,  {77)  Josiah,  b.  Feb.  21,  1 740-1,  (78) 


Lydia,  b.  Dec.  24,  1743,  (79)  Jedediah,  b.  May  7,  1746,  (80)  Elisha, 
b.  March  27,  1748,  (81)  Zerviah,  b.  Feb.  8,  1750,  d.  Dec.  25,  1752, 
(82)  Sabra,  b.  April  13,  1752,  (83)  Silas,  b.  Sept.  7,  1755. 

(84)  Solomon  Safford,  of  Norwich,  m.  Rosina  Cady,  of  Pomfret,  Jan.   19, 


(85)  Samuel  Safford  m.  Mary  Lawrence  Sept.  25,  1760. 

(86)  N.  T.  R.   Capt.  John  Safiford  and  Mary  Lawrance  both  of  Norwich 

were  m.  Aug.  13,  1760. 

(87)  John  Safiford  Jun.  of  Norwich  ni.  Sarah  Plumbe  of  Stonington  Dec.  23, 

1762.     Had  (88)  John,  b.  Feb.  9,  1764. 

(89)  Josiah  SafTord  m.  Deborah  Sprague  Oct.  28,  1762,  and  had 

(90)  Erastus,  b.  Feb.  6,  1764. 


(91)  N.  T.  R.  John  Safford  of  Norwich  d  Aug.  12,  1739. 

(92)  Mrs.  Abigail  Safford  wife  of  Mr.  John  Safiford  d.  Mch.  20,  1768. 

From  the  Canterbury,  Conn.,  T.  R.,  which  are  in  very  bad  condition 
and  falling  to  pieces,  the  following  items  were  copied  Nov.,  1897: 

(93)  Tryphena  Safford  wid.  of  Joseph  Safiford  deed.  d.  Feb.  4,  1826. 

(94)  Susannah  wife  of  Jabez  Safiford  d.  Aug.  29,  1832,  his  dau.  Mary  d.  Aug. 

6,  1825. 

"A  record  of  my  children"  signed  Joseph  Safiford : 

Harriet,  Jan.  2,  1810,  Fanny,  Jan.  18,  181 1,  Lucretia,  June  10,  1815, 
Sally,  July  8,  1816,  Nelson,  Feb.  11,  1818,  Dwight,  April  3,  1819,  Henrietta, 
Feb.  23,  182 1,  Adeline,  Feb.  18,  1822,  George  W.,  Dec.  28,  1823,  John,  Oct. 
25,  1827,  Lydia,  Dec.  6,  1832,  Albert  R.,  May  3,  1838. 

Laura,  dau.  of  Reuben  and  Mary  Safiford,  b.  March  15,  1831. 

Lydia,  dau.  of  same,  b.  Dec.  22,  1832. 

Oliver,  son  of  Thomas  and  Ruth  Safiford,  b.  July  25,  1808. 


May  I,  1 701,  Joseph  Safiford,  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  conveys  land  there  and 
also  part  of  his  land  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  to  his  sons  John  and  Samuel,  of 
Ipswich.  The  deed  mentions  his  wife  and  names  his  daughters,  Mary  Saf- 
ford, Sarah  Kimball,  and  Elizabeth  Brown,  also  speaks  of  the  sons  above 
named  as  then  unmarried.  The  grant  to  the  sons  is  made  on  the  conditon 
that  each  will  "not  hinder  or  Disturb  his  sd.  parents  dureing  ye  life  of  ye  sur- 
vivor of  they  from  Quietly  and  peaceably  abideing  in  ye  sd.  Dwelling  house 
and  yt.  he  will  provide  ye  one  halfe  of  all  things  necessary  for  ye  Credible  and 


Comfortable  suport  &  sustentation  and  reasonably  suply  ym  yr  with  all  (viz) 
sutable  meat  drink  fireing  physick  and  attendance  as  their  age  and  intirmities 
may  require  at  house  &  to  ye  meeting  house  on  sabath  Dayes  &  also  Com- 
fortable apparell  &  Cloathing  lodging  &  washing  and  also  pay  ye  one  halfe 
of  all  ye  sd  parents  debts  already  Contracted  and  such  as  he  shall  Contract  & 
oblige  not  exceeding  forty  shillings  pr.  annum  during  his  natural  life  &  pay 
&  be  at  ye  one  halfe  of  decent  Christian  funeral  judged  needful  &  intermt  of 
his  sd  parents." 

The  above  Norwich  land  was  prob.  that  purchased  by  Joseph  in  1694-5. 

Miss  Caulkms  says  in  her  Hist,  of  Norzvich,  "John  SafTord  is  mentioned 
as  an  inhabitant  in  1698,  John,  Joseph  and  Solomon  of  next  generation  are 
probably  his  sons." 

Sarah  Robinson's  Notes,  printed  1837,  at  Bennington,  Vt.,  begin  the 
Safiford  notes  by  saying : 

1st  Gen. — Joseph  Safiford  with  his  family  were  b.  in  Eng.,  where  he  d. 

2d  Gen. — Joseph  SaiTord  and  his  wife  Abigail  came  from  Ipswich,  Eng., 
to  Plymouth,  Mass.,  Hved  at  Ipswich,  Mass.,  where  their  chi.  were  born,  and 
removed  to  Norwich,  Conn.,  in  1723.  ^  ^ 

3d  Gen. — Joseph,  b.  1705,  m.  Ann  bottom,  Norwich,  Conn. 

Abigail ,  m.  Porter. 

John,  m.  Miss  Plum  in  Norwich,  resided  Moristown,  Vt. 

Sarah,  d.  Norwich. 

Solomon,  m.  Rosina  Cady,  of  Norwich,  Conn. 

From  the  preceding  data  and  other  sources  we  collate  the  following 
notes  on  Joseph  SafTord,  of  Bennington,  Vt.,  and  his  descendants. 

I.  Joseph  SafTord,  b.  1705,  at  Ipswich,  Mass.,  went  to  Norwich,  Conn., 
in  1723,  m.  there  Ann  Longbottom,  raised  his  family,  and  in  1761  moved  to 
Bennington,  Vt.,  being  one  of  the  second  company  of  settlers.  He  was  one 
of  the  first  two  deacons  of  the  church,  also  first  town  treasurer,  and  one  of 
the  tithing  men.  With  Samuel  Robinson  he  built  the  first  saw  and  grist 
mill  in  the  town.  He  brought  from  Norwich  the  records  of  the  Newint 
Separate  Church,  of  which  he  was  deacon,  and  these  records  were  in  the  pos- 
session of  his  descendant,  Mrs.  Cogswell  Morgan,  until  borrowed  some 
years  since  by  Deacon  Alfred  Robinson  now  dead.  Her  dau.  writes  in  1897 
that  they  cannot  be  found.     (See  p.  53.) 


Joseph  Safiford  m.  at  Norwich,  Conn.  (T.  R.),  Nov.  5,  1729,  Ann,  dau. 
of  Daniel  and  Elizabeth  (Lamb)  Longbottom,  who  were  m.  at  Norwich, 
Conn.  (T.  R.),  Feb.  15.  1692,  and  had  (i)  Daniel,  b.  March  19,  1694-5,  m., 


Nov.  12,  1723,  Mary  Caswell,  chi.  on  N.  T.  R.  (2)  Elizabeth,  b.  March  9, 
1697-8,  m.,  April  27,  1724,  Benj.  Baldwin,  chi.  on  N.  T.  R.  (3)  James,  b. 
Jan.  15,  1702-3,  m.  Priscilla  Lovett,  March  27,  1729,  m.,  second,  Elizabeth 
Jackson,  Nov.  6,  1732,  N.  T.  R.  give  chi.  of  both  m.  (4)  Mary,  b.  Aug.  i, 
1701,  m.,  Aug.  20,  1722,  Nathaniel  Baker,  chi.  on  N.  T.  R.  (5)  Abigail, 
b.  Oct.  21,  1705.  m.,  May  3,  1726,  Jonathan  Knight.  (6)  John,  b.  Aug.  4, 
1708.  (7)  Ann,  b.  May  3,  171 1,  m.  Joseph  Safford.'  (8)  Jacob,  b.  June  14, 
1714.  (9)  David,  b.  May  31,  1717,  m.,  Sept.  26,  1745,  Lucy  Read,  chi.  in 
N.  T.  R.     Mr.  Daniel  Longbottom  d.  Nov.  18,  1732. 

The  chi.  of  Joseph  and  Ann  (Longbottom)  Safford  were  born  at  Nor- 
wich, Conn.  (N.  T.  R.),  and  were : 

^2  i.  Anne,  b.  Dec.  11,  1730,  m.  Henry  Walbridge.     (See  that  family.)  v 

3  ii.  Samuel,  b.  Nov.  i,  1732,  d.  Dec.  15,  1735. 

4  iii.  Elizabeth,  b.  Dec.  21,  1734,  m.  Cornelius  Cady. 

5  iv.  Samuel,  b.  April  27,  1737,  m.  Mary  Lawrence. 

6  V.  Abigail,  b.  Aug.  14.  1739,  m.  Jonathan  Scott.     (See  that  family.) 

7  vi.  Joseph,  b.  Dec.  i,  1741,  m.  Mercy  Robinson.   ,7tC^/cC^i' 

8  vii.  David,  b.  Feb.  8,  ij^y^,  m.  Anna  Brewster. 

9  viii.   Hannah,  b.  March  2,  1745-6. 

10  ix.  Lucey,  b.  June  2,  1748,  m.  Samuel  Montague. 

11  X.  Esther,  b.  Sept.  15,  1750,  m.  Samuel  Robinson. 

12  xi.  Jacob,  b.  Nov.  26,  1752,  m.  Persis  Robinson. 

13  xii.  Solomon,  b.  Feb.  19,  1755,  m.  Mrs.  Submit  Tupper. 

Elizabeth  Safford,  b.  Dec.  21,  1734,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  d.  May  18,  1815, 
at  Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  Cornelius  Cady,  b.  1730,  at  Nor- 
wich, d.  April  15,  1809,  at  Bennington.  Had  seven  chi.,  first  born  at  Nor- 
wich, others  at  Bennington. 

i.  Walter  Cady,  b.  July  26,  1762,  m.  Mary  Tracy.  Oct.  23,  1783,  at  Benning- 
ton. She  was  b.  at  Norwich.  They  had  eight  chi.,  (i)  Mary,  b.  Aug.  27, 
1784.  m.,  July,  1800,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  Joseph  Brown;  had  five  chi., 
Elizabeth,  Feb.  10,  1809,  Louisa,  Aug.  14,  181 1,  Rufus,  Oct.  12,  1814, 
Mary,  Oct.  11.  1819,  Lucius,  Oct.  13,  1824.  (2)  Hannah,  b.  June  29, 
1786.  (3)  Anna,  b.  June  26,  1789,  m.,  Jan.  29,  1824,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.. 
John  Wires;  had  chi.,  Jane,  Oct.  27,  1827,  Albina,  Dec.  10,  1826,  Har- 
low, March  22,  1830.     (4)  Lucy,  b.  July  6,  1791,  m.,  Dec.  12,  1821, 


Frederick  Hopkins;  had  Sarah  M.,  b.  Feb.  19,  1825.  (5)  Albina,  b. 
Sept.  I,  1793,  d.  Aug.  12,  1795.  (0)  Louisa,  b.  Aug.  18,  1796,  d.  May 
18,  1809.  (7)  David,  b.  Aug.  13,  1798,  d.  Nov.  29,  1798.  (8)  Alpheus, 
b.  Aug.  13,  1800,  m.,  Dec.  30,  1830,  Semantha  Stephens;  had  Albert  A., 
b.  Dec.  22,  1832. 

ii.  Amasa  Cady,  b.  April  10,  1765,  Bennington,  m.  there  .^my,  dau.  of  Joseph 
Palmer,  had  chi.  b.  in  Cambridge,  Vt.,  (i)  Hiram,  m.  Tryphena  Tyrrell, 

(2)  Heman,  m.  Maria  Piatt,  (3)  Cyrus,  m. Piatt,  (4)  Elizabeth,  m. 

Nathan  Pierce. 

iii.  Jose  Cady,  b.  June  6,  1767,  d.  1819,  Cambridge,  Vt.,  m..  in  Bennington, 

Martha,  dau.  of  Peter  Whitcomb;  had  chi.,  Persis,  Ruel,  m.  

Cheney,  Erastus,  m. Fairfield,  Darius,  m. Allen,  Calvin, 

m. Robinson,  Jacob  Safiford,  m. Fisk,  Rufus,  m. 

Burgess,  Charles,  Olive,  Elizabeth,  and  Frances,  all  born  at  Cambridge. 

iv.  Cyrus  A.  Cady,  b.  Aug.  17,  1769,  m.  at  N.  Y.  City. 

v.  Sybil,  b.  May  10,  1772,  m.,  at  Bennington,  William  Barber,  had  chi.,  Wil- 
liam, 1796,  Hiram,  1797,  Oliver,  FrankHn,  b.  Petersburg,  N.  Y.,  d.  there 
April  2,  1832. 

vi.  Sullivan  Cady,  b.  July  24,  1775,  d.  April,  1821,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Lydia, 
dau.  of  Joseph  Beman.  Their  chi.  were  Aurora,  Nov.  8,  1808,  Almeron, 
Aug.  2,  1810,  d.  Oct.  18,  1829,  Sarah  Maria,  Sept.  6,  1815. 

vii.  Lucy  Cady,  b.  Aug.  11,  1778,  d.  May  4,  1883,  in  Columbia,  Pa.  She  m. 
at  Bennington,  Joseph,  son  of  Joseph  Beman. 

Samuel  SafYord,  b.  April  27,  1737,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  was  Major  of  the 
Battalion  of  Green  Mt.  boys  in  the  battles  of  Hubbardtown  and  Bennington, 
and  throughout  the  war.  He  became  a  General  of  Militia,  Town  Repre- 
sentative, State  Councillor  for  19  years,  and  was  for  26  years  Chief  Judge  of 
the  Bennington  County  Court.  He  d.  at  Bennington  March  13,  18 13, 
having  been  deacon  of  the  church  from  1789  until  his  death.  His  house  is 
one  of  the  oldest  in  Bennington,  and  contains  many  curious  relics,  among 
them  his  commission,  signed  by  Washington.  He  m.,  Sept.  25,  1760  (T.  R.), 
at  Norwich,  Conn.,  Mary  (b.  April  8,  1741,  at  Norwich,  d.  at  Bennington 
Oct.  21,  1821),  dau.  of  Jonathan  Lawrence,  who  removed  with  his  fam.  to 
Bennington  1772.     Their  chi.  were: 

14     i.  Samuel,  b.  at  Norwich  June  24,  1761,  d.  1851  at  Bennington.     He 
m.,  first,  May  8,  1786,  at  Bennington,  Aurelia  (b.  Nov.  15,  1766,  at 


Suffield,  Conn.,  d.  Feb.  13,  1818).  dau.  of  William  Mather.  Their 
chi.,  born  at  Bennington,  (i)  Mary,  b.  Sept.  4,  1787,  (2)  William,  b. 
March  19,  1789,  (3)  Fanny,  b.  Dec.  11,  1791,  d.  Oct.  2t„  1813,  (4) 
Clara,  b.  Aug.  13,  1796,  m.,  Nov.  15,  1812,  Elisha  Billings,  son  of 
Stephen  Pratt,  had  Samuel  Safford,  b.  Feb.  28,  1815,  Fanny  Maria, 
b.  Sept.  9,  1817,  m.  W.  E.  Morgan,  Harriet  Aurelia,  b.  Jan.  30,  1820, 
(5)  Maria,  b.  Dec.  7,  1798,  d.  April  15,  1799.  (6)  Aurelia,  b.  June  6, 
1802,  d.  Aug.  6,  1823,  at  Bennington,  m..  May  15,  1823,  Robert  Cros- 
sett.  (7)  Martha  Emeline,  b 22,  1808,  d.  Dec,  1894,  at  Ben- 
nington, m.  there,  Sept.  15,  1826,  Mason  Cogswell  Morgan,  b.  April 
17,  1802,  son  of  Benj.  and  Phoebe  (Williams)  Morgan,  of  Wilming- 
ton, Vt.,  had  chi.,  Margaret  M.,  b.  Sept.  30,  1828,  m.  Wm.  Emerson 
Olds,  Oct.,  1847,  Wilham  RoUins,  b.  May  18,  1829,  Mary  Emeline, 
b.  March  10,  1832,  d.  Aug.,  1855,  m.  Chauncey  J.  Olds,  1852,  Emily, 
b.  Dec,  1833,  m.  S.  F.  Harris,  May,  1862,  d.  Dec,  1895,  Phoebe 
Aurelia,  b.  April  17,  1836,  d.  Feb.  6,  1837,  Sarah,  b.  Jan.,  1839,  m. 
Chauncey  J.  Olds  Jan.,  1857,  H.  Elmina,  b.  June,  1842,  John  S.,  b. 
_  June,  1844,  d.  May,  1864,  Merritt  B.,  b.  Feb.,  1850,  Joseph  Hermon, 
b.  May,  1855,  m.  Margaret  Leary  Dec,  1891.  Samuel  Safiford  m., 
second,  Mrs.  Phoebe  Morgan,  June  12,  1820.  She  b.  Jan.  2j,  1759, 
vvid.  of  Benj.  Morgan  and  dau.  of  William  Williams,  both  of  Wilmin- 
ton,  Vt. 

15  ii.   Mary,  b.  June  16,  1673,  at  Bennington,  m.,  March  27,  1783,  at  Ben- 

nington, Nathan,  son  of  John  Fay  (son  of  Capt.  Stephen),  who  was  b. 
Dec.  23,  1734,  and  was  killed  in  the  Bennington  battle,  where  four 
of  Nathan  Fay's  uncles  also  fought.  They  had  chi.,  John,  Henry, 
Safiford,  Mary,  Nathan,  Hiram,  d.  July,  1831,  Jonas  and  Truman,  all 
b.  at  Cambridge,  Vt. 

16  iii.  John,  b.  Aug.  16,  1765,  at  Bennington,  m.  Aug.  15,  1792,  at  Cam- 

bridge, Vt.,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Samuel  Montague,  who  d.  at  Cam- 
bridge. Their  chi.,  all  b.  at  Cambridge,  were,  (i)  Samuel  German, 
b.  May  20,  1793,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Oct.  16,  1816,  Mary  (dau.  of 
Benj.  Webb,  who  d.  Feb.  12,  1812),  chi.,  Laura  Maria,  b.  March, 
1819,  Benj.  Webb,  b.  June  25,  1825.  (2)  Oella,  b.  March  19,  1796, 
d.  May  i,  1825,  m.,  Aug.  27,  1816,  Cyrus  Waterhouse,  had  chi., 
Samuel  Safiford.  (3)  Jonas,  b.  Feb.  14,  1797,  m.,  1820,  Azuba,  dau. 
of  Reuben  Lord,  had  David,  b.  Sept.  13,  1820.  (4)  Electa,  b.  March 
30,  1799,  d.  Feb.  9,  1821.  (5)  John,  b.  Sept.  26,  1801,  m.,  1824,  Mary, 
dau.  of  Peter  Tift,  had  Nelson,  Oella,  Lucy,  Reuben,  Azuba,  Hiram, 
Charlotte,  all  b.  at  Cambridge,  Vt.     (6)  Julius  Seneca,  b.  March  i. 


1804.  d.  Jan.  9.  1832.  (7)  Mary,  b.  Sept.  13,  1806.  (8)  Madison, 
b.  Feb.  15,  1809,  m.,  1830,  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Samuel  Montague.  (9) 
Myron  Webb, b.  June  18,  1812.   (10)  Darius  Dorman,  b.  May  10,  1815. 

17  iv.   Ruth,  b.  Dec.  3,  1768,  d.  June  16,  1819,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Aug., 

1786,  Frederick,  b.  Oct.,  1761,  at  Nine  Partners,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Noah 
Hopkins,  who  d.  1793  at  Pittsford,  Vt.  Their  chi.,  b.  at  Cambridge, 
Vt.,  were,  (i)  Laura,  b.  Jan.  8,  1788.  d.  March  30,  1819.  (2)  Clara,  b. 
Dec.  20,  1789,  m.,  1809,  at  Cambridge,  Solomon  Montague.  (See  that 
family.)  (3)  Persis,  b.  Jan.  13,1792,  Cambridge,  Vt.,Challis  Mon- 
tague. (4)  Jonas,  b.  Feb.  i,  1 794,  d.  Feb.  27,  1796.  (5)  SafYord,  b.  April 
22,  1796,  m.,  at  Cambridge,  1833,  Ann  Eliza  Winship,  lived  Fletcher, 
Vt.,  and  had  Charlotte  Ophelia.  (6)  Hiram,  b.  March  20,  1798,  m., 
March  20,  182 1,  Mary  Reynolds,  of  St.  Armand,  L.  Can.,  had  chi., 
Clark,  b.  March  23,  1822,  Chauncey,  b.  June  13,  1823,  Anne  Cordelia, 
b.  May  25,  1825,  Orrin,  b.  Sept.  10,  1828,  and  one  other.  (7)  Electa, 
b.  March  19,  1803,  d.  April,  1803.  (8)  Mary,  b.  May  27,  1805,  m. 
Almeron  Sheldon,  had  Ann  Eliza  and  Charlotte  Amelia.  (9)  Brown- 
son,  b.  April  26,  1807.     (10)  Stephen,  b.  Dec.  9,  1810. 

18  V.  Anna,  b.  Sept.  i,  1771,  m.  Paul,  b.  June,   1768,  at  Bennington,  d. 

1824,  son  of  Silas  and  Susanna  (Weeks)  Robinson.  Their  chi.  were, 
six  born  at  Bennington,  others  at  Swanton,  Vt.,  Anna,  b.  1791,  Paul, 
b.  1794,  Henry,  b.  1797,  Susannah,  b.  1799,  infant,  b.  1803,  Thomas, 
b.  1805,  Stephen,  b.  1807,  d.  1813,  Harriet,  b.  1809,  Mary,  b.  1813, 
Sparrow,  b.  18 15,  Electa,  b.  1817. 

19  vi.  Clara,  b.  Feb.  3,  1774,  m.,  Feb.  25,  1794,  at  Bennington,  Luther 

Hathaway,  b.  June  12,  1763  (son  of  Charles,  who  d.  1807,  aged  81), 
had  chi.,  b.  at  Suffield,  Conn.,  (i)  Emily,  b.  April  3,  1795,  m.,  1814, 
Parks  Loomis,  son  of  Ham,  of  Southwick,  Mass.,  had  chi.,  Luther 
H.,  b.  June  6,  1815,  d.  Sept.  24,  1824,  Emily,  b.  Jan.  26,  1818,  Jane 
Louisa,  b.  Jan.  22,  1820,  George  Riley,  b.  Aug.  29,  1823,  d.  June  i, 
1826,  Francis  P.,  b.  April  9,  1827,  Mary  Safiford,  b.  Feb.  15,  1830. 
(2)  Milton,  b.  Feb.  16,  1797,  m.,  Jan.  20,  1819,  Mary,  b.  July  30,  1800, 
dau.  of  Jabez  Heath,  of  E.  Windsor,  Conn.,  had  chi.,  Caroline  Maria, 
b.  Dec.  6,  1819,  George  Milton,  b.  April  2,  1822,  Elizabeth  Cordelia, 
b.  Oct.  16,  1824,  Luther  Bliss,  b.  Oct.  23,  1828,  Henry  SafTord,  b. 
Nov.  19,  1830.  (3)  Eliza,  b.  Oct.  2,  1799,  m.,  1818,  Allen  Loomis, 
b.  April  6,  1795,  son  of  Ham,  of  Southwick.  Mass.,  had  chi.,  William, 
b.  March  21,  1819,  Henry,  b.  April  3,  1822,  Calvin  Luther,  b.  Feb.  17, 
1826,  Rolland,  b.  Jan.  16,  1829,  Newton,  b.  Aug.  10,  1831.  (4) 
Maria,  b.  Aug.  12,  1801.  m..  May  i,  1822,  Gamaliel,  b.  Aug.  9,  1795-, 


son  of  Apollos  Fuller,  of  Sufifield,  Mass.,  had  chi.,  Hiram  G.,  b.  Oct. 
i8,  1823,  Apollos  S.,  b.  Oct.  22,  1826,  Luther,  b.  Sept.  26,  1828,  (5) 
Clara,  b.  Aug.  16,  1805,  m..  May  21,  1823,  at  Suflfield,  Conn.,  New- 
land,  b.  April  I,  1799,  son  of  Ham  Loomis,  had  chi.  Byron,  b.  May  2, 
1831.     (6)  Mary,  b.  Oct.  13,  1809. 

20  vii.   Electa,  b.  March  24,   1776,  m.,  Feb.,  1806,  at  Bennington,  Benj. 

Webb,  b.  May  14,  1782,  at  Bennington,  son  of  Benj.  who  d.  Feb.  9, 
1812,  aged  64,  had  chi.,  Samuel  SafTord,  b.  Dec.  15,  1806,  Myron,  b. 
Feb.  26,  1810,  William,  b.  April  15,  1816. 

21  viii.  Amelia,  b.  April  i,  1780. 

22  ix.  Jonas. 

Colonel  Joseph  Safiford,  b.  1742,  d.  Dec,  1807,  at  Malone,  N.  Y.,  was 
a  private  in  the  ist  militia  co.  org.  at  Bennington.  Oct.  24,  1764,  as  was  his 
bro.  David,  while  his  bro.  Samuel  was  2d  Sergt.  He  m.,  at  Bennington, 
Marcy,  b.  Oct.,  1748,  d.  May  7,  1814,  at  Bennington,  dau.  of  Samuel  and 
Marcy  (Leonard)  Robinson.     Their  chi.  were  born  at  Bennington,  Vt. 

23  i.  Marcy,  b.  Jan.  4,  1769,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Eldad,  b.  1764,  at  Stock- 
bridge,  Mass.,  son  of  Silas  Butler,  had  (i)  Eldad  Spencer,  b.  Sept.  27, 
1789,  at  Bennington,  m.,  first,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  Sophia  Davis,  she 
d.  May  30,  1819,  at  Sheldon,  Vt.,  having  had  Augusta,  Silas  Yates 
and  Henry.  Eldad  m.,  second,  Elizabeth  Sampson,  at  Berkshire, 
Vt.,  had  Sophia,  Titus  Sampson  and  Elizabeth  M.  Eldad  m.,  third, 
Harriet  Parsons,  had  Ann  Fassett,  Mary  Jane  and  John  Nichols. 
(2)  Joseph  SalYord,  b.  Feb.  20,  1791,  at  Bennington,  m.,  first,  at  St. 
Albans,  Vt.,  Augusta  Stearns,  who  d.  Sept.  7,  1812,  having  had 
George  Stearns.  Joseph  m.,  second,  Eliza  Stearns,  who  d.  Feb.  20, 
1833,  at  Franklin,  Vt.,  having  had  Henry  Farrer,  James  Mason,  Mary' 
Augusta  Maria  and  Junia  Ann.  J.  S.  B.  m.,  third,  Maria  Moal,  at 
Franklin,  Vt.,  had  Catharine  Eliza.  (3)  Sarah,  b.  Jan.  14,  1793,  at 
Bennington,  Vt.,  m.,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  Ashbel  Smith,  had  Gardner 
Gregory,  Harriet  Adelia,  Haskell  Gilbert,  Sarah  Ann,  William  Farrer, 
Edward  Ashbel.  (4)  Ann,  b.  Dec.  14,  1795,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  m., 
at  Sheldon,  Vt.,  Alvin,  son  of  Amos  Fassett,  had  James  Mann,  Juliet 
Keyes,  John,  John  Butler,  Gardner  Smith.  (5)  Benjamin  Fay,  b. 
Feb.  27,  1798,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  m.  there  Mary  Troop  Ainsworth, 
had  Sidney  Ainsworth,  Judah  A.,  Charles,  Mary  Troop,  Eveline  Cook, 


Orvil.  (6)  Juliet,  b.  Jan.  i.  1800,  at  St.  Albans,  m.  there  Keyes  P. 
Cool,  had  Joseph  Butler,  Hiram  Moore,  Sarah  Ann,  Alvin  Fassett, 
Lovisa  Keyes  and  Harriet  Augusta. 

24  ii.  Sarah,  b.  Dec.  11,  1770,  m.,  at  Bennington.  John,  son  of  John  and 

Hannah  Wood,  had  John  Robinson,  d.  set.  18,  Sarah,  m.  Waterhouse, 
Jane,  Maria,  Malona,  John  Robinson,  the  last  two  born  in  Malone, 
N.  Y. 

25  iii.  Junia,  b.  April  15,  1773,  d.  Feb.,   1836.  m.,  at  Bennington.  Jacob 

Burnham,  he  b.  Nov.,  1767,  at  Shaftsbury,  Vt.,  had  Orson,  b.  Nov.  3. 
1790,  at  Middletown,  Vt.,  Henry,  b.  1793,  m.  Lovinia  Dewey,  Jacob, 
b.  1797,  Sylvia,  Pliny  Dewey. 

26  iv.  Anna,  b.  Jan.  29,  1781,  m.,  at  Bennington,  PHny  Dewey,  b.  Jan.  6, 

1779.  in  Bennington,  son  of  Revd.  Jedediah  Dewey,  had  chi.,  Pliny, 
b.  1802,  d.  Feb.  25,  1802,  Phina  Ann,  b.  June  2,  1808.  d.  July  13,  1831, 
Joseph  Pliny,  b.  Feb.  12,  1812,  d.  Jan.  25,  1813,  Catharine  C,  b.  Nov. 

3,  1815.  m.  Henry  S.,  son  of  Elisha  Nichols,  had  George  Henry,  b. 
May  9,  1837,  at  Bennington. 

27  V.  Joseph,  b.  May  14,  1783. 

28  vi.   Lucy,  d.  July  29,  1835,  m.,  in  Bennington,    Elisha,    son    of    Elisha 

Nichols,  who  d.  in  Bennington.  Chi.,  (i)  Henry  S.,  b.  Nov.  4,  1806, 
at  Bennington.  (2)  John  Hiram,  b.  July  14,  1808,  at  Malone,  N.  Y. 
(3)  Eunice,  b.  July  22,  1810,  at  Malone,  N.  Y.     (4)  Ann  Jane,  b.  Jan. 

4,  1818,  at  Malone.  (5)  George  Joseph,  b.  July  22,  1821,  at  Malone. 
(6)  Ann  Jane,  b.  July  22,  1823,  at  Gaines,  N.  Y. 

29  vii.   Esther,  m.,  at  Malone,  N.  Y.,  Adin,  b.   1731,  son  of  Enos  Wood, 

who  d.  Feb.  23,  1816,  had  Sarah  Ann,  Jane,  Henry,  Lucy,  Fanny, 


David  SafTord,  b.  Feb.  19,  1744.    m.    Anna    Brewster   at    Bennington, 
where  his  chi.  were  born,  and  moved  to  Cambridge,  Vt.     Chi. : 

30  i.   Ruby,  b.  April  13,  1774. 

31  ii.  Joseph,  b.  Sept.,  1775,  at  Bennington,  m.  Antonia  Little,  had  (i) 

Anna  Submit,  (2)  Joseph  Brewster,  (3)  Alfred  Boardman,  (4)  Anson 
Peasley  Keeler,  (5)  Mary. 

32  iii.   David  Brewster,  b.  March  10.  1777.  d.  Aug.  10,  1831,  at  Cambridge, 


33  iv.   Erick,  b.  Nov.  12,  1798,  d.  Sept.  16,  1835,  at  Georgia,  Vt.,  m.  Lydia. 

b.  Nov.  12,  1782,  at  Plymouth,  N.  H.,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Webster. 


They  resided  at  Cambridge,  Vt.  Had  (i)  Solomon  Webster,  b. 
March  2,  1806.  (2)  Angeline,  b.  May  28,  1808,  m.,  July,  1830,  Ozen 
Holgate,  and  had  Anni^Safford.  b.  Aug.,  1831,  Mary  Ann,  b.  March, 
1833.  (3)  Juliet,  b.  June  i,  1810.  m.''^'"  Wright,  March  20,  1834. 
./,e^g,-an^-cit.-  ^^^  j^^^^^  ^    ^p^.j  ^     ^g^^      ^^^  Truman,  b.   March  8,   1816.     (6) 

Lucy,  b.  March,  1818.     (7)  Anna,  b.  1821. 

34  V.  Anna,  b.  Nov.  30,  1780,  m.,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  Jonathan  Fassett, 

grandson  of  Deacon  John  Fassett,  and  had  five  chi.     (See  Fasset 
notes.)  p: 

35  vi.   Orson,  b.  Nov.   14,   1873,  m.,  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  Submit,  dau.  of 

David  Worthy,  lived  at  Cambridge,  Vt. 

36  vii.  Submit,  b.  Aug.  2,  1785,  d.  Nov.  9.  1807. 

37  viii.  Alvin,  b.  Sept.  11,  1787,  d.  July,  1791. 

38  ix.  Jacob,  b.  Dec.  31,  1789,  d.  Sept.  27,  1812. 

39  X.   Solomon,  b.  Dec.  31,  1789,  d.  July,  1791. 

40  xi.   Lydia,  b.  Dec.  24,  1792. 

41  xii.   Oel,  b.  Oct.  14,  1794,  m.,  Sept.  19,  1822,  Louise  Parker,  resided  at 

Cambridge,  had  chi.  Henry  Monroe,  b.  May  14,  1823,  and  Oel  Emer- 
son, b.  Sept.  23,  1824. 


Lucy  Safford,  b.  June  2,  1748,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  m.,  at  Bennington, 
Samuel  Montague,  who  d.  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  aged  about  80,  the  son  of 
Samuel, who  Bennington.  Their  chi.  were,  (i)  Lucy  b.  Feb.  12,  1765,  (2) 
Darius,  b.  April  18,  1767,  (3)  Anna,  b.  Oct.  10,  1769,  (4)  Elizabeth,  b.  Feb. 
II,  1772,  (5)  Samuel,  b.  Aug.  23,  1775,  (6)  Salinda,  b.  Nov.  28,  1777,  (7) 
Joseph,  b.  July  6,  1781.  (8)  Solomon,  b.  April  15,  1785,  (9)  Challis,  b.  Nov. 
18,  1788,  all  b.  at  Bennington  but  Challis,  she  at  Cambridge. 


Esther  Safford.  b.  Sept.  2,  1750,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  m.,  at  Bennington, 
April  6,  1767,  as  his  second  wife,  Samuel  Robinson,  b.  Aug.  15,  1737-8,  at 
Hardwick,  Mass.,  d.  May  3,  1813,  at  Bennington,  where  their  chi.  were  born, 
(I)  Hannah  Robinson,  b.  Jan.,  1770,  d.  July  31,  1831,  m.  Charles  Follett,  b. 
July,  1766,  at  Nine  Partners,  N.  Y.,  d.  Sept.  27,  18 13,  at  Cambridge,  Vt. 
He  was  the  son  of  Eliphalet  Follett,  who  emigrated  to  Susquehanna  Co.. 
Pa.,  and  was  killed  by  the  Indians  in  the  massacre  of  June,  1777.  Had  chi.. 
b.  at  Bennington,  Samuel  Robinson,  b.  Dec.  2,  1787,    d.    Sept.    28,    1808. 


(II)  Esther  Robinson,  b.  Dec.  16,  1771,  m.,  in  Bennington,  Asahel  Hyde, 
b.  Aug.  12,  1764,  at  Norwich,  Conn.,  d.  Dec.  26,  1812,  at  Georgia,  Vt.  (son 
of  Jacob  Hyde  who,  b.  1732,  in  Conn.,  d.  Feb.  i,  1816,  at  Georgia,  Vt.). 
Chi.,  (i)  Persis,  b.  Aug.  i,  1789,  d.  1834,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  where  she  m. 
Ornon  Tuller,  b.  1786,  d.  Feb.  8,  1837,  having  chi.  at  St.  Albans,  Adeline 
(who  m.  Hiram,  son  of  Silas  Hathaway,  and  had  Tryphosa,  b.  March,  1834, 
in  Swanton,  Vt.),  Benjamin,  Billison,  Ornon,  Maria,  Lydia  Ann,  Harriet, 
Persis,  Martin,  and  Melancthon.  (HI)  Samuel  Robinson,  b.  Jan.,  1774, 
m.,  at  Bennington,  Sarah  Harvvood,  b.  at  Bennington  Oct.  3,  1775 
(dau.  of  Peter  and  Margaret  (Clark)  Harwood,  who  came  to  Bennington 
from  Amherst,  Mass,  and  were  the  parents  of  Benjamin,  b.  Jan.  12,  1762, 
the  first  white  chi.  b.  in  Bennington;  chi.  all  b.  at  Bennington,  (i)  Uel  Mer- 
rill, b.  April  I.  1797,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Betsey,  b.  Oct.  28,  1799  (dau.  of 
James  Hicks,  who  was  b.  May  7,  1765,  in  Conn.,  and  came  to  Bennington 
Oct.,  1795):  chi.  all  b.  at  Bennington,  Harriet  Hicks,  b.  Sept.  13.  1822,  Sarah 
Ann,  b.  Feb.  10,  1824,  Alfred,  b.  Nov.  4,  1825,  d.  1893,  Charles  Henry,  b. 
Aug.  31.  1831.  Margaret,  b.  June  13,  1836,  and  Frederick.  (2)  Samuel,  b. 
July  5,  1799,  m.,  in  Bennington,  Temma  Hawks,  b.  March  28,  1801  (dau.  of 
William  Hawks,  who,  b.  Jan.  i,  1772,  in  Bennington,  d.  there  March  14, 
1812.  and  with  his  wife  Temma.  who  d.  Dec.  21,  1840,  aged  66  years,  is  buried 
in  the  First  Ch.  Cem.  at  Bennington  Centre).  Chi.,  Maria,  b.  June  14.  1822, 
d.  May  24,  1824.  Helen  Maria,  b.  March  10,  183 1,  at  Troy,  N.  Y.  (3) 
Polly,  b.  Aug.  8.  1801.  d.  Nov.  15,  1830.  (4)  Nathan  Leonard,  b.  March  2, 
1804,  m..  at  Bennington,  Minerva,  b.  May  13,  1807,  at  Pownal.  Vt.,  dau.  of 
Wait  Albro,  who  was  b.  there  April  18,  T780.  (5)  Emily,  b.  March  31,  1806, 
m.,  at  Bennington,  Wells  Rowe  Martin,  b.  March  18,  181 1,  at  Hoosac,  N.  Y. 
(son  of  James,  who  d.  at  Bennington  June  22,  1834.  Chi.,  Henry  James, 
b.  Jan.  6,  1837.  (6)  Henry,  b.  Feb.  5.  1809,  m.,  at  Bennington  April  21, 
1832,  Emily  Hyde  Sears,  b.  Nov.  20,  1805,  at  Swanton,  Vt.  (dau.  of  Jared, 
who  d.  Feb.  6,  1826,  at  Knowlesville,  N.  Y.).  Chi.,  Benj.,  b.  March  i,  1833, 
d.  March  3.  1833,  Charles  Sears,  b.  Dec.  4,  1834,  James,  b.  Jan.  22,  1837.  at 
Troy,  N.  Y.  (7)  Edwin,  b.  June  16,  181 1,  m.,  Feb.  18.  1834,  in  Pownal,  Vt., 
Lois  Dunham  Grover.  b.  Dec.  25,  181 5,  in  Lawrence,  N.  Y.  (dau.  of  Thad- 
deus,  b.  April  27,  1790,  in  Otsego,  N.  Y.)  Chi.,  Edwin  Hubert,  b.  Dec.  5;. 
1834,  Bennington.  Vt.  (8)  Heman  Harwood,  b.  June  15,  1814,  m.,  Dec.  22, 
1836,  at  Elizabethtown,  N.  C.  Helen  Jane  Purdie,  b.  Feb.,  1819,  dau.  of 
James  S.,  of  N.  C.  (9)  Amanda  Maria,  b.  Feb.  15,  1818.  (IV)  Benjamin 
Robinson,  b.  Feb.  11.  1776,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Ruth,  b.  May  8.  1779,  d.  Oct. 
30,  1806,  at  Fayetteville,  N.  C,  where  they  removed  1804.  She  was  the  dau. 
of  David  and  Mary  (Fay)  Robinson.     Benjamin  m.,  second,  at  Fayetteville, 


where  six  of  their  chi.  were  born,  Eliza  West  Pearce,  b.  1793,  at  Providence, 
R.  1.,  dau.  of  Oliver,  who  d.  in  N.  C.  Chi.,  (i)  Benj.  West,  b.  March  31,  181 1. 
(2)  Stephen  Decatur,b.Jan.20,  i8i3,d.  Jan.  i,  1814.  (3)  Oliver  Pearce,  b.  Dec. 
6,  1817,  d.  Jan.  15,  1821.  (4)  Eliza  Pearce,  b.  Sept.  i,  1820.  (5)  Mary  Pearce, 
b.  March  17,  1823,  d.  Sept.  13,  1824.  (6)  Samuel  Lafayette,  b.  Aug.  10,  1825, 
d.  June  20,  1826.  (7)  Thomas  Jefferson,  b.  June  15,  1827,  at  Monticello, 
N.  C,  where  were  also  born  (8)  Emily  Belden,  Aug.  31,  183 1.  (9)  Henry 
Clay,  b.  Nov.  20,  1833.  (10)  William  Turner,  d.  Oct.  i,  1822.  (V)  Polly 
Robinson,  b.  July  16,  1778.  (VI)  Betsey  Robinson,  b.  April  18,  1781,  m.  at 
Bennington,  Jared  Sears,  b.  Aug.  12,  1779,  at  Lenox,  Mass.,  he  d.  Feb.  6, 
1828,  at  Knowlesville,  N.  Y.  Chi.,  (1)  Mary  Ann,  b.  April  5,  1804,  at  Swan- 
ton,  Vt.,  m.  at  Bennington,  Martin  Story  Norton,  b.  Nov.  21,  1778,  at  Ben- 
nington (son  of  Martin,  b.  Oct.  22,  1764),  had  dau.  Catharine  Hyde,  b.  June 
12,  1833.  (2)  Emily  Hyde,  b.  Nov.  20,  1805,  at  Swanton,  Vt.,  m.,  April  21, 
1832,  Henry  Robinson.  (3)  Benj.  Robinson,  b.  Dec.  21,  1807,  at  Benning- 
ton, d.  Dec.  14,  1887,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Mary  Ann  Waters,  who  d.  July, 
1877  (dau.  of  Adam  Waters,  who  d.  at  Swanton,  Vt.,  1810),  chi.,  Betsey,  b. 
May  II,  1833,  d.  Dec,  1890,  Martin,  b.  Feb.  20,  1835,  Mary,  b.  Feb.  12, 
1837,  d.  April  27,  1884,  Charles,  Esther,  George,  Delia,  and  Walter.  (4) 
Lucy  Robinson,  b.  Feb.  13,  18 10,  at  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  d.  at  Bennington,  Feb. 
10,  1892,  m.  there  Zebina  Eaton  Fobes,  b.  Nov.  19,  1804,  d.  May  28,  1886, 
chi.,  Evanette,  b.  Nov.  i,  1832,  at  Middletown,  Vt.,  Harriet  Eliza,  b.  June  6, 
1836,  at  Bennington.  (5)  Charles  Follett.  b.  Aug.  25,  181 7,  at  Bennington, 
Vt.  (6)  Delia  Maria,  b.  Aug.  26,  182 1.  (VH)  Safiford  Robinson,  b.  May 
9,  1784.  (Vni)  Hiram  Robinson,  b.  Aug.  15,  1786.  (IX)  Lucy  Robinson, 
b.  Dec.  II,  1789,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Erastus  Montague,  b.  Jan.  31,  1795, 
at  Southampton,  Mass.,  son  of  Seth,  b.  1763.  Chi.,  (i)  William  Smith, 
b.  Feb.  23,  1825,  (2)  Samuel  Robinson,  b.  Sept.  21,  1826.  (X)  Sarah  Robin- 
son, b.  Oct.  8,  1791.  m..  at  Bennington,  William  Haswell,  b.  Aug.  9,  1790, 
at  Bennington,  son  of  Anthony,  who  was  b.  at  Portsmouth,  Eng.,  1765,  and 
came  to  America  1768,  dying  at  Bennington  May  22,  1816. 


Jacob  Safford,  b.  Nov.  22,  1752,  was  orderly  sergt.,  afterward  ensign 
in  Col.  Seth  Warner's  regt.,  and  took  part  in  the  battle  of  Bennington,  Aug. 
16,  1777.  He  d.  May  27,  1833,  m.,  at  Bennington,  June  6,  1778,  Persis  Rob- 
inson, b.  Nov.  22,  1759,  d.  July  10,  1827,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  (Clark) 
Robinson.    He  m.,  second.  Feb.  10,  1828,  at  Bennington,  Elizabeth  Thurstin. 



Solomon  Safiford,  b.  Feb.  19,  1755,  d.  June  23,  1837,  at  Bennington, 
where  he  m.  Mrs.  Submit  Tupper,  who  was  b.  Dec.  6,  1754,  dau.  of  Mr. 
Brewer,  of  Concord,  Mass. 


Jonathan  Scott,  b.  1735,  d.  Nov.,  1784,  was  one  of  the  early  set- 
tlers of  Bennington,  Vt.,  coming  from  Sunderland,  Mass.  He  m.,  at  Ben- 
nington, Abigail  Safiford,  b.  1740,  d.  Oct.  16,  1806,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Ann 
(Bottom)  Safiford,  and  sister  of  Anna  Safford,  who  m.  Henry  Wallbridge 
Dec.  25,  1750,  at  Norwich,  Conn. 

1  i.   Lemuel,  b.  Nov.  8,  1764,  m.  Seviah,  dau.  of   Rufus    Branch,  removed 

to  Fletcher. 

2  ii.   Sarah,  b.  Dec.  25,  1766. 

3  iii.   Martin,  b.  Dec.  22,  1768. 

4  iv.   Levi,  b.  Dec.  17,  1770. 

5  v.  Melatiah,  b.  Oct.  24,  1772. 

6  vi.  Anna,  b.  July  21,  1776. 

7  vii.  Abigail,  b.  Sept.  3,  1779. 

8  viii.  Ira,  b.  Oct.  18,  1782. 

2.  Sarah  Scott,  b.  Dec.  25,  1766.  m.  Samuel,  son  of  Samuel  Holmes, 
of  Bennington.     He  d.  at  Cambridge,  Vt.,  where  the  chi.  were  all  b.  and  m. 

i.  Sarah  Holmes,  m.  Caleb  Morgan. 

ii.  Anna  Holmes,  m.  Elijah  Brewster,  and  had  Oel,  b.  1813,  Sarah  Maria, 

b.   1815,  Araminta  Dormer,  b.   1817,  Solon  Young,  b.   1818,  Horatio 

Seymour,  b.  1820. 
iii.  Abigail  Holmes,  m.  Augustus  Young, 
iv.  Theron  Holmes,  m.  Priscilla  Collins, 
v.   Levi  Holmes,  m.  Miss  Perrin. 
vi.  John  Holmes,  m.  Deborah  Buker. 
vii.  William  Holmes,  m.  Laura  Phillips. 
viii.  Mary  Holmes,  m.  Amasa  Johnson. 
ix.  Amanda  Holmes,  m.  John  Wires. 
jc.  Samuel  Holmes, 


3.  Martin  Scott,  b.  Dec.  22,  1768,  d.  1818,  at  Charleston.  S.  C,  m..  at 
Bennington,  Feb.  6,  1794.  Mary,  dan.  of  Samuel  Billings,  who  was  b.  1739, 
d.  Time  22).  1789,  at  Bennington. 

i.  Safford,  b.  Nov.  17.  1794,  d.  Jan.,  1795. 

ii.   Mary,  b.  Sept.  23,  1796,  m.  Henry  Hopkins  Robinson,  and  had  (i)  Anne. 

b.  March,  1821,  d.  Jan.  14,  1831,  (2)  Catharine,  b.  Sept.  14,  1826. 
iii.   Emily  Safford,  b.  Sept.   17,  1798,  d.  March  24,  1836,  m..  Feb.  4.  1830, 

Romulus  Walbridge.     (See  his  record.) 
iv.   Martin  Billings,  b.  June,  1804.  m.  Mary  Ann  Olin.     Had  (i)  Henry,  b. 

June  6,  1830,  (2)  Giles  OHn,  b.  Feb.  27,  1832. 
V.  Beulah,  b.  Nov.  3.  1806,  m.,  Jan.  18,  1827,  Resolva  Gage. 

4.  Levi  Scott,  b.  Dec.  17,  1770,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Silence  Barney,  b. 
1796,  dau.  of  Rufus,  lived  in  Swanton,  Vt.,  where  her  family  resided,  and 
where  Levi  d.  Dec.  29,  1829.  having  had  (i)  Bradford,  b.  April,  i8o5(?),  m. 
Sophronia  Jackson. 

5.  Melatiah  Scott,  b.  Oct.  24,  1772,  m.  Jesse,  b.  1771.  d.  Nov.  16,  1818. 
son  of  Elisha  Downs,  of  Bennington,  where  the  chi.  were  born. 

i.  Lorenzo  Downs,  b.  May  24,  1795,  m.,  in  Pownal,  Vt.,  Lois,  dau.  of  Oba- 
diah  Dunham,  of  that  place,  and  had  chi..  all  b.  at  Bennington,  (i) 
Abigail,  b.  June  5,  1821,  (2)  Lorenzo,  b.  July  26,  1823,  d.  March,  1831, 
(3)  Candace,  b.  June  13,  1826,  (4)  Daniel,  b.  Feb.,  1832,  (5)  William 
Hendryx,  b.  Aug.  14.  1835. 

ii.  Levi  Downs,  b.  June  22,.  1797.  m.  Sophia  Wheeler,  of  Conn.,  and  had 
chi.,  b.  at  Pownal,  (i)  Charles,  b.  Dec.  16,  1821,  (2)  Harriet,  b.  March 
12,  1832,  (3)  Alvira,  b.  Dec.  23,  1825,  (4)  Sylvania,  b.  1827. 

iii.  Daniel  Downs,  b.  Sept.  21,  1799.  m.  Elizabeth  Wolf,  and  had  (i)  Mary, 
b.  1822,  at  Troy.  N.  Y.,  (2)  Thomas  Wolf,  b.  1824,  at  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

iv.  Candace  Downs,  b.  Dec.  12,  1801,  m.  Boltwood,  son  of  Abner  Noble, 
(i)  Clarissa,  b.  1821,  and  d.  at  Pownal,  Vt.,  the  following  b.  at  Barre. 
N.  Y.,  (2)  Mary.  b.  Nov.  28,  1822.  (3)  Louisa,  b.  Nov.  18,  1825,  (4) 
Clarissa,  b.  March  26.  1827,  (5)  Daniel,  b.  March  25,  1830. 

V.   Harriet  Downs,  b.  March  14,  1803,  d.  Sept..  1803. 

vi.  Jesse  Downs,  b.  Aug.  12,  1804.  m.  Delia,  dau.  of  Benj.  Spencer.  Had 
chi..  b.  at  Bennington,  (i)  Electa,  b.  April  26,  1832.  (2)  Harriet,  b. 
Feb.  22,  1834,  (3)  Helen,  b.  Aug..  1836. 

vii.  Norman  Downs,  b.  Sept.  12.  1807,  m.  Wealthy,  dau.  of  Jonathan  Pratt, 
of  Bennington. 

viii.  Emeline  Downs,  b.  Jan.  23,  1809,  m.  Lemuel,  son  of  Benjamin  Morgan, 


of  Townal,  wlierc  three  chi.  were  born,  (i)  Jesse  Downs,  b.  Jan.  i6, 
1830,  (2)  Benj.  Franklin,  b.  Nov.  4,  1832,  (3)  Erastus  Jewett,  b.  Aug.  14, 
1834,  (4)  Ruth  Duel,  b.  Sept.  16,  1836,  at  Bennington. 

ix.   Leonard  Downs,  b.  Dec.  14.  181 1. 

X.  Martin  Downs,  b.  Sept.  28,  1814. 

6.  Anna  Scott,  b.  July  21,  1776.  m..  at  Bennington,  1797,  Rudd,  son  ot 
Benj.  Hopkins,  who  was  b.  at  Nine  Partners,  N.  Y.  They  removed  to  Fair- 
fax, thence  to  Ohio. 

7.  Abigail  Scott,  b.  Sept.  3,  1779,  m.,  at  Bennington,  Jan.  11,  1807, 
Samuel,  b.  1777  (son  of  Samuel  Bullard,  who  d.  1819,  aged  74,  and  had  chi., 
b.  in  Swanton,  Vt.,  (i)  Nelson,  b.  May  10,  1810,  (2)  Henry,  b.  Nov.  25,  181 1, 
(3)  Charles,  b.  Oct.  31,  1814.  The  father  d.  1825.  Nelson  had  chi., 
Samuel  Martin,  b.  April,  1827,  Levi  Scott,  b.  Dec.  1829.  Henry  had 
Martin,  b.  May  11,  1830. 

8.  Ira  Scott,  b.  Oct.  18,  1782,  d.  in  Canada  July,  1832,  m.  Lucena,  dau. 
of  Elisha  Woodworth,  and  had  chi..  all  b.  in  Cambridge,  Vt.,  (i)  Frances, 
(2)  Sarah,  (3)  Safford,  (4)  Martin,  (5)  Charles,  (6)  Julius,  (7)  Mary,  (8) 

The  foregoing  notes  are  mainly  from  Sarah  Robinson's  genealogical 
notes,  privately  printed  in  1837,  anfl  one  of  the  earliest  efforts  at  family  re- 

Jennings  says,  in  his  Memorials  of  a  Century,  "Phineas  Scott  first  came 
here  (1762),  at  the  age  of  seventeen,  with  his  father.  They  returned  to  Conn., 
whence  they  came.  The  old  man  died  there,  and  Phineas  soon  returned. 
He  died  June  6,  1819,  aged  74. 

"A  name,  Phineas  Scott,  is  upon  the  roll  of  Capt.  Fassett's  military  com- 
pany in  1764.  Phineas  had  five  sons,  Samuel  (m.  Lucretia  Harmon),  Henry, 
Hiram,  John,  Kingsley,  and  Martin;  also  daughters,  Clara,  m.  Squiers, 
Betsey,  m. Bingham,  Mary,  m. Hawks,  and  Rhoda." 

On  the  roll  of  Capt.  Samuel  Robinson's  co.  at  the  Battle  of  Bennington 
is  the  name  of  Moses  Scott. 

Col.  Martin  Scott,  son  of  Phineas.  was  b.  in  Bennington  Jan.  18,  1788. 
April,  18 14,  he  was  made  2d  Lieut,  in  the  U.  S.  Army,  was  killed  at  the 
battle  of  Molino  del  Rey  in  Mexico,  Sept.  8,  1847,  and  his  remains  brought 
back  to  the  old  Bennington  Centre  Cemetery. 






p    00 







(Eng.  refers  to  Kiiglish  Notes.) 

No.          130RN. 


No.        Born. 


672  I 


Abbie  M. 

98      ] 



I2I2       ] 



384      I 


Adolphus  Boyer. 

21       1 



242      I 


Alathea  Frink. 

51       J 



1225      ] 


Alathea  I. 

50       1 



374     1 



194       I 



752     1 


Albert  D. 

73     ' 



674     ] 


Albert  E. 

64  1 



736     1 


Albert  H. 






Alexander  Solomon 






Alexander  Solomon 



Abigail  Washburne. 



Alfred  Perry. 





1 76 1 




Ada  Alberta. 



Alice  Chase. 



Adam  Henry. 



Alice  Chase. 



Adam  Henry. 



Alice  Elmira. 






Allen  Ames. 

1 160 


Adelaide  R. 



Allen  Harvey. 









Adelia  Lavinia. 













1 162 














y\lmira  Emeline. 









Adeline  Maria. 



Alonzo  Franklin. 

1 184 


Adeline  Maria. 


1 781 




Adelia  D. 















Amelia  D. 



Anna  Rich. 


1 881 

Amelia  Helen. 

1 107 

1 881 

Anna  Ryckman. 






Anna  Sanford. 












Antoinette  Edson 











1 881 













Arthur  Dewey. 






Arthur  Henry. 






Arthur  Leon. 






Arthur  Leroy. 






Arthur  R. 



Amos  Franklin. 






Amos  Grant. 












Amy  E. 






Amy  Melinda. 






Amy  Tucker. 






Andrew  J. 




641      1 


Andrew  Mallory. 



Asa  Elias. 

1 132     ] 


Angeline  C. 



Asa  Fobes. 

281      ] 





Asa  Holloway. 

642     1 


Ann  Eliza. 




838     1 


Ann  Eliza. 



Auguste  Perrin. 

6     ] 



591     ] 



22     ] 



966     ] 


Augustus  Clark. 

38     ] 



529     ] 


Augustus  Colson. 

82     ] 



977     1 


Augustus  Merrill. 

108     ] 



768     ] 


Aurelia  Susan. 

206     ] 



489     1 



119     ] 



232     1 



299     ] 



248     i 






1 178     1 



936     I 


Anna  Barnes. 

1242     I 


Baxter  C. 

972     1 


Anna  Louise. 

1243     I 



389     I 


Anna  Lucilla. 

1 189     I 


Belle  M. 

1095      I 


Anna  Mayburry. 

1 138     I 



Eng.     1 


Anna  Parbutt. 

1244     I 













Benjamin  Agan. 



Caroline  Cornelia. 



Benjamin  Ebenezer. 



Caroline  Kennear. 



Benjamin  Franklin. 



Caroline  Scott. 



Benjamin  Franklin. 



Caroline  Tabor. 






Carrie  A. 

1 07 1 


Bertha  E. 



Carrie  E. 






Carrie  M. 




1068      ] 


Carrie  Susie. 







1 193 


Bessie  Belle. 






Bessie  Caroline. 






Bessie  Isabel. 









Catharine  E. 




574     1 


Catharine  S. 




575     1 


Catharine  Sedgewick 




55     1 



167     ] 








Betsey  Ann. 






Betsey  Elizabeth. 

559     1 





Betsey  Maria. 

617     1 



316     1 



1262     ] 



735     1 



1083     ] 



979     1 


Blanche  Homer. 

984     ] 


Charles  Carter. 

740     ] 


Blanche  May. 

973     1 


Charles  Clearman. 

225     ] 



748     ] 


Charles  D. 

1035     1 


Byron  Burdette. 



Charles  D. 

635     1 



943     i 


Charles  Edward. 

345     1 


Calvin  Clarke. 

803     ] 


Charles  Edwin. 

690     ] 


Campbell  Miller. 

526     ] 


Charles  Eliphalet. 

640     1 


Carl  Henry. 

905     1 


Charles  Eliphalet. 

1020     1 


Carl  Strickland. 

910     ] 


Charles  Eliphalet. 

640     ] 


Carlton  Henry. 

243     1 


Charles  Elkanah. 

934     1 


Carlton  Hoskins. 

1042     ] 


Charles  Ernest. 

558     1 



388     I 


Charles  F. 

708     ] 



1051      ] 


Charles  Fiske. 

648     ] 



457     1 


Charles  Follett. 

1204     ] 





Charles  Goodwin. 

408     ] 



258     1 


Charles  H. 



Caroline  C. 

791      I 


Charles  H. 











Charles  H. 

703       ] 





Charles  Henry. 

170       ) 





Charles  Henry. 

805       ] 


Cyrus  Edmund. 



Charles  J. 

859      1 


Cyrus  Packard. 



Charles  L. 

1259       ] 





Charles  P. 

799     ] 


Daisy  E. 



Charles  Preston. 

816     ] 





Charles  R. 

1171     ] 





Charles  Robert. 

365     ] 





Charles  S. 

164     1 





Charles  W. 



Daniel  J. 

1 165 





Daniel  Mather. 



Charlotte  A. 

476     1 


Daniel  Tilden. 



Charlotte  Adelaide. 

649     ] 


Daniel  Webster. 



Charlotte  Austin. 

500     ] 





Charlotte  V. 

87     1 






152     ] 


David  McClure. 




237     ] 


David  Safford. 




881     ] 


David  Samuel. 






David  Stevenson 




412     1 


De  Los. 



Chester  B. 






Chester  Baxter. 



Deborah  Edith. 






Delia  Helen. 



Clara  Amelia 



Dewey  Charles. 



Clara  Cecelia. 

"45     - 




Clara  Hawley. 



DolHe  G. 



Clarence  Mitchell. 



Don  Carlos. 



Clarissa  Elizabeth. 

1114     1 








Dudley  Heber. 



Clem.  H. 



Dudley  Hunt. 




1 146 


Dunstan  S. 



Clinton  S. 






Cora  Bell. 

1 139 





Cora  E. 



Earl  G. 



Cora  H. 



Earl  M. 















Corwin  Henry. 















432       ] 






442       ] 






289       ] 


Eleazer  Dana. 

937     1 


Ebenezer  Franklin. 



Eleazer  Jewett. 

279     ] 


Ebenezer  S. 

458       ) 


Electa  Adeline. 

280     ] 


Ebenezer  S. 

53     1 



103     ] 


Ebenezer  William. 

147     ] 





Edgerton  Byron. 

358     1 



10     1 



25     ] 



IIOI        ] 



31      1 






54     i 











Edith  Eliza. 

357     1 


Elijah  Zebulon. 

716     ] 


Edith  M. 

236     ] 



893     1 


Edith  Mary. 

443     J 


Elisha  Lillie. 

1052     1 


Edith  V. 

337     1 



405     1 


Edmund  Burke. 

252     ] 



1 103     1 



1 164     ] 



621      1 


Edna  Louisa. 

334     ] 



1057     ] 


Edna  Mabel. 

755     J 


Eliza  Ann. 

583     1 


Edward  A. 



Eliza  Ann. 



Edward  J. 



Eliza  Baldwin. 

513     1 


Edward  Keyes. 

1 130     ] 


Eliza  H. 



Edward  L. 

272     ] 


Eliza  Juliet. 

744     1 


Edward  Langdon. 




394     ] 


Edward  Leroy. 

57     1 



401      ] 


Edward  Lovering. 




847     1 


Edward  Newton. 




1063     1 


Edward  Payson. 

363     1 



759     1 


Edwin  Lewis. 

554     1 



959     1 


Effie  Maud. 

581     ] 



88s     1 



707     1 



519     1 


Egbert  Eliphalet. 

913     1 



889     ] 


Egberta  Bigelow. 

1 20 1     ] 



104     1 



1203     1 


Elizabeth  A. 

23     1 



760     ] 


Elizabeth  Ann. 

77     1 



515     ] 


Elizabeth  Barnard. 

78     , 



369     ] 


Elizabeth  Cushman 

199     ] 



695     1 


Elizabeth  Elinor. 



No.        Born. 


941       I 


Elizabeth  Ellen. 

896      1 


Elizabeth  Russell. 

268      I 


Elizabeth  Tabiiha 

395     I 



818     I 



721     I 


Ella  Harriet. 

237     I 



863     I 



888     ] 


Ellen  Ann  Eliza. 

294     ] 


Ellen  Augusta. 

630     I 


Ellen  M. 

572     ] 


Ellen  Martha. 

1049     ] 


Elmer  Burnham. 

715     ' 


Elmer  F. 

1085     ] 



738     1 



66     1 






510     ] 





Emily  Newman. 

1 187     ] 








Emma  Alvira. 



Emma  Amelia. 



Emma  J. 



Emma  Rebecca. 



Emma  W. 

1 109 


Ernest  Augustus. 



Ernest  Lucian. 

















Esther  Margaret. 



Esther  Peabody. 



Ethel  A. 

1 108 


Ethel  Clarke. 



Ethel  Valentine. 




I  1  I 







1 186 








1 03 1 



1 100 









8—  Etra  A. 

864  Etta  Cora. 

873  Eugene  H. 

879  Eugene  Martin. 

723  Eunice. 

788  Eunice. 

798  Eunice. 

883  Eunice  B. 

817  Eunice  C. 

837  Eunice  Sophia. 
888  Eva. 

846  Everett  Lorenzo. 

8—  F.  G. 


806  Fanny. 

877  Fanny. 

8 —  Fanny. 

852  Fanny  Adelia. 

845  Fanny  E. 
849  Fanny  Effa. 

846  Fanny  Hannah. 
832  Fanny  M. 

825  Fanny  Malona. 

828  Fanny  Margaret. 

830  Fanny  Parish. 

872  Fanny  Rose. 

8 —  Fanny  Rouse. 

859  Flora. 

859  Flora  Latilla. 
879  Florence. 

860  Florence  Alzina. 
888  Florence  Eliza. 

844  Florence  H. 
872  Florence  M. 
862  Florence  Vail. 

845  Frances  Augusta. 
835  Frances  E. 

846  Frances  E. 

838  Frances  Glover. 



No.        I 






1022a    ] 


Frances  Lou. 

409      ] 



350      1 



399     1 



971       ] 


Francis  Eugene. 

833     1 



646      1 


Francis  Henry. 

1172     ] 



154      ] 


Francis  Philena. 



George  Alonzo. 



Francis  Stewart. 

1024     ] 


George  Arthur. 



Francis  Watson. 



George  Austin. 

727      ] 


Frank  A. 

1 197     1 


George  B. 



Frank  B. 



George  Bigelow. 

1246      1 


Frank  C. 

241     ] 


George  Brush. 



Frank  D. 



George  Brush. 



Frank  De.los. 



George  Brush. 



Frank  E. 

806     1 


George  Edgar. 



Frank  Eliphalet. 



George  Faxon. 



Frank  Henry. 

1209     ] 


George  G. 



Frank  Lewis. 



George  H. 

810      1 


Frank  Lincoln. 

879     1 


George  Hamilton. 

266      ] 


Franklin  Benjamin. 

918     1 


George  Henry. 

814      ] 


Franklin  Eugene. 



George  Hicks. 

1233      1 


Franklin  G. 

1 105 


George  Huntington 






George  Jones. 






George  Leander. 






George  Loren. 



Frederick  E. 



George  N. 

578     1 


Frederick  Gaston. 



George  Nelson. 



Frederick  Green. 

967     1 


George  Olin. 



Frederick  Griswold. 



George  Porter. 

853     1 


Frederick  Jay. 

285     : 


George  Russell. 



Frederick  Kidder. 



George  Tusy. 



Frederick  Lewis. 

1247     ] 


George  W. 



Frederick  Lorenzo. 



George  W. 



Frederick  N. 



George  Warren. 

878     ] 


Frederick  Theodore. 



George  Washington 



Frederick  Wheatley. 



George  Washington 

691      ] 





George  Wayne. 






George  William. 




852     1 


Georgianna  Piatt. 






Gertrude  Johnston. 




745     1 








No.         ] 





Glen  Delos. 

•   854      I 


Harry  M. 

1 169 



129       I 






831       I 


Harvey  M. 



Grace  L. 

1248       I 





Grace  M. 

676       I 


Hattie  M. 




III2       I 


Hazel  Clay. 




837       I 






I  106       1 


Helen  Isabel 




762       ] 


Helen  J. 




844       I 


Helen  Maria 




II56       ] 


Helen  May. 




257       1 






550       1 


Heman  D. 

1 148 









I     ] 












4     1 











Hannah  Caroline. 






Hannah  Catharine. 






Hannah  Catharine. 


















Harriet  Amelia. 






Harriet  C. 






Harriet  Catharine. 






Harriet  Diana. 






Harriet  E. 






Harriet  Hicks. 






Harriet  Hicks. 






Harriet  I. 






Harriet  Parish. 






Harriet  Philena. 








181 1 
















Harry  Brush. 






Harry  C. 






Harry  Enright. 























Hiram  A. 






Hiram  .-Kdolphus 






Hiram  Austin. 



Henn-  A. 



Hiram  C. 



Henn.-  Albert. 



Hiram  Hopkins. 



Henn-  Anderson. 




1 104 


Henrj-  Blood. 



Horace  A. 



Henn.-  Budd. 



Horace  Butler. 



Henn-  Budd. 



Horace  Greeley. 



Henn-  C. 



Horace  S. 



Henn-  Carlton. 



Horace  Secor. 



Henr}'  Chase. 



Howard  Fasolt. 



Henr>'  Clark. 



Howard  Joseph. 



Henn.-  Danville. 


182 1 

Huldah  Orilla. 



Henr\-  Dana. 






Henn,-  David. 



Ida  Florence. 



Henrv-  E. 



Ida  Jeanne. 

—  656 


Henr>-  Franklin. 



Ida  Marcia. 



Henr>'  Franklin. 



Ida  May. 



Henn.-  Harrison. 





185 1 

Henr^-  J. 






Henr>-  Loren. 






Henry  Richardson. 



Ira  Hawks. 



Henrv-  Sanford. 



Isa  A. 



Henr}-  Sanford. 






Henr>'  Stebbins. 






Henn.-  Strong. 



Isaac  L. 



Henn,-  Thomas. 



Isabel  A. 



Henry-  Webster. 



Isabel  Brush. 



Herbert  B. 



Isabel  Elizabeth 



Herbert  Eugene. 



Isabelle  Louisa. 



Herbert  M. 



Isabella  Maria. 



Herbert  Stebbins. 





1 75 1 




Ivan  H. 






J.  Baxter  Carl. 












Jacob  H. 






Jacob  L. 



1 199 











1 22 1 
























447     I 


Jewett  Demetrius. 


1072     I 


Jewett  E. 


179     I 




9     I 




^4     ] 



James  A.  Garfield. 

128     I 



James  Edward. 

175     1 



James  H. 

205     I 



James  Henry. 

209     ] 



James  Hicks. 




James  Kidder. 




James  Loring. 

303     1 



James  Marsh. 

284     ] 



James  Richmond. 

561      ] 



James  Sanford. 

564     1 



James  W. 




Jane  Alexander  Miller. 




Jane  Maria. 



John  Billings. 

Janet  H. 



John  Boyer. 




John  Brady. 

Jay  Harold. 



John  D. 

Jefferson  D. 



John  D.  S. 

Jefferson  D. 



John  Deming. 




John  Every. 




John  Franklin. 

Jennie  Almina. 



John  Gaston. 

Jennie  B. 



John  Gillett. 

Jennie  E. 



John  Henry. 

Jennie  G. 



John  Henry. 

Jennie  R. 



John  Henry. 

Jennie  Vienna. 



John  Hill. 




John  Jay. 




John  Jay,  Jun. 

Jesse  S. 



John  Jay. 

Jessie  G. 



John  Lansing  Winne 

Jessie  May. 



John  Nelson. 




John  Knickerbacker. 




John  Selah. 




John  Solon, 



No.  BoKN.            Name. 

994  1854  John  Wayne. 

765  1833  John  Wheatley. 

342  1 81 5  Jolin  Winthrop. 

i^ng-  ^72>-  Joseph. 

1 161  1739  Joseph. 

92  1767  Joseph. 

1256  1776  Joseph. 

Eng.  1790  Joseph. 

1 1 57  i860  Joseph  Addison. 

858  1846  Joseph  Austin. 

975  i860  Joseph  Boyd. 

361  1832  Joseph  Holloway. 

590  1828  Joseph  N.  Hinsdill. 

895  185 1  Joseph  S. 

671  i860  Josephine  M. 

775  1845  Josephine  Maria. 

1254  17 —  Joshua. 

114  1769  Josiah. 

302  1803  Josiah. 

404  1863  Josie  Florena. 

1236     Judson  E. 

344-i.  1856  Julia  Cornell. 

663  1846  Julia  Deane. 

1034  18 —  Julia  Eveline. 

488  18 1 7  Julius. 

861  1858  Julius  Emery. 

61  1779  Justus. 

1007  1877  Karl  H. 

1 167  1834  Kate. 

1 1 59  1864  Kate. 

^'^i?  1870  Kate  E. 

1 1 77  1823  King. 

1097  1883  Kittie  Alice. 

1032     Kittie  James. 

1214  18 —  Labrilla. 

508  1837  Lamoille. 

233  18 —  Lamoille. 

420  1820  Laura. 

497  1823  Laura. 










I  183 


Laura  Elizalieth. 



Laura  Lucinda. 



Laura  Maria. 



Laura  Strong. 

127       ] 



229       ] 












396     1 


Lavonne  Estelle 

331     ] 



397     ] 


Le  Roy  Ira. 




1 129     ] 



1257     ] 



49     1 



834     1 


Lena  Elizabeth. 



Leonard         Knicke 

604     ] 


Leroy  Pierce. 

992     ] 


Leroy  Pierce. 

1098     ] 



mo     ] 


Lester  Borden. 

74     ] 



307     ] 



188     I 



757     J 


Levi  Jewett. 

427     I 



348     I 



682     I 



431     I 


Lewis  Don  Alonzo. 



Lewis  Howard. 

809     I 


Lillian  Alice. 

929     I 


Lilian  Elizabeth. 

1026     1 


Lillian  Gertrude. 

1 1  1 5      I 


Lillian  May. 

950     I 


Lillie  May. 









1 194 


Lillie  Ma}'. 

I  198 





Lionel  W. 



Lucy  E. 



Lizzie  C. 



Lucy  M. 



Lois  Josephine. 



Lucy  Safford. 






Lucy  Thompson. 



Loren  J. 



Ludovicus  Lillie. 






Luther  Peck. 



Lorin  D. 












Loring  James. 

1 163 











Lottie  H. 






Louie  C. 



Lysander  E. 






Lysander  Eugene. 



Louisa  Burbank. 






Louisa  Cassell. 






Louisa  Chester. 






Louisa  M. 



Mabel  E. 




1 116 


Mabel  Gertrude. 



Louise  Chester. 

1 120 


Maidem  E. 



Louise  Henrietta. 



Marcia  A. 



Louise  Henrietta. 



Marcia  C. 



Louise  Hubbard. 




1 196 








Lucia  M. 





















Margaret  Caroline 






Margaret  Esther. 



Lucinda  Jemima. 






Lucius  Hazen. 

1 142 





Lucretia  Maria. 






Lucretia  Maria. 



Maria  J. 
















347- vi.  187- 



















Marietta  Hill. 








Marion  Creighton 



Marion  E. 



Marshall  J. 
























Martha  C. 



Martha  Carrie. 



Martha  Jane. 



Martha  M. 



Martha  Maria. 









Martin  Reynolds. 




1 149 













^77  Z 



^77  \ 






1 781 




































1 85 1 


No.  Born.  Name. 

817  1856  Mary. 

996  1858  Mary. 

1 102  1887  Mary. 

1 25 1  18 —  Mary. 

960  1865  Mary  Adelma. 

372  1823  Mary  Ann. 

469  18 —  Mary  Ann. 

532  18 —  Mary  Ann. 

594  1842  Mary  Ann. 

291  1838  MaryC. 

718  1859  Mary  Caldvvin. 

665  185 1  Mary  Cornell. 

922  1865  Mary  Davis. 

965  1854  Mary  Eleanor. 

448  1827  Mary  Elizabeth. 

802  1846  Mary  Elizabeth. 

875  1855  Mary  Elizabeth. 

1 133  1861  Mary  Ella. 

849  1847  Mary  Eloise. 

679  1858  Mary  Everett. 

587  1843  Mary  G. 

1252  18 —  Mary  H. 

145  1784  Mary  Holloway. 

551  1815  Mary  Hosmer. 

660  18 —  Mary  Isa. 

756  1840  Mary  Jane. 

1 182  1846  Mary  Lavonne. 

1005  1871  Mary  Lorinda. 

694  1843  ]Mary  Louise. 

1 1 70  1843     Mary  Louise. 

419  1 8 18  Mary  Maria. 

946  1859     Mary  Matilda. 

1066  1870     Mary  Minnie. 

938  1864     Mary  Perrin. 

766  1835     Mary  Vinal. 

774  1 84 1      Mary  W. 

832  1861     Mattie. 

795  1867     May  M. 

1089  1879     McLean. 




















Ora  Delorma. 






Orange  Scott. 



Melissa  A. 



Orion  C. 






Orlo  Judson. 



Millie  M. 






Milo  Montague. 

1 144 


Orvelia  E. 



Milton  Thompson. 









Otis  Collins. 

1 168 





Otto  B. 






Pamelia  (Mrs.). 



Minnie  Irene. 












Miranda  Amelia. 









Pamelia  Sheldon 



Morris  Edward. 



Paul  Dewey. 



Moses  Edward. 



Percy  Edgar. 



Munroe  L. 












Myron  Edward. 



Peter  D. 



Myrtie  S. 



Peter  S. 

1118     ] 





Phiann  Matilda. 



Narcissa  G.  S. 

438     ] 





Nellie  Anna. 

1 1 96     ] 





Nellie  Amelia.         ^'''' 
Nelson.                ^ 


^77  i 









Nelson  Horace. 



Pliny  Dewey. 



Nelson  John. 

569     ] 


Pliny  Dewey. 




548     ] 









I02ia  ] 


Norman  Lee. 

58     ] 





Olin  George. 

1171     ] 



441      ] 


Olive  Lucinda. 

65     1 





Olive  Perry. 

122     ] 



704     ] 


Olive  Shelly. 

300     ] 






343     J 



172     ] 



1 180     ] 



761      1 


Olivia  J. 






Olivia  Lucinda. 

778     ] 

















I02I        1 


Ralph  Henry. 






Ralph  William. 






Randolph  F. 










76      ] 



I  166 






449     1 


Rudolphus  Philander 



Relief  E. 










873     ' 


Renovia  M. 

631      ] 


Rufus  J. 

36     ] 



894     ] 


Russell  David. 

214     ] 



235     1 






1037     ] 





Rhoda  Dewey. 

914     J 



1 140     ] 



239     1 


Ruth  F. 

891     ] 


Richard  John. 

263     1 



484     ] 



882     1 












123     ] 



1191      ] 



134     ] 



1055     1 


Robert  Edwin. 

1141     1 





Robert  Hunt. 

1 126     ] 



1229     ] 


Robert  J. 

338     1 



1 134 


Robert  Lee. 

516     1 


Samuel  Dexter. 

481      ] 


Robert  M. 

522     ] 


Samuel  Elbridge. 

785     ^ 


Robert  Peach. 



Samuel  Shelly, 

968     ] 


Robert  Ryckman. 



Samuel  Shelly,  Jr. 

nil     ] 


Rodney  Olin. 

454     ' 



1040     1 


Rodney  Ray. 

1 1 76     1 



747     1 


Rodney  W. 

498     1 









115     1 



27     ] 



1234     1 



1211      1 



271      1 



99     1 



218     ] 



lOI        ] 



811      ] 


Rosadel  A. 

88     ] 



1232     ] 



124     ] 



823     1 


Ross  Leaiand. 

132     1 






138     , 

7 — 


























1 771 









185 1 










Susan  C. 



Sarah  A. 



Susan  F. 



Sarah  Ann. 






Sarah  Colson. 






Sarah  E. 






Sarah  EHzabeth. 






Sarah  Frances. 



Sylvanus  Newton. 



Sarah  J. 






Sarah  Lavinia. 






Sarah  Louise. 
























Seroverus  A. 





182 1 


1093      ] 


Thomas  Alexander. 



Sidney  R. 

353     1 


Thomas  Campbell. 




596     1 


Thomas  Chester. 




919     ] 


Thomas  Horace. 



Silas  Cornell. 

136     , 


Thomas  Thompson 



Silas  Dewey. 

553     ) 





Silas  G. 

556     1 


Truman  K. 




180     ] 






1 192     I 


Turner  S. 




1048     ] 




182 1 

Solon  Reynolds. 

2,27     ] 






137     I 






726     I 


Wallace  E. 




297     I 






801     I 


Walter  B. 




625     I 


Walter  H. 




855     I 


Walter  Parsons. 



Stanley  Paul. 

lOOI        I 


Walter  S. 




584     I 


Warren  Skinner. 



Stebbins  Denio. 

927     I 


Washington  Hunt, 














William  Henry. 






William  Henry. 



Wells  David. 



William  Henry  Har 



Wesley  J. 




Wilhelmina  Caroline. 



William  Holloway. 



Wilhelmina  von  Col- 



William  Holloway. 




William  Holloway. 






William         Knicker- 










William  Morgan. 






William  Palmer. 






William  Payne. 

1 122 





William  Perry. 




1 188 


William  Porter. 






William  S. 






William  S. 

1 123     ] 



1 136 


William  S. 

210     ] 





William  Seward. 

151      1 





William  Spooner 






William  Walter. 

645      1 





William  Wesley. 

1217     ] 





William  Wilberforce. 






William  Williams. 

313      1 






359     1 






479     1 


William  Albert. 



Willie  Tuthill. 

1230     I 


William  C. 




932     1 


William  De  Lancey. 



Wing  Kelley. 

1029     1 


William  E. 




963     I 


William  E. 




598     1 


William  Gedney. 



Winifred  L. 

573     I 


William  Gustavus. 




1202     I 


William  H. 




711     I 


William  H. 




792     I 


William  H. 




730     I 


William  H. 



Zenas  Orville. 

1253     1 


William  H. 



Zilpha  Alzina. 

341     I 


William  Harrison. 

1083  a 


Zilpha  Perry. 

455     I 


William  Harrison. 



Zoe  Alberta. 

486     I 


William  Henry. 





Abbe,  Richard,  31 
Abbott,  Tryphena,  267 
Abel,  John,  300 

Joshua,  291 
Abell,  Sarah,  37 
Ackhurst,  Mrs.  Laura  A.,  141 
Ackla,  Phoebe,  172 
Ackley,  Ida  V.,  239 
Adams,  159 

Asahel,  loi 

Azro  H.,  189 

Caroline,  295 

Eliphalet,  84 

Thomas,  264 

Thomas  B.,  295 
Adamson,  F.  W.,  251 
Agan,  Henrietta, 

V.  v.,  i6i,  234 

Benj.  Franklin,  234 
Aiken,  Andrew,  118 

Sarah,  118 
Ainsworth,  Mary  T.,  316 
Akhurst,  Harry,  221 

Laura,  A.,  141 
Albro,  Minerva,  319 

Wait,  319 
Aldrich,  Alice  R.,  229 

Charles  L.,  238 

Cheney,  114 

James  E.,  238 

Jennie  M.,  229 

Mary  M.,  238 

Nelly  H.,  229 

Sanford  K.,  148,  229 
."Mexander,  Sarah  W.,  127 
Allen,  313 

Charles  J.,  418,  201-4 

Charles  K.,  201 

Allen,  Edward,  159 

Ethan,  64,  200 

George  W.,  201 

Grace  E.,  201 

Ira,  64 

Philip  C,  201 

Rebecca,  94 

Zilpha,  82,  117 
Alleyn,  Timothy,  i^ 
Allis,  Andrew  S.,  186 

Egbert  H.,  247 

Elisha,  Jr.,  247 

Gertrude  M.,  247 

Wallace  S.,  247 
Allyn,  Deborah,  290 

John,  290 

Mary  Ann,  301-2 

Robert,  290 

Stephen  B.,  302 
Aimer,  Margaret,  275 

Robert,  275 
Alvah,  Mrs.  Hetty,  288 
.'\mes,  Gardner,  loi 
Amos,  Anna,  21-6-7 

Esther,  27 

Hannah,  26-7 

Hugh,  25 

John,  27 

Margaret,  27 

Mary,  26-7 

Samuel,  26-7 

Sarah,  27 

William,  27 
Anderson,  Fred'k  D.,  166 

Jane,  100-66 

Martha,  1 12-78-9 

Sarah  M.,  130,  206 

Thomas  A.,  206 

Anderson,  William,  178 
Andrews,  Abbie  L.,  263 

Alanson,  263 

Austin,  263 

Clifford  F.,  83 

Edith,  83 

Elizabeth,  239 

Emeline,  91,  139 

Isaac  F.,  83 

John  B.,  263 

Martha,  263 

Stephen,  139 

William,  ^J^ 
Angel,  Jennie,  275 
Angove,   Elizabeth,   133 
Anthony,  Hannah,  277 
Armstrong.  Mary,  209 
Arnold,  Abigail,  119 

Almon,  119 

Andrew,  120 

Charlotte,  120 

Clarenda,  119 

Eleazer,  119 

Francis,  84,  119,  120 

John,  31 

Phoebe,  120 

Rozette,  120 

Sprague,  47-8 

William,  264 
Ashley,  Abigail,  281-4 

Abner,  267 

David,  280 

Elizabeth,  284 

H.  Maria,  265-7 

Col.  John,  280 

Rev.  Jonathan,  48 

Mary,  285 
Auchmady,  Mary,  49 



Austin,   159 

Deborah,  147 
Lorenzo  D.,  229 
Mary  M.,  155,  229 
Sadie  J.,  196 
Susan,  133-86,  210 
Temperance,  89,  132 

Avers,  Herbert  M.,  149 

Avery,  Andrew,  296 

Ayres,  Jolin,  36 
Joseph,  Jr.,  37 

Babcock,  Nancy  B.,  106-73 

Isaiah,  173 
Backus,  158 

Sarah,  35 
Bacon,  Polly,  81 
Badcock,  David,  109 
Bagg,  Abigail,  284 
Bailey,  Calvin  P.,  238 

Carrie,  238 

Clara  M.,  115 

Ella,  115 

George  W.,  193 

Grace,  238 

R.  W.  238 

Richard  W.,  238 

Thomas,  41 

J.  Warren,  115 

William  A.,  231 

William  L.,  231 
Baker,  Charles  D.,  119 

Cynthia,  105-71 

Davis  A.,  260-1 

Emila,  261 

Enoch,  261 

George  W.,  119-23 

Louis  A..  261 

Marguerite  W..  119 

Mary,  261,  307 

Nathaniel.  312 

Oscar  A.,  261 
Baldwin,  Rev.  A.  II.,  17s 

Benjamin,  312 

E.  B.,  73 

Kate,  146 

Natalie  A.,  305 

Nathan  A.,  305 

Theodore  E.,  146 
BalkuiU,  S.  R.,  in 
Ball,  John,  107 

Sarah,  207 

Ball,  Windsor,  105 
Ballard,  Hattie  E.,  238 

Sindenia  A.,  184 
Baliou,  Rev.  Eli,  24S 

Tamar,  220 
tanker,  Maria,  271 
Bankey.  Minnie  A.,  166 
Barber,  Franklin,  313 

Harriet,   131 

Hiram,  313 

Moses,  126 

Oliver,  313 

Susannah,  126 

William,  313 
Barclay,  Martha  D.,  246 
Barden,  Abraham,  34 
Barker,  Robert,  19 

Thomas,  36 
Barnard,  Electa,  135 
Barnes,  Anna  M.  C„  228 

Clara,  258 
Barney,  Etta,  239 

Rufus,  322 

Silence,  322 
Barrows,  Isaac,  268 
Bartlett,  Sarah 
Bartley,  Governor,  221 
Barton,  F., 

Baswell,  Mrs.  Eliza  F.,  304 
Battey,   Donald   Ellerby,  234 

Jonathan,  234 

William  E.,  234 

William  J.,  234 
Baum,  Col.,  63 
Baxter,  Elihu  B.,  211 
Beach,  Deborah,  236 

Dwight,  268 

George  D.,  49 

Hubert  C,  49 

Miles,  236 
Beckman,  Heniy,  245 
Beebe.  Dr.  Abijah,  ?9,  215 

Byron  C,  131 

Frank  H.,  131 

Fred.  W.,  131 

Mary  A.,  131 

Mary  C,  138,  216 

W.  R.,  216 
Bell,  Charles  J.,  igi 

George  E.,  22S 

James  D.,  191 
Bellows,  Abigail,  30 

Bellows,  John,  30 
Beman,  Joseph,  313 

Lydia,  313 

Rosina,  P.,  194 
Benedict,  Amos,  262 

Catherine,  262 
Benham,  Virginia,  173 
Benton,  George,  140 

Mrs.   H.   Maria,  265-7 

Henry  M.,  18,  140 

Levi,  267 
Berry,  Alice,  200 

Mary,  200 

Beyerle,  Henry,  182 

Mary  E.,  117-82 
Bigelow,  Eliphaz,  266 

George  A.,  148 

Laura  H.,  265-6 

Lucinda  B.,  214 

Reuben,  214 
Billings,  John,  122 

Lucy,  299,300 

Mary,  131,  322 

Olive,  84,  122 

Samuel,  322 

Susanna,  283 
Bingham,  ,  323 

Hannah,  98,  156 

Joseph,  64 
Birdsall,  Sophia,  112 
Birge,  Anne  E.,  306 

Henry  G.,  306 

Henry  W.,  302-6 

Stephen  M.,  306 

William  B.,  306 
Bishop,  Mary,  59,  90 

Lieut.  Samuel,  16,  91 

Thomas,  290 
Bissell,  Daniel,  281 

Ida  P.,  261 

Thomas,  77 
Elackman.  Emily  C,  76 
Blackmer,  Priscilla,  272 
Blaine,  James  G.,  223 
Blair,  Charles  N.,  133 
Blaisdcll,  Jonathan  M.,  86 
Blake,  Charles,   142 

Mrs.  Jane   M.,   142 

Laura  M.,  250 
Blanchard.  .Amanda,  166 

Caroline,  166 



Blanchard,  Ellen  E.,  i66 

George  D.,  17,  100-65 

Henry  W.,  166 

Mary,  251 

Reuben,  165 

Rosina  D.,  166 

Rosina  E.,  166 
Blandford,  Eliza,  274 

S.  M.,  160 

Rev.  Samuel,  150-1 
Blenner,  Eliza,  245 
Bliss,  ,  158 

Abalinda,  102 

Emily,  102 

George  C,  102 

James,  73,  102 

Capt.  John,  59 

Mercy,  102 

Samuel,  100-2 
Blodgett,  Azuba,  47 

Caleb,  45 

Henry,  47 

James,  i5,  34,  45-6-7,  104 

Josiah,  34 

Joshua,  46-7 

Molly,  47 

N.  J.,  228 

Oliver,  47 

Porter,  47 

Ruth,  47 

Sally,  47,  189 

Salmon,  47 

Silas,  47 

Theoda,  47 
Blood,  David  S.,  257 

Idella,  231-57 
Boardman,  Charles,  148 

Franklin  S.,  14S 

George  P.,  148 

Gertrude,  148 

Henry  M,,  148 

Mary,  287 

Boggs, ,  144 

Bokannon,  Frances  P.,  246 
Bolton,  Robert,  Jr.,  108 
Bond,  Rev.  Alvan,  307 

Henry,  44 

Louisa  W.,  303-7 
Bonnet,  Elmer,  106 
Booth,  Joseph,  213 

Josh,  109 

Booth,  Susan,  136,  213 
Borden,  Carrie  E.,  233-58 

Charles  J.,  258 
Bordo,  Mary,  259 
Bottom,  Ann,  287,  311-2: 
Bottum,  Henry  F.,  114 
Boucher,  Louise 
Boutwell,  Secretary,  223 
Bowen,  Dennis,  218-19 

Edward  P.,  139,  218 


Ernest,  219 

Harry  W.,  219 

Jenny  H.,  219 

Jonathan,  218 

Lawrence,  219 

Mary  E.,  219 
Bowie,  John,  265-7 
Boyd,  Margaret,  191 
Boyer,  Hannah,  117-82 

Harriet  82,  116 

John,  116 

William,  1S2 
Boyle,  Edward  S.,  154 

Lizzie,  154 
Boys,  David,  32 
Bradford,  Bazabeel,  82 

Bezar  Lee.  48 

John  M.,  82 
Brady,  Hannah  M.,  78,  113 

John,  113 
Brain,  James,  276 
Braley,  Sarah.  214 
Branch.  Rufus.  321 

Serviah.  321 
Breese.  Allen,  264 
Brennan,  Matilda  A.,  145 
Brewer, ,  321 

Arthur  E.,  266 

David,  46 
Brewster,  Anna,  288,  312-17 

Araminta  D.,  321 

Daniel,  291 

Elias,  297 

Elijah,  321 

Horatio  S,,  321 


Oel,  321 

Ruth,  290 

Sarah  M.,  321 

Solon,  Y.,  321 

Sybil,  297-8-9 

Briggs,  George  C,  226 

Newton,  165 

Southwick  C,  226 

Brimall,  ,  101 

Brindle,  Adelbert  H.,  103 

Charlotte  E.,  103 

Mathias  W.,  103 

Perry  M.,  103 
Broad,  James,  178 
Brock,  Lydia  T.,  258 
Bronson,  Camille  R.  E.,  191 

Jane,  143,  226 

Julia,  232 

Lemuel  H.,  igt 
Brooke,  295 
Brooks,  Abigail,  214 
Bross,  Jennie 

Broughton, ,  146 

Brown, 124 

Anne  W.,  .303 

Charles  C,  187,  251 

Charles  R.,  229 

Dudley  W.,  229 

Dorothy,  303 

Elizabeth.  310-12 

Eugene  F.,  303 

Joseph,  312 
Brown,  John,  299 

John  R.,  303 

John  W.,  258 

Leonard  H.,  303 

Louisa,  312 

Lucius,  312 

Lucy  M.,  303 

Marjorie  W.,  258 

Mary,  312 

Mary  G.,  118 

Mary  H.,  303 

Mathew,  224 

Paul  T.,  233-58 

Rufus,  312 

Sarah,  78,  113 

William  S.,  303 
Brownell.  Caroline,  221 

Clarissa,  221 

Eliza  A.,  221 

Harriet  P.,  212 

Harrison,  220 

Laura  A.,  221 
Brownson,  Capt.  Gideon,  62 
Bruce,  Delia  M..  155,  230 
Brush,  Adela,  278 



Brush,  Eba,  90 

Elijah,  278 

Elkhannah,  89,  90,  278 

Eliphalet,  89 

George,  278 

Harriet,  278 

Isabel,  SI.  89 

Mary  L.,  278 

Col.  Nathaniel,  278 

Reuben,  278 

Reuben  W.,  278 

Ruth,  51,  89,  90 

Sabina,  278 

Semanthe,  278 

William  A.,  278 
Bruster,  Ruth,  290 
Bryant,  ,  124 

Fanny,  206 
Buck,  Betsey,  92,  283 
Buckingham  P.,  224 
Buel,  Gracie  A.,  49 

Harvey  E.,  49 
Buffum,  Wilder  S.,  218 
Buker,  Deborah,  321 

Persis,  19s 
Buckley,  ,  93 

Charles,   149 

Edwin  A.,  149 

Edwin  M.,  149 

Edwin  W.,  149 

Erastus,  94,  149 

Frederick  C,  150 

Henry  D.,  150 

Mary  V.,  150 

Reginald  W.,  150 

Theodore  A.,  149 
Bull,  Lucretia,  133 

William  G.,  158 
Bullard,  Charles,  323 

Henry,  323 

Levi  S.,  323 

Martin  323 

Nelson,  323 

Samuel,  ,323 

Samuel  M.,  323 
Bunce,  158 
Burbank,  Aaron,  167 

Abia,  148 
Burditch,  Albert  S.,  102 
Burgess,  ,  313 

Benjamin,  125 

Eliza  A.,  155,  230 

Burgess,  Mercy,  86,  125 

Nairn,  230 
Burnett,  ,  97 

John,  109 
Burnham,  Ada  M.,  128 

Adelia  W.,  128 

Chester  W.,  128 

Edward,  127 


Edwin  S.,  128 

Fanny,  i85 

George  H.,  128 

Hattic  J.,  186,  249 

Henry,  317 

Henry  W.,  127-8 

Jacob,  317 

John,  63 

Orson,  317 

Pliny  D..  317 

Riley  17,  86,  127 

Samuel,  127 

Sarah  A.,  128 

Sylvia,   317 
Burroughs,  David,  75 
Burrows,  Jerusha  A.,  219 
Burt,  Nathaniel,  295 
Bush,  Daniel  W.,  207-54 

Daniel  T.,  254 

Esther  D.,  255 

Fanny,  255 

John  F.,  254 

Mary  E.,  254 

Mary  S.,  255 

Walter  W.,  254 
Bushnell,  Nancy  M.,  49 
Butler,  Abigail,  91,  264 

Ann,  288,  316 

Ann  F.,  316 

Augusta,  316 

Augusta  M.,  316 

Benjamin  F.,  223-64,  316 

Carrie  A.,  186,  248 

Catharine  E.,  316 

Charles,  316 

Charles  B.,  216 

Charles  W.,  139,  216 

Eldad,  316 

Eldad  S.,  316 

Elizabeth  M.,  316 

Eveline  C,  316 

Frederick  W.,  216 

George  S.,  316 

Butler,  George  W.,  216 

Henry,  316 

Henry  F.,  316 

Hiram,  216 

James  M.,  316 

John  N.,  316 

Joseph  S.,  316 

Judah  A.,  316 

Juliet,  317 

Junia    A..  316 

Mary,  316 

Mary  J.,  316 

Mary  T.,  316 

Orvil,  316 

Samuel,  264 

Sarah,  316 

Sidney  A.,  316 

Silas,  316 

Silas  Y.,  316 

Sophia,  316 

Titus  S.,  316 
Button,  Bial,  43 

Hannah,  43 

Mathias,  43 

Miriam,  43 

Zebulon,  30.  41-3 

Zipporah,  43 
Bybee,  Cara  A.,  150 

Cable,  Susan,  117-82 
Cady,  Albert  A.,  313 

Albina,  313 

Alpheus,  313 

Almeron,  313 

Amasa,  313 

Anna.  124,  312 

Aurora,  313 

Calvin,  313 

Charles,  313 

Cornelius,  312 

Cyrus,  313 

Cyrus  A.,  313 

Darius,  313 

David,  313 

Elizabeth,  313 

Erastus,  313 

Frances,  313 

Hannah,  312 

Heman,  313 

Hiram,  313 

Jacob  S.,  313 

Ensign  Jonas,  91 



Cady,  Jose,  313 

Louisa,  313 

Lucy,  312-13 

Mary,  312 

Olive,  313 

Persis,  313 

Ruel,  313 

Rufus,  313 

Rosina,  3 10- 11 

Sarah  M.,  313 

Sullivan,  313 

Sybil,  313 

Walter,  312 
Cake,  Col.  H.  L..  116 
Calder,  Mary,  181 
Caldwell,  J.  F.,  176 
Calkins,  Charles  A.,  164 

Ruth,  164 

Samuel,  164 

Susan,  164 

Wesley  W.,  164 

William  S.,  164 
Camp,  Stephen,  57 
Campbell,  John,  264 

S.  B.,  86,  128 
Canright,  Alice  P.,  255 

Amy  M.,  255 

Charles  E.,  25s 

Delia  H.,  25s 

Francis  F.,  255 

Harry,  255 

John  E.,  208-55 

Lottie  M.,  255 

Orlo  S.,  25s 

Solomon,  255 

Winnette  L,  255 
Carey,  Albert, 

Cornelia  L.,  147 

J.  S.,  172 

Stephen  W.,  147 
Carley,  Alpheus,  248 

Augusta,  248 

Elsie  A.,  186,  248 
Carpenter,  Austin,  120 

Betsey,  167 

Comfort,  186 

Maria,  120-86 

Nathan,  47 
Carr,  Henry  J.,  113 
Carter,  Anne  E.,  161,  235 

Byron  B.,  193 

Doris  E.,  193 

Carter,  Fanny,  193 

William  T.,  235 
Cassell,  Ellen  F.,  171,  246 

Hiram,  246 
Caswell,  Mary,  312 
Castle,  Elijah,  236 

Grace,  236 

John  B.,  236 

Louise  R.,  161,  236 

Miles  B.,  236 
Caulkins,  98 

Frances  M.,  21-9 

Miss  ,  21 

Chadwick,  Benj.  F.,  101-68 

Edmund,  168 

Helen,  M.,  197 
Chaffee,  Amanda,  265 
Challenge,  Christian,  35 
Chamberlain,  124 

Asahel,  loi 

Polly,  73,  loi 

Rosamond,  73,  100 

Warren,  167 
Chandler,  Lydia  C,  249 
Chapin,  Abigail,  93 

Adolphus,  93 

Alpheus,  93 

Daniel,  93 

Ebenezer,  93 

Elizabeth,  93 

Gad,  60,  93 

Gustavus,  93 

Henry,  93 

Hiram,  93 

Hoyt,  194 

James,  93 

Joseph,  93 

Laura  A.,  194 

Lorenzo,  93 

Louise,  145 

Samuel,  93 

Sarah,  93 
Chaplin,  Mary  H..  148 
Chapman,  Charles  R.,  212 

Robert  H.,  212 

Susan  L.,  270 
Charboneau,  Charles  E.,  131 

John,  131 

John  F.,  131 
Charlton,  Elizabeth,  302 
Chase.  Cynthia,  117-83 

Elmore,  183 

Chase,  Helen  M.,  143,  225-6 

Ithamar,  226 

Capt.  Jonathan,  74 

Salmon  P.,  226 

Sarah  J. 

Chauncey, ,  158 

Cheney, ,  313 

Cherry,  Mrs.  Ellen  C,  125-99 
Chester,  Alfred,  158-9 

Caroline,  157 

Jane,  158 

Louisa,  159 

Thomas,  271 

Yuba  K.,  271 
Chipman,  James  C.  W.,  83 

Norman,  159 
Chittenden,  Hannah,  287 

Noah,  287 

Susanna,  287 
Christie,  Kate,  145 
Church,  Eunice  W.,  186,  248 

Melvin,  248 

William,  209 
Churchill.  Mary  C,  302-5 
Clark,  Eleanor,  267 

Hannah,  320 

Huldah,  242 

Col.  Isaac,  66 

Joel,  290 

Margaret.  319 

Margaret  S., 

Robert,  109 

Samuel.  290 

Sarah  R.,  251 
Clarke,  Mrs.  Frances,  279 

George  H.,  258 

Joseph,  279 

Katharine  P.,  233-58 

Kearney.  89 

Simon,  89 
Clements.  Flora,  118 
Cleveland.  Aba.  204 

Aba  Adelia,  202 

Aba  M. 


Cynthia  M,  49 

Elihu,  49 

Elisha,  204 

Elizabeth  W.,  201 

Emily,  49 

Ezra.  34,  49 

George  W.,  128,  201-4 



Cleveland,  Hannah,  204 

Horatio  N.,  49 

John  C, 49 

John  D.,  201-4 


Porter,  49 

Theodia,  49 
Coburn,  Alva,  104-70 

Alva  O.,  170 

Esther,  121-88 

Harvey,  W.,  170 

Henry  W.,  170 

Horace  W.,  170 

Isaac  S.,  170 

Orlando  W.,  170 

Orpheus,  104 

Solomon,  188 

Vienna  A.,  170 
Cobb,  Rev. ,  33 

Nancy,  185 
Cochrane,  Rev.  John,  112 
Cody,  Addie,  171 
Coe,  Sarah,  136,  212 
Cogswell,  Alice  W.,  303 

Amy  L.,  303 

Charles  P.,  303 
Coit,  Daniel  Lothrop,  21 

Joseph,  157 
Colburn,  Daniel,  33 
Colby,  Amanda,  265 
Cole,   Alvin,  266 

Alvin  P.,  266 
Coleman,  Wm.  T.,  232 
Collamer,  Harriet  M.,  109 
Collins,  Benjamin,  34 

Lyle,  245 

Caroline  M.,  88,  130 

Priscilla,  321 

Ralph,  245 

Robert,  245 

Ruth,  142 
Colson,  Augustus,  139 

Rev.  Carl  W.,  1.39 

Wilhelmina  C.  L.,  89.  138 
Colton,  Rev.  Eli,  31-3 

Conant,  Rev.  Shubael,  33 

Conly,  Elizabeth,  172 

Henrietta,   172 

John,  105 

John  A.,  172 

Mary  C,  172 

Conant,  Mary  J.,  105-72 

Nancy,  172 

William,  172 
Conrey,  Martha  A.,  170,  246 
Constable  T.,  204 
Converse,  Benjamin,  79 

Caroline  W.,  114 


Mrs.  Eleanor,  79 

Hannah,  79 

Helen,  114 

Israel,  45,  79 

Joseph,  48 

Josiah,  32-3,  79 

Melville  S.,  114 

Mrs.  Sarah,  79 

Sherman,  45,  79,  114,  300 

Standish  S.,  114 

William  W.,   114 
Cook,  Hannah,  147 

Mehitabel,  114 

Samuel,  73 
Cooke,  Martha  D.,  114 
Cookson,  Anne,  211 
Cool,  Alvin  F.,  317 

Harriet  A..  317 

Hiram  M.,  317 

Joseph  B.,  317 

Keyes  P.,  317 

Lovisa  K.,  317 

Sarah  A.,  317 
Cooling,  Emma,  199 
Cooper,  Abigail,  128 

Charles  S.,  221 

Clarissa  C,  141 

Daisy  B.,  221 

Eugene  S.,  221 

Hannah,  213 

Harry  M.,  221 

Harvey,  221 

John  29s 

Laura  A.,  221 

Otis  A.,  221 

Thomas,  128 
Corbett,  Augustus,  iii 

Henry,  III 

Thomas,  iii 

Thomas  A.,  in 

William,  iii 
Cordo.  Rev.  H.  A.,  182 
Cornell,  Albert  D.,  195 

Alice,  144 

Cornell,  Benjamin,  106 

Charlotte,  195 

Henry  M.,  195 

John,  195 

Marian,  195 

Mary  H.,  106 

Sarah  A.,  228 

Silas,  228 

Stephen,  125-95 

William  H.,  195 
Cotes,  Augustus  B.,  145 

Mary  Louise,  145 
Cotton,  Eli,  46 
Couring,  Daniel,  24 
Covifan,  Margaret,  169 
Coye,  Samuel,  32 
Craig,  ,  129,  289 

Dorothy,  171 
Cramer,  William  E.,  159 
Crandall,  Abijah,  49 

Florence  R.,  229 

Grace  E.,  229 

Hannah,  49 

Harvey  A.,  229 

William  S.,  229 
Crane,  Charles  T.,  118 

Elizabeth,  118 

John,  118 
Crary,  Cynthia,  300-1 

Elisha,  301 

Eunice,  301 

Huldah,  301 

John,  301 

John,  301 

Lois,  301 

Robert,  301 

Sarah,  301 
Crawford,  Caroline,  231 
Creed,  Mary,  236 
Crocker,  Alfred,  200 

Allen,  200 

Amy,  126,  200 

Charles,  200 

Eliza,  200 

Henry  C,  186 

Lois,  200 

Martha.  200 

Mary,  126,  200 

Nancy  M.,  187 

Orion,  17,  200 

Theophilus,  200 

William,  200 



Cross,  Anne,  77 

Asa,  76 

George,  yy 

John,  77 

Nathaniel,  43,  76 

Peter,  77 

Samuel,  77 

Will,  77 


Zebulon,  76 
Crossett,  Robeit,  314 
Crouch,  Thomas,  ,-,3 
Cummins,  Elizabeth,  228 
Cunningham,  George. 

James,   ri2 

William  O.,  159 
Curtis,  Abigail,  168 
Cushman,  Charlotte,  113 

Frank  E.,  259 

Nathaniel,  91,  113 

Nellie  C,  246-59 

Daggett,  John,  203 
Daland,  Elizabeth  A  ,  119 
Damon,  George  S., 

Mahalah  M.,  106-73 
Dana,  Eleazer,  98 

Susan  H.,  72,  98 
Danforth,  G.  F.,  206 
Daniels,  Ella  C,  227 

Emily,  89,  134 

Kate,  227 

Lucy,  227 

Mary  C,  227 

Samuel,  134,  227 

Willard  J.,  144,  227 

Willard  W.,  228 
Darrow,  George  W.,  99,  163 

Henry  W.,   163 

Pliny,  163 
Davenport,  Joseph,  262 

Sophia  C,  262 
Davis, ,  91,  269 

Benjamin,  59 

Carlos   P.,    102 

Caroline,  221 

Darius,  102 

Dudley,  102 

Mary,  224 

Sally  H.,  187 

Sophia,  316 

William,  264 

Davisson,  Eliza  J.,  162 
Dawson,  George  S., 

Day, ,  108 

Horace,  159 

De  May, ,  117 

De  Wolf.  Ephraim,   173 

Sarah,  103 
Dean,  Rev.,  32 
Dedrick,  Dettie,  170,  244 
Deem,  Abigail,  128 
Delancey,  Bishop  W.  H.,  227 
Deniarest,  Maria  C,  227 
Deming,  James,  93 
Mary,  61,  93 
Mary  B.,  150 
Olive,  93 
Denio,  Aaron,  94 
Betsey,  61,  94 
Seth,  94 
Dennis,  Alexander,  196 
Martha  C.  196 
Susan,   196 
Depote,  Josephine,  166 
Devore,  Asa,  103 
Edgar  A.,  103 
Henry  W.,  103 
Perry,   103 
Dewar,  Charles  A.,  123-95 

Daniel,   195 
Dewey,  Aaron,  284-5 
Abigail,  280-1-3-4-5 
Abijah,  286 
Abner,  282-4 
Adijah,  283 
Amos,  286 
Ann,  283 
Anna,  279-84 
Asaph,  284-6 
Ashbel,  285-6 
Azariah,  284 
Bashua,  284 
Benadiah,  285 
Benjamin,  2.S5 
Bethiah,  283-4 
Betsey,  283 
Betty,  129 
Beulah,  285 
Catharine  C,  317 
Charles,  284-6 
Clara,  60,  92,  283 
Cloe,  286 
Commodore,  286 

Dewey,  Constant,  284 

Daniel,  281-4 

David,  284-6 

Deliverance,  281 

Diadama,  284 

Ebenezer,  280 

Eldad,  130,  283 

Eleanor,  285 

Eli,  2S4 

Elias,  285 

Elijah,  62-3-5,  70,  82-8 

Eliza,  282-3 

Elizabeth,  279-80-1-4-5 

Enoch,  285 

Esther,  88,  130,  283-5 

Eunice,  285 

Experience,  280-4 

Ezekiel,  285 

Fanny,  283 

Gad,  285 

Gideon,  285 

Grace,  285 

Hannah,  279-81-2-4 

Hester,  283 

Hugo,  285 

Isaac,  278-84 

Israel,  279-80-4-5-6 
James,  279-80-1-4 
Jedediah,  52-4,  92,  279-8 

2-6,  317 
Joanna,  285 
John,  285 
Jonathan,  281 
Joseph,  280-1-4-5 
Joseph  P.,  317 
Josiah,  279-80-4-5 
Julia,  283 
Julius  Y.,  286 
Justin,   285 
Keziah,  284-5 
Loan,  283 
Lovina,    317 
Lucretia,  28- 
Lucy,  282-3 
Lydia,  284-5 
Mabel,  286 
Margaret.  281,  2,  3 
Martin,  282-5 
Mary,  281-2-3-4-5 
Medad,  285 
Mindwell,  282 
Miriam,  286 



Dewey,  Moses.  283-5 

Nathaniel,  280-4 

Noah,  284 

Noble,  28s 

Numan,  285 

Paul,  28s 

Phina  A.,  317 

Phiannu.  283 

Pliny,  283,  317 

Rebecca,  281 

Rhoda,  91,  281-5 

Roger,  284 

Russell,  285 

Ruth,  283-6 

Samuel,  279-81-6 

Sarah.  278-80-1-2-3-4-5 

Silas,  285 

Solomon,  285 

Stephen,  278-83-4-5 

Tabitha,  283 

Temperance,  123 

Terniiah,  281 

Thaddeus,  286 

Thankful,  284 

Thomas,  279-81-3-4-5-6 

Timothy,  286 

Dewitt, ,  299 

Dickinson,  Benj.  F.,  89 

Relief,  51,  89 

Doberin, ,  292 

Dodge, ,  192 

Dolby,   Sarah   B.,   145 
Dorr,  Rev.  Benj.,  236-95 

Daniel,  237 

Louie  K.,  162,  237 

Mary  W.,  236-95 
Downer, ,  301 

Edmund,  36 
Downing,  David,  31 
Downs,  Abigail,  322 

Alvira,  322 

Candace,  322 

Charles,  322 

Daniel,  322 

Electa,  322 

Elisha,  322 

Emeline,  322 

Harriet,  322 

Helen,  322 

Jesse,  322 

Leonard,  322 

Levi,  322 

Downs,  Lorenzo,  322 

Martin,  322 

Mary,  322 

Norman,  322 

Sylvania,  322 

Thomas  H.,  322 

William  H.,  322 
Dougall,  Agnes  R.,  177 
Drake,  Abigail,  279-80-4 

Dolly,  165,  240 

Job,  280 

John     R.,  239-40 

Mary,  P.,  165,  239 
Drew,  Alice  M.,  239 

Alma  E.,  239 

Frances  L.,  239 

Francis  G.,  18,  165,  239 

Lyman  B.,  239 

Loyal  M.,  239 

Mabel,  239 

Mary  C,  239-40 

Orin  F.,  239 

Samuel,  239 

Solon  G.,  239 

Susan  C.,  239 
Driske,  Mabel,  190,  252 
Duane,  James,  78 
Dudley,  Lewis,  72 
Dunham,  Lois,  322 

Obadiah,  322 
Dunn.  Ellen  M..  83.  119 
Durkee,  John,  36 

Mary  29,  36 
Duryea,  Rev.  J.  T.,  257 
Dutton,  Abbie  C.,  194 

Althea  L.,  194 

Amasa,   194 

Arthur  H.,  166 

David  H.,  123-93 

Ella,  188,  250 

Elsie  H.,  166 

George,  166 

Gladys,  166 

Henry  W.,  194 

Julia  C.,  166 

Laura  A.,  194 

Noah,  166 

Sandford,  250 

William   H.,   166 
Dwight,  Elisha.  34 


Josiah,  34 

Dwight,  Simeon,  34 
Dyer,  Jennie  P.,  113 

Eastman,  159 

Geo.  B., 

Milo,  199 

Tilton,  122 
Eaton,  Ensign  Aaron,  91 

Jane,  172 
Eckard,  Catharine,  295 

William,  295 
Edgerton,  Hannah,  157 

Lieut.,  63 

Uriah,  286-9 
Edson,  Eliab,  84 

Simeon,  84 

Susan,  229 

Ensign  Timothy,  84 
Edwards,  Mary  S.,  204 
Elderkin,  James,  28 
Elfe,  Elizabeth,  20 
Elkins,  Hiram,  102 
Ellerby,  John,  156,  233 
Ellis,  Almira  H.,  204 
Endicott,  Governor,  19 
Epley,  J.,  172 
Erwin,  Albert  E.,  209 

Annabel  A.,  209 

Cecilia,  209 

Charlotte  W.,  209 

Cora,  209 

Eliza,  209 

Franklin,  133,  209 

Harriet  J.,  2og 

John,  209 

Lucia,  209 

Mary,  209 

Orlo,  209 

Temperance,  209 
Esty,  Cora  E.,  238 
Evelyn,  Eveline,  105-71 

Moses,  171 
Everett,  Charles, 

Charlotte,  112 

Hannah,  112 

John,  78,  107-8-9-12 

Mary,  77,  107 


Robert  J.,  112 
Every,  Catharine,  77,  no 

Hannah,  no 

John,  no 



Fairfield, ,  313 

Fanning,  Rose,  263 
Farley,  Elmina  J.,  144 
Farmer,  Emerson,  199 

Henry  E.,  125-99 
John  E.,  199 

Lillian  J.,  199 

Marion  E.,  199 
Farnham,  Mary,  257 
Farnsworth,  Capt.,  87 

Nancy,  155 
Farr,  Lilla  E.,  192.  253 

Oliver  W.,  253 
Farrington,  Edward,  190 

Frances  A.,  121-90 

L.  A.,  250 
Fasolt,  Harriet  E.,  116-80 

Peter,  180 
Fassett,  Adeline,  289 

Alvin,  288.  316 

Alvin  F.,  288 

Amos,  288,  316 

Anna  M.,  288 

Benjamin,  71,  129,  283-8 

Benjamin  S.,  289 

Betsey,  289 

Catharine  E.,  289 

Charles  H„  289 

Chauncey  L.,  288 

David,  286-8 

Duty  S.,  287 

Elias,  go,  287 

Elisha  H.,  287 

Emeline,  287 

Frances  A.,  289 

Frances  E.,  288 

Frances  L.,  288 

Gardner  S.,  288,  316 

Hannah,  87,  288-9 

Henry,  90,  287-8-9 

James  M.,  288,  316 

John,  70,  90,  286-7,  316-15 

John  B..  288,  316 

John  L.,  287 

John  S.,  289 

John  v.,  289 

Jonathan,  286-8,  318 

Joseph,  287 

Juliet  K.,  288,  316 

Loan,  88,  129,  289 

Lorraine,  287 

Mary,  288-9 

Fassett,  Nathan,  87,  288 
Persis,  287 
Phoebe,  287 
Rhoda,  129,  289 
Ruth,  129,  288-9 
Sarah,  90,  286-7-9 
Susannah,  ?88 
Truman,  287 
Faulkes,  Eliza,  274 

Robert,  274 
Faxon,  Calvin,  135 

Elizabeth  B.,  89,  135 
E.  N.,  72 
Fay,  Benjamin,  288 
Benjamin  F.,  289 
Henry,  314 
Hiram,  314 
John,  289.  314 
Jonas,  286.  314 
Joseph,  63-6,  283 
Lydia,  286 
Margaret,  289 
Mary,  314-19 
Nathan,  314 
Safford,  314 
Samuel,  288-9 
Sarah,  282-6 
Stephen,  283-6,  314 
Truman,  314 
Fellowes,  Caroline  W.,  305 

Cornelius,  305 
Fenton,  William,  34 
Fiedler,  Christian,  293-4 

Elizabeth,  293-4 
Field,  Pedajah,  62 
Filkins,  Sarah,  41 
Fillmore,  Willard,  226 
Finney,  Cynthia,  300 
Fish,  Arnold  B.    193 
Electa  A.,  193 
Elton  W.,  193 
Ernest  E.,  193 
Ferda  P.,  193 
Galen  B..  I93 
Fisk,  313 

Addie,  266 
Aimer,  87 
Anna,  87 
Asa,  87,  288 
Burrill,  87 
Ira,  87 
Jacob,  87 

Fisk,  Jonathan,  51,  87 

Lucy  M.,  120-86 
Fitch,  Abijah,  35,  49 
Benjamin,  49 
Churchill,  306 
Dabney  C,  305 
David  G.,  302 
Edwin,  301-2 
Edwin  R.,  306 
Hannah,  49 
Harriet  W.,  296,  302 
Isabella  E.,  302-6 
James,  305 
James  B.,  302-6 
James  E.,  30S 
James  M.,  301-5 
Jerusha,  49 
John,  49,  50 
Lucy,  306 

Lucy  B.,  306 

Maria  L.,  302-5 

Mary,  305 

Mary  C,  306 

Minerva  J.,  306 

Rufus,  302-5  -'" 

Stephen  E.,  302 
Fleming,  George  H.  E.,  198 

Georgia  E.,  198 
Flick,  Carl  W.,  196 
Flight.  Isabel  J.,  268 

Samuel  J.,  18.  268 
Flint,  Lilla,  193 
Fobes.  Abigail,  40-1,  .'90 

Bethiah,  40,  290 

Caleb,  26,  30,  40- i,  289-gj 

Edward,  290 

Elijah,  41 

Elizabeth,  290 

Evanette,  320 

Harriet  E.,  320 

John,  289 

Joshua,  40,  290  - 

Lemuel,  40-1 

Lydia,  290 

Mary,  290 

Sarah,  30,  40-1,  290 

Simon,  40,  290 

Walter,  41 

William,  40 

Zebina  E.,  320 
Follett,  Alfred,  287 

Anna,  287 



Follett,  Charles.  287.  318 

Elias,  287 

Eliphalet.  287.  318 

Elizabeth,  287 

Fidelia,  287 

Fisk,  287 

Hannah,  287 

Harriet,  287 

Henry,  287 

James  287 

John,  287 

Keziah,  287 

Lucy,  287 

Martin,  287 

Martin  D.,  287 

Persis,  287 

Samuel  R.,  318 

Sarah,  287 

Sophronia,  287 

Truman.  287 
Foltz,  Caroline,  181,  247 
Foote,  Elizabeth,  197 

Hattie  E.,  197 

Mark  H.,  133 

Merritt,  197 
Ford.  Asa  R., 

Erne,  43 

John,  30,  41-3 

Judith,  43 

Lucy,  43 

Lydia,  43 

Mary,  43 

Phineas,  43 
Fosket,  Danforth,  79 

Howard.  79 
Foster.  Edward.  33,  160 

J.  Nathan. 

Joseph  B..  102 

Josiah,  100 

Lizzie  D..  250-j 

Sarah.  197 
Fowler,  George  J..  174 

Polly,  192 

Sarah,  40.   75 
Fox,  Nably.  ,305 
Francis  Philena.  80 
Francisco,  Elizabeth,  269 

Henry,  269 

Mary  J.,  269-70 
Freeman.  Edmund,  126 

Elizabeth,  126 

.Mary,  126 

French,  Azel,  60 

Charles   F.,   170 

Ebenezcr.  60 

Eunice.  60 

Jabez.  60 

Lucy,  60 

Lydia,  60 

Ozias.  60 

Samuel.  37,  60 

Susa,  60 
Frisbie.   Nancy.   102 
Frost,  Eliza,  141.  220 

Jonathan,  220 

William,  108 
Frye,  Sarah,  175 
Fuller,  Apollos,  316 

Apollos  S.,  316 

Gamaliel,  315 

Hiram  G..  316 

Luther,  316 

Fullington,  Birney  S.,  18.  197 

Bradbury.  125-97 

Eugenia  M..  197 

Ephraim.  197 

George.  134 

Harrington  C.  197 

Mary  L..  ig8 

Max.   197 

Roy.  197 

Sarah  E.,  198 
Fulton,  Minerva  A.,  165.  238 

Robert,  215 

Gaber  or  Geber,  293 
Gadcomb.  Sanford.  87 
Gage,  Harriet,  125-98 

Resolva,  322 
Gager,  Bethiah.  291 

Elizabeth,  290 

Hannah,  291 

John,  289-91 

Lydia,  291 

Mary,  291 

Samuel,  291-g 

Sarah,  289-90 

William.  290-1 
Gale.  Catharine,  276 

Eliza  B.,  102 

Gallup, ,  125 

Galusha,  ,  156 

Jonas,  157 

Gardner,  Absolom,  45 
Gaston,  John  W.,  150 

Julia,  94,  150 
Gates,  Abigail,  40-1,  290 

Caleb.  290 
Geer,  Hannah,  265 
Gellenbeck,  George  F.,  264 
George,  Barilla,  168 


Labrilla,  101-68 
Gibbs,  Alvira,  211 

Betsey.  68.  147 

Edwin,   147 

Gustavus,  147 

Henry,  147 

Lucius,   147 

Lucius  H.,  93,  147 

Randall,  147 

Robert,  273 
Gibson,  Mary  A.,  93,  149 
Gilchrist,  Elizabeth  J..  191 
Gilkerson,  Etta,  250 

John,  250 
Gillett,  Azro,  82 

Ebenezer,  82 

Israel.  82 

John.  82 

Lavinia.  48,  82 

Nathan,  77 
Gilman.  Albert  W.,  241 

Carrie  L.,  241 

Charlotte  C,  241 

Grace  R.,  241 

Hiram  A.,  165,  240 

Hiram  F.,  241 

Jennie  L.,  241 

Samuel,  241 

Glines, ,  119 

Glover,  Deborah   R..  121-S9 

Hannah,  280 

Jesse,  189 

Frances,   137 
Glysson,  Harriet  M.,  186 

Rufus,  120-86 

GofF, .  141 

Goodale,  E.  Minerva.  180 

Rev.  .Stephen,  192 
Goss,  Fanny,  122-93 

Siba.  193 
Gottschall,  Catharine  M., 

Conrad,  180 



Gould,  Caroline,  79,  113 

William,  113 
Gove,  Arthur  B.,  83 
Gowen,  Peter,  270 
Grant,  Samuel,  77 
Graves.  Ella  L.,  167 

Isaac  M.,  167 
Gray,  Lydia  A.,  83,  119 

Cyrus  W.,  31 
Greeley,  Horace,  223 
Green,  Benjamin, 
Charles  F.,  198 
Charlotte,  288 
D.  W.,  198 
Joseph,  288 
Mary,  97 
Mary  A.,  288 
Matilda,  136,  213 
Nellie  A.,  115 
Solomon,  288 
Greene,  Bessie,  175 
Howard,  175 
Jacob  L.,  17s 
Nellie  A.,  115 
Octavia  L.,  175 
Polly,  97 
Samuel  T.,  175 
Sarah  H.,  175 
Wilhelmina  W.,  I7S 
Greenley,  Charles  C,  99.  163 

Lucy  W.,  163 
Gregg.  Mary,  229 
Gregory,  Aaron,  107 

Susannah,  216 
Grier,  Rev.  John,  175 

Grinnell, ,  236 

F.  A.  H., 
Morton,  305 
Moses,  236 
Griswold,  Frederick,  48 

John,  305 
Groesbeck,  W.  C,  96 
Gross,  Alexander  P.,  136 
Ella  W.,  136 
Pecks,  136 
Grover,  Lois  D.,  319 

Thaddeus,  319 
Grow,  Ann,  89 
Guild,  Mrs.  Eunice,  59 
Gulick,  Peter  J.,  163 
Thomas  L.,  99,  163 

Gunn.  Asahel.   187 

Julia  A.,  187 

Moses,  Jr.,  88 

Rhoda,  51,  88 
Guyer,  Alfred,  115 

.\rthur,  115 

Blanche,  iis 

Earl,  115 

Elvira,  116 

Harriet,  115 

Hattie,  115 

Hezekiah,  81,  115 

Josephine,  115 

Lottie,  us 

Martha,  115 

Maud,  115 

Warren  B.,  115 

Haight,  Hannah,  270 

Moses.  270 
Haldeman,  Abraham.  182 

Emma,  117-82 
Hale,  Nellie  D.,  250 

Sophia.  80.  115 
Hall.  158 

Eliza.  238 

Hamill.  Charles.  162 

Charles  D..  99.  162 

Charles  H., 

Fanny,  162 

Fanny  D., 

Frank  T.,  162 

Henry  W..  162 

Paul.  162 

Robert  C.  162 

Robert  W.,  162 
Hamilton.  Dyer,   180 
Hammond.  Deborah,  266 

Ebenezer,  38 

Eleazer,  29.  34 
Hanks.  Arthur  T.,  150 
Hardy.  Abbie,  262 

Audubon,  L.,  248 

E.  Jane.  114 

N.  D.,  262 
Harmon,   282.   323 

Daniel,  136 

Lucretia,  136 

Rhoda,  157 

Roger,  20 
Harriman,  Ada  M..  190.  252 

Harriman,  F.  A.,  252 
Harrington,  Hannah.  lOi-f.g 
Harris.  Almira,   173 
Dr.   104 
S.  F..  314 
Harrison,  Wm.  H.,  221 
Hartshorn,  Daniel,  25 
Darius  W.,  211 
James  B.,  211 
Jennie.  211 
John  R.,  211 
Leighton  T.,  211 
Paul  J.,  211 
W.  T.,   134,  211 
W.  A.  T..  211 
Harvey,  Ebenezer.  62 
G.  F..  234 
Henry  G..  18.  103 
Lorenzo  D.,  103 
Norman,  68,   147 
Sarah  J.,  188,  251 
Thomas,  251 
Harwood.  Adeline  M.,  285 
Benjamin,  285,  319 
Diadema  D.,  285 
Hiram,  285 
Hiram  H..  285 
Lydia,  285 
Peter,  319 
Sarah,  319 
Hasbrouck,  Charles.  159 

Hascall. ,  142 

HascoU,  Daniel.  35,  309 
Elijah,  3S.  309 
Gideon,  35,  309 
Roger,  35,  309 
Ziphorah.  35.  309 
Haskell.  Benjamin,  35 
Edward,  239 
Frank,  239 
Frederick,  239 
Hannah,  35 
John,  35 
John  R., 
Mary,  35 
Pansy,  239 
Roger,  35 
Sarah,  35 
Haswell,  Anthony,  320 
William,  320 

Hatch, ,  124 

Almira,  169 



Hatch,  Gonsalvo  do  C,  191 

Hiram,  i6g 
Hathaway.  Abraham,  147 

Abram,  147 

Alpheus,  147 


Betsey,  147 

CaroUne  M.,  315 

Charles,  315 

Clara,  316 

Deborah,  147 

Eliza,  31S 

Elizabeth  C,  315 

Emily,  315 

Erastus,  147 

Esther,  147 

George  M.,  315 

Hannah,  147 

Henry  S.,  315 

Joshua,  147 

Levi,  147 

Luther,  315 

Luther  B.,  315 

Maria,  315 

Mary,  316 

Milton,  315 

Sally,  93,  147 

Sarah,  147 


Shadrach,  147 

Silas,  147 

Simeon,  147 

Tryphosa,  319 
Hawes,  Constant,  279 

Richard,  279 
Hawkins,  Mary,  98 
Hawks,  ,  323 

Anna,  132 

Eleazer,  132 

Rhoda,  132 

Sarah,  88,  131 

Tcmma,  132,  319 

William,  131,  319 

William  E.,  132,  208 
Hawley,  127 

Amanda,  288 

Charles,  288 

Ira,  288 
Haydon,  Mindwell,  281-2 
Hayes.  Eliza,  138 

Frank.  146 

Fred.  G.,  187 

Hayes,  Gordon,  289 

Herbert  W.,  187 

Hiram.  146 

Ira  O.,  187 

Lydia.  289 

Perry  C.  187 

William  O.,  187 
Haynes,  Z.  S.,  189 
Haywood.  Susan  M..  298 
Hazard,  Mercy,  127 
Hazen.  Althea,  194 

Calvin  T.,  258 

Edith,  233-58 

George  T.,  188 

Hepzibah.  59 
Heath,  Hiram,  196 

Jabez,  31S 

Mary,  315 

R.  S.  C,  160 

Samantha,  125-96 

William  A..  246 
Hebard.  Lydia.  309 
Hedges,  Arthur  J.,  261 

Charles.   159 

Charles  A..  261 

Mary  E.,  261 

William,  159 
Height,  Hannah,  43.  77 
Helpman.  Martin  L..  ig8 
Henry.  Willard  S..  266 

William.  92 

Col.  William  W..   193 

Herchmer. ,  108 

Herrick,  Israel,  41 

Col.  Samuel,  63 
Herson.  Mary  A.,  268 
Hess,  Helen  V.,  206-54 

S.  F.,  254 
Hewitt,  Priscilla,  109 

Reuben,  109 

Hewlings.  .  295 

Hibbett.  Mannatee  S..  no 
Kibbling.  Betsey. 
Hicks,  Betsey,  319 

Charles,  94 

Elizabeth  W.,  154 

Ellen  S.,  154 

Frederick,  154 

George,  18,  154 

Harriet,  95.  '55 
James,  95,  154-5.  3i9 

Mary  A.,  95 

Hicks,  Uel,  95,   154 
Hide,  William,  Jr.,  25 
Hill.  Alice,  110-78 

Almira,  82,  117 

Charles  K,,  102 

Chauncey.  183 

Cynthia,   183 

Elizabeth,  309 

Ira  W.,  83 

Jane,  105 

Margery,  97 

Sally,  105 

T.,  42 

Thomas,  309 
Hills,  Harriet  C,  258 
Hinckle,  Henry,  264 
Hinman,  Jane,  231 
Hinsdill,  Almira.  98 

Alonzo,  156 

Althea,  98 

Amanda,  156 

Caroline,  156 

Chester,  157 

Daniel,  156 

Electa.  157 

Eliza.  156 

Geraldine,  98 

Hannah,  157 

Henry  W..  98 

Hiram,  72,  98,  157 

Jane,  156 

Jeannette,  157 

Joanna,  98,  157 

Joseph,  92-8,  156 

Joseph  N.,  95,  156 

Lucretia,  157 

Mary  A.,  98 

Milo,  156 

Norman,  156 

Sanford.  98 

Stephen.  157 
Hitchcock.  David.  263 

Eliab,  263 

Elizabeth  A.,  261 

Jonathan,  263 

Mar)'^  263 

Sarah;  263 

Hobart,  ,  124 

Hodge.  John.  227 
Hodges,  Miranda  L.  S., 

Hodgkins,  Esther  A.,  167 



Hoham,  Katharine.  198 
Holcomb.  Frances  C,  144 
Holder,  Susan,  116 
Holgate,  Anna  S.,  318 

Mary  A.,  318 

Ozen,  318 
Holgrave,  John,  31 

Martha,  31 
Holland,  Mary,  275 
Holloway,  Hannah  M.,  43,  77 

William,  77 
Holms,  Albert,  229 
Holmes,  Abel,  86 

Abigail,  321 

Amanda,  124,  321 

Amos,  86 

Anna,  321 

John,  321 

Keziah,  86 

Levi,  321 

Mary,  51,  86-7,  321 

Moses,  86 

Oliver  W.,  21 

Samuel,  321 

Sarah,  87,  321 

Theron,  321 

William,  77,  321 
Holt,  Lucy  F.,  306 

William  C,  306 
Hood,  Edmund,  142 

Edmund  B.,  142 

William  C,  142 
Hoople,  Nelson,  209 
VanHoosear.  Eva  T.,  194 

Hezekiah,  194 
Hopkins,  Albina,  313 

Alva,  92 

Anna  C,  315 

Araminta,  95 

Benjamin,  323 

Betsey,  95 

Brownson,  315 

Charles,  91-5 

Chauncey,  61,  91-5,  315 

Charlotte  O.,  315 

Clara,  315 

Clark,  315 

Daniel  D.,  91 

Dewey,  92 

Ebenezer,  95 

Edward,  91 

Electa,  315 

Hopkins,  Fanny.  95 

Fay,   286 

Frederick,  313-15 

George,  95 

Heman.  91 

Heno'.  286 

Hiram.  315 

James  H.,  92 

Jonas,  315 

Julia,  91 

Laura,  315 

Martin,  91 

Mary,  315 

Mercy,  60,  91-2 

Noah.  315 

Orrin,  315 

Persis,  315 

Rhoda,  91 

Rudd,  323 

Safford,  315 

Sarah,  95,  282-9,  313 

Sophia,  95 

Stephen.  91-5,  315 

Wait,  282 
Horan.  Maria,   162 

Michael.  162 

Thomas  J.,  97,  162 
Home,   Mary,  262 

Paul,  262 
Hoskins,  Mary,  92,  143 
Hosmer,  Polly,  92,  142 
Houghton,  Harry  D.,  239 

James  G.,  239 

Lucy,  239 
House,  Asel,  270 

Asahel,  270 

Jennie,  131 

Jonathan,  270 

Lydia,  270 

Nathaniel,  270 

Ruth,  270 

Samuel  R..  159 

William,  270 
Householder,   Esther,   172, 

Houser,  George  W.,  172 

Hannah,  183 
Hovey,  John.  307 

Mary  P. 
Howard,  Benjamin,  26-7 

Caroline  C,  175 

Edward  H.,  109 

Hopkins,  Fanny.  95 

Fidelia  S..  265-8 

Frances  M.  E.,  175 

Hannah,   109 

Hannah  M.,  109 

Hannah  S.,  175 

Henrica  H.,  175 

Hiram   E.,   107-9-74 

John,  77.  109-75,  290 

John  v.,  109 

Lewis  W.,  176 

Lydia,  58 

Mary,   109 

Mary  W. 

Phoebe  H.,  109 

Sarah  W.,   175 

William,  268 

William  E.,  175 
Howatson,  James,  180 
Howe,  124 

Almira,  ^i,  140 

Asa,  140 

Earl,  241 

Huldah,  140 

Louisa  J.,  114-80 

Margaret,  241 

Mary  L.,  241 
Hoyt,  Frank,  160 

John,  160 

Polly  E.,  194 

Romeo  H. 
Hubbard,  Alice.  165 

Freelove  K..  236 

Lorinda.  100-65 

Louise  J..  189,  252 

Reuben,  165 

Sherman,  252 
Hubbell,  Aaron,   157,  282 

Betsey,  282 

Beulah.  93 

Elijah  D..  70,  282 

Gertrude.  65 

Laura,  282 

Maria.  282 

Mary  M.,  250 

Sarah,  2S2 
Hubler,  Emanuel,  264 
Hughes,  89.  134 
Hull,  Frank,  264 
Hulse,  Caroline,  105 
Hunt,  Eliza,  89,  133 

Mary  P.,  271 



Hunt.  Robert  H.,  226 

Sanford,  226 

Washington,  143-60,  226 
Hunter,  Abner,  164 

Betsey,   164 

Ira,  164 

Jesse,  164 

Joel,  164 

Polly,  164 

Roxana,  164 

Ruth,  100-64 

Sally  164 

William,  164 
Huntington,  Capt.,  72 


Isabella  W.,  306 

J.  S.  W.,  302 

Natalie  B.,  306 

Perit  F.,  306 

Philip  W.,  306 

Rufus  W.,  306 

Simon,  291 

William  H.,  306 
Huntley,  Ezekiel,  36,  57 

Lydia,  58 
Hurd,  Gilbert,  103 
Hyatt,  Adelaide,  205 

Hart,  205 

Jennie,  205 

Louise,  20s 

Thomas  H.,  130,  205 
Hyde,  Anne  E.,  301-2 

Arba,  113 

Asa,  289 

Asahel,  319 

Elizabeth,  29,  37 

Ephraim,  270 

Ezra,  37 

Jacob,  319 

John,  302 

Julia.  140 


Margaret  L.,  289 

Olive.  208 

Persis,  319 

Samuel,  208 

Thomas,  208 

William,  208 

Ide,  Warren,  102 
Ingcrsoll,  Rachael.  213 
Ingles,  Sarah,  127 

Jackson,  Elizabeth,  312 

John,  31 

Sophronia,  322 
James,  Lillie  A.,  119-85 

Randall,  272 
Jamieson,  Alexander,  209 

Emily,  209 
Jennings.  Rev.,  53 
Jessup,  Chloe,  307 
Jewell,  Charlotte  A.,  219 

David,  219 
Jewett,  Caleb,  34 

Eleazer.  34,  50 

Hannah,  34 

Margaret,  35,  50 

Mary,  29,  34 

Sarah,  34 

Shermon  S.,  208 
Jewill,  Jane,  235 

William  P.,  235 
Johnson,  Amasa,  321 

Carrie,  201 

F.  B.,  109 

Joseph.  298 

Melissa,   162 

Nathan,  91,  106 

Nathan   J.,    Jio 

Sarah  O.,  144 
Johnston,  Amy,  191 

Louisa,  252 
Jones.  Gilbert,  109 

Henry  B..  198 

Lucinda,  122-92 

Ralph,  180 
Jordan,  Bessie  E.,  243 

Clem  G.,  243 

J.  F.,  190 

Lemuel  D.,  170,  243 

Mina  D.,  243 

Phila  M.,  243 

Ray  W.,  243 

Ruth  C,  243 

Sadie  F.,  243 

Sarah  B.,  243 

T.  Clayton,  243 
Joslyn,  Eda  Mae,  167 
Joy,   Mary  E.,  207 
Judd.  Mary  B. 

Kane.  Annie.  135.  212 
Keep.  Hannah,  114 
Keese  Anna  G.,  2i^ 

Keller,  Fanny.   195 
Kellogg,   Horace,  84 

Kate  K.,  255 

Theodee,  95,  154-5 
Kelly.  Catharine,  77 

Loreiizo,  109 
Kenn  or  Kerr 

Francis,  112 

George,  112 

John,  112 

William,  112 
Kenister,  Elizabeth,  87 
Kennedy.  Christiana,  195 

Keyes,  Edward,  134 

Mary,  134 
Kezer,  Alice,  193 

Fayette  A.,  193 

Ferdinand  C,  193 

Frank  F..  193 
Kidder,  Amos  M.,  149 

Charles  H.,  194 

Cornelia,  146 

Ebenezer,  146 

Frank  E.,  199 

James  L.,  146 

Lucy  W.,  149 

Mary,  147 

Nathan  B.,  92,  146 

Reuben,    194 
Killam,  Ann,  39 

Benjamin,  39 

Deborah,  39 

Elizabeth,  39,  40.  76 

Hannah,  30-9 

John,  76 

Lydia,  39 

Mary,  39 

Nathan,  76 

Rachael,  39 

Samuel,  39 
Kimball.  Abigail.  76 

Asa,  297-9 

Lucretia,  297-9 

Lucy,  297 

Sarah,  310 
King.  Frank  J..  224 

Louisa  A.,  150 
Kingsbury.  Annie  A.,  141 

Charles  A.,  140 

George  C,  140 

Jennie,  141 
Kingsley,  Daniel 




Kingsley,  Nathaniel 
Kinyon,  William  S..  208 
Kip,  Ann,  218 
Kirkland,  Rev.  Daniel,  35 
Kitchen,  Margaret,  264 
Kline.  J.  F..  109 
Klingensmith,  Amos,  202 
Knapp,  George,  122 

Harriet,  122 

Harriet  L.,  12J-94 

Stephen,  194 
Knapton,  William,  229 
Knickerbacker,  Esther  M., 
97,  157 

Esther  M.,  97,  iS7 

John,  125,  57-8-9 

Neiltje,  150 

Thomas.  159 
Knight,  Benjamin,  35 

David,  35 

Hannah,  35 

Jonathan,  35-6,  312 

Joseph,  35 

Luranna,  35 

Mary,  29,  35 

Rachael.  35 

Kossuth, ,  222 

Kramer,  ,  292 

Kutchee, ,  292 

Kutchie, ,  292 

Kutscher, ,  292 

Labouchere,  Belle.  197 
Ladd,  Abigail,  59 

Allen  H.,  202 

Alpheus,  167 

Anne,  59 

David,  37,  59 

Daniel,  59 

Elizabeth,  59 

Eunice,  60 

Grace,  202 

James,  59 

John,  59 

Lulu,  202 

Mary,  101-67 

Oliver.  100 

Oscar  P.,  202 

Roger,  60 

Temperance,  60 

William,  59 
Laird,  Addison,  187 

Laird,  John,  121 

Rachael,  S4,   121 

Sarah,   128 
Lamb,  Angeline  (Morgan) 

Cynthia,  301 

Ebenezer,  34 

Elizabeth,  311 


Mary,  34 

Orlando  J., 

Phoebe,  47 
Lambart,  Caroline  A.,  175 

Howard  P.  J.,  17S 

Octavius  H.,  175 
Lamphere,  Emily,  76,  106 

John,  106 
Laney,  Augusta  P.,  207 

Calvin  C,  207 

Esther  D.,  207 

Marie  W.,  207 
Lansing,  Abraham  A..   150 

Abraham  C,  96,  150 

Abraham  L.,  150 

Cornelius,  94.  150 

Edwin  B.,  150 


Jacob  C.  150 

Mary  C,  150 

Romeo  W.,  150 
Larrabee,  Olive,  81 
Latham,  Mollie,  237 
Lawrence,  Abigail,  29,  30 

George  B.,  131 

Isaac,  25,  30 

John,  131 

Jonathan,  313 

Mary,  310-12-13 

Lay,  Rebecca,  201 

William,  276 

Leader, ,  269 

Leal  and,  Sarah,  200 
Leary,  Margaret,  314 
Lee,  Arthur  K.,  146 

Charles  H.,  146 
Cornelia,   146 
Cornelia  K.,  146 

David  W.,  146 

Ellen,  146 

Frank  A.,  228 

Gideon,  146 

Isabella  W.,  146 

Lee,  John,  201 

John  W.,  146 

Julia  A.,  127 

Mason,   146 

William  C,  146 
Leffingwell,  Elizabeth,  37 

John,  37 

Thomas,  25 
Lehman,  Abraham,  292 

Andrew,  292 

Anna,  291-3-5-6 

Anna  M.,  293 

Augustine,  293 

Benjamin,  293 

Catharine,  296 

Catharine,  295 

Charles  S.,  292-3 

Christian,  291-2-3 


Daniel,  293 

Elizabeth,  292-3-5-6 

George,  291-3-5     , 

George  F.,  296 

Godfrey,  292 

Godfrey  Henry,  292 

Hannah  L.,  293 

Henry,  291-3 

John  G.,  291-2 

Joseph,  293 

Lydia,  293 

Magdalena,  293 

Maria,  291-5-6 

Mary,  292 

Mary  S.,  292-3 

Michael,  291 

Philip  T.,  291 

Rosina.  292-3 

Samuel.  292 

Susanna,  295 

William,  293-4-5 

William  E.,  296 
Leishman,  Amorette,  210 

Edward,  210 

Sellars,  210 
Leonard,  Marcy,  288,  316 

Lesher,  293 
Leverett,  Abigail.  278 
Lewis,  Clarissa,  106 

Emily  S.,  266 

Nicholas,  292 

Sarah,  77 
Libbey,  Alice  L.,  118-85 



Libbey,  William,  185 
Libby,  Abigail,  100 

Angelina,  102 

Anna.  73,  100 

Caroline,  102 

Harrison  W.,  102 

Isaac,  100-2 

Isaac  T.,  102 

John  W.,  102 

Capt.  Joseph,  73.  100- 1-2 

Lina,  102 

Louisa,  102 

Lovine,  102 

Nancy,  100 
Lilley,  Samuel,  33 
Lillie,  Elisha,  122 

Mrs.  Frances  W.,  121-89 

Huldah,  84,  122 
Lincoln,  Abraham,  137,223-43 

Robert  T.,  137 
,   Lind,  Jenny,  160 
{    Lindsey,  George  B.,  198 

George  W.,  198 

Hattie  A.,  198 

John,  34 

Neffie  P.,  198 
Little,  Antonia,  317 
Livesey,  Richard,  267 
Livingston,  Caroline,  305 

Henry  W.,  305 

John  G.,  305 

Johnstone,  305 

Louis,  305 

Maud  M.,  30s 

Robert  C,  305 
Lloyd,  Aaron,  227 

Beatrix  D.,  227 

David  D.,  227 

Demarest  D.,  227 

Henry  D. 

Reuben,  264 
Locke,  Narcissa,  253 
Loder,  Benjamin,  160 
Lohra,  Catharine,  295 
Long,  Christopher,   134 

Clara  B.,  198 
Longbottom,  Abigail,  312 

Ann,  50,  309-11 

Daniel,  35,  311-12 

David,  312 

Elizabeth,  312 

Jacob,  312 

Longbottom,  James,  312 

John,  312 

Mary,  312 
Loomis,  Allen,  315 

Byron,  316 

Calvin  L.,  315 

Emily,  315 

Francis  P.,  315 

George  R.,  315 

Ham,  315-16 

Henry,  315 

Jane  L.,  315 

Luther  H,  315 


Mary  S.,  315 

Newland,  316 

Newton,  315 

Parks,  315 

Rolland.  315 

William,  315 
Lord.  299 

Abbie,  190 

Azuba,  314 

Edwin,  190 

Reuben,  314 
Lothrop,  Mrs.  Azuba,  49 
Lovejoy,  Floretta,  -33^  SLifO. 
Levering,  Clarissa  I.,  83,  iii 

Maj.  John,  118 
Lovett,  Priscilla,  312 
Lowe,  Harry,  115 

Warren  B.,  115 
Lowry,  Alonzo,  89 

Charles,  89 
Luce,  Governor,  184 
Lull,  Alice,  145 

Ansel,  145 

Eliza  W.,  145 

James,  91 

Mary,  242 

Newton,  145 

Oliver  R.  W..  145 

Webster,  145 
Lyman,  Anna  H.,  142 

Darius,   142 

Emily  S.,  145 

Mary  R.,  142 

Col.  Moses,  142 
Lynde,  Lillian  R.,  148 
Lyon,  Katharine  B.,  162 

Mack,  John  E.,  227 

Macullar,  Charlotte  A.,  114- 

Mallard,  \V.  H.,  18,  267 
Mallory,  Andrew,  169 

Jane  C,  103-69 
Mann,  Elmira,  121-90 

William,  190 
Maple,  Abigail,  267 
Marble,  Barnard,  174 

Ellen,  106,  174 
Markham,  Lavinia,  76 
Marsh,  James,  84 

Stephen,  224 
Marshall,  George  E.,  14s 

George  M.,  157 

Isabella  A.,  135,  211 

Nelson  S.,  211 

Royal,  157 
Martin,  Abigail,  307 

Amelia,  250 

Henry  J.,  319 

James,  319 

Marion  J.,  233 

Mary,  250 

Ralph,  250 

Wells  R.,  319 
Martindale,  Sarah,  285 
Martine,  J.  Burt,  144 
Mason,  John,  23,   112,  277 

Mary,  91,   112 
Massie,  Mrs.  Mary  E.,  219 
Mastin,  Isaac,  241 
Mather,  Aurelia,  313 

Eunice,  130,  206 

James,  206 

William,  314 
Mathews,  William  H..  207 
Mattison,  Abel,  141 

Eunice,  92,  141 
May,  Rachael,  188 

Rev.  Samuel  J.,  214 
Mayburry.  Anna,  227-56 
Mayhcr,  William,   105 
McAllister,   Fanny,   lyj 
McCall,  .Alexander,   159 
McClure,  David,  79 

Mrs.  Lucy,  79 

Miriam,  45.  79 
McCohnicie,  Jane  S..  269 
McCure,  Agnes.   136 
McDonough,  Commodore,  86 
McElwain,  Alexander,  246 



McElwain,  Frances  C,  246 

Jane  B.,  246 

John  W.,  246 
McEowen,  Daniel,  282 
McGinness,   Rev.   George, 

Mcllvaine,  Charles  P.,  227 
l^IcKinstrey,  201 

Abigail,  128 

Alexander,  128 

Elizabeth,  86,  128 

Jerusha,  128 

Paul,   128 

Capt.  Salmon,  128 

William,  128 
McKnight,  Charles  G.,  224 
McLaren,  Jean,  251 
McLean,  Maria  C,  263 
McNeal,  Polly,  300 
McNutl,  Minerva,  123-94 

Samuel,  194 
Mead,  Lorin  C,  115 
Meech,  Aaron,  296-7 

Abigail,  298 

Alexander,  298 

Alonzo  K.,  301 

Amos,  297 

Amy,  297-9 

Ann,  303 

Ann  E.,  303 

Appleton,  297 

Asa,  297-9 

Charles,  297,  300-1 

Charles  H.,  304 

Charles  L.,  301-4 

Cynthia,  299 

Cynthia  M.,  301 

Daniel,  296-7-8-9 

Diantha  M.,  301 

Edmund  H.,  302 

Elisha,  297-9,  300 

Eliza  W,,  302-6 

Esther,  297-9 

Eunice  B.,  301 

Ezra,  299,  300 

Frances  G.,  304 

Frances  P.,  304 

Gurdon,  299 

Hannah,  297-9 

Harriott,  301 

Harriott  L.,  301 

Henry  C,  302-4 

Meech,  Hezekiah,  297-8 

Jacob,  297 

James  F.,  304 

John,  296-7 

John  S.,  302 

Joshua,  297 

Kate  L.,  300 

Levi,  298 

Levi  W.,  296-8-9 

Louisa,  301 

Louisa  A.,  304 

Louisa  W.,  304 

Louise  B..  306 

Lucretia,  300 

Lucretia  K.,  301-3 

Lucy,  297 

Lucy  B.,  301-3 

Mary  A.,  303 

Mary  C,  301-4 

Mary  E.,  302 

Mary  P.,  300 

Moses,  296-7 

Nannie,  307 

Noyes  B.,  301-3 

Polly,  297 

Samuel  S.,  301 

Sanford,  303 

Sanford  B.,  301-2 

Sarah,  297 

Sarah  A.,  301-5 

Sarah  B.,  301 

Seaford  A..  303 

Shubael,  299 

Stephen,  22,  297-9,  302 

Stephen  B.,  303-7 

Stephen  W., 296-8-9,  301-2 

Susan,  297-9 

Susan  A.,  302 

Susan  B.,  303 

Tamar,  297-9 

Thomas,  297-9 

Thomas  M.,  300 

William  P.,  304 
Meigs,  Adelia,  202 

Eliza,  133 

Guy,  128,  202 

Julia,  202 

Lucy,  202 

Mary  J.,  202 

Walbridge,  202 
Merchant,  Anna  L.,  157 

Charles  H.,  157 

Merchant,  George  W.,  97,  157 

Henrietta,  157 
Merrell,  Jacob  Spencer,  255 

Lizzie  M.,  208-55 

Packard,  255 
Merrill,  Charles,  115,  241 

Darius  W.,  165,  241 

Eliza  A.,  165,  240 

Minnie,  241 

Paul,  240-41 

Shepard,  241 

Watson,  241 
Merritt,   Ebenezer,  253 

Ella,  192,  253 
Meyers,  Adam  H.,  78,  111-12 

Anna  M.,  iii 

David,  112 

Donald  C,  112 

Elias  Von  H.,  in 

Elijah  W.,  Ill 

Hannah  M.,  in 

Herbert,  112 

John  E.  H.,  112 

Justus  H.,  112 

Lewis  W.,  112 

William  F.,  in 

William  H.  W.,  112 
Mick,  Delilah,  135,  211 

Jesse,  211 
Miles,  Harriet  L.,  121-89 

Orcutt,  189 

Timothy,  47 
Miller,  Ann,  275 

Anna  W.,  218 

Augustus,  260 

Bessie  C,  271 

Brockholst  K.,  218 

David,  260 

David  H.,  209 

Frances  W.,  189 

George  W.,  271 

Gilbert,  271 

Isaac  L.,  54,  139,  218 

Jane  A.,  108,  77 

John,  275 

John  E.,  218 

Col.  Jonathan  P.,   189 

Julia,   185 

Mary  C,  271 

Mary  Van  S.,  139 

Mehitable,  279-80 

Moses,  47,  189 



Miller,  Robert,  177 
Milliken,  William  H.,  211 
Miner,  Amy  W.,  304 

Anna  W.,  303 

Eliza  P.,  303 

Erastus  P.,  301 

Eunice  B.,  303 

Frederick  B.,  304 

Lucy  B.,  303 

Noyes  B.,  303 

Sarah  L.,  303 

Stephen  M.,  303 

William  P.,  303 
Ming,  Melchior,  293 
Mitchell,  Amaryllis,  97,  162 

Foster,  162 

Mitsherling, ,  292 

Moal.  Maria,  316 
Montague,  Anna,  318 

Betsey,  128 

Challis,  315-18 

Charlotte,  315 

Darius,  318 

Elizabeth,  314-18 

Erastus,  320 

Joseph,  318 

Lucy,  318 

Salinda,  318 

Samuel,  312-14-15-18 

Samuel  R.,  320 

Seth,  320 

Solomon,  315-18 

William  S.,  320 
Moore,  Angie,  242 

Clara  J.,  242 

Don,  242 

Henry,  242 

Jacob  W.,  170,  242 

John  W.,  170,  243 

Juliet,  242 

Kate,  242 

Lavinia  G.,  83,  118 

LeRoy  Ira.  118 

Lucy,  242 

Mary,  242 

Vinnie  E.,  242 
Morey,  Col.  Israel,  66 
Morgan,  Anna 

Benjamin,  314-23 

Benjamin  F.,  323 

Caleb,  321 

Cogswell,  53,  311 

Morgan,  Delos,   170,  245 

Edith,  245 

Emily,  314 

Erastus,  297 

Erastus  J.,  323 

Harry,  245 

H.  Elmina,  314 


James,  97 


Jesse  D.,  322 

John,  301 

John  S.,  314 

Jonas,  97 

Joseph  H.,  314 

Lemuel,  322 

Loren,  245 

Margaret,  297 

Margaret  M.,  314 


Mary  E.,  314 

Mason  C,  314 

Merritt  B.,  314 

Minnie,  245 


Phcebe,  314 

Phcebe  A.,  314 

Roswell,  89 

Ruth  D.,  22i 

Sally,  61,  97,  159 

Samuel,  159 

Sarah,  27,  314 

W.   E.,  314 

William  R.,  314 
Morrill.   Martha,  81 

Stephen,  loi 
Morris,  Anne,  277 

Morse,  ,  46 

Mosely,  Benjamin,  282 

Lydia,  285 
Mosher,  Nicholas,  100 
Moss,  Martha  E.,  130,  207 
Mott,  Sarah,  97,  228 

Electa,  262 

Elijah,  47 

Freeborn,  46 

Jonathan,  46 

Phineas,  47 

Rebecca,  34,  45 
Munsell,  Anna,  36 
Daniel,  36 

Munsell,  Elisha,  29,  31-6-7 

Henry,  36 

Jacob,  36 

John,  36 

Lois,  36 

Lydia,  36 

Phineas,  .?6 

Thomas,  36 
Munson.  Jerusha,  90,  287 
Murdock,  Betsey,  75 

Hannah,  75 

Jonathan,  40,  75 

Licindia,  75 

Polly.  75 

Roxa,  75 

Samuel,  75 

Sarah,  75 

Submit,  75 
Murless,   Edward  W.,  173 
Murphy,  Rev.  John  K.,  235-6 
Murrell,  Mary,  295 

William,  295 
Musson,  Henry  W.,  139 
Muzzy,  Andrew,  229 
Myers,  Adam  H. 

Margaret  J.,  302-6 

Nece,  Alice,  103 
Needham,  Andrew,  262 

Wales,  262 

Nelson,   Rev.  

Newbanks,  Elza,  171 

George  A.,  171 

Joseph  I.,  171 

Levi  A.,  171 

Mary,  171 
Newcomb,  Joseph,  106 

Juliana.  76.  106 

Oreni,  2b2 

William  H.,  262 
Newell,  Amanda  M.,  83 

George  83 

Harold,  144 

Jeremiah,  118 

Josephine.  83,  118 

Lucy,  287 

Maud  R.,  144 

William   H.,   144 
Newman,  Emily  A.,  139,  219 

Hannah,  307 

W.  H.,  219 
Newton.  Albert  W..  146 



Newton,  Ann  E.,  144 
Arthur,   145 
Blanche,  145 
Charles  W.,  144-5 
Christina  M.,  144 
Eben  W.,  225 
Elizabeth,  75,  105 
Emma  R.,  145 
Frances,  146 
Frances  C,  144 
Frederick  A.,  146 
George,  145 
Grace,  144 
Harriet  A.,  145 
Harriet  W.,  144 
Henry,  92,  144 
Henry  VV.,  145 
Herbert  W.,  145 
Inez,  145 
James,  145 
Jennie  W.,  144 
John,  144 
John  F.,  14s 
John  M.,  145 
Lewis  D.,  14s 
Martha,  146 
Mary  E.,   145 
Reuben  W.,  146 
William  H.,  144 
Nichols,  Ann  J.,  317 
B.  S.,  203 
Charles  McK.,  204 
Clive  McK.,  204 
Dewey,  71 
Elijah,  71 
Elijah  D.,  88,  130 
Elisha,  71,  317 
Eunice,  71,  317 
George  H.,  317 
George  J.,  317 
Henry  S.,  317 
Hiram,  71 
James  A.,  204 
Jane  130 
Jeannette,  130 
Joanna,  156 
John  H.,  316 
Juliet,   130 
Levi,  202 
Lucy,  68 
Phoebe,  88 
Romeo  130 

Nichols,  Thos.  B.,   128,  202-4 

William  W.,  202-4 
Nightingale,  Bessie,  247 

Florence,  247 

Hannah,  247 

Ignatius  A.,  247 

James,  247 

John,  179,  247 

Thomas,  247 

William  W.,  247 
Noble,  Abner,  322 

Annie  F.,  139,  216 

Anthony,  19 

Boltwood,  322 

Clarissa,  322 

Daniel,  322 

Elizabeth,  285 

Capt.  James  S.,  216 

Joanna,  285 

Louisa,  322 

Mary,  322 

Nathaniel,  19 

Olive,  122 

Ralph,  216 

Rhoda,  282 

Sarah,  285 
Nokes,  Clara  W.,  241 
North,  George,  205 
Norton,  Catharine  H.,  320 

Joseph,  169 

Lorenzo  H.,  169 

Lucy  A.,  169 

Martin,  320 

Martin  S.,  320 

Pina,   141 

Polly,   169 

Reuben.  101-69 

Wesley  B.,  169 

William,  169 
Nott,  Susan,  302 
Nye,  Eliza,  249 

Ira,  249 

Susan  R.,  187,  249 

Temperance,  241 

Oakley,  Catharine  F.,  149 

O'Fallon,  Dr.,  295 

Olds.  Chauncey  J.,  314 
William  E.,  314 

Olin,  John  H.,  156 
Maj.  Gideon.  63 
Mary  Ann,  96,  156,  322 

Olmstead,  ,  81 

F.  A.,  18,  81 
Orcutt,  123 

Bloome,  84 

Jacob,  58,  84 

Jane,  58 

John,  84 

Levi,  187 

Lois,  121 

Mary  J.,  121-87,  251 

Moses,  58 

Perley,  84 

Philena.  84 

Sarah,  36,  58 

Simeon,  58 

Susanna,  58 

William,  58 

Sergt.  William  16,  31,  58 
Ormsby,  Maj.  Gideon,  64 
Orton,  Sarah,  279-80 
Otis,  Richard,  105 
Otto,  Dr.,  295 
Owanoco,  Sachem,  25 
Owen,  Abigail,  290 

Packard,  Abisha,  208 

Althea  M.,  133,  208 
Page,  Alice  W.,  163 

Allaire,  146 

Allen  S.,  146 

Edward  D.,  146 

Elinor  H.,  163 

Leigh,  146 

Peter,  99,  163 

Sarah,  40,  74 
Paine,  Elizabeth,  125 

Seth,  34 
Palmer,  Amy,  313 

Charles,  125-98 

Charles  C,  198 

Charles  W.,  198 

Harriet  M.,  198 

John  W.,  198 

Joseph,  313 

Mary  E.,  198 

Stephen  W.,   121 

William  S.,  121 
Parish,  Fanny,  84,  120 

Hannah,  84,  120 

Isaac,  120 

Lewis,  133 

Lucy  L.,  133 



Parish,  Mary,  120 
Park,  Hezekiah,  43 
Parke,  Anna  S.,  215 

Bernice,  215 

Marcia,  219 

Robert,  31 

Theodia,  31 

William,  31 
Parker,  Hulda,  227 

Louise,  318 
Parkes,  Lydia,  113 
Parkhurst,   Candace,  80 
Parmley,  Abigail,  47 
Parsell.  ,  246 

George  W.,  246 

William  H.,  246 
Parsons,  Chyllene,  132,  207 

Edward  F.  W.,  154 

Harriet,  316 

Hial  K.,  IS4 

Seth,  207 

Walbridge,  154 

Patten,  ,  91 

Patterson,  Hugh  A.,  242 

Mary  A.,  170,  242-53 
Payne,  Seth,  31-2 
Peabody,  Richard  A..  271 
Pearce,  Eliza  W.,  320 

Oliver,  320 
Pearson,  Amelia  M.,  193 

Betsey  O.,  193 

George  B.,   193 

John,  122-92 

John  F.,  18,  193 

John  T.,   192 

Laura  F.,  193 

Robert  N.,  136 
Pease,  Charles  E.,  180 

Oscar  M.,  166 
Peck,  Clarissa,  90,  287 

Olive,  208 
Peckham,  Polly,  47 
Peebles,  Catharine,  159 
Penn,  John,  293 

William,  291 
Pennington,  Helen,  245 

Lewis,  245 

Lyde,  245 
Pennock,  Anna,   102 
Perigo,  Ann,  257 
Perkins,   Charity,  309 

Charles  C,  138 

Perkins,  David  B.,  91 

David  W.,  18,  138 

Ebenezer,  309 

George  W.,  138    " 

Jabez,  21 

Joseph,  23 


Mary  E.,  58 

Newman,  309 

Oliver,  309 

Samuel,  309 

William  E.,  138 

William  W.,  89,  138 
Perrin,  E.  W.,  228 

Olive  J.,  144,  228 

Miss ,  321 

Perry,  Ames  B.,  191 

Anthony,  187-8  90 

Anthony  A.,  187 

Anthony  P.,  121-87 

Benjamin,  126 

Charles  C,  121-90 

Christopher  R.,  127 

Com.  O.  H.,  126-7,  253 

Cornelia  E.,  187 

Delia  M. 

Edward,  126 

Elihu,  230 

Emily  G.,  187 

Freeman,  126 

Helen  M.,  191 

Jewett   W.,    187 

Josiah,  86,  124 

Laura  Ann,  187 

Mary,  86,  124-6 

Mary  L.,  191 

Phcjebe,  86,  124 

Sarah,  230 

Susan,  121 

Susanna,  126-88 

Walter  J.,  187 

Rev.  William  S.,  236 

Zilpha,  86,  125 
Peters.   Maj.   Nathan,  301 
Petry,  Victor  J..  14 
Peyton,  Alice  H.,  146 

Bronson  M.,  146 

Edith,  146 

Frederick  N.,  146 

Hamilton  H.,  146 

Hamilton  M.,  146 

John  N.,  146 

Peyton,  Josephine,   146 

Martha  M.,  146 

Mary,  146 

William  R.,  146 
Phelps.   Edgar   E. 

Edward  J.,  162 

Elwin  E.,  261 

Frank  E. 

George,  279 

Isaac,  123 

Mary,  286 

Rebecca,  286 

Rebecca  J.,  136,  213 
Phcninger,  Leonie,  171 
Phillips,  Abby  A.,  304 

Ann  E.,  304 

Charles  C,  304 

Cynthia  M.,  304-7 

George,  304 

George  A.,  304 

George  W.,  301-4 

Helen  M.,  304 

John  P. 

Laura,  321 

Nancy  A.,  304 

Norman  A.,  304 

Sarah  L.,  304 
Pierce,  Mary  E.,  258 

Nathan,  313 

Timothy,  31-4 
Pierie,  296 
Pierson,  Bowen  W.,  307 

Clarissa,  307 

Rev.  Job,  307 
Pike,  Jesse,  loi 
Pinkerton,  199 
Piper,  Lorinda  B.,  115 
Piatt,  313 

Augusta,  130 

Henry,  207 

Martha,  207 

Maria,  313 
Plum,  Miss,  288,  311 

Sarah,  310 
Polk,  James  K.,  221 
Ponieroy,  Mary,  284 
Pond,  Clarissa,  287 

Lucinda,  209 
Pope,  William,  288 
Porter,  311 

Cornelia,  267 

Emma,  194 



Porter,  Experience,  30-1 
James,  139 

John  K.,  159 
Lavinia,  139 

Samuel,  31 

Theodia,  29,  30 
Potter,  Mary,  218 

Thomas,  218 
Potts,  Stacy  K.,  295 

Erastus,  86,  127 

Fernando,  127 

Hermione  F.,  127 

Lazarus,  W.,  246 

Solomon,  127 

William,  127 
Powers, ,  96,  289 

Alice  L.,  248 

D.  W.,  130 
Pratt.  Elisha  B.,  314 

Fanny  M.,  314 

Harriet  A.,  314 

Jonathan   322 


Samuel  S.,  314 

Stephen,  314 

Wealthy,  322 
Prentice,  Jennie,  246-59 

William   H.,  301 
Prentis,  Celia,  186,  249 
Preston,  Benjamin,  169 

Benjamin,  169 

Betsey,  73,  102 

Lucy  S.,  169 

Nancy  J.,  169 

Robert  G.,  100 

Sophia,   136 
Prevost,  Sir  George,  86 
Priest,   Lucinda,   196 
Prior,  Charles,  127 
Pruyn,  Jacob  T.  E.,  150 

John  K.,  150-60 

Mary  L.,  150 

Nellie  K.,  150 
Purdie,  James  S.,  319 

Helen  J.,  319 
Purdy,  Charlotte,   108 

David,  108-9 

Frances,  108 

Francis,  108 

Gilbert,  108 

John,  108 

Purdy,  Joseph,  108 

Mary,   108 

Mercy,  107-8 

Micajah,   108 

Rhoda,  108 

Samuel,  108-9 
Pye,  Robert,  179 

Quimby,  Albert  O.,  196 
Clara  F.,  167,  242 
Claude,   196 
Earl,  196 
Forest.   196 
William,  242 

Radcliffe,  Isabella,  216 
Rae,  Jennie,  135,  211 
Ralston.  Jeannetta,  226 
Rand,  Charles  D.,  177 

Rathburn,   Hiram,  261 

Nelson.  303 
Rawson,  Alfred  J.,  268 
Ray,  Stephen,  133 
Raymond,   Daniel,  291 
Read,  Hannah,  49 

John,  41 

Lucy,  312 

Martha,  34,  47,  185 

Mary,  47 

Nathaniel,  47 

Thomas,  47 
Reed,  Lydia,  194 

V.  D.,  159 
Reimer,  Caroline  W.,  139 
Reynolds,  Daisy,  211 

Henry,  124 

Jane,   124 

Mary,  86,  125,  315 

O.  W.,  124 

Robert,   134.  210 

William.   125 
Rice,  Alvah,  131 

Anna,  155,  232 

Joseph,  232 
Richards,  Deborah.   189 
Richardson,  Austin  H.,  195 

Harry  S.,  195 

Sarah,  131 

Sophronia.  102 

William  H.,  195 
Richmond.  Rev.  Leigh,  20,  273 

Ricketson,  Zerviah,  215 
Ripley.  Jeremiah.  291 

William  A..  229 
Ritchie,  Margaret   Ewing, 
161,  236 
William  A.,  236 
Robb,  W.  H.  M.,  200 
Robbins,  Eunice,   149 
Harold  W.,  214 
William  G.,  214 
Roberts.  Anna.  100-65 
Candace.  49 
Hiram,  221 
Juliet  G..  166 
Nelson  C,  169 
Robertson.  Alexander  S.,  214 
Egbert  T.,  214 
Janet  L.,  214 
Robinson,  313 
Aaron,  282-9 
Aaron  D.,  282 
Abigail.  168 
Alfred.  53,  311-19 
Amanda  M.,  319 
Ann  M.,  289 
Anna,  315 
Anne,  322 

Benjamin,  319 

Benjamin  W.,  320 

Betsey,  283,  320 

Catharine,  322 


Charles  F. 

Charles  H.,  319 

Charles  S.,  319 

David,  319 


Edwin,  319 

Edwin  H.,  319 

Electa,   315 

Eliza  P.,  320 

Emily,  319 

Emily  B.,  320 

Emily  H., 

Esther,  319 

Eunice,  283 

Frederick,  319 

George  W.,  85,  156 

Hannah,  318 

Harriet,  315 

Harriet  H.,  319 

Helen  M.,  319 



Robinson.  Heman,  289 
Heman  H.,  319 
Henry,  315-19-20 
Henry  C,  320 
Henry  H.,  282,  322 
Hiram,  320 
Isaac  T.,  282 
James,  319 
Jane,   106 
Jonathan,  71,  288 
Jonathan  E.,  71 
Lucy,   320 
Marcy,  316 
Margaret,  319 
Maria,  319 
Mary,  315 
Mary  F.,  282-9 
Mary  P.,  320 
Mercy,  312 
Moses,  63,  283 
Moses  D.,  283 
Nathan  L.,  319 
Oliver  P.,  320 
Paul,  315 
Persis,  312-20 
Polly,  319-20 
Reuben,  282 
Ruth,  283,  319 
SaflFord,  320 
Samuel,    68,    86,    132-47, 

278-86-8,  31 1 -12- 16-18- 

Samuel  L.,  320 
Sarah,  88,  90,  127-32,  278- 

82-8,  320 
Sarah  A.,  319 
Silas,  315 

Stephen,  157,  282,  315 
Stephen  D.,  320 
Sparrow,  315 
Susanna,  315 
Thomas,  315 
Thomas  J.,  320 
Uel  M.,  319 

William  T.,  320 
Rockhill,  W.  W.,  295 
Rogers,  3i 

Alexander,  299 
Elizabeth  E.,  173 

Rogers,  Flynn,   loi 

Jane  F.,  231 

Jerusha,  265 


Sarah,   190 

William,  73 
Roles,  Samuel,  276 
Root,  Levi,  167 
Rose,  Almon,  142 

Daniel,  109 

Fanny,  226 

Lucy  A.,  92,  142 

Nancy,  304 

Robert  H.,  76 
Rudolph,  Bertha,   195 

Gottlob,  195 
Russell,  Augusta.  97 

Harriet,  97 

Isaac,  97 

John  G..  97 

Lucy,  97 

Lydia  S.,  138,  214 

Martha,  61,  97 


Patty,  97 

Polly,  97 

Wing,  214 
Rutenber,  David,  92 

Maria  L., 

Minerva,  92 

Rhoda.  60,  92 
Ryckman,  Anna  H.,  156,  232 

Robert  R.,  232 

Sabin,  Elijah,  36 
Sackett,  Beulah,  285 
Safford,   Abigail,  310-12-21 

Adeline,  310 

Albert  R.,  310 

Alfred   B.,  317 

Alvin,  318 

Amelia,  316 

Amy,  309 

Angeline,  317 

Ann,  309-12 

Anna,  35,  50,  71,  287-8, 

Anna  S.,  317 

Anson  P.  K.,  317 

Amelia,  314 

Azuba,  314 

Benjamin,  308 

Safford,  Benjamin  W.,  314 
Charlotte,  314 
Clara,  314-15 
David,  288,  308-9-12-14- 

David  B.,  317 
Darius  D.,  315 
Dwight,  310 
Eleanor,  308 
Electa,  314-16 
Elisha,  310 
Elizabeth,  308-9-12 
Erastus,  310 
-Erick,  317 
Esther,  312-17-18 
Fanny,  310-14 
George  W.,  310 
Gideon,  309 
Hannah,  90,  287,  307-8-9- 

Harriet,  310 
Henrietta,  310 
Henry  M.,  318 
Hiram,  314 
Jabez,  310 
Jacob,  312-18-20 
James,  308 
Jedediah,  310 
John,   23-6,   288,   307-8-9- 

Jonas,  314-16 
Jonathan,  309 
Joseph,  50-3-6,  287,  307-8- 

Joseph  B.,  317 
Josiah,  309-10 
Juliet,  318 

Julius  S.,  314 
Junia,  317 
Laura,  310 
Laura  M..  314 
Lucrctia,  309-10 
Lucy.  309-12-14-17-18 
Lydia,  310-18 
Madison,  315 
Marcy,  316 
Margaret,  308-9 
Maria,  314 
Martha  E.,  314 
Mary,  308-9-10-14-15-17 
Mehitable,  307 



Safford,  Mercy,  308 

Myron  W.,  315 

Nathan,  308 

Nathaniel,  308 

Nelson,  310-14 

Oel,  318 

Oel  E.,  318 

Oella,  314 

Oliver,  310 

Orson,  318 

Pagy,  309 

Rebeacha.  308 

Reuben,  310-14 

Ruby,  317 

Ruth,  310-15 

Sabra,  310 

Sally,  310 

Samuel,  308-9-10-12-13-16 

Samuel  G.,  314 

Sarah,  308-9-1 1-17 

Silas,  310 

Solomon,  308-10- 11-12- 

Solomon  W.,  318 

Stephen,  308 

Submit,  318 

Susanna,  310 

Thankful,  309 

Thomas,  308-9 

Titus,  308 

Truman,  318 

Tryphena,  310 

William,  314 

Zer%iah,  310 
Sampson,  Elizabeth,  316 

Mary.  250 
Sanford,  Anna,  37,  71,  142 

Mrs.  Bethiah.  71 

Joseph,  71 

Sarah,  71 
Sanborn,  Clark  H.,  149 

Minnie  A..  149 

William  W.,  149 
Sandford,   Elizabeth,  273 
Satterlee,  Faith,  300 

Faith,  300 

Saunders,  159 

Oliver,  104 

Polly,  75.  103 
Savage.  Edward  N. 
Sayles,  Phoebe,  287 

Schaffer.  Charles.  295 

David,  295 

Esther  Odin.  161,  236-95 

William  L.,  236-95 
Scott,  Abigail,  127,  321-3 

Anna,  321-3 

Betsey,  323 

Beulah,  322 

Bradford,  322 

Charles,  323 

Clara,  323 

Darius,  81 

Elias,  209 

Emily  S.,  88.  131,  322 

Frances,  323 

Giles  O.,  322 

Henry,  322-3 

Hiram,  323 

Ira,  321-3 

John,  323 

Jonathan.  312-21 

Julius,  323 

Kingsley,  323 

Lemuel,  321 

Levi,  321-2 

Mark  D.,  81 

Martha,  323 

Martin,  131,  321-22-3 

Martin  B..  322 

Mary,  322-3 

Melatiah,  321-2 

Minnie  E.,  81 

Moses,  323 

Phineas,  323 

Rhoda,  323 

Safford,  322-3 

Samuel,  127-56,  323 

Sarah,  321-3 
Scripture,  Rhoda,  106 
Sears,  Benjamin  R.,  232,  320 

Betsey  R.,  232,  320 

Charles  F.,  232,  320 

Delia  M.,  232,  320 

Emily  H.,  319-20 

Esther  R..  232,  320 

George  B.,  232,  320 

Jared,  319-20 

Lucy  R.,  320 

Martin,  232,  320 

Mary,  155,  232,  320 

Mary  Ann,  320 

Walter  F.,  232,  320 

Seaver.  Mary.  115 
Secor.  Arthur  J..  225 
Sedgewick.  Catharine,  149 
Selden,  Andrew,  71 
Sessions,  Faustina,  123 

John,  123 
Severance,  R.  N..  156 

Sara  L.,  146 
Sexton,  George  H.,  267 

Harlan  P.,  267 

Harlan  A.,  267 

Henry   P.,  266 

Laura  C,  267 
Seymour,  157 

Horatio,  226 

William  T.,  159 
Shaw,  Esther,  34,  45 

Royal,  178 

Seth,  45 
Shekleton,  Ann,   102 
Sheldon,  Almeron,  315 

Ann  E.,  315 

Charlotte  A.,  315 

Catharine  C,  114 

Catharine  E.,  114 

Elizabeth  C,  114 

Hannah,  114 

Henry  L.,  114 

May  C,  114 

Moses,  114 

Moses  S.,  114 

Oscar  P.,  80.  114 
Shelly,  Olive,  78,   112 

Samuel,  112 
Shelp,  Addison,   106 

Catharine,  106 

David,  106 

Elizabeth,  105 

Ezekial,   106 

Freeman,   T05 

John,  76,  105-6 

Henry,  106 

Nancy,  76,  105 

Stephen,  106 

Thomas,  105 

William,  106 
Shepard,  Alice  B.,  144 

Joan  N.,  144 

Mary  N.,  144 

Robert  F.,  144 
Shepherd,  Hannah,  240-1 
Sherburn,  Sarah,  190 



Sherman,  Gen.  Wm.  T..  223 
Sherret,  Mary.  256 
Shurtleff,  Catharine,  260 

Elizabeth,  260 

Sylvanus,  260 
Sibley.  Gen.  C.  C,  161 
Sigourney.  Charles,  58 

Frazier,  58 

Mrs.  ,  21,  158 

Silon  or  Silver 

Susan,  101-68 
Simmons,  Eli,  269 

Louisa,  269 

Silas,  269 
Sinclair,  Jessie,  228-57 

John,  257 
Sisson.  Emma.  103 

James  W.,  229 
Skinner,   Eliza  A.,   155 

Harriet,  97,  162 

Harriet  B.,  84,  123 

Harriet  L.,  149 

Isabella,   144 

Luther.  123 

Ruth,  155 

Thankful.  123 

Timothy.   155 

Warren,  155 

William,  123 
Slafter,  Ruth,  230 
Slagle,   Ellen  C,  204 
Smalley,  Jemima,  82 

Justus,  48 
Smith,  159-87 

Abbie,  187 

Abijah,  120 

Abraham,  215 

.Alden  B.,  239 

Alma  E.,  239 

Andrew  A.,  120 

Anna  N.,  307 

Ashbel,  316 

Carrie.   195 

Charles  X..  174 

Christian.  245 

David  H.,  304-7 

Donald  D.,  252 

Edward  A.,  316 

Elizabeth,  48,  80.  214-15 

Emily  C,  120 

Frank  C,   166-7 

Gardner  G.,  316 

Smith.  George  H.,  307 
Hannah,  40,  74,  262 
Harriet,  106 
Harriet  A.,  316 
Haskell  G.,  316 
Hazel  K.,  167 
Henry  C,  120 
Hiram,  307 
Ida  M.,  170,  245 
Isaac  S.,  215 
Jehiel,   120 
Jennie,   186 
Jonathan,  290 
Joseph   Few,  292 
Julia  W.,  151 
Laura,  145 
Leland,   114 
Levi.   150 
Lillian  I.,  307 
Mary,  120 
Matilda  D.,  98 
Miranda  L.,  178 
Nina  Valentine,  167 
Olive.  80.  114 
Otis  W..  120 

P-.  133 

Persis  W..   115 

Rachael,  202 

Rachael  W.,  307 

Rozette  A.,  120 

Sarah,  266 

Sarah  A.,  316 

Sarah  J.,  268 

Sophia  R..  151 

Stephen.  215 

Stephen  P.,  115 

Stephen  V.  R.,  115 

Susan  E.,  194 

William  D.,  120 

William  E.,  304 

William  F..  316 

William  H.,  119 

William  W.,  166,  307 

Zippurah.  302 
Snyder.  Catharine.  93 
Southwick.  Mary,  227-57 

Susan  Buel,  226 
Spaulding.  Gen.  O.  L.,  117 

Oren,  102 
Spencer,  Benjamin,  322 

Delia,  322 
Spicer,  Susan,  301-3 

Sprague,  Deborah,  310 

Dolly,  192 

Joseph,  216 

Stella  M..  216 

William  E.,  216 
Sprung.  Anne,  233 
Squiers.  323 

Truman,  282 
Squires,  Buckley,  233 

Harriet  L.,  156,  233 
Stacker,  Harriet  P.,  102 
Stacy,  Col.,  105 
Stalham,  Elizabeth,  31 
Stanley,  Hannah,  31 
Stark,  Gen.,  63 
Stearns,  Augusta,  316 

Dorothy,  148 

Diadema,  124 

Eliza.  316 

James.  267 

Rebecca  A.,  265-7 
Stebbins,  Ann,  60 

Anne,  60 

Elisha,  60 

Elizabeth,  37,  60 

Joseph,  60 

Josiah.  60 

Mary,  60 

Sarah,  60 

Zebediah,  60 
Steel,  Margaret,   177 
Steele,  Eliza  Ann 

Mary,  247 

Oliver  G.,  137 
Stelfish,  292 
Stella,   Phoebe,  216 
Stephens,  Semanthe,  313 
Sterling,  James 

Mary.  219 

Ruby  S.,  219 

William,  219 
Stevens,  299 

Florence,  156,  233 

Lawrence  S.,  227 

Mary,  98 
Stevenson,  David  B.,  177 

George  H.,  252 

Isaiah  J.,  252 

Mary  L.,  252 

Phoebe,  108-77 

William,  189,  251 

William  R.,  252 



Stevenson,  William  R.  W..2SI 
Stewart,  Mrs.  Adeline,  206 

Clarinda  M.,  108-76 

John,  109 
Stillwell,  106 

Henry,  126 
Stokes,  Clara  W..  165 

James  H.,  18,  147 
Stokesbury,  Sarah  J.,  172 
Stone.  Abigail  D..  128 

Benjamin  S.,  154 

Caroline,  187 

Mary,  254 

Mary  J.,  250 

Osborn,  285 

Sarah,  285 

Walter,  250 
Story,  Daniel,  67 

Sarah  A.,  248 
Stratton.  Nancy,  121 
Strickland,  Kate  O.,  170,  244 
Strong,   112 

Benajah,  81 

Col.  John,  66,  136 

Luke,  136 

Lydia,  48,  81 

Sarah,  89,  136 

Strope.  Martin,  251 

Sarah  R.,  251 
Stuart,  Jean,  191 
Studenbecker.  David,  293 
Swan.  Lucy,  299 

Mary  A..  304 
Swift.  Edward    H.    289 
Switzer.  John,  136 

Tabor,  Eleazer  C,  72 
Taft,  Henry  W.,  151 

Louise  W.,  151 

Marion  J.,  151 

Walbridge  S..  151 

William   H.,   151 
Taggart,  Eliza,  89,  137 

Samuel,  x^y 
Talmadge,  159 

Harriet,  216 
Taylor,  Abel  L.,  204 

Agnes.  209 

Augustus,  159 

Eldad,  281 

Taylor,   Harriet,  E.,   128,  204 

Henriette  W.,  209 

Joanna,  284 

John,  159 

Morehouse,  81 

Paul,  284 

Thomas  W..  133,  209 

William,  209 

Terene,  Miss 

Terry,  Gen.  Alfred,  217 
Thomas,   Ebenezer,  37 

Fanny  H.,  163 

General.  174 

Martha,  287 

Mary,  263 
Thompson,  Darwin  P.,  18, 

Elihu,   18,  266 

Elizabeth  A.,  266 

Emma  L.,  266 

Fanny,  98 

George  S..  266 

Hannah  C.  178 

Hannah  M.,  266 

Joseph,  265 

Joseph  G.,  265 

Leonard,  110-78 

Leonard  A.  W.,  178 

Sarah  A.,  178 

William,  98 

William  T..  266 
Thornton.  Mary.  165 
Thurber,  Nathaniel,  200 

Sarah  A.,   125-99 
Thurstin,  Elizabeth,  320 
Thurston,  B.,  172 

Clarissa,  101-67 
Tibbetts,  Allen  C,  190 
Tichenor,  Betsey,  57 

Isaac,  57 
Tidd,  Joseph,  263 
Tift.    Mary,   314 

Peter.  314 
Tilden.  Mary.   130,  283 
Titus,  Sarah,  106 

Walter  A.,  224 
Todd,  Sophia,  158 
Toomer,  276 
Topping,  George  W.,  184 

Mary,  117-84 

William,  159 
Tory,  James,  36,  58 

Tory,  Mary.  58 

Sarah,  58 

Timothy,  58 
Townsend,  Mary,   194 
Tracy,  157 

Benajah,  309 

David,  270 

Hannah.  309 

Jonathan.  34 

Mary.  34 

Mundator.  72 

Sarah,  309 
Trask,  Spencer.  149 
Treat.  Salmon.  26 
Treet,  Salmon.  26 
Treloar,  Martha,  2.35 
Trow,  Matilda 
Trowbridge,  C,  128 
Tucker,  Denison  B.,  148 

Dora  L.,  148 

James  C,  148 

William  H. 
Tuckerman.  George  W..  83 
Tuller.  Adeline.  319 

Benjamin.  319 

Billison,  319 

Harriet,  319 

Lydia  A.,  319 

Maria,  319 

Martin,  319 

Melancthon,  319 

Ornon,  319 

Persis,   319 
Tupper,  Submit,  312-21 

John,  112 
Turner,  Peter,  yj 
Turngrain. ,  209 

Carl  R.,  210 

Charlotte,  210 

Paul,  209 
Tuthill,  Ann  E.  L.,  136,  213 

Cephas  C  213 

Daniel,  214 

Daniel  B.,  136 

Ellen  L.,  136 

Mary,  ,  136 

Richard  S.,  136 
Tyerman,  Rev.  D.,  273 
Tyler,  Capt.  .^bram,  68 

James,  307 

Capt.  Joseph,  297-9 



Tyler,  Lydia,  298 

Ruth.  300 
Tyrrel,   Eva,  201 

Tryphena,  313 
Tyson,  G.  W.,  295 

Underwood,   Caroline   C,  83 

John  C,  82 

Reuben,  216 
Usher,  John  S.,  173 

Vail,  Florence  C,  156,  233 

Orsamus  M.,  233 
Van  Hoosear,  Eva  T.,  194 

Hezekiah,  194 
Vanhoy,  Belle 
Van  Meter,  ,  171 

Samuel  I..  171 
Van  Natta,  Mary  D.,  237 
Van  Rennselear.  Colonel,  64 
Van  Schoonhoven,  159 

Jacobus,  96 
Van  Tassell,  Cora  Belle,   194 

John,  194 
Van  Vorst,  Anna  Monteith, 

Vanderspiegel,  John,  282 
Vende.  Elizabeth,  293 

Frederick,  293 
Victory,   Elihu,  49 

John,  34,  48-9 

Memory,  49 

Sarah,  49 
Vincent,  Charles,  276 
Voodry,  George  B.,  250 

S.  C,  250 

Wabst,  Rosina,  292 

Simon,  292 
Wadsworth.  Betsey,  289 
Wait.  Col.  Benjamin,  66 

Wakefield,  Florence  C,  250 

Laura  J.,  238 
Waldren,  John,  25 
Waldron,  Eliza  Ann.   141 

James,  221 
Walke,  A.  W.,  103 

Walker,  ,  269 

Wallace,  James,  75,  104 

James  P.,  159 

John,  75 

Wallace,  Thomas,  159 
Walsh,  Theodore,  159 
Walton,  Mary  A.,  163 
Ward.  Elihu,  213 

Hezekiah,  82 

Kate,  213 
Warmer,  Elizabeth  / 

Warner,   Caroline,   igi  . 

Daniel,  31     , 

Elizabeth,  284 

Hannah.  106  ■ 

Israel,  31 

John,  125-9 

Joshua,  45 

Col.  Seth,  62,  320 
Warren,  97 

Caroline,  83,  119 

Daniel,  31 
Washburne,  Abigail,  84 

Lydia,  84 

William,  84 
Waterhouse,  317 

Cyrus,  314 

Samuel  S.,  314 
Waters.  Adam.  320 

Elijah,  156 

Mary,  59 

Mary  A..  232.  320 

Mary  J..  154 
Watkins.  Isabella  D..  142.  223 

Thomas.  224 
Wats,  Sarah,  276 
Watson,  Anne,  216 

David,  262 

EH.  136 

M.  E.,  70 

Thomas,  216 

William   R.,   136 

Winthrop,  262 
Way.   Mary.   178 
Weaver,  .Annie  K.,  141 

Anthony  M..  91,  140 

Fidelia,  141 

Jennie,  141 

Marissa,  141 

Sanford  P.,  18.  141 
Webb,  Benjamin,  314-16 

Mary,  314 

Myron,  316 

Samuel  S.,  316 

William.  316 
Webster,  Carrie  I.,  185 

Webster,  Char' 
Chester  F 
Cora  M.,  1 
Daniel.  160 
Eliza  S..  14. 
Florian  L.,  1 
Lydia,  317 
Maurice,  106 
Nathaniel.  317 
Osmun  C,  118- 
Sarah,  278-83 
Thomas,  185 

Weed,  Clara,  165,  2 
Huldah,  241 
William,  241 

Weeks,  Hannah,  19, 
Samuel,  156 
Susanna,  315 

Weiss.  John  Paul,  2- 
Margaret,  295 

Wells,  Elizabeth  D., 
John  D.,  295 
Melonia.  104-70 
Sarah.  281 
William  L.,  205 

Wentworth.  Benning 
Benning.  62 
Jared.  58 
Sophia.  57 
Zerviah,  57-8 

Wessells,  ,  197 


Westcot,  Elizabeth  I 
Frances  B.,  no 
H.  C,  100 
Hannah   M.,   109 
John  H.,  109 
Joseph,   109 
Joseph  E.,  109-10 
R.  Warren,  109 
Reuben,  109 
Sarah  M.,  109 

Weston,  Edwin,  192 
Jehiel  W.,  122-92 
John,  192 
Olive,  192 

Wheatley,  Submit,  if 

Wheeler.   George   K. 
Harry  W.,  149 
Jennie,  93 
Jennie  M.,  149 



Peter  B.,  93.  149 
1  A.,  227 
a,  322 
im  G..  149 
,b,  Martha,  313 

er,  313 

Di,   201-4 

,ffie  W.,  154 

Elizabeth,  60 

i-ugene  L.,  231 

fames  E.  W.,  231 

Nathan,  231 

Ralph  H.,  231 

Robert,  33 

Walter  R-  231 

Wells  W.,  231 

itewater,  Frances  G.,  210 

iting,  Martha.  I44 

Sarah,  136 

I  w-40 

itman,  — •   '-'^  ^ 

Henry,  18.  139 

itney,   Caroline   S.,   305 

Henry.  302-5 

Leanora,  261 

Lucile,  146 

Maria,  305 

Orange,  89 

iton,  Judith,  120 

itson,  John,  209 

:ks,  141 

ickmire,  Joseph 
Icox,  Amy,  297-8 
'  Fanny,  15° 
'Maggie.  264 
.de,  Mary,  "O 
ley  Vilora  M..  186,  248 
ilkinson,  Carrie  A.,  150 

,llard.  Rev  Benjamm,  188 

Rev.  John,  31 
illes,  Rev.  Henry.  37 
ilUams,  Abigail,  30-1.  ^84 
T    Charles  B.,  i94 

^     Dyer 

Ta   Elizabeth,  4°.  70 

John,  101 
Ta:  Margaret,  264 

Mary,  60,  I94 

Miranda,  211 

Nathan,  76 

Orphelia  R-,  i94 

Phoebe,  3i4 

Williams.  Rebecca,  281 
Robert.  31 
Samuel,  3i-7 
William.  3i4 
Zebediah.  60 
Wilson,  Abigail.  58 
Caroline,  82,  116 
Georgie  M.,  244 
Jeannie  F..  144 
John,  191 
Lola  M.,  191 
Louise  A.,  191 
Marion,  191 
Ramon  E.,  191 
Samuel  B..  122-91 
Senator,  223 
W.   A.,  246 
Winchester,  Rev.,  66 

Ruby,  229 
Winchel.  Lorane.  287 

Winne,  95 

DeWitt  C,  190 
Elizabeth,  157 
Ethel  G.,  196 
John  L.,  95.  151 
Lavinus  L..  iSi 
Sophia.  67 
Winship.  Ann  E- JiS 
Winslow,  James  H..  ie9 

Sybil,  215 
Wires,  Alvin,  124 
Alvina,  124.  31Z 
Anna,   124 
Cornelia,  124 
Edwin,  124 
Ephraim,  124 
Fannie,  124 
H.  M.,  124 
Harlow,  124.  3i2 
Harriet,   124 
Jane,  124.312 
Gen.  John.  17.  86. 

John  F..  124 
Julia,  124 
Junius,  124 
Lorinda,  124 
M.  D.,  124 
Marshall,  124 
Martin,  124 
Mary,  124 

Wires.  Sarah.  124 
Solomon.  124 
Solomon  H.,  124 
Wirtz  of  Andersonville,  161 
Wise.  Henry  N.,  181 
Witter.  Zerviah.  298 
Wolcott.  Ella  M..  227 
Wolf,  Elizabeth,  322 
Wollridge,  William,  20 
Wood,  Adin.  3I7 
Cornelia,  3i7 
Enos,  317 
Fanny,  V7 
Frank  M..  229 
Hannah,  3i7 
Henrietta,  144 
Henry,  317 
James   D.,   269 
Jane,  3I7 
Job,  71.  270 
John,  317 
John  R.,  317 
Lillian,  229 
Lucy.  317 
Malona.  3^7 
Maria,  317 
Molly,  263 

Nancy  J-  122-91 
Nelly,  229 
Normia,  229 
Samuel,   191 
Sarah.  3i7 
Sarah  J. 
Woodburn.  Lewis,  159 
Woodbridge.  Rev.  Jonn.     35 
Woodruff.  Charlotte  A..  146 
Woodward,   Arnold  W.,  ^i^ 
Doctor,  97 
John,  279 

Maria,  155.  231 
Woodworth,  Elizabeth,  287 

Elisha,  323 
Laura,  127 
Lucena,  323 
Persis  F.,  287 

Rossett,  287 

Sarah,  287 

Sherman,  140 

Thomas,  2S7 
Woolley,  Matilda  D..  72.  ' 




Worsham,  D.  W.  C,  246 
Worthy,  David,  318 

Submit,  318 
Wren,  Isabella,  117-B1 

William,  181 
Wright,  ,  318 

Alia,  210 

Amos,  109 

Annie,  253 

Arthur,  83 

Electa,  248 

Elsie,  253 

Francis  H.,  18,  266 


Wright,  G.  F.,  210 
Hattie,  253 
John  W.,  253 
Joseph,  253 
Leigh,  253 
Mathew,  253 
Narcissa,  200-53 
Samuel,  65 
Thomas,  253 

Yard,  Louise,  200 


Yates,  23s 


Frederick  W.,  201 
Yerrington,  Joseph,  300 
Yeomans,  Patience,  309 
Yocum,  Judith,  y^ 
York,  Esther  J.,  239 
Young,  Augustus,  321 

James,  256 

Mary,  225-56 

Nancy,  173 
Youngglove,  Elizabeth,  281 
